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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Mon 23 Mar, 2020 4:45 AM.
    USS Ares
    Cargo Bay 2 - Office

    "Is it junk?"

    "No. Quite the opposite."

    "But it won't work, right?"

    "As far as I can tell, it should work exactly as intended, with a considerable margin for error, but less margin if worked by someone familiar with it. So basically, exactly what he told you. It's quite a nice bit of workmanship, really."

    "Oh, COME on, Caroline, that's not what I wanted to hear..."

    Kurts threw his hands up in exasperation. He paced around the cargo bay office, randomly strangling the air. Lt. Caroline Sy watched him, with a gleam of amusement in her eyes that she managed to keep away from her lips.

    "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Steven...looks like there's a good chance your team won't die outside an enemy shield."

    "That's not what I mean, Caroline...."

    "Then what do you mean?"

    "This transfer guy, he's just...he just got here, and he's already butting into mission briefings like he's been part of the crew forever. I mean, the arrogance just pours out of him. I just met him and he already seems insufferable. I was kind of hoping that his gizmo wouldn't work. You know, to kind of take him down a peg or two."

    Sy responded with the patient, patronizing tone of a middle school teacher. "I see. That can be very annoying. This Thane seems not unlike a young special forces Lieutenant who strolled off the transporter pad onto this ship as if he expected to hear a bosun's whistle announce his arrival. The same cocky, arrogant young lieutenant who I heard mocking Lieutenants Chase and Frost over their own plans for inflitrating the island during a briefing, what, three days ago?"

    "You're not funny, Caroline."

    "I know. It's why I'm an Outfitter instead of a comedian. Stop being so dramatic, Steven, I swear you make pouting into an art form. We both know that you value the mission over your pride, and that the only reason you don't like this Thane is because he's as confident as you are."

    "I don't like the color of his fur, either," mumbled Kurts.

    "Hush. You're going to want to look over these specs yourself for redundancy's sake, but your best bet is to let him operate it. It's a good design, similar to some of the shield crackers that the Starfleet Corps of Engineers worked on during the tail end of the war. Unfortunately, though, Starfleet regs mandate a lot more safety measures and testing to make this less feasible for us to put in the field. Now excuse me, I need to go out and speak to this charming visitor of ours, whom I haven't met, but already like."

    "That hurts, Sy."

    "Sickbay is on Deck 8," she said over her shoulder, as she strode back into the cargo bay.

    USS Ares

    Thane himself is in his own gear consisting of the Armour sans cape but he has his helmet with him which is resting under an arm. A sealable suit that provides an atmosphere and protection but isn't sealable like a space suit. Additionally he has his disruptor pistol side arm. He offers a hand to her "I'm Thane. Take a scan as you need, or I can run you through how it operates." He's got a small utility belt worn on with him.

    (( TAG: Biiqs))
    "Pleasure to meet you, Thane. I'm Lieutenant Caroline Sy, head of the Outfitting Department." She cheerfully offered a small, pale hand to be swallowed by his large paw. "Our main goal is to help equip security officers for field operations, so if you ever need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or any member of my staff."

    She motioned to a Bolian male and Human female, each with equipment in their hands.

    "A second scan won't be needed, Lieutenant Thane. We took the liberty of taking the initial cargo analysis scans of your armor as soon as we were informed you were added to the mission, and designing these additions to your armor. It should make it easier for you, so you won't have to go through the learning curve of completely new equipment. Petty Officer Keita?"

    The human woman approached with a relatively large piece of armor. If one looked closely, it could be envisioned as sticking securely and aerodynamically to the breastplate of Thane's suit. "This device is a localized sensor dampener. It's designed to soak in active scans to cloak your approach. It's by no means foolproof, but with the diversion being thrown up by the attack squadron, it should be enough to get you to the ground without being detected. It also contains a short range transmitter. I know your armor already contains it's own communications suite, but what makes this transmitter unique is that it uses rotating forms of low profile EM radiation to transmit voice communications during missions like this. The range is very limited, less than a kilometer, but its virtually guaranteed not to be detected, as it tends to get washed out with all the natural radiation in the environment. These transmitters just screen out the background for the specific patterns they're programmed to decode."

    "And this," said Sy, holding an
    "The next two items....well, they're a bit less complicated, but...." Sy continued, motioning for the Bolian to come forth. Taking a peek at Thane's waist and feet, she remarked, "I hope we got your size right...."

    (( TAG: Krajin))
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    USS Ares
    Cargo Bay 2 - Office

    "Pleasure to meet you, Thane. I'm Lieutenant Caroline Sy, head of the Outfitting Department." She cheerfully offered a small, pale hand to be swallowed by his large paw. "Our main goal is to help equip security officers for field operations, so if you ever need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or any member of my staff."

