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WelshAvenger, Sat 02 Jan, 2021 7:33 PM
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    A joint post by Krajin and WelshAvenger

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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room

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    Mariella sat at the desk in her ready room, scrolling through progress reports, requisitions and personnel notifications. 'Good grief,' she thought, 'there never used to be this much admin.' With a sigh, she rose from the desk and walked to the replicator. "A mug of Chai, hot, please." The panel beeped and a steaming mug of delicious smelling Chai appeared. Taking the cup over to her desk, she started to scroll once more through the messages when she was interrupted. =/\= Bridge to Captain Jones. =/\=

    Mariella tapped the comm panel on her desk, "I'm here, what's up?"

    =/\= Captain we're receiving a transmission from the head of security on DS9. =/\=

    "Really? Well, let's have it in here then." Mariella replied, somewhat surprised.

    A tired looking man in a Bajoran uniform appeared on the viewscreen in front of her. "Umm, hello Captain, I was trying to contact your Chief of Security, I'm Inspector Jajeth."

    Mariella smiled, "Commander Tarquin is indisposed right now, how may I be of assistance?"

    "Well, ma'am, there was an incident involving one of your officers in Quark's and we were requested to forward the report to you." explained the Inspector.

    "I see." Mariella steepled her fingers in front of her face, "Inspector, on a scale of one to Wolf 359, how bad was this incident?"

    "As far as station security is concerned, the matter has been closed to our satisfaction." Inspector Jajeth pitched his voice in a way that didn't escape Mariella.

    "Thank you, Inspector." Mariella nodded to the man, "The name of my officer involved?"

    Jajeth grinned slightly, "Lieutenant Thane Va'Rek. Good luck to you, Captain, DS9 out."

    Mariella frowned, Va'Rek wasn't a name she was familiar with but then, she hadn't really had a chance to meet all of the officers yet. Tapping her commbadge, she said, "Captain Jones to Lt Va'Rek, I believe that you have a meeting with me in my ready room."

    The response over the Commbadge was a sudden blast of rowdy, boisterous cheering in drunken Klingon. Something muffled and then blessed silence for thirty seconds before Thane would answer. =^=Captain! I do not believe I have a meeting with you considering I am on leave!=^=

    "Let us, for now, entertain the possibility that you are dead wrong about that whole sentence, Lieutenant." Mariella smiled.

    =^=Alright. I can be there in a few minutes to meet you, I do not promise a neat uniform though.=^=

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    Thane would approach the Captain's ready room roughly a half hour later dressed in his proper, Honour Guards uniform, the kind that he was most often seen in around the ship when on duty unless the task at hand justified otherwise. He had even applied a fresh application of his face paint even though the Ferasan was highly inebriated he was still able to do it down to the T. A press of the button on the Captain's door chime.

    Mariella swivelled her chair to face the door, "Come in!"

    Stepping into the Captain's Ready room, Thane would strike an imposing figure in his uniform and would stand at attention. A thump of his fist to the armoured chest plate in the traditional Klingon Salute. The armour had been cleaned, polished and the cloak properly fixed so it lacked the normal wear and tear damage of where parts might drag.

    Mariella let the Ferasan stand at attention for a second or two, "At ease. I have to say that the Honour Guard uniform is a nice touch. Impress the captain by being dressed in armour that conveys one of the highest honours in the Klingon Empire. Very nice psychological move."

    Standing at ease, hands tucked behind his back but under the cloak and easily at reach with whatever he had tucked under there. "Thank you, Captain. Though this is my standard uniform around on the ship when on duty unless the situation requires otherwise."

    "Can you explain to me why the head of security on DS9 would be submitting a report to the ship regarding the assault of a Klingon officer?" Mariella began. "It's quite the read. I quote, 'his face met the bar once and he must of liked it that much his face met it again a couple of times.' Do you have anything to add to the report?"

    A smirk rather briefly spread across his face as that had made it into the report. "None at all, aside from it being as you would call it. Self Defence. He took the first swing, I just delivered my retaliation of.. reasonable measure. Quark has a really nice bar counter." He'd flash a smile.

    "Very well. I've reviewed the footage and the dishonourable pe'taq looked like he was going to leave without paying. It seems like you, as an honourable officer of the KDF, moved to talk him out of it when he decided to try and attack you. It was at this point when it seemed like his face developed an unhealthy attraction to the bar, several times. Does that sound accurate, Lieutenant?" Mariella looked piercingly at the Ferasan.

    "PetaQ. Captain and yes. That sounds.. accurate. As much as one can observe from the Sensors." He'd nod. “To be fair an attack is something you can expect from a Klingon who has been served the lie that is replicated Blood Wine that has been passed off as the real deal. Accurately I feel it would be an improvement for him once the Doctor is done with the reconstruction and teeth replacement.” That garnered a larger grin to which his well maintained teeth would be flashed. Even if unintentionally. “Otherwise Captain you hit the.. as Humans say it.. Head on the Nail?”

