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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 19 Jan, 2020 5:06 AM.

    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Security Complex - Briefing Room

    Thane quite happily enjoyed the looks that he got from the officers in the room, the way his presence shifted the subtle emotional currents of this room. Some were concerned by his presence which the Ferasan put to his own species reputation in the Quadrant whilst others were more curious. Then the officers began their plan of attack which made the man curious.. though more concerned as he listened and began to see the glaring flaws in the plan itself. When the floor was opened for others to put up their concerns and questions, Thane would step forward and let his imposing presence quieten things down rather quickly for him to speak up. “This is a good plan, if you had no other options for approach.” The Ferasan would speak up. He figured this wouldn't make him many friends or at least upset the apple cart some.

    “Plenty of variables that are unknown here with which you have the opportunity to learn about. Now Grakan is said to be the smartest of Nausicaan Warlords dispatched here? This implies you're dealing with someone whom has survived the cut-throat nature of their culture and risen to the top. What I have heard implies that you're dealing with a cunning Warlord. His sensor array will likely detect your fighter wing well before they are within weapon range and thus, alert the staff and their weapon systems will fire the moment they come into range.” The Ferasan makes a motion to the marked buildings. “Send in your squad earlier, much earlier. While it is dark. At least a few hours prior to dawn. Nightfall will give your drop, -provided you wear appropriate coloured attire- much better cover for an infiltration and scouting mission prior to an attack.” He peers at the map and then motions towards a couple of spots outside of the shields barrier. “If you land around here or here you can do some ground recon. You will then be able to identify what exactly is in those two towers, get a proper analysis of the shield strength through a close range scan with one of your tricorders and through an encrypted channel. Transmit this information to your Fighter wing.” It was one suggestion there.

    “What is done with this information is on them. Finally, getting in. I can rig a device that will cause a localised disruption in the shield long enough for the team to pass through it before it burns out. Allowing them to get into position earlier and set up the Pattern Enhancers. Then the fighter wing attacks, shuts the shield down, damages or destroys the weapon emplacements and the operation proceeds from there. The further away from Dawn you perform this police operation, the harder it will be for those whom have awakened from their deep slumber to react in a reasonable time frame. Giving the security teams a chance to gain considerable ground and catch Graken.” Thane glanced around at the others and then would tuck his hands behind his back, under his cloak. “I also place the option of joining the HALO drop team on the table and if this idea is taken for the night raid. I suggest taking Light Amplification visors along, as well as something to scale a wall or two.”

    With that Thane would step back a bit, opening the floor for others to either shoot down the idea or run with it.
    Biiqs listened intently to Thane’s plan, mulling it over in his head. After a brief moment, he responded.

    “Thank you for your suggestions. We employed sort of a similar philosophy to yours when we attacked a mountain stronghold in which civilian hostages were being held. We sent in a recon team at night to the perimeter of their defenses, using a local guide. Normally, I would agree that knowing all of those unknowns prior to engaging the enemy is the best course of action. However, at the time, the Nausicaans still enjoyed the upper hand on the planet, they were firmly entrenched and in a position of power. What we’re hoping to do in this situation is take advantage of the fact that we no longer require much restraint or subtlety. All hostages are accounted for. We can bring the shields down by force, and those structures. I believe that in this particular instance, it is preferable to sending down a recon squad without air support.”

    “In addition, the full frontal attack provides us with a bit of extra assistance psychologically. As you’ve noted, Graken is cunning. However, his men may not be so cunning. Likely he may have a few handpicked loyalists in his group, but we believe from information recovered from prisoners that he is leading the dregs of the operation, as it were. Those men are likely to panic and make mistakes during a full frontal attack in which they completely understand that they are outgunned with no assistance or refuge in sight.

    "But....this device of yours sounds intriguing. It might add a second level of chaos, so to speak. Surely, they wouldn't expect the shield to be breached by personnel until it actually collapsed. It might give us a better chance to catch Grakan. If the device works quickly."

    He turned to listen to Tess, who had just stood up.

    Tess stood up, deciding to share her thoughts with the Ferasan, Tess was a foot shorter, but still looked him in the eyes, and said: "I agreed perfectly with the first idea, my fighter wing would appreciate the ability to properly plan our attack and know what we are up against, however there is a risk. If we were to drop them in before hand to do recon, and they were detected by a guard, or we got the changing of the guard wrong, we could end up messing the attack up before it begins, the Nausicaans would be alerted and the teams would have much harder odds of bringing the Nausicaan raiders down."

    Biiqs nodded. "I agree."

    Tess considered the second option before saying: "Once again, the same issue, there is always a risk of detection. Even more so as if the 50% chance we go in too late and the guards have already changed, or the 13% chance a team member is spotted by a guard, we could mess the raid up before it starts. The visors however are a very good idea."

    Tess paused to let her opinion sink in before saying: "I have an idea myself, during the assault I believe sending my fighters in at each angle, at different times while the HALO jump is commencing will mean that they at first underestimate the size of our forces. This should distract them from the Security doing the HALO jump, who then can set up the beachhead unimpeded and then surprise the Nausicaans from the ground, as they will have been focused on the air."

    Tess sat down, allowing others to give their ideas.

    I think that's a good idea. Anything to disguise the ground assault will be helpful. And as you'll know where the HALO party is landing, you'll be able to avoid endangering them with your firepower, even thought the angles might seem unpredictable to the Nausicaans."

    By this time, Kurts rose to his feet, approaching the Ferasian. "I have three questions. One, will this device work? The lives of my men depend on it. Two, how fast does it work? The lives of my men depend on that as well. And three, would one of us be able to operate it quickly and efficiently. No offense, but I've drilled the members of my team on this operation. Unless ordered, I'd rather stick with my team on the drop. Second wave? No problem, the more the merrier. But first wave, I'd rather my handpicked team go in. We've worked with each other a lot in the past.

