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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Sun 10 Mar, 2019 9:09 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - bridge

    Tess nodded and hurried towards the turbolift. She tapped on her combadge and said "A'pel, are the fighters ready yet?"

    "All are ready Ma'am." A'pel replied.

    "Thank you. All fighter pilots and Co-Pilots to the Hangar." Tess said.

    Tess went to her quarters to get her flight uniform.

    USS Ares
    Tess's Quarters

    Tess arrived, quickly changing into her flight uniform. Before rushing out.

    USS Ares
    Main Hangar

    Tess rushed in, to see all the fighter pilots standing in a line, waiting.

    "Alright everyone to their fighters, we are going to need to take down 15 Nausicaan fighters." Tess said.

    The pilots rushed to their fighters. Jess stayed back.

    "Ma'am... 8 Fighters against 15? We will be badly outgunned." Jess said.

    "Don't worry, the Ares will back us up, and I have an idea on how to surprise them" Tess said in reply.

    They both ran to their respected fighters.

    "Ma'am, are you sure.... this could end badly" Ensign Henry said.

    "It will be fine Ensign. Don't worry" Tess replied.

    "All fighters, we are to engage once they attack, the Ares will be helping. If you shields fail, back out of the fight and let them recharge, then rejoin. I'm not losing any of you today" Tess said over the comms.

    They submitted codes and took off, out of the Hangar.

    USS Ares

    "Okay, I want you to form a wedge on either side of my Fighters, break off to either side before engaging, and try to broadside" Tess said.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 10 Mar, 2019 8:34 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge


    "How about a Romulan offering hugs?" Lieutenant Kenny teased from her station.
    Biiqs chuckled at Kenney's comment. "I for one could use a Romulan hug. Resting my chin on those huge shoulder pads..." Good. The atmosphere on the bridge was easy, but efficient. A ship with a tightly wound crew entering into action was a recipe for failure. Cascading failures, as one mistake invariably led to others.

    "The Nausicaans are divided into three squadrons of five, with the formation in the rear being the lead squadron. Based on how they're positioned, they have no clue we have fighters and are considering two methods of attack. The first one is that they remain in their current formation, as it is set up to allow all of their ships to fire in a single direction all at once to maximize the damage they can deal to a single section of our shields. The other is that they'll do the worst thing possible and split off into squadrons to make attack runs on our bow, port, and starboard sides in an attempt to overwhelm us with their numbers. We need to be ready for both."

    Turning to the tactical stations, he continued, "If they attack us in their current formation, we'll need additional salvos of torpedoes with proximity detonation fuses on both our forward and aft torpedo launchers. The enemy fighters may not break off from their attack formation straight away due to the offense it provides them and fly past us to attack our rear. We can transfer shields forward to tank their attack and our fighters can engage them when they expose their rear after the attack run. If they split up and try to attack our sides, we can fire off the torpedoes to encourage them to break. Once the squadrons move to attack, we can fire full broadsides with our phasers against the fighters attacking our flanks while our fighters attack the squadron attempting to take us head-on in an eight on five engagement."

    "Aye, sir, setting fuses now. We'll be ready for anything they can throw at us. The point defense system is up and functioning as well. I dont think that they are as dedicated as the Dominion to pursue suicide attacks, but anyone breaching our safety perimeter, be it on purpose or due to systems failure, will not make it through."

    The memories of Dominion fighters physically tearing through vessels were familiar to all veterans of the Dominion War, especially to those who had served at the First Battle of Chin'toka, where the Jem Hadar threw themselves at the Klingons in a last ditch effort to defend that system. The Ares point defense system would launch a torrent of torpedoes at short range to prevent any craft from contacting the vessel in one piece.

    "Also setting phasers to target their weapons systems. I can't help but think that the Nausicaan cross-engineering of those polaron beams might be particularly vulnerable to attack." Biiqs began splitting tasks between Tactical I and II in order to maintain maximum efficiency. One of the duties he assigned to Tactical II was closely monitoring sensors for new arrivals.

    (( TAG: Teriir))
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    USS Ares

    Captain Teriir looked up from his silent vigil for the Nausicaans to make a move by the turbolift opening. Lieutenant Vars stepped onto the bridge and looked to him, “I heard we had fighters inbound. Is there anything I can do to assist?”

    “Do you recall your training as an AFC?” he asked.

    She nodded back with a smile, “My Attack Fighter Coordinator training? It’s been a while but it should be no harder than riding a bike.”

    The Captain gestured towards a vacant seat near him to indicate her to take the post. As she headed over, he grinned slightly as a few officers glanced at Vars in confusion. R’Turan spoke up just as she sat down, “Sir, she’s an Outfitter. What’s an Attack Fighter Coordinator?”

    “That’s a specialized role aboard Akira Class starships,” Teriir explained, “They help out with coordinating maneuvers and strategies for fighters. Having dedicated officers to help squadrons hone in on targets has proven to be more effective than relying on a specific Tactical Officer or Squadron Leader to make the decisions. The role isn’t needed on Norway or Sovereign Class ships, but when you’re referring to the 40 to 72 fighters on Akiras; that’s a different story. Miss Vars was one such officer until she volunteered for the Outfitter Program. With us facing fighters, I see no reason why she can’t help monitor the enemy for any surprises.”

    “Hmmmmnn . . .” R’Turan growled his protest softly but said nothing further, instead looking back to the viewscreen. All fifteen of the enemy fighters remained put a short distance ahead of them, “This doesn’t feel right. What is taking them so long?”

    “The Destroyer?” the Captain suggested and looked back towards Commander Biiqs.

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    “If it hasn’t taken off yet, then maybe they want us to make the first move. Or the War Leaders are arguing more about their plan of attack,” he pondered. Frowning he looked over to the Communications Officer, “Contact the Lakota. Inform them of what is happening and let them know about both the Destroyer and the crashed Dominion Warship.”

    “Aye, Captain,” the officer stated as she began carrying typing in the message.

    R’Turan suddenly stiffened, “Here they come!”

    “Fighters; Stay close to the ship!” Teriir ordered, “Tactical, fire the first volley of torpedoes!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    He watched the fighters as the torpedoes closed in. They all veered off upon seeing the incoming attack, the two lead squadrons breaking in opposite directions while the one in the rear split up in an attempt to evade. Vars spoke up from her seat, “They meant to do that; the squadrons that broke off have formed column formations and are circling to our port and starboard. The central squadron has recreated their original formation and are closing!”