    She motioned to a Bolian male and Human female, each with equipment in their hands.

    "A second scan won't be needed, Lieutenant Thane. We took the liberty of taking the initial cargo analysis scans of your armor as soon as we were informed you were added to the mission, and designing these additions to your armor. It should make it easier for you, so you won't have to go through the learning curve of completely new equipment. Petty Officer Keita?"

    The human woman approached with a relatively large piece of armor. If one looked closely, it could be envisioned as sticking securely and aerodynamically to the breastplate of Thane's suit. "This device is a localized sensor dampener. It's designed to soak in active scans to cloak your approach. It's by no means foolproof, but with the diversion being thrown up by the attack squadron, it should be enough to get you to the ground without being detected. It also contains a short range transmitter. I know your armor already contains it's own communications suite, but what makes this transmitter unique is that it uses rotating forms of low profile EM radiation to transmit voice communications during missions like this. The range is very limited, less than a kilometer, but its virtually guaranteed not to be detected, as it tends to get washed out with all the natural radiation in the environment. These transmitters just screen out the background for the specific patterns they're programmed to decode."

    "And this," said Sy, holding an
    "The next two items....well, they're a bit less complicated, but...." Sy continued, motioning for the Bolian to come forth. Taking a peek at Thane's waist and feet, she remarked, "I hope we got your size right...."

    (( TAG: Krajin))
    USS Ares
    Cargo Bay 2 - Office

    Thane would give her a polite bow of the head "A pleasure to meet you LT Sy." He would shake that pale hand in his own rather large, fuzzy hand and it would be a firm handshake but not the kind of overcompensatory sort where limbs get squished. He was far more presentable though than he had been prior and when appropriate released her hand. "I will not hesitate to contact you when I need help or have questions. Thank you." He'd glance to both the Bolian and Human with the equipment in hand and approached him.

    He studied the armour piece whilst they explained how it operated and worked, taking mental notes of everything that was involved with it. Some notes on where it would fit over the breast plate and if it would interfere with anything he had built in which it thankfully would not! They had done amazing work to have it fit and not make him look too fat or interfere with his equipment. "Lets get it fitted then, then we can see about getting my own comm linked in with the transmitter. Shouldn't be to hard but.. it is a fair bit older than what is currently in use by the Federation."

    Looking to the other equipment that was to be issued he takes a quick look at it, then his feet and waist. "...Long as it doesn't make me look fat eh?" He asked with a bit of a cheeky tone. They'd have it all right though "Alright. Any questions you might have for me at all?"

    (( TAG: LogicLeo))
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    After his shift concluded, Max went down to sickbay to have the procedure on his stump done. Nerves crept in to an extent. As he entered sickbay, Max nodded to the CMO as he sat down to wait.

    ((TAG Welsh))
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    Attachment 11513

    Attachment 9774

    Christopher had spent the last two hours reviewing the latest medical journals and Starfleet Medical bulletins. Galen III was in midst of a pandemic and a significant portion of the hospital ships in the region had been diverted to assist with the USS Bevan leading the task force. Christopher was slightly jealous of those men and women, venturing into a dangerous area to combat an unknown pathogen. With a sigh, he closed down the terminal and thought how lucky he was to have a sickbay of his own.

    Looking through his office window, Christopher saw Max enter and nod slightly. Christopher stood and gave the man a wave while checking the status of the operating rooms. Walking out into the main Sickbay, Christopher sat down beside Max, "Hey, Max, good to see you. The O.R. is free and being prepped so we have a few minutes if there's any last minute questions you might have."

    ((TAG: Max))

    Attachment 9774
    WelshAvenger Medals
    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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    Attachment 9774
    Walking out into the main Sickbay, Christopher sat down beside Max, "Hey, Max, good to see you. The O.R. is free and being prepped so we have a few minutes if there's any last minute questions you might have."
    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - How long will the procedure take?

    ((Tag Welsh))

    Attachment 9774
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    Attachment 11513

    Attachment 9774

    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - How long will the procedure take?
    "Well," Christopher said "we have the OR booked for three hours. That should give us plenty of time. We're prepared to take our time to make sure that it's done right and that you don't have any complications or re-occurrence."

    Out of the corner of his eye, Christopher saw one of the OR nurses give him a wave and a nod.

    "Looks like we're ready in there. There's a changing room just to the left and there'll be a surgical gown hanging up. Just come through whenever you're ready and we'll set you up for the nerve block." Christopher explained.

