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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Wed 29 May, 2019 4:04 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex

    Captain Dyrell Teriir paused at the newly opened doors to the brig and hovered there as he watched Sam and Lt. Jg. Dika speak with the Extremists.
    Dika smiled and said,
    - They always do. Now, why did you all decide to join Barron?
    One of the Bajorans spoke up, “We joined him because we believed he was ensuring the end to the Cardassian threat. We suffered dearly at their hands throughout the occupation. Although I’m grateful for what the Federation has done to aid us -”

    “No, you aren’t,” Teriir interrupted and walked right up to the forcefield containing this particular Bajoran. All of the people present looked surprised he was speaking their language. He continued at the now nervous Bajoran, “Your entire group, all 15 of you, tried to kill some of my Officers yesterday. Or should I replay the security footage of that firefight? You are not the only ones here whom have ever lost someone due to combat with the Cardassians; I lost my mother to them. That doesn’t make murdering them right. Speaking of; Barron planned to kill you all himself regardless of what you did.”

    (( TAG: Sam )

    With that, he turned and almost stalked over to the isolation cell, Lieutenant Kurts joining him with a mischievous expression on his face, “I didn’t know you spoke Bajoran.”

    “My Xenolinguistics teacher was Bajoran and my father took away my universal translator when I was 5. I had to either learn foreign languages fast or become isolated as we lived in an area heavily visited by other species on Trill,” he tried to sound nonchalant but knew a tone of irritation was present. He really needed to speak with Barron, “My score at the Academy on that subject is lower than what it should be due to the fact the Final was taking place close to the time the Dominion War was about to start. I focused on my Tactical Studies for the last month of that semester instead of my Archaeology, History, and Foreign Language classes so I would be ready to volunteer for wartime service. Is he awake yet?”

    “Just woke up a few minutes ago,” the Lieutenant answered and opened up the doors to see inside the isolation cell. They moved slowly to reveal Barron lounging on the bench at the center as though he was about to get released.

    “Time to leave already?” the Traitor commented, with a grin, “Thank you for your hospitality.”

    “Your mother has been arrested along with all of your co conspirators,” Teriir growled.

    Barron’s maliciously pleased expression faded to disbelief. The Captain began informing him of some events which transpired during the night, “The starship Memphis was able to contact Starfleet Command and the starship Athena when you were attempting to gain access codes to destroy this ship. The Officers on your mother’s flagship arrested her for leading your conspiracy and others either turned themselves in or had their roles discovered soon after. They found Jason Desai aboard and are treating him. They were on their way here to plant false evidence to suggest we were destroyed by Cardassians, with the crew being told there was a joint operation between the Cardassians and Nausicaans here. Meanwhile there are other plots which have been revealed.”

    Teriir raised his voice so Sam could hear him, “Admiral Barron has been abusing her position with the restoration of Federation Worlds affected by the Dominion War. She has intentionally been starving smaller colonies to create a resource shortage in an attempt to divert supplies bound to Cardiassia to them. Not long after our arrival in the Dorvan System, a medical ship bound for Bajor was attacked by the True Way; the remnant of Cardassians who wish to return to their imperialist ways. The same kind of people who ensured the Occupation of Bajor was a rule of terror. The ship would’ve been destroyed had it not been for the actions of the starships Uhura and Suffolk. 32 Starfleet Officers died in the fighting because the medical ship’s route was betrayed to the True Way; by Admiral Barron. The information on the Dominion Battleship which you provided to the Nausicaans? It originally came from a True Way operative investigating this system as a possible location for a base.”

    (( TAG: Sam )

    The Captain lowered the forcefield and entered the cell to walk straight up to Ensign Barron. He pointed at him in accusation and yelled, “You and the True Way are allies in dissolving the peace between the Federation and Cardassia! You and your conspirators have betrayed EVERYONE!!!”

    Ensign Barron took a deep gulp but not from fear at the knowledge of how far his fellow conspirators had gone. It was from knowing everything had been uncovered. The Captain didn’t care what he was thinking right now or was considering saying. Instead he turned his back on the Traitor and stalked back out, “Starfleet Command has left your fate in my hands; including permission to overrule General Order 4 and carry out the death penalty on you. That would be the easy way out. You don’t deserve it.”