    “All fighters; hold position!” the Captain called out, “Mr. Biiqs, standby the second torpedo volley. Target that central squadron. Fighters; as soon as the torpedoes are off, engage the formation in front of the ship. We’ll handle the ones moving to flank!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs & Tess ))

    As soon as they were ready he gave the signal, “Fire!”

    The blue shroud of the quantum torpedoes flew ahead of the ship, almost chased by the fighters of Spear Squadron. The Nausicaan squadron before them panicked this time and darted every which way as Spear Squadron closed in. There was no time to dwell on that as Lieutenant Kenny chimed in, “The other squadrons are closing!”

    “They’re remaining in their column formations, as though they’re Jem’Hadar Attack Ships moving to engage ships one at a time,” Vars commented, “They must’ve successfully accessed the Battleship’s computer and studied Dominion tactics.”

    “Agreed,” Teriir nodded, “Target the lead fighter in each formation; hold fire until they begin their attack run.”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    He pulled up a weapons range diagram and paid close attention to where the Ares weapon layout. The furthest range was red, mid-range was orange, and close was green. He waited until the indicator showed the fighters crossing the red and entering the orange, “All phasers; Fire!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    Moments later, blips indicating enemy fighters began blinking out. As there were more phasers covering the port and starboard sides of the Ares than the bow or stern, the enemy fighters were running a gauntlet of firepower. A full squadron’s worth had been destroyed and the others were scrambling to get away. All but one, which pressed forwards. Additional blips appeared on the scanner.

    “Torpedoes!” Lieutenant Nagi warned, “Brace for impact!”

    The ship shook fiercely from the impact. Teriir remembered the feeling of what Dominion Battleship torpedoes felt when they struck a ship hauntingly well. He stayed calm and pointed over to Lieutenant Kenny, “Take that fighter out!”

    A small glow appeared just off to the side of the main viewscreen, the crippled remains of a fighter shooting past the ship’s bow an instant later.

    “The flanking squadrons are falling back,” R’Turan purred triumphantly.

    Lieutenant Eleuthiro sounded concerned, “It looks like they’re heading back towards the other squadron. Spear Squadron has taken down some of them but -”

    “Lieutenant Tess!” Vars called into the communication earbud she’d popped into her ear to alert their fighters of the danger, “Enemy fighters are circling back towards you!”

    “Bridge to Engineering,” Teriir selected the option within his chair while speaking, “Transfer additional power to the sensors. We need our phasers to be as accurate as possible so we don’t risk hitting our own in that dogfight.”

    (( TAG: Rosek ))

    The Captain didn’t wait for the adjustments to be made before moving over to the tactical station to better see what was happening. He looked closely as the fighters continued to weave amongst each other in a frenzy to get better positioning, “Start acquiring targets. Focus on the enemy fighters moving into position behind ours so our people aren’t getting out maneuvered.”

    (( TAG: Everyone ))
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 17-ENGINERING

    The worst part of engineering is the complete and utter lack of warning during a battle. No view screens, no tactical readout, only the screaming klaxon and the sudden trimmers when the ship has been hit.

    Most of the engineering crew had been in one battle or another and just rolled with the sudden disorienting movements. Rosek was no acceptation, when the alert sounded and the frantic movement started he took to his command station and started issuing orders. He brought a sense of control to the room that made even the most junior officer fall in line with ease. It was almost as if a completely different person took over, ranks were reinstated, jokes were put aside and the fun-loving chief engineer became an immutable force.

    “Bridge to Engineering,” Teriir selected the option within his chair while speaking, “Transfer additional power to the sensors. We need our phasers to be as accurate as possible so we don’t risk hitting our own in that dogfight.”
    A simple glance to one of his staffers was sufficient to begin the transfer.

    “Aye aye Captain” was the only reply sent and the only one needed.

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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Thu 14 Mar, 2019 7:52 AM.
    USS Ares

    "I see them Lieutenant." Tess said after checking the ships sensors.

    Tess could see the Nausicaan Fighters trailing behind her squadron, making sure they had weapon lock just before they fired.

    "All fighters, pull up hard and circle around on my command." Tess said.

    "Ma'am, Nausicaan fighters have locked on..." Said Ensign Henry.

    "Wait...." Tess said.

    A purple beam of energy went flying past the fighter.

    "Now." Tess said.

    Tess fired two phaser banks at a fighter, and the whole squadron pulled up.

    "Gotcha.." Tess said, firing the two forward Pulse Cannons.

    The fighter infront of her exploded in a ball of light, and flame.

    She saw a few other Nausicaan Fighters go down to their guns as well.
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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge


    “Hmmmmnn . . .” R’Turan growled his protest softly but said nothing further, instead looking back to the viewscreen. All fifteen of the enemy fighters remained put a short distance ahead of them, “This doesn’t feel right. What is taking them so long?”

    “The Destroyer?” the Captain suggested and looked back towards Commander Biiqs.
    We're looking for it, sir...something like that should have a big energy signature, but they're cloaking it somehow. That could be an actual cloaking device, or interference from the kelbonite. I'm starting to see how this planet would make a pretty good Nausicaan outpost, with all the places to hide fighters and capital ships, apparently," he said with a snort. "As to why they're waiting, it's hard to tell. I'd say it could be infighting, comms traffic is at an inconclusive level. Seems like a trap of some sort, though.

    “If it hasn’t taken off yet, then maybe they want us to make the first move. Or the War Leaders are arguing more about their plan of attack,” he pondered. Frowning he looked over to the Communications Officer, “Contact the Lakota. Inform them of what is happening and let them know about both the Destroyer and the crashed Dominion Warship.”

    “Aye, Captain,” the officer stated as she began carrying typing in the message.

    R’Turan suddenly stiffened, “Here they come!”

    “Fighters; Stay close to the ship!” Teriir ordered, “Tactical, fire the first volley of torpedoes!”
    "Aye, sir!" The torpedoes tore from the forward bays, targeting the paths of what they believed were the lead ships, in an effort to scatter and confuse them. Live fire had a terrific way of producing mistakes in ill disciplined opponents.

    "They're breaking course, sir....and forming attack columns!"