    (( TAG: Kraijin, Blaster))
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    Finishing with Sam, the Captain took a second to double check what he had on Andorian and Human weddings. They weren’t very common so they were so often a mix of traditions. Although he’d been informed by the couple on what he was needing to do, he felt it was extremely important to take another look at his notes. He wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible. Getting up, he paused as Max approached him this time.
    - Lt. Storm, reporting for duty, sir. Before I take my station, can I have a word with you for a minute?[/INDENT]
    “Of course,” Teriir replied, nodding towards the ready room. He asked him once they were inside, “So, what’s up?”
    When they entered the ready room, Max said, rather sheepishly,
    - Have you been briefed on the issues with my arm?
    “Not directly, but Ian mentioned something about a malfunction in your arm while we were discussing some leads on an investigation I’m letting him run,” he confessed, admitting to himself he was starting to experience a problem a lot of Captains had; becoming somewhat distant from the daily lives of his or her crew.
    Max went on,
    - Yeah. I'm due to go in for a procedure later today. I'm just giving you a heads up.
    “Thanks for letting me know,” Dyrell answered reassuringly, “I hope it goes well.”
    Max slumped into the couch close to the door & said,
    - I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely nervous about this.
    He grunted, sympathizing with him after experiencing quite a few operations himself, “Have you had any major procedures in awhile?”
    Max gave a nervous smile, then said,
    - Not since I got the prosthetic, no. You could even ask my dad, I'm ALWAYS apprehensive at medical procedures.
    “Even with how many operations I’ve had, I still worry about them too. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone wrote a medical novel about how many times I’ve been injured,” Dyrell chuckled, knowing his former doctor had written at least 2 essays on field medicine involving him. Shaking his head in amusement, he was about to comment on a few of the injuries he’d sustained when he noticed something. He guessed Lieutenant Vars slipped into his office right when he and Max entered, “You know, it’s impolite to sneak into someone’s office. We could’ve been discussing something classified.”

    “Here I thought you were the expert on that subject,” she grinned and shot a look towards Max, “Also, you have a phobia of doctors so you aren’t the best choice for counselor on medical matters.”

    “Funny,” he grunted sarcastically, turning back to the now smirking Operations Officer, “We’ve both been through a lot in terms of combat. I know you participated in the brief Klingon War that preceded the Dominion War.”

    (( TAG: Max ))

    “Thankfully that fight was short so we’d be able to do something in the way of getting some defenses set up to fight the Dominion,” Dyrell shook his head at how everyone was misled by the Founders so easily into fighting each other instead of bracing for their onslaught. He sighed and got himself back on track, “Nah, don’t bother with me and darker stories. Is there anything in particular you may need help with? Either in preparation or the recuperation?”

    (( TAG: Max ))

    “Alright. Take care of yourself,” he nodded to wish him well with the procedure and waited for him to go before turning to Jenha, “I take it you aren’t here for pleasantries.”

    “Just hurrying you along to the holosuites for the wedding,” she answered, with a smile, “I wanted to make certain you got down there.”

    “Alright,” Dyrell chuckled, mostly to relieve himself of some stress from his dilemma. He was either wanting to be on the bridge but continuously pulled off it or was trying to go somewhere and wind up speaking with someone about something. He gave her his undivided attention, “I have to grab a few things, like my dress uniform, and then I’ll be down to help with final preparations.”

    After she left, the Captain took a seat in one of the cushioned chairs in the office, his eyes focused on one of the ring shaped decorative patterns on the table. He began contemplating something he’d kept out of his mind for a long time and came to a decision, knowing he needed to make a few calls first. With that, he snatched up his PADD with the details he wanted to remember for the wedding and departed.

    (( TAG: Max ))
    Asteropax Medals
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     –  Last edited by Krajin; Sat 25 Jan, 2020 7:21 PM.
    Biiqs listened intently to Thane’s plan, mulling it over in his head. After a brief moment, he responded.

    “Thank you for your suggestions. We employed sort of a similar philosophy to yours when we attacked a mountain stronghold in which civilian hostages were being held. We sent in a recon team at night to the perimeter of their defenses, using a local guide. Normally, I would agree that knowing all of those unknowns prior to engaging the enemy is the best course of action. However, at the time, the Nausicaans still enjoyed the upper hand on the planet, they were firmly entrenched and in a position of power. What we’re hoping to do in this situation is take advantage of the fact that we no longer require much restraint or subtlety. All hostages are accounted for. We can bring the shields down by force, and those structures. I believe that in this particular instance, it is preferable to sending down a recon squad without air support.”

    “In addition, the full frontal attack provides us with a bit of extra assistance psychologically. As you’ve noted, Graken is cunning. However, his men may not be so cunning. Likely he may have a few handpicked loyalists in his group, but we believe from information recovered from prisoners that he is leading the dregs of the operation, as it were. Those men are likely to panic and make mistakes during a full frontal attack in which they completely understand that they are outgunned with no assistance or refuge in sight.

    "But....this device of yours sounds intriguing. It might add a second level of chaos, so to speak. Surely, they wouldn't expect the shield to be breached by personnel until it actually collapsed. It might give us a better chance to catch Grakan. If the device works quickly."

    I think that's a good idea. Anything to disguise the ground assault will be helpful. And as you'll know where the HALO party is landing, you'll be able to avoid endangering them with your firepower, even thought the angles might seem unpredictable to the Nausicaans."

    By this time, Kurts rose to his feet, approaching the Ferasian. "I have three questions. One, will this device work? The lives of my men depend on it. Two, how fast does it work? The lives of my men depend on that as well. And three, would one of us be able to operate it quickly and efficiently. No offence, but I've drilled the members of my team on this operation. Unless ordered, I'd rather stick with my team on the drop. Second wave? No problem, the more the merrier. But first wave, I'd rather my handpicked team go in. We've worked with each other a lot in the past.

    (( TAG: Krajin, Blaster))

    Thane listens as Biiqs speaks up and didn't seem to like the way he was hoping for it to work as intended with no intel. Not the smartest approach, upper hand or psychological impact aside. But the officers were set on their course. His ears did twitch when Kurtis rose and spoke to him. The first question shot a spark of more than mild irritation and it showed in subtle ways. His ears turned slightly to the sides and that fuzzy, blue hued tail tuft began to twitch under the cloak. His focus suddenly lasered in on the Lieutenant "Will it work.. An interesting question to ask someone if they were known for being incompetent. You wouldn't happen to be implying that now would you? Considering all devices we use have some chance of failure.." His tone takes a dangerous edge to it. Unlike Klingons who might be more intense in such ways, Ferasans could be more passive aggressive.

