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[Announcement] - Holodeck June Survey Results

Started By:
Noram, Tue 02 Jul, 2019 12:18 AM
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    • Seapanda
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Good Evening,

    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of Holodeck for their hard work over the past three months. It clearly shows, not just in this round of surveys, but in the quantity and quality of events that we've been seeing. All our officers, from our newest event officers straight through to Bedders all do a terrific job!

    Now, without further ado, the survey results:


    JUNE APPROVAL: 100% (+1%)

    Strongly Approve: 22%
    Approve: 16%
    Neutral: 61%
    Disapprove: 0.5%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0.5%


    Would love to see some Red Alert 2 games running, you know, the worlds best game.
    Noram: I'm afraid I don't have Red Alert 2, but maybe one of our event officers can accommodate you.

    Bedders: Any member, CL3 or above, can create an event - feel free to choose a time that suits you and host it! Smile

    Seapanda: Well, the world's best game is a relative term that varies between individuals. We can host almost anything we own, as long as there's interest in it Smile

    People are playing stuff and playing together when able, so that is good.
    Noram: Agreed! Holodeck has been having a great run lately

    Bedders: Yep we've had a lot of very good events recently and great attendance for most of them! It's always nice to see new people attending as well so if you're interested, please do turn up to one of our events Smile

    Seapanda: Heck, we don't even have to play anything to have a good time. I run my Warframe event the entire Saturday, and we just talk about random stuff and have fun!

    Heyallo: Yes, we play the thingy, ALL THE THINGYS!

    I dont know enough of what they do to respond.
    Noram: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Bedders: Put simply, we host games that are not Star-Trek related. More information is available here if you're curious.

    Seapanda: Yes.

    Heyallo: *imitates crickets sound here*

    Holodeck doing a great job with Bedders, and not with Seapanda doing Warframe stuff!
    Noram: Agreed! Bedders and the Event Officers all do a great job!

    Bedders: Thanks, it's nice to us so active, and Seapanda has done a great job with Warframe!

    Seapanda: Well, damn.

    Heyallo: UDy2dlb

    Really enjoying the stuff you guys do here. And it's very well organised, which is always a bonus.
    Noram: Glad to hear!

    Bedders: Thanks, it's great to get feedback that shows we're doing well!

    Seapanda: It helps having persistent people on the team that demand perfection xD

    Heyallo: Well, if we didn't, Three would Assimilate us...... again =P

    Lots of events from it's staff which is always nice to see! - Smile
    Noram: I love seeing the events page full of Holodeck events too!

    Bedders: Yep we're doing very well filling the Events page with lots of different games!

    Seapanda: We'll get more soon™

    Heyallo: We love you too!

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."