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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Fri 12 Apr, 2019 12:58 AM.
    USS Ares
    Turbolift to Deck 10

    “I don’t understand why you would even consider doing this. The murder of who knows how many innocents. Why?” As Teriir spoke, he turned around to the Senior Officers and looked to them. Though no sound escaped his mouth, his expression was a scream, “GO!!!”
    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    She walked over to Biiqs.

    "Do you have any way to diffuse the bombs in the Cargo bay and deal with the Extremists?" She asked.

    ((TAG: Biiqs))
    "Well," said Biiqs, as he tapped up a wall schematic of the deck. "The simple answer is no, and yes. Hopefully, disarming the bomb can wait. The extremists, however..." He tapped his commbadge. "Tarquin to Lt. Victoria Kenney. We have a possible explosive device in Cargo Bay 2, Deck 10. We also have Bajoran passengers arming themselves in that bay, and attempting to make it to the surface in order to kill Dorvan citizens. Lock down all transporters on the deck, including cargo transporters. Make sure no shuttle leaves. I need you to page security teams on Deck 10 to assemble at the end of that hallway. I'll also need you to begin evacuating the starboard side of that deck, forward compartments first. Split up the tasks between Tactical I and II at your discretion, and stand by. Keep a set of eyes on that cargo bay and advise me of their actions. Tarquin out."

    He tapped his badge again. "Tarquin to Lt. Kurts. Assemble an team quickly and arrange immediate site to site transport to the shuttle bay adjacent to Cargo Bay 2 on Deck 10. The Bajoran nationals we've taken aboard are arming themselves and plotting an attack. No time to discuss, I will meet you there." Tapping the base a third time, he said, "Tarquin to Chief time to discuss, I need an immediate site to site transport to Shuttle Bay 2 to engage hostile forces. Put me behind the shuttles toward the bay doors, and then contact Lt. Kurts to arrange transport of his team to the same location."

    "Acknowledged," came the reply. Shortly before he coalesced into light and atoms, he remarked to Tess, "No doubt the captain has things well at hand. If Barron makes a move toward that detonator though, let me know!"

    (( TAG: Tess, Everyone ))
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    USS Ares

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher motioned to Jei and joined Biiqs and Tess. He turned his back to Ensign Barron and spoke in a low, calm tone that belied the fury he was feeling at the casual murder of Aide Erikson. "Perhaps we don't need to worry about the Cargo bay." Christopher ignored the looks he got from the assembled officers. "Jei, can we vent Bay 2 into space? That way, any explosion would do minimal damage if it doesn't suck the devices out into space first?"

    Attachment 9774

    (( TAG: Jei, Biiqs, Tess ))
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    USS Ares
    Turbolift to Deck 10

    “I don’t understand why you would even consider doing this. The murder of who knows how many innocents. Why?” As Teriir spoke, he turned around to the Senior Officers and looked to them. Though no sound escaped his mouth, his expression was a scream, “GO!!!”

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher motioned to Jei and joined Biiqs and Tess. He turned his back to Ensign Barron and spoke in a low, calm tone that belied the fury he was feeling at the casual murder of Aide Erikson. "Perhaps we don't need to worry about the Cargo bay." Christopher ignored the looks he got from the assembled officers. "Jei, can we vent Bay 2 into space? That way, any explosion would do minimal damage if it doesn't suck the devices out into space first?"

    Attachment 9774
    Biiqs spoke quickly, before Jei could respond. "It may come to that, Doctor, but I don't think we need to do that just yet..." His brow furrowed in thought, as he walked away from the group toward the bulkhead. "Maybe as a last ditch effort..."

    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    She walked over to Biiqs.

    "Do you have any way to diffuse the bombs in the Cargo bay and deal with the Extremists?" She asked.
    "Well," said Biiqs, as he tapped up a schematic of the deck on the bulkhead. "The simple answer is no, and yes. Hopefully, disarming the bomb can wait. The extremists, however..." He tapped his commbadge. "Tarquin to Lt. Victoria Kenney. We have a possible explosive device in Cargo Bay 2, Deck 10. We also have Bajoran passengers arming themselves in that bay, and attempting to make it to the surface in order to kill Dorvan citizens. Lock down all transporters on the deck, including cargo transporters. Make sure no shuttle leaves. I need you to page security teams on Deck 10 to assemble at the end of that hallway. I'll also need you to begin evacuating the starboard side of that deck, forward compartments first. Split up the tasks between Tactical I and II at your discretion, and stand by. Keep a set of eyes on that cargo bay and advise me of their actions. Tarquin out."

