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Star Wars: Squadrons – “Hunted” CG Short

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Th3TrueLuke, Tue 22 Sep, 2020 4:23 PM
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    A CG video from the upcoming Star Wars Sim, Made in collaboration by Motive Studios, Lucasfilm, and ILM

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    The Star Wars games always seem to have amazing shorts to accompany them, between this and the SWTOR shorts, I am very excited for Squadrons.

    It's quite nice that it was from the view of an Imperial pilot too, most of the time it's all about the rebels, but this kinda flips the standard on its head with the rebel pilot hunting down the Imperial.
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    This has me excited for the game even more now, also kinda makes me nostalgic for the Old Rogue Squadron Games, *sigh* I miss the old EU. I will say credit where credit is due, the new canon does a much better job in story telling when it comes to side material such as books, comics, video games and Television compared to movies, which is why I hope any new stuff Post-TROS is video game, novel or Television.
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     –  Last edited by AlexRider; Thu 08 Oct, 2020 11:08 AM.
    Vanguard 5 reporting in!

    Two days ago I wasn't able to resist anymore... so yeah, the Force in this game was stronger than me. I bought the Steam version and hoped my machine with its Radeon R9 270 graphics card would let me play it. What can I say? It does! Dance It runs pretty well using medium settings which is more than fine for me because it still looks fantastic!

    So what did I do at first? Okay, I do not own a flight stick so I tried to play the prologue with a mouse and keyboard setting. Bad idea... very bad idea! It's impossible to fly your fighters with these devices in my opinion although it works in other games like War Thunder or World of Warplanes. In Squadrons it'll make you scream - not for joy, though.

    So I quit and grabbed my gamepad I got for 5 Euros some weeks ago, plugged it into the PC and started the game again. What to do next? Oh well, let's try it with the standard button configuration. Again... bad idea. "Take a deep breath and remap the buttons, young padawan!" I could clearly hear a voice coming from somewhere. A disturbance in the Force? Who cares, let's just do it! Fortunately there a so called "Training Area" where you can... train how to fly and shoot things. I tried several configuarations... how to turn, how to steer, how to roll (very important, just saying...), fire primary weapons on button R2, secondary weapons (ROCKETS!!!) on R1, etc and so on and so on. It took me a while (2 hours?) to finally feel confident enough to play the prologue again - this time "armed" with my pad and the iron will not to crash with any walls again. It worked and I had tons of fun playing the mission first as an Imperial pilot and later as the Rebel counterpart. This is where the game and especially the single player campaign shines: it makes you play the missions from both perspectives and to tell you the truth... it's such a magnificent feeling to fly a TIE-Fighter, bomber or interceptor listening to the typical "ROOOOAR" of the engines or the sound of the laser cannons. WOW! Big Grin

    However..., there is more and there was another voice in the distance talking to me. "Play a multiplayer match, ace pilot!" Well, I didn't have to think twice and clicked the corresponding button in the main menu. Team Deathmatch or Fleet Battles? What would you like to do? Well, at first I didn't have that much of a choice because you have to reach level 5 before you can participate in Fleet Battles. Okay, Team Deathmatch then. This mode should be self explaining. You join a team (New Republic or Empire) and fight against the other in a 5v5 match. The team shooting down 30 enemies first will win. Simple.

    Playing against real people: Not simple at all. Especially not if you have to fight against players using a flight stick like these super-duper Thrustmaster pro sticks with at least 300 buttons. I hope you don't mind me exaggerating a bit. Anyways, these pilots have a clear advantage in my opinion, but oh well. I also think that with enough practice and experience gamepad artits can(!!!) be equal. Well, probably not me, but I'm trying at least! Wink I've even already had some very nice rounds too - in a TIE-Bomber with auto-aiming cannons. "What a feeling!"

    I haven't taken part in a Fleet Battle yet, but those must be real cool too. You're flying side-by-side with your squadron attacking a capital ship of the Rebel scu... err... the New Republic or launch an attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer? Of course there will be AI fighters as well as real players trying to stop you. Geez, I can't wait! Oh, by the way, Squadrons uses cross-platform-mechanics. That means you will play with (or against) X-Box, Playstation, Origin, Steam, etc. users. This will keep the servers crowded for a while, I guess, which is a good thing.

    Final verdict: Star Wars Squadrons is a great game. Full stop. If you like space dogfights in the Star Wars universe, but still hesitate whether to buy it or not... don't hesitate any longer and go for it. But make sure to get yourself at least a gamepad too - otherwise it won't be fun.

    And then... enter the cockpit of your X-Wing, A-Wing, TIE-Interceptor, TIE-Bomber, etc, and fight for the New Republic or the glory of the Galactic Empire!
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

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