    Letting the officer have a chance to sit on that line for a few seconds before he spoke up once more. "As for time! Since this is quite likely Dominion based shield technology it will take roughly Ninety Seconds, though it can vary greatly from Sixty Seconds up to One Hundred and Eighty Seconds, dependent on the shield type, configuration and other factors involved. The 'hole' in the shield that is created will last Sixty seconds before the power unit burns out, in which it will be replaced with a spare if and when needed. Get yourselves in quickly for when the door closes behind you whatever is only partially inside will experience a sudden case of severance." He'd say. Hands now shifting to his sides and that intense stare focused still on Kurt.

    "As for if your men can use it quickly and efficiently? In theory, yes. In practice? No. If something goes wrong they will not be able to repair it or diagnose the issue quickly. This isn't a shot at your team and their skills, it is a simple statement that seeing as I designed and built it. I will know it best. The device is touchy, doesn't appreciate being shot and is in a state of constant development."

    (( TAG: Biiqs))
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    Tess thought over their options, going in without any accurate data was risky, but better then giving away the element of surprise. The idea for the HALO jump also sounded risky, seeing as it needed the timings to be exactly right.

    The Ferasan spoke up:
    "Will it work.. An interesting question to ask someone if they were known for being incompetent. You wouldn't happen to be implying that now would you? Considering all devices we use have some chance of failure.." His tone takes a dangerous edge to it.
    Tess knew that to be true, but if the Ferasan didn't tell them where this device was from, she couldn't calculate any odds. She ignored his threats altogether.

    As for time! Since this is quite likely Dominion based shield technology it will take roughly Ninety Seconds, though it can vary greatly from Sixty Seconds up to One Hundred and Eighty Seconds, dependent on the shield type, configuration and other factors involved. The 'hole' in the shield that is created will last Sixty seconds before the power unit burns out, in which it will be replaced with a spare if and when needed. Get yourselves in quickly for when the door closes behind you whatever is only partially inside will experience a sudden case of severance."
    Tess took a moment to work that out in her head. Due to the Ferasan not knowing how long it would take for the hole to be made, the odds of the HALO jump working were as of current around 12.45%. There was no way of knowing the exact time the hole would appear, and no way of getting the security in safely.

    "As for if your men can use it quickly and efficiently? In theory, yes. In practice? No. If something goes wrong they will not be able to repair it or diagnose the issue quickly. This isn't a shot at your team and their skills, it is a simple statement that seeing as I designed and built it. I will know it best. The device is touchy, doesn't appreciate being shot and is in a state of constant development."
    The odds had dropped to around 7.32% now. The chance of something going wrong was so high, it would be far better to wait for the shield to drop first before the security dropped in.

    Tess stood up and said: "In theory, it sounds like a decent idea. However, in practice there is no way to accurately predict the timing. If they are 200 seconds out, and the device takes 180 seconds then they will get in. However that would be very lucky. If the device makes a hole in the shield after 140 second and above and they are 200 seconds out at the start, most should get through, with a 25% chance of a few of them suddenly losing body parts. However, if the device works after 60 seconds, it will shut at 120 seconds, meaning the entire security team will get torn apart when they hit the shield. If we send them in 120 seconds out, and it opens at 125 seconds, the team is gone. Something messes up, the team dies. The odds of it working properly are around 7.23%, and the risk of atleast one team member dying during the drop is 92%."

    She paused for a minute before continuing.

    "It would be a very good idea if we have data on what shield type they are using and we had time to do a test run. However, we do not. We cannot risk the lives of personnel in the hope the hole is made in the shield at the right time. It will be much safer just to wait for my pilots to batter the shield down, unfortunately."

    Tess sat down, watching the Ferasan for a reaction.

    (TAG: Biiqs, Thane,)
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    Tess stood up and said: "In theory, it sounds like a decent idea. However, in practice there is no way to accurately predict the timing. If they are 200 seconds out, and the device takes 180 seconds then they will get in. However that would be very lucky. If the device makes a hole in the shield after 140 second and above and they are 200 seconds out at the start, most should get through, with a 25% chance of a few of them suddenly losing body parts. However, if the device works after 60 seconds, it will shut at 120 seconds, meaning the entire security team will get torn apart when they hit the shield. If we send them in 120 seconds out, and it opens at 125 seconds, the team is gone. Something messes up, the team dies. The odds of it working properly are around 7.23%, and the risk of atleast one team member dying during the drop is 92%."

    She paused for a minute before continuing.

    "It would be a very good idea if we have data on what shield type they are using and we had time to do a test run. However, we do not. We cannot risk the lives of personnel in the hope the hole is made in the shield at the right time. It will be much safer just to wait for my pilots to batter the shield down, unfortunately."

    Tess sat down, watching the Ferasan for a reaction.

    (TAG: Biiqs, Thane,)
    A glance to the Pilot he was beginning to like the kind of mind she had for analysis. "Yet you're willing to put the lives of your personnel at risk with intelligence garnered from a collection of Nausicaans who quite likely haven't paid much attention to their own facilities beyond where to sleep, eat and store weapons? No intel on defences beyond the blurry shots of an orbital sensor scan that provides minor detail?" He asks.

    Thane rubs the back of his head lightly now "The unit was designed as a countermeasure for Dominion Force Fields, it is deployed from the ground. All you do is find a discrete space, set it up and let it do its work. You can even link the unit to a Tricorder or similar systems within limited range to see its progress on bypassing that section of the shield and giving you, your entry point. Ninety Seconds has proven the average time so far. I would not deploy the unit in an aerial manner unless it was attached to a drone." He would add. The potential for a deeper psychological impact when an enemy attacked you from within your own fortress the moment an external attack struck could be a true showstopper.

    (( TAG: Biiqs, Tess))
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    The Ferasan responded:
    "Yet you're willing to put the lives of your personnel at risk with intelligence garnered from a collection of Nausicaans who quite likely haven't paid much attention to their own facilities beyond where to sleep, eat and store weapons? No intel on defences beyond the blurry shots of an orbital sensor scan that provides minor detail?"
    Tess considered that. She did not like the idea that she would have to risk her pilots lives, as well as the rest of the security officers, on little intel. There were a lot of other possibilities to go on, using scans, sending in a team using a stealth field, sending in a small team to do a recon. However if something went wrong the attack could fail anyway.

