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FEO and Website March Roll Call Feedback

Started By:
Three of Seven, Sat 23 Mar, 2019 1:14 PM
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    FEO have looked over the comments from the last survey and provided their responses to them. A number of other divisions and departments have and will continue to post their survey results in due time. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and a special thanks to those who left comments. You can still submit feedback via the contact form if there is something you wish to send us. Or you can drop me a PM and I will respond in reasonable time.

    The overall FEO approval rating has risen dropped back down to 98% overall, with no negative comments listed. Before I move into the responses from FEO, I do want to say that if this happens with the next survey, with disapprove, but no comment on such, we may have to move towards a mandatory comment to disapprove. If there's something you don't like, you need to let us know, otherwise, we can't fix it! Comments left in these surveys are 100% anonymous, no one will know it was you if you say "I hate Three of Seven, she's useless!", and I won't hunt you down for it either, honest! If you disapprove, please, tell us, so we can work towards fixing it!

    FEO March Approval Rating: 98% (-1%)
    FEO December Approval Rating: 99%

    Strongly Approve: 30% (+4%)
    Approve: 23% (+1.5%)
    Neutral: 46% (-6%)
    Disapprove: 0.5% (+0.5%)
    Strongly Disapprove: 0.5% (+0%)

    Petrarch is a great addition to an already fantastic FEO and no doubt he will do great things. Sammy is cool as well.
    Three of Seven: Petrarch has been a soild addition, I can agree to this, and he fits in very well with this mad house. Sammy is also cool, but so is everyone else! Everyone in FEO does their bit, even me!

    Petrarch: Cheers! I'm still very much the new guy to CL6 but I'm doing my best to do my part and contribute, as do the other FEO members. Sammy is indeed cool too and hasn't paid me to say that.

    Sammygm: Petrarch has indeed been a great addition to the team! Perhaps this will make me uncool in your eyes cause of my bluntness, but stop trying to single people out. FEO is very much a team effort, everyone in it is cool, and to be honest are cooler than me.

    Jordan: 5d6

    Jonathan: Agreed, Petrov is pretty cool

    I vote we remove elections for Fleet Admiral, and change the position to Fleet Empress.
    Three of Seven: I can agree to this idea, I'd put it to a vote, but I feel that would defeat the meaning behind this suggestion!

    Petrarch: I imagine if we follow through on this, the rest of us aren't going to have a great deal of choice in the matter anymore...

    Sammygm: NOPE

    Jonathan: No ta

    I'm not overly familiar with their operations
    Three of Seven: In short, we oversee the entire community, and some manage teams of SFC (CL5) members who oversee various divisions/departments. Most of what we do is behind the scenes, but I love to be quite public in what I do! I will sign autographs, if you want one.

    Petrarch: As Three says, a lot of what we get up to happens away from the public forums and typically you often only see the end results. For my part, alongside my FEO work, I have responsibility for overseeing Starfleet Academy and Ares. I try to remain as visible and public as possible across the forums as I think that's important for my role.

    Y'all keep doing you!
    Three of Seven: Will do!


    Jordan: Copy that!

    Jonathan: Roger

    I’m kinda new here (been a member since 2014 but haven’t really been active until recently), so I just don’t know enough about how things are run to offer a qualified opinion on it. But so far it’s been good and I appreciate everyone’s helpfulness toward me thus far.
    Three of Seven: Well, glad to have you around more active now! I am also really pleased to hear that everyone has been helpful, that is a big positive, and something I really like to hear about, and see happen! It's the sort of community we want, a helpful one.

    Petrarch: This is great to hear! There's plenty of folks out there in the UFP ready and willing to help wherever and however they can, so I'm glad your experience has been a positive one thus far. Hearing that from people means we're getting it right.

    Jonathan: Welcome back to the UFP!!

    You all are doing a great job. Please ask Three to buy you all a round of Ice Cream or Beer.
    Three of Seven: Sod that for a lark, they can bloody well buy it themselves, I do a great job as well, who is buying me a beer?!

    Petrarch: I'll get the ice cream in. Whether or not I share it is another matter entirely.

    Sammygm: Please buy me everything Three, thanks.

    Jordan: Do your duty Three, the membership has decreed it!

