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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Sun 05 May, 2019 12:35 AM.
    Uss Ares
    Cargo Bay 2

    As Biiqu finished up, Max took a look at the device he disarmed himself.
    - Chief, when you dispose of these, can you salvage the casings for me please?

    ((TAG Biiqu))
    - It's for a personal project. I intend to turn those into a sword.

    ((TAG Biiqu))
    - Its a long story. Suffice to say, its a family skill.

    Max stuck his hand in his pocket & leaned back onto a cargo case. He felt two smooth hoops in his pocket. Max's eyes widened & said under his breath,
    - God damn it.

    ((TAG Biiqu))
    - I forgot about Sam's wedding rings!

    ((TAG Biiqu))
    JoshBroughm Medals
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    As R’Turan

    A chime to the Tactical Station interrupted Commander R’Turan’s focus on listening to the conversation between Captain Teriir and Ensign Barron on the viewscreen.
    As they concluded, Biiqs tapped his combadge. "Tarquin to....Tarquin to Lt. Victoria Kenney," he said as he changed his mind quickly. Please patch me through to R'Turan's commbadge. Set the volume low enough for him to hear and no one else."
    "Stand by,” Lieutenant Kenny spoke as R’Turan got out of the Chair to stand beside her console, “Ready, Commander."

    "Tarquin to R'Turan. The Bajorans are in custody and thanks to some great work by Lt. Storm, the bombs are all disabled."
    “Excellent work!” the Commander praised them and heard a collective sigh of relief from the other Bridge Officers, “We needed some good news; the hostage situation was gotten worse.”

    (( TAG: Biiqs and Max ))

    “The Captain has been tethered to the deck by a pair of Nausicaan Energy Lance Traps and Barron is currently in his face about-” he stopped mid-sentence when a collective groan erupted from the other officers. He looked to the viewscreen and his eyes widened over how much things had changed, “What happened?”

    Lieutenant Nagi spoke for everyone, “Um . . . Captian Teriir just kicked Ensign Barron in the nuts. I guess he should’ve tethered his legs instead of his arms!”

    “Wait, look,” Kenny pointed.
    Moving fast, knowing he’d only enraged Barron once again, he kicked the detonator closer to himself. He grabbed it as best he could with both feet together and jumped up. The motion brought the detonator with it and, more importantly, caught it. He gave a sharp nod towards the direction of the Senior Officers and then towards Locke and the security team to tell them to do whatever the plan was. He was able to reach to a back pocket and slid the detonator into it so it was out of Barron’s sight just before the Traitor recovered enough to stare at him with eyes resembling pits of fury.
    (( TAG: Biiqs and Max ))

    “The Captain just secured the detonator and is signaling us to begin our rescue plan,” R’Turan informed the two Senior Officers before shifting his attention to Captain Tarusi, “Is everything ready?”

    “Yes,” the Captain answered from where he was standing in a holodeck, “Standing by.”

    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    “YOU BASTARD!!!” Barron yelled with teary eyes and blood running around his nose, “Y-Y-You just tried to kill me.”

    “I will admit to being tempted to wrap one of these cables around your neck and pull really hard, among other things,” Teriir blinked back at him with a sigh, “But enough lives have been lost due to your madness already.”

    “If half of what you’ve said about the War are true, then you of all people should abandon Starfleet’s so-called peace and be on my side fighting the Cardassians!”

    The Captain instantly forced a hand up to his combadge and reminded himself of its significance to him. It used to belong to a Starfleet Officer who was a mentor and friend of his during the Dominion War. She gave it to him when she died in his arms. He adjusted his posture and shouted at the Traitor, “I wear the insignia of a Starfleet Officer with pride!”

    “Pride? Seriously!” Barron snapped as he scrambled to his feet, “What is the moment of the Dominion War you look back on the most with a smile on your face?”

    “When we were informed that the War was over and we would no longer need to fight and die.”

    The fallen Ensign began shaking in rage as this was clearly not the answer he wanted to hear. He looked around the ground and the glee in his eyes shone ominously as he spotted where he dropped his phaser. He bent down to pick it up and began laughing, “Consider this your last chance to give me your Access Codes.”

    =^= Wally. =^=

    “Dad?” Barron breathed in disbelief. Teriir managed to peek over the Ensign’s shoulder and saw a console behind him was a video of Wallace Barron’s father being played. The Captain watched as he turned around and walked slowly up to the console but was forced to shut his eyes as an unusual light enveloped the corridor. A moment later his eyes readjusted and he was just barely able to remain silent at the shock that awaited him.

    A few additional people had been added to the corridor, including a Saurian Starfleet Captain. He looked around in confusion until he spotted Lieutenant Vars hurrying over towards him. She halted in front of him, “Captain! We’ve got you on mute for a moment.”

    “What happened?” he asked, feeling a little bewildered over what was going on, “What are you doing here?”

    “We beamed you aboard the starship Charybdis and are using the holographic communications to have you still appear to be in the corridor,” she explained quickly, “Why myself and others from our ship being present here can wait. The important thing is that the bombs have been disarmed and the Bajorans captured. Some of the others are going to blow the console Barron is at right now and drop the forcefields at the same time.”

