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[Archived] - The Ares Roleplay Project - 2020 Edition Player's Handbook

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WelshAvenger, Sun 22 Nov, 2020 8:33 PM
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    Ares Roleplay project

    Welcome to the Ares Roleplay Project!
    If you're reading this, it's safe to assume you have some interest in joining us (and you are definitely a good person). Here is the handbook to see what it’s all about.
    This handbook will likely evolve as the Ares story evolves, so feel free come have a look from time to time!


    The Ares Roleplay Project is a forum-based roleplaying game that is played on the UFP forums only (no need for any special software: just your browser, your internet connection and your imagination).

    With the help of all the writers who participate in the Ares missions (and of course some help from the talented Ares Simulation Officers every now and then) the Ares Roleplay Project will be creating its own story, and perhaps own expanded universe: the Ares command team will write the mission plan, every player will write parts of the story and help to determine the outcome of it.

    Current Ares mission

    Timeline and Setting

    Star Trek: Ares - Season 1 started in 2381 and each member who wishes to participate from now on will have to take a position on the USS Ares NCC-79116, a refitted Sovereign class starship.

    We will follow standards from Memory Alpha. We are using a starting point of approximately 1 year after Star Trek: Nemesis, so every Prime Timeline TV shows and movies are counting. Because Star Trek is a BIG universe, you are allowed to use Beta Sources and Fan Sources as inspiration or outlines. Use your own judgement when writing about something which isn't discussed in detail on Memory Alpha. Do not go against Memory Alpha information; if it is there, it's the law. Any new species, ships, or faction will be discussed among the Ares community.

    Roleplay Basics

    We like everyone to have fun and do their own thing in the Ares within reason, but we will apply the same basic and simple rules as every other previous UFP roleplay game (so yeah, that's a copy/paste):
    • Follow the UFP Code of Conduct.
    • Be respectful of other players. This means that you should avoid posting for someone without his/her consent, be kind and courteous during the game (your character may be brash, but you do not have to be), and just know that you and your character are part of a “military”/gaming organization, with rules, commanding officers, and standards. Act like a true Starfleet Officer!
    • Obviously no god-mode characters – you are an author just like everyone else, but you are not Q and everyone has a right to roleplay their own characters. Keep this in mind as you move the story along.
    • Ask Ares CO, XO or Simulation Officer if you are unsure of anything (see the last section of this handbook)

    Also, here are some common acronyms you may see throughout Ares missions:.
    • CO : Commanding Officer, head of the ship in most cases (unless an Admiral is on board AND put in charge)
    • CEO : Chief Engineering Officer, head of engineering, often stationed in engineering, but sometimes found on the bridge.
    • CMO : Chief Medical Officer, head of sickbay and medical treatments (including psychological), usually found in the medical areas.
    • CSciO : Chief Science Officer, head of all science departments and scientific laboratories, usually found on the bridge.
    • CSO : Chief Security Officer, head of security and any marines/soldiers on board. Often stationed in an office elsewhere on the ship.
    • CTO : Chief Tactical Officer, head of weapons and defense systems, working closely with Operations often. Usually stationed on the bridge. Occasionally combined with CSO.
    • JP : Joint Post, described above. A major mission story contribution involving the individual work of multiple (2 or more) authors/players.
    • OOC : Out-of-character, meaning the content does not contribute to the direct story telling but provides background, unseen, confident info. Surrounded by (( )) at all times.
    • OPS : Operations, in charge of communications and sensors, sometimes combined with Helm.
    • SD : Stardate, in case the stardate changes drastically mid-post (mostly found in JPs).
    • UFP : United Federation of Planets, our parent gaming group and also the governmental body that contains all the systems we are fighting for in the war in game.
    • XO : Executive Officer, second in command, most often on the bridge, defacto successor to the CO should something happen. After the XO, succession can go either by rank + seniority or often cases to Ops and/or Tactical.