    ((TAG: Max))

    Attachment 9774
    WelshAvenger Medals
    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sat 23 May, 2020 3:38 AM.
    USS Ares
    Cargo Bay 2 - Office

    Thane would give her a polite bow of the head "A pleasure to meet you LT Sy." He would shake that pale hand in his own rather large, fuzzy hand and it would be a firm handshake but not the kind of overcompensatory sort where limbs get squished. He was far more presentable though than he had been prior and when appropriate released her hand. "I will not hesitate to contact you when I need help or have questions. Thank you." He'd glance to both the Bolian and Human with the equipment in hand and approached him.

    He studied the armour piece whilst they explained how it operated and worked, taking mental notes of everything that was involved with it. Some notes on where it would fit over the breast plate and if it would interfere with anything he had built in which it thankfully would not! They had done amazing work to have it fit and not make him look too fat or interfere with his equipment. "Lets get it fitted then, then we can see about getting my own comm linked in with the transmitter. Shouldn't be to hard but.. it is a fair bit older than what is currently in use by the Federation."
    Lt. Sy was unexpectedly charmed by the massive hand that engulfed hers, squeezing with a polite firmness that was no doubt a fraction of his strength. After she proceeded with her briefing, she watched Ensign Malin and Petty Officer Keita begin their fittings. The latter answered his question about the transmitter.

    "Don't worry about that, sir. We've had a bit of experience with Klingon communication protocols during the war years. Starfleet Engineering designed a sort of a quick interface program, due to the....well, non-standardized equipment that some KDF forces carry. They encountered some officers who favored older equipment they found more reliable. Klingon equipment does seem built to last though, I'll give them that."

    Looking to the other equipment that was to be issued he takes a quick look at it, then his feet and waist. "...Long as it doesn't make me look fat eh?" He asked with a bit of a cheeky tone. They'd have it all right though "Alright. Any questions you might have for me at all?"
    All chuckled at his joke about looking fat, which set the two junior crewmen more at ease. It seemed that only bulky armor would give someone that impression. He appeared to be even fitter than Commander R'Turan.

    "No, no questions, sir," replied Ensign Malin. Just do let us known something doesn't check out or if you need something explained. Communications with Outfitting is available even during the mission, just use channel C.

    Dorvan V[color="#99CCFF"]
    [size=2] Upper Atmosphere

    "Okay, Quint, hit me..."

    "Distant shores," sang Ensign Quentin Limli, "We're on distant shores...let the solar winds carry me home..."

    "Easy," replied Kurtz. "'Far Cry' by Fitzroy Clarke. Circa 2355. Did I ever tell you I saw him in concert during my Academy days? He still has it."

    The members of Phoenix Team sat in the back of the Argo shuttle as the vessel sped toward the planet. The course heading led to the village, but the angle would place it perfectly to unload its "cargo" prior to reaching it.

    "I almost lost my reflex...My bare feet was burn...That i almost lost my nerves...My fingers are shaking as the--"

    "Geez, Quent, this is supposed to harder. Sponji Reggae, by Black Uhuru. The album is Red. 1981.

    There were 9 total to deploy, the eight members of Phoenix Team and their new ally, Thane. The minutes prior to deployment would likely provide an interesting view of their various preparation methods. The Benzite, Ensign Perseck stared at detailed three dimensional map of the terrain. Lt. Jg. Arial Chin spoke in hushed, but animated tones about a 3D chess competition to the Tellarite noncom seated beside her. Ensign Wolf appeared to be sleeping

    "I could see it in all of her eyes, All of the cheating, and all of the lies..."

    "Sulamid Song," Sochya Ranks. Forge Sessions. 2263. Good stuff." Kurtz turned to Ensign Perseck. "Okay, 'Seckie, let's go."

    "I fail to see the object of this..."

    "Ensign Perseck, please. You know the rule if you're going to spend the trip staring at the same map we all stared at prior to deployment."

    A loud sigh. "I spy with my little eye....something blue...."

    "You'd better not be talking about the ocean, 'Seck...."

    "I am, win."

    Kurts grumbled. "Spoilsport."

    A chime sounded, alerting the team that they would be over the drop zone in sixty seconds. Everyone stood and took positions near the drop door, even Wolfe, who appeared to come to full alertness mid snore. "One of these days, I'm going to have to learn those Tarkalean meditation techniques, Damian." To the group, he barked, "Seal them up, check them up, Comm Channel A"

    Each member ran a quick equipment diagnostic on their suits, and turned to do quick, but thorough visual inspection of the person to the left of them. Kurt's personally looked over Thanes suit, flashing him a thumbs up sign. "You look good to go, Lieutenant. Happy Hunting."

    (( TAG: Krajin))

    From the cockpit, grizzled old Master Chief Aino Virtanen entered the rear bay, clad in a standard EVA suit. He was the ship's copilot, serving as a Jump Master. "Comm check," he said, eliciting a silent chorus of thumbs up gestures around the room.

    "Remember children: A strong will takes you through the grey stone, and the brave eats the soup. As we rehearsed....on three....two....GO!"