    He tapped his badge again. "Tarquin to Lt. Kurts. Assemble an team quickly and arrange immediate site to site transport to the shuttle bay adjacent to Cargo Bay 2 on Deck 10. The Bajoran nationals we've taken aboard are arming themselves and plotting an attack. No time to discuss, I will meet you there." Tapping the base a third time, he said, "Tarquin to Chief time to discuss, I need an immediate site to site transport to Shuttle Bay 2 to engage hostile forces. Put me behind the shuttles toward the bay doors, and then contact Lt. Kurts to arrange transport of his team to the same location."

    "Acknowledged," came the reply. Shortly before he coalesced into light and atoms, he remarked to Tess, "No doubt the captain has things well at hand. If Barron makes a move toward that detonator though, let me know!"

    (( TAG: Tess, Everyone ))
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    (( OOC: This is the first post I’ve written between Captain Teriir and Ensign Barron. There are going to be several more. Some will include TAGS. ))
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    Captain Teriir gazed at Ensign Barron and repeated his question, “Why are you attacking a colony of innocent people?”

    “Innocent?” Barron shook his head, “They’re anything but innocent. They betrayed the Federation when they renounced their citizenship. They’re nothing but traitors who have joined the enemy!”

    “The Dorvans and their leaving the Federation was our fault. We tried to take them away from their homes, refusing to see them as a unique people with a proud tradition. The Federation prides itself on respecting others but when it came time to acknowledge theirs, we failed. We betrayed them and ourselves. It’s up to our generation to make it right.”

    “The only way to make it right,” Barron glared fiercely at Teriir, “Is to give them a traitor’s death!”

    “Death only breeds more death,” Teriir answered, keeping his surprise over how calm he was inside, “The people who have been helping them survive the fallout of the Dominion War are a people we’ve fought twice before. First in the Border Wars and then in the -”

    “Don’t you dare call the Cardassians anything other than what they are! The scum of the galaxy who allowed the Dominion to invade our space! Murder our people! Destroy our homes! You of all people should know what they’ve done!”

    “The War is over,” he replied steadily, “They are not the enemy.”

    “People were saying that when the Phoenix went rogue,” Barron shook his head, “Turns out Captian Maxwell was right about the Cardassians. A so-called peace treaty was just a way for them to rearm for a new offensive. They lust war, death, and destruction. The plan my people put in place is what is needed to end their menace once and for all.”

    “We’ve seen some of that plan already. You messaged the Orions to attack the Ares enroute here so they could try to steal the Humanitarian supplies we were bringing. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were planning on disabling the ship with the Cardassian munitions stashed away in the cargo hold during the fight to make it easy on them. Why didn’t you?”

    “I will admit, I underestimated the bridge crew during that fight. I’d already used my special access codes to gain access to their frequency and supplied them to the Orions, but someone changed them,” the fallen Ensign shrugged, “I was hanging out in an escape pod waiting for what I thought would be an inevitable abandon ship order but it never came. I decided to switch to Plan B and began working with the Nausicaans as the Orions failed.”

    “So, that explains why we took such heavy damage in that attack,” Teriir found himself carefully circling Barron around the corridor they were stuck in, “You realize a great deal of damage was dealt to our ship during that first attack? Although nobody was killed, we took a lot of casualties. If anyone had died because you tampered with our defenses -”

    “They would’ve died martyrs for the cause.”

    “What cause? Those deaths would’ve been meaningless!”

    “Everything I do is for the greater good of the Federation!”

    “By planting sabotage devices in Embassies and providing pirates with access to a security sensors?” the Captain challenged him. Though his attention was riveted on Barron, he noticed in his peripheral vision the people behind the forcefields were starting to move around. Some formed a bit of a line so the Traitor couldn’t see what was going on behind them and he saw R’Turan and Locke speaking with their heads close together. A moment later, the Commander moved off down the corridor while Locke stepped up to the forcefield, motioning he needed to tell him something. Teriir kept moving, intending to get the message the next time Barron’s back was turned to the Security Officer.

    “You mean the enemy’s fortress on the planet and the mercenaries?” Barron cocked his head and grinned, “Their fortress was going to suffer an odd power failure during my people’s attack but some lucky Technicians found where I stashed it. I was beyond pleased to hear one of them would be on the shuttle Ramses and getting the other to join as well was a piece of cake. Ha! Payback for messing with me!”

    “Dawson and Han were doing their duty when they reported their findings. Your duty was supposed to be helping to keep watch on our cargo and the relief supplies we were bringing for a needy people. Yet here you are -”

    “Needy? Meanwhile millions of our own people go to bed starving because we’ve been shipping of their meals to these . . . these . . .monsters!”

    “All of us knew recovery was going to take a long time,” Teriir said gently, “Millions have lost their homes and are searching for new ones. It’s difficult for everyone but all of us have been inclined to help. Do you know who also needs that help the most?”