    He watched the fighters as the torpedoes closed in. They all veered off upon seeing the incoming attack, the two lead squadrons breaking in opposite directions while the one in the rear split up in an attempt to evade. Vars spoke up from her seat, “They meant to do that; the squadrons that broke off have formed column formations and are circling to our port and starboard. The central squadron has recreated their original formation and are closing!”

    “All fighters; hold position!” the Captain called out, “Mr. Biiqs, standby the second torpedo volley. Target that central squadron. Fighters; as soon as the torpedoes are off, engage the formation in front of the ship. We’ll handle the ones moving to flank!”

    As soon as they were ready he gave the signal, “Fire!”

    "Second volley armed and waiting, central squadron targeted." Upon receiving the order, he said, "Torpedoes away." More of the deadly ordnance flew toward the closing ships. In short order, the Nausicaans seemed to be exercising the better part of valor and began breaking away from the deadly attack.

    The blue shroud of the quantum torpedoes flew ahead of the ship, almost chased by the fighters of Spear Squadron. The Nausicaan squadron before them panicked this time and darted every which way as Spear Squadron closed in. There was no time to dwell on that as Lieutenant Kenny chimed in, “The other squadrons are closing!”

    “They’re remaining in their column formations, as though they’re Jem’Hadar Attack Ships moving to engage ships one at a time,” Vars commented, “They must’ve successfully accessed the Battleship’s computer and studied Dominion tactics.”

    “Agreed,” Teriir nodded, “Target the lead fighter in each formation; hold fire until they begin their attack run.”
    "Aye, sir," Biiqs replied steadily. By this time, the lead fighters were obvious, due to the actions under fire. They weren't the best disciplined, but they were brave, Biiqs had to give them that. It was not an easy thing to charge a capital ship in a fighter.

    He pulled up a weapons range diagram and paid close attention to where the Ares weapon layout. The furthest range was red, mid-range was orange, and close was green. He waited until the indicator showed the fighters crossing the red and entering the orange, “All phasers; Fire!”
    "Firing phasers!" Biiqs focused his attention on the starboard attack, as Kenney commanded the port batteries. Approaching from the sides, the hostile vessels' paths took them potentially within range of 8 phaser banks, one of the more devastating broadsides in the quadrant. Crimson fire lanced out at each vessel, targeting weapons emplacements chiefly, but the sheer power was enough to destroy more than one vessel with but a few strikes. Whatever the Nasicaans' battle objective was, they paid dearly to achieve it.

    "Shields holding, sir, enemy combatants significantly reduced. All vessels in retreat.....except one."

    Moments later, blips indicating enemy fighters began blinking out. As there were more phasers covering the port and starboard sides of the Ares than the bow or stern, the enemy fighters were running a gauntlet of firepower. A full squadron’s worth had been destroyed and the others were scrambling to get away. All but one, which pressed forwards. Additional blips appeared on the scanner.

    “Torpedoes!” Lieutenant Nagi warned, “Brace for impact!”

    The ship shook fiercely from the impact. Teriir remembered the feeling of what Dominion Battleship torpedoes felt when they struck a ship hauntingly well. He stayed calm and pointed over to Lieutenant Kenny, “Take that fighter out!”

    A small glow appeared just off to the side of the main viewscreen, the crippled remains of a fighter shooting past the ship’s bow an instant later.

    “The flanking squadrons are falling back,” R’Turan purred triumphantly.

    Lieutenant Eleuthiro sounded concerned, “It looks like they’re heading back towards the other squadron. Spear Squadron has taken down some of them but -”

    “Lieutenant Tess!” Vars called into the communication earbud she’d popped into her ear to alert their fighters of the danger, “Enemy fighters are circling back towards you!”

    “Bridge to Engineering,” Teriir selected the option within his chair while speaking, “Transfer additional power to the sensors. We need our phasers to be as accurate as possible so we don’t risk hitting our own in that dogfight.”

    The Captain didn’t wait for the adjustments to be made before moving over to the tactical station to better see what was happening. He looked closely as the fighters continued to weave amongst each other in a frenzy to get better positioning, “Start acquiring targets. Focus on the enemy fighters moving into position behind ours so our people aren’t getting out maneuvered.”
    "Aye, sir.....acquiring targets. We'll try not to scratch the paint on the fighters." Biiqs related the last in the laconic, business as usual tone that many veterans adopted during the war. He and Victoria began isolating the flight paths of the raiders and their own fighters, finding the best spots to intervene with phaser fire.

    (( TAG: Teriir))
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    USS Ares

    As R’Turan got up to peer over Lieutenant Vars’ shoulder, Captain Teriir turned to the Communications Officer, “Any word back yet from the Lakota?”

    “Aye, sir,” the officer acknowledged him before reading back the message, “They left their shuttles behind with the orbital platforms they’ve been constructing. They have more than enough firepower to protect the area until they get back from helping us.”

    “At this rate, they may as well double back,” Nagi chuckled, “Half the enemy fighters are down already.”

    “They should join us,” R’Turan argued, “With how long the Nausicaans waited before attacking, they have a plan. We may need the assistance.”

    “Agreed,” Teriir nodded, frowning at the Tactical display. The section showing the fighter’s combat was a frantic blur of motion as both sides maneuvered for better positioning. He tapped a few controls to enable each of the friendly fighters to appear with their callsign to better identify them. It was currently an eight on six fight, in favor of them. He grunted to Biiqs, “Spear 5 is getting chased. Give them a hand!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    The Captain watched as the enemy fighter disappeared from the sensors, taken out in a quick shot. The enemy fighters realized they were being targeted by the ship again and stopped trying to attack the Starfleet fighters. Now they were bobbing around every which way to try avoid additional phaser fire. Spear Squadron gave chase and another enemy fighter went down. One of the final hostiles dove hard and began heading back towards the Ares.

    “That incoming hostile; lock weapons on them but hold fire. He doesn’t seem interested in attacking,” he commented. The lone fighter took off past the ship and kept going, heading back towards the planet. Grinning, Teriir checked on the other hostile fighters, “Press the attack, box the remaining targets in so they can’t escape.”

    Several additional phaser shots lanced out from their ship, forcing the enemy fighters towards each other. Spear squadron surrounded them and caught them in a deadly crossfire. Three . . . two . . . one enemy fighter left. It stopped and held its position, the Communications Officer speaking up a moment later, “Captain, the last one is signalling it wishes to surrender.”