    (( TAG: Krajin))
  4. Command Master Chief Petty Officer
    Command Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Lt. Sy was unexpectedly charmed by the massive hand that engulfed hers, squeezing with a polite firmness that was no doubt a fraction of his strength. After she proceeded with her briefing, she watched Ensign Malin and Petty Officer Keita begin their fittings. The latter answered his question about the transmitter.

    "Don't worry about that, sir. We've had a bit of experience with Klingon communication protocols during the war years. Starfleet Engineering designed a sort of a quick interface program, due to the....well, non-standardized equipment that some KDF forces carry. They encountered some officers who favored older equipment they found more reliable. Klingon equipment does seem built to last though, I'll give them that."

    All chuckled at his joke about looking fat, which set the two junior crewmen more at ease. It seemed that only bulky armor would give someone that impression. He appeared to be even fitter than Commander R'Turan.

    "No, no questions, sir," replied Ensign Malin. Just do let us known something doesn't check out or if you need something explained. Communications with Outfitting is available even during the mission, just use channel C.
    Thane was indeed probably fitter than most on the ship. But then considering where he comes from that kind of fitness would be expected to be maintained and surpassed to be at their peak for longer. Otherwise you get slow and younger sorts get you! Once the fitting was done, equipment modified and that routine set into the communication links all would be set. Thane favoured newer technologies and enjoyed what was considered to be the cutting edge for the KDF. Even if his own were providing a bit of that cutting edge in some small manner so some minor adjustments would need to be made!

    Dorvan V
    Upper Atmosphere

    "Okay, Quint, hit me..."

    "Distant shores," sang Ensign Quentin Limli, "We're on distant shores...let the solar winds carry me home..."

    "Easy," replied Kurtz. "'Far Cry' by Fitzroy Clarke. Circa 2355. Did I ever tell you I saw him in concert during my Academy days? He still has it."

    The members of Phoenix Team sat in the back of the Argo shuttle as the vessel sped toward the planet. The course heading led to the village, but the angle would place it perfectly to unload its "cargo" prior to reaching it.

    "I almost lost my reflex...My bare feet was burn...That i almost lost my nerves...My fingers are shaking as the--"

    "Geez, Quent, this is supposed to harder. Sponji Reggae, by Black Uhuru. The album is Red. 1981.

    There were 9 total to deploy, the eight members of Phoenix Team and their new ally, Thane. The minutes prior to deployment would likely provide an interesting view of their various preparation methods. The Benzite, Ensign Perseck stared at detailed three dimensional map of the terrain. Lt. Jg. Arial Chin spoke in hushed, but animated tones about a 3D chess competition to the Tellarite noncom seated beside her. Ensign Wolf appeared to be sleeping

    "I could see it in all of her eyes, All of the cheating, and all of the lies..."

    "Sulamid Song," Sochya Ranks. Forge Sessions. 2263. Good stuff." Kurtz turned to Ensign Perseck. "Okay, 'Seckie, let's go."

    "I fail to see the object of this..."

    "Ensign Perseck, please. You know the rule if you're going to spend the trip staring at the same map we all stared at prior to deployment."

    A loud sigh. "I spy with my little eye....something blue...."

    "You'd better not be talking about the ocean, 'Seck...."

    "I am, win."

    Kurts grumbled. "Spoilsport."

    A chime sounded, alerting the team that they would be over the drop zone in sixty seconds. Everyone stood and took positions near the drop door, even Wolfe, who appeared to come to full alertness mid snore. "One of these days, I'm going to have to learn those Tarkalean meditation techniques, Damian." To the group, he barked, "Seal them up, check them up, Comm Channel A"

    Each member ran a quick equipment diagnostic on their suits, and turned to do quick, but thorough visual inspection of the person to the left of them. Kurt's personally looked over Thanes suit, flashing him a thumbs up sign. "You look good to go, Lieutenant. Happy Hunting."

    (( TAG: Krajin))

    Thane listened on the shuttle as each went through their final preparations before mission. He himself had checked everything for the most part prior to the job, though he did make sure all the straps to his Pistol which was affixed to the thigh to make sure it was properly affixed and held fast. He checked his blade that was on the back of his belt and then his field-breaker. Now they were on the Job he would take from the pack Thane had which contained it, a long, thin power core and insert it into the device. He checked connectivity to his controls embedded in the suit and smiled a bit, everything worked as it should. Powering down the device Thane slipped it into his padded pack and made sure it was fully secured before slinging it over and affixing the straps on.

    With everything checked by Kurt and ready to go, Thane would give a nod and be ready.