    The Ferasan continued:
    "The unit was designed as a countermeasure for Dominion Force Fields, it is deployed from the ground. All you do is find a discrete space, set it up and let it do its work. You can even link the unit to a Tricorder or similar systems within limited range to see its progress on bypassing that section of the shield and giving you, your entry point. Ninety Seconds has proven the average time so far. I would not deploy the unit in an aerial manner unless it was attached to a drone."
    Tess said: "That makes the odds better, if 90 seconds is the average time and it was design for Dominion shield, if we send the security in about 10 seconds after the device starts making the hole then we should be able to minimise any chances of things going wrong to about 43%. The device would need protection to make sure a Nausicaan didn't shoot it, but the idea sounds better with this added data."

    She considered an idea for a moment before speaking again: "If we sent in a small team to scout the perimeter of the base, maybe using some sort of stealth mechanism, we should be able to get better data with the risk of detection being about 37%"
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    “Funny,” he grunted sarcastically, turning back to the now smirking Operations Officer, “We’ve both been through a lot in terms of combat. I know you participated in the brief Klingon War that preceded the Dominion War.”
    Max nodded, and said,
    - Yes sir. I hold no ill will towards them whatsoever.
    “Thankfully that fight was short so we’d be able to do something in the way of getting some defenses set up to fight the Dominion,” Dyrell shook his head at how everyone was misled by the Founders so easily into fighting each other instead of bracing for their onslaught. He sighed and got himself back on track, “Nah, don’t bother with me and darker stories. Is there anything in particular you may need help with? Either in preparation or the recuperation?”
    Max shook his head, then said,
    - Apart from a few days off, I think I'll be fine.

    “Alright. Take care of yourself,” he nodded to wish him well with the procedure and waited for him to go before turning to Jenha, “I take it you aren’t here for pleasantries.”

    “Just hurrying you along to the holosuites for the wedding,” she answered, with a smile, “I wanted to make certain you got down there.”

    “Alright,” Dyrell chuckled, mostly to relieve himself of some stress from his dilemma. He was either wanting to be on the bridge but continuously pulled off it or was trying to go somewhere and wind up speaking with someone about something. He gave her his undivided attention, “I have to grab a few things, like my dress uniform, and then I’ll be down to help with final preparations.”

    After she left, the Captain took a seat in one of the cushioned chairs in the office, his eyes focused on one of the ring shaped decorative patterns on the table. He began contemplating something he’d kept out of his mind for a long time and came to a decision, knowing he needed to make a few calls first. With that, he snatched up his PADD with the details he wanted to remember for the wedding and departed.
    Max headed out to his station, settled into his seat & lost himself in the work. The body language Max showed was slightly relaxed. He knew the procedure would help, but he felt waves of apprehension over the day.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 04 Feb, 2020 8:36 PM.
    Thane listens as Biiqs speaks up and didn't seem to like the way he was hoping for it to work as intended with no intel. Not the smartest approach, upper hand or psychological impact aside. But the officers were set on their course. His ears did twitch when Kurtis rose and spoke to him. The first question shot a spark of more than mild irritation and it showed in subtle ways. His ears turned slightly to the sides and that fuzzy, blue hued tail tuft began to twitch under the cloak. His focus suddenly lasered in on the Lieutenant "Will it work.. An interesting question to ask someone if they were known for being incompetent. You wouldn't happen to be implying that now would you? Considering all devices we use have some chance of failure.." His tone takes a dangerous edge to it. Unlike Klingons who might be more intense in such ways, Ferasans could be more passive aggressive.
    Kurts stubbornly let Thane's question go unanswered as he waited for him to finish. Although he registered the subtle movements of the Ferasan, his stony gaze and fixed features didn't betray it. He was of the new generation of Starfleet Security Officers, reared in the fires of the Dominion War. He didn't back down easily. Internally, Kurts brustled at the challenge, but willed himself to calmness, with his heartbeat and respiration slowing. It was a pre-combat reflex, although there was no intent to attack. He was simply unfamiliar with the Ferasan, and did not know whether to expect an attack. He did, however, fight the urge to slide his strong foot back into a more combat ready stance - such could be seen as a provocation.

    Letting the officer have a chance to sit on that line for a few seconds before he spoke up once more. "As for time! Since this is quite likely Dominion based shield technology it will take roughly Ninety Seconds, though it can vary greatly from Sixty Seconds up to One Hundred and Eighty Seconds, dependent on the shield type, configuration and other factors involved. The 'hole' in the shield that is created will last Sixty seconds before the power unit burns out, in which it will be replaced with a spare if and when needed. Get yourselves in quickly for when the door closes behind you whatever is only partially inside will experience a sudden case of severance." He'd say. Hands now shifting to his sides and that intense stare focused still on Kurt.
    Kurts continued to meet his stare in silence, with his demeanor calm, radiating confidence and a bit of arrogant irritation, psychically.

    "As for if your men can use it quickly and efficiently? In theory, yes. In practice? No. If something goes wrong they will not be able to repair it or diagnose the issue quickly. This isn't a shot at your team and their skills, it is a simple statement that seeing as I designed and built it. I will know it best. The device is touchy, doesn't appreciate being shot and is in a state of constant development."
    Kurt's finally broke the stare, looking over to Biiqs, whose eyes narrowed in a "Play nice" expression. He then addressed Thane.

    "Yeah. To answer your question, I don't know you to be incompetent. I don't know you to be competent. I don't know you at all. That's the problem. But I do know my officers, and I know my duty, and part of that duty is to ensure the safety of my people as much as I can. I don't know how you do it in the KDF, but I have a hard time believing that you'd let me waltz onto your ship and offer a solution unless I looked you in the eye and guaranteed your men would be reasonably safe. Service records say one thing, but my grandfather taught me that if you want to know the truth, you look into someone's eyes and ask them directly."