    “Ha!” Barron’s sudden laughter made him turn around after the forcefield was reengaged, “For a moment I was worried I was going to be killed. That means I’ll be back at it in no time.”

    “That can change,” Kurts reminded the Traitor as he trained his rifle on him. There was an audible hum as its setting was increased. Teriir knew the Officer, who was normally a bit of a joker, could be deathly serious when he wanted to, “And ‘accidents’ can happen even in the best of places. Get the point?”

    “You know, last I checked,” the Traitor recovered from his flinch as he looked back at the Captain, “Your file was sealed. Oh sure, you have the usual introduction we all have available, but what terrible deeds are you trying to hide? I can accuse you of anything and there is nothing you can do to deny it.”

    “Then it is a good thing I unsealed my record earlier today,” Teriir answered and moved to a wall console which Barron could see. A few commands later and he pulled up the file he wanted, “That usual introduction is like a quick insight into someone when they check on you. What you see here is the overview to my file when you look it up in the overall Federation Database. I know there are things to explain but we have plenty of time.”

    Name:  Dyrell Teriir Personnel File - 2.jpg
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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Once Christopher had composed himself, he took the time to tour the Ares' sickbay, making sure that each patient was on the road to wellness. He specifically headed into one of the recovery suites where Chief Hayes and Martin were watching reruns of classic war films.

    "So this is what you security types get up to during your time off, huh? Reliving old glory days in film form." Christopher chuckled, genuinely pleased to see that the two men were ok.

    "HA!" huffed the Chief, "think of it more like historical research for my upcoming doctoral thesis."

    Martin smiled, "Are you kidding, me? These films are about as accurate as the Doc's weather forecasting ability."

    "I told you it would rain on the planet, Martin." Christopher said in a mock hurt tone.

    "Sure Doc, you did, but I don't think it counts when the rain arrived eight hours after you said it would." Martin countered.

    Christopher rubbed his chin, "As I recall, I made no estimate of just when the rain would arrive. Want to back me up here Chief?"

    "Not even a little." rumbled the older man.

    Christopher pulled out a PADD and viewed the contents. "Well, it says here that Doctor Young thinks you'll both make a full recovery." He could see the looks of relief on their faces. "However, I think he's woefully optimistic as there's clearly no hope for the two of you."

    Chief Hayes frowned, "Seriously, what's the news?"

    "Good news is that Martin will be able to go back to duty in two days once his ribs have fully stabilised." which brought a grin of delight from Martin. "The less good news is that you, Chief, will be with us for a couple more days after that while we strengthen your knee post-op."

    "That's hardly good news at all." grumbled the Chief.

    "You think I want a grizzled old campaigner lounging about my sickbay, stinking the place up, telling tales of old glory?" Christopher teased, "Work hard on your physio, Chief, and maybe you can go back to light duty in a week."

    Chief Hayes looked across at Martin, "You know what? I give this place two stars. Food is good but the manager is terrible."

    Attachment 9774
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    Deck 4 - Security complex

    Sam motioned for Kurts to approach him. He was unsure of what the captain's plan was.
    - What exactly is the captain's play here?

    ((Tag Kurts))

    Sam nodded slightly & said,
    - I see.

    He then went into the isolation section where the captain was & saw Barron just sitting there, looking pathetic. Sam said, in a rather quiet tone,
    - The Andorian's want to prosecute this filth, Captain.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    Sam flexed his eyebrow when he looked at Dryell. An indication to play along,
    - You know, I could go a round or two on this piece of-

    ((Tag Terrir))

    He then turned to Barron & sam's expression got very serious.
    - Aside from the obvious attempted murder charges, there are now several Attempted Assassination charges, One of which-

    ((Tag Barron))

    Sam rose his voice to drown out Barron,
    - ONE OF WHICH IS THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF THE ANDORIAN AMBASSADOR!!! The Senate of Andor have been informed & have asked that you-

    ((Tag Barron))

    - You are lucky that you're getting this spiel from me. If I had my way, you'd be fed to a certain Klingon Targ that I was quite fond of.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    Outside the isolation cell, Sam composed himself & said,
    - An Oscar winning performance, if I do say so myself.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    Sam smiled and nodded,
    - I know all too well that Starfleet Protocols supersede Federation laws in these instances.