    “All fighters; hold your fire but surround him,” Teriir commanded their fighters and looked over to the Communications Officer, “Tell the brig they are going to have another guest.”

    “Captain! I’m detecting a weapon -” Lieutenant Kenny interrupted his words an instant before their own fighters attacked the surviving hostile. It instantly disintegrated from the volley of pulse phaser fire, “Nevermind. It was attempting to lock its weapons on us, using the surrender as a distraction.”

    “Excellent catch, Spear Squadron,” the Captain commended the swift reaction of the fighters then turned to the rest of the bridge, “Well done, everyone!”

    (( TAG: Tess ))

    “It’s not over,” R’Turan’s low growl silenced the bridge officers pleased comments. The First Officer’s tail lashed, “Switching to aft view!”

    The viewscreen switched from the cluster of Adrestia Fighters to a distant, dark object behind them. Upon magnifying, the object in question was revealed to be a Nausicaan Destroyer with several additional fighters escorting it. Teriir glared at the sight, “So, while we were fighting your lead group, the rest circle the planet to attack our rear.”

    “Sir, I’m picking up transmissions from the Destroyer,” Eluthiro began typing away at his console, “I’ll need some assistance but I believe I can lock onto them.”

    “Go ahead,” he approved of the idea and pointed to Nagi to have him help.

    Nausicaan Destroyer

    “You heard me, Grakan!” Naechk yelled at his fellow Nausicaan over the local subspace channel, slamming his fist against the side of his throne-sized chair, “You have failed in your duties as a War Leader! Get back to the Island immediately!”

    “I have not failed!” Grakan protested.

    “Silence!” the Warlord snapped, “Your attack on the Starfleet ship went against my command, as did pursuing arrangements with that so called ‘contact’ of yours! Now three-fifths of our fighters are gone along with all of our Raiders! I’m now forced to fight without all of my forces!”

    “I’m not leaving here until I have the Federation Officers down here in my grasp! I’m not leaving my men or the weapon array!”

    “You took the anti-air battery from the Mountains!” Naechk’s fury made several of his soldiers shift nervously in their seats, “You said you were a ‘strategic genius’ when you joined me! YOU IDIOT!!! Have my men take it back there immediately! That entire stronghold is exposed to attack without it!”

    “It will take several hours to disassemble it for transport. We still have your Destroyer there so it is protected,” the protest from Grakan sounded weak, as though he knew he was losing the respect of more than just his commander.

    “I have my Destroyer and the rest of our fighters. I am taking the ship down myself!” the Warlord bellowed angrily and his tone filled with malice as he finished speaking, “Xaagz and I are going to lead the fight in space. You are returning to the Island and when I return from this victory; I will deal with you personally.”

    “I’m transporting over now,” Grakan’s voice filled with courage, as though preparing himself for whatever punishment Naechk had in mind for him.

    USS Ares

    “Sounds like they’re breaking up their relationship,” Helmsman Jedur smirked.

    "Plenty of shouting, but not that kind, went on when -" Vars started to add to the conversation enthusiastically but quickly silenced herself, "Nevermind."

    Teriir kept his attention on the viewscreen, “Did he say all of his forces were with him and that the anti-air battery is not covering the Mountain Base?”

    “Aye, Captain,” R’Turan purred as he confirmed the information, “We’re looking at their last stand and the only leader left on the planet has been recalled.”

    “Perfect,” Teriir grinned, “Spear Squadron; standby to enter the atmosphere! Everyone else; get ready to fully engage the enemy forces!”

    “Wait, what?” his First Officer stared at him, “We need our fighters to -”

    “Have you ever played Capture the Flag, Commander?” the Captain interrupted the Caitian.

    “A . . . children’s game,” R’Turan answered slowly, as though he were wondering if this were a trick question, “Two sides try to steal a banner from the other team’s side of a playing field and return it to theirs. Both sides can attack and defend their banner. I fail to see how this applies to our current situation.”

    “The Nausicaan’s banner is their Mountain Base while the Ares is ours. All of their defenders are attacking us so their base is exposed to a counterattack,” Teriir stated as he sat back down in his chair, “Our fighters and the shuttles on Dorvan V are going to commence the rescue mission. I know we only have the reconnaissance group in position but I believe the removal of a portion of the defenses and the element of surprise will make up for this. Plus, a shuttle can pick up the teams that were already enroute and move them in closer once the fighters begin their attack. The Ares will engage the enemy ships and prevent them from interfering with the rescue.”

    “One ship against eleven fighters and a Destroyer?” Lieutenant Kenny frowned, “We’ve done well so far but now they have a heavy hitter.”

    “We aren’t alone; The Lakota will be here shortly,” he replied, the fact they had reinforcements bringing several smiles back to several officers’ faces. He looked at each of them in turn, “A diversion within a diversion. We distract their ships, our fighters distract their ground teams, and the security teams rescue the hostages.”

    “Understood,” R’Turan commented as he sat down, “Engineering; transfer all power from the warp engines to shields and weapons! Helm; bring us about! All fighters; head to the surface and tell the security teams to commence the rescue! What’s the tactical analysis of the enemy Destroyer?”

    (( TAG: Biiqs and Rosek ))

    “Then it’s an even fight,” Teriir flashed a predatory grin, unphased by the destroyer’s impressive weapon loadout, “At least, until the Lakota arrives. Prepare to engage the enemy fighters and start probing the Destroyer!”

    (( TAG: Everyone ))
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    “Agreed,” Teriir nodded, frowning at the Tactical display. The section showing the fighter’s combat was a frantic blur of motion as both sides maneuvered for better positioning. He tapped a few controls to enable each of the friendly fighters to appear with their callsign to better identify them. It was currently an eight on six fight, in favor of them. He grunted to Biiqs, “Spear 5 is getting chased. Give them a hand!”
    "On it, sir...."

    In the melee of dogfighting, it was difficult to get clean phaser shots, as one had to anticipate the tactics and flight paths of both the Nausicaans and the Starfleet pilots. Having a planet in the mix did not help things, although mercifully most of the fighting was taking place away from the planet.

    However, the fighters being chased DID help things. A lot. Biiqs smiled as he sensed that the Spear 5 pilots were intentionally giving him clean shots, by leading their pursuers on a clean course. The Nausicaans, angered by their losses, would not shy away from the chance of obtaining blood in return. To their own peril.