    "So. If you can bring the device to Shuttlebay One, I'll have Lt. Sy look it over, and we'll go from there. Sixty seconds is plenty. We'll go through the shield, mop up, and I'll buy you a blood wine or whatever you drink afterward." With that he quirked an eyebrow at Biiqs as if to say, "Nice enough for you?"

    Tess stood up and said: "In theory, it sounds like a decent idea. However, in practice there is no way to accurately predict the timing. If they are 200 seconds out, and the device takes 180 seconds then they will get in. However that would be very lucky. If the device makes a hole in the shield after 140 second and above and they are 200 seconds out at the start, most should get through, with a 25% chance of a few of them suddenly losing body parts. However, if the device works after 60 seconds, it will shut at 120 seconds, meaning the entire security team will get torn apart when they hit the shield. If we send them in 120 seconds out, and it opens at 125 seconds, the team is gone. Something messes up, the team dies. The odds of it working properly are around 7.23%, and the risk of atleast one team member dying during the drop is 92%."
    "We won't be deploying the device in mid air, we'll drop here instead," replied Kurts, indicating a small area of forest and beach jutting outside of the shielded area. "We set it up on land, and walk right through the back door. We're good, Lieutenant," he chuckled, "But I don't think it would be a good idea setting up Thane's machine in free fall. Although, I'm sure we could." With the last, he shot a challenging grin at Thane.

    She paused for a minute before continuing.

    "It would be a very good idea if we have data on what shield type they are using and we had time to do a test run. However, we do not. We cannot risk the lives of personnel in the hope the hole is made in the shield at the right time. It will be much safer just to wait for my pilots to batter the shield down, unfortunately."

    Tess sat down, watching the Ferasan for a reaction.

    A glance to the Pilot he was beginning to like the kind of mind she had for analysis. "Yet you're willing to put the lives of your personnel at risk with intelligence garnered from a collection of Nausicaans who quite likely haven't paid much attention to their own facilities beyond where to sleep, eat and store weapons? No intel on defences beyond the blurry shots of an orbital sensor scan that provides minor detail?" He asks.
    "If I may," Biiqs interjected, "We can easily ascertain the shield information from orbit. Our only blind spots are the inside of the structures themselves. A power signature on a shield can't really be disguised. But pirate grade sensor dampeners can conceal the contents of a small building. I judge it better to send security personnel in to actually attack it than to try to get a better reading from the ground. It's a sensor dampener. It doesn't seem logical to me to send a team sniffing about with tricorders if the shipboayrd sensors on one of the most sophisticated vessels in the fleet can't get good readings.

    As for the shield, it is a Dominion Battlecruiser Auxilary Type II shield array. The power source appears to be a Matter/Antimatter reactor cannibalized from a smaller vessel, most likely a Dominion fighter. The readings are a bit off, due to the unorthodox way they've cobbled everything together. Our analysis shows a strong likelyhood of the entire system falling apart quickly with concentrated fire, which is why the plan called for quick, overwhelming firepower. We can tell the shield is flawed, but a shield is still a shield, and shields can only take so much pounding before they fail.

    Thane rubs the back of his head lightly now "The unit was designed as a countermeasure for Dominion Force Fields, it is deployed from the ground. All you do is find a discrete space, set it up and let it do its work. You can even link the unit to a Tricorder or similar systems within limited range to see its progress on bypassing that section of the shield and giving you, your entry point. Ninety Seconds has proven the average time so far. I would not deploy the unit in an aerial manner unless it was attached to a drone." He would add. The potential for a deeper psychological impact when an enemy attacked you from within your own fortress the moment an external attack struck could be a true showstopper
    "Precisely," agreed Biiqs.

    "Lieutenant Tess, if you lay down enough cover fire to disguise our approach, we shouldn't have any problem taking them by surprise and ending this occupation once and for all," remarked Kurts.

    (( TAG: Blaster; Kraijin))
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    Having successfully gathered up everything he needed for the wedding, Captain Teriir managed to secure some time in one of the private rooms adjacent to the holodecks. Normally they’d be used for changing but, since he’d put on his dress uniform at the tailor, he was rehearsing his lines for the wedding.

    “Twin lines of blood cross through the stars. One a wanderer, searching for treasures long forgotten. One lost its way, praying to be found. Both discovered life within each other and now unite into -”

    A beep at the door made him pause his reciting of the Andorian portion of the wedding, “Enter!”

    He turned around and found himself looking at Commander R’Turan, “I’m assuming you are ready, sir?”

    “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Teriir replied as he looked down at the PADD again at the scripting he’d made, hoping everything would be straightforward and acceptable to both Human and Andorian traditions, “We’ll be performing the Andorian section of the wedding first before permitting the Groom to place the ring on the Bride’s finger. One set of hands will be used for each part so I just have to ask whether they want to slash their left or right hand.”

    “I’ll be honest, it sounds a little excessive,” R’Turan commented, “Why not just pick one tradition to keep everything simple for everyone at the wedding?”

    “It’s their special day, let them do this as they wish,” he argued, “Since they asked for a joint Andorian and Human ceremony, I’ve opted to help set everything up just the way they want.”

    The Commander’s tail flicked to show some form of acceptance, “That’s true. I want to clear something up with you though.”

    “Yes?” Teriir invited him to ask away.

    “What’s a kilt?”

    “Oh,” he reminded himself of the very strange attire, “That’s a piece of clothing from Earth several centuries before Humans became a spacefaring race. It’s a cultural piece from a people known as the Scottish. To some people who hear about it nowadays, it’s a mens’ skirt.”

    “Huh,” R’Turan punched up a few codes on the terminal in the office. Several images of kilts appeared on the viewscreen and he let out a stiffled wheeze. Teriir couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in surprise; it was the first time he remembered hearing the Commander laugh. R’Turan looked back at him, making an effort to pretend that didn’t happen, “Hopefully everything goes along well and that you pass along my congratulations to the Bride and Groom.”

    “You won’t be attending?” the Captain clarified his statement, “All of the Senior Staff was invited.”

    “Yes, but someone has to keep the ship going while you’re attending festivities,” the Commander said with a twitch of his whiskers.

    “That’s fair,” Teriir shrugged, “But I insist you participate in future festivities, at least so you get out of your quarters every now and then when not on duty.”