    From the cockpit, grizzled old Master Chief Aino Virtanen entered the rear bay, clad in a standard EVA suit. He was the ship's copilot, serving as a Jump Master. "Comm check," he said, eliciting a silent chorus of thumbs up gestures around the room.

    "Remember children: A strong will takes you through the grey stone, and the brave eats the soup. As we rehearsed....on three....two....GO!"

    (( TAG: Krajin))
    Dorvan V
    Upper Atmosphere

    With everyone being given the Green Light, Thane would give a light salute as he would fall backwards out of the shuttle with a grin on his face. Well a grin that was hidden under the helmet he wore that sealed the suit completely so he was able to breathe from a small oxygen supply. The feeling of the air rushing around him as he plummeted towards their target landing zone was incredible and yet familiar to the man. Old memories of the last time he did a Sub-Orbital drop similar to this many years ago.

    Cargo Bay three of the U.S.S Helios, Prometheus class Escort leading into the Atmosphere of a planet held under control of the Dominion. Transport inhibitors had prevented any transporter locks to the ground and shuttles were out. He was younger, hit blooded (Moreso than he was now!) and even had a fear of heights. They were preparing to jump out from the cargo bay but Thane was hesitant, afraid.. Heights had never been his friend and this time he had no real way to escape. His gear was a strange mish-mash of Federation and Klingon that had been put together along with a proper grav-chute. Below them the planet's surface and a few hundred Jem'Hadar warriors and hundreds of captured colonists awaited. They had about a dozen other officers, mostly Starfleet but there were a few KDF crew amongst them to bolster their ranks.

    “I can see that you're afraid. Don't be. You're a Ferasan, all about the superiority over others right? Or is that just a cover to hide your own fears?” A familiar voice rung behind him. That voice, a Captain at the time a Lieutenant Commander put into a position no officer of his rank should be.

    “Everyone has one.. I've never jumped like this.. “ Came the quieter response. Thane was younger and whilst not inexperienced.. there were things that still tugged at that fear response more than what he would let others know.

    “Instead of focusing on the fall, the fear of the what if. Focus on what you can control, your instruments, your breathing, find a memory in there that'll help you stay calm and in control. Understand me Lieutenant?”


    Thane snapped out of his own thought and saw that they were approaching the point of no return to engage their harnesses and boots. Thane's HUD showed he had just passed the point of no return, one of the officers on flight was calling out to him over their comm. He quickly hit the button to engage the Gravity Harness and the levitation boots which began to slow Thane's velocity. He was about two seconds past the original opening point so he was coming in faster, harder than expected. Thane'd been prepared from prior practice with these jumps and so had some practice on 'crash landings' as they were. The ground was coming closer and closer until he began to let the body go slack rather than rigid. Don't let the body go stiff before the fall, stay flexible, loose.. roll with the energy to let it bleed out. His feet were the first to hit the ground and with an instinctual response honed by practise he rolled into it with two well done tumbles before the Ferasan came to a stop in a crouched position with his hands hitting the ground infront of him. He looked a bit.. rough and his boot had a crack in the base from the impact. Thankfully Thane had managed to land on something like Mud so he had some additional give for the energy to transfer from him to the ground. Thane took a moment to breath and let the body relax as he began to stand up and radio'd over to the rest of them.
    =^= Lieutenant, your vitals dropped during the fall, is everything okay? =^= Commed in the Squad Medic.

    =^= I'm fine, lost track of the view is all. =^= There was more to it but he wasn't about to delve into it. They had a job to do!

    After the rest of the team landed Thane moved ahead and around the large shield dome, the base was as sparse as the scans showed but there was plenty of cover around a rocky outcrop that provided them cover for entry. Thane crouched down and began to unpack his device, it was undamaged thankfully and began to set it up. Laying it at the base of the barrier and activating the system. It began to scan the segment of the shield and Thane's Tricorder showed the data it was retrieving. The moment it found an exploit in the barrier he engaged it, a soft light emitted from the device onto the barrier, the barrier fuzzes a little like it had been given a hit of static “It's open, lets go.”

    (( TAG: LogicLeo))

    Thane waited for a bit as the other members of the team entered quietly with him following suit behind them before the device shut off. “Lets get this show on the road.” He would whisper, disruptor pistol drawn.

    (( TAG: Blaster))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 30 Jun, 2020 2:19 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 15 - Combat Information Center

    In the Combat Information Center, Biiqs stared at a holographic “tank” containing a 3D map of the skies above the island fortress. Blue lines plotted the course of the fighter squadron, deployed moments ago, toward the fortress, while a yellow line plotted the course of the Argo shuttle’s progress toward the capital. A blue circle intercepted that line, indicating the drop zone. When the timing was right, Biiqs gestured to a yeoman.

    “Get me Lt. Tess.”

    “Aye, sir.”