    “You have been busy,” Teriir smiled and looked back at the scene before him. His eyes narrowed at the phaser still in Barron’s hand, “Don’t detonate the console yet. I don’t want to risk anyone else getting shot by him. Can I make physical contact with him?”

    “You can,” the Saurian Captain replied, “Commander R’Turan figured you would want to disarm him before your people engaged.”

    “Then get ready to beam those weapons out,” Captain Teriir instructed the people present. Realizing he was holding onto the now holographic cables that were holding him, he lowered them down and took a step towards Barron, “Unmute me.”

    The Captain eyed Barron before charging him. The impact slammed Barron hard into the far wall and made him drop the phaser once more. The Ensign drew both of his katar almost by reflex and stared at Teriir in shock, “What the?”

    “My turn.”

    Barron’s eyes darted around his face, searching for a sign this wasn’t happening. He was afraid. The Ensign swung a katar at Teriir but the Captain caught his wrist and wrenched the blade from his grasp. Barron spun back around and began laughing, “Okay then.”

    The first swing of their weapons caused Barron’s katar to fly across the corridor. Before he could react, Teriir threw aside the blade he stole from Barron and proceeded to drive him back into position in front of the console. The Traitor was shaking, more from adrenaline and anger, than from pain. The Captain watched him for a second and then walked backwards, towards the door to Mr. Urquhart’s Office, “I’m sorry.”

    “You better be sorry for attacking the son of an Admiral!” Barron shouted, “She is going to make your life hell!”

    “There are some battles which people never speak of because they were so traumatic. Battles which made them actually live in hell,” Teriir responded steadily and continued moving backwards, “However, I was apologizing for the mess we are about to create and for making some very anxious people wait so long.”

    As he stepped through the door like a ghost phasing through walls to scare someone in a holostory, he had the satisfaction of seeing two things. First was the weapons getting transported off the Ares so Barron couldn’t use them. Second was the Traitor’s horrified face at the realization he’d just lost everything.

    (( TAG: Everyone still in the Corridor ))
    (( OOC: Jei can explode the console now, Tess can follow up with the nerve pinch, and Christopher can do his ending take. ))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 05 May, 2019 4:10 AM.
    USS Ares
    Cargo Bay 2

    As R’Turan

    “Excellent work!” the Commander praised them and heard a collective sigh of relief from the other Bridge Officers, “We needed some good news; the hostage situation was gotten worse.”
    "Has it?" Biiqs frowned. He was hoping that the captain would be able to outmaneuver the more inexperienced Barron. "Is the Captain okay?""

    “The Captain has been tethered to the deck by a pair of Nausicaan Energy Lance Traps and Barron is currently in his face about-” he stopped mid-sentence when a collective groan erupted from the other officers. He looked to the viewscreen and his eyes widened over how much things had changed, “What happened?”

    Lieutenant Nagi spoke for everyone, “Um . . . Captian Teriir just kicked Ensign Barron in the nuts. I guess he should’ve tethered his legs instead of his arms!”

    “Wait, look,” Kenny pointed.
    Biiqs waited silently for a reply, the seconds grating on him.

    “The Captain just secured the detonator and is signaling us to begin our rescue plan,” R’Turan informed the two Senior Officers before shifting his attention to Captain Tarus.
    Biiqs breathed a sigh of relief. "I'd better get over there," he said to Max.

    As Biiqs finished up, Max took a look at the device he disarmed himself.
    - Chief, when you dispose of these, can you salvage the casings for me please?
    "Certainly, Mr. Storm," he replied, with a quizzical look. "We're going to run a forensic analysis on the materials to see where they all came from, and perhaps to see if we're lucky enough to get some DNA matches, but that shouldn't take too long. Did you need to study the casings as well for some reason?"

    Originally Posted by Joshua A. Broughm;390078
    - It's for a personal project. I intend to turn those into a sword.
    Biiqs' eyes widened in surprise. "Why...I never would have expected that. That's very interesting. Is metalwork a hobby of yours?"

    Originally Posted by Joshua A. Broughm;390078
    - Its a long story. Suffice to say, its a family skill.
    "I see," he said with a smile. "Well, when you're done, please let me see the finished work. I'd be very interested. If you fancy making an extra dagger or ushaan-tor or something, let me know!"

    After talking with Max, Biiqs gave brief orders as to the securing of the bomb materials, then hurried back to the Arboretum corridor to check the situation.

    (( TAG: Max, Asteropax))
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    Sam's quarters

    The morning after

    When Sam got up, he threw on a t-shirt & joggers, then sat at his desk, deciding on looking up his mail. Akyv entered from the bedroom shortly after, wearing nothing but her bra & a pair of night pants. She went over to Sam & gave him a passionate kiss, full on the lips. Sam smiled and laughed a bit, saying,
    - That was nice, last night.

    Akyv gave him a sly smile, saying,
    - Thanks, sweetie. How about we get dressed & get breakfast with Dad.

    Sam shook his head & said,
    - I wish I could, but I have some paperwork to catch up on with what went down yesterday. Lunch, maybe?