    ((Tag Terrir))
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    Tess's Quarters

    Tess woke up, back in her quarters.

    She tried to recall the events from yesterday, remembering all the strife Barron had put the ship through on his failed quest for vengeance.

    She got out of her bed and entered the main section of her Quarters. She hadn't customised it much, it was like any normal office except for the PADD lying on the desk.

    "Computer, play "Children of the Sun"" Said Tess.

    Playing Song Now.....

    Tess liked the song, it was a 21st century song about Humanity and it seemed to reflect on what had happened the day before.

    Tess was absolutely exhausted from yesterday, and having fell asleep almost as soon as she was out of her uniform, she showered quickly before changing into a sort of off duty outfit.

    It consisted of Orange trousers and shirt, with her rank pinned on the side of it with black boots.

    She walked outside her quarters, and headed towards the turbolift.
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    As the prisoner started looking through the information he’d provided for the people nearby to look at, Captain Teriir noticed Sam had joined their conversation.
    Sam motioned for Kurts to approach him. He was unsure of what the captain's plan was.
    - What exactly is the captain's play here?
    “Show and tell?” Kurts shrugged, “I know from some temporary assignments I’ve had which let me serve alongside him previously that he’s unusually empathic for a Tactical Officer of this era. I know the Cap has been through some rough times so maybe he’s wanting to ask Barron if what he wants is what’s good for everyone.”
    Sam nodded slightly & said,
    - I see.

    He then went into the isolation section where the captain was & saw Barron just sitting there, looking pathetic. Sam said, in a rather quiet tone,
    - The Andorian's want to prosecute this filth, Captain.
    “To think there is a line for a trash can,” Teriir muttered to himself before answering the Diplomatic Officer, “The Andorians aren’t the only ones wanting to prosecute him. Several key Federation Officials are already demanding he be brought to them.”
    Sam flexed his eyebrow when he looked at Dryell. An indication to play along,
    - You know, I could go a round or two on this piece of-
    “Language,” he commented before looking back at Barron, “Feel free to talk to him but I suspect he won’t listen to much else.”
    He then turned to Barron & sam's expression got very serious.
    - Aside from the obvious attempted murder charges, there are now several Attempted Assassination charges, One of which-
    “Assassination, smassination; there is nothing you can -” Barron began mocking the charges but Sam was having none of it.
    Sam rose his voice to drown out Barron,
    - ONE OF WHICH IS THE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF THE ANDORIAN AMBASSADOR!!! The Senate of Andor have been informed & have asked that you-
    Barron tried to appear unimpressed but he wasn’t able to manage much. It was as though he was tiring from the amount of backlash he was receiving, “That I what?”
    - You are lucky that you're getting this spiel from me. If I had my way, you'd be fed to a certain Klingon Targ that I was quite fond of.
    Barron appeared confused by this statement, making Captain Teriir guess he’d never seen a Targ before. He stepped over to the console again and showed him one, making sure to pull up a few images of the aftermaths of some Targ attacks. The prisoner shivered at the realization these were both common Klingon pets and as well as a delicacy. He took the images down and stepped over to Sam, motioning for him to step off to the side, “Perhaps an Ushaan duel on the surface of Andoria in the middle of winter in his underwear would be preferable.”
    Outside the isolation cell, Sam composed himself & said,
    - An Oscar winning performance, if I do say so myself.
    “Oscar?” the Captain asked curiously, wondering how this had anything to do with the nickname given to one of the Ensign Science Officers. He realized Sam must’ve been talking about something else so he gave his head a shake to toss the thoughts aside, “Nevermind. You certainly scared him a little. However, I will point out that Starfleet Protocols will dictate what is to become of him before he’s officially behind lock and key.”
    Sam smiled and nodded,
    - I know all too well that Starfleet Protocols supersede Federation laws in these instances.
    “Regardless of who oversees his trial, he will face justice for what he’s done. Though we can’t bring people back, we can make certain he doesn’t harm anyone else,” he promised Sam. Looking back at Barron, who now seemed to be peering more intently at the console, he reminded himself of what he was intending to talk to Barron about. Moving back to the cell, he spoke directly to him, “Had enough time to review the overview of my personnel file?”