    “Our own people come FIRST!!!”

    “So too do the people whose only crime was to get caught in the middle. The Dorvans are an independent people. They never wanted anything to do with our war and yet the Jem’Hadar attacked them for saying ‘no’ to their request to constructing a base on their world.”

    “The Jem’Hadar should’ve wiped them out when they had the chance! What good are these people when they refuse to fight their mortal enemies!?!”

    “And so, for standing up for their people, they deserve to die?” he was in position to see Locke again. The Lieutenant immediately pointed up and mouthed ‘bridge’ to him. He then raised one hand to his ear and the other to the sides of the corridor and mouthed ‘call’. Teriir kept moving as though nothing happened but flicked his fingers subtly in an old code they used during their days on the Icaurus to say ‘confirmed’.

    R’Turan was heading up to the Bridge and take command there. He wasn’t going to get involved here but was instead taking advantage of the fact Teriir earlier requested the bridge monitor the security feeds. The Commander was going to contact the other Federation ships in the system and inform them of what was happening; perhaps even transmit the security footage too! No matter what Barron attempted in the future, Starfleet would be onto him. He needed to keep digging into Barron and get every admittance he could to further build a case against him.

    Barron didn’t notice his secret conversation with Locke as he was continuing his rant with a sneer, “Completely! They and everyone else within the Demilitarized Zone should’ve been on the front lines and yet they didn’t lift a finger! At least the Maquis tried to fight!”

    “The Maquis attacked both the Federation and the Cardassians,” Teriir pointed out, “I only wish something worked out for the better with that, instead of the bloodshed.”

    “You sound as though you support the Cardassians massacring out people!”

    “I hate the deed, not the people. As you’re proving now; we are all capable of these actions. The only difference is that you are proud of decisions they deeply regret.”
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    "Acknowledged," came the reply. Shortly before he coalesced into light and atoms, he remarked to Tess, "No doubt the captain has things well at hand. If Barron makes a move toward that detonator though, let me know!"
    Max asked Biqu(SP?) before he was transported,
    - Need a hand with the bombs?

    ((TAG Logical))

    He smiled and said,
    - Don't start the party without me!

    Max proceeded to the turbolift & when he entered, he parsed the computer.
    - Computer, transport my one-handed short sword to my location, please.

    The computer bleeped & a small column of light materialized a scabbard with a sword in it. Simplistic in design & look. He took it and slung it across his back & said,
    - Cargo Bay 2.

    Shuttlebay next to Cargo Bay 2

    Max found himself in the Shuttle Bay with the Security team as he listened in to the plan.

    ((TAG Logical))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 16 Apr, 2019 3:30 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Cargo Bay 2

    It was the tears that caught her by surprise. Tears that came suddenly, heavy with the weight of years, as Barlen Keilara checked the power cell of her old, familiar Cardassian disruptor rifle, stolen years ago during the occupation. The rifle was an old friend, packed away as a memento and a promise. Her tears were old friends as well, and she hadn't seen either for a long time. She hadn't had a friend in a long time.

    Life in a resistance cell taught Keilara that having friends of flesh and blood was unwise. Friends were jagged lacerations to your heart, white hot stabs of pain that would pierce your side as you laughed around a fireside after a successful raid. Blank eyes staring at nothing when you withdrew from a firefight, praying that the Prophets would shuttle home the soul that once lived there. Tears were more reliable companions. In the cold night, everyone would politely pretend to ignore the sobs from your pallet, tears that cleansed your soul and steeled your resolve to fight another day. Faithful friends, always. And the rifle at your side was a friend indeed, a friend that avenged the flesh and blood friends of the past.

    The memory of Kisme Falora still haunted her, all these years

    Falora, the last flesh and blood person she called friend. Falora the dancer, who endured her harsh childhood by constantly dreaming. "Do you think after the occupation, that we'll still have d'jarras," she'd say, pirouetting through the mine during the days of her health. "I dont want to be a farmer, like my fore mothers. I'd rather be an ih'valla. To create art! Through dance!" No one had the heart to tell Falora that the occupation would never end. But something in her smile made you feel that it somehow would.

    Falora would have been 47 years old today. She preferred now to think of her smile, and her dancing, and not the broken body clinging onto the wild spark of life inside. A spark ultimately snuffed out by a glinn assigned to the task by a bored superior. Glinn Tarnock. She didn't remember his face, but she strangely remembered his hands in perfect detail, illuminated by the last strands of daylight as the sun sunk behind the mountains of Musilla province. Falora's eyes were the only ones Keilara ever saw that seemed bright after death, catching the sunset to gleam like diamonds as her body was dragged to a trench.