    Bolts of phaser fire lanced out from the Ares, striking a target with deadly precision. As the ship erupted in a silent bloom, Biiqs noticed that the other pursuers realized the tactic, and started to pull away from their chase.

    The Captain watched as the enemy fighter disappeared from the sensors, taken out in a quick shot. The enemy fighters realized they were being targeted by the ship again and stopped trying to attack the Starfleet fighters. Now they were bobbing around every which way to try avoid additional phaser fire. Spear Squadron gave chase and another enemy fighter went down. One of the final hostiles dove hard and began heading back towards the Ares.

    “That incoming hostile; lock weapons on them but hold fire. He doesn’t seem interested in attacking,” he commented. The lone fighter took off past the ship and kept going, heading back towards the planet. Grinning, Teriir checked on the other hostile fighters, “Press the attack, box the remaining targets in so they can’t escape.”
    "Aye, sir." He began to target ships on the outside perimeter, forcing them back toward the fighters.

    Several additional phaser shots lanced out from their ship, forcing the enemy fighters towards each other. Spear squadron surrounded them and caught them in a deadly crossfire. Three . . . two . . . one enemy fighter left. It stopped and held its position, the Communications Officer speaking up a moment later, “Captain, the last one is signalling it wishes to surrender.”

    “All fighters; hold your fire but surround him,” Teriir commanded their fighters and looked over to the Communications Officer, “Tell the brig they are going to have another guest.”

    “Captain! I’m detecting a weapon -” Lieutenant Kenny interrupted his words an instant before their own fighters attacked the surviving hostile. It instantly disintegrated from the volley of pulse phaser fire, “Nevermind. It was attempting to lock its weapons on us, using the surrender as a distraction.”

    “Excellent catch, Spear Squadron,” the Captain commended the swift reaction of the fighters then turned to the rest of the bridge, “Well done, everyone!”
    Biiqs silently nodded his acknowledgement, and continued to focus on his instruments. Moments later, the proverbial second shoe dropped.

    “It’s not over,” R’Turan’s low growl silenced the bridge officers pleased comments. The First Officer’s tail lashed, “Switching to aft view!”

    The viewscreen switched from the cluster of Adrestia Fighters to a distant, dark object behind them. Upon magnifying, the object in question was revealed to be a Nausicaan Destroyer with several additional fighters escorting it. Teriir glared at the sight, “So, while we were fighting your lead group, the rest circle the planet to attack our rear.”

    “Sir, I’m picking up transmissions from the Destroyer,” Eluthiro began typing away at his console, “I’ll need some assistance but I believe I can lock onto them.”

    “Go ahead,” he approved of the idea and pointed to Nagi to have him help.


    “Understood,” R’Turan commented as he sat down, “Engineering; transfer all power from the warp engines to shields and weapons! Helm; bring us about! All fighters; head to the surface and tell the security teams to commence the rescue! What’s the tactical analysis of the enemy Destroyer?”
    The destroyer appears to be heavily modified, but of course, they tend to come that way. I'm counting at least seven functioning phased polaron beam emitters and four functioning torpedo bays, two fore, two aft. Energy output looks to be 57% above baseline for similar craft, so it looks like their power system has overhauled as well. That will put some sting in those polaron beams. Nothing that we cant handle, though.

    “Then it’s an even fight,” Teriir flashed a predatory grin, unphased by the destroyer’s impressive weapon loadout, “At least, until the Lakota arrives. Prepare to engage the enemy fighters and start probing the Destroyer!”
    (( TAG: Teriir ))
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    A Joint post by WelshAvenger and Silynn

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    As the dust from the blast cleared, Christopher could make out the form of Chief Hayes standing over the prone form of a Nausicaan soldier. Shaking his head, Christopher spoke to the gruff man, “I swear to Hygiea, Chief, you’re just out to make my job more difficult. I can see that your knee has swollen up again, lemme take a look at it. Jei can you watch our friend here and make sure he doesn’t try anything?”

    By conditioning, Jei unholstered her phaser and set it to maximum. The Nausicans were tough and resilient foes and she knew that she may only have one shot or chance to take one down. “If he does, he’ll be nothing but a bad memory.” acknowledged Jei.

    There was something about her tone that set alarm bells ringing in Christopher’s mind, “Uh, Jei, when I said watch him, I didn’t mean ‘with a phaser pointed at his head’, ok?”

    She didn’t take her eyes off the raider. “You don’t know them like I do, Doc… they only know how to kill. Besides, he is responsible for Amita. He knows so, his eyes give it away.”

    Christopher stepped between Jei and the injured Nausicaan, looking to the Chief and Martin for support. The Chief just shrugged and Martin had the common decency to turn his head away from Christopher’s gaze. “Listen to me Jei, right now he’s not a threat. He’s injured and unarmed, I can’t let you shoot him in cold blood.”

    Jei momentarily shifted her eyes to meet the Starfleet doctor’s gaze. But instantly gestured to the Nausicaan a warning by keeping a line of sight weapon’s bead with her phaser when he shifted his leg. “Cold blood? This isn’t cold blood. This is giving them justice. Do we turn a blind eye to their aggression? Their murderous intent? This isn’t fair, doc… I want justice for Amita.”

    Christopher’s hands raised slowly, his voice taking on a soothing tone, “No. No it isn’t fair. They shouldn’t have killed Amita but look around Jei, we’ve taken our toll for Amita’s memory.”

    Jei looked at the Nausicaan prisoner, hoping he’d make a stupid movie and give her an excuse to vaporize him here and now. Christopher didn’t know these raiders as she did. He never witnessed the brutality first hand. He didn’t see her adoptive family, the crew of the JOSEPHINE, slaughtered and butchered. Jei had never forgiven the nausicaans who pirated her ship. Even though she brutally returned the favor and avenged her crew and family, deep down, Jei had never forgiven herself for surviving and she transferred that into hatred of an entire species.

    The Nausicaan stared defiantly at Jei and took a breath to make a comment. Christopher jumped in quickly, “It’s very important to your future that you keep your mouth shut. Nod if you understand.”

    The soldier nodded slowly as if not wanting to make any sudden moves around Jei.

    Christopher decided on a different tack. Cautiously he slid his backpack from his shoulders and opened it on the floor.