    “Of your family, you have three parents. Two of them, your ‘biological’ father and mother, are deceased as shown by those purple crosses. Your ‘marital’ father, I’m guessing you would call him your stepfather, is enjoying a prison sentence,” Barron appeared to try to get his rage back up by only focusing on what he viewed to be bad things, likely to try to force an issue, but it was doing a poor job of it, “I see you suck at engineering, as that giant ‘F’ indicates, and have a big, fat, red 'X' indicating a demerit on your record from Starfleet Academy. Let me take some guesses on what your father did to get himself imprisoned and then what got you that -”

    “I’m sorry,” Kurts interrupted and pressed a button on a panel on the isolation cell, “We can’t hear you over the sound of the mute button.”

    “Could you have done that sooner?” someone grumbled nearby, making several people groan or snicker in a mix of agreement and frustration.

    “Thank you,” Teriir acknowledged Kurts’ actions with a subtle sigh of relief. Thinking things through, he made up his mind on where to begin.

    (( TAG: Sam )
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    Sam let out a breath and said,
    - At least he won't hurt anyone anymore.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    Sam nodded and said,
    - If you want to have a look at the report..

    He handed the PADD to the captain,
    - ..Just let me know if I'm missing anything.

    ((Tag Terrir))


    Akyv had just finished breakfast with her father & decided to go to sickbay. She entered & a nurse approached her saying,
    - Hello. Are you in need of treatment?

    Akyv smiled and said,
    - No, but I would like to talk to your CMO.

    ((Tag Christopher))

    OOC: Just a short post lading into a convo between Akyv & Chris.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 16 Jun, 2019 3:29 AM.
    USS Ares

    Deck 3 - Jeffries Tube 035

    "As you can see, Commander, the 2nd generation Sovereign class EPS grid modifications prevent such a situation from occuring. The system has been rated at 7.23 x 10 to the 6th power kelvins before failure. The vibrations you felt on the bridge were not from the phaser relays, but from the emitter EPS trunks easing surge power to the couplings. The process normally would not produce such vibrations, but given the power demands during yesterday's battle, supersonic regenerative nitrogen cooling systems were particularly active in shunting excess thermal energy in a safe manner."

    Biiqs took a moment to process what the Vulcan engineer was telling him. He had taken a detour after his run to personally inspect the phaser relays, after noticing serious vibrations during battle on the previous day. The two of them were crammed in a Jeffires tube examining systems that didn't seem to be damaged or overworked at all.

    "So...I'm not understanding something here. It seems like the increase of power to the phasers didn't stress the system as much as I thought it why would we feel the vibrations on the bridge if the system wasn't sufficiently stressed?"

    It was the engineer's turn to pause, as she attempted to answer the question diplomatically. "Some aspects of starship engineering are not only functional from a technical perspective, but are functional ergonomically. The user is an often overlooked critical component of the system. Therefore---"

    Biiqs barked out a laugh. "Are you trying to tell me the vibrations are designed to keep trigger happy tactical officers from burning out the system, by tricking them into thinking the relays are more stressed than they are?"

    "It would appear sir, that..."

    "So, how much power can the relays take?" Biiqs interrupted.

    The engineer arched an eyebrow before proceeding, "Sir, it's inadvisable to..."

    "I know, I know...I'm only kidding. Sort of. I'll give the design specs a closer look. Thank you, Ensign, your help has been invaluable."

    The engineer nodded in response, and continued her diagnostics.

    After leaving the Jefferies tube, he returned to his quarters for a quick sonic shower and fresh uniform. He then sat at his desk, collected his thoughts, and recorded two log entries. When finished, he cast his gaze across the room at his still packed belongings and sighed. Not exactly being on duty meant nothing for a senior officer. With an overflowing brig, he needed to get to the security office and at least check up on things.

    "Afternoon, Locke." Biiqs strode over to the replicator and ordered a raktajino. "Hows things here at the ranch?"

