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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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    Dorvan V
    Island Stronghold

    Grakan paced the central promenade of the Island Fortress for perhaps the twentieth time, conspicuously stepping over Krint's carcass once again. He had killed him yesterday, about this time, for what constituted a minimal crime. "When are we leaving," Krint had asked, shortly after Naechk's failed attack on the Federation Vessel. Grakan's actions were swift and unexpected; the blade had penetrated Krint's torso so quickly that it still appeared that he was awaiting a reply before his eyes widened in alarm and he slid to the ground.

    It had to be done, Grakan told himself. "We're not leaving," he had shouted, following it up with a grim, challenging stare at the onlookers around him. Krint was a good man. He didnt deserve being made an example of. But the remaining Nausicaans on the planet were a throbbing artery - the slightest demonstration of weakness would rupture their ranks and cause them to slowly bleed off numbers until all their dreams died. He'd seen it too many times before on ships, when a Federation, Klingon, or Romulan patrol would arrive, and men would slowly recede towards the shuttle bays and escape pods to evade capture. Grakan would not be that weakness. He would not fail. He was too smart for that. Too courageous.

    "The Federation is leaving, not us! Did you all forget why we even came here? The Federation abandoned this world, and their own citizens years ago! To the Cardassians! Do you think they'll come down to fight us hand to hand now for a bunch of miners? The Federation is all show. They came down, made a few gestures, blew up a few vessels, and now it's time to leave. Have you all not learned anything about how the universe works? It's just like on Mother Nausicaa. Leadership regimes come in and go out just as quickly as the winds change, but us...the ancient ones, the brotherhoods, the cliques, the sets, the ones who understand love, respect, and sacrifice, who bleed for each other, who share everything because we had nothing, we are ALWAYS there! They accuse us of being criminals, gangs, thugs, for what? For taking what is ours, what we've been excluded from! They are the criminals! The Klingons subjugate and enslave. The Romulans plot and maneuver. The Federation present themselves as friends of all, only to continue their galactic elitism at the expense of the weak. Their most cherished ideal, the Prime Directive, does nothing but restrict others from vital technology, consolidating it for them. If you dont have warp drive, your starvation, your planet teetering on collapse, is worth nothing but a footnote on a data pad, written by a bored undari in a blue shirt."

    "Is that the universe you want to live in? Is that what you want to happen to you? Or do you want to make your stand here? We are the strong. We are cunning and deadly. We are survivors. Naechk and the other war leaders wasted what they had, and now they and their followers are dead. But you are still here, because you followed me. So trust me now, and I will lead you to victory!

    His words were met with wild cheers and warlike ululations at the time. He believed his speech was convincing, but all the same, he left Krint there to "encourage" those that weren't properly inspired. It bought him perhaps a little time. Now there was just the waiting, and hoping his words proved true.
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    USS Ares

    Captain Teriir stood at the front of the bridge, close to the viewscreen observed as the starship Athena moved into an orbital position just ahead of theirs. The Charybdis instantly moved alongside her, the orange glow from its charged phasers array ready for a fight should any threat emerge. Though he didn’t like the thought of pointing weapons at one of their own ships, it was necessary at this time due to the extraordinary situation. He stood motionless as a ping rang at the Communicaiton Officer’s station.

    “Captain, we are being hailed,” the officer said. The Captain at last turned around and moved back to a more suitable position.

    “On screen,” he replied. The screen switched from the Sovereign class starship to its bridge, where a Human Commander stood at the center, a concerned expression on her face. He introduced himself, “This is Captain Teriir of the starship Ares. Welcome to the Dorvan System.”

    “Commander Mayfield,” she answered, shifting uncomfortably, “I’m well aware of who you are; it wasn’t that long ago we spoke over subspace channels about what happened.”

    “Still, introductions are always appreciated for when crews meet for the first time,” Teriir commented as he looked over his shoulder towards the guests he had on the bridge, “This is Gul Enok, Cardassian Liaison to the settlements on Dorvan V, and Wakoro, representative of the Tribal Council.”

    “A pleasure to meet you,” Mayfield almost murmured her response, “I wish our meeting was under better circumstances. We’re a bit anxious to get the two dozen traitors off the ship but we want to do it carefully.”

    “The Cerberus is going to be handling all of the transport duties,” he reassured the Commander, remembering from her record that she was considered to be a bit paranoid, “All we have to do is lower the transport inhibitors on our ships so they can beam everyone off in one go.”

    “That’s good,”she let out a relieved breath and went on a bit of a flustered spiel over what transpired on her ship over the last few days. Teriir simply zoned out and ignored most of it as he’d heard everything in the debrief she’d given over subspace in their joint call the other day. He did this for what must’ve been a full minute before finally making an effort to get her attention, “Um . . . what was that?”

    “I said we can hear more about the events on your ship yesterday another time,” he said, knowing it was his turn to be relieved. This didn’t bring any good feelings though because he was disturbed by one of the details she mentioned, “You mentioned just now that two of the Senior Officers of the Athena were involved in the plot. Can you tell us more about that?”

    “Oh! I thought I informed you about – nevermind, I had it in the report,” Mayfield stopped herself from going on another lengthy monologue, “Our Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander U’than Vahn, and the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Filo Abrams, were involved in the plot.”