    “Fighter wing, you’re clear to engage. Make it look convincing.”

    (( TAG: Blaster))

    Moments later, a red “dome” appeared over the fortress on the display, with an indicator of shield strength next to it. Ensign Quiir, monitoring the status of the fighters, reported a new development. “The wing has engaged, sir. Shield strength at 89% percent and holding.”

    Biiqs watched the Argo creep gradually toward the drop zone. When it arrived, the yeoman at communications spoke up again, “Argo confirming that Phoenix Team has been deployed. Telemetry coming up now.”

    A new set of markers came from the Argo, showing the drop team descending through the atmosphere. On a separate screen in the CIC, a readout of each member’s vitals and equipment status was displayed, nine humanoid diagrams, bathed in green. Biiqs glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, as he returned to watching the representation of the fortress.

    “Annnnd….there’s our weapons emplacements,” replied Lt. Caroline Sy, pointing at two buildings marked A and C.” I’m detecting a buildup of energy consistent with a Dominion polaron beam array.”

    (( TAG: Blaster))
    Quiir placed his hand to his earpiece and reported seconds later, “Attack Wing reporting incoming fire!” A second screen in the room displayed representation of the fighter’s status. Two fighters in particular took fire, but did not appear to have suffered critical damage.

    Lt. Sy continued, “Readings from the beam arrays look consistent with that of a fighter, but the power system supplying it seems like its on the edge of an overload. I cant get a good read on what type of power system they’re using, I’d recommend that the away team uses caution when attempting to demo it… might demo itself.

    “Tarquin to Lieutentant Kurts. Polaron weapons emplacements are located in buildings A and C. Power system may be unstable, use caution in….”

    “Stand by, Commander,” broke in Kurts. We have a problem here...”

    Dorvan V
    Upper Atmosphere

    As Kurts fell through the heavens of Dorvan V, he was struck by the beauty of it all. He hadn't spent much time on Earth outside of his Academy days, being a third generation Starfleet brat. But he still felt a rudimentary connection to this world that so resemble the world of his ancestors, for some odd reason.

    He didn't take as much time as he wished, marveling at the verdant glory of Dorvan V, as he started to focus on the mission at hand, zeroing in on the landing zone. Everyone looked on target - the Argo gave them perfect placement, the weather and wind speed was as advertised. Below them, right on cue, he saw the growing dome of the Nausicaan shield flash a deep azure as it absorbed fire from the fighter wing. Moments later, return fire erupted from two of the buildings within. He made a mental note of which ones they were, and their proximity to the landing zone.

    By then, it was time to slow their descent. In the interest of keeping the team going as fast as possible and of course, hard to hit, they did not use traditional parachutes. Such would make them visible targets for far too long. Instead, they improvised with other equipment.

    "Okay, here we go," Kurts said over the comm frequency. Spark em up, kids...on my mark...three, two...burn!"

    The velocity of their long free fall from orbit toward the Naausicaan stronghold was broken with the roar of the booster rockets on their levitation boots, which began to slow their descent. Anti-grav harnesses negated the effects on their bodies, even though most of the troops still felt an odd rippling in their stomachs. Kurts' HUD display showed that the maneuver worked perfectly for the unit.

    All except one.

    Thane continued to plunge toward the planet as Kurts' HUD display clocked the speed of his descent and his distance from the ground. The latter number shifted from green to amber, and then to bright red as he approached the point of no return. "Thane?" Kurts said over the intercom, voice calm, but full of concern. Then more urgently,


    Thane snapped out of his own thought and saw that they were approaching the point of no return to engage their harnesses and boots. Thane's HUD showed he had just passed the point of no return, one of the officers on flight was calling out to him over their comm. He quickly hit the button to engage the Gravity Harness and the levitation boots which began to slow Thane's velocity. He was about two seconds past the original opening point so he was coming in faster, harder than expected. Thane'd been prepared from prior practice with these jumps and so had some practice on 'crash landings' as they were. The ground was coming closer and closer until he began to let the body go slack rather than rigid. Don't let the body go stiff before the fall, stay flexible, loose.. roll with the energy to let it bleed out. His feet were the first to hit the ground and with an instinctual response honed by practise he rolled into it with two well done tumbles before the Ferasan came to a stop in a crouched position with his hands hitting the ground infront of him. He looked a bit.. rough and his boot had a crack in the base from the impact. Thankfully Thane had managed to land on something like Mud so he had some additional give for the energy to transfer from him to the ground. Thane took a moment to breath and let the body relax as he began to stand up and radio'd over to the rest of them.
    When Thane hit the ground, Kurts approached him quickly with Ensign Quentin Limli, the team medic. He had a medical tricorder out in a flash, and spoke to him over the comm channel.

    "Lieutenant, your vitals dropped during the fall, is everything okay?"