    "Its been busy, sir." Locke replied, sliding a PADD across the desk. "But productive. You'll find there the preliminaries on the bomb analysis and some Sentient Intel that may be relevant. The Nausicaans have become more talkative as they grow restless. We put a dom-jot table in the cargo bay, as well as some other games to try to keep the peace, but I don't know how long it will last. I'd like to offload them as soon as possible."

    Biiqs nodded as he took a sip of raktajino, sitting down in a chair on the opposite side of the desk. "Sure. I'll talk to the Captain about getting them offloaded onto another vessel for transport to the nearest Starbase."

    "He's actually here. The Captain." Locke gestured to one of the
    security camera feeds, tapping a control to change the camera angle. "He and the Diplomatic Officer were talking to the Bajorans, and the Captain also had a chat with Ensign Barron. He's been sedated up until now."

    Biiqs frowned at the memory of Barrons ranting. "That young man sealed his fate. True believers are relatively easy to prosecute. Their arrogance and self assuredness tends to yield a lot of critical evidence."

    "We have more than enough testimony from his taunting of the Captain," Locke replied. "In addition to that, I've got officers assembling every keystroke he's made since he's been aboard, so we can uncover as much as we can about what he's done."

    "Good. It seems like he'll be charged with half of the Starfleet Uniform Code of Justice, when this is all said and done. Besides the more interesting and rare charges, like Treason, Mutiny, Conspiracy Against the Federation, and Genocide, we've got all the Attempted Murder charges, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Murder, of Ambassadorial staff no less, Kidnapping, Striking a Superior Officer, and that sort of thing. The minor charges like Unauthorized Access of Starship Systems hardly seem worth it, but of course they are. But the intel from the investigation will be the real boon. There's a network of conspirators out there that are begging to be uncovered."

    "And," Biiqs continued, lifting the PADD, "This forensic analysis of the bombs didnt turn up a lot in the area of biological matter, as expected, but there's enough here for some good leads. A couple individuals are in our database. Starfleet Intelligence might have files on some of the others. Good work all around."

    "Everyone's been working hard." Locke responded.

    "Let me see if I can lessen some of our workload and get these Nausicaans off the ship. Let me know if anything interesting happens." Biiqs rose and walked out toward the cells, approaching the Captain.

    "Afternoon, sir. Good to see you patched up. I was wondering if I could have a word with you concerning the transfer of the Nausicaans to another vessel."

    (( TAG: Teriir )
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    Attachment 9774

    Christopher had finished up the paperwork that Doctor Hems had left behind before his sojourn to the planet below. According to the latest message Christopher had seen, it looked as though the CMO was very busy with the colonists. 'Still,' Christopher thought, 'it means that I can use his office until he returns, it's way bigger than the triage centre.'

    Christopher buckled down to the everyday tasks of running a sickbay, scheduling physicals, staff training rosters, allocating laboratory time and reading through the reports of each patient. His last task was truly daunting, he was trying to think of what to say to Amita's husband.

    Akyv had just finished breakfast with her father & decided to go to sickbay. She entered & a nurse approached her saying, "Hello. Are you in need of treatment?"

    Akyv smiled and said, "No, but I would like to talk to your CMO."
    Hearing the voice in the main treatment area, Christopher sent a message asking Amita's husband to call in to see him and headed out into sickbay.

    "I'm terribly sorry but the CMO is down on the planet, so I'm the next best thing." Christopher smiled. "How may I help you?"

    Attachment 9774

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    "I'm terribly sorry but the CMO is down on the planet, so I'm the next best thing." Christopher smiled. "How may I help you?"
    Akyv smiled at him & said,
    - I was hoping to see if i could get on as an extra hand. I'm Akyv, by the way.

    ((tag Christopher))

    Akyv frowned slightly & said,
    - I understand that. You can have a look at my Nursing assignment sheet.
    She pulled out a small chip & handed it to Chris.

    ((Tag Chris))

    Akyv's smiled widely & said,
    - Sam? Yeah. I take it you met him?

    ((Tag Chris))
    Attachment 9774
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    Akyv smiled at him & said,
    - I was hoping to see if i could get on as an extra hand. I'm Akyv, by the way.
    Christopher shook the proffered hand and smiled, "It's not everyday that we have an Ambassador's daughter here, much less one offering to help out. We don't run sickbay like a civilian hospital so I don't know if you're ok with that?"