    “For some reason, I’m not surprised. With a conspiracy like this, Admiral Barron needed a lot of people in her pocket. Lets get going on transporting them to their new homes. We’ll be ready to beam everyone off within the hour. Ares out,” Teriir answered as the channel closed. Sitting down in his chair, he opened up a new one, “Bridge to Commander Biiqs.”

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))

    “The Athena has arrived. Get our special guests ready to be beamed off by the Cerberus as soon as you can,” he instructed the Officer. Ending the conversation with the flick of a switch, he let his concerns over who else was now revealed to be involved in the plot surface, “I know of the now former Commander Vahn. He participated in numerous patrols against piracy in areas of the Federation not affected by the Dominion War. It must’ve been hard for him to be sidelined. That Doctor’s name is familiar somehow.”

    “Family reputation. His Uncle is an official Prosecutor for Starfleet Officers, focusing much of his time in Academy affairs,” Commander R’Turan commented next to him, “I ran into that Doctor once when my ship was undergoing repairs, where he talked proudly about how he was able to stay out of the fighting.”

    “I would’ve thought most people would be using them to get into the fight,” Lieutenant Eleutherio thought aloud, “Earn glory, expand the family reputation . . . stuff like that.”

    “Someone had to remain behind to keep the Federation going while everyone else was fighting a war,” Teriir shrugged at the suggestion, as something about this was gnawing at him now, “I need to look into something while we see our own problematic officers off.”

    “Anything we can help with?” Lieutenant Kenny offered.

    Teriir shook his head as he declined and set his communication speaker to go shipwide so he was sure the people he wanted to reach, “Doctor Cushing and Ensign Han, please report to the Captain’s Office.”

    “I thought Han was a Technician?” R’Turan pointed out before a look of understanding flashed across his features, “I see. Someone gave her a promotion without first informing you.”

    “Although I gave permission to the Doctor to find someone with medical qualifications yesterday, I'd like to know more about his decision,” the Captain said as he went over to the turbolift to his office once more.

    (( TAG: Christopher, Jei, Biiqs ))
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 17-ENGINERING

    “Have you ever experienced anything like this before?”
    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - No, I don't think so.
    ((Tag RedKing))
    Max took the 'lender' arm & attached it to the stump. After a few seconds, it jerked a bit, then Max was able to control it.
    - Thanks Chief! I'm going to sickbay to see if the problem is with the connection implant in the stump.
    ((Tag RedKing))
    Max headed off to sickbay. In a few minutes, he was there.
    ((Tag Chris))
    Max said, nervously,
    - It's a problem with my arm. Rosek has it in Engineering. Can you check the connection implant to see if there's a problem?
    ((Tag Chris))
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    USS Ares
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    Name:  LT-CMDR-Obi-wan-adjusted.jpg
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    Attachment 9774

    Christopher had dismissed the EMH and was working on crew evaluations when he saw Max wander into sickbay looking a little concerned.

    "Hey, Max," Christopher smiled, "what's up?"

    Max said, nervously, "It's a problem with my arm. Rosek has it in Engineering. Can you check the connection implant to see if there's a problem?"

    Now Christopher understood. "Sure, come on over to Biobed 1, it's a little more private. Now, let's get a good look." Christopher conducted a visual exam first, looking for any obvious signs of infection or inflammation. "You had any pain in this arm at all?"

    (( MAX ))

    "Well, that's a good start. Let's see what's going on inside." Christopher pulled over a cellular scanner and positioned Max's arm underneath the delicate sensor array. "Now, this won't hurt a bit."

    (( MAX ))

    Christopher watched the display as pale blue light scanned the remainder of the arm, data scrolling by at speed. After a few moments, the screen displayed an extremely detailed image of Max's implant, including the neural connections. He looked at Max, "You want to see?"

    (( MAX ))

    Christopher turned the display so that Max got a better view, "No infections, no sign of rejection, there's a slight displacement in one of the nerve impulse connections but it shouldn't have caused anything noticeable. Would you like me to correct the placement? I can schedule you in for later today?"

    (( MAX ))

    Attachment 9774
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    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Wed 16 Oct, 2019 8:49 PM.
    USS Ares

    “For some reason, I’m not surprised. With a conspiracy like this, Admiral Barron needed a lot of people in her pocket. Lets get going on transporting them to their new homes. We’ll be ready to beam everyone off within the hour. Ares out,” Teriir answered as the channel closed. Sitting down in his chair, he opened up a new one, “Bridge to Commander Biiqs.”
    Tarquin, here. Go ahead, Captain.”

    “The Athena has arrived. Get our special guests ready to be beamed off by the Cerberus as soon as you can,” he instructed the Officer.
    “Understood.” The connection closed soon afterward, and Biiqs popped another spiced potato ole in his mouth. When the door to the Ares Security Compound’s briefing room opened suddenly, he almost choked on it, fearing that it would be Chief Tran, policing his breakfast with zero tolerance. But it was only Locke.

    “Good news! The Cerberus is ready to receive our complement of prisoners. I’ve got a bit of time before the briefing, so I’ll take care of the ones here in the Brig. I know that you’ve got your hands with our visitors of the more distinguished type, with the upcoming wedding.