    "Capital!" Mariella exclaimed, "I have a meeting in one hour with Captain Torok of the IKS Azedboor where he will object to the treatment of his officer. I will then call his officer an honourless Targ, we will argue back and forth for a few minutes and then we will review the station's footage. Captain Torok will then become very sullen and entertain thoughts of having his officer executed at which point I'll suggest that perhaps the officer involved should be given the opportunity to regain his honour while proudly serving sentry duty on board a deep space listening post. Now, Lieutenant, what do you think Captain Torok is likely to say to my proposal?"

    “Certainly a proposal! I like it, though insulting the man is probably not going to get you the best run unless you're more familiar with this one than I. Or keen to stare him down. Though there's also the possibility he may laugh after the Sensor log viewing. I've known my fair share of Captains who've busted out a good, hearty belly laugh after watching their younger warriors pick a fight with someone like myself or another whom is part of the Order or Guard. They don't last in said fights. Still! If you'd like I'd love to be there for that encounter just to watch his reaction.” Thane chuckled and leaned back in the chair.

    Mariella smiled, "I think it's best for everybody involved. Of course, Captain Torok may surprise me and just eject the officer into space but I'm willing to bet that he has an eye for an opportunity of a second chance for the young officer. Now, please don't let any more station security reports come my way for the rest of your leave. Dismissed."

    “He very well could! I hope you enjoy yourself with the Captain and meeting that comes with it. As for station security reports, I cannot promise anything but they may be just as entertaining.”

    'One final thing, Lieutenant." Mariella said with a smile as Thane headed for the door. "You were right about the Honour Guard uniform, it's very impressive."

    “Thank you Captain. I hope you find my talents as they come up just as impressive.” He'd nod to her before walking out of her Ready Room and onto the Bridge.

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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Wed 17 Feb, 2021 10:35 AM.
    Kidnapping time!

    Just after the mediation meeting.

    Sam & Max exited the building and headed towards the village marketplace. It was bustling with activity, with people darting about with their wares. One man with a smallish cart approached the pair & asked, "Care for a Jumja stick?" Max waved him off, but Sam said, "I'll take one, please." He accepted a wireless payment of five credits, handed the sweet to Sam & wheeled his cart away.

    "Don't like these?" Sam asked. "Nah," Max responded, "Too sweet for me." Sam nodded and took a bite.

    After about fifteen minutes, Max noticed a large stall packed with various sizes of bottles of Canaar, a Caradissan liquor. He approached the vendor & asked, "Bit unusual seeing a Caradissian product on Bajor." The vendor smiled and said, "About the only good thing the bastards gave us." He spat on the ground in distain. "Seventy-five credits per bottle, five hundred for a case. What's your pleasure?" Max pondered and said, "Three cases should be good. Right Sam?" Sam looked up from another stall and said, "Sounds like a party!" Max smiled and said, "Bill to Lt. Storm, USS Ares & ship to same." The vendor happily nodded & made up a PADD with the pertinent info.

    Sam approached Max and said, "Sounds like you're stocking up." Max smiled and said, "One's for grand-dad. Its his birthday in a month." Sam smiled back and said, "I see. I spotted something Akyv would love. Let's check it out."

    The two of them approached an elaborate, well decorated stall with various pieces of jewelry, large & small, understated and grandiose. Some of them featured Earth-like jeweling styles & techniques. Max was astonished that Earth Jeweling made its way all way out to this place. The Jeweler saw the two, approached them and said, "Welcome! I see you've noticed our Earth/Bajor collection." Max asked, "Where did you learn Earth Jeweling techniques?" the jeweler smiled and said happily, "Self taught through any ancient earth databases. Truly an experience, to be sure! Almost a deeper history than Bajor's, for sure." Sam saw a large pendant with a gem cut stone, one side red, the other blue with a purple diamond in the center. "How much?" Sam asked happily. The jeweler said, excitedly, "Two hundred-fifty credits." Sam nodded and said, "SOLD!" The transaction was made & the piece was placed into a custom box with a gold latch.

    It was now getting to be around dusk, as the sun started to dip below the horizon. Sam & max proceeded to head towards the landing pad, after they sat at a small café for a bite of dinner. They had gotten about half way to the pad when Max noticed that they were being followed by three bajorans. "Pick up the pace," he said quietly, "we are being cased. Three bogeys on our six." Sam nodded and hastened his stride. Suddenly, two phaser beams struck Sam & Max square in the backs. They both crumpled in a heap in the middle of the main thorough fare. "Is this the one we're looking for?" one of the bajorans asked, pointing to Max. "No, the other one." Another Bajoran said. They proceeded to hoist Sam up and drag him into a dark alley, where a sparkling shimmer enveloped them and they vanished into the night.

