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Crewman Jeihee Han - Technician

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Silynn, Thu 18 Jan, 2018 3:25 PM
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     –  Last edited by Silynn; Mon 18 Jan, 2021 3:30 AM.
    Trauma Specialist – Ensign Jeihee Han
    Name:  Jei-Han-Profile-Image.png
Views: 81
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    Character Information
    Gender : Female
    Species : Human
    Age : 26
    Rank : Ensign (Field Brevet by CMO Cushing)

    Physical Appearance
    Height : 167cm
    Weight : 51.8 kg
    Hair Color : Dark Brown
    Eye Color : Dark Brown
    Physical Description : Jei is of a petite build and stands at a height of 165 cm. Dark brown hair frames her brown eyes. An active person, she keeps herself in shape by participating in several athletic activities as part of a regular daily regimen.

    Ex-Spouse : Nathan Wang (29), Lieutenant Commander, Starfleet Medical, Earth Space Dock
    Children : Nara Wang (4), child, Earth Space Dock
    Father : Byung Jin Han (63), Chief Physician, Seoul, Korea
    Mother : Sheryl Park (60), Family Physician, Seoul, Korea
    Brother(s) :
    Jingun Han (40), Hospital Administrator, Seoul, Korea
    Mingun Han (37), Family Physician, Seoul, Korea
    Sister(s) :
    Jinhee Yoon (42), Family Physician, Seoul, Korea
    Other Family :
    Tae Suk Yoon (43), Brother-in-Law, Pathologist, Seoul, Korea
    Jaesung Yoon (19), Nephew, Cadet, Starfleet Academy
    Dasung Han (82), Grandfather, Family Physician (retired), Seoul, Korea
    Minhee Han (80), Grandmother, Professor of Medicine (retired), Seoul, Korea

    Personality & Traits
    General Overview : Jei is a survivor. She is a veteran, and survivor, of the Dominion War. On more than several occasions, she was in direct action, which she managed to survive. She was the sole survivor when her tramp freighter was ravaged by Nausicaan raiders. In a skirmish aboard the USS TIAN AN MEN, she survived a catastrophic torpedo hit in main engineering that killed dozens of her crewmates. Her time on the USS HOOD exposed her to further combat action during the Dominion War. Several of them were frantic combat engagements while on away team missions during the war. Jei has managed to overcome, adapt, and survive. Those who know Jei, know her to be a loyal and very trustworthy comrade in the face of adversity. Firstly, she does not shrink from fear. Secondly, she is not one to give-up. Her life has taught her that if you want to survive, you have to put aside your fear and self-pity and rise to the challenge put before you.

    On and Off Duty, Jei is a quiet ball of energy. She is always doing something, as she is unable to sit still idly for any length of time. During her duty watch (usually Gamma or the night watch), she will silently work through her repair or maintenance tasks which keep her busy. If she has no pressing tasks from her Engineering Duty Supervisor, she will work on the long list of items she noted that were not working ‘optimally’. Whatever to keep her hands moving and keep her mind off things. Starfleet Medical has officially noted and diagnosed Jei with having PTSD from the Dominion War. Starfleet Counselors have been working with her for the past three years. Even with regular therapy sessions, Jei’s private life had become manageable and unbearable. This left a strain and eventual separation with her husband and young daughter, as she found it too stressful to be a mother and wife while trying to deal with her mental health issue.

    Even five years later, The Dominion War is very fresh in her mind. Jei hides her pain and sorrow behind a mask of quiet efficiency, but she still cries when alone in the privacy of her quarters. To date, Jei mostly notes that she has trouble sleeping and under Medical supervision, has been authorized for sleeping aids. Though, physical exhaustion has been her been sleep aid.

    Strengths & Weaknesses : During an emergency, Jei’s can have a noteworthy calming effect on her comrades. Be it her general calm demeanor or tone of her calm voice during a stressful situation. Jei is a great listener, even if she doesn’t have any answers or sound words of advice to give.

    Jei has a great aversion to idleness. For most of her life, she has been ‘encouraged’ to always ‘produce’ results. Being idle is something Jei cannot subconsciously endure. She always has to be doing something, especially with her hands. Overall, Jeihee’s superiors love her for her “initiative” and “drive” while her peers are often mildly-to-greatly irritated by her “high speed” activity when they can be ‘taking it easy’.

    Though, Jei has been involved in combat action, it was never by choice and always occurred by circumstance. On three of those occasions she was given citations of valor. Jei cannot recall a single one, though it is these incidents which she relives in her nightmares. Though Jei may be calm during a high stress situation, afterwards she has terrible after-effects. Typical either by nausea or by uncontrollable shaking for high adrenaline situations or complete black-out after extreme life or death situations.

    Ambitions : At the suggestion of her therapist, Jei requested the assignment aboard the USS ARES as an opportunity for her to turn things around and do something to put the war behind her. Since the end of the war, Jei has had “problems” adjusting to normal life. With regular therapy and counseling sessions, things are improving but she still has a way to go. Her PTSD put too much of a strain on her marriage and being a mother, that she readily agreed to her husband’s request for separation and sole custody of their young daughter. The ARES mission of returning to the roots of Starfleet is something that Jei hopes will allow her to turn around her life and reconcile with her husband, daughter…and herself.