    Jei didn’t like that Christopher was putting himself within reach of the Nausicaan. Wounded or not, they were formidable opponents. “Doc… what are you doing?!” implored Jei as she shifted herself to maintain a positive aim at the Nausicaan.

    “I’m taking a look at his wounds.” Christopher stated.

    “What… why? He’s the enemy. He is a murderer. He could attack you…” interjected Jei.

    “I’m treating my patient, Petty Officer Han because I took an oath which said ‘Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick and injured, no matter their gender or race and allow no harm to become them.’ Do you mean to execute my patient?” Christopher spoke in a cold tone, blunt and to the point.

    “I… you don’t understand… Christopher… I…” muttered Jei as she fought to hold onto her fire, her anger and her resolve.

    Seeing the anguish on her face, Christopher’s resolved almost faltered, “You’re right, I don’t understand, why don’t we go for a walk so you can explain it to me while Martin and the Chief stay and look after things here?”

    Jei couldn’t take her eyes off the Nausicaan prisoner. She hoped he made a move to solidify her resolve to kill the Nausicaan. All he had to do was made a move on Christopher. But instead of giving in to her desires and wants, the prisoner just slumped on the ground and stared up at the sky.

    Chief Hayes saw an opportunity and seized it. With his phaser in hand, he nonchalantly motioned toward the prisoner. “Jei, I got this. If he so much tries anything, I’ll vaporize him myself. But don’t you worry, Doc… I sense that our friend here has no designs or intentions to end up as particle dust.”

    Martin propped himself on an elbow. “And I’ll back the Chief up. I may be laying down, but I’ll have you know that I have my highest shooting score from the prone position.” beamed Martin as he winked at Christopher.

    Jei powered down her phaser and holstered it. “Doc, you better treat our prisoner. He has a ruptured spleen and a collapsed lung from what I could tell. He may not live long anyway. But I know you have to try… I need to get some air.” stated Jei as she walked away.

    Christopher look at the security officers, “Credit to the uniform, the pair of you allowing her to walk off like that. I’ll go after her as you two are competing for worst injury of the mission.”

    Chief Hayes shook his head at Christopher. “She’ll be fine. That one there, she is no stranger to combat. She is wound-up tightly but she has some way of coping with it,” advised Hayes. He noticed the expression on Christopher’s face and changed his down slightly. “Doc, she does need help. But not now. Don’t break her down and try to fix her here. We need her as she is… now. Wait til we get back to the ARES to tear down those walls she has erected. Trust me on this one, Doc.”

    “I do trust you, Chief,” Christopher said softly as he got to work on the injured Nausican, “it’s just I can’t stand seeing her in pain like that.”

    Attachment 9774
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    USS Ares

    R'turan looked at Max with a stern expression & said,
    - Don't let this be a habit, Lieutenant.

    Max nodded and said,
    - This was an anomaly, sir. I am not usually like this. Had some things on my mind.

    R'Turan gave a quizzical look and asked,
    - Like what?

    Max simply said, as he laid a pillow down in the middle of the bay,
    - I'd rather not get into it right now, as its personal.

    The XO huffed a bit and said,
    - I accept that. Just make sure you have it straightened out soon.

    Max nodded & said,
    - No problem on that, I hope.

    He then motioned to the XO to step out of the bay. Max then sealed off the bay, tapped his badge and said,
    - Alright, let's test this out. Computer, engage knockout gas system.

    The computer beeped & administered the gas quickly. Max got into position on the floor. As soon as the gas hit him, he gave a thumbs up, then passed out, flopping his head on the pillow. R'Turan deactivated the system & recycled the air. Max started waking about 5 minutes later, saying,
    - Well, it works.

    R'Turan smiled and said,
    - You are one strange individual. If you're feeling alright, report to your station.

    Max nodded and said,
    - Aye. Let me pound back a joe first.

    R'Turan turned to a small replicator close by, got a coffee & handed Max the cup. He quickly drank the cup & gave a shudder, saying,
    - Catian blend?

    The XO smiled and said,
    - Yeah. Extremely strong. Now, off you get.

    Max snapped to attention & headed off to the bridge.
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    Dorvan V
    A Cavern in the Mountains

    "Take this, you'll need it..."

    Seconds later, the ration bar offered by Petty Officer Keita went flying across the cavern. It came skittering to a stop at the feet of Ensign Brag Malin, who locked eyes with Wakaro. The young man had been smouldering quietly during their time in the cave, his sullen silences punctuated by the same question he asked now.

    "When?"Wakaro hissed, fixing Brag's gaze with an intense glare of his own.

    Brag replied with an even tone, "Whenever when is, you'll need your strength." Picking up the ration bar, he continued, "So why dont you just..."

    "WHEN?" Wakaro repeated, his normal voice sounding more like a shout in the confines of the cavern. Not knowing exactly how the acoustics traveled in the caves, they had taken to speaking in low voices, even though they had rigged some white noise generators to cover themselves.

    "Look Wakaro, I understand..."

    "You understand NOTHING, Federation. Your people were willing to take our land and give it to the Cardassians without our consent years ago, and now your galactic struggles have driven your enemies to our doorstep. You say you come for our benefit, but it's obviously just a continuation of your dealings with the Cardassians. You continue your machinations, and innocent people continue to get caught in the middle. My people. You have nothing at stake here, my family is in there. My friends are in there. You know NOTHING about that."


    "Nine?" Wakaro replied, clearly flustered. "What are you talking about?"

    "My sister was nine when the Moropa came. Our family were miners, in the Koralis system. The Moropa used the Dominion war as a screen to exact some old revenge on my people. And make a profit. Slavers, these particular Moropa were, not unlike these Nausicaans. I was on a job in the Far Belt, away from the family when it happened. They killed the older adults, and enslaved the young."

    "I've never felt so helpless in my life, coming back see all that. Not knowing what was happening to her. I used to read her stories befor she went to bed." Brag's jaw clenched, and he was silent for a moment. "We didn't know what to do. Miners...we pride ourselves on being independent. In many of the places where my family worked, if you needed help, it was a long distance away. We helped each other, that's how we survived."