    =^= I'm fine, lost track of the view is all. =^= There was more to it but he wasn't about to delve into it. They had a job to do!
    Ensign Limli snapped his tricorder shut, and gave a thumbs up to Kurts. "He's good to go." Whatever occurred, Thane's vitals were stable now, and the tricorder wasn't detecting any abnormalities now. He was a combat medic, not a doctor, and this was no place for a physical. His combat readiness was the sole priority now.

    Kurts returned the affirmative sign, watching Thane intently. Quentin said he was good to go, and he had to trust that.

    Opening a channel back to the CIC, he said, "Kurts here. You've probably seen the shaky readings on Lt. Thane, but he's good to go now. Initiating breach."

    "Understood. Be advised, Polaron weapons emplacements are located in buildings A and C. Power system may be unstable, use caution in disabling them.” Biiqs motioned for someone in the CIC to keep an eye on Thane's readings.

    "Roger," Kurts closes the channel and to the team, he reported, "We've got Polaron weapon emplacements in buildings A and C on your HUD. The energy readings are unstable, so watch your shots and make them count. Demo crew, disable with care and keep those tricorders on! Odds are, the shield controls may be there too. That's our number one priority."

    Thane crouched down and began to unpack his device, it was undamaged thankfully and began to set it up. Laying it at the base of the barrier and activating the system. It began to scan the segment of the shield and Thane's Tricorder showed the data it was retrieving. The moment it found an exploit in the barrier he engaged it, a soft light emitted from the device onto the barrier, the barrier fuzzes a little like it had been given a hit of static “It's open, lets go.”

    Thane waited for a bit as the other members of the team entered quietly with him following suit behind them before the device shut off. “Lets get this show on the road.” He would whisper, disruptor pistol drawn.
    "Sounds good to me! We'll advance on Building A first, Lt. Chin, cover us with a fire team. Lt. Thane, I'll leave Building A to you when we get there, and continue to advance on to C. Let's move!"

    (( TAG: Krajin))
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    USS Ares

    Attachment 9774

    "Looks like we're ready in there. There's a changing room just to the left and there'll be a surgical gown hanging up. Just come through whenever you're ready and we'll set you up for the nerve block." Christopher explained.
    Max nodded and said,
    - Good to go.

    He got up & headed to the changing room. He was extremely nervous, to the point of which his stomach felt like expelling the contents all over the place. Max walked into the OR, dressing gown on & sat down on the bed. He said,
    - Let's get this show on the road.

    ((TAG Chris))

    Attachment 9774

    OOC: Sorry for taking so long for this.
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    Attachment 11513

    Attachment 9774

    - Let's get this show on the road.
    Christopher led Max into the nearby surgical suite and directed him to lie down on the operating couch. As Max came into contact with the couch, displays lit up all around the room showing different statistics.

    Pulling an equipment tray over, Christopher picked up a nerve blocker, "OK Max, I'm going to numb your arm now, there may be a little discomfort at first, sort of like a mild sunburn but that should pass quickly. Then I'll begin by exposing the nerve endings so that we can get to work repairing them. If you feel anything at all during the procedure, I want you to say something straight away, it doesn't matter what it is, a tingle, an itch or any pain. You can keep an eye on what's happening by watching the display in the corner behind me. Got it?"

    Once Max had nodded his understanding, Christopher gently pushed the nerve blocker into the flesh underneath the armpit of the man's injured arm and pressed the activation switch. When the machine detected the correct nerve cluster, the was a barely audible hum and Christopher's status panel switched from amber to green.

    "There we go Max, we'll give it a moment to ensure that it's fully effective and then I'll begin. Can you feel any itching or warmth yet?

    TAG: MAX

    Attachment 9774
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    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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    Attachment 9774

    "There we go Max, we'll give it a moment to ensure that it's fully effective and then I'll begin. Can you feel any itching or warmth yet?"
    Max flexed the missing arm & said,
    - Yeah, a little bit. Mind if i pop on some music? It kinda helps me with my nerves.

    ((TAG Chris))

    Max piped up & said,
    - Computer, load Music playlist Storm-Beta-1 & play. Set to random.
    The computer beeped & started playing Thunder Rolls.

    ((TAG Chris))

    Attachment 9774
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    Attachment 11513

    Attachment 9774

    Max piped up & said,
    - Computer, load Music playlist Storm-Beta-1 & play. Set to random.
    The computer beeped & started playing Thunder Rolls.
    As the music played, Christopher tapped his foot slowly in time with the rhythm. "Interesting choice," he said, "wasn't he married to that lady? Oh what's her name... Trish?"

    TAG: MAX

    Christopher laughed aloud, "I'm no expert on country music Max, but I do like Southern Cuisine and that lady could tempt the angels from the heavens with some of her recipes."