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    The Plot Thickens!

    About an hour after the kidnapping.

    Max started to stir about after he got blasted square in the back with a phaser beam. His eyes slowly opened & he saw that he was inside a home. Someone must've seen him & carried him here. Max began to rise when a beautiful woman approached him, placed a hand on his chest gently & said, "Best not to get up yet. You took a full blast of energy in your back. I have to hand it to your species, you humans are resillant!" Max asked, groggily, "Ther was another guy with me-" The woman, who now brushed her hair out of her face, interrupted, "They took him, The shield of Bajor."

    Max sat up in a flash & said, "He was kidnapped?!" The woman nodded and said, "I saw it all happen." She handed Max a cup of water. He drank it quickly & said, "I need to contact my ship!" The woman stood, showing her tall, slender body with a considerable bust, saying, "Its no good. I just got a response from the Militia station here. Somehow, inter-system comms are being jammed from Prophet's know where." Max got up, punched the wall behind him in anger & said, "I had ONE JOB!!" The woman put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting way and said, "Its no use getting angry. Besides, I know why they took your friend, aside from him being an Ambassador."

    Max looked at her in confusion and asked, "How do you-" The woman interrupted and said, "I'm Bajoran Intelligence. Major Hine Nuho, retired." Max automatically straightened his uniform and introduced himself. "Lt. Max Storm, Ops officer & occasional Bodyguard, ma'am. How long have you-" Nuho interrupted again, saying, "Twelve years, on & off. We got wind of the Shield planning to kidnap a high ranking federation official at the earliest oppurtinity. We couldn't send this information to Starfleet simply because it wasn't operable." Max just hung his head & cursed. "I need to get back to my ship! We need to start searching for him." He grabbed his dagger belt, that she took off & headed for the door. "I'm going with you." Max held up his hand and said, "No. This is a Starfleet Operation-" Nuho interrupted again, saying, "B.I. Put me with you to fix this, so blame them."

    Max rolled his eyes & said, "Let's go." They both headed for the shuttle. He asked, as they were walking, "What did you do during your off-time?" Nuho looked down, smiled and said, "I'm a prostitute." Max did a double-take & exclaimed, "The F*** you say?!" She laughed loudly and said, "That's the exact reaction I was expecting. I'll explain later whe this is all over & your diplomat is back on your ship."

    They climbed on the shuttle & sped back to the Ares. He was hell bent on making this right.
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    joint post by deuZige, blaster (and WelshAvenger)

    USS Ares
    Hanger bay
    (Some time before the diplomatic mission to Bajor, just after the arrival of the van Hulftoids on the Ares)

    "Can I help you?" Tess asked.

    Schrit nearly managed to keep the shocked surprise at his own stupidity from reaching the expression on his face. Nearly but not completely, and he hated himself as he felt his eyes widen. He recovered quickly enough by snapping to attention and stammering; “I am sorry sir! I had no idea, even though I should have. It’s just that you’re not in uniform and…” he stopped himself before mentioning her being a long haired Vulcan with ginger hair, and instead said; “ I apologize. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Schrit van Hulftoids. I’m the fighter pilot who’s been recently assigned to the USS Ares. As I had no orders to report for duty I came here to have a look at the fighters ma’am. To get… aquinted so to speak. It’s not logical, but something very sentimental and personal I guess.” he explained.

    The Vulcan raised an eyebrow, "I see, you are familiar with these class of fighters?"

    Schrit came relaxed his stance somewhat, however remained standing straight with clasping his hands behind him. He wasn’t sure yet what to make of his squadron commander. She wasn’t your typical run of the mill Vulcan though, he knew that much.

    “Not the Adrestia no. I’ve had the privilege to fly her predecessor, the Sparrow, during my time on the USS Breda and I've been deeply involved with the development of her successor, the Omnia class. But I haven’t had the pleasure of flying the Adrestia, outside of the simulator.” Schrit replied.

    He glanced at the fighter he was standing next to before adding “I’m sure though that me and the lady here will have an excellent relationship, and that I'll fit in with the rest of Ares’s squadron.”.

    "I'm sure that you will." Tess gave Schrit an arch look, "Report for duty at 0600 hrs in the Squadron Office."

    “Yes sir! 06.00 hours, your office. I’ll be there!” Schrit replied snapping back to attention.

    "I'm certain that you will, good day Lieutenant." Tess said as she moved on.

    As the Vulcan squadron commander walked away he sighed with relief. ~”That could have gone much, much worse”~ he thought to himself. He turned to the fighter and padded her hull thinking ~”I’ll see you tomorrow as well”~ before turning and heading out of the hanger bay.