    “Thank you, sir. Speaking of visitors, were you aware that we have a new exchange officer yesterday evening from the Klingon Defense Force?” Locke handed him a PADD.

    “I was not,” Looking at the PADD, he gave a low whistle. “Wow. That’s a big kitty.”

    “I’d be careful not to call him that to his face, sir,” Locke said with a smirk.

    “Or think it in his general vicinity,” replied Biiqs. “Some Ferasans are known to be telepathic. I spent a little time on the Klingon Border after the war, at Starbase 234. Interesting times. It required a lot of cooperation with the KDF to keep that area clear of postwar piracy. He should be a welcome addition to the ship. I think I’ll send him an invite to come and observe the briefing. But first, let me contact Quiir so he can square away the prisoners in the cargo bay.”

    “Hopefully, without any injuries this time,” Locke jested.

    “Oh, I’m sure he’ll do fine. I think he has the makings of a good officer. He practically leapt in front of the enlisted man who was actually responsible before he could confess his fault, accepting the blame for him. I’m sure that he’ll keep everyone’s chest cavities clear of dom-jot cues and get them over to the Cerberus with no problem. Commander Tarquin to Ensign Quiir.”

    “Ensign Quiir here, sir,” the young Ferengi responded.

    “The Cerberus is here for your guests. Please prepare them for immediate transport. Take care to deactivate the local transport inhibitor fields on my command.”

    “Aye, sir. Preparing now.”

    Before opening a channel to the Cerberus, Biiqs took a moment to type a message for Lt. Kurts, Lt. Tess, and Thane to meet him in the Briefing Room in the Security Complex on Deck 4 at 1300 hours.

    (( TAG: Blaster, Krajin ))
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    A Joint Post by Asteropax, WelshAvenger, & Sylinn

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 – Captain’s Office

    Captain Teriir paused as he entered his office and shot a stern look at the person who’d taken his seat, “I didn’t call for you to be here.”

    “Then why the shipwide request to bring Doctor Cushing and Ms. Han to your Office?” Lieutenant Locke answered as he took his feet off the desk, with a smirk on his face, “You want me here and are just trying to act tough so they don’t know what’s up.”

    “You read into things too much, now get out of the chair,” he ordered while moving to reclaim his seat. Locke abandoned it when he was nearly to the desk. He rolled his eyes as the Security Officer moved over to stand just off to the side of the doorway, a good place to be in order to conceal himself from someone entering the room right away, “There’s no need for hide and seek.”

    “At least until they get here and you let me clue everyone in,” Locke shrugged. Teriir accepted this and turned his attention to a PADD which had changed locations on his desk. Turning it on, he saw the Academy Inquiry into Jei Han’s case was already on it. He left it on the desk as he began skimming through it to note the important details. One of the details made him grunt in a strange satisfaction; the kind which proved a gut feeling correct. At that moment, the door chimed.

    Keeping his eyes on the PADD, he called out, “Enter.”

    Before following Christopher into the Captain’s Ready Room, Jei smoothed out her tunic and tugged at her cuffs. Though it was years behind her, Jei still knew how to present herself in uniform from her cadet days. Satisfied with her uniform, Jei followed Christopher in and stood at attention to the left and slightly behind her mentor and friend.

    Christopher gave Jei's shoulder a reassuring squeeze before turning to address the Captain. "You wanted to see us, Captain?"

    “Take a seat, please,” Teriir said as he looked up at them in greeting and pointed towards the two chairs before his desk. He gazed at Ms. Han for a long moment before speaking to Doctor Cushing, “This is our new Trauma Specialist?”

    Jei knew better than to answer first, with both of her direct superiors here. If they needed additional information, they would ask. Besides, Jei knew that Captain Teriir’s question was directed at Christopher.

    Christopher nodded, "Ensign Han here will be taking over the role and managing the triage centre on Deck 11."

    “I’m sure she’ll fit in well once she’s been given full training but . . . there’s a problem,” Teriir sighed heavily. Picking up the PADD, he read the summary, “Stardate 49969.5 through 50054.3. Starfleet Academy Investigation into Academic Misconduct of Sophomore Cadet Jei Han. Cadet withdrew from Starfleet Academy during the investigation and is declared to be a sign of guilt as all evidence pointed to the confirmation of all charges. Under Starfleet Regulation 35, any person who as been discharged, resigned, or departed from Starfleet due to actions unfitting of an Officer returns to active service is not allowed rank.”

    Christopher couldn't help himself, "That's insane!"

    Jei knew this to be true, hence why she never ever pursued trying to change the past. What was done is done. Sure, it was a defensive mechanism to think that way, but it helped save some of her sanity. She looked at Christopher. “I’m sorry,” Jei simply stated.

    Christopher was dumbfounded, 'What the hell had happened that would mean someone basically sidelining Jei for the rest of her life? "Captain, this isn't right. There must be something we can do?"