    Akyv gave a small nod & pecked him on the cheek, then went to get ready. Sam was preparing a report of the incident to the Department of State, when the chime sounded.
    -It's Open!

    The door opened. Max Storm entered, just wearing a t-shirt & jeans.
    - Hey, Max! Have a seat.

    Max nodded and took the chair in front of the desk.
    - Sorry about not getting these to you sooner.

    He pulled out a ring box that had the emblem of the Storm Family Forge on it, then slid it across the desk to Sam.
    - We could've waited a couple of days for this, dude.

    Max shook his head, saying,
    - It was nothing to do the design work. I had the blanks for the rings done long ago.

    Sam smiled, saying,
    -Thanks. I'm sure she'll love these.

    - Love what?

    Sam & Max both jumped when they heard the voice of Akyv. She was now wearing a vintage Metallica Tee-shirt, with tight leather pants, a pair of sensible shoes & a leather jacket. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail. Sam quickly stuffed the ring box into a desk drawer, smiled widely & said,
    - Uh....The new breakfast items on the menu at ten forward!

    Akyv quirked her eyebrow and crossed her arms.
    - Well, isn't that just....

    Sam smiled widely. Akyv looked into his eyes & immediately loosened up, saying,
    - Damn, I could never stay mad at you.

    She came over, pecked him on the cheek & went out. Max couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He said,
    - That was too funny!

    Sam smirked and said,
    - Shut up, you.

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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher watched the scene unfold in front of him, waiting for the right moment. At last, Barron moved in front of the correct panel.

    "Jei, if you would be so kind?" he said quietly.

    Jei quickly keyed in the sequence to start the overload, then stood back to watch the show.

    Christopher stared at Barron and smiled disarmingly, waiting for the inevitable explosion and force field collapse. Barron was going to suffer for Amita's death.

    Attachment 9774

    (( TAG: Biiqs, Tess ))

    OOC: Ok folks, it's been a week since anyone posted on the storyline and it's time for the exciting bits, let's see what we can do with our traitor.
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    USS Chardybis

    Captain Teriir watched as Barron staggered around while looking around frantically at the realization his plots were crumbling around him. He instinctively shot a hand up to his face as the console near the treacherous Ensign exploded outwards, shocking him to his knees. He got up, his eyes gleaming to show his fight returning. The first person to reach him was Lieutenant Tess and the Captain didn’t need to know how this would go; Vulcans were 3 times stronger than Humans and backup for the Fighter Pilot was readily available.

    (( TAG: Tess ))

    The Captain turned and spoke to one of the other Officers in the holodeck, “Seeing the situation is being handled, I need to return to my ship.”

    “Of course!” the Officer answered as he headed over to a console to activate the transporter, “Do you want to take your Outfitter with you?”

    “Yes,” he nodded and shot Lieutenant Vars a grin. She dipped her head in consent and moved to stand next to him, “Send us into the Diplomatic Office in the section of the ship we are viewing.”

    A moment later the world blurred and shifted as the transporters brought them back to the Ares. Taking stock of the new location, he couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement at the collection of some sort of cartoon character statues along one wall. He was surprised he hadn’t seen it when he came by earlier that day.

    “What do you think is going to happen to our treacherous friend?” Vars’ asked somewhat innocently next to him.

    “Life sentence,” Teriir guessed, “The list of crimes against him is long and will likely lengthen once a full investigation is completed. As for other people who conspired with him, that’ll depend on their role. Some of them may not even realize the extent of what he’s done.”

    “Once they’re caught,” she pointed out, “We still have no idea who or where those people are.”

    “True, but I’m going to speak with Starfleet Command soon. They’re better equipped than we are to sort everything out. All we need to do is hold onto him until we can arrange transport.”

    “Since he’s had a surprising amount of access to our ship’s systems, that’s a good idea,” Vars agreed and froze. He heard the phaser shot too and hurried to the door.

    The Captain burst into the corridor, making most everyone jump and glance at him. He looked down at the unconscious Barron and then over to Doctor Cushing, who had a phaser in his hand. He guessed Christopher had just discharged a shot set to stun into the Traitor and waited to hear what he had to say about it.

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    Satisfied, Teriir turned to Lt. Commander Biiqs, who must’ve joined them when he was beaming back to the ship, “Excellent job in disarming the bombs and capturing the Extremists, Commander. Please take this traitor to the brig. It would be best to put him in the isolation cell as it has transport inhibitors along with extra layers of security. We should also put extra guards around him to make sure he doesn’t make any escape attempts.”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    Watching as Biiqs and some of the other Security Officers gather Barron up and half carry, half drag him away, he let out a quiet sigh, “What a waste. If he’d chosen to become someone the Federation could be proud of over revenge, he would’ve made a fine Officer. We’ll never know for sure now.”

    “I can’t argue with that,” Lieutenant Locke commented at his shoulder, “Anything in particular you wish to do now?”

    “I’m going to go to sickbay and stay there for the night,” the Captain answered, “I need to get my arms checked out and make sure my shoulder heals.”

    “You ought to get going before something else happens,” Vars teased as she headed off with some of the other people who were dispersing. He watched her go and couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be there the next morning. Pretty soon, he was alone with Locke.