    Jonathan: I'll take a scoop of pure vanilla.

    They deal with everything, splendid job.
    Three of Seven: Good to hear! We will keep up the work!

    Petrarch: We'll keep doing our best for everyone!

    Sammygm: My face is tired from dealing with... everything.

    Jordan: Great

    Jonathan: Thank you!

    They're all cool cats. And a cat's cool make them a cool cat.
    Three of Seven: I like cats, I have a black cat, he's called Archer, he's a bit of a goofy cat.

    Petrarch: Mrs. P is allergic to cats, so I'm a dog person. Here's the youngest of my dogs, Cooper!

    Jonathan: A cool cat is a cool cat, is a cool cat, is a cool cat, is a cool cat....

    The community is run very well. Great work from all of you!
    Three of Seven: Thank you! We certainly try to keep things running smoothly!

    Petrarch: Cheers, much appreciated!

    Jonathan: Thank you, we do try our best.

    Although we need less pink and more burgundy! ><
    Three of Seven: I have to respectfully disagree with this comment, there is not enough pink here in the UFP, so very little, you can't really get much less!

    Petrarch: I'm going to try suggesting a compromise and go with maroon. I see enough pink clothing and such every day as it is with my daughters!

    Sammygm: I'd say we need more orange, but practically all the buttons are orange on this site.

    Jonathan: More blue!!!!!

    I Haven't been a member long enough to say one way or another.
    Three of Seven: Well, hopefully you have settled in more by the next roll call survey to give us your impressions!

    Petrarch: We've all been new once - have a look around, get to know people and I'm sure you'll fit right in!

    great stuff be said here
    Three of Seven: Great comment to be had here!

    Petrarch: wF7g9OAt

    Website March Approval Rating: 99% (-1%)
    Website December Approval Rating: 100%

    Strongly Approve: 33% (+2%)
    Approve: 20% (+1%)
    Neutral: 46.5% (-3.5%)
    Disapprove: 0.5% (+0.5%)
    Strongly Disapprove: 0% (+0%)

    Still waiting on that poll for a pink skin.
    Three of Seven: I'll work hard to get this motion passed in SFC, don't worry!

    I love this site and visit every day!
    Jordan: Whoo!

    Jordan is quick to squash bugs that have arisen, thank you. Haven't seen any spam or bot posts, I have high confidence in using this site for the quality and safe content (no pop-ups, etc).
    Jordan: That's great to hear, thanks!

    I am always having trouble finding the application form :-)
    Jordan: Which one! The invite forum?

    The Web Elves, heroes of the UFP community. Without the website the community wouldn't be anything like as good as it is. It's a great site. Thank you Web Elves for the hard work.
    The site looks amazing still.
    Jordan: ^^ What he said.

    Best guild website ever.
    Jordan: Awesome!

    Best Trek website I know!
    Jordan: Thanks!

    Although I'm not quite sure about the 'approval rating' thumbs up and down. It can get favouritism going.
    Petrarch: I have seen this raised on other forums in the past and while I have seen first hand the problems it can cause, the UFP has never really had any issues on this front thankfully. It's largely there for a bit of fun and it's something of an unofficial badge of honour (dishonour?) when someone accidently downvotes someone. Virtually everyone has done it at one point or another, myself included. So that's how we all learn to pay more attention when using the site on our phones!

    Sammygm: It only appears that way cause you might've said something completely unnecessary and out of place for the UFP. Wink
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    Good read, nice comments, you're all barking mad.

    Add my vote for more pink, more free ice cream, and an official Pets of the UFP forum.
    "And when I saw the breadth of my domain, I wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
    • Commendation
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    you're all barking mad.
    Cluck, cluck, gibber, gibber, my old man's a mushroom et cetera.
    Petrarch Medals
  2. Fleet Admiral

    • Commendation
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2019 9:56 PM

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    Add my vote for more pink, more free ice cream, and an official Pets of the UFP forum.
    This is my cat with his cat.

    Name:  FZyT8P2.jpg
Views: 194
Size:  597.4 KB
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    Cluck, cluck, gibber, gibber, my old man's a mushroom et cetera.
    Many points for the Blackadder quote!
    WelshAvenger Medals
    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.