    “Is that an order?”

    “An opportunity.”

    R’Turan nodded before leaving, and he guessed it was from a form of understanding rather than acceptance. Teriir shot a look at the PADD he was practicing his lines with and smiled. He’d seen plenty of Officers like his XO; always focused on their duties and often missing life all around them. Though he doubted they’d see him at the wedding to take place within the hour, he knew the Commander would at least show up for awhile at the next thing to go on.

    Reminding himself he’d gone through everything at least a dozen times now, he felt everything was ready. All he had to do now was discuss the order of events with Sam and Akyv then it was time to perform his first wedding as the Captain of the Ares.

    (( TAG: Sam ))
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    Kurts stubbornly let Thane's question go unanswered as he waited for him to finish. Although he registered the subtle movements of the Ferasan, his stony gaze and fixed features didn't betray it. He was of the new generation of Starfleet Security Officers, reared in the fires of the Dominion War. He didn't back down easily. Internally, Kurts brustled at the challenge, but willed himself to calmness, with his heartbeat and respiration slowing. It was a pre-combat reflex, although there was no intent to attack. He was simply unfamiliar with the Ferasan, and did not know whether to expect an attack. He did, however, fight the urge to slide his strong foot back into a more combat ready stance - such could be seen as a provocation.

    Kurts continued to meet his stare in silence, with his demeanor calm, radiating confidence and a bit of arrogant irritation, psychically.

    Kurt's finally broke the stare, looking over to Biiqs, whose eyes narrowed in a "Play nice" expression. He then addressed Thane.

    "Yeah. To answer your question, I don't know you to be incompetent. I don't know you to be competent. I don't know you at all. That's the problem. But I do know my officers, and I know my duty, and part of that duty is to ensure the safety of my people as much as I can. I don't know how you do it in the KDF, but I have a hard time believing that you'd let me waltz onto your ship and offer a solution unless I looked you in the eye and guaranteed your men would be reasonably safe. Service records say one thing, but my grandfather taught me that if you want to know the truth, you look into someone's eyes and ask them directly."
    Thane stared and waited until Kurt blinked and canted his head slightly at the glance that was shared between the two officers. A cue was being exchanged between them of some kind or another. It was a curious thing. Up until Kurt spoke up and the fires were stoked just a little. “If I had an exchange officer on my ship I would read their personnel file provided and assume proficiency in their chosen field or fields until proven otherwise, something any good officer would do. After all, to achieve rank, reputation, awards and so on you must have some degree of competency.” Yeah that was a shot across the Starboard side there, but it was the truth.. if not rather blunt. “If they confidently presented a possible solution to a situation that lies within their field of expertise it would be looked at and I would expect them to be involved with its execution. A timid approach might get them laughed at, allot. First.” He'd smile. “The safety of my teams would be worked out during the planning phase, as it should be. No matter who brought up the solution.”

    "So. If you can bring the device to Shuttlebay One, I'll have Lt. Sy look it over, and we'll go from there. Sixty seconds is plenty. We'll go through the shield, mop up, and I'll buy you a blood wine or whatever you drink afterward." With that he quirked an eyebrow at Biiqs as if to say, "Nice enough for you?"
    "Buy me a Blood Wine? From the replicators here on this ship? Synthetic Blood Wine is not the best by any stretch and Federation Guidelines tend to shun the presence of real Alcohol. Course, I am always down for a drink with my crew mates, along with other social activities.” Well that came out far more Vulcan like than he anticipated. “As for your officer looking it over, once it is properly constructed then I will permit them. Of course.. it is a package deal, where my gadgetry goes I go. If you want it, I come along. If not, no skin off of my nose and you have a plan that can be run without it."

    "We won't be deploying the device in mid air, we'll drop here instead," replied Kurts, indicating a small area of forest and beach jutting outside of the shielded area. "We set it up on land, and walk right through the back door. We're good, Lieutenant," he chuckled, "But I don't think it would be a good idea setting up Thane's machine in free fall. Although, I'm sure we could." With the last, he shot a challenging grin at Thane.

    "If I may," Biiqs interjected, "We can easily ascertain the shield information from orbit. Our only blind spots are the inside of the structures themselves. A power signature on a shield can't really be disguised. But pirate grade sensor dampeners can conceal the contents of a small building. I judge it better to send security personnel in to actually attack it than to try to get a better reading from the ground. It's a sensor dampener. It doesn't seem logical to me to send a team sniffing about with tricorders if the shipboayrd sensors on one of the most sophisticated vessels in the fleet can't get good readings.

    As for the shield, it is a Dominion Battlecruiser Auxilary Type II shield array. The power source appears to be a Matter/Antimatter reactor cannibalized from a smaller vessel, most likely a Dominion fighter. The readings are a bit off, due to the unorthodox way they've cobbled everything together. Our analysis shows a strong likelyhood of the entire system falling apart quickly with concentrated fire, which is why the plan called for quick, overwhelming firepower. We can tell the shield is flawed, but a shield is still a shield, and shields can only take so much pounding before they fail.

    "Precisely," agreed Biiqs.

    "Lieutenant Tess, if you lay down enough cover fire to disguise our approach, we shouldn't have any problem taking them by surprise and ending this occupation once and for all," remarked Kurts.
    “Unorthodox is the way of the pirate and to keep this all running takes not so insignificant technical skill. There is someone with talent amongst them, or at least enough luck not to blow themselves up.” He muses a moment. “I am curious, is there anything else? Am I to prepare for a HALO jump or just sit back and watch?” He'd ask.

    (( TAG: Biiqs))
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    Sam arrived at the holodeck, decked out in traditional Scottish garb & A'ral in a simple suit.
    - Everything seems to be set?
    Sam nodded simply, then went to the replicator & ordered a simple, plain, hot dog. He scarfed it down quickly & said,
    - I eat when I have nerves. Should we have a dermal regenerator?
    A'ral nodded and said,
    - I think it might be prudent.
    The Andorian went to the same replicator and got a regenerator, then pocketed it.
    The guests started arriving within the hour Sam greeted them all with a hearty handshake. He felt like he was running for office. He took a moment to chat to everyone as they came in.