    As the turbo-lift whisked him from the hanger deck level back to deck 2 he made a mental note to check his inbox to see if there was any word on if, and if so when, he had to report to the Captain. Most Captains preferred to at least once have new officers report for duty after they arrived aboard their ship, but not all of them did.

    Schrit wondered about his Captain, and realized that he did so for the first time since he was assigned to the Ares. He’d looked up and informed himself about pretty much everything else relating to the Ares. The specs on the ship, the specs on the Adrestia class fighter, the personnel file on his commanding officer. ~”A lot of good that turned out to do me”~ he berated himself at that thought.

    But he never gave the Captain of the Ares any thought after learning that the Captain had been assigned to the Ares about the same time he was. ~”Got some things to look up before I get to bed I guess”~ he thought as he walked out of the turbo lift and walked towards “home”.
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    Bajoran moon
    Abandoned Base

    After the kidnapping.

    The three men, with Sam, who was unconcious, materialized in the transporter room. It looked rough, dingy & very old. The group carried Sam out of the room, down the hall & into a cell, in which they laid him on the bed. They left & another Bajoran showed up and looked inside the cell, saying to a woman whom joined him, "Now we are getting somwheres. Ensure that he isn't hurt. I want to talk to him." The woman nodded and entered the cell, proceeded to take out an old Bajoran Tricorder & moved it across Sam's body. "Heavy phaser damage to his back. It'll hurt like fire when he stirs." The man nodded and said, "Good. Leave him." The woman quickly exited. A forcefield quickly popped on, closing the cell. The woman said, meekly, "Do you think taking him will change anything?" The man simply said, "If this doesn't make the Federation listen, then our backup plan will." The woman looked at him and said, "All those lives..." The man snapped, "Many lives have been lost for a free, independent Bajor! I will not allow the Federation to walk in here. Its still an occupation!!" They both walked off down the hall, leaving Sam in the cell, unconcious.

    About an hour or so later, Sam started to stir. His head was splitting & he had a burning pain that was starting to dull some. He sat up on the edge of the bunk and attempted to gain his bearrings. The walls around him was grey, dirty & very old. The light above flickered constantly. He knew he was in a cell. Sam got up and approached the forcefield. It was a dull red. Sam placed his hand upon the field & it lit up in bright red as it brought resistance to Sam's hand. He stopped and said, "Never forecasted this." He then sad back down. A few minutes later, the man whom met him when he was brought in approached the cell door. "The naive stupidity of humans never ceases to amaze me."
    Sam immedately stood and said, "Whatever it is you want from me, you can stick it! Kidnapping a Federation-"

    "The Federation is a bunch of slime devils that are willing to take advantage of the Bajoran people!!" The man boomed, "You are a prisoner of the Shield of Bajor. We aim to make our home free from outside influence, including the Federation occupation."Sam gave him a confused look, saying, "Occupa-Y'know what, I really don't care. Release me now & no charges will be brought-" The man interrupted, saying, "That isn't going to happen. You will be treated fairly here & will be given food. We are not barbarians." Sam snapped back, "But you are terrorists." The man nodded & said, "Not how I see us. We are freedom fighters, of a sort. Here's what we want from you. You will write a letter of reccomendation to withdraw the Fedrastion from all Bajoran terrorities, including DS9. Do this & no one else will get hurt." Sam stood his ground, "Go to Hell!" The man gritted his teeth and said, "Fine." He pressed a button on the wall and said, "Prep the ships for launch. We go at dawn for the freedom of Bajor!" He then turned to Sam and said, "To give you time to change your mind. Do you like Hasperaat?" Sam just shrugged. The man left and Sam laid back down on the bunk. He never was in a situation like this. He felt his lapel & noticed the small pip. He knew then things were going to be okay.
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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Captain's Ready Room

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    Captain Jones had been enjoying a pleasant call with her husband when she had been informed by the bridge that an unscheduled shuttle was approaching with an emergency transponder code. She had been confused as to why the shuttle wouldn't have declared the emergency to DS9 Ops rather than a moored vessel. When she took a look at who the emergency code belonged to, she cut her call short, telling her husband that she would explain later. She sat behind her desk and waited for the door to her ready room to chime. Within moments, the electronic pings sounded. "Come!" she said. She took one look at Max's face and simply said, "Spill it."

    Max stood in front of the captain as stiff as a board, but with teeth gritted hard, said, "Ma'am, Sam's been kidnapped." The green Bajoran stood off to the side, out of the way.

    Mariella blinked. Of all the things she had been imagining, this was certainly low on the probabilities, "Sam's been what now?"

    Max looked to the green Bajoran & she approached. "Captain, I witnessed everything that happened."

    Mariella fixed her cool gaze on the newcomer, "And who would you be?"