    The Captain nodded sympathetically as he lowered the PADD and focused on Han and Cushing, “Section D of this regulation lists the cases in which this can be overruled. One of them is that the Commanding Officer present can do a reevaluation and review of the subject person if requested by their immediate superior. Due to your excellent service aboard the Ares and on other Federation vessels since what is listed in the official record as an expulsion, I am willing to take a second look.”

    Christopher didn't even hesitate, "Thank you, Captain, I hereby request a re-evaluation."

    “I’m not sure. Quite honestly, I was framed but I know that those involved will be very hard to refute due to their status and connections. I rather not trudge up bad memories for something that will be ultimately denied.” admitted Jei.

    Christopher frowned, more determined than ever to offer his support to Jei.

    “In my experience, status and connections mean nothing when you use them unjustly,” Teriir gave Jei an apologetic smile when she mentioned being framed. He looked first to Han and then the Doctor, “There are a few things I want to know more about before offering my full support in this. I’ve read the report but I would like to hear more about your side of the story, Ms. Han. And, Doctor, why did you decide to choose her over, say, one of the Medical Technicians?”

    Christopher had been prepared for this question, "Practicality. Ensign Han has already been through the Academy's medical program and will only need a minimum of training to bring her up to current standards. Even my best Med Tech would need two years full time training to convert to a trauma MD. Couple that with her innate creativity and medical skill, I felt that her talents were too great to waste and that she deserved the chance. In addition, Jei has invaluable experience based on her war record. I have read many notations from the CMO on the HOOD. She has no less than forty-seven away missions, eighteen of them combat missions, as a field medic. No one else aboard has that experience."

    Jei felt uncomfortable as she never liked being praised. It slightly embarrassed her, as she just rather her actions and abilities speak for themselves. Yet, she remained silent, letting Christopher say his piece and the Captain determine the merits of Christopher’s words.

    Christopher continued, "Captain, if Jei were any other person, with her record, she'd be a full Lieutenant by now at the very least. All I'm asking is that we recognise her extraordinary contribution."

    Although Teriir heard Christopher's glowing words, his mind was on Jei's comments. Rather, the lack of comments. Her silence told him she'd completely accepted what happened to her and had given up on any chance of clearing her name. In his mind's eye, she'd been forced to confront a mountain along and now was worried about trying again even with the full support of both immediate peers and superiors. Perhaps it was time to start showing some of their cards to help improve her optimism.
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    USS Ares
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    Attachment 9774

    Christopher had dismissed the EMH and was working on crew evaluations when he saw Max wander into sickbay looking a little concerned.
    "Hey, Max," Christopher smiled, "what's up?"

    Max said, nervously, "It's a problem with my arm. Rosek has it in Engineering. Can you check the connection implant to see if there's a problem?"
    Now Christopher understood. "Sure, come on over to Biobed 1, it's a little more private. Now, let's get a good look." Christopher conducted a visual exam first, looking for any obvious signs of infection or inflammation. "You had any pain in this arm at all?"
    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - Only a little bit of tingling. I wouldn't call it pain at all, to be honest.

    "Well, that's a good start. Let's see what's going on inside." Christopher pulled over a cellular scanner and positioned Max's arm underneath the delicate sensor array. "Now, this won't hurt a bit."
    Max helped maneuver the stump into position to comfortably position the residual for a scan.
    Christopher watched the display as pale blue light scanned the remainder of the arm, data scrolling by at speed. After a few moments, the screen displayed an extremely detailed image of Max's implant, including the neural connections. He looked at Max, "You want to see?"
    Max just nodded and said,
    - Please.
    Christopher turned the display so that Max got a better view, "No infections, no sign of rejection, there's a slight displacement in one of the nerve impulse connections but it shouldn't have caused anything noticeable. Would you like me to correct the placement? I can schedule you in for later today?"
    Max nodded and said,
    - The XO put me off for the day because of this, so yeah.

    ((TAG Chris))

    Attachment 9774
    JoshBroughm Medals
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    Outside Medical Complex

    After the check up Thane had left the medical complex with the intent to hunt down and meet with the other senior officers as he would encounter them during his own self tour of the Ares. Thane took a certain enjoyment from doing it on his own rather than having an officer escorting him around as it allowed him to set his own pace and with the PADD detailing the layout and overall history of the ship it was an adventure of its own. Call it a secret pleasure of his in this case. As he was heading down the hall towards the Turbolift until a notification came up on the device with a message. Reading it, Thane would check the chrono and head off towards the Lift wherein he'd take it up to Deck Four and to the Security Complex a little early hopefully to meet Biiqs before this briefing occurred.

    Security Complex

    He'd make his way through the main doors and into the complex proper, taking note of the layout and checking his PADD before heading towards Biiq's office and buzzing the door.

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))
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    Outside Medical Complex

    After the check up Thane had left the medical complex with the intent to hunt down and meet with the other senior officers as he would encounter them during his own self tour of the Ares. Thane took a certain enjoyment from doing it on his own rather than having an officer escorting him around as it allowed him to set his own pace and with the PADD detailing the layout and overall history of the ship it was an adventure of its own. Call it a secret pleasure of his in this case. As he was heading down the hall towards the Turbolift until a notification came up on the device with a message. Reading it, Thane would check the chrono and head off towards the Lift wherein he'd take it up to Deck Four and to the Security Complex a little early hopefully to meet Biiqs before this briefing occurred.

