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[Guide] - Fleet bank access and usage

Started By:
Novalance, Mon 15 Feb, 2021 6:31 PM
  1. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet
    Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet

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    UFP Fleets – Fleet Bank Access and Usage

    Greetings Captains!

    As you are all no doubt aware fleets in Star Trek Online have access to a banking system the same as that used by individual players. The only difference is that every member of the fleet has access to these banks; or access is determined based on whatever rules the leadership set.

    This is a basic guide is designed to provide members be they new or old with all the details about how the UFP fleet banks are run and how to get the most out of them as a member of our fleets!

    STO Quartermasters - Bank Staff Team
    The Quartermasters are STO Staff members who help STO Command manage fleet bank items and slotting the projects. Quartermasters enforce the fleet bank policies. Details of the STO staff team and how to contact them can be found HERE.

    Fleet Bank Access
    To gain access to the use of the fleet banks members must have passed their probation period and have been promoted above Cadet rank to Crewman. This period is usually 2 weeks but can be instant for returning older members, or those adding new alt characters to fleets provided they have remained active on the UFP Quarterly Roll Call.

    Fleet Bank Tabs
    Each fleet is slightly different in their exact tabs used but the general operation is as follows:
    • Fleet Store(s) – these tabs are reserved for high value items or event prizes.
      • There may be multiple store tabs in some fleets, generally they each hold one type of item.
      • Withdrawals from here are restricted to QM’s and above. To purchase items from here, read 'Fleet Store Purchases' below.
    • Deposits – the location where members can drop items to be donated to the fleet banks.
      • (Items cannot be withdrawn from here)
      • Additional Tabs – the exact nature of what is stored varies but generally each fleet has tabs for:
      • Ground Gear
      • Space Weapons
      • Space Gear
      • Crafting Items
      • Bridge Officer Training Manuals

    Withdraws from most tabs is limited to a certain number of items per day to limit one person being able to empty the whole bank at once.

    Fleet members can donate to any fleet, and as often or as little as they wish to. There is no expectation in UFP for members to make a certain quantity of donations to either banks or projects as many other fleets insist upon.
    Please place all donations into the Donation tab. If for some reason it is full then just contact a QM to move some things about to make space.

    What you donate is up to you, but please bare the following guidance in mind:
    • Rarity of items should be Very Rare and above, unless the item is difficult to get and locked to lower rarity (e.g., something like certain event foodstuffs).
    • Any regular loot below mark XII (mark 12) will be turned into EC for Fleet use as it is mostly useless. (lockbox related equipment under mark XII is fine to donate)
    • Crafted items may be useful to members but please do not use the bank as a trash can for all your unwanted crafting attempts and anything under mark XII will be turned into Fleet EC for events and giveaways
    • Limit donated BOFF manuals only to those acquired from lockboxes, or those that must be crafted. Any Regular Boff manuals are not needed
    • No Tribbles, they can breed fast and fill up space or eat other supplies.
    • No lockboxes.
    • No easily replicated items (e.g., shield charges, hyposprays).
    • No tech upgrade tokens unless they are VR or above.
    • Crafting components and materials are not generally needed unless they are the rarer types (VR and above).

    Different tabs have different limits to stop people being able to empty the whole bank.

    If your daily allowance permits you to withdraw a whole stack of an item but do not actually need them all, please consider other members and leave some for others. If you desperately want/need and item but are at your daily withdraw limit, please do not hesitate to ask a QM and we can always pull something from a bank and mail it to you provided the request is reasonable.

    Please refrain from taking items simply to resell on the exchange.

    Fleet Store Purchases
    The Store tabs within the banks hold the higher value items and those kept for event prizes.

    These items are held in restricted spaces primarily to protect them from people taking all the good items for themselves, or those who would take them to sell on the exchange for their own profit. However, all items here are available for purchase by any fleet member. To purchase an item please drop a request HERE stating what you wish to purchase and where it is located. Alternatively you can contact a QM direct using the usual chat or PM methods in game, or via the forum PM’s.

    All items purchased will be priced at 20% below the lowest current price of the item on the in-game exchange; a benefit for being a member of the fleet. QM’s will notify you of the price and request you deposit the EC value into the fleet bank of your choosing. Once the EC deposit is confirmed the QM will mail you the item or arrange an in-game trade to give it to you.

    All sales will be recorded in the bank purchase thread on the forums for full transparency.

    Best Regards,
    STO Staff Team
    Novalance Medals
  2. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet
    Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet

    Star Trek Online Commanding Officer

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    I would just like to Thank Mentioned User Sul-Matuul for this guide
    Novalance Medals