    "So we called Starfleet. Not expecting much. But the USS Swiftsure responded to our hail and arrived a week later. She was heavily battered by a Dominion attack prior to getting to us, but they still pressed their way. They trailed the Moropa and got our people back, including my sister. At the expense of five lives of their own. You see, they were jury rigging their repairs and pushed their engines to trail the Moropa. During the firefight, some EPS conduits ruptured, killing two engineers instantly. Two others died slower, with severe plasma burns. One security officer died in the boarding. It was an awful price to pay, but the captain just told us that those officers would have chosen to do the right thing, even if they knew it would mean their lives."

    "Bretk Tarn. Lindsey Davis. Edgar Diaz. T'Meq. Giuseppe Russo. I haven't forgotten their names. Or their sacrifice. It's why I'm here. So I know something of what you're going through. And I might not be the best hiker, or the most nimble climber, or the most experienced officer, but I'll tell you this: I'm going to get as many of your people back as I can, or...well, you'll just have to remember my name..."

    Wakaro had listened silently and impassively, but now his brow furrowed in frustration. Hanging his head, he whispered, "I forgot...."


    "Your name...I forgot your name."

    An uncharacteristic snort from Chief Tran broke the silence, and the group burst into laughter. It ended abruptly as they all remembered their situation.

    "Its Brag...Brag Ma---"

    A hand slipped over his mouth. "How about this," said Petty Officer Keita over Brags shoulder. "If he doesn't tell you his name, he won't die, and you'll never have to remember it. Deal?"

    "Deal!" Wakaro grinned. "You all aren't so bad after a--"

    He was cut off by an alert signaling an incoming message. Brag picked up the tricorder and examined the brief text message transmitted to the cave.

    "Okay people. We've got the signal. When is officially now.
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    As the Ares faced the hostile formation and accelerated towards it, their fighters diving down for reentry, Captain Teriir contemplated his statement about the Lakota. He was actually hoping to finish this fight before they could arrive. It wasn’t a silly fight over glory he was concerned about but rather a wish to protect the Excelsior’s crew from the fight.

    Excelsior Class starships had been around for a full century and had been the backbone of the fleet for at least 50 years; them and the Miranda. Personally, he hated those two ships. Yes, the Lakota was the first of her kind of a modernization program of her sister ships but he still held disdain for the starship. Of all the rescue missions his Dominion War starship, the Akira Class starship Icarus, had been sent on, the vast majority involved either an Excelsior or a Miranda. Throughout the Dominion War, Miranda's and Excelsiors had proven incapable of keeping up with the rigors asked of them. The Jem’Hadar knew this and would go out of their way to focus fire on them, occasionally ignoring the more lethal Defiant, Akira, or Galaxy Class starships until they were alone in the fight. To him, they had become little more than cannon-fodder because of how many acquaintances and friends he’d lost serving on them. It was better to keep them attached to scientific roles than combat duties.

    He couldn’t think anymore about this as the Nausicaans were almost within weapons range. The Nausicaan fighters had previously assumed formations on either side of the Destroyer but were now surging ahead to attack the Ares first. He had a feeling they wouldn’t be breaking off very easily and were going to attempt to get behind them.

    “Mr Biiqs, get ready to fire all phasers in rapid succession as we are going to fly right in between their formations,” Teriir ordered, “Get ready to fire aft torpedoes once they make their move to get behind us.”

    The fighters closed in rapidly and began firing their polaron weapons at a rather extreme range. Few of the shots hit and their ship rode through the volley of energy blasts, “Fire phasers!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    The phasers began shooting across the void of space, lashing out at the incoming attackers. Even as the enemy fighters continued their charge, several of their number fell to their own weapons. One exploded quite spectacularly, likely having its own torpedoes detonated from within. The remaining fighters closed to point blank range and released their torpedoes. The phasers, still blazing away, actually took out several of the torpedoes before they could strike. A few hit home and the heavy torpedoes bounced the bridge crew around in their seats. Both sides raced past each other and the surviving six fighters began looping around.

    “Aft torpedoes; fire!” he said and looked ahead as the Destroyer began firing its cannons, “Focus phasers on the Destroyer!”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    Glancing at his interface, he watched three more enemy fighters vanished. He heard of old Earth battleships which operated on water that possessed large kinetic cannons mounted on turrets. He imagined the Nausicaan fighters which had just been destroyed were feeling what it would’ve been like to have been staring such cannons down.

    “The last three fighters are retreating!” Lieutenant Vars remarked victoriously.

    Lieutenant Kenny spoke up from her station, “Want me to take them out?”

    “No,” the Captain replied, as the ship rocked from the impact of the Destroyer’s cannons. Their own phasers along with a number of torpedoes slammed into the enemy’s shields in retaliation, “We have bigger fish to fry.”

    “Cooking dinner has nothing to do with fighting a Nausicaan starship,” Ensign Falora stated in a typical, Vulcan manner from the Secondary Science station.

    “What our Captain means,” Lieutenant Eleutherio, her counterpart at the Primary Science station, explained, “Is that we have bigger problems than chasing down a pair of retreating fighters, like the Destroyer!”

    “Bring us alongside the enemy ship and commence full broadsides!” Teriir paid little attention to the two’s conversation and continued commanding the battle, “Focus fire on their weapon systems and shields.”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    The two ships closed in and began circling around each other. Both ships fired away with their port side weaponry in a series of broadsides. The Nausicaan’s more powerful weaponry was rendered ineffective due to there being a bare minimum of side-on weaponry. The numerous phaser arrays of the Ares raked the Destroyer from bow to stern, tearing open holes in the enemy ship’s shields. Several scorch marks began appearing on the enemy ship’s hull and she finally had enough and pulled away. Moments later, a massive volley of quantum torpedoes slammed into the enemy Destroyer on her starboard side.

    “The Lakota is here!” Lieutenant Nagi shouted in excitement the instant after the torpedoes struck, “They’ve already taken out the escaping hostile fighters and are now moving to assist us.”

    “Hail them so we can coordinate our fire,” Teriir grinned as the Lakota swooped in on the side of the Destroyer and commenced its own broadside of the enemy ship. It spun hard to port in an evasive maneuver to try to escape the new threat, moving back towards the Ares. The rapid movement of the Excelsior and the surprising display of firepower was impressive. Perhaps the new variant would prove him wrong about how he felt about that ship. His smile disappeared when the Communications Officer freaked out.

    “I can’t raise them!” she waved her hands in worry and spun around to look at him, “Communications are down somehow!”