    Security Complex

    He'd make his way through the main doors and into the complex proper, taking note of the layout and checking his PADD before heading towards Biiq's office and buzzing the door.

    "You've gotten the latest projected model from Meteorology, right? Make sure to keep an eye on your atmospheric sensors and..."

    When the door chimed, Biiqs yelled, "Enter" without looking at the door. He was seated on a corner of the security office desk, speaking to Lt. Kodin Watson. Biiqs had mostly kept out of the office during his short time aboard, ceding it to Locke, the Chief of Security. Yet he found it the most convenient place to go over a few last minute details.

    "As I said, keep a eye on those atmospheric sensors just in case you have to adapt the plan and call an audible. Do you know what an audible is? You were raised in the Martian Colonies, weren't you? It's a term that originates from an ancient Earth contest of strength called..."

    Lt. Watson cleared his throat, looking toward the door. Biiqs followed his eyes over...and then up. Standing quickly to his feet, he saluted in the Klingon fashion.

    "Qapla!" He said, with a decent accent. "I'm afraid my knowledge of the Ferasan tongue is lacking, so that's the most welcoming greeting I can offer, unfortunately. You must be Thane. Biiqs Tarquin, Tactical Chief. I dare say we will probably be working closely together, and I look forward to it. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

    (( TAG: Krajin ))

    "Excellent! Oh, and this is Lt. Kodin Watson, a member of our security team, and one of the best pilots within the department. We were just going over a few things before the briefing. Mainly the weather. The latest ground mission will involve a HALO jump. The wrong windspeed with something like that can cause a lot of havoc. Ever perform any orbital jumps before, maybe during the war? I can tell you, if you ever make a bad jump, you'll become a meteorologist before you ever make another. He chuckled a bit at his own joke, and continued. "But enough about that, we'll go over that soon enough in the briefing. Tell me about yourself. What do you hope to get out of this exchange program?"

    (( TAG: Krajin ))
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    "Qapla!" He said, with a decent accent. "I'm afraid my knowledge of the Ferasan tongue is lacking, so that's the most welcoming greeting I can offer, unfortunately. You must be Thane. Biiqs Tarquin, Tactical Chief. I dare say we will probably be working closely together, and I look forward to it. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

    Thane loomed in the doorway as Biiqs spoke to the other officer in the room about HALO jumps and audibles. He didn't mind the conversation going on as he wasn't concerned with waiting for them to finish. When Biiqs did greet him, Thane would return a solid Klingon Salute in return with a solid Qapla! Which came in tandem with the solid fist connecting his armoured plate. "It's a pleasure to make your acquantance as well. Tactical Chief." He'd give in reply. "It is alright, I am quite unfamiliar with the Bolian tongue."


    "Excellent! Oh, and this is Lt. Kodin Watson, a member of our security team, and one of the best pilots within the department. We were just going over a few things before the briefing. Mainly the weather. The latest ground mission will involve a HALO jump. The wrong windspeed with something like that can cause a lot of havoc. Ever perform any orbital jumps before, maybe during the war? I can tell you, if you ever make a bad jump, you'll become a meteorologist before you ever make another. He chuckled a bit at his own joke, and continued. "But enough about that, we'll go over that soon enough in the briefing. Tell me about yourself. What do you hope to get out of this exchange program?"

    (( TAG: Krajin ))
    "HALO jumps? I have done a couple of them during the war, my first was an unfortunate emergency. Learned quick." He'd reply rather honestly. "I am Thane Va'rek of House Bravat, I am a veteran of the Dominion War from the start of Klingon involvement through to the end. Served as part of a mixed unit from the USS Helios for a good portion of it due to damage to my House and its facilities. One of the first non-Klingons to be initiated into the Honour Guard after the War." He'd slip his hands behind his back and adopted a more 'at ease' stance with his ears shifting forward, then one shifting to the side as if listening to something else, elsewhere whilst the majority of his attention was focused on Biiqs and the young human officer. "I have a strong like for the more intense sports out there, if it gives a rush I am likely to try it or like it. I enjoy tinkering with technology on the side with a side project I've brought along to work on during my stay." At the question of what he sought from the Exchange program, a slight grin would curl on the right side of his face with the flash of a couple of well maintained teeth to which he would answer.

    "I am here for the gratuitous amounts of violence commonly associated with the Federation and where its ships boldly go." Certainly a joke on his behalf judging by the way his ear would twitch coupled with that slightly intimidating grin. "I seek to broaden my horizons and have new experiences beyond that which the Empire can provide me as well as broaden my skills. Beyond being one of the better warriors of my house I am a bit of an amateur scientist on the side." He was being quite modest there all things considered and Thane did figure that Biiqs would have access to the Captain's report and his own file. So the Ferasan didn't need to talk up a pride filled tale over himself as his history, scars and honours all spoke of his ability when and where needed.

    "What about you? Tell me about yourself, your department and crew. I am quite curious as well of what you'd expect to see of this Exchange program, expectations of your crew both on and off duty. That kind of thing and.. anything of personal note you'd like to share."