    TAG: MAX

    Smiling, Christopher picked up the first of the instruments from his tray which had been organised according to each step of the procedure. "Here we go Max, I'm starting on the first cluster now."

    TAG: MAX

    Attachment 9774
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    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
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    Ensign Limli snapped his tricorder shut, and gave a thumbs up to Kurts. "He's good to go." Whatever occurred, Thane's vitals were stable now, and the tricorder wasn't detecting any abnormalities now. He was a combat medic, not a doctor, and this was no place for a physical. His combat readiness was the sole priority now.

    Kurts returned the affirmative sign, watching Thane intently. Quentin said he was good to go, and he had to trust that.

    Opening a channel back to the CIC, he said, "Kurts here. You've probably seen the shaky readings on Lt. Thane, but he's good to go now. Initiating breach."

    "Understood. Be advised, Polaron weapons emplacements are located in buildings A and C. Power system may be unstable, use caution in disabling them.” Biiqs motioned for someone in the CIC to keep an eye on Thane's readings.

    "Roger," Kurts closes the channel and to the team, he reported, "We've got Polaron weapon emplacements in buildings A and C on your HUD. The energy readings are unstable, so watch your shots and make them count. Demo crew, disable with care and keep those tricorders on! Odds are, the shield controls may be there too. That's our number one priority."

    "Sounds good to me! We'll advance on Building A first, Lt. Chin, cover us with a fire team. Lt. Thane, I'll leave Building A to you when we get there, and continue to advance on to C. Let's move!"

    (( TAG: Krajin))
    "I'll make short work of the first building. It'll be fun, promise." He tapped the side of his helmet and opened the face of it, allowing him to see, smell, breathe the air down here rather than the stuff filtered in through the suit's own inbuilt filtration. Thane took a deep breath of the fresh air, the smells, the small details he could get from the environment around him was incredible. This was so much better than being stuck on recycled air, he could smell the team with him, the scent of the Nausicaans in the area, even the burnt ozone of energy weapons arcing through the sky where their impacts hit the shield in beautiful, brilliant arcs that flashed over head.

    The look on his face was one where all the tension washed away as the Ferasan turned and would begin to move with the rest, not taking point by any means as he'd let the CO do that. He was after all, the officer in charge. Thane though was feeling the old memories of battle wash over for it had been far to long since he'd engaged with foes that weren't predictable. Thane was swift though, drawing his Disruptor and setting it to 'Stun' through the secondary emitter since true Disruptors lacked a proper 'Stun' setting beyond what some coined the Klingon Stun which involved a beating with the butt or grip. Sure it lacked that same punch and flexibility that a Phaser had but he made up for it to some degree.

    Thane moved off to flank around the left, closer to building A, as it seemed the Nausicaans were caught completely off guard by the sudden attack. The moment the first shots were fired it showed how they were unprepared for the sudden inside attack. Thane would take cover behind a couple of crates and fire off a few shots down the line at two tough looking Nausicaans, the beam core was more pale than that of the normal disruptor, a subtle difference that those with a detailed perception would notice. The beams struck home though and when they did, they stung! They were disruptors, burns and impact plus that sting were enough to stagger the Nausicaan so that another member of the fire team could hit him with a stronger Phaser stun blast and take the Nausicaan down like a sack of potatoes.

    Thane couldn't help but feel the tempo of battle set the beat as he began to delve into the heat of battle. ~"Moving into target location"~ Thane sent out via his Telepathy, more a reflexive habit here and someone was bound to pick up on the message and he veered off to the first of the Polaron towers. He had experience with them, though obviously not in this exact state as they were quite likely poorly wired into the power grid and worse, poorly maintained!

    (( TAG: Logical-Leo))
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Sat 18 Jul, 2020 10:57 AM.
    USS Ares

    Attachment 9774
    As the music played, Christopher tapped his foot slowly in time with the rhythm. "Interesting choice," he said, "wasn't he married to that lady? Oh what's her name... Trish?"
    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - Trisha Yearwood. Fantastic cook.
    Christopher laughed aloud, "I'm no expert on country music Max, but I do like Southern Cuisine and that lady could tempt the angels from the heavens with some of her recipes."
    Max laughed heartily, saying,
    - Definitely! Nothing beats her Fried Chicken!

    Smiling, Christopher picked up the first of the instruments from his tray which had been organised according to each step of the procedure. "Here we go Max, I'm starting on the first cluster now."
    Max relaxed a bit as the song changed to((Music choice going to be a bit weird))...

    As the melodic beat went on, Max let his mind wander some.

    ((TAG Chris - At this point, Max is zoned out. He's perfectly fine, though.))

    Attachment 9774
    JoshBroughm Medals