    “A rotating EMpulse!” Lieutenant Vars quickly jumped from her station and approached the communications station, “Those were used by Dominion Warships to disrupt our communications during the war! The Nausicaans must've figured out how to duplicate that!”

    Captain Teriir also stood up and joined the Lieutenant in moving towards their Communications Officer. He recalled facing a Dominion Battlecruiser which had been helping to jam their communications during Operation Return. Its destruction helped other ships clear the jamming and let them coordinate with a Klingon task force in shattering the Dominion lines, “Do you think you can -”

    He was cut off when a loud bang and shower of sparks erupted nearby. He almost instinctively grabbed hold of Vars to put himself between her and the explosion. Something slammed into him and he fell down with a sharp pain in his right shoulder. Cringing, he forced himself to sit up and notice a part of the ceiling had broken off and guessed the beam which was hanging down had hit him.

    “Captain!” R’Turan dashed over to his side to check on him, with Vars calling out to him simultaneously, ”Dyrell!”

    “I’m alright! I’m alright!” he answered swiftly, grabbing his shoulder. It was the same one which had been struck by debris during the Battle of Chin’Toka. The doctors were going to have quite a bit more work to do there when this current fight was over. Vars quickly darted over towards the turbolift to grab a medical kit while R’Turan looked down on him with concern, “It’s just a scratch! Keep fighting!”

    "You heard him!" R'Turan looked over to the Tactical Officers, "Fire at will!"

    (( TAG: Biiqs, Tess, Everyone ))
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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Tue 26 Mar, 2019 7:50 AM.
    USS Ares

    "All fighters, head down to the planet and be ready to attack when needed." Tess said.

    Tess was being cautious, if there was an AA platform down there, she would need to take that out first.

    "Copy that Ma'am." came the replies.

    As they sped towards the planet Tess sent a message to the Security Teams saying "You may commence attack when ready."

    As they entered the planets atmosphere, Tess started to wonder about what was happening on the Ares.
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    “Understood,” R’Turan commented as he sat down, “Engineering; transfer all power from the warp engines to shields and weapons! Helm; bring us about! All fighters; head to the surface and tell the security teams to commence the rescue! What’s the tactical analysis of the enemy Destroyer?”

    (( TAG: Biiqs and Rosek ))
    "transferred Sir"
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    The phasers began shooting across the void of space, lashing out at the incoming attackers. Even as the enemy fighters continued their charge, several of their number fell to their own weapons. One exploded quite spectacularly, likely having its own torpedoes detonated from within. The remaining fighters closed to point blank range and released their torpedoes. The phasers, still blazing away, actually took out several of the torpedoes before they could strike. A few hit home and the heavy torpedoes bounced the bridge crew around in their seats. Both sides raced past each other and the surviving six fighters began looping around.

    “Aft torpedoes; fire!” he said and looked ahead as the Destroyer began firing its cannons, “Focus phasers on the Destroyer!”
    As the torpedoes came in, the point defense system had a hard time compensating due to the different vectors in which the fighters launched them. So Biiqs and Lt. Kenney continued to swat away at both the incoming torpedoes and the fighters with phasers, when able. As some of the torpedoes struck home, he clenched the tactical station as the ship shuddered under the impact.

    "Shields at 87 percent! Torpedoes away!" A barrage was launched at the captain's order.

    “No,” the Captain replied, as the ship rocked from the impact of the Destroyer’s cannons. Their own phasers along with a number of torpedoes slammed into the enemy’s shields in retaliation, “We have bigger fish to fry.”

    “Bring us alongside the enemy ship and commence full broadsides!” Teriir paid little attention to the two’s conversation and continued commanding the battle, “Focus fire on their weapon systems and shields."
    "Aye, sir." Biiqs and Kenney began to rake the Nausicaan destroyer as the two ships circled each other, seeking to pummel and overload the weapon emplacements and shield emitters.

    The two ships closed in and began circling around each other. Both ships fired away with their port side weaponry in a series of broadsides. The Nausicaan’s more powerful weaponry was rendered ineffective due to there being a bare minimum of side-on weaponry. The numerous phaser arrays of the Ares raked the Destroyer from bow to stern, tearing open holes in the enemy ship’s shields. Several scorch marks began appearing on the enemy ship’s hull and she finally had enough and pulled away. Moments later, a massive volley of quantum torpedoes slammed into the enemy Destroyer on her starboard side.

    “The Lakota is here!” Lieutenant Nagi shouted in excitement the instant after the torpedoes struck, “They’ve already taken out the escaping hostile fighters and are now moving to assist us.”

    “Hail them so we can coordinate our fire,” Teriir grinned as the Lakota swooped in on the side of the Destroyer and commenced its own broadside of the enemy ship. It spun hard to port in an evasive maneuver to try to escape the new threat, moving back towards the Ares. The rapid movement of the Excelsior and the surprising display of firepower was impressive. Perhaps the new variant would prove him wrong about how he felt about that ship. His smile disappeared when the Communications Officer freaked out.

    Biiqs grinned at the arrival of the Lakota, sparing a quick glance at her in the forward viewing screen. "We meet again, old girl," he murmured as he continued firing on the destroyer. As the communications officer struggled to establish a link, Biiqs based his firing on what he knew about Lt. Galvut, his counterpart aboard the other vessel. Figuring that he would have a boy the book approach and target the destroyer's weapons, he started to target the engines in an attempt to reduce the more agile vessel's maneuverability.

    “I can’t raise them!” she waved her hands in worry and spun around to look at him, “Communications are down somehow!”

    “A rotating EMpulse!” Lieutenant Vars quickly jumped from her station and approached the communications station, “Those were used by Dominion Warships to disrupt our communications during the war! The Nausicaans must've figured out how to duplicate that!”


    “I’m alright! I’m alright!” he answered swiftly, grabbing his shoulder. It was the same one which had been struck by debris during the Battle of Chin’Toka. The doctors were going to have quite a bit more work to do there when this current fight was over. Vars quickly darted over towards the turbolift to grab a medical kit while R’Turan looked down on him with concern, “It’s just a scratch! Keep fighting!”

    "You heard him!" R'Turan looked over to the Tactical Officers, "Fire at will!"
    "Aye, sir!" He replied heartily. A leaping deck, a shower of debris, and a persistent enemy. It wasn't exactly normal, but it felt like home...