    His longtime friend looked towards the damaged console, “Someone is going to be busy with cleanup duty tomorrow. Are you okay?”

    “I’m alright, but,” Teriir paused to think through the best way to say it, “I’m tired of the fighting and dying. We have to be better than this.”

    “We will,” Locke commented as he escorted him to the turbolift so he could get to sickbay.
    (( OOC: I've gone ahead with my character's perspective of what happens. I believe I've left enough room for everyone to reply and we'll be moving onto the next day now. ))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    Tess watched as the Ensigns plans crumbled to dust around him, and the corner of her mouth turned up just enough that only she would notice. There was no emotion behind it, just Tess showing she could be a bit different to other Vulcans.

    The console near Barron exploded, and he fell to his knees before getting up, while staggering slightly.

    Tess was slightly faster then most of the Security officers, and being physically stronger then most humans gave her an edge, got to Barron first.

    Barron clearly hadn't decided to give up, and attempted to punch Tess in the jaw before she could do anything.

    She managed to dodge the first punch, and dropped back a bit. Barron swung his fists at her madly, and Tess saw a glint in his eyes showing her that he was quite clearly going mad.

    A Security Officer jumped in, trying to knock him out, however Barron punched him right in the chest, sending him sprawling backwards.

    Another Officer fired a phaser set on stun, making Barron stagger for a few seconds.

    Tess used this momentary weakness to her advantage, lunging at Barron. He attempted to punch her again, but she caught the raised fist and managed to restrain him, shoving him against a wall in the process. She moved her free hand towards the base of his neck and shoulders.

    Barron realised what she was trying to do and struggled violently to attempt to break free, but he had noticed too late. Her hand pinched the pressure point at the base of his neck, and the fight slowly went out of Barron's eyes and he slumped to the floor unconscious......

    Tess looked around and eventually looked down at her own uniform, wiping away the dust and grime.
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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher patiently watched as Tess delivered the Vulcan nerve pinch to Barron, collapsing him onto the floor. Several security team members rushed over to pick up the unconscious ensign. "Wait a sec, guys," Christopher began, "he's been hurt. I'll give him a quick check before we get him to the brig."

    One of the security crewmen looked at Christopher, "No way we're letting go of him Doc."

    "Works for me, you can just hold him upright while I scan him." replied Christopher, reaching for his tricorder.

    As Christopher ran the sensor over Ensign Barron's inert form, he stirred and groaned in pain.

    "Suck it up, Ensign." Christopher said harshly, "There's no lasting damage and you'll live until we can get you to the brig."

    Barron narrowed his eyes at Christopher, "So much for your Hippocratic oath."

    Christopher smiled and leaned right into the Ensign's face, "Here's the thing, boy. My oath says I must do no harm, which kinda means that I can cause as much pain as I like as long as it doesn't debilitate you. Think about that on your way to the brig. Get him out of my sight." Christopher turned to walk away.

    "The brig and then a penal institute for life because they'll never give me a death sentence. I'll be out before they've finished mourning for your little pilot friend." crowed Barron.

    Christopher stopped dead in his tracks and glanced at Jei. She was shaking her head, her eyes filled with tears. Christopher turned to face the traitor, his face a mask of barely contained fury, the phaser already in his hand.

    The security guards hissed at Barron, "Shut the hell up man!"

    Slowly, Christopher thumbed the power setting on the phaser.

    Barron wriggled in the very secure grasp of the security officers and smirked, "I'll be sipping cocktails before her husband has finished the memorial arrangements and there's not a damn thin.."

    Christopher shot Barron in the face.

    The guards, taken by surprise, dropped Barron's body to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL, DOC?!?"

    Christopher lowered the phaser as running footsteps sounded in the corridor, "For Amita." He said to the guards. "Besides, it was only on stun."

    Captain Teriir stormed into the causeway wearing a 'what happened here?' look on his face.

    "Sir," one of the guards chipped in, "Ensign Barron resisted arrest and tried to retrieve my firearm. Doc here stunned him to prevent further loss of life."

    Christopher winked at the security guards and turned to face his Captain, "Exactly how it went down, Sir."

    Attachment 9774

    (( TAG: Anyone else. ))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Sickbay

    Captain Teriir blinked and wondered where he was for a moment before recalling everything. He’d decided to stay the night in Sickbay to get everything checked out and to receive treatment for any injuries dealt to him. His bad shoulder felt odd; as though it hadn’t been injured in the first place. Sitting up to examine it, a small weight on his other arm shifted and his eyes reflected into those of Lieutenant Vars.

    “Morning, sleepyhead,” she commented with a smile.

    He lay back down and smiled back at her, “Good to see you. Is everyone alright?”

    “Yes. Everyone is back onboard the ship. Barron’s being kept sedated in the isolation cell so he couldn’t try anything stupid,” she explained but let out a laugh at the small cry which made both of them look over towards a more secluded section of sickbay, “Ha ha, and that’s the reason you’re in a regular medical bed and not over there!”

    “Mrs. Celria had her baby last night,” Teriir guessed happily. They finally had something wonderful to celebrate, “I’ll have to say hello soon.”