    "Major Hine Nuho, Bajoran Intelligence, ret.," she said, "Both men were knocked out by phaser fire to the back. Three assailants carried off his companion & left Lt. Storm to die, apparently. I was able to treat his wounds to an extent." Max's head lowered. He was obviously angry, but a bit of shame crept in.

    "Right." Mariella remained motionless for a moment as decisions whirled around in her head before tapping a switch on the desk in front of her. "Doctor Cushing, Lt Van Hulftoids and Lt Thank Va'Rek report to the ready room."

    =/\=Van Hulftoids here, Aye Captain=/\=

    =^=Thane here, On the way.=^=

    =/\= Cushing, Aye =/\=

    Mariella steepled her fingers in front of her, "Lieutenant Storm, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander, effective immediately. Your new responsibilities are to use whatever ship's resources you need to find Diplomatic Attaché Urquhart and return him to us safely. Major Nuho, I am formally requesting the assistance of Bajoran Intelligence, otherwise known as you, to assist the federation in the return of its diplomat. Do you accept?"

    "I do," Nuho said, then pulled a PADD out and placed it on the desk, "The intelligence file on the group that took Urquhart. They are know as the Shield of Bajor. Everything we know about them is in that file."

    Mariella nodded and softened her tone, "Max, the sensor palettes are being replaced so the Ares is going to be of limited help but you can take the Phobos and Deimos as well as any other craft you need."

    "Aye, Ma'am," Max said stiffly, "I'll need to have some sort of hook up the shuttle's sensors. I believe the tracker I gave Sam could still be active."

    "Make sure that we have that tracker code and we'll provide whatever help we can." Mariella said, "Do we have any idea where they may have taken him?"

    Max simply nodded, saying, "I literally have no clue where they took him." Nuho spoke up and said, "There is a possibility that they might have taken him to a abandoned base on one of Bajor's moons. The Shield maybe sparse, but they spread their net ultra-wide."

    "Then let's make sure that we get them to reel that net in a bit." Mariella smiled at Max, trying to be reassuring.

    The office door chimed and in came Lt Van Hulftoids, Doctor Cushing and Lt Va'Rek. "Gentlemen, Lt Cmdr Storm has a mission briefing for you and I would appreciate you giving him any support you can. Now, hop to it. Dismissed"

    After watching the rest leave, Nuho paused for a moment to think, then turned back to the captain, "This other information might be connected, but it might be nothing."

    "I'll take too much information over not having enough any day of the week." Mariiela said as she flopped down into her chair, waving at the Bajoran that she should feel free to sit as well.

    "I might not get much information because I'm considered out of the service," Nuho said, "but I'm still privy to some lines of contact. Ma'am, there are huge rumblings that the Shield might attack the Federation Embassy on Bajor."

    "Why didn't Bajoran intelligence mention anything? I haven't seen any kind of raised alert level in the sector briefing notes." Mariella said with a frown.

    "They didn't consider it actionable." Nuho said, "There was far too many variables."

    "Variables, my eye. Get any information you can together and we'll coordinate from the Ares. Welcome aboard, Major, I'll have some quarters assigned for you." Mariella smiled at the woman.

    Nuho nodded, then headed out of the ready room.

    Mariella sat for a moment, staring out of the viewport, then activated the ship wide channel, "All hands, this is the Captain, an emergency situation has arisen and the Ares is needed in system. Make preparations to depart DS9 because ready or not, we leave in four hours."

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    Earth Space Dock, SOL – A Year Ago (Prior to the USS ARES Mission)
    Family Quarters – Habitation Level D

    Nathan deflected the flying porcelain dining ware as he quickly raised his arms before him. The projectile had just been wildly thrown at him. “Jei, stop it!” pleaded Nathan.

    Jei grabbed another plate from the small cabinet and recklessly threw it at the source of her anger. The flying projectile flew to the right of her desired target and shattered against the wall. This only made Jei angrier. She turned around to grab another houseware to throw at her husband.

    Seeing a chance and only knowing one way to peacefully quell the situation, Nathan rushed forward. With Jei’s back to him, Nathan quickly enveloped her in a firm hug as he pinned her arms to her sides. He immediately felt Jei fighting back with all her strength, but fortunately, she didn’t have much left in her. As he felt her strength and fury weaken, Jei’s body nearly went limp. This caused both Jei and Nathan to collapse into a sitting position on the floor.

    Nathan pulled Jei into a firm embrace as he whispered into her ear. “Jei... please… it’s my fault, I’m sorry. Whatever it is, we can work through this… together? Just know that I love you and nothing can change that.”

    Jei focused on her breathing. A basic technique one of her counselors had taught her to help calm herself. Her head hung low with her long hair masking her face. She felt drained, emotionally and physically. She remembered where she was and had been crying, as she felt tears rolling down her face. Yet, she could not the reason why.