    And a bit of formatting basics for Joint Posts:

    Ensuring Joint Posts are properly formatted and the proper tags are applied is a lot more important than it looks. A Joint Post that is formatted properly can give readers and your fellow writers a clearer image of what's going on. A post with poor formatting can not only break immersion, but can also result in confusion in some cases. The following tags should be applied in JP's to make sure they're as clear as can be!
    • === Locations===
      A location should be present at the beginning of a post to show where the scene is starting. The location may change throughout the post, and every time it does it should be marked in the same way.

      USS Ares
      Deck 1 - Bridge

      To put a location or label of some sort, you can use this code:
      PHP Code:
      [font=LCARS][size=5][color="#99CCFF"]USS Ares[/color][/size][color="#99CCFF"]
      size=2]Deck 1 Bridge[/size][/color][size=2][/size][/font
    • Normal Text
      Any text in a post which includes a characters actions, etc. is considered normal text, and doesn't need to be marked in any particular way.
    • "Speaking"
      Whenever a character is communicating verbally, it is to be marked out with quotation marks. Anyone within earshot of the character can hear this.
    • =^= Comm Speaking =^=
      This indicates that someone is remotely speaking via comm (another place on the ship/station, a friend or foe on another ship, etc).
    • ~"Thinking"~
      There should be a special tag, typically used with tildes, when someone is thinking something rather than speaking aloud.
    • *"Computer Confirms"*
      Some other format should be used to signal the computer is doing something, like chirping, processing, or speaking. This is sometimes used with the tildes as with 'thinking', but should be clear in surrounding narrative as well.
    • ((TAG Captain))
      As stated previously, these are OOC tags to indicate that a particular person is expected to type a response, reaction, etc. where the tag is located.
    • [[OOC Eaglesg: Note for people here]]
      This is a note that is designated NOT to be a part of the post, but instead to let folks know what might be going on, to clarify something in the thread, or to coordinate parts of a post. These should always be at the beginning or end. If you need to make an Out-Of-Character note or question, please put it in a spoiler and quote. Here is the code and what it would look like:
      PHP Code:
      [quote]OOCOkso just testing this OOC note thingyay![/quote
      OOC: Ok, so just testing this OOC note thing. yay!

    Major Roles - Senior Officer Expectations

    In order to run the ongoing mission of the Ares, the people in the Senior Officer Positions need to be as active as possible as this helps drive the story along. These officers are in charge of an entire department on board the ship so it is extremely important form them to be active. These positions are:

    • First Officer
    • Chief Tactical Officer
    • Chief Medical Officer
    • Chief Science Officer
    • Chief Engineer

    If anyone in one of these positions finds themselves needing to take a leave of absence, they must notify Ares Roleplay Staff so their part in the story can be covered until their return. All other officer positions are important, but these are leadership roles aboard the Ares.

    Activity Expectations ( dammit Jim, we are officers )

    Joining Ares is knowing that we're here to have fun, and the only condition to have fun is that each member of Ares need to be active. All we are requesting from each player is a minimum of one post per week on each character linked to that individuals account. It can range from any of the following:
    • Personal Logs (paragraph)
    • Mission Post (more than one paragraph, tag others to participate, tags indicate that a particular person is expected to type a response, reaction, etc. where the tag is located. )
    • Joint Post (more than one paragraph)

    If someone does not answer your tag, keep playing anyway. Do not let somebody else's inability to respond, for whatever reason, interrupt your writing and your character's role in the story.

    Don't worry: this is more a guidance advice than a strict rule. We will most likely not hunt you for not meeting these requirements every week unless a month goes by. We don't like putting rules in place, but we really do need to strive for activity for Ares to live!

    "Free Stories" Section

    In this section you can freely write your own stories: no era / ship / timeline / universe / format restrictions - it's that simple!

    How to apply? Who can I contact with questions?

    You can contact anyone or everyone in the Ares team.