    "Its time," said Garen gently, with his hand upon her shoulder. He was a member of the first resistance cell Keilara ever joined, with Bo Elris, many years ago. He didn't acknowledge her tears, just as before, but let her commune with old friends as much as long as she could. Their new cell, made of the young and old, would make Cardassia pay for every life, every year, every heartbreak, one life at a time.

    "Let's go," she said to the cell, her cell now, simply. Bajorans weren't fond of long speeches, they stood in the way of action. The only additional words that felt appropriate was, "For the fallen."

    The cell echoed her words, and marched behind her toward the door to the shuttle bay, with vengeance on their minds.

    - - - Updated - - -

    USS Ares
    Turbolift to Deck 10

    “I don’t understand why you would even consider doing this. The murder of who knows how many innocents. Why?” As Teriir spoke, he turned around to the Senior Officers and looked to them. Though no sound escaped his mouth, his expression was a scream, “GO!!!”

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher motioned to Jei and joined Biiqs and Tess. He turned his back to Ensign Barron and spoke in a low, calm tone that belied the fury he was feeling at the casual murder of Aide Erikson. "Perhaps we don't need to worry about the Cargo bay." Christopher ignored the looks he got from the assembled officers. "Jei, can we vent Bay 2 into space? That way, any explosion would do minimal damage if it doesn't suck the devices out into space first?"

    Attachment 9774
    Biiqs spoke quickly, before Jei could respond. "It may come to that, Doctor, but I don't think we need to do that just yet..." His brow furrowed in thought, as he walked away from the group toward the bulkhead.. "Maybe as a last ditch effort..."

    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    She walked over to Biiqs.

    "Do you have any way to diffuse the bombs in the Cargo bay and deal with the Extremists?" She asked.

    ((TAG: Biiqs))
    "Well," said Biiqs, as he tapped up a wall schematic of the deck. "The simple answer is no, and yes. Hopefully, disarming the bomb can wait. The extremists, however..." He tapped his commbadge. "Tarquin to Lt. Victoria Kenney. We have a possible explosive device in Cargo Bay 2, Deck 10. We also have Bajoran passengers arming themselves in that bay, who are attempting to make it to the surface in order to kill Dorvan citizens. Lock down all transporters on the deck, including cargo transporters. Make sure no shuttle leaves. I need you to page security teams on that deck to assemble at the end of that hallway. I'll also need you to begin evacuating the starboard side of that deck, forward compartments first. Split up the tasks between Tactical I and II at your discretion, and stand by. Keep a set of eyes on that cargo bay and advise me of their actions. Tarquin out."

    He tapped his badge again. "Tarquin to Lt. Kurts. Assemble an team quickly and arrange immediate site to site transport to the shuttle bay adjacent to Cargo Bay 2 on Deck 10. The Bajoran nationals we've taken aboard are arming themselves. No time to discuss, I will meet you there." Tapping the base a third time, he said, "Tarquin to Chief time to discuss, I need an immediate site to site transport to Shuttle Bay 2 to engage hostile forces. Put me behind the shuttles toward the bay doors, and then contact Lt. Kurts to arrange transport of his team to the same location."

    "Acknowledged," came the reply. He then remarked to Tess, "No doubt the captain has things well at hand. If Barron makes a move toward that detonator though, let me know!"

    Max asked Biiqs before he was transported,
    - Need a hand with the bombs?
    "Yes, as a matter of fact, I will. Maybe you can run a sensor analysis on that Cargo Bay, and come up with some ideas before we clear the hostiles out, so you can come down and help disarm it."

    He smiled and said,
    - Don't start the party without me!

    Biiqs laughed. Shortly before he coalesced into light and atoms, he could be heard to say, "If this is a party..."

    USS Ares
    Shuttlebay 2

    Biiqs eyes quickly surveyed the shuttlebay after he arrived, and immediately selected a position behind a selected a position behind a type eleven shuttlecraft. He weighed his options as Kurts and his security team arrived, as well as Max. Waiving them over, he began to discuss his plan.

    Max found himself in the Shuttle Bay with the Security team as he listened in to the plan.
    "So what's the plan, Chief?"

    "Well, frankly," he said with a sardonic chuckle, "I dont have much of one. Behind that door are a dozen and a half armed Bajorans that are going to enter here any minute. Also behind that door is a bomb. The bomb is something that Ensign Barron, the orchestrator of our current woes - I'll fill you all in later - says he can operate by remote. I dont know if it can also be operated manually, but just in case it can, I want the Bajorans locked on THIS side of the door with us, instead of engaging them on that side of the door. So we wait for them to enter, and ambush them. Max, I need you to enter one of the shuttles and patch into the ship. Make sure the door to Cargo Bay 2 stays locked after they enter. Also, patch into the sensors to see if there's anything you can find about the bomb remotely, so after we neutralize the Bajorans, we can get to work defusing it."