    Hobbies & Interests : Jeihee has preference of activities that for her to concentrate and focus yet allow her mind to be relaxed. Horticulture (Flowers), Painting (oils), Drawing (pencils), Music (Piano), and the violin have been long time favorites of hers. These arts have been with her all her life and they are about the only means that truly give her peace and joyful moments. The artistic activities were suggested as a means of therapy. As a child and teen, Jei showed innate talent with art but she dropped the activity when she left home for the war.

    Besides the arts, Jeihee has been authorized to have a pet dog, a beagle, named Mochi. As another means of therapy to help her care for something and to give her social interaction at times when she would need it most.

    Personal History : Jeihee Han was born in the Seoul, Korea on Earth. Both her parents were Medical professionals, as were her three elder siblings. Growing up, Jeihee did not have much freedom in decisions affecting her life. What school she attended, what she studied, what instrument she practiced, who she was allowed to socialize with, and even what clothing she wore. Ironically, it was Jeihee who had the highest IQ and ability among her family.

    Desperate to get away from her overbearing family, she looked to the stars to get away. Instead of going along with the plans of her parents to attend Seoul University and eventually working at the family hospital, Jeihee looked to Starfleet Academy to pursue Medicine. As Jeihee was still following in the family tradition, they reluctantly allowed her to go to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco.

    During her first two years, Jeihee was a model cadet and a promising medical student. However, an incident in her third year occurred where she was expelled along with several others when she was falsely accused of academic fraud by a trio of cadets. Jeihee steadfastly denied the allegations, but somehow the incriminating evidence was found in her dorm. Shocked, angry, and ashamed of dishonor, Jeihee ran away from her life. She couldn’t return home as the shame would be unbearable. Thus, Jeihee again looked to the stars. She signed on as crew to a tramp freighter leaving earth.

    Aboard the SS JOSEPHINE, Jeihee was taken under the wing of an old tellarite chief engineer. Ancient in years and a wizard with machinery, Jeihee learned a lot from him. Tavo, the tellarite, not only saw the potential in Jeihee, he greatly admired her work ethic. Jeihee never complained about any tasks she was given. In fact, she took every task with the same quiet enthusiasm. Spending hours scrubbing warp injectors and scanning by hand for any cracks was not tedious for Jeihee. Her eye for detail and her mild OCD made the tasks calming and normal.

    Running space cargo to the border worlds was a dangerous, yet highly profitable task for the owner and crew of the SS JOSEPHINE. Pirate, Raiders, and other nefarious groups were the boogeymen of stories told by the older spacers to put some fear into the younger ones. Yet Jeihee thought they were only tales and stories, until her ship was attacked by nausicaan raiders. The raiders were brutal and merciless, slaughtering the entire crew. Jeihee managed to escape detection, due to Tavo’s bravery (and sacrifice). Incensed by the murder of Tavo, Jeihee locked down engineering and sabotaged the ship. She jury-rigged the plasma coolant to dump into the ventilation system. When she released it into the ship, the raiders on board had no chance and all were killed. Although Jeihee was safe from the coolant, the ship’s life support system was irreparably damaged. Within an hour Jeihee ran out of air herself and succumbed to the early stages of asphyxiation. Luckily, the USS TIAN AN MEN (NCC-21382), a Miranda-class patrol frigate was nearby and answered the distress call.

    Upon waking up in the TIAN AN MEN’s sickbay, Jeihee’s narrative corroborated the report that the First Officer and Chief of Security had pieced together from the freighter’s logs and their own investigative deductions. But Jeihee’s next request surprised both Starfleet Officers. She asked if she could enlist and join their crew. Jeihee truly didn’t have anywhere to go. Her parents practically disowned her and the JOSEPHINE was no more.

    By this time, Starfleet was in great need of qualified crewman as war with the Dominion was on the verge of breaking out. After security checks and aptitude tests, Jeihee was made a Petty Officer and quickly assigned as an Technician aboard the USS TIAN AN MEN. This posting was temporary until the TIAN AN MEN’s scheduled rendezvous at Starbase 234. However, shortly after, the TIAN AN MEN was fighting for its life against a cardassian cruiser and a pair of Jemhadar fighters. Jeihee was repairing a critical power coupling in Main Engineering when a torpedo hit penetrated the hull during a momentary shields outage. As fate would have it, she was inside an access tunnel when the explosion ripped through engineering. When Jeihee came to a few moments later, she found herself sealed inside the duct section she was working in. The emergency bulkhead had shut moments after the torpedo hit, the resulting explosion had caused it to buckle slightly. With her head spinning and ears ringing, Jeihee crawled out the only other way. As she crawled out of access hatch into a corridor, she saw the controlled chaos with damage control parties working feverishly to get fires and damage until control. An officer ordered someone to take Jeihee to sickbay, but she insisted she was well enough to continue her duties and repairs. Which she did, until she collapsed two hours later. In that time, the TIAN AN MEN had eluded their attackers but were unable to make anything faster than warp factor 1 to return to base. It would be several weeks later before the TIAN AN MEN limped its way to the nearest Starbase.