    ((TAG Anyone who wishes to attend. Big Grin ))

    Everyone started to commingle together & a light little bit of chatter rose lightly. Sam & A'ral were in the back of the hall, inside the entrance discussing some details when the captain stepped up to them, decked out in a kilt in a starfleet pattern.

    ((TAG Terrir))

    Sam looked at the Captain's outfit & commented,
    - Not one word a lie, the kilt goes great with the dress uniform.
    A'ral step up and asked,
    - How's Akyv doing?

    ((TAG Terrir - Basically nerves creeping, spent most of the day talking to her mum while getting ready))
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    Jei snapped her medical tricorder closed with very audible sound as she finished her post-diagnosis on her “patient”. She did this on purpose as she learned that the EMH had a peculiar pet peeve that hated it. She looked at the EMH and grinned. “Patient stabilized and will have a full recovery. Task completed.”

    Her patient had suffered plasma burns to 30% of his body and had a punctured lung that was hemorrhaging badly internally. It was a bit of a struggle to find the origin of the hemorrhage, but her tenacity fueled her probing until she found and stopped it.

    “Do you realize you have no empathy for your patients? Even a newborn EMH has more bedside manner and a mind for patient comfort than you, and that’s only due to their undeveloped memory matrix,” explained in typical condescending EMH tone.

    “I think your assessment is incorrect. The parameters of this exercise was to save the patient’s life. Is that not what our prime function as a medical officer mandates?” countered Jei. She knew she was being a bit cross with the EMH, but her drive and long hours with finishing her studies alongside the EMH had worn down her tolerance a bit.

    “My goodness, Ensign Han… is *that* what you believe? True… that patient *is* a hologram, but he is *not* a machine. Real patients cannot and should not be treated as machinery. You’re no longer an engineering technician. When you make a mistake, a patient will feel pain. Do you remember lesson 472?” chided the EMH.

    “Pain is an indicator, a clue to as what is ailing the patient and evidence to guide your diagnosis,” recited Jei.

    “Word for word… if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were an EMH,” stated the EMH. “However, Ensign, you missed the point. In your expediency to ‘solve the injury’, you not only created undo duress but you missed a key indicator.” The EMH tapped a few keys on the biobed’s wall monitor. The stable vitals suddenly plunged and the patient entered the first stage of cardiac arrest. Without missing a beat, the EMH calmly pulled out a hypo and injected it into the patient’s body. The vitals again stabilized.

    Jei was wide-eyed at her mistake. “The plasma toxins in his blood…”

    “Indeed, Ensign. You only treated what you *saw* but never took the indictors of his pain in his abdomen. You were so… focused on his obvious injury and the hemorrhaging that you missed the interrelated issues of the extensive plasma burns, which had seeped into his bloodstream and collected in his liver. Furthermore, did you notice that his DNA marks him as near human. Specifically, from Galabass VII, which means blood poisoning occurs at an accelerated rate due to their particular genome,” lectured the EMH. The hologram shook his head, “If this were not a simulation, you would have just killed this man with your negligence. You can’t go off your gut instinct. Unlike machines, living beings are not one dimensional. You have to analyze, re-analyze, and using the data make your diagnosis. Yet that is not the end of your analysis, as you begin treatment, you re-analyze and look for further indictors, never stopping…”

    Jei looked at the patient on the biobed and then the monitors on the wall. She replayed the scenario again in her mind, re-tracing every decision and every action as the EMH continued to lecture her. She realized that she could not afford to repeat the mistakes and the lesson the EMH was schooling, was being received by Jei. Ironically, the brash and scolding, even demeaning manner of the EMH, did not hurt or bother Jei. More so, she respected the EMH, even if she liked to push its respective buttons at times.

    “… and for your homework, as you failed this simulation… is to review the anatomy and physiology of all the species of the Federation. I’ll be giving you an exam and it will count towards your grade,” concluded the EMH.

    “You are really endearing at times…” muttered Jei.

    “I am here to instruct, to help you become a…” began the EMH.

    Jei held up her hand. “Lesson learned, Professor. I better get going, as I have a lot of studying to do. Computer, end simulation.”
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 01 Mar, 2020 5:46 AM.
    USS Ares
    Security Complex

    Thane stared and waited until Kurt blinked and canted his head slightly at the glance that was shared between the two officers. A cue was being exchanged between them of some kind or another. It was a curious thing. Up until Kurt spoke up and the fires were stoked just a little. “If I had an exchange officer on my ship I would read their personnel file provided and assume proficiency in their chosen field or fields until proven otherwise, something any good officer would do. After all, to achieve rank, reputation, awards and so on you must have some degree of competency.” Yeah that was a shot across the Starboard side there, but it was the truth.. if not rather blunt. “If they confidently presented a possible solution to a situation that lies within their field of expertise it would be looked at and I would expect them to be involved with its execution. A timid approach might get them laughed at, allot. First.” He'd smile. “The safety of my teams would be worked out during the planning phase, as it should be. No matter who brought up the solution.”

    "Buy me a Blood Wine? From the replicators here on this ship? Synthetic Blood Wine is not the best by any stretch and Federation Guidelines tend to shun the presence of real Alcohol. Course, I am always down for a drink with my crew mates, along with other social activities.” Well that came out far more Vulcan like than he anticipated. “As for your officer looking it over, once it is properly constructed then I will permit them. Of course.. it is a package deal, where my gadgetry goes I go. If you want it, I come along. If not, no skin off of my nose and you have a plan that can be run without it."

    “Unorthodox is the way of the pirate and to keep this all running takes not so insignificant technical skill. There is someone with talent amongst them, or at least enough luck not to blow themselves up.” He muses a moment. “I am curious, is there anything else? Am I to prepare for a HALO jump or just sit back and watch?” He'd ask.
    Kurt listened patiently as Thane spoke, chin raised a bit defiantly. The calculations spun in his head lightning fast, and he didnt like any of the results. But as much as he would have liked to continue posturing against him, Thane's addition to the plan gave them a bit more of an edge, and he had his people's safety to think about more than his pride. Time to pop smoke.