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))
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    USS Ares
    Sick Bay

    Note: this takes place before The Captain's post Smile

    Name:  LT-CMDR-Obi-wan-adjusted.jpg
Views: 1908
Size:  14.7 KB

    Attachment 9774

    Max nodded and said,
    - The XO put me off for the day because of this, so yeah.

    "Ok," Christopher said, tapping his console, "you're booked in for 1330hrs. It shouldn't take more than an hour or so for the procedure, but, and I can't stress this enough, you'll be on light duties for the next two days until everything settles down and heals in place. Now, scoot, I have training simulations to prepare."

    Christopher got up and walked to the nearby holodeck. The doors opened and he was greeted with the familiar pattern of the walls. "Computer, activate training program Cushing 1."

    The computer beeped in acknowledgement and he was surrounded by white walls and cubicles with curtains. Nurses in old fashioned scrubs went about their duties while white coated doctors flitted between patients. Christopher could smell the faint whiff of antiseptic, vomit and fresh blood. 'Some things don't change.' he thought.

    A young man in scrubs with tattooed arms came up to him, "Can I help you?"

    Christopher smiled, "Hi, I'm Doctor Cushing, I'm just visiting to make sure that you're all ready for my student to continue her placement in your ER?"

    The young man smiled back, "Oh yeah, the transfer! Name's Casey and I'll be looking out for her while she's with Doctor Bloom."

    "I appreciate that, Casey," Christopher said, "Is there any chance I could have a talk with Doctor Bloom?"

    "Sure, I'll go let her know you're here." Casey dashed off.

    Christopher amused himself by chatting to a nurse with vibrantly deep blue hair and wondered if she had some Tanagrian heritage.

    "Doctor Cushing?" came a voice from behind him. "How can I help?"

    Christopher turned to see a dark haired woman shuffling toward him on a cane, her right leg encased in some kind of splint. "Good grief, can I help you at all?"

    The woman smiled, "Nothing you can do, I just have to let the leg heal." She stuck out a hand, "I'm Doctor Bloom, Lauren."

    "Well Doctor Bloom, Lauren, my student is due to carry on her training in your ED in a couple of days and..." Christopher began.

    "You wanted to check up on us to make sure we weren't going to screw up her training?" Lauren interrupted.

    Christopher laughed, "Something like that."

    Lauren sat down and rested her leg, "Well, if that happened, Max would fire me, Iggy would probably never speak to me again and Vijay would be very disappointed. Why is this student such a special case that Max himself came and told me to train her?"

    The question surprised Christopher, "She's a veteran." He said, knowing that it wasn't a lie. "She mustered out as an engineer after quite a few deployments. She decided on medicine as a way to distance herself from the service. I requested her transfer to here so that she's not confronted by anyone she knew from her service days."

    Lauren's face softened, "We'll take real good care of her then."

    Christopher shook her hand again, "Thank you, Doctor."

    "You're welcome, Doctor." Lauren said as she rose with some effort and turned to go see to her patients.

    Taking one last look around the room, Christopher said, "Computer, end program."

    Attachment 9774
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Thu 21 Nov, 2019 11:36 AM.
    USS Ares
    Just Outside Sickbay

    Attachment 9774
    Sam & A'ral arrived at the large holodeck, Sam was dressed in traditional scottish formal & A'ral in a simple, but elegant suit with a pocket square of what looked like a version of Andorian tartin. Sam adjusted the tartain sash
    - I've never had to wear this type of dress before. Feels really strange.
    A'ral laughed heartily and said,
    - I've had this suit since i started in the service. My mates always said that I looked dashing in it.

    Sam nodded, then brought up the program list on the holodeck main panel, then selected the prepared wedding venue of Urquhart castle.
    - Shall we?
    A'ral nodded, then they both entered the holodeck. Sam had a quick look around, then said to the computer,
    - Computer, replicate two bottles of Alexander Keiths IPA, one degree Celsius.
    The computer beeped and two bottles of the embidement appeared on a shelf next to the grand doors. Sam handed a bottle to A'ral & said,
    - To the happiness of love.
    A'ral raised his bottle, then took a big gulp. He enjoyed the flavor of it. The Ambassador pressed a console button close to the door and said,
    - How long before you're ready, sweetie?
    Akyv responded quickly, saying,
    - I'm just getting my hair done, so it might be an hour & a half.

    - We'll call in the guests now.
    The comms snapped off & sam said,
    - I'll get the captain.
    Sam proceeded to the bridge to get the captain. He got a few strange looks on the way, but he didn't care.

    ((TAG Terrir))

    Sam smiled and said,
    - Took me a bit to find this getup.

    ((Tag Terrir))

    Sam nodded and said,
    - I'll wait.

    ((tag Terrir))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Fri 22 Nov, 2019 5:59 AM.

    "HALO jumps? I have done a couple of them during the war, my first was an unfortunate emergency. Learned quick." He'd reply rather honestly. "I am Thane Va'rek of House Bravat, I am a veteran of the Dominion War from the start of Klingon involvement through to the end. Served as part of a mixed unit from the USS Helios for a good portion of it due to damage to my House and its facilities. One of the first non-Klingons to be initiated into the Honour Guard after the War." He'd slip his hands behind his back and adopted a more 'at ease' stance with his ears shifting forward, then one shifting to the side as if listening to something else, elsewhere whilst the majority of his attention was focused on Biiqs and the young human officer. "I have a strong like for the more intense sports out there, if it gives a rush I am likely to try it or like it. I enjoy tinkering with technology on the side with a side project I've brought along to work on during my stay." At the question of what he sought from the Exchange program, a slight grin would curl on the right side of his face with the flash of a couple of well maintained teeth to which he would answer.
    Biqqs nodded as he listened to Thane's history. "Honor Guard. Remarkable." He said the latter more to himself, and paused to let him continue.

    "I am here for the gratuitous amounts of violence commonly associated with the Federation and where its ships boldly go." Certainly a joke on his behalf judging by the way his ear would twitch coupled with that slightly intimidating grin. "I seek to broaden my horizons and have new experiences beyond that which the Empire can provide me as well as broaden my skills. Beyond being one of the better warriors of my house I am a bit of an amateur scientist on the side." He was being quite modest there all things considered and Thane did figure that Biiqs would have access to the Captain's report and his own file. So the Ferasan didn't need to talk up a pride filled tale over himself as his history, scars and honours all spoke of his ability when and where needed.
    Biiqs couldn't hide his shocked expression. He repeated, "Gratuitous amounts of violence," slowly, folding his arms across his chest. A loud bark of laughter emerged from him a moment later. "Why, I'm not sure if that is a joke or grave social analysis, but stars above and below, I've always found that to be true! From the time I enlisted, I thought I'd see amazing sights and visit strange new worlds, and I have, but it feels like I've been fighting Cardassians for most of my service. It is true...violence is indeed exploration's co-father."

    "What about you? Tell me about yourself, your department and crew. I am quite curious as well of what you'd expect to see of this Exchange program, expectations of your crew both on and off duty. That kind of thing and.. anything of personal note you'd like to share."
    "About myself I can tell you much, but I won't bore you. I'm a simple son of farmers, you could say, born on Earth, actually, and raised there and on a few colonies. When I came of age, after exploring a few other options, I enlisted in Starfleet and learned to beat my figurative plowshare into a figurative sword. Sorry, it's an Earth expression. I've seen extensive service on the Cardassian border prior to the war, mostly under Captain Jellico. You may have heard of him. And of course, I saw most the Dominion least beside the part I spent drifting on a wreck in a nebula. But that's the short list. Nothing as distinguished as your Honor Guard, but I've picked up a handful of decorations here and there. As I said, I spent some time on the Klingon border post war. Developed a love for Klingon Opera. I didn't quite participate in an officer's exchange program, but I did participate in a few joint anti-piracy operations. You wouldn't know a Captain Kemtara, would you? Daughter of Kator, of the House of Noggra." He looked wistfully in the distance for a moment. "It was a horrible, horrible operation, flawed from start to finish. We were constantly at each others throats. I actually think we're engaged to be married now, but I could never tell if her puncturing my spleen was a formal proposal or....."

    "Well, I'm rambling now. Enough about me; we'll come to know each other better over the duration of the mission. As far as the department, I am a recent transfer from the USS Lakota, but in the short time I've known them, I've been in a ship to ship action with multiple opponents, a zero-G firefight with terrorists, helped to disarm a series of explosives, and directed a ground action led by a handful of our departments tech experts," he said, ticking off the points on his fingers. "And they've served admirably in all tasks. It's only been a handful of days, but I can tell this is a solid security department, and we've had more gratuitous amounts of violence than some ships experience in entire missions."

    At this, he grinned. "So yes, you've come to the right ship. It is named after an ancient Earth war deity, and it seems to be living up to its name. All I expect of you is to learn and impart what you have learned over your years of service to the betterment of us all. Comport yourself in a manner in accordance to Starfleet regulations, and see me if you wish to discuss anything about those regulations. That's all I expect from officers - do their duty in a manner that brings honor to themselves and the service, and work out any problems like the profesionals they are. Off duty? Make friends, contacts, and allies for your personal and professional enrichment, and not problems. Simple enough."

    At that he stood. "Well it seems like it's about that time. Would you accompany us to the briefing room?"

    (( TAG: Krajin ))
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    Aliyah was waiting in the Shuttle bay, her bags packed and ready to go aboard the Ares. She was excited to be going aboard the ship, she had heard a lot of talk in the mess about how effective the crew were. She was upset as well, that she was being forced to transfer at such short notice, she had a lot of friends on the Lakota, but they would be able to keep up over holocall. She was most definitely going to miss her Department. She worked well with all of the people, mentoring and helping them get better. This would be an entirely different Department, and she was unsure how to go about working with them.

    She heard the shuttle arriving, and as it touched down the door on the side opened.

    Two people stepped out. One wearing the uniform of a Science Department Officer, the other wearing a flight suit.

    "Greetings, I am Alan Hood, the new head of the Science Department for now" said the Science Officer.

    "Lieutenant Tanata. Former head of this ships Science Department" she replied.

    "I'm sorry for this, I had to transfer. Too much pressure and stress" Alan said, looking apologetically at her.

    "Its fine, honestly, new ship new people. Nothing out of the ordinary" Said Tanata. "Shall we get moving?"

    "Yes, if thats all, load your stuff on board and lets get going" The pilot replied.


    She got on to the shuttle, and after the pilot chatted a bit with the ATC, they took off.

    "Hey." The pilot said, coming over to where Aliyah was sat.

    "Shouldn't you be piloting?" Aliyah replied.

    "No, auto-pilot for now" The pilot replied, sounding a tiny bit hurt.

    Aliyah looked her up and down, Ginger hair, distinctly Vulcan ears however. She was quite short, probably around 5 ft 3, and quite slim, green eyes quite young. Lieutenant pips showed on her collar.

    "A Lieutenant flying a shuttle?" Aliyah said inquisitively.

    "Yep, I am Lieutenant Tess, head of the Ares Fighter Wing. Had to argue a bit with the Commander to be allowed, but I wanted to see the new arrival." Said Tess.

    "And why is that?" Aliyah replied.

    "I'm new to the Ares as well, trust me, you make friends quick. Its not hard at all. The people there are friendly and kind" Tess said.

    "Really? Just a bit worried, I don't want to seem like a bad person" Said Aliyah.

    "You'll be fine, we are here now anyway" Said Tess.

    USS Ares
    Hangar Bay

    The shuttle touched down inside the Ares hangar bay. Tess and Aliyah climbed out.

    "Come on, I'll take you to your quarters" Said Tess.

    Aliyah followed her to the turbolift.
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    USS Homeland
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    USS Ares
    Deck 7

    Tess and Aliyah were walking along the corridor towards where Tess's quarters were, talking occasionally about how life on the Lakota and Ares was.

    "Anyway, here we are" Said Tess

    "My quarters" Aliyah asked sceptically.

    "Yep, your are just opposite mine, so if you need anything don't be afraid to come and ask for help" Tess said.

    "Alright... whats the layout" Aliyah asked.

    "Standard, just a little bigger and different because you are an officer, nothing fancy" Tess replied.

    "You are opposite me, so I can talk to you if I need anything?" Aliyah asked.

    "Anything, I'm never that busy." Tess replied.

    This Vulcan is a little strange... Aliyah thought.

    "Alright, I'll go in and get set up" Aliyah said.

    "Okay, come down to Deck 3 later, I have a few pilots joining me there, we can talk" Tess said.

    "Alright, see you there." Aliyah said grudgingly.

    Aliyah entered her quarters, and looked around. There was a bed in one corner behind a wall, and a bathroom in the other corner.

    Aliyah set her stuff down and began taking it all out, setting up photos and her PADD, as well as a few other decorations. She laid spare uniform out in her lockers and sat down for a rest. She decided she would go down to the mess and see what everyone was doing.

    She left her room and went over to the turbolift near her quarters, she entered it and headed to Deck 3.

    USS Ares
    Deck 3 - Observation Lounge

    Aliyah entered the mess, and looked around. It was not very packed this time of day, however there was a good 10-20 people inside.

    She looked around and soon spotted the ginger hair of Tess. She was sitting with four other people at a table, Tess looked up and motioned for her to come and sit down.

    "Hello, everyone this is Lieutenant Aliyah, the new head of Science for this ship" Tess said.

    "Pleased to meet you," Aliyah said, a little bit more happily.

    "Aliyah, this is Ensign Jamie, my acting executive officer, Ensign Jess, Ensign T'Mep and Ensign Jake. All of these are fighter pilots, Jake is the head Technician" Said Tess.

    They all greeted her warmly.

    "So, how is life on this ship for you guys" Aliyah asked.

    "Pretty normal, "Jess replied joyfully, "We go about our day, until we are called to fight. And a mission a few days ago, taking out a Nausicaan fighter group."

    "I assume that went well?" Aliyah asked.

    "Amazing, took them all down and didn't lose anyone luckily" Said Jamie.

    "Seems a very interesting ship" Said Aliyah.

    "Trust me, this place is never boring" Tess said.

    They chatted for over two hours, at which point it was getting late.

    "Best get some rest for tomorrow everyone," Tess said, "Can't have you lot falling asleep on the job if we are needed."

    "Alright, see you all tomorrow" Aliyah said before going to the turbolift.

    "Aliyah, you might have a surprise today, good luck" Tess shouted to her as she walked out.

    Aliyah wondered what Tess meant as she entered the turbolift

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Aliyah's Quarters

    Aliyah went inside, to see two people lounging on her sofa.

    "Lilly, Oscar! What are you two doing here" She exclaimed, noticed her two best friends from the Science department.

    "We transferred at the same time you did, two of Alan's department wanted to swap as well, so it was quite smooth" Lilly said.

    "We have quarters near you, well Lilly does anyway. I'm on Deck Nine, she is next to you on Deck Seven" Oscar said, happily.

    "Thank you guys so much for coming over!" Aliyah said joyfully.

    "Its fine," Lilly said," We will talk in the morning, lets get some rest."

    "Alright, see you tomorrow" Aliyah said.

    Aliyah locked her door after they had left, and went into the bathroom to get ready to sleep.

    She came out, changed out of her uniform and went to sleep.