    Akyv frowned slightly & said,
    - I understand that. You can have a look at my Nursing assignment sheet.
    She pulled out a small chip & handed it to Chris.
    Christopher plugged the chip into a PADD, scrolling through the reams of text and blowing a long whistle, "With these qualifications and testimonials, you could manage sickbay, let alone offer some help. I see you're engaged too, to one of ours, congratulations!"

    Akyv's smiled widely & said,
    - Sam? Yeah. I take it you met him?
    "Never heard of him." Christopher lied. "Does he lurk in his quarters, wallowing in freakish misery due his his apallingly disfigured features?"

    ((Tag: Akyv))

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    Attachment 9774
    "Never heard of him." Christopher lied. "Does he lurk in his quarters, wallowing in freakish misery due his his apallingly disfigured features?"
    Akyv laughed a bit, saying,
    - Well, I wouldn't say that. I like guys like that.
    She gave Chris a sly wink, apparently getting the joke.

    ((Tag Chris))

    Akyv nodded at this and said,
    - I totally understand. I think I can handle myself here. Believe me, I've worked in likely the busiest of ERs on earth & i came out only slightly scarred.

    ((Tag Chris))

    She nodded in approval & smiled. She said,
    - That's a good start.
    Akyv then went over to a replicator & said,
    - One civilian nurse scrub set, fitted for Akyv.
    The computer beeped & produced a nicely folded set of scrubs to her exact fit. Slightly loose, but still showing off her feminine features.

    ((Tag Chris))

    Attachment 9774
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    Attachment 9773

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    Akyv laughed a bit, saying,
    - Well, I wouldn't say that. I like guys like that.
    She gave Chris a sly wink, apparently getting the joke.
    "Angels and ministers of grace, preserve us." Christopher deadpanned. "Well, I think we can find a place for you here on Alpha shift, the busiest on the ship, if you're willing and able."

    Akyv nodded at this and said,
    - I totally understand. I think I can handle myself here. Believe me, I've worked in likely the busiest of ERs on earth & i came out only slightly scarred.
    "Only slightly? I'm disappointed." Christopher smiled. "Think you can take care of our new mother and baby? The little one is struggling slightly with her breathing."

    She nodded in approval & smiled. She said,
    - That's a good start.
    Akyv then went over to a replicator & said,
    - One civilian nurse scrub set, fitted for Akyv.
    The computer beeped & produced a nicely folded set of scrubs to her exact fit. Slightly loose, but still showing off her feminine features.
    Christopher laughed and was about to remark on the woman's vanity at producing tailored scrubs but his attention was caught by the doors to sickbay opening. Christopher's smile vanished and the colour drained from his face. Amita's husband had come to see him.

    Attachment 9774
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    Jei sat up with a start. She was drenched with sweat and her pulse was as if she had run 400-meter sprint. Her body ached and her head hurt. Her body had succumbed to exhaustion nearly a half-day ago and she had been in a prescription-aided slumber since the events concluded.

    Reaching over to her nightstand, Jei’s hand fumbled around until she found her mark, her sleeping pills. However, it was empty. In a fit of anger, she threw the bottle across the room and flopped back down on her bed. She worked on controlling her anger but it was an exercise in futility. She wanted Barron dead and all those who aided him. He was a cancer and it needed to be purged. Yet, the Federation had a different idea of justice. For the lives he ruined and ended, Barron will now get to live a quiet and long life of comfort. That was ‘justice’. And it bothered Jei to no end.

    With an audible sigh, Jei got up and headed to her refresher. She took a long shower, longer than usually allowed, but she didn’t care if she got reprimanded. She was upset and breaking a rule helped her feel a little better. As the hot water cascaded over her, Jei wondered why fate was so cruel. Why did good people like Amita die and broken terrible people like herself survived?

    “I’m sorry Amita… I’m sorry Nancy… I’m sorry Tavo… I’m sorry Mom…Dad… I’m sorry Nara…”

    After getting cleaned-up, Jei put on a fresh duty uniform, put on her tool belt, and checked her terminal for all of the logged repair and maintenance tickets in the system. She put them on her padd and headed out. If she couldn’t sleep, she may as well work. Anything to get her mind off things.
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    Akyv slipped on the scrubs on, picked up a medical tricorder, then approached the mother & child.
    - Hi! I'm Akyv. So, the little one has a bit of trouble breathing?