    (( TAG: Max ))

    Kurts laughed and replied, "Neutralize the Bajorans. Via a firefight in a shuttlebay that offers them just as much cover as us. Oh, and since there are nine of us, not including Lt. Storm, were also outnumbered 2 to 1. You weren't kidding about that 'Ive got a little cowboy in me' remark from earlier, were you?" He quickly shot signs for three man fire teams of his eight security personnel to take flanking positions in relation to the door. "We'll do fine. I--"

    Kurts' words we cut off by the opening of the Cargo Bay door.
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    (( OOC: Continued ))
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    “That just goes to show how little you know of the world,” Barron almost looked like a savage predator, ready to lunge at his prey.

    “I’ve been in active service for Starfleet for 8 years. I’ve seen more than you could possibly imagine,” Teriir recalled the first 2 years of that service which took place throughout the Dominion War. He sighed before continuing to talk, “But you can enlighten me. Why should we so much as deal with pirates and how long have you been a Syndicate cohort?”

    “The Orion Syndicate?” the fallen Ensign laughed, “An idiom to describe their role would be a ‘red herring’. They and the Nausicaans are just here for the ride and the rewards we’ve been smuggling them.”

    Teriir stared at Barron in understanding, “You knew there was a Dominion Battleship here. You told the Nausicaans and the Syndicate where to look. You provided them with advanced technology and weapons to make them a more dangerous threat to everyone here. How did you know it was here?”

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the corridor ))

    “I have my sources,” Barron grinned, “Good luck figuring out who they are.”

    “We’ll figure it out; that’s a promise.”

    “I would expect nothing less. A pity the Orions weren’t able to hold up their end of the bargain but they’re more infiltrators than fighters.”

    “I can’t argue with that,” the Captain nodded, “They wouldn’t have attacked the Ares if you hadn’t been on board because we could easily destroy them once we got going.”

    “As your fight proved,” the Traitor shrugged, unconcerned by the deaths of some of his pawns, “But at least they know how to be hospitable. The Nausicaans on the other hand were a bit rough!”

    “You were inside of the Nausicaan’s base, weren’t you?” Teriir guessed, “But I was under the impression the Orions weren’t here.”

    “I did not long after we got here and you are right. The Orions fled after their ships were destroyed on a shuttle the Nausicaans gave them. A shame they didn’t get far as Naechk ordered a demonstration of the disruptor cannon they brought him,” Barron chuckled, “It made a nice boom and none of the Orion Slave Girls they left here were any wiser about it.”

    “No doubt he did it on your suggestion. How could the people they left behind while leaving not know this?”

    “Oh, the girls were in the middle of ensuring the Nausicaan Troops were preoccupied. That made the Orions busy too.”

    “And if I told you we have plenty of Nausicaans to talk to to identify you, thus proving your actions against everyone?”

    “Nice try; I disguised myself while I was down there. All of us were under the agreement that I remain somewhat anonymous so if anyone got captured, my identity wouldn’t be revealed.”

    “I imagine you did much more at the Nausicaan base than just stop in for a chance to see a recording of the demonstration of the weaponry they later used on our shuttle.”

    The fallen Ensign grinned rather wolfishly, “Well, my only stop down there was to provide them with the access codes to the sensor network but I couldn’t resist staying the night. Grakan allowed me to borrow his Slave Girl, Therta.”

    “Really?” Teriir squinted his eyes at Barron.

    “Yeah, I enjoyed her company but she saw my face. The only reason I didn’t use these,” The Traitor paused for emphasis, revealing a pair of collapsable katars he’d been keeping up his sleeves. He made sure to pass his phaser from one hand to the other before revealing them to ensure Teriir didn’t do anything. He finished his statement after showing the blades off, “To ensure her silence was because I didn’t want to upset Grakan or the other War Leaders down there.”

    “Fine,” the Captain faked disgust. It was apparent he didn’t realize the Orion they captured earlier was Therta. He would have to tell her about the real fate of her leaders and of Barron’s intent to kill her once the Traitor was safely tossed into the brig. He kept his tone harsh and continued speaking, “What you do in your free time is your own business. I’m more interesting in how many other pirate factions have been gifted Dominion weapons.”

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the corridor; Tess ))

    “Enough to ensure the Cardassian colonies have larger problems than robbing our people of their supplies,” Baron grinned, “However, I think we can agree that Starfleet is more than able to deal with the pirates once they’ve divvied up what’s left of Cardassian space amongst themselves. Pirates are always infighting so won’t be a threat.”