    Nathan kept one arm around Jei, effectively pinning her arms down in her lap. He used his free hand to brush Jei’s long hair from the left side of her face. Nathan’s mind was racing, as he tried to sort out what just happened.

    Just moments before, he saw Jei making coffee as she was preparing to head out on second work shift. It was her sixth double shift in a row. Nathan knew she was near exhaustion, thus he suggested that she call in sick and take a day or two off. He never imagined that this would trigger such a ferocious response from Jei.

    Nathan looked over his shoulder toward their second bedroom, where their daughter could be heard. She was crying after being awoken by the commotion earlier. “Jei, are you ok? I’m going to let go… as I need to check on Nara, ok?” gently informed Nathan.

    Jei just simply nodded her head.

    Not feeling any tension in Jei’s body, Nathan released his hold and stood up. He took a tentative step back before turning to go check on their daughter. As Nathan picked up the toddler, he assured her that everything was ok. It took half an hour, but Nathan managed to get Nara to fall asleep again.

    Nathan braced himself before going out into the small main room of his and Jei’s quarters. He felt powerless at times such as this. Jei was a time bomb, just waiting to explode. As of late, her fuse was getting shorter and set off easily.

    He stepped out of his daughter’s room and saw that the broken items had been cleaned up. Nathan spotted Jei by the large viewport that framed their tiny living room. Jei was standing there quietly, obvious lost in thought, as she gazed upon the earth scene outside of ESD. A few shuttles flying about did not disrupt the serenity of the vista.

    Nathan approached Jei with the intention to embrace her. As he got near, Jei shook her head. “Don’t,” she simply stated.

    Nathan lowered his arms and stopped where he stood beside her. “Jei, I was just concer…”

    “Please, just… don’t say anything. At least until you hear what I need to say,” interjected Jei.

    Nathan nodded and affirmed with audible grunt, but kept his eyes on her. He was still very much in love with Jei, and always found happiness at gazing upon her. Nathan always found her the most beautiful when she was reflective or in deep thought. Whenever he took her to some art exhibit or scenic locale, he spent more time looking at her than at the art or vistas. Studying her expressions and reactions to art or scenery was his pastime.

    “I want a divorce… will give you full custody of Nara,” simply stated Jei.

    Nathan put a hand on the sofa behind him to steady himself as he felt his legs feeling weak after having someone knock the wind out of him. He wanted to believe he misheard or misunderstood what Jei just stated, but the words left a mark on his heart.

    “Wha… I… Jei, can I know why?” asked Nathan, his mind scrambling to make sense of things.

    Jei was quiet for a moment as she mulled over her choice of words. “I feel… that it is for the best. I don’t want to resent or hate you, which I can’t seem to control or understand. But these past several months have been more than rough… and I feel that I am at my breaking point...” explain Jei.

    She saw the hurt and pain in her husband’s eyes. “I know it is cliché, but it’s nothing you’ve done. You’ve always been good to me, even too good in some respects. You deserve better. Someone who would treat you as you have been to me,” concluded Jei.

    Nathan saw the tears in Jei’s eyes and knew she was lying to herself. It was her defensive mechanism to push away before she felt too much pain. “Jei, can we discus…”

    Jei shook her head. “No. I’ve accepted the assignment aboard the USS ARES for its long-term mission. I leave tomorrow.”

    Nathan just observed Jei for a few long moments before finding his own voice. He knew that Jei’s supervisor had advised that she take the assignment but she had steadily refused. He knew that Jei was running away from her problems, yet he also knew that it was unhealthy for her to remain here at Earth Space Dock.

    Nathan felt exhausted and knew that any answer other than what Jei wanted would lead to another fight. He sighed. “Alright. I’ll support your decision 100%, on one condition,” agreed Nathan.

    Jei looked at Nathan, trying to read his expression and thoughts.

    “We make it a separation… for now. Upon the ARES return from its mission, we will decide on finalizing the divorce then. Our relationship, daughter, and I is worth that, no?”

    Jei didn’t want to fight anymore, and knew Nathan was being honest and fair. He had always been the rational and thoughtful one of their marriage. “Ok,” affirmed Jei.

    U.S.S. ARES – Present Day
    Deck 8 – Medical Complex

    Jei sensed someone nearby and opened her eyes. Nurse Mell was making some notations on her PADD after reviewing Jei’s biobed’s vitals monitor nearby.

    “Oh, you’re awake. You feeling better?” inquired Mell.

    Jei sat up and stretched to loosen her muscles a bit after a long slumber. “Much. Thanks.”

    As Jei started to move, Mell was quick to flip open her tricorder and give Jei a full scan. “I don’t see anything abnormal, in case Dr. Cushing asks… as we both know he will absolutely analyze this data,” stated Mell.