    The mother nodded & said,
    - Yeah. He had trouble since last night. Poor guy hasn't slept at all last night.

    Akyv gave the son a motherly look & said,
    - Well, let's check the little guy out, eh?

    A small cough came from the son. Akyv's brow furrowed as she took the probe from the tricorder, then she moved the probe up & down the son. The information came up on the device and it only took her a moment to extrapolate the data.
    - It looks like your son has developed mild bronchitis.

    The mother let out a tiny gasp, Akyv was quick to alleviate the worry.
    - Nothing to worry about. From the data I got, it could be genetic. Did his father have Bronchitis?

    The mother thought for a moment, then said,
    - I believe he mentioned he had it as a child.

    Akyv smiled widely & said,
    - Then its a simple hypo to alleviate this.
    She then headed over to the hypo medications station, selected the proper treatment, popped the cartridge into the hypo & brought it over to the mother & child. She adjusted the dosage & touched the hypo to the son's arm, administering the treatment.
    - If your son has any other problems, bring him in immediately. Ok?

    The mother nodded and said,
    - Thank you so, so much.

    Akyv smiled widely and said,
    - Its nothing, really.

    She seen off the mother & child out of sickbay.

    Attachment 9774
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    Christopher motioned for Amita's husband to join him in his office. "Please Vivaan, have a seat." Christopher said.

    The man sat in a chair, his shoulders hunched and eyes cast towards the floor.

    "May I offer you a beverage?" asked Christopher.

    The man shook his head slightly, looking for all intents and purposes as though he were broken.

    "The Counsellor tells me that you've been having some trouble sleeping." Christopher spoke softly.

    Vivaan nodded, remaining silent.

    'Actually,' Christopher thought, 'the words the Counsellor used were withdrawn and in a state of prolonged mental shock.' "Would you like to something to help with the insomnia?"

    Again a nod.

    Christopher got up to access the replicator at the back of the office when he heard a tiny voice, ""

    Immediately, Christopher crouched down in front of Vivaan, holding the man's hands firmly as tears of misery rolled down his cheeks. "Always and in whatever way I can, just ask."

    Vivaan seemed to struggle with uttering the words that his troubled mind had thought of, " did she die?"

    Caught off guard, Christopher wore a look of confusion, "The Captain didn't explain to you?"

    Vivaan's hands gripped Christopher's arms tightly and his eyes snapped up to focus on Christopher's face, "I know about the shuttle crash," Vivaan snarled, "what I want to hear from YOU is how she died."

    Christopher suddenly understood that no-one had given Vivaan the details that he so desperately wanted. "Instantly, Vivaan. Instantly. I doubt she felt even a moment of pain."

    "Platitudes!" Vivaan spat. "The same as your Captain!"

    Christopher held the man's hands as he tried to pull away and changed his tone of voice, "I swear to you upon my sister's life, I have told you the truth. When I found Amita after the crash, she looked at peace. There was no indication that she had suffered."

    Vivaan seemed to slump in exhaustion as he leaned forward and sobbed into Christopher shoulder, "Why did she die, doctor?"

    Christopher had dreaded this question because, if he was honest with himself, he didn't really know the answer. "She died so that Jei, Martin, the Chief and I could live. She saved four lives and her bravery will ripple outwards and touch the lives of countless others thanks to the actions we have yet to perform."

    "It shouldn't have been her." Vivaan whispered.

    "No," Christopher replied, "it shouldn't and I promise you that her sacrifice will not be forgotten. There are two people in the recovery room that owe their lives to Amita if you'd like to meet with them?"

    "Perhaps later," Vivaan said, "do you think it would be alright if I just stayed here for a while?"

    "Of course you can." Christopher grabbed a blanket from a drawer and draped it over the exhausted man and sat with him until he fell asleep.

    Softly moving out of the room, Christopher briefed the on duty staff, "Anyone that disturbs that man in the next six hours will answer to me."

    Attachment 9774
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