    “Maybe, but people once said the Romulan Star Empire weren’t much of a threat, then they joined forces with the Klingon Empire a century ago for a time and quickly caught up to everyone technologically. Now; it took the threat of a War with the Dominion and the cooperation of both our peoples to stop Shinzon to make us start to speak to one another more openly. I’m pleased we’ve been getting along as I remember a few Romulan Officers warming up to my shipmates towards the end of the war.”

    “Compared to the Cardassians, the Romulan threat was little more than a squabble. The Cardassians are vicious monsters and deserve everything that comes to them. Between killing them off or outright enslavement, I care not what the pirates do to them. As long as the bodies pile up; I’m a happy camper!”

    “In other words, you want various pirate factions to conquer Cardassian territories and enslave their people,” Teriir glared at Baron, “The first step in this is to remove Federation support to Cardassia. You want it to become too dangerous for us to aide the Cardassian people or blame attacks on our ships by them. Or, in this case here . . . an independant people within Cardassian space.”

    “Making it look like they’ve been massacred by those freaks of nature is too good for them. They betrayed us when they left the Federation. They can redeem themselves by dying as martyrs to the end of Cardassia. With so many dead civilians, along with the Bajorans after they play their part, all done by Cardassian weapons; the Federation will have no choice but to respond!”

    “How could you even consider murdering civilians?”

    “They are a means to an end. The Federation deserves better to have Cardassian scum existing as our neighbors. They’ve ruined countless families, orphaned so many of our children. Yet we’ve chosen to break bread with those villains! My people are making certain they pay for everything they have ever done to us!”
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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher watched as Barron monologued to the captain. He couldn't believe that the man would be so stupid as to believe that he was getting out of this situation. Yet here he was spilling most everything to Teriir. Christopher wondered if Engineering could pump a gas into the area but dismissed the notion thinking that Barron had probably thought of a way to counteract it or even worse, attack the captain before it took effect.

    In the end, Christopher settled for absently toying with his phaser, patiently waiting for the status quo to change.

    Attachment 9774
    WelshAvenger Medals
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    (( OOC: Continued ))
    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    “Your people?” Teriir asked, realizing Barron was speaking not about the Bajoran Extremists but rather fellow cohorts in his plot, “Who are they?”

    “We are patriots, finishing a fight people like you abandoned 6 years ago!” Barron shouted at the Captain, his face distorted in rage.

    “How many times do I need to remind you that the Dominion War is over!” Teriir snapped, “The Treaty of Bajor officially ended the fighting!”

    “The War will not end until Cardassia pays for what they’ve done to us!”

    The Captain took a breath before answering. He needed to figure out who these cohorts were. There had to be others involved for Barron was not capable of all of this without some sort of help, “Who is us? Countless people died during the war and we’re tired of fighting. There has to be something better than that to solve our problems.”

    “What good is a piece of paper when the people who sign it decide to begin feeding our nemesis?”

    “And while we’ve been trying to build bridges, you and your friends have been tearing the ones we’ve made down! We can’t stop wars from happening when you -”

    Barron cut him off, “They know nothing but war! All they’ll ever do is slaughter and destroy!”

    “This is about your father isn’t it?” Teriir thought aloud, succeeding in making the Fallen Ensign pause. Noticing he had his attention, he murmured gently, “You told me so yourself that he died during the Battle of Tyra. You and your mother were safe because he chose to fight so you wouldn’t have too. Killing and ruining others' lives won’t bring him back.”

    “My mother and I both know that; and that is why he is one of the greatest martyrs in modern history.”

    “Martyr? He’s your own father! You mother wouldn’t . . .” he grunted in surprise at Barron’s attempt to justify needless violence but froze, “Of course . . . your mother is an Admiral. The Admiral responsible for helping with reconstructing Federation Worlds following the War, no less. She has all the access your terrorist cell needs to carry out its actions undetected.”

    “WE ARE PATRIOTS!!!” Baron screamed at him, “And she isn’t some ramble we’ve manipulated into helping us! ”

    “Admiral Wilma Baron is your leader, isn’t she! She gave you special access codes which have enabled you to do what you wanted. Forging the signatures on orders to various departments and people on our ship was easy with Admiralty level access codes. You’ve been careful though, to not draw too much attention to yourself. Small things which can be easily missed if one isn't paying close attention. I imagine these forcefields you’ve erected, along with the computer program you installed, were given to you by her. Your mother and father gained so much during their lifetime of service to the Federation and you have thrown everything your father believed in away for revenge.”

    “Revenge is just one reason why we’ve continued fighting the Cardassians. They have proven time and time again that they will never yield to us.”

    “You do realize one of ours, Amita Patel, was killed when you helped the Nausicaans shoot down the Ramses, right? You have murdered one of your own people, Barron.”