    “They’re currently being watched by some of the medical staff,” she informed him, “You’ll have to wait until they say so.”

    “Alright,” he nodded sheepishly and fell silent as he stared towards the area where the new family was resting. He couldn’t help but remember two of their people, Erikson and Patel, died just a short time ago. It was weird how swiftly he was able to push those thoughts out of his mind and look forward to the good things in life. He sensed Vars was about to depart and spoke up quickly, “Can you stick around for awhile?”

    Jenha Vars looked at him longingly for a second before answering, “I’m afraid not. I have some supplies I need to help prepare to send to the colony. I . . . I know we still need to talk about us but our duties have always come first.”

    Teriir nodded in understanding as she headed out and looked at the monitors for his vitals. Everything looked good and he guessed the doctors did some extra treatments for his shoulder so he wouldn’t need to worry about further visits. Well, further visits regarding yesterday’s shrapnel injury. He got up and began stretching to loosen his stiff muscles. Partway through, he spotted someone quietly watching his exercise.

    “How long have you been standing there, M’iia?” he asked the Catian Ambassadorial Attaché.

    “Not that long. Like Jenha and, like, your entire crew, I wanted to know you were alright,” she flicked her ears in response and stepped over to sit on one of the hospital beds near him, “Speaking of, are the two of you doing okay? I’ve noticed she’s been acting differently since you guys had your fight.”

    “We’re alright but there’s some questions that need sorting out,” he answered before frowning, “Why the interest in her? You don’t even like her.”

    “Like the relationship you have with Ian Lucky? You two -”


    “Oh, sorry! Anyway, you told me the two of you met by promptly getting into an all out fistfight and still became friends,” M’iia flustered initially but kept going, “We girls are different but it doesn’t mean I don’t respect her. Besides, it wouldn't have worked out if it were us. We’re too different in our lifestyles.”

    “That’s true,” he admitted, “Although you haven’t answered my question.”

    “She’s not my friend but you are. I shouldn’t have to stand by and watch you two go back and forth like this,” she leaned towards him and spoke insistently, “I can’t stand seeing you without your dearest friend. Talk to her about what caused you two to break up but still want each other, okay?”

    “We will,” he replied, “As soon as we can find the -”

    “No if, ands, or buts about it,” M’iia snapped at him with an angry, lashing tail, “You are going to speak to her about it the next time you’re in the same room together. Got it?”

    Teriir gazed at her for a few seconds before answering, “I will talk to Jenha later today.”

    “That’s better,” she grinned, “Now, why are you still hanging out on a medical bed? You heard her about there being a lot to do!”

    “Yes there is!” he agreed with a laugh, “Thanks for talking to me.”

    “What are friends for?” M’iia teased a moment before her tone darkened, “Now go do something that’ll help solve some of our problems here. Like what are you going to do with that . . . monster who gloated about the death of your shipmate?”

    “Nothing pleasant,” he promised with a cold expression, “But first, I need to inform Starfleet Command about what’s happened. Then, I’m going to have a lengthy conversation with Barron about what hell really is.”

    “Pardon?” she asked in confusion.

    “Barron said he was going to figure out how to make everyone’s life aboard this ship hell during his rants yesterday,” Teriir explained.

    “Oh, um,” she stood up so she could change seats to one next to him. Taking his hand, she continued, “Are you sure you want to do that?”

    “I’m not going to beat him up,” he shook his head, realizing she was misinterpreting his statement, “But he needs a reality check. I find myself needing to talk about what happened towards the end of the war.”

    “I think all of us want to hear,” M’iia pointed out as she stood up to leave, “I know who you are but your crew doesn’t. You should open up to them too.”

    “When did you get so good at offering advice?”

    “You’re not the only one who has good friends watching out for them,” she winked as she headed out of Sickbay. The Captain got up and left soon after so he could head over to the brig.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Mon 20 May, 2019 6:40 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 10

    By the time Biiqs made it to the corridor outside of the Diplomatic Office, it appeared that everyone had things well in hand. Barron was in the clutches of two burly security officers, and apparently being tended to by the doctor. Seeing this, he turned toward a panel on the wall to access the security grid.

    “Computer, lock Ensign Wallace Barron out of all ships functions as he is currently under arrest. Freeze all personal and duty log entries, per investigative protocols, and compile a list of all systems accessed by Ensign Barron during his assignment to the Ares. Access restricted to security chief, tactical operations chief, first officer and Captain. Security clearance code Tarquin Alpha Tau Epsilon.”


    Biiqs turned back toward the bickering between Christopher, the guards, and Barron, just in time to see the flash of the phaser.