    Once at the Starbase, Jeihee was transferred to the USS HOOD (NCC-42296), an Excelisor-class cruiser. While aboard the HOOD, Jeihee saw a lot more action. Her skills in damage control and battle repairs under duress earned her admiration from her peers and praise from her superiors. Unexpectedly, Jeihee showed talent for Away Team missions, with her technical expertise and her being certified as a Field Medic. As the war progressed, risking the ship’s doctors and other medical officers was not a keen luxury. An enlisted field medic was not only more practical but expendable. A medic just needed to perform initial triage and stabilize the wounded, which Jeihee did on numerous occasions.

    During her time aboard the HOOD, Jeihee ran into Nathan Wang, her team leader from her freshman year at the Academy. Nathan was a fourth-year cadet while Jeihee was a first-year cadet. Nathan was posted to the HOOD as one of its junior medical officers. The old friendship rekindled, which grew into a relationship. The stress of war’s unpredictably of being gone tomorrow sped up the passion, both emotionally and physically. For Jeihee, Nathan was her rock, her anchor. She found his presence, his advice, and being soothing and essential for getting through the tough times in the war. Especially, after returning from an away mission where people were killed.

    When the Treaty of Bajor was signed and peace was announced, Nathan asked Jeihee to marry him. She said yes, as she had come to depend on his mental and spiritual fortitude. Jeihee didn’t know when exactly, but sometime during the war, she had lost hers. She had nightmares that she couldn’t remember, felt irritable when things she had repaired got damaged again, and felt withdrawn from her peers. Her condition wasn’t fully realized until her honeymoon when Nathan saw Jeihee standing on the hotel balcony railing fifty stories up from the ground. After pulling her down, the blank and far away look confirmed his suspicions.

    Returning to the Hood, Jeihee began to get help. It was very difficult for Jeihee, as she couldn’t get passed the fact that she was ‘broken’ and ‘damaged’. More so, she began to wonder if that is why she was disowned by her parents. As much as the counselor and Nathan told that was not true, in Jeihee’s mind the reality of her problems made it very much true. Two months later, Jeihee was told she was pregnant. The emotions were mixed from her, as she tormented herself by wondering if she would be a good mother. Or a broken one. During the pregnancy Nathan re-introduced Jeihee to painting, drawing, and the violin again. Jei had not participated in any of the fine arts since leaving the Academy. This helped Jeihee immensely and she got through her pregnancy without any incidents. By the time their daughter Nara was born, Nathan was hopeful that Jeihee had finally overcome her condition.

    With a young infant, Nathan requested a family transfer to Earth Space Dock. The unfamiliar and foreign surroundings, being close to an alienated family, and the stress of rearing a newborn was too much too quickly for Jeihee to handle. And she cracked. The anger within her exploded and Nathan received an incredibly emotional verbal lashing from Jeihee. Alas, Jeihee’s relationship with Nathan began to crack. Her lack of emotion, of any kind, over time drove the wedge and increased the divide even further. Nathan had great patience, but even a Vulcan has their limit before they get angry back. When Nathan lost his cool and raged back, Jeihee knew that she was at the end of her rope. She had a moment of clarity and asked Nathan to take their daughter and leave. That staying together was just causing more hurt and pain. The wind taken out of his sails, Nathan feeling like he was punched in the gut, could only agree.

    The next day, Nathan spoke to a mutual friend who spoke with Jeihee. The friend knew an officer onboard the USS ARES and that it was preparing for a new long-range exploration mission. If Jeihee passed the medical exam and was deemed fit for duty, they would help her get assigned to this prestigious new mission. It would be a long time before Jeihee returned to back to Earth, but that time could help her overcome her mental wounds and allow her to heal.

    Service Record :
    2371-2372: Starfleet Academy, Medicine, Expelled for Academic Misconduct at start of the Third Year.
    2373-2373: Enlisted, Assigned to Technician billet aboard the USS TIAN AN MEN (NCC-21382)
    2373-2377: Assigned to Technician billet aboard the USS HOOD (NCC-42296)
    2377-2381: Assigned to Technician billet with the 4182nd Maintenance Squadron, Earth Space Dock
    2381-early: Assigned to Technician billet aboard the USS ARES (NCC-79116)
    2381-Later: Field promoted to Ensign, assigned as Trauma Specialist under CMO Cushing.

    Medical Record : Patient has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) since 2375. She had consulted and was under the care of a Clinical psychologist. Her psychologist aboard the USS HOOD, CDR Sivek, noted that as of her transfer off the HOOD to ESD, in 2377, she was showing strong signs of improvement and made great strides of recovery.

    On ESD, LT Holden, her new clinical psychologist reported as of 2380 that she was showing increased signs of regression and had mentioned she once had a thought of suicide. CDR Ortiz, ESD, has cleared Crewman Han as of 2381. Her work record and notes from her supervisors give her high marks and praise.

    Highly recommend regular sessions with an assigned Ship Counselor or Medical Officer to monitor and re-initiate treatment.
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