    “So what?” Barron’s shrug made a few of the surrounding Officers gasp in shock, “I’ve killed Starfleet Officers before and will keep doing it until we get what we want!”

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the corridor ))

    Teriir clenched his hand into a fist, “What have you done?”

    “Hahaha!” Barron burst out laughing, “I set everything up for the ‘tragic loss’ of the starship Hokkaido!”

    A shiver raced through Teriir’s spine, “The Hokkaido was a Cheyenne Class starship destroyed 2 years ago by the Orions while she was delivering relief supplies to Korma. She was attacked by the Orion Syndicate. The leading rumor was that a Cardassian Diplomat traveling on board was actually a member of the True Way and sabotaged the ship. How did you . . .”

    “I was a 3rd Year Cadet at that time doing a field study,” Barron smiled as though he’d just eaten a humongous meal, “Remember my shield trick I tried pulling on your ship? Well, it worked then! Your ship was lucky to have ablative armor which I didn’t take into account when planning the attack.”

    “Once the people who survived the attack were recovered, her Captain was forced to resign by your mother over what happened. She claimed he’d been neglecting his duties to everyone involved,” Teriir was now glaring at Barron the same way he did at a Cardassian Gul during the War named Gul Malak, “You got away with murder!”

    “Those who died were casualties of war and acceptable losses.”

    “Acceptable? You killed your people! Meanwhile, your mother took on the Hokkaido’s First Officer as her Attaché following the attack. It was because of her attempt to investigate the matter further so this was done to silence her, wasn’t it?”

    “Indeed. Although the blame didn’t go to the Cardassians, ensuring someone who wasn’t with us took the fall made certain we could try again. When we’ve finished our mission here at Dorvan V; the Cardassian threat shall finally end!”

    “End? The Wars we’ve experienced have been devastating! Millions on both sides have died; Billions in the last war!” Teriir could barely keep himself steady due to his outraged realization, “Your allying with pirates and claims that the Cardassians should become an enslaved, trash race across the galaxy is not what you and your cohorts want! You want worse than that, don’t you! You don’t want them to lose just their freedom, their culture, their worlds; you want the Federation to have a third war with Cardassia!”

    “A war to end all wars,” Baron smiled proudly, “The annihilation of all Cardassians! Thanks to the Dominion’s assault on Cardassia Prime at the end of the Dominion War, they have been weakened almost to the point of no return. We will kill them all and avenge everyone who has died!”


    “Tell that to the millions of coffins that have been filled by the Cardassian war machine! Don’t tell me I’m wrong! You’ve fought the Cardassians; you know what they are capable of! Once we were barely keeping them at bay. Nowadays, Starfleet has the strength to end their menace to the galaxy once and for all and when our mission is over, they will at last have the reason needed to slaughter them all! Down to their last pathetic child!”

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the corridor ))
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    Deck 10 - Cargo Bay 2

    Max, I need you to enter one of the shuttles and patch into the ship. Make sure the door to Cargo Bay 2 stays locked after they enter. Also, patch into the sensors to see if there's anything you can find about the bomb remotely, so after we neutralize the Bajorans, we can get to work defusing it."
    Max smirked a little, saying,
    - Sounds like you got a little bit of Cowboy in ya.

    Kurts laughed and replied, "Neutralize the Bajorans. Via a firefight in a shuttlebay that offers them just as much cover as us. Oh, and since there are nine of us, not including Lt. Storm, were also outnumbered 2 to 1. You weren't kidding about that 'Ive got a little cowboy in me' remark from earlier, were you?" He quickly shot signs for three man fire teams of his eight security personnel to take flanking positions in relation to the door. "We'll do fine. I--"

    Kurts' words we cut off by the opening of the Cargo Bay door.
    Max saw the door open & two phaser beams whized by his head. He knew it was go time.
    - Chief, keep them off my ass while I scan the bombs!

    He then went into a shuttle & began his work.

    ((TAG Biqu))
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    Tess was wondering what to do.

    She wanted to speak up, but needed to be careful so Baron didn't kill the Captain, however Baron most likely wouldn't kill him, as the Captain was the only leverage he had that he could shoot.

    When Baron started yelling about killing off the Cardassians, Tess was starting to see this was a guy with no regrets about anything.

    “Tell that to the millions of coffins that have been filled by the Cardassian war machine! Don’t tell me I’m wrong! You’ve fought the Cardassians; you know what they are capable of! Once we were barely keeping them at bay. Nowadays, Starfleet has the strength to end their menace to the galaxy once and for all and when our mission is over, they will at last have the reason needed to slaughter them all! Down to their last pathetic child!”
    "Your wrong, Ensign" Tess said, looking over at the Captain. "Starfleet would never massacre Billions of people, because they are NOT the Dominion."