    The guards, taken by surprise, dropped Barron's body to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL, DOC?!?"
    Christopher lowered the phaser as running footsteps sounded in the corridor, "For Amita." He said to the guards. "Besides, it was only on stun."
    Captain Teriir stormed into the causeway wearing a 'what happened here?' look on his face.
    "Sir," one of the guards chipped in, "Ensign Barron resisted arrest and tried to retrieve my firearm. Doc here stunned him to prevent further loss of life."
    Christopher winked at the security guards and turned to face his Captain, "Exactly how it went down, Sir."
    Biqqs cast a suspicious eye at one of the security guards, but couldn’t confirm or deny what happened himself as he had been occupied. At any rate, Barron was none the worse for wear, collapsed in the corridor, face flushed from the phaser impact. And drooling in a most undignified manner. The stun setting must have loosened his facial muscles. And cleared his sinuses, he observed, as a snot bubble began to form. He looked more like a overburdened teenage cadet sleeping in class than the traitor who had almost ended the lives of everyone aboard the ship. It was a bit irregular, but he could hardly fault the doctor. With the experiences of the war and the harrowing experiences that they all went through, "vengeance on stun" was much better than the more likely forms of vengeance.
    Satisfied, Teriir turned to Lt. Commander Biiqs, who must’ve joined them when he was beaming back to the ship, “Excellent job in disarming the bombs and capturing the Extremists, Commander.
    “Thank you sir, but it was a team effort. Lieutenant Kurts improvised a plan of attack that ended the firefight with the Bajorans abruptly, and Lt. Storm was able to improvise a method to disable the bombs efficiently. They are worthy of commendation. It’ll all be in my report.”
    Please take this traitor to the brig. It would be best to put him in the isolation cell as it has transport inhibitors along with extra layers of security. We should also put extra guards around him to make sure he doesn’t make any escape attempts.”
    Aye sir, we’ll make sure he’s secure. He turned to the security guards and said, “Scoop him up. Take him to the isolation cell. Absolutely no visitors, outside of Lieutenant Locke, the Captain, or the First Officer. Make sure the transport inhibitors are activated. Stand on guard yourselves until relieved. I will accompany you myself and take a detour into the security office to set formal watches and issue additional custody orders if needed. ” With that, Biiqs nodded at the assembled officers and set off for the Brig.
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Just outside of sickbay

    Sam bid max farewell, then read over the report that he compiled. After reading it, he rubbed his temple & said to himself,
    - Damned headache.
    He got up, transferred the report to a PADD, then headed to the sickbay. When he entered, Sam almost slammed into the Captain, saying,
    - Sorry Dryel, didn't realise you were coming out.
    ((TAG Terrir))
    Sam laughed a bit, saying,
    - I always seem to be doing that. Where you off to now?
    ((TAG Terrir))
    Sam's face stiffened a bit, saying,
    - I see. I may want to join you. There's one thing that this job requires me to do. No, not for Barron. The Bajorans.
    ((TAG Terrir))
    Sam nodded and said,
    - Give me a minute. Doc, can you give me a hypo fo a headache?
    ((TAG Christopher))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 10 - Corridor

    Lost in thought over what to say to Starfleet Command, Captain Teriir was barely able to stop in time when Sam entered sickbay.
    When he entered, Sam almost slammed into the Captain, saying,
    - Sorry Dyrell, didn't realise you were coming out.
    “That’s alright,” he replied, “Just in a hurry to get to where the action is. Did you hit your head again?”
    Sam laughed a bit, saying,
    - I always seem to be doing that. Where you off to now?
    “The Brig. I’m going to check on Barron and see if he’s settled down. We also have to talk to the Bajoran Extremists who were caught yesterday and figure out why they would sign on with him. I have a feeling they don’t even realize he was going to kill them regardless if they were successful in their mission or not. And that they forget Bajor would be on the front lines of any conflict with Cardassia if they sparked an armed conflict.”
    Sam's face stiffened a bit, saying,
    - I see. I may want to join you. There's one thing that this job requires me to do. No, not for Barron. The Bajorans.
    “Gotcha,” Teriir replied in understanding, “I’ll focus on talking to Barron. I think you ought to take one of our Bajoran crewmembers along with you; they may have a few second opinions to offer. I need to speak with Starfleet Command before I take any actions to inform them what’s happened so I may be meeting you there.”

    He watched as Sam went over to talk to Doctor Cushing, who looked to be mostly recovered from the shuttle rescue the day before. Physically at least; he knew the mental ones would take awhile to recover from. The Captain decided it was time to go and headed out of Sickbay. Reaching the turbolift, he called for it to head over to the Security Office to have the conversation with Starfleet. This way he could have an opportunity to monitor everyone they were holding right now.

    “Hold please!” the voice of Monica Carter, one of the ship’s Counselors, snapped him out of his thoughts. Helpfully, he reached out to the sides of the turbolift to prevent it from closing on her.

    “Counselor,” he commented in greeting, “You look pretty busy.”

    “I’ve been running around most of the morning to check on some of the people on board,” she answered before informing the turbolift where she needed to go, “Deck 6.”

    “I’m guessing you’re speaking with Henry Patel and Ensign Walker?” he guessed. As Henry Patel was the husband of their deceased crewmember, he would need a lot of support. Ensign Bruce Walker would also need help because it was his friend, Jake Desai, who’d been kidnapped by Barron some time ago.

    “Them and also Lt. Junior Grade Thomas Erikson,” Carter replied.

    “Wait, Erikson?” Teriir repeated in alarm, “The Ambassadorial Aide who was killed yesterday had family aboard our ship?”

    “They were cousins. Although it doesn’t sound like they were close, they’re still family,” she commented sympathetically. After a brief silence, she spoke up again, “Hold.”