    Jei swung her legs over the side of the biobed and slide off. She felt Mell’s gentle hands on her waist and elbow, but Jei stood firm and didn’t feel any dizziness. “Thanks Mell. I think that sleep has helped. I feel fine now.” Looking around, Jei noticed that Christopher wasn’t around in Sick Bay or his office.

    Mell noticed Jei’s swiveling gaze. “Dr. Cushing isn’t here. He was called upstairs for a meeting with the Captain.”

    Jei nodded. “I have some things I need to take care of, which I can do in my quarters nearby. I promise to stay put.”

    Mell knew Christopher ordered Jei to stay put. Yet she also knew that if Jei stayed in her quarters, his orders were still technically being followed. “Fair enough, but I will have to escort you there… so I can honestly report that is the case,” smiled Mell.

    After Jei put on her uniform jacket and boots, she walked some 80 meters with Mell to her quarters. As Jei went inside, Mell stood at the entrance and issued an order to the computer.

    “Computer, issue Medical Outpatient Cushing Gamma 101 for Ensign Jei Han’s quarters. Authorization Ensign Mell White delegate authority for Lieutenant Commander Cushing, CMO,” stated Mell.

    *”Command confirmed. Ensign Han’s quarters, Deck 8, under Chief Medical Officer’s jurisdiction and authority.”*

    Jei rolled her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest. “Seriously? Is that really necessary?”

    “Jei, you… of all people, know how serious Dr. Cushing is when it concerns his patients. Besides, you can still have visitors… during visiting hours,” smiled Mell.
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    ==van Hulftoids quarters==

    Danre had noticed something going on but no one had bothered to tell him what. He hated it when that happened. On Utopia planetia that sort of thing had rarely happened but even that had sparked the forming of “Intellikids” as they had called it. A loose association of kids that had set the goal of being the source of information for starfleet kids that their parents and the rest of Starfleet felt they were to young to know. Danre had been intrigued by the group back on UP but didn’t get too deeply involved. Now though he realized what the group meant for those kids with their parents on ships of the line or on frontline starbases.

    As he entered their quarters he knew his father wouldn’t be there. He was doing something out of the ordinarhy he knew but also wasn’t told anything specific. The note on the living room table, something his farther always did when he left the quarters and Danre wasn’t there, said the same it always did; “I love you son.”. Danre picked up the little note and gave it a kiss. “Love you to dad” he mumbled.

    He made his way over to the computer console in the room and keyed in his authorization. After his experience with the security deparement here caution was something he’d grilled into his instinctive actions so he’d maintain “OpSec” at all times. Auto logins and voice operation were potential security vulnerabilities and so he’d decided to not use those any more.

    He punched in the commands to connect to a server node located on the Cardassian border, logged into that server cluster with the uid and pw he knew had been created through a back-door by a daughter of the engineer that had installed the hardware into the satellite. The only thing that uid was allowed or even capable of doing was list the next node to connect to in the chain. It did and Danre disconnected to connect to the next link.

    Twenty three hops later he was rewarded with the master node which held the forum and chat functionality the “Intellikids” used to share information. At once he was assaulted by welcome back messages and expressions of relief he was ok. He posted an “I’m alright, thanks for the worries” thread to pre-empt more messaging on his well being and then went into the “semi”live chat environment. They’d found a simpel but effective way to handle the lag that was inherrent with communicating over vast distances, even with the subpace relay system of the Federation.

    Every post on it included as a quote the last received post the sender had received. That way everyone reading knew what that poster was reacting to and which messages they might or might not have yet received. It was far from ideal compared to real time chatting of course but it worked for them. Danre was surprised to find that the number of connected users had grown significantly compared to when he’d logged on last.

    He found that two of his friends from UP were there too and spent some time catching up with them on a separate channel before going back to the main channel and dropping the question that had caused him to go there in the first place. “Does anyone have any leads at what’s going on at Deep Space 9 or the USS Ares?”

    His immediate reply from those within range for real time chatting gave him cause to ratchet up his feelings of concern a level of two. Without even having to do research two members were able to tell him that there had to be something going on with the diplomatic core as activity there had been suddenly and unusually frantic recently. Then the Federation’s liason to the chamber of ministers daughter, which only a few were aware of who she was on the forum, reported that there had been an extra ordinary amount of communications and meetings going on, especially with the representatives of one of Bajor’s regions.

    An hour later Danre logged off having gained enough information to put things together, not to mention some uid’s and pw’s that could come in handy in cases of emergency. From what he got from all the kids on the chat and forum that had chimed in with their little pieces of information from their parents and the Big data – deep learning algorithms he had let loose on them he had determined a kidnapping had taken place involving a member of the diplomatic core.