    "Yeah, well....reading personnel files would require me actually being able to read, yeah? They dont teach that at Starfleet Advanced Tactical. They did teach me to exploit any available, logical tactical advantage at my disposal, though, and if your contraption does it job, we should use it." Looking him up and down, he added, "And if I have to escort an "guest" through the ionosphere to make use of said advantage, that's just the unfortunate cost. It'll be just as well. You can learn and take home some pointers for the KDF. And then, if replicated bloodwine isn't you're preference, I will definitely treat you to whatever replicated fare and "social activities" you wish to enjoy, although be warned, there definitely isn't a drop of unsanctioned actual alcohol aboard this boat, because that would be against regulations..."

    With the last, he hazarded a smirk at Biiqs, and immediately regretted it. Biiqs wore a warm smile at Kurts' tortuous concession of the wisdom of Thane's plan, and the smarmy paternalism behind it made Kurts want to retch. Play nice indeed.

    Biiqs turned to Thane and said, "Please deliver your device to Cargo Bay 2 for inspection, and then suit up. Lt. Sy will be able to get you properly outfitted, and if you happen to have your own gear, she'll make sure the communication frequency and protocols are all in sync. Thanks for your contribution."

    Turning to the room, he said. "That's it everyone, you all know your assignments. Dismissed."

    (( TAG: Thane))
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    USS Ares

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    Attachment 9774

    After speaking to Locke for a moment, Christopher sat down in an Auxiliary officer position next to the XO's seat and brought up a status display. He listened to the ebb and flow of information and crew as they went about the business of preparing for the arrival of another Federation ship. Engineers were coordinating with flight deck crews to ready the fighters for CAP, security and tactical officers were preparing to receive visitors and update the defensive positions of each ship, science officers were fine tuning sensor arrays and, on his display, he could see that Sick bay was gearing up to treat any wounded for the upcoming mission to the planet.

    'Fine time for a wedding' he thought.

    A yeoman patiently stood in front of him until he looked up. "Can I help you, Sir?"

    Christopher realised just how much he must have stuck out among the bridge crew, "Ahh, no thank you, just checking something. I'll be on my way."

    Stepping into the turbolift, Christopher wondered if he'd ever really feel comfortable on the bridge. The doors hissed open and Christopher followed the corridor until he was back in sick bay with the familiar smells and sounds.

    Mell came up to him, a PADD in hand, "We're in good shape, Doc. The last couple of patients are being discharged back to their departments as we speak."

    Christopher took the PADD and scanned it quickly, confident that Mell wouldn't have made any mistakes. He signed off the medical log with a thumbprint, "Thanks Mell, make sure everyone gets a break soon, including yourself, ok?"

    Mell nodded and went back to the nurse's station and Christopher headed into his office. Jei's latest performance report was waiting for him which Christopher read straight away. 'A little rough around the edges' he thought, 'but she'll learn to be less systematic with time and experience.'

    Christopher moved to the replicator, made himself some tea and put his feet up on his desk. Soon he was fast asleep, catching up on his body's need for rest.

    Attachment 9774
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    Kurt listened patiently as Thane spoke, chin raised a bit defiantly. The calculations spun in his head lightning fast, and he didnt like any of the results. But as much as he would have liked to continue posturing against him, Thane's addition to the plan gave them a bit more of an edge, and he had his people's safety to think about more than his pride. Time to pop smoke.

    "Yeah, well....reading personnel files would require me actually being able to read, yeah? They dont teach that at Starfleet Advanced Tactical. They did teach me to exploit any available, logical tactical advantage at my disposal, though, and if your contraption does it job, we should use it." Looking him up and down, he added, "And if I have to escort an "guest" through the ionosphere to make use of said advantage, that's just the unfortunate cost. It'll be just as well. You can learn and take home some pointers for the KDF. And then, if replicated bloodwine isn't you're preference, I will definitely treat you to whatever replicated fare and "social activities" you wish to enjoy, although be warned, there definitely isn't a drop of unsanctioned actual alcohol aboard this boat, because that would be against regulations..."

    With the last, he hazarded a smirk at Biiqs, and immediately regretted it. Biiqs wore a warm smile at Kurts' tortuous concession of the wisdom of Thane's plan, and the smarmy paternalism behind it made Kurts want to retch. Play nice indeed.

    Biiqs turned to Thane and said, "Please deliver your device to Cargo Bay 2 for inspection, and then suit up. Lt. Sy will be able to get you properly outfitted, and if you happen to have your own gear, she'll make sure the communication frequency and protocols are all in sync. Thanks for your contribution."

    Turning to the room, he said. "That's it everyone, you all know your assignments. Dismissed."

    (( TAG: Thane))
    USS Ares
    Security Complex

    Self depreciating humour was always a bit of a fascinating thing to encounter with Humans other species who employ it. It did take a moment for him to actually catch it as well. Though hearing that they were going to take him along, even if he was being 'escorted' down there. Psh! The big guy was more escorting them! He watched how everything played out as best he could between the two officers, Biiqs and Kurt. The smirk, the smile to each exchanged between one another. "I'll have it there soon. Just need to piece it together." His ears were perked up now and there was some genuine excitement reflected in his eyes. The mention of unsanctioned liquor on board and the lack there of got a snicker. "Yeah.. Yeah I am sure there isn't. With how stiff they can be.." He would muse and when dismissed, looked to Biiqs with a grin and gives him a nod before heading off and back to his quarters.

    There he'd replicate what he needed to put it together to which it was mostly tools as he never packed any. Federation equipment, especially their tools were something he could appreciate. They were lighter and more refined compared to that of the Klingons beyond that though they still did the job. About a half hour later of piecing this device together, a few curses and some electric shocks later it was complete and he was heading down to Cargo Bay 2 as directed. The device was small enough to fit in a thigh pouch, flat and rectangular with a matte black case that's been chipped in places and looks to have been through some measure of a warzone. "Here it is." He says to the officer.

    Thane himself is in his own gear consisting of the Armour sans cape but he has his helmet with him which is resting under an arm. A sealable suit that provides an atmosphere and protection but isn't sealable like a space suit. Additionally he has his disruptor pistol side arm. He offers a hand to her "I'm Thane. Take a scan as you need, or I can run you through how it operates." He's got a small utility belt worn on with him.

    (( TAG: Biiqs))