    “Something the matter?” he asked.

    Carter had her head cocked to the side with a curious expression across her face, “You looked distant; as though you were trying your best to conceal something.”

    “Talks about families and how close or distant they can be sometimes makes me think of my own,” he nodded in assent, “My sister, Arynn, and I are close and the only family we have left outside of each other is our father but we avoid him as much as possible. Even calling him that often feels like a stretch.”

    “I can tell you are uncomfortable about this topic right now. If you’d like to talk more about it later, feel free to come down to the office,” she commented welcomingly, “Being open about yourself among others can be extremely therapeutic.”

    “I was already planning on removing a ‘personal request’ seal on my file so people can learn more about me. There are going to be a number of explanations; some of them very uncomfortable,” Teriir informed the Assistant Counselor. He let out a small laugh, “You’re also the second person so far today who has suggested I be more open to everyone.”

    “We’ve been seeing some of that with your talks about some of your service during the Dominion War and some mentions of your fights against pirate factions,” Carter nodded with a smile, “Especially with Aureum; which was clearly the worst battle you fought in the Dominion War -”

    “It was not the worst battle my shipmates and I faced in the War.”

    She stared at him for a long time, “You witnessed millions of civilians, including children, getting massacred during that battle. You were captured and tortured by a war criminal. It is my also my understanding from some side research I did that the planet is currently in the midst of a nuclear winter and Starfleet has invested a ton of resources to terraform it back into a Class M planet. Fighting a ground battle for three weeks, in which you found yourself alone for much of it, was not the worst battle you fought in the war?”

    “It wasn’t quite as personal as another,” he frowned and looked around the lift, “Continue.”

    Carter stayed quiet for the rest of the trip to her destination and left without a word. Teriir continued on towards the Security Complex but now felt extremely heavy. He knew he would have to talk about that one battle at some point but not like this. It would never stop haunting his dreams or appear in the blink of his eyes. He also felt strangely determined to speak with Barron about it; maybe the reality of war would shock him into realizing he was wrong.

    (( TAG: Sam & Christopher))
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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Sam nodded and said,
    - Give me a minute. Doc, can you give me a hypo fo a headache?
    "I surely can." Christopher replied, pulling a hypo out of a med kit. "Pop down to sick bay if the headache returns and we'll take a closer look at what's going on."

    Christopher watched out of the corner of his eye as the Captain left sickbay. He motioned to one of the nurses on duty, "Mell, I'll be in the office if anyone else comes in. If I'm not out in an hour, come get me."

    "Sure thing, Doc." She replied.

    With Doctor Hems still part of the relief effort on the planet, the medical staff were still getting used to seeing Christopher around a lot more. He sat down in the office with a heavy sigh. "Computer, dim the lights by 30 percent and play some classical music."

    =/\= Please specify a composer. =/\=

    "Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia by Aram Khachaturian please." Christopher relaxed as the soothing music played and, making sure that the door was closed, placed his head in his hands and wept as the events of the previous days caught up with him.

    Attachment 9774
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    USS Ares
    Brig - Complex 2

    - How many in there?

    Sam had just gotten to the secondary Brig complex. The cells, of which, there was six, were packed with five Bajorans.

    - Thirty, sir.
    - Wouldn't happen to have any Bajorans on staff, eh?
    - Yes, we do. Give me a mo.

    It took the ensign a few minutes to call up the security personnel list.
    - Lt. JG Dica Nez. Want me to call him down?
    - Yes, I'll need assistance

    One of the Bajorans approached the forcefield and said,
    - Scared to approach us, human? Does our kind offend you?
    - Calm down, buddy! I'll talk to you in a minute.

    The Ensign sniggered a bit. A minute later, a Bajoran Lt. entered and said,
    - Lt. JG Dica Nez reporting as ord.....oh my!

    Sam nodded at the exclamation and said,
    - Yeah....Two things we need to do. Offer them consular services & find out why these guys tagged up with Barron.

    Dica nodded silently & said,
    - I know the procedures for that. Needs to be said in Standard & their home dialect. You don't speak Bajoran?

    Sam nodded & said,
    - Not a lick.

    Sam then produced a PADD, stepped in between the cells & recited aloud,
    - Under article 17.5 of the Federation Constitution, as concerning the holding of foreign nationals by Starfleet, whom are under criminal investigation, I am obligated to offer these services to which you are entitled. You are hereby offered the opportunity to request consular services from your home government. If you do not accept this offer, you are then offered to take the services of the Federation's Public Defender. If you choose to decline these services, the Federation is required, by law, to allow access to various legal texts for you to adequately defend yourselves.

    Dica repeated the speech in Bajoran, then said,
    - Please, don't make this any harder than it is.

    Several of the Bajorans yelled out in rage at this. Dica got angry and said,
    - THE PROPHETS LOOKED DOWN AT YOU AND WEPT IN SHAME!!! I know the Cardassians have made us their slaves for sixty years...SIXTY YEARS!! I should know...My mother died at those bastards hands, brutally! I won't ever forget what they did to her, but....