    Putting that together with the knowledge he himself had that whatever was happening, as of yet, didn’t involve the fighter squadron but did involve his father lead him to the one and only conclusion that made any sense. His father was selected to be part of a rescue mission, on the basis of his experience in the marines.

    Danre’s skin turned white as the realization his him. He knew little of his fathers career before he became pilot but from what he had learned one thing had become frighteningly clear: The work marines did was 1000 times as dangerous as that of fighter pilots, and the risk for injury to those doing the work was as much multiplied. And now his father was going on a mission doing marine work. Instead of his nerves being calmed by knowing more than Starfleet thought he should know, he was now exponentially more worried and anxious.

    Danre had noticed something going on but no one had bothered to tell him what. He hated it when that happened. On Utopia planetia that sort of thing had rarely happened but even that had sparked the forming of “Intellikids” as they had called it. A loose association of kids that had set the goal of being the source of information for starfleet kids that their parents and the rest of Starfleet felt they were to young to know. Danre had been intrigued by the group back on UP but didn’t get too deeply involved. Now though he realized what the group meant for those kids with their parents on ships of the line or on frontline starbases.

    As he entered their quarters he knew his father wouldn’t be there. He was doing something out of the ordinarhy he knew but also wasn’t told anything specific. The note on the living room table, something his farther always did when he left the quarters and Danre wasn’t there, said the same it always did; “I love you son.”. Danre picked up the little note and gave it a kiss. “Love you to dad” he mumbled.

    He made his way over to the computer console in the room and keyed in his authorization. After his experience with the security deparement here caution was something he’d grilled into his instinctive actions so he’d maintain “OpSec” at all times. Auto logins and voice operation were potential security vulnerabilities and so he’d decided to not use those any more.

    He punched in the commands to connect to a server node located on the Cardassian border, logged into that server cluster with the uid and pw he knew had been created through a back-door by a daughter of the engineer that had installed the hardware into the satellite. The only thing that uid was allowed or even capable of doing was list the next node to connect to in the chain. It did and Danre disconnected to connect to the next link.

    Twenty three hops later he was rewarded with the master node which held the forum and chat functionality the “Intellikids” used to share information. At once he was assaulted by welcome back messages and expressions of relief he was ok. He posted an “I’m alright, thanks for the worries” thread to pre-empt more messaging on his well being and then went into the “semi”live chat environment. They’d found a simpel but effective way to handle the lag that was inherrent with communicating over vast distances, even with the subpace relay system of the Federation.

    Every post on it included as a quote the last received post the sender had received. That way everyone reading knew what that poster was reacting to and which messages they might or might not have yet received. It was far from ideal compared to real time chatting of course but it worked for them. Danre was surprised to find that the number of connected users had grown significantly compared to when he’d logged on last.

    He found that two of his friends from UP were there too and spent some time catching up with them on a separate channel before going back to the main channel and dropping the question that had caused him to go there in the first place. “Does anyone have any leads at what’s going on at Deep Space 9 or the USS Ares?”

    His immediate reply from those within range for real time chatting gave him cause to ratchet up his feelings of concern a level of two. Without even having to do research two members were able to tell him that there had to be something going on with the diplomatic core as activity there had been suddenly and unusually frantic recently. Then the Federation’s liason to the chamber of ministers daughter, which only a few were aware of who she was on the forum, reported that there had been an extra ordinary amount of communications and meetings going on, especially with the representatives of one of Bajor’s regions.

    An hour later Danre logged off having gained enough information to put things together, not to mention some uid’s and pw’s that could come in handy in cases of emergency. From what he got from all the kids on the chat and forum that had chimed in with their little pieces of information from their parents and the Big data – deep learning algorithms he had let loose on them he had determined a kidnapping had taken place involving a member of the diplomatic core.

    Putting that together with the knowledge he himself had that whatever was happening, as of yet, didn’t involve the fighter squadron but did involve his father lead him to the one and only conclusion that made any sense. His father was selected to be part of a rescue mission, on the basis of his experience in the marines.

    Danre’s skin turned white as the realization his him. He knew little of his fathers career before he became pilot but from what he had learned one thing had become frighteningly clear: The work marines did was 1000 times as dangerous as that of fighter pilots, and the risk for injury to those doing the work was as much multiplied. And now his father was going on a mission doing marine work. Instead of his nerves being calmed by knowing more than Starfleet thought he should know, he was now exponentially more worried and anxious.
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    USS Ares

    Shortly after prep for the mission

    Max composed himself after gathering his equipment & went to give the transponder code to the captain. It took a few minutes to get to the bridge. In the interim, he removed a small chip from his arm & held it in his hand.

    The lift finally stopped on the bridge. Max got out, leaned the katana beside the lift and approached the captain.

    Mariella stretched out in her chair at the centre of the bridge, "Are you all ready to go, Commander?"

    "We're set to leave at 0400hrs tomorrow." