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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
  1. Command Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Biqqs nodded as he listened to Thane's history. "Honor Guard. Remarkable." He said the latter more to himself, and paused to let him continue.

    Biiqs couldn't hide his shocked expression. He repeated, "Gratuitous amounts of violence," slowly, folding his arms across his chest. A loud bark of laughter emerged from him a moment later. "Why, I'm not sure if that is a joke or grave social analysis, but stars above and below, I've always found that to be true! From the time I enlisted, I thought I'd see amazing sights and visit strange new worlds, and I have, but it feels like I've been fighting Cardassians for most of my service. It is true...violence is indeed exploration's co-father."

    Thane looked rather pleased with the reaction he obtained from Biiqs at his own joke and it almost seemed that the man would understand his sense of humor! "Maybe it is both? Or maybe neither!" He'd grin wider at the laughter.

    "About myself I can tell you much, but I won't bore you. I'm a simple son of farmers, you could say, born on Earth, actually, and raised there and on a few colonies. When I came of age, after exploring a few other options, I enlisted in Starfleet and learned to beat my figurative plowshare into a figurative sword. Sorry, it's an Earth expression. I've seen extensive service on the Cardassian border prior to the war, mostly under Captain Jellico. You may have heard of him. And of course, I saw most the Dominion least beside the part I spent drifting on a wreck in a nebula. But that's the short list. Nothing as distinguished as your Honor Guard, but I've picked up a handful of decorations here and there. As I said, I spent some time on the Klingon border post war. Developed a love for Klingon Opera. I didn't quite participate in an officer's exchange program, but I did participate in a few joint anti-piracy operations. You wouldn't know a Captain Kemtara, would you? Daughter of Kator, of the House of Noggra." He looked wistfully in the distance for a moment. "It was a horrible, horrible operation, flawed from start to finish. We were constantly at each others throats. I actually think we're engaged to be married now, but I could never tell if her puncturing my spleen was a formal proposal or....."

    Thane listened quietly as Biiiqs talked about his history as it was quite interesting to learn about people as they talked. Especially as they liked to ramble and the surface thoughts brought forward as Biiqs spoke were rather fascinating to match. He'd nod at Biiq's question concerning the Captain "I have heard of her, never worked with her though. As for the idea of marriage that is quite far from how it all goes. You two being at each others throats would be quite common considering how most Klingons view Federation tactics and ideals. Her puncturing your spleen, if that was ALL she did.. well context matters of how the spleen was ruptured." He snorted.

    "If you're interested in her which judging from certain emotions I can feel, I could give you pointers on how to get the attention of such a female." A bit of a chuckle following at the end of that.

    "Well, I'm rambling now. Enough about me; we'll come to know each other better over the duration of the mission. As far as the department, I am a recent transfer from the USS Lakota, but in the short time I've known them, I've been in a ship to ship action with multiple opponents, a zero-G firefight with terrorists, helped to disarm a series of explosives, and directed a ground action led by a handful of our departments tech experts," he said, ticking off the points on his fingers. "And they've served admirably in all tasks. It's only been a handful of days, but I can tell this is a solid security department, and we've had more gratuitous amounts of violence than some ships experience in entire missions."

    At this, he grinned. "So yes, you've come to the right ship. It is named after an ancient Earth war deity, and it seems to be living up to its name. All I expect of you is to learn and impart what you have learned over your years of service to the betterment of us all. Comport yourself in a manner in accordance to Starfleet regulations, and see me if you wish to discuss anything about those regulations. That's all I expect from officers - do their duty in a manner that brings honor to themselves and the service, and work out any problems like the professionals they are. Off duty? Make friends, contacts, and allies for your personal and professional enrichment, and not problems. Simple enough."

    At that he stood. "Well it seems like it's about that time. Would you accompany us to the briefing room?"

    (( TAG: Krajin ))

    The rest that Biiqs brought up truly had Thane just on the edge of fascination up until the point he had to conduct himself in a manner according to Starfleet Regulations. That was going to be a bad time all around for him in the future, the Ferasan could foresee. "Well for the first part It seems this ship does have quite an adventurous side, I was present for part of that rather interesting debacle. To bad I was not present in full though, instead confined to my room. Would of loved to have been involved." He would nod though "Sure, lead on to the briefing room." Turning and then walking out of the office in a rather fluid manner, the Ferasan would wait outside for Biiqs and the other to accompany him to the briefing room.

    "I will give you forewarning now though just so it doesn't come as a possible surprise. I may chafe significantly when it comes to your Starfleet Regulations. You've been around Klingon culture enough to know how a Klingon will mesh with your more softer, kinder take towards many situations." He glanced at the walls, then a security officer they passed who still carried a Phaser. "Am I to be required to use one of your phasers? Or am I good to employ my own?" He asked, motioning down to the holstered disruptor pistol on the upper thigh. "I can stun with it as needed." He would add, another joke? He'd leave that pause hanging in the air a little before finally adding "It is modified. Aside from a good clubbing the secondary emitter is capable of a 'stun' setting. Still leaves incredible burns however so.." He'd finally add.

    (( TAG: Biiqs ))
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    A Joint Post by Asteropax, WelshAvenger, & Sylinn

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 – Captain’s Office

    Captain Teriir lifted up the PADD containing Jei’s case and made a duplicate of it for Christopher so he’d be able to read through it. He had to admit something as he passed it over to the Doctor, “After hearing about her case earlier this morning, one of our Security Officers took it upon himself to take a closer look. He brought a few issues with the case to my attention and I’d like you to hear about it from him. Go ahead, Mr. Locke.”

    Ian Locke had a serious expression across his face as he joined them, having remained unseen by Christopher and Jei. He directed his statements towards Jei, “Summarizing the case as it stands, Starfleet Prosecutor Fievel Abrams believed there was enough evidence from testimony given by three of your peers and in your quarters to convict you. Those accusers were Hunter Basset, Kendrick Lucas, and Jared Christianson. All of them went on to graduate and given fairly prominent positions as Medical Officers. Is that correct?”

    Christopher has slowly turned red with fury, “They were rewarded?”

    Jei shrugged, as she really didn’t know. In her mind, it was a bad memory that she had long locked away. More so, she rather not to relive that horrible time. “I guess so. I… well nothing mattered what I said to the investigating provost. It was my word versus the group of them… and no one stood by me in defense. Everyone turned a blind eye…” explained Jei, unconsciously her hands were balled into fists.

    “Hunter’s family is deeply involved in politics on Alpha Centauri, similar to Jared’s family on Deneva. Kendrick has connections through Starfleet as he has an Uncle deeply involved in Starfleet Operations. The three of them have some solid connections to call on to support their careers,” Locke informed them before smirking, “Or rather had solid connections.”

    Those last words caused Christopher to perk up, “What did they do?”

    Jei remained silent, feeling that karma played out where justice did not. The cadets and classmates she remembered were all bad apples, rotten to the core. But even now she would not speak out against them, seeing no need too. More so, she learned a lesson long ago that it was better to say nothing than to speak up as her trust in the system had long been lost.

    “In short, Hunter was imprisoned for extorting patients and Jared for starting up a black market for medicines. Kendrick was stripped of rank following misconduct aboard the starship Leonidas,” the Security Officer explained with a smile on his face when he mentioned the later.

    Teriir snorted, unable to stop himself from letting out a laugh, “Oh geez, the Leonidas is both your Father’s ship and the current Flagship of the 6th Fleet!”

    “My Dad was a Rear Admiral when that happened; He was only promoted to Vice Admiral to command that fleet a little over a week ago,” Ian shrugged at the presentation of his own family connections, silently telling Jei and Christopher he was not one to flash them around.

    “That’s all very interesting but how does any of this apply to Jei’s situation?” Christopher enquired.

    Jei didn’t react, but was surprised by the revelation of Ian’s family connection. She locked that tidbit away but made a mental note to watch what she said or did around the Lieutenant in Security.

    “I guess your point is that there is enough there to question the credibility of the people who accused Ms. Han,” the Captain observed, noting Jei’s subtle shift at Locke revealing his family connections. She wouldn’t have to worry about him as his entire family was taught to never engage in questionable activities. In fact, his father was the only member of the Locke to reach the rank of Captain, let alone Admiral, in 10 generations of service. Focusing on the topic at hand once more, he needed to ensure they weren’t being unfair and covering all angles, “Nothing against our mutual hopes that she’s proven innocent, but there is more to consider with this because their deeds were done afterwards, not before. I must also point out your own bias in her favor.”

    Ian looked right back at him, “My bias is based on the fact that I previously cleared a Starfleet Officer of wrongdoing. But you are right to point this out as the person I cleared is nowadays my wife.”

    Christopher frowned, “So I should propose to Jei’s accusers and get them to admit their wrongdoings?”

    “Admit their wrongdoings? I don’t believe people like that would ever think they are wrong. Why not just force a mind meld or use a betazoid investigator. Besides the recording, I asked the provost and offered myself to undergo either of those to prove my innocence, but he just said no,” commented Jei.

    “That’s not an option, Doctor. As for that recording, I’ll do some digging to see about getting a copy so we can see it or a transcript as soon as we can,” Ian commented, “Besides, there is something else though which ties them to Prosecutor Abrams in this specific case on the terms of bias.”

    Teriir instantly interrupted him as he had more about that to share, “His nephew was friends with one of the disgraced officers thus, for the sake of removing bias, he should never have been involved in your case, Ms. Han.”

    “Wait, he had a personal connection to the case and it wasn’t disclosed or picked up during the investigation?” Christopher asked with incredulity.

    “It wouldn’t surprise me… and I do remember Cadet Abrams being good friends with Cadet Basset. Cadet Abrams was there in the library that day I asked Hunter to leave me alone and to stop touching me. He suggested I go to a party with him… or else. I told him I wasn’t interested in him or wanted nothing to do with him,” informed Jei.
    “Hunter Basset’s roommate to be exact,” the Security Officer was looking at him in surprise while also making an expression to show he was making a mental note about the group and this event she remembered, “How do you know that?”

    “Lucky guess,” he replied, “I knew the name was familiar after I learned Filo Abrams has been arrested for his involvement in the plot against the Federation and Cardassia. He’s currently aboard the Athena which has just entered the system just a short while ago. I can see about having him brought here first so you can question him about this matter.”

    “Oh, you can guarantee that we have a few questions for him.” Christopher saw the look on the faces of the officers around him. “I’m sorry Captain, Mr Locke, if there’s one thing I hate in this universe, it’s cowards and hiding behind privilege and lying to avoid consequences breeds cowards.” Christopher proclaimed.

    “You’ll get no argument out of me,” the Captain agreed as he entered commands to his console for the security teams to bring Abrams over to the Ares for a review, “We’ll start looking into things right away.”

    (( TAG: Christopher Locke, Jei ))
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    Thane looked rather pleased with the reaction he obtained from Biiqs at his own joke and it almost seemed that the man would understand his sense of humor! "Maybe it is both? Or maybe neither!" He'd grin wider at the laughter.
    Biiqs was glad to be able to interpret the wide display of fierce canines and incisors as a grin instead of a challenge. With different species, you never knew.

    "Who knows? I would say both, but by the time I retire, I'll probably have a different answer. Such is the way of things..."

    Thane listened quietly as Biiiqs talked about his history as it was quite interesting to learn about people as they talked. Especially as they liked to ramble and the surface thoughts brought forward as Biiqs spoke were rather fascinating to match. He'd nod at Biiq's question concerning the Captain "I have heard of her, never worked with her though. As for the idea of marriage that is quite far from how it all goes. You two being at each others throats would be quite common considering how most Klingons view Federation tactics and ideals. Her puncturing your spleen, if that was ALL she did.. well context matters of how the spleen was ruptured." He snorted.

    "If you're interested in her which judging from certain emotions I can feel, I could give you pointers on how to get the attention of such a female." A bit of a chuckle following at the end of that.
    "Such a shame," Biiqs replied wistfully. "I had never considered her violent overtures to be due to policy differences, I just thought she was madly in love with me. Pointers?" He chuckled ruefully. Although he filed the tidbit about feeling emotions away appropriately, judging Thane to be at least an empath, and most likely a telepath, there was little he could do to suppress the great feeling of regret he had when it came to romance. Not toward the subject of their conversation in particular - he was just a hopeless romantic. Biiqs was trained to resist telepathic intrusion as a part of his Advanced Tactical Training at the Academy, and could exercise great discipline over his mind. But Thane's comment caught him off guard, and he couldn't stop a brief parade of lost loves from parading across his mind.

    "I appreciate the offer of assistance, friend, but believe me, I've got all the trouble I need without courting death, dismemberment, and delight with Captain Kemtara."

    The rest that Biiqs brought up truly had Thane just on the edge of fascination up until the point he had to conduct himself in a manner according to Starfleet Regulations. That was going to be a bad time all around for him in the future, the Ferasan could foresee. "Well for the first part It seems this ship does have quite an adventurous side, I was present for part of that rather interesting debacle. To bad I was not present in full though, instead confined to my room. Would of loved to have been involved." He would nod though "Sure, lead on to the briefing room." Turning and then walking out of the office in a rather fluid manner, the Ferasan would wait outside for Biiqs and the other to accompany him to the briefing room.

    "I will give you forewarning now though just so it doesn't come as a possible surprise. I may chafe significantly when it comes to your Starfleet Regulations. You've been around Klingon culture enough to know how a Klingon will mesh with your more softer, kinder take towards many situations." He glanced at the walls, then a security officer they passed who still carried a Phaser. "Am I to be required to use one of your phasers? Or am I good to employ my own?" He asked, motioning down to the holstered disruptor pistol on the upper thigh. "I can stun with it as needed." He would add, another joke? He'd leave that pause hanging in the air a little before finally adding "It is modified. Aside from a good clubbing the secondary emitter is capable of a 'stun' setting. Still leaves incredible burns however so.." He'd finally add.
    As they walked toward the briefing room, Biiqs took a short moment to consider Thane's words and present a diplomatic, yet wholly honest response. "Part of what I hope for you to experience here is a different perspective. I believe you'll find that our approach is less 'soft' and 'kind' than you previously believed. Some may say that captivity is less kind than granting the enemy death. It is certainly not soft, however, as taking an enemy prisoner and continuing to hold them under your will is much harder to do than step over their body. It takes a sort of toughness to maintain a code of honor, as you very well know, instead of giving into your desires. But the most effective warriors are able to slay their egos and desires before they reach the field of battle." With a smile, he added. "Dont worry about unintentional stun burns or lumps from the tactical use of your weapon's hard surface. That's why we have a sickbay. But of course, if you are familiar with the physiology of a species for which it might cause mortal wounds, its be better to use that as the very last option, eh?"

    (( TAG: Kraijin))
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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Sat 14 Dec, 2019 10:37 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Tess's Quarters

    Tess woke up with a yawn, waking up slightly just before she was meant to.

    She got up, went into the lounge area of her quarters and looked at her PADD. She had started reading a new "book" as humans called it on the PADD, and decided to finish the second chapter.

    After roughly ten minutes of reading she got up, showered and changed into her orange formal uniform, a sleek and quite tightly fitting outfit, with a yellow belt in the middle and her rank shown on the right side. She put her orange boots on, pinged Aliyah on her PADD telling her where to find her and left her room, heading to the Officers mess on Deck 2. Tess and Lilly had decided to meet up there, and talk for a bit before Aliyah arrived, as Lilly had told her Aliyah often slept for a long time. Oscar sadly couldn't join them, but this was mainly because he was not an Ensign+.

    Tess headed into the turbolift and said "Deck 2". The turbolift started moving up.

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 - Officer's Mess

    Tess walked in, and could see that Lilly, Jess and T'Mep were talking happily. Jamie wasn't there, but Jamie normally ate with his wife, Crewman Lucy. Tess remembered having that argument when she first arrived, Jamie wanted Lucy as his Co-Pilot but Tess knew it was too much of a risk if they were shot down, she couldn't afford to lose either of them.

    Tess sat down at one of the chairs, and listened in on what they were talking about.

    "The Lakota really was something" Lilly said.

    "Sounds like it was!" Jess replied with a grin.

    "I loved working in the Science Department, I wasn't an XO like Ensign Jamie, but it was still fun, I was on the bridge occasionally. I was head of a division. It was fun, however without Aliyah I don't think it would have been the same, thats why me and Oscar transferred when we found out she was having to switch!" Lilly said, happily.

    "Why isn't Oscar here, anyway?" Jess asked.

    "Oscar is a Chief Petty Officer, he joined later then Lilly and Aliyah, so sadly he cannot be here" Tess said.

    "Indeed, we wanted to make him an Ensign, but all the Department positions that came with an Ensign rank were taken." Lilly added on.

    Lilly looked Tess up and down, before saying "Thats a nice outfit, where did you get it?"

    "Its a more Vulcan style of civilian outfit, just a little brighter" Tess replied.

    "Seems quite cool, especially since its quite simple" Lilly said, grinning.

    "What time will Aliyah get here?" T'Mep asked.

    "Sometime in the next half an hour," Lilly said.

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Aliyah's Quarters

    Aliyah woke up, her mind slowly waking up. She yawned loudly, and stood up. She looked around, trying to remember where she was, and then it clicked, she was on the U.S.S Ares, after being transferred.

    Sighing to herself, she showered and changed into her off-duty uniform, as she wasn't going to go on duty until around 11 AM.

    She put on her outfit, consisting of a pair of grey trousers, a blue T-shirt and a grey jacket, with her rank badge on the right side of her jacket. She put on her black boots and walked to the turbolift, heading to Deck 2 after checking her PADD to see what Tess had sent her.

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 - Officer's Mess

    Tess noticed Aliyah walk in, and waved, pulling up a seat for her to take.

    "How are you?" Tess and Lilly asked at the same time.

    "I'm fine," Aliyah said, grinning at how Lilly and Tess seemed to have become firm friends already, "Bit hard to comprehend all the changes so quickly, but I'll cope."

    "It takes a while getting used to, I'm a new transfer as well, trust me this ship won't bore you" Tess said.

    "Seen much action?" Lilly asked, with Aliyah looking inquisitively at Tess.

    "We had to search for a downed shuttle in her first few days here, couple of us got shot by Nausicaans, including Tess" Jess said.

    Tess looked away for a slight second, which only Aliyah picked up on, being familiar with Vulcans as her old XO had been one.

    "That must of hurt, where was it?" Lilly asked, concerned.

    "It was on the left side of her chest." Jess said, grinning as Lilly looked confused.

    "Shouldn't that have killed her, a shot to the heart like that? I mean no offence, just confused" Lilly asked.

    "Vulcans are a bit different to Humans, our heart is in a different place, so we are a bit harder to instantly kill" Tess said.

    "Lucky for you, "Aliyah said, "Would have been a bad first few days"

    "Indeed, it would have" Tess said.

    "We had to go into the air again a few days after, dealing with some fighters and a Nausicaan ship, was quite thrilling!" Jess exclaimed happily.

    "Thrilling? I would have been terrified fighting in a shuttle, knowing its down to you and one other person and luck to keep you alive" Lilly said.

    "Fighter pilots and Co-Pilots live for that sort of thing, we know the risks and gladly accept them" Jess replied, heartily.

    "Lets talk about careers for a minute, Jess how long have you been serving?" Lilly asked.

    "I am only nineteen, joined the Academy at 14, graduated at 18." Jess said.

    "And you are already an officer?" Lilly asked inquisitively.

    "Well I did quite well in my studies from what I know, but my family had Connections" Jess spat the last word out, like she hated it.

    "What do you mean?" T'Mep asked.

    "Both my Father, Mother and Brother were in Starfleet. My dad was a well known Captain, commanded the U.S.S Destiny. He was killed in action during the Cardassian war. My brother is a Commander, first officer of the U.S.S Vision. My mother...... shes a Rear Admiral. Or was, anyway." Jess said.

    "Sorry to hear about your father" Aliyah said.

    "What happened to your mother?" T'Mep asked.

    "She resigned a few months ago, decided it was too much for her to keep doing. The last thing she did was make sure I was posted to the Ares and given an officer rank I wanted. I asked for Ensign, as that was about as low as she would let me go." Jess said.

    "Shows a lot, that you wanted to earn it" Lilly said, smiling.

    "Yep, didn't want to look like I call on my parents for favours or flash their ranks around. Not my style" Jess said, quite at ease.

    "T'Mep, how long have you been in the service for?" Aliyah asked.

    "I joined the Academy when I was twenty, and I am now 56, so I have been an official member of Starfleet for around 36 years." T'Mep said.

    "36 years?! You should be at least a Lieutenant Commander, with how long you have been serving!" Jess exclaimed.

    "I am well aware, but I had a few rotten senior officers. My instructor at the Academy had some prejudice against Vulcans. Not sure why, it was very low level, I couldn't do much. However, he made sure I got a bad post" T'Mep said.

    "Where were you posted?" Tess asked.

    "U.S.S Yorkshire, was by no means a bad ship, but he made sure to make me look like a rotten apple, my CO, Lieutenant Commander Valis, treated me badly. Kept me as a Co-Pilot, and never let me get a promotion above Crewman. That was my position for around 15 years of service" T'Mep said, in a cold Vulcan tone.

    "You should have done something, asked for a transfer to or something like that.." Aliyah said, kindly.

    "I was tempted, only thing that kept me going was my XO, Lieutenant Amy Fox. She didn't agree with how the CO was treating me, but she couldn't promote me. We became firm friends as well as with two other officers, Petty Officer Smith and CPO Ryan. It was fun for a while, however I was transferred after my 15th year of service." T'Mep said.

    "Why were you transferred? You did something wrong?" Jess asked.

    "No, my XO did the best thing she could. After 15 years she had had enough. She went to the Captain with proof of my COs actions, he was demoted and was going to be transferred. However he attacked me a bit before that, trying to kill me. If I hadn't been with Amy I most likely would have died. Last I heard he was a Crewman serving on the U.S.S Orion, but I don't know. I was transferred to the London for a bit, I was sent there with the rank of CPO. Said I had earned it, Lieutenant Fox did. Pretty uneventful 6 years. Then I was posted to Ares after the London was destroyed, with the rank of Ensign" T'Mep said.

    "Good to hear!" Jess said, hugging T'Mep.

    "Lilly, what about you?" Tess asked.

    "Only been in Starfleet for six years, and I am 28 now. Graduated when I was 22. First post I had was the Lakota. Did quite well in my studies and by the end of the third year I was a Chief Petty Officer. Not much to go on, made friends with Aliyah and Oscar. And here I am!" Lilly said.

    "Aliyah?" Jess asked.

    "Well, I am 28, and I joined when I was 18, so about 6 years of service as well, I was just a bit luckier than Lilly sadly, and also partly because unlike Lilly who was the first of her family to join Starfleet, my father was a commander on the U.S.S Churchill. He, ah, died during a battle when I was five." Aliyah said sadly.

    "I'm sorry to hear that..." Jess said.

    "It's fine, he knew what he had signed up for... anyhow, I was assigned to the U.S.S Star Dust as a Petty Officer, and worked up the ranks until I got Ensign. However just like this new post I have, I was forcefully transferred to the Lakota as a Lieutenant to become their CSO, and I met Lilly there. I was on the Lakota for four out of six of my serving years. How about you, Tess?" Aliyah said.

    "Not much to say really, I am 25, and joined the Academy when I was 17. Graduated at 21, so four service years. My original post was as an Ensign on a new ship, the U.S.S Blaze a Defiant class, as Helmsman." Tess said.

    "You got Ensign after graduating?" Jess asked, "No connections or anything?"

    "None, however the reason was it was a new ship, and Command were desperate for good officers, it was directly after the Dominion War, so we needed people. I wasn't too happy myself at first, but the Captain, Jamie Leck, explained it all. Served on the Blaze for two years. I was then transferred to the U.S.S Homeland" Tess said.

    "Isn't that a flagship?" Jess asked inquisitively.

    "It is, we toured around it to see how Sovereign classes worked. Its an Admirals ship" Lilly said.

    "Indeed, Admiral Blaster, as he is known, runs it. I was Fighter Pilot XO on that ship for two years. Blaster and Vice Admiral T'Vrell were amazing. After that I was transferred to the Ares, as they needed a CO, so I got Lieutenant" Tess said.

    "Thats incredibly lucky!" Jess said.

    Before they could continue talking, they heard a buzz on Aliyah and Lillys COMM badges.

    "This is Commander R'Turan to Lieutenant Aliyah and Ensign Lilly, report to the Bridge, my ready room." is all the Commander said.

    "Best we get going then, see you around" Aliyah said.

    "See you," Tess said.

    Aliyah and Lilly got up, and headed to the turbolift, leaving T'Mep, Jess and Tess to chat.
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    Deck 7 - Aliyah's Quarters

    Aliyah entered her quarters, she and Lilly had returned there for a bit, knowing that the Commander would not be pleased to see them wearing relaxed civilian uniforms.

    She changed her off-duty uniform for the standard uniform of a Science Officer, with the Lieutenant pips on her collar. After making sure her uniform was up to scratch, she checked her PADD for any messages. Only one from Lilly, which read: "See you on the bridge". Smiling, Aliyah put the PADD down and headed towards the turbolift.

    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Bridge

    Aliyah entered the bridge and looked around.

    She could see all the stations had officers manning them, and they all seemed to be doing checks of systems and scans.

    A Lieutenant, sitting in the Captains seat, waved for her to come over.

    "Lieutenant Aliyah I assume?" he said.

    "Yes, I believe the Commander wants to see me?" She replied.

    "Indeed, the door to the right of the viewscreen" The Lieutenant said.

    "Thank you." She said, moving towards the door.

    She rang the bell, and after a short moment she heard the words "Enter!" shouted, and the door opened.

    Aliyah stepped through the door, and noticed that Lilly was already inside. She was standing next to two other Science Officers Aliyah had never met before.

    Aliyah snapped a sharp salute to the Commander.

    "At ease, Lieutenant. I am Commander R'Turan, the First Officer of this ship. I am aware you are new, so I will need to sort a few things out before anything major happens. First thing you need to know is the Science Division is a bit of a mess as of right now, with Lieutenant Hood and few other Science members departing the ship, and Lieutenant Hood did not share his roster with the Captain or myself. As of such, you are going to need to sort out who is in what position in the Science Department." The Commander said gruffly

    "Of course sir, I will get to it right away." Aliyah said.

    "However, I have a few officers already here for you now, so I will tell you now who will stay as they were before." R'Turan said.

    "Alright, sir" Aliyah responded.

    "This is Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleutherio, he will be your Executive Officer in the Science Department." R'Turan said.

    "Greetings, Lieutenant" Eleutherio responded.

    Aliyah nodded towards him, as a sign of greetings.

    "This is Ensign Falora. She will be one of your Department heads, same for Ensign Lilly." The Commander said.

    Falora nodded towards Aliyah, showing her greetings.

    "Alright you three, I'll be having a meeting with the Science Department when I go on duty at 11 hundred hours, so in one hours time. Please inform all Chief Petty Officers and above to be in attendance. I'll finish the roster in the time. Is that all sir?" Aliyah said.

    "Yes, dismissed you four." The Commander said.

    Lilly and Aliyah exited the room, and entered the turbolift while the other two officers took over bridge stations.

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Aliyah's Quarters

    Aliyah entered her quarters and changed into off duty outfit again. She started working on her list while she waited for Lilly to arrive. She was about 75% through the list, when she heard a buzz at the door.

    "Enter" She said.

    Tess and Lilly walked inside. Tess was still wearing her off-duty, while Lilly was still in On-Duty uniform.

    "Hows the list going?" Lilly asked.

    "Its going fine, almost done now, just finishing up a few things. What time is it?" Aliyah said.

    "Currently 10:50" Tess said.

    "Jeez," Aliyah said, finishing up parts of the list. "Best get into uniform."

    "Indeed you should." Tess said as Aliyah moved into a separate room to change.

    Lilly picked up the PADD and looked at the duty roster.

    "Lots of Science Department members here.... lots more than the Lakota." Lilly muttered to herself.

    "Indeed, the Ares has a lot of people on it" Tess said.

    "How many do you command Tess?" Lilly asked.

    "Around 15-25 people, my department is one of the smaller ones." Tess said.

    "Must be hard, knowing you have the lives of that many people in your hands" Lilly said.

    "Its not all bad, I trust them, they trust me. I've been told the Ares has not lost a pilot in a while" Tess said.

    Aliyah came into the room, smartly dressed.

    "Come on Lilly, lets go brief everyone on their assigned positions." Aliyah said, heading for the turbolift.

    "Coming," Lilly said.

    Aliyah, Tess and Lilly walked towards the turbolift.

    (OOC: Ending it here, will have the meeting in the next post.)
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    “You’ll get no argument out of me,” the Captain agreed as he entered commands to his console for the security teams to bring Abrams over to the Ares for a review, “We’ll start looking into things right away.”
    USS Ares
    Deck 2 – Captain’s Office

    Christopher sensed that was their cue to leave and he beckoned for Jei to vacate the office.

    As he began the walk back to Sickbay, he was lost in thought. 'Conspiracy to pervert the cause of justice' were the words foremost in his mind. Over-privileged cadets being spoon fed through the academy on the merits of their families, not earning their achievements made his blood boil. That Jei had been caught up in it only made him more angry.

    As the turbolift doors on the bridge opened, he stood aside to let Jei in then spoke to her, "I don't want you to dwell on this situation Jei, concentrate on your studies and we'll get to the bottom of the situation. There's a program in the holodeck that will help you hone your skills again, just ask the computer for Program Goodwin and you'll be fine. I'm going to have a quick word with Mr Locke."

    (( TAG: Jei ))

    Christopher caught up with Locke as he exited the Captain's office. "Ian, what are the chances that we'll get Jei her shot? If anyone deserves the opportunity, it's her but I don't want to string her along if there's no chance she'll get to be an MD again."

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    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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    The Captain hesitated in the turbolift instead of walking onto the bridge immediately. He couldn’t help but understand the fears which drove the plot against both the Federation and Cardassia as he once shared them. A well defended Federation with secure borders to watch out for future threats and a well armed fleet on standby to confront said threats was not a bad thing. Working to force a series of crises to make that possible was terrorism at its most pronounced. He was much more saddened by what the Barrons’ and their cohorts had done than anything else at this point.

    He needed to redirect his thoughts, knowing Jei was in good hands with Locke and her new Superior Officer. There were other matters to attend to now. Teriir headed over to his chair and sat down, almost forgetting to acknowledge Commander R’Turan, “Everything alright here?”

    “Aye, Captain,” he grunted back, “Barron and the other prisoners we’ve been holding onto have been sent over to the Cerberus. The Nausicaans are still being held so we can continue questioning them about their base.”

    “Alright, perhaps I’ll get a full day’s work on the bridge one of these days,” he joked, feeling a heavy dose of optimism filling himself up. As though to pile on the good things to have around the ship, he noticed the lift open and out stepped a very unusually dressed Diplomacy Officer.
    Sam smiled and said,
    - Took me a bit to find this getup.
    “Quite the outfit,” Teriir smiled in return, remembering the wedding scheduled for just a few hours from now, “I need to go make sure my dress uniform is ready and do a quick run through of my part in the ceremony. I’ll meet you in the holodeck.”

    Sam nodded and said,
    - I'll wait.
    “I won’t be too long,” he assured Sam while shooting a confused look to a purring R’Turan, “What?”

    “I see your point about not spending enough time on the bridge.”

    Teriir simply shrugged and got out of the Captain’s Chair. He had to admit there was never a dull moment in his life.

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    Biiqs was glad to be able to interpret the wide display of fierce canines and incisors as a grin instead of a challenge. With different species, you never knew.

    "Who knows? I would say both, but by the time I retire, I'll probably have a different answer. Such is the way of things..."

    "Such a shame," Biiqs replied wistfully. "I had never considered her violent overtures to be due to policy differences, I just thought she was madly in love with me. Pointers?" He chuckled ruefully. Although he filed the tidbit about feeling emotions away appropriately, judging Thane to be at least an empath, and most likely a telepath, there was little he could do to suppress the great feeling of regret he had when it came to romance. Not toward the subject of their conversation in particular - he was just a hopeless romantic. Biiqs was trained to resist telepathic intrusion as a part of his Advanced Tactical Training at the Academy, and could exercise great discipline over his mind. But Thane's comment caught him off guard, and he couldn't stop a brief parade of lost loves from parading across his mind.

    "I appreciate the offer of assistance, friend, but believe me, I've got all the trouble I need without courting death, dismemberment, and delight with Captain Kemtara."
    The imagery that Thane got from the rough feeling of regret that suddenly rose up from Biiqs at the mention of Romance. The parade of lost loves, faces, scents and overall memories involved in such a flash that ran across the mind was fascinating to say the least and something he learned about Biiqs. Judging from such memories the man was at least a solid romantic and pursued his feelings well. Thane had a solid appreciation for those with good mental discipline though it did make interactions with others a little frustrating as such control made it harder to gauge emotional states a bit harder.

    "Oh there's no death and dismemberment involved unless you're to physically weak or slow to handle various objects being thrown at you, aggressive wrestling, some biting.." He trails off on that. "All while you read exotic poetry in Klingon. No death though. Unless she was secretly House Duras or what's left of it." He muses. "At that point you're going to have a very, very bad day." Thane was incredibly amused by idea."They say a broken clavicle is a good sign after all." Thane chuckled.

    As they walked toward the briefing room, Biiqs took a short moment to consider Thane's words and present a diplomatic, yet wholly honest response. "Part of what I hope for you to experience here is a different perspective. I believe you'll find that our approach is less 'soft' and 'kind' than you previously believed. Some may say that captivity is less kind than granting the enemy death. It is certainly not soft, however, as taking an enemy prisoner and continuing to hold them under your will is much harder to do than step over their body. It takes a sort of toughness to maintain a code of honor, as you very well know, instead of giving into your desires. But the most effective warriors are able to slay their egos and desires before they reach the field of battle." With a smile, he added. "Dont worry about unintentional stun burns or lumps from the tactical use of your weapon's hard surface. That's why we have a sickbay. But of course, if you are familiar with the physiology of a species for which it might cause mortal wounds, its be better to use that as the very last option, eh?"

    (( TAG: Kraijin))

    "I like your rather honest response in this though it is.. worded in an interesting manner. I am careful not to cause mortal wounds to those who I am in a conflict with. Of course it can be hard to avoid in some situations but those are naturally treatable." He would grin a bit. "It can be hard to maintain one's code of Honour at times and everyone will waver at some point. Those are our best tests of character." Thane added. The Ferasan was a touch more relaxed walking with Biiqs now. "I look forward to seeing how this briefing goes. Am I just to observe?"

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    Deck 7 - Science Complex - Briefing room.

    Aliyah, Tess and Lilly entered the briefing room and Lilly took a chair at the table, while Aliyah sat at the tables head. Tess hovered by the door.

    "Please take a seat, Lieutenant" Aliyah said, motioning to the empty seat behind her.

    "Alright, I've got time" Tess said.

    After five minutes the Science Department's Officers entered the room, each taking a seat in ranking order, with Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleutherio sitting to Aliyah's immediate right, and Lilly on her left. After a few minutes of waiting Aliyah asked "Is this everyone?"

    "Yes Ma'am, everyone is accounted for." Replied Ensign Falora.

    "Alright, lets begin. As you all know, Lieutenant Alan Hood recently transferred to the Lakota. I am now in command of the Science Department because of this reshuffle. Sadly Alan Hood took the system he was using for this Department with him, so I am reorganising how the Department runs" Aliyah said.

    She let that settle in for a minute before continuing

    "The Science Department is going to undergo some changes. First off, your Starfleet rank will no longer matter in the Science Department's chain of command. This Department will now run from the ranks you are assigned, with you only being promoted in standard ranks if you get higher in this Department. Another thing is that we will be separating into three Division, Applied Sciences, Fundamental Sciences and Physical Sciences. An officer will head each Division. The Division will then split into branches, and each Branch will be headed by a junior Officer. Adding to that, Science Department Officers will be running shifts. One shift a day, and it will not change. First shift is 4 AM to 12 PM, Second shift is 12 PM to 20 PM, Third Shift is 20 PM to 4 AM. Each shift is eight hours. However, for more senior officers they will run two shifts, a normal shift and a shift on the bridge. The bridge shift will mostly be done by Branch heads, but each senior officer will occasionally get a go. These shifts are the same as normal ones, and are Alpha, Beta and Gamma shifts. Any questions?" Aliyah asked.

    Three hands went up.

    Aliyah pointed at the officer closest to her: "Yes, Warrant Officer?"

    "So how does the rank system work, we have to gain Science Department ranks to advance up Starfleet rank system?" The Warrant Officer asked.

    "Yes, you need to earn the Science Department ranks to advance to say, Ensign. The system worked quite well on the Lakota" Aliyah replied.

    The other two hands went down, obviously they had all be confused.

    "Okay, I will read out your name, and rank. Then your Science Department Position. Once that is read out, come stand behind me in rank order. Understood?" Aliyah said.

    Everyone nodded that they understood.

    "Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleutherio" Aliyah said.

    Eleutherio stood up, looking at her for his position.

    "Deputy Chief of the Science Department."

    He went and stood behind Aliyah near the right wall.

    "Ensign Marshal" Aliyah said.

    An Ensign just to Lilly's right stood up.

    "Division Head, Applied Sciences" Aliyah said.

    He went over to stand next to Eleutherio.

    "Ensign Falora" Aliyah said quickly.

    The Ensign who had been to Eleutherio's left stood up

    "Division Head, Fundamental Sciences" Aliyah said.

    "Next, Ensign Lilly. Division Head, Physical Sciences." Aliyah said.

    "Warrant Officer Joyce, Division Deputy Head, Applied Sciences. Warrant Officer Johnson, Division Deputy Head, Fundamental Sciences. Warrant Officer T'Mella, Division Deputy Head, Physical Sciences." Aliyah said.

    Aliyah read out the list of Supervisors are Branch Heads and Supervisors. She then read out the Research teams ranks. She had a few Petty Officer 1st Classes left sitting at the end of the table.

    "The rest of you are dismissed, you will be selected by Branch Heads to perhaps hold another position." Aliyah said.

    As the Petty Officers left the room, she turned to the remaining Ensign.

    "Ensign Garret. I reviewed your service record and have decided that you will not be holding a position as a Division CO or XO." Aliyah said.

    The Ensign nodded, and was about to leave when Aliyah said: "I have decided to give you a new position, as the Science Department Overseer. Please Stand next to the Lieutenant" Aliyah said

    The Ensign snapped a sharp salute before moving over.

    "I shall now explain what each position will do, briefly. I will send the larger document to your PADD once it is finalised. I'll start with the Science Department Command Staff. The Chief and Deputy Chief Science Officer roles are self explanatory, we head the Department and make all the decisions revolving around it. Science Department Overseer, your job is to supervise and oversee the running of each Division. The Division heads give a weekly report to you on anything that happens within their Division, as well as any complaints or suggestions. Science Department Senior Officers: Division Heads and Deputy Heads, your job is to lead your Division and run it the way you want to. Anyone who wants to do a major Division Scientific Project must go to you for permission. Head and Deputy Head Division Supervisors, your job is to supervise the running of the Branches, and also to help with the Divisions running. The Senior and normal Supervisors report to you, and you report to the Head of Division. Normal Officers: Senior and Normal Supervisors, your job is to, for Senior Supervisors, train new Supervisors in how to do their job. Normal Supervisors have the job of overseeing the Branch they are assigned to, while Senior Supervisors oversee all three in their division. However, Supervisors cannot demote/promote or reprimand the Branch Heads, that decision is for the Head and Deputy Head Supervisors and the Division Heads. Junior Officers: Branch Heads, Deputy Heads and Supervisors oversee all the men in their Branch. The Head and Deputy Head run the Branch, and pick an officer to be their supervisor. This Supervisor reports to them, and is in charge of running the individual branch teams. Is that understood?" Aliyah asked.

    All the officers nodded they understood.

    "Right, your offices will be set up in time. I will be conducting meetings in my office for most of today. If you are called, its just to have a talk about how to run your Division. Dismissed!" She said.

    The Officers left, going back to work. Aliyah sighed.

    "Tess, follow me to my office please" Aliyah said.

    Together her and Tess walked down to Aliyah's Office.
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    Deck 7 - Science Complex

    Aliyah and Tess walked down the Science Complex towards the offices. They had been positioned at the back of the Complex away from the turbolifts, most likely to avoid any senior officers getting shot immediately by invaders. The offices were behind a door which separated the offices from the rest of the Complex. Aliyah and Tess entered the Office section.

    The office area of the complex had three offices at the end, and they looked to Aliyah to be the Science Command Officer's offices. On each side were four doors, but Aliyah wasn't sure whether they branched off into two separate offices or not.

    "Seems like you can seal this door if needed" Tess said.

    "Indeed, come on, lets go to my office" Aliyah replied.

    Aliyah and Tess moved over to the office marked "Chief Science Officer". Aliyah believed it would probably need to be edited to read "Chief Science Officer - Lieutenant Tanata" at some point, but for now it would do. She and Tess walked through the door into the office.

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Science Complex - Aliyah's Office.

    Aliyah noticed immediately the office was comprised of different sections. The first section appeared to be a small lounge type area, and the door on the opposite end had a buzzer, meaning it was most likely a room for officers to wait until they were called. Aliyah went through the other door, into the main office.

    Aliyah's office was quite big, the desk was situated towards the back of the room, and had enough seats to talk to up to three people, all sitting down. It had a computer screen on it, presumably to do work and other functions. Off to the right, against the wall was a small lounge area, with a screen. Next to her desk was a replicator, and another door to the right of her desk led off into what she assumed was a bathroom.

    "Fancy" Tess said, looking around.

    "Indeed," Aliyah said, taking a seat at her desk "I wonder what these do."

    Aliyah signed in to the computer, and inputted the PIN to the door so only she and trusted people could enter without being buzzed in. She set up the security monitors, and found the button to change the outside sign.

    "I like this place already" Aliyah said.

    "Want me to go check out the other offices for you?" Tess said.

    "No, we can do it together. Won't trouble you." Aliyah said.

    They exited Aliyah's Office together.

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Science Complex - Offices.

    On the right of Aliyahs's Office was a label that said "Deputy Chief Science Officer's Office". Inside the Office looked almost the same as Aliyahs. However the office on the left simply said "N/A". Inside, it looked the exact same as the other two, just a smaller space. She decided that office would be for the Department Overseer.

    The four offices on the right side were, as Aliyah had correctly guessed, three different offices combined, and Aliyah decided the offices on the right would be for Division Heads and Deputy Heads, and the Head Supervisor. She changed the signs outside to "Applied Sciences Division Offices", "Fundamental Sciences Division Offices", and "Physical Sciences Division Offices". On the top one however, she noticed it was just a single office. She decided to leave the top two simply as "N/A". On the left side she lifted each office section as "Applied Sciences Branch Offices", "Fundamental Sciences Branch Offices", and "Physical Sciences Branch Offices". She and Tess then re-entered her office.

    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Science Complex - Aliyah's Office.

    Aliyah sat down on her chair, and pinged Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleutherio to report to her office for a meeting.

    "I should get going, need to head the to the briefing room to talk with the Chief Tactical Office. I'll leave you to it, bye!" Tess said, heading for the door.

    "Bye Lieutenant!" Aliyah shouted after her.

    A few minutes after she heard a buzz at the door, she pressed the button allowing entry and Lieutenant Jr Grade Eleutherio entered.

    "Hello Lieutenant" Aliyah said.

    "Greetings Ma'am." The Lieutenant responded.

    "Take a seat, I need to talk to you." Aliyah said.

    Eleutherio took a seat, and waited for her to continue.

    "I called you here to discuss how the Department is going to be run. I was run the Lakota's Science Department for three years under this system. The system was put into effect as soon as I arrived, and drafted and re-drafted until it is currently at this point. The system took a few weeks to adapt to, but all should go smoothly. I am all for a laugh and a joke, but this Department needs to be capable of running smoothly and effectively when it needs to. I will not tolerate disrespect, incompetence or a horrible attitude. I am fair, however if people start disrespecting my staff there will be consequences." Aliyah said.

    "Understood, Ma'am." Eleutherio responded.

    "As my second in command, every week you, me and Ensign Garret will meet and discuss anything going on within the Department that we think needs changing, and how to deal with complaints and suggestions. Understood?" Aliyah said,

    "Perfectly Ma'am" Eleutherio said.

    "You are dismissed, your office is on the right. I suggest setting it up" Aliyah said.

    As Eleutherio left she pinged Garret, Lilly, Falora and Marshal to head to her office.

    Garret and Lilly were the first to arrive, chatting happily. Aliyah pinged Garret to enter.

    Garret entered the room and sat down.

    "Ensign, how are you?" Aliyah said.

    "I am fine, Lieutenant. Honoured to have this position, but fine" Garret replied.

    "I called you here to talk to you about a few things. First off, you have been chosen for a special position. The third in command of the Department is not a role I give lightly. You had an excellent record and an amazing amount of work done, so I decided you had earned the rank." Aliyah said.

    "Honestly, I was not expecting this, Ma'am." Garret said.

    "Now I will go over a few things with you. Every week you will meet with me and Eleutherio to discuss any changes, fixes or issues or complaints in the Science Departments structure. During that week you will also meet with the Heads and Deputy Heads of Division to receive their reports and discuss issues." Aliyah said.

    "Alright. I will meet with the Division Heads today and inform them of a day and time." Garret responded.

    "Also, as Overseer, you directly supervise what the Division Heads do, and how the Divisions run. If things go wrong you can step in and punish the person responsible, and if you believe a Head Supervisor or below are not doing their job right you can remove them, provided you can justify why. If you have enough reason and evidence to remove a Division Head or Deputy Head, you must talk to me and the Lieutenant Junior Grade about it. Understood?" Aliyah said.

    "Perfectly Ma'am" Garret replied.

    "If you have no more questions, you are dismissed. Your office is on the left, please set it up." Aliyah said.

    "Will do. One question, what about the other two Ensigns?" Garret said.

    "Ah yes, those two unfortunately will not hold a position just yet." Aliyah said.

    "Alright, will you meet with them about it?" Garret asked.

    "I will. Dismissed Ensign" Aliyah said, kindly.

    "Thank you Ma'am," Garret said, exiting.

    (OOC: Will continue post tomorrow, running out of time.)
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    “I won’t be too long,” he assured Sam while shooting a confused look to a purring R’Turan, “What?”
    Sam nodded and proceeded to the turbolift, as the door opened, Max Storm stepped out & took a look at Sam's outfit.
    - Looks like you're ready for a wedding.

    Sam smiled and said,
    - Yeah. The rings are beautiful, thanks.

    Max nodded slightly and said,
    - It's nothing.

    They had a short conversation, then departed company, with Max approaching the Captain.
    - Lt. Storm, reporting for duty, sir. Before I take my station, can I have a word with you for a minute?

    ((TAG Terrir))

    When they entered the ready room, Max said, rather sheepishly,
    - Have you been briefed on the issues with my arm?

    ((TAG Terrir))

    Max went on,
    - Yeah. I'm due to go in for a procedure later today. I'm just giving you a heads up.

    ((TAG Terrir))

    Max slumped into the couch close to the door & said,
    - I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely nervous about this.

    ((TAG Terrir))

    Max gave a nervous smile, then said,
    - Not since I got the prosthetic, no. You could even ask my dad, I'm ALWAYS apprehensive at medical procedures.

    ((TAG Terrir))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 7 - Science Complex - Aliyah's Office.

    Aliyah sat behind her desk, looking over a few of her files from the Lakota. She wanted to get a look at how she had run the Lakota's Science Department, to see if there was any way she could improve the system to work for the Ares, as the Science Department was much bigger.

    She had called the three Division Heads, Marshal, Falora and Lilly to her office, and they were outside in the waiting room. Aliyah switched her computer over to the document on the Physical Sciences Division on the Lakota, so she could go through with Lilly any changes to be made.

    She pressed a button on her commbadge and said: "Ensign Lilly, please enter my office."

    The door opened and Ensign Lilly stepped through, with the door shutting behind her.

    "Ensign, take a seat." Aliyah said.

    Lilly sat down on one of the chairs.

    "So, I called you here to discuss how the Physical Sciences Division is going to be run." Aliyah said.

    "Alright, I have just been round the complex to figure out where everything is and how many members I have in my Division. Not got all of it sorted out yet but I think it should go smoothly." Lilly said.

    "You are lucky, because unlike the other two you know how the system works and you can adapt it to the Ares. Have you met your Division XO yet?" Aliyah inquired.

    "I have not, but I am looking forward to working with them." Lilly said.

    "Your Division XO is T'Mella," Aliyah said, bringing up the file "She is a Vulcan, 34 years old and a Warrant Officer. She used to be a Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet, but her exceptional record means she is now a Warrant Officer and given Division XO." Aliyah said.

    "Understood, I'll begin working with her later when its her shift again." Lilly replied.

    "Also, we are going to need to adapt the system, the Officers you have will remain the same, however its going to be a bigger system. Do not be surprised if more roles are added and people's jobs change. Other then that the way it ran on the Lakota should stay the same on this ship. If anything changes I'll call you to a meeting." Aliyah said.

    "Alright, I'll meet with my staff later on today and discuss how the Division will be running" Lilly replied.

    "Dismissed Ensign, Physical Science Division Offices are down the bottom on the right, your office is the middle one." Aliyah said.

    "Thank you Ma'am." Lilly said, standing up and saluting, then moving to the door.

    "Ensign! Call Ensign Falora in here!" Aliyah shouted after Lilly.

    Lilly nodded, before leaving.

    Falora entered the room, and moved towards the desk.

    "Take a seat, Ensign." Aliyah said.

    Falora nodded, taking a seat.

    "Right, I am here to talk to you about how the Fundamental Sciences Division is going to be run." Aliyah said, looking through Falora's reports and files to Alan Hood.

    "I have a rough idea already, Ma'am. I'm going to run the Division like I assisted Alan Hood during the time he was Department Head, I'll set out the jobs each Branch and Team will do and I'll set it up so each Supervisor and Branch know what they are doing, and when they are going to do it." Falora said.

    "Thats good, however please remember that Division Heads are gonna have a lot more roles then normal. You are to meet with your Supervisors weekly to discuss how you can make changes and deal with any reports from the Branch Heads. You are also to meet with the Department Overseer, and discuss issues you have with how the Department is run, and how to solve issues." Aliyah replied, reading off a list.

    "Alright Ma'am. I will inform my Deputy Head and Head Supervisor of what will be going on." Falora said.

    "It is your job to run your Division, but remember that you must oversee the Branches and Supervisors. If you have any major issues, come to me or the Lt Jr Gd or Overseer, otherwise you deal with them on your own." Aliyah said.

    "Understood, Ma'am." Falora responded, checking the PADD she had with her.

    "Dismissed. Fundamental Sciences Division Offices are third on the right, you have the middle office. Call Ensign Marshal in please." Aliyah said, looking at her computer.

    "Of course, Ma'am." Falora called back as she left.

    Ensign Marshal entered the room, PADD in hand.

    "Take a seat, Ensign" Aliyah said, not looking up.

    Marshal sat down, placing his PADD on the desk.

    "Sorry for this Lieutenant, but I have a lot to go through, in a bit of a rush." Marshal said, checking his PADD hurriedly.

    "Oh? And why is that?" Aliyah inquired.

    "I have a lot of planning and work to do for my Division, and unfortunately I also have a lot of documents and project proposals to check and look over." Marshal replied.

    "Why would you be looking at all of these and not the other Ensigns?" Aliyah asked.

    "Lieutenant Hood made me the Ensign in charge of Documents and Projects, basically he made me Chief for the Complex. I got a lot of project proposals to go through and sign off before the end of today, as well as documents and reports on them. And to add to that, I now have to figure out how to run this Division." Marshal said

    "Alright, I'll be brief. You are to meet with your Supervisors and Division XO every week to get reports from them on how each Branch is running and any complaints or issues. You are also to meet with the Department Overseer each week to discuss how you think the Department could be made better and so on. Also, please remember to give each person a shift, so that the personnel that have each shift can be managed by a Supervisor and above. Understood?" Aliyah said, talking quickly.

    "Yes Ma'am!" Marshal said.

    "Dismissed. Remember the Division and how it runs is up to you. Applied Sciences Division Offices is on the right, second one. You have the middle office. Dismissed!" Aliyah said.

    Marshal stood up, saluted, then hurried out.

    Aliyah sighed, and looked at her computer trying to figure out if anything she needed to do would need the tools in her office to accomplish. Then she remembered what Garret had said about the other two Ensigns, and checked her computer for their files.

    First was Ensign Jason Vorn, 30. He had been serving on the Ares for a while, and he appeared to have had several reprimands and punishments during his time. The other was Ensign Lara Garret, 38, who had been on maternity leave because she had to take care of her daughter.

    Aliyah decided to have the longer conversation last and pinged Lara on her PADD to head to her office.

    Aliyah scanned through Ensign Vorn's file, wondering why he had not been in attendance at the meeting, as he had no reason not to be. She would find out later.

    She heard the door chime, and she buzzed the person in.

    Ensign Lara Garret entered. She strode over to the desk, saluting Aliyah.

    "Sit, Ensign. Please." Aliyah said, looking away from the computer.

    "Thank you, Ma'am." Lara said, sitting down.

    "I asked for you to come just so I could tell you that things will be running differently around here for a bit." Aliyah said.

    "So I've been told, however I was not told of my position?" Lara inquired.

    "You do not have one at the moment unfortunately, however I will attempt to find a position to put you in, I hope you understand." Aliyah replied.

    "I do, its fine, I understand the reasoning because of my daughter." Lara said.

    "Just wanted to inform you the way the Department runs is changing. The position you have in the Department dictates your Starfleet rank as well, so if you move up the ranks in this Department you will get a higher rank." Aliyah said.

    "So.... I am being demoted?" Lara inquired.

    "No, not at all. That would not be fair considering how hard you have worked. All it means is you won't have as much command as you normally would have because of this new system." Aliyah said. "Also, the Department will be run differently, it is split into Divisions and Branches. Each Branch had a head, as does each Division. I am sure your husband will explain more." Aliyah replied.

    "Alright Ma'am." Lara said.

    "Last question for you, will you be back on duty soon?" Aliyah asked.

    "I will be back on duty tomorrow, as our daughter will be going to the nursery." Lara said.

    "Thank you, you are dismissed Ensign." Aliyah said.

    As Lara saluted, and left, Aliyah pinged Ensign Vorn to come to her office.

    Ten minutes later Ensign Vorn entered, taking a seat at the desk without even being asked.

    Aliyah looked slightly confused, but said "Ensign, I called you here so I could talk to you about how the Science Department is going to be run."

    "What do you mean, how its going to be run?" Vorn said, sounding slightly hostile.

    "The system is changing. It is being split into three Divisions, run by Ensigns Marshal, Falora and Lilly. And then splits into three branches. With myself, and Eleutherio as Chief and Deputy Chief Science Officer. And the Science Department Overseer being Ensign Garret. This mean-" Aliyah said, before being interrupted by Ensign Vorn.

    "You made Ensign Garret third in command? Haha! He shouldn't be an Ensign, let alone third in command of a Department." Vorn said with a scoff.

    "What do you mean? Ensign Garret is an exceptional officer and has an amazing career so why shouldn't-" Aliyah said, before Vorn once again interrupted her.

    "What do you mean, I've done more things than he has, look at my record. I've worked on more projects and helped with more things than he has done. And hes been here longer!" Vorn said, laughing.

    "That is not true. He has done many things, some even better than things I have done." Aliyah said.

    "You must be joking Lieutenant. He has not earned himself a Chief Petty Officer position! Let alone an Ensign position!" Vorn said, his disgust being made quite clear.

    "I assure you he has." Aliyah said, starting to lose her patience.

    "My record is better than most of the officers in this Department, why am I not in his position?" Vorn asked.

    "Because unlike Garret's your record has certain blemishes. Two reprimands at the Academy, one for disrespect directly to an instructor, the other for fighting with a cadet in your fourth year, resulting in a suspension for a week. You were posted as a Petty Officer Third Class, when you were looking towards a starting position as Chief Petty Officer. Served on U.S.S Texas for three years. No issues. Transferred to U.S.S Terran, three reprimands in your four year service there. One for disrespect again. Another for refusing to follow orders. The other for hitting a junior officer. Transferred to starbase 20 for a year, one reprimand for disrespect. Left to join the Ares with the rank of Ensign, promoted from Petty Officer 1st Class to Ensign by Captain John Vorn. That is why Garret is third in command." Aliyah said bitterly.

    "So you think a record is why I shouldn't be Third in Command? You.... you are a fool!" Vorn shouted.

    "I personally think you shouldn't be a member of Starfleet, but thats not up to me." Aliyah replied, coldly.

    "Why shouldn't I? I work harder then most people on this ship. I didn't get Ensign for no reason." Vorn said angrily.

    "You did get it for no reason. Your father promoted you to Ensign. You used family connections to get higher. Not skill." Aliyah said.

    "So what, just because you lot were fools and can't earn your way up to higher ranks thats not my fault. Now I am going to go and see what the enlisted are doing." Vorn said, moving to leave.

    "Alright. You are in Physical Sciences. Report to the Physics supervisor for your assignment" Aliyah replied.

    "What do you mean? I am an office not some crewman!" Vorn shouted.

    "The Science Department doesn't use starfleet ranks now. That is the system. You are in command of no one in this Department. Report to the Supervisor of Physics." Aliyah said.

    "What do you mean. I should have a command position. That is my right!" Vorn said.

    "It is not your right. You earn it. Leave. And you weren't at the meeting so you have no reason to be an officer." Aliyah said.

    "I didn't go because it was not worth my time. NOW WHAT POSITION AM I HOLDING!!?" Vorn shouted, slamming his fist into the desk.

    "You are an enlisted personnel. Leave." Aliyah said.

    "I'll ask one last time, you stupid fool! Whats my damn position." Vorn said.

    "YOU ARE AN ENLISTED MEMBER OF THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT! NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" Aliyah shouted, finally losing her temper.

    "My father will hear of his. You will be demoted and sent down to crewman like you should be you scum!" Vorn yelled.

    "GET... OUT!" Aliyah shouted.

    Vorn left, punching the wall on his way out.

    Aliyah relaxed back into her seat and calmed down, making a mental note to log another reprimand for Vorn.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Mon 06 Jan, 2020 3:39 PM.
    "Oh there's no death and dismemberment involved unless you're to physically weak or slow to handle various objects being thrown at you, aggressive wrestling, some biting.." He trails off on that. "All while you read exotic poetry in Klingon. No death though. Unless she was secretly House Duras or what's left of it." He muses. "At that point you're going to have a very, very bad day." Thane was incredibly amused by idea."They say a broken clavicle is a good sign after all." Thane chuckled.

    "I like your rather honest response in this though it is.. worded in an interesting manner. I am careful not to cause mortal wounds to those who I am in a conflict with. Of course it can be hard to avoid in some situations but those are naturally treatable." He would grin a bit. "It can be hard to maintain one's code of Honour at times and everyone will waver at some point. Those are our best tests of character." Thane added. The Ferasan was a touch more relaxed walking with Biiqs now. "I look forward to seeing how this briefing goes. Am I just to observe?"

    Biiqs laughed in response to Thane’s clavicle joke, and replied more solemnly to his response regarding enemy engagement. “I agree, those are the best tests of character. When we find out who we actually are, instead of who we purport ourselves to be.” Participate in the briefing? Oh, sure, if you have any observations or commentary, please be sure to provide them at the appropriate time. It may help the mission. Well, it looks like it’s time to get started.”

    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex - Briefing Room

    Biiqs strode toward the briefing room, with Thane in tow. The big Ferasan garnered a few looks, Biiqs noticed, but most of the staff was aware of his presence on the ship due to normal security briefings. As he took the podium, he nodded toward Lieutenant Kurts, who gave an uncharacteristically “curt” nod, sans any signs of his usual mirth. From the look in his eye, he was rehearsing the drop sequence in his mind. Kurts had just ended his own personal meeting with the members of the Phoenix Team prior to the general meeting, and stood near the podium to assist if needed.

    “Fellow officers, greetings. I am Lieutenant Commander Biiqs Tarquin, for those of you who I haven’t been formally introduced to. It’s been a busy 48 hours, and I look forward to getting to know you all individually when time permits. But onto business.”

    Biiqs gestured at a screen on which a rough map of an island was displayed. “Thank you, Bintou,” he said to Petty Officer Keita, who was running the visuals. Turning back to the assembled officers, he continued, “As you all know, security operations on Dorvan V are drawing to a close. Thanks to your exploits, we have captured or neutralized dozens of Nausicaan pirates, confiscated or destroyed post-war technology being illegally used against innocent civilians, and liberated all Dorvanite hostages in Nausicaan custody. You should all be proud of the job you did, as it not only brought immediate relief to the citizens of Dorvan V, but it also worked to dismantle a terrorist plan to destabilize interstellar relations and put a large dent in a major criminal enterprise.”

    Biiqs paused for a few seconds to the officers to applaud each other, and continued. “But there is still work to do, and we will do so immediately. As you see, the Nausicaan cell on this planet has set up a fortress on this island, which is protected by a shield. At 1500 hours, a fighter wing led by Lt. Tess will run a sortie against the fortress, destroying the shield with overwhelming firepower, and eliminating any large weapon emplacements, should there be any. These structures here and here,” he said, as the structures glowed green on the diagram, “might contain such weapons. It is hard to discern, because they have established a sensor scrambling field. Take care to be precise and not cause any more damage to the ecology or unnecessary loss of life on both sides. The attack will take place shortly after dawn, local planet time. Low light, but good enough to not give our forces a disadvantage on the unfamiliar territory. More importantly, we believe that the attack would catch the night watch at a disadvantage, being close to their next sleep cycle, and the first watch similarly disadvantaged because they would be rising for their own shifts shortly thereafter. We estimate troop strength at two dozen at the most. These are mostly reserve troops, not their best fighters. But they are led by Grakan, who is said to be the most intelligent of the Nausicaan warlords dispatched to Dorvan V. He is not to be underestimated. Which is why we will not be beaming in troops as soon as the shield collapses. We have another plan. Lt Kurts?”

    Biiqs gave way for Lt. Kurts at the lectern. The display shifted to an orbital view as Kurts began to speak. “We anticipate that there are transport scramblers or Remat detonators scattered along the island to disrupt transportation. Which is why I will be taking a team from orbit and performing a HALO jump from the Argo shuttle. Our suit material should serve to absorb and scatter sensor scans to prevent us from being detected during the drop. At best, we’ll appear as a sensor shadow. We’ll clear an area and establish a beachhead with transporter enhancers to allow for additional security personnel to beam down. ” With that, Kurts moved to the side.

    Biiqs saw a look of puzzlement from some of the officers present. Ensign Quiir slowly raised a hand, a bit unfamiliar with the human gesture.

    “Yes?” responded Biiqs.

    “Lieutenant Kurts said that the material on the suits provided some help against sensors, but….but what about regular optics? Eyes, I mean. Wont they be able to see the chutes, or the advance team as they drop in? It takes quite a bit of time for a parachute to land.”

    “We wont be using parachutes,” Kurts answered plainly, with no further explanation.

    “Ah….yes,” Quiir’s hand slowly returned to his side, with the young ensign bold enough to ask the initial question, but not bold enough to ask a followup.

    Biiqs continued, finding it more amusing to leave the question unanswered as well. “The additional teams will be grouped and sent in as needed. If you consult the special operations roster, you’ll find out what group and transporter room you’ll be assigned to. Report to the armory to be equipped as soon as possible. Remember, this is a police action, not a wartime action. All phasers are to be calibrated to heavy stun, in accordance with Nausicaan physiology. Take all reasonable precautions to maintain the safety of fellow officers and the civilian populace. Remember, Grakan is a high value target. Anyone finds Grakan, make sure you subdue him, tag him, and get him sent directly to the brig immediately.”

    “Questions, comments, anyone?”

    “Happy hunting, everyone. You can consider yourself to be officially dismissed.”

    (( TAG: Blaster, Kraijin))
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     –  Last edited by Krajin; Wed 08 Jan, 2020 3:21 AM.
    Biiqs laughed in response to Thane’s clavicle joke, and replied more solemnly to his response regarding enemy engagement. “I agree, those are the best tests of character. When we find out who we actually are, instead of who we purport ourselves to be.” Participate in the briefing? Oh, sure, if you have any observations or commentary, please be sure to provide them at the appropriate time. It may help the mission. Well, it looks like it’s time to get started.”

    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex - Briefing Room

    “Questions, comments, anyone?”

    (( TAG: Blaster, Kraijin))

    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex - Briefing Room

    Thane quite happily enjoyed the looks that he got from the officers in the room, the way his presence shifted the subtle emotional currents of this room. Some were concerned by his presence which the Ferasan put to his own species reputation in the Quadrant whilst others were more curious. Then the officers began their plan of attack which made the man curious.. though more concerned as he listened and began to see the glaring flaws in the plan itself. When the floor was opened for others to put up their concerns and questions, Thane would step forward and let his imposing presence quieten things down rather quickly for him to speak up. “This is a good plan, if you had no other options for approach.” The Ferasan would speak up. He figured this wouldn't make him many friends or at least upset the apple cart some.

    “Plenty of variables that are unknown here with which you have the opportunity to learn about. Now Grakan is said to be the smartest of Nausicaan Warlords dispatched here? This implies you're dealing with someone whom has survived the cut-throat nature of their culture and risen to the top. What I have heard implies that you're dealing with a cunning Warlord. His sensor array will likely detect your fighter wing well before they are within weapon range and thus, alert the staff and their weapon systems will fire the moment they come into range.” The Ferasan makes a motion to the marked buildings. “Send in your squad earlier, much earlier. While it is dark. At least a few hours prior to dawn. Nightfall will give your drop, -provided you wear appropriate coloured attire- much better cover for an infiltration and scouting mission prior to an attack.” He peers at the map and then motions towards a couple of spots outside of the shields barrier. “If you land around here or here you can do some ground recon. You will then be able to identify what exactly is in those two towers, get a proper analysis of the shield strength through a close range scan with one of your tricorders and through an encrypted channel. Transmit this information to your Fighter wing.” It was one suggestion there.

    “What is done with this information is on them. Finally, getting in. I can rig a device that will cause a localised disruption in the shield long enough for the team to pass through it before it burns out. Allowing them to get into position earlier and set up the Pattern Enhancers. Then the fighter wing attacks, shuts the shield down, damages or destroys the weapon emplacements and the operation proceeds from there. The further away from Dawn you perform this police operation, the harder it will be for those whom have awakened from their deep slumber to react in a reasonable time frame. Giving the security teams a chance to gain considerable ground and catch Graken.” Thane glanced around at the others and then would tuck his hands behind his back, under his cloak. “I also place the option of joining the HALO drop team on the table and if this idea is taken for the night raid. I suggest taking Light Amplification visors along, as well as something to scale a wall or two.”

    With that Thane would step back a bit, opening the floor for others to either shoot down the idea or run with it.

    (( TAG: Biiqs, Blaster))
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    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex - Briefing Room.

    Tess entered the room, she had hurried back to her quarters, being short on time. She had decided to dress in her standard uniform instead of her fighter one, but had still been rushing, so the combadge had been put on in the turbolift.

    She looked around, noticing Biiqs was not there yet, she decided to call Jess first.

    She tapped her combadge before saying, "Lieutenant Tess to Ensign Jess, please inform the fighter pilots to get ready for a simulation and possible mission soon."

    "Roger that Ma'am." Came the short reply.

    Tess moved over to a seat, and sat down to wait.

    A few minutes later Lieutenant Commander Biiqs strode in, however he was not alone. An extremely tall cat like creature, Tess believed they were called "Ferasans", was following behind him. Tess raised an eyebrow at that, but remained seated.

    Biiqs gestured at a screen on which a rough map of an island was displayed. “Thank you, Bintou,” he said to Petty Officer Keita, who was running the visuals. Turning back to the assembled officers, he continued, “As you all know, security operations on Dorvan V are drawing to a close. Thanks to your exploits, we have captured or neutralized dozens of Nausicaan pirates, confiscated or destroyed post-war technology being illegally used against innocent civilians, and liberated all Dorvanite hostages in Nausicaan custody. You should all be proud of the job you did, as it not only brought immediate relief to the citizens of Dorvan V, but it also worked to dismantle a terrorist plan to destabilize interstellar relations and put a large dent in a major criminal enterprise.”
    A few officers cheered at that, Tess decided simply to clap, it wasn't like her to try and draw attention to herself.

    “But there is still work to do, and we will do so immediately. As you see, the Nausicaan cell on this planet has set up a fortress on this island, which is protected by a shield. At 1500 hours, a fighter wing led by Lt. Tess will run a sortie against the fortress, destroying the shield with overwhelming firepower, and eliminating any large weapon emplacements, should there be any. These structures here and here,” he said, as the structures glowed green on the diagram, “might contain such weapons. It is hard to discern, because they have established a sensor scrambling field."
    Tess nodded at that, however her vulcan mind refused to let her simply agree with the plan, and she began looking for flaws. She new overwhelming firepower was a risky tactic, one normally used by KDF ships and soldiers then the Federation. The weapons, she had a strong feeling there would be, would be a risk if they opened up on the fighters too early. The scrambling field alone meant Tess's fighters would not be able to run an accurate simulation to even begin to prepare.

    "Take care to be precise and not cause any more damage to the ecology or unnecessary loss of life on both sides. The attack will take place shortly after dawn, local planet time. Low light, but good enough to not give our forces a disadvantage on the unfamiliar territory."
    Tess decided to warn her pilots in advance to be accurate with their shots, however she new if a phaser missed the shield it would cause a bit of damage to the area where it hit, so she would be careful with informing her pilots to aim their shots and minimise torpedo usage. The low light would be useful, but only to ground troops. As soon as phasers started firing it would be easy to see where the fighters were located.

    More importantly, we believe that the attack would catch the night watch at a disadvantage, being close to their next sleep cycle, and the first watch similarly disadvantaged because they would be rising for their own shifts shortly thereafter. We estimate troop strength at two dozen at the most. These are mostly reserve troops, not their best fighters. But they are led by Grakan, who is said to be the most intelligent of the Nausicaan warlords dispatched to Dorvan V. He is not to be underestimated. Which is why we will not be beaming in troops as soon as the shield collapses.
    Tess believed that was the logical approach, the night watch would be less likely to hear the shuttles on approach if they were tired, and doing it when they were not would be suicidal, they would get spotted and taken out quite quickly. Two dozen men would most likely only mean a few manning guns to begin with, so Tess estimated about 1 or 2 heavy weapons at best. The idea of Grakan was unfortunate, as if he was truly that intelligent, Tess could have an issue.

    Tess sat through the rest of the briefing based around the HALO jump and ground deployments, thinking to herself that there was very little chance the Nausicaans would be able to pull off a successful defence, maybe about 5%. When the Lieutenant Commander asked for questions, Tess had none.

    Then the Ferasan stepped forward and said:
    “This is a good plan, if you had no other options for approach.”
    Tess was intrigued, and decided to see where the Ferasan was going before talking.

    “Plenty of variables that are unknown here with which you have the opportunity to learn about. Now Grakan is said to be the smartest of Nausicaan Warlords dispatched here? This implies you're dealing with someone whom has survived the cut-throat nature of their culture and risen to the top. What I have heard implies that you're dealing with a cunning Warlord. His sensor array will likely detect your fighter wing well before they are within weapon range and thus, alert the staff and their weapon systems will fire the moment they come into range.”
    Tess partly agreed with this, a sensor array would be a problem. However, if there were only two dozen men, that meant atleast four or six would have been on guard duty, while another four to six working inside the station, and the other groups sleeping. This would mean the fighters would not have to worry too much about the other men, provided they got the shift switches right.

    “Send in your squad earlier, much earlier. While it is dark. At least a few hours prior to dawn. Nightfall will give your drop, -provided you wear appropriate coloured attire- much better cover for an infiltration and scouting mission prior to an attack.” He peers at the map and then motions towards a couple of spots outside of the shields barrier. “If you land around here or here you can do some ground recon. You will then be able to identify what exactly is in those two towers, get a proper analysis of the shield strength through a close range scan with one of your tricorders and through an encrypted channel. Transmit this information to your Fighter wing.” It was one suggestion there.
    Tess nodded her head at this, her team would need information in order to plan the assault, if what was in those towers was left to guess work, the chances of success went down to 50%.

    “What is done with this information is on them. Finally, getting in. I can rig a device that will cause a localised disruption in the shield long enough for the team to pass through it before it burns out. Allowing them to get into position earlier and set up the Pattern Enhancers. Then the fighter wing attacks, shuts the shield down, damages or destroys the weapon emplacements and the operation proceeds from there. The further away from Dawn you perform this police operation, the harder it will be for those whom have awakened from their deep slumber to react in a reasonable time frame. Giving the security teams a chance to gain considerable ground and catch Graken.” Thane glanced around at the others and then would tuck his hands behind his back, under his cloak. “I also place the option of joining the HALO drop team on the table and if this idea is taken for the night raid. I suggest taking Light Amplification visors along, as well as something to scale a wall or two.”
    Tess agreed with this idea, getting the team through before the shields came under fire would work, provided they were not seen. If they were seen, the sleeping men would wake to early, and the ground teams would face far more resistance. However, she agreed with the visor idea.

    Tess stood up, deciding to share her thoughts with the Ferasan, Tess was a foot shorter, but still looked him in the eyes, and said: "I agreed perfectly with the first idea, my fighter wing would appreciate the ability to properly plan our attack and know what we are up against, however there is a risk. If we were to drop them in before hand to do recon, and they were detected by a guard, or we got the changing of the guard wrong, we could end up messing the attack up before it begins, the Nausicaans would be alerted and the teams would have much harder odds of bringing the Nausicaan raiders down."

    Tess considered the second option before saying: "Once again, the same issue, there is always a risk of detection. Even more so as if the 50% chance we go in too late and the guards have already changed, or the 13% chance a team member is spotted by a guard, we could mess the raid up before it starts. The visors however are a very good idea."

    Tess paused to let her opinion sink in before saying: "I have an idea myself, during the assault I believe sending my fighters in at each angle, at different times while the HALO jump is commencing will mean that they at first underestimate the size of our forces. This should distract them from the Security doing the HALO jump, who then can set up the beachhead unimpeded and then surprise the Nausicaans from the ground, as they will have been focused on the air."

    Tess sat down, allowing others to give their ideas.

    (TAG: Biiqs, Thane)