    Ares Commanding Officer

    Ares Executive Officer

    Ares Simulation Officers

    WelshAvenger Medals
    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
    • The Ghost Writer
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      Be the Commanding Officer of the Roleplay Division

      Unlocked Sat 26 Sep, 2020 1:02 AM

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    • To Boldly Go On and On
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    Formatting example

    Here is an example of how a post can look (This is a post from an earlier mission).
    Feel free to instert images (animated or not): as always, please be reasonable about the size Wink

    USS Andromeda
    Starbase 310, Alpha Trianguli Sector

    As the ship was docked, everyone went about his business when suddenly the shipwide intercom ringed, revealing Captain Wilson's tensed voice:


    Minutes after that, in the briefing room, the Captain explained the urgency of his call:

    "Gentlemen, I'll be brief on this one : we have been reassigned to Task Force Ares by Admiral Moore. All other priorities has been resended and the Loki will be the temporary flagship of the 16th Fleet during this mission. We are departing immediately to a small mining base near Starbase 39-Sierra where we will meet him along with the Judica, the Cascade, the Endalla, the Netherlands, and the Pearson."

    Lt. Commander Boris Dorcan, Andromeda's XO, confusingly asked :

    "Sir, what's happening ?
    - I just received this priority message from Starfleet Command
    , answered Cpt. Wilson. Then, looking to everyone in the room : The following message will not be discussed beyond those doors, am I clear ?"

    After everyone shook their heads, Cpt. Wilson played Admiral Moore's message.

    OOC-Eaglesg : I put Moore's message from Caymen's post here, in case you forgot it Tongue Out

    "Attention Starfleet vessels. You have been reassigned to Task Force Ares and we are not wasting any time getting started.

    The aftermath of the Hobus incident has worn thin on the Romulan Empire, and the Klingons and Ferengi and mercenaries are all growing antsy. Our mutual aid agreement with the Romulans holds true still, but they are leery of our intentions, while also worried about the other forces looking over their fence.

    On top of that, there seem to have been several raids and incursions into Romulan space on remote colonies and planetary holdings. We have not been able to determine by whom, and the Romulans claim they do not know either. Therefore, our new Task Force will be investigating.

    Our first task is to meet with one of the Galae's commanders and get the perspective from a Romulan Warbird in real space. After that, we will see where things lead. The coordinates for the small mining base near Starbase 39-Sierra are being sent to you. That is where we will meet, in person. I expect to see you all there within three days.

    This takes priority over anything else you are doing... Admiral Moore out.

    "I don't understand, sir, said Lieutenant JG T'Tias, isn't it more logical that the sole Sovereign Class starship sent would preferably be the Enterprise ? They helped to build our mutual aid agreement with the Romulans.
    - The Enterprise is only two months out of her six months refit schedule.
    told Lt. Commander Thesri.
    - That's right, the Enterprise is unavailable, continued Cpt. Wilson, but let's focus on our task. It will be a very important one : the future of the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants are at stake. Dismissed."

    On the bridge, the Captain asked Ensign Tom Wilson, his brother, who was at the helm:

    "Ensign, we need to be at Starbase 39-Sierra in less that three days.
    - If we pass by Draylon and Andoria, and at a speed of Warp 9.8 will should be there in 2.3 days.
    - Excellent, make it so !

    "I love when you push my engines, said Lt. Commander Thesri with a big smile to Cpt. Wilson.
    - You wanted them tested ? Here you go !
    - Great, I'll be in engineering.
    - Don't wait for me, I'll be in my ready room : I've got over 200 mission details to review... Lt Commander Dorcan, you have the bridge.

    After 2.3 days at high warp, much to the pleasure of Ardran, the Andromeda finally arrived at the edge of the Sierra system.

    On the Ready Room, Dorcan's voice sounded in the intercom :

    "Very well, prepare to rendezvous with them."

    As the Andromeda was approaching the other ships, the shipwide intercom let Captain Wilson's voice sound again:

    WelshAvenger Medals
    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.