    He drew a calming breath, saying,
    - ...I've learned to forgive. The people of this planet are trying to live their lives. They don't deserve your rage-filled murder spree. Please, make this as painless as possible.

    The Bajorans got very quiet. One of them stepped forward & said,
    - Will the Prophets forgive us?

    Dika smiled and said,
    - They always do. Now, why did you all decide to join Barron?

    ((TAG Asteropax as one of the bajorans))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sat 25 May, 2019 6:58 PM.
    USS Ares

    Deck 4 - Security Complex

    It was late when Biiqs staggered out of the Security Complex. Or early. It was incredibly easy to lose track of time aboard a Starfleet vessel, but the low lights indicated that they were somewhere into Gamma Shift. Taking a few steps toward the nearest turbolift, he paused, rubbing his face as he tried to recall something he realized he never knew.

    "Computer. Where are my assigned quarters?"

    Your assigned quarters are located on Deck 10, Saucer Section, Room 1025.

    Biiqs gave an exasperated bark of a laugh. "Deck 10? Again?!"

    If quarters are unsuitable, alternate accommodations can be made by consulting the--

    "Nevermind, it will be fine. Lead the way."

    A lighted panel strip illuminated itself on the bulkhead, leading a trail toward the turbolift. Biiqs shuffled into it, half asleep. When it arrived on deck, thankfully it wasnt very far from his cabin. The doors whisked aside and he stood there in the threshold for a moment, before entering.

    "Formal introductions will have to be conducted later," he said, tapping the side of the doorway. Looking around his new home, he noticed that his belongings were stacked around the room, unpacked. Everything looked in place. As he walked further into the the room, heading straight for the bed, he was shocked to find his favorite tapestry, Rrtaagh's The Dancers, was already unpacked and hanging above his desk, exactly where he always placed it.

    "Now how did that get there, Home?" The room responded with unsurprising silence. "Alright then, keep your secrets. This mystery can wait until morning. Or midday. Or...Computer, what time is it? Belay that, I've got the next two shifts off, it doesn't matter. Best to just get some rest."

    With that, he skulked over to his bed and quickly fell into a world of dreamless slumber.


    The chiming of the door woke him up with a start. It took a while for him to process that it wasnt one of the red alert klaxons that seemed to be going nonstop during previous day. He rose to a seated position on the bed, blinked stupidly for a moment, and called, "Enter."

    Footsteps approached and a familiar form appeared in the entrance to the bedroom. Short, well muscled, feminine. Clad in athletic gear with the Ares logo emblazoned on the chest.

    "You are late."

    "Late? Late for what?"

    "Excercise," replied Chief Tran Huong Lien. "You missed yesterday completely, and you're late for today."

    "Yesterday?!" Biiqs responded in exasperation, "Lien, do you know what I did yesterday? Fighting Nausicaans in the morning, Bajorans in the afternoon, disabling bombs at night..."

    "It is better to offer no excuse, than a bad one. George Washington, of Earth. 18th Century."

    "EXCUSES?! Exactly WHERE was I supposed to fit exercise in to that maddening day?"

    “Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts. Edward R. Murrow, also of Earth. 20th Century."

    Biiqs growled, "You are a horrible, terrible, unrelenting..."

    "In the clearness of the dawn, I beheld that my excuses were not the allies I supposed them to be, and I had become all the curses I laid upon my enemies. Surak of Vul---"

    "Alright I'm up! I'M UP!" Biiqs shouted, jumping out of bed. "Just give me a minute to change...I thought getting promoted meant that I no longer had to endure the tyranny of chiefs."

    The slightest indication of a smile nestled in the corners of Chief Tran's lips. "The only way you could have escaped the tyranny of chiefs is to remain one. You made your choice. It was wrong. You have 49 seconds."

    Biiqs shuffled into the restroom, changing into a similar outfit as the chief. When he came out, she appraised him with disgusted eyes.

    "You are fat."

    "I am not."

    "At least 9 kilograms overweight..."

    "Perhaps for a human 10 centemeters shorter than I am," Biiqs snorted. I am 5 kilograms underweight for the average Bolian half my age. This is peak performance." Biiqs slapped his solid abdomen as proof.

    "That, is fat. It will not remain. Let's go."

    "I haven't even had breakfast yet..."

    "Breakfast." With sleight of hand, she produced two flat squares four centimeters long, one neon green, the second a bold yellow. He took them with a wordless grumble, and followed her out of his cabin. She led the way down through a Jeffries tube to Deck 12, where they began to run.

    He was grateful, after a while. The exercise cleared his head and helped restore a sense of normalcy and routine. The lung-shaped pattern they ran through the corridors of that oddly shaped part of the saucer section took some getting used to, but it wasnt a bad adjustment. Occasionally, he'd get a whiff of fragrant, humid air from the airponics bays. There was a hint of something that reminded him of the sagebrush of home.

    When the run concluded, Biiqs was surprised to see that Chief Tran had not overworked him. He shouldn't have been, he mused. After years of serving with him, Lien usually knew what it took to set his head straight.

    "Thank you," he said. She nodded in wordless acknowledgement. After a pause, she said. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to begin my workout." With that, she jogged away down the hall.