    "You claim that a war to end the Cardassians would be necessary. I'm telling you now it would not. Everyone suffered from that war, the Cardassians rebelled against Dominion control and paid heavily for it. There is no need to wipe out an entire race just to satisfy your personal lust for vengeance. You say a war is justified if it kills all the Cardassians. Would you say that about every war Earth has had? The first two World Wars killed Millions, and all because of a few peoples lust for revenge. The First World War you had, was revenge for a murder. The Second was hate towards certain people. Does that not sound anything like your hate towards the Cardassians? Driving creatures to extinction never ends well. Vulcan had a massive war, and my people were nearly wiped out because of this. Peace and helping your enemies after a war is the only way to fix a problem, not attempting to murder them all for the mistakes of their leaders." Tess said.

    ((OOC: I'll let Asteropax write Barons response to this))
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    Attachment 9774

    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    “You do realize one of ours, Amita Patel, was killed when you helped the Nausicaans shoot down the Ramses, right? You have murdered one of your own people, Barron.”

    “So what?” Barron’s shrug made a few of the surrounding Officers gasp in shock, “I’ve killed Starfleet Officers before and will keep doing it until we get what we want!”
    Barron's first words after being reminded about Amita's murder effectively sealed his fate in Christopher's mind. He could feel his grip on the phaser tighten and the blood was pounding in his ears. He turned away from the forcefield and glanced at Jei, his gaze promising the Engineer that Barron was going to suffer. He tapped his commbadge angrily, "Cushing to sickbay."

    =/\= Sickbay here =/\=

    "I'm going to need a medical team outside the causeway to the captain's yacht, stay out of sight though. Bring restraints too." Instructed Christopher.

    =/\= Aye Sir, sickbay out =/\=

    Christopher turned back to watch Barron. The look on his face promising a world of hurt on the oblivious Ensign.

    Attachment 9774
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    Deck 14 - Yacht Causeway

    While most eyes were on the Captain and Barron, Jei had stepped to the side to a maintenance console. She put in her access codes and checked the schematic of the causeway. Ensign Barron was standing near a power coupling. Not near enough that it would seriously injury or kill him, which Jei had no qualms about doing. But she didn't want to cause too big of an overload that would endanger the Captain.

    She tapped on the console and did some calculations in her head. As much as Jei was skilled at repairing things, she was equally skilled in doing the reverse. It may be true that Barron had locked out everyone from disengaging the force fields via command codes. But he didn't think about locking out a lowly technician from maintenance access. Though, it would be many hours of work to repair the damage Jei was about to cause... she felt not only justified, but invigorated by it.

    As Christopher locked eyes with her, Jei nodded back and hit the execute command to initiate the power overload. It would be a few moments, before the coupling overloaded, and effectively taking out the force fields. The entire area would be bathed in darkness for a moment before emergency lightning switched on. If Jei's luck held out, Barron would also have some nasty burns on his rear.

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the causeway ))
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    Deck 14 - Yacht Causeway
    As Christopher locked eyes with her, Jei nodded back and hit the execute command to initiate the power overload. It would be a few moments, before the coupling overloaded, and effectively taking out the force fields. The entire area would be bathed in darkness for a moment before emergency lightning switched on. If Jei's luck held out, Barron would also have some nasty burns on his rear.
    Christopher's eyes widened as he realised what Jei had set in motion. "Cancel the overload, Jei!" he whispered urgently.

    (( TAG: Jei))

    "I'm sorry Jei, it's a brilliant idea but he might still be able to shoot the Captain despite the overload." reasoned Christopher. "Besides, the Captain seems to be keeping him occupied with explaining everything right now. I think the Captain's waiting for the bombs to be neutralised before anyone makes a move. As soon as we get the word though, we're going to blow the coupling, overpower Barron and then see just how injured a person can get while being moved to sickbay."

    OOC:- I hope that works to keep the narrative flowing Smile
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    Deck 14 - Yacht Causeway

    Christopher's eyes widened as he realised what Jei had set in motion. "Cancel the overload, Jei!" he whispered urgently.
    Jei sigh'd then tapped a key that shunted the power to several dozen power junctions as the system was designed to do.
    "I'm sorry Jei, it's a brilliant idea but he might still be able to shoot the Captain despite the overload." reasoned Christopher. "Besides, the Captain seems to be keeping him occupied with explaining everything right now. I think the Captain's waiting for the bombs to be neutralised before anyone makes a move. As soon as we get the word though, we're going to blow the coupling, overpower Barron and then see just how injured a person can get while being moved to sickbay."
    "As long as I can tattoo a peace symbol on his forehead... let him reflect on that meaning every time he looks at himself in the mirror," replied Jei.

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the causeway ))
    Silynn Medals