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Hearts of Iron 4 - Equestria at War Mod - Friendship is Fascism

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aceman67, Mon 06 Jul, 2020 10:26 AM
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Mon 06 Jul, 2020 10:29 AM.
    So I got bit by the Hearts of Iron IV bug during the steam summer sale (Only DLC I don't have is the latest one focusing on Resistances), and I had some fun, made Canada into a Communist Dictatorship and took over the US, you know, the typical things one does, then I took a dive off the deep end when I clicked the Steam Workshop link.

    If you've been around me, you know I'm a Brony. So when I found the Equestria At War mod, I thought it was just a reskin with a new map, but boy was I wrong. I did some looking around at the other total conversion mods, and none of them come even close to the level of detail that has been put into this mod, and that includes the Kaiserriech alt-history mod.

    I'm serious. A lot of effort has been put into this mod. The lore, the event chains, the sheer number of different paths each nation can take, the changes to the mechanics (Each race has their own tech tree, and the normal tech tree goes into the equivalent of the mid-1960s/70s in terms of tech).

    Let me give you an example: The biggest nation, Equestria (where the show My Little Pony takes place), works pretty much like Russia when Germany invades and then goes Sleeping Giant War Economy like the USA (gets its ass kicked until the mid-war then rubberbands back with an unstoppable economy). You can play it canonically where everything returns to Friendship is Magic sugary goodness.

    Or... OR!

    You can let your leader (Princess Celestia, who LITERALLY is the being that raises the sun every day) get overprotective and start to go unstable and give into her vengeful side. Through a series of events, you can enact stricter and stricter policies (that totally make sense for the situation), eventually turns into Daybreaker, the firey goddess of wrath and vengeance and turns Peaceful Equestria into the Solar Empire, and all must either leave her ponies in peace or burn in her literal fiery vengeance. This also kicks off a Civil War against Celestia's sister who controls those loyal to Old Equestria and fend off it and its former allies (And possibly the world, since you're likely a superpower at this point).

    There's also options to have the opposite happen and have Celestia's sister Luna turn back into Nightmare Moon, or let the Commies from 'Stalliongrad' influence the nation to embrace the glory that is the Communist Way of Life!

    Then there are some really cool hidden things that show great attention to detail. Over on the map's other continent is the 'County of Greifwald' (It's german, pronounced Gr-eye-f-wald, and translates to Griffonforest, which is fitting as its a nation of Griffons who have a lot of forests). Griefwald is in dire straits, they're a pre-industrial nation, with Pre-WW1 tech, their populace is poor and your research is kneecapped. They are pretty much a Poland situation, as they're sandwiched between the two largest powers on the continent and must either pick a side or stay neutral. This path is the one that most take, and it has a great ending, where depending on the outcome of the Equestria/Changling war that is the analogue to the German Invasion of Europe, it can literally lead into the nation being the victim of an Invasion of the Body Snatchers as you take advantage of the refugees from the old Changling Empire who can take the form of anyone, and get taken over from within.

    Or if you go the Communist route, you can go full Black Army Anarchist, either submit to being liberated or be put to the flame. At that point, your goal is to take over the continent.

    Then there is the full Fascist Religious Dictatorship where you ask the predominant Griffon church for help and at the end of that event chain you go from religious zealots to a literal Hell Cult that has been taken over by the Griffon Satan, Maar, and then go on a full Chuthulu rampage to convert the world, demanding sacrifices from all.

    Don't let the cutesy ponies fool you, this is some top-shelf, AAA grade, content here, and I've enjoyed it a lot more than stock HOI4. There's just so much to be had here.

    Does anyone want to play a game with me?
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    What a great MOD review / presentation!
    I had a big grin on my face while reading your text, Aceman! Big Grin

    Playing Hearts of Iron the My Little Pony way, respetively vice versa... Kudos for having such an idea! Thumbs up
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

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    I have no interest in this mod, but some of the YouTubers I watch have played it, and it's really in depth, there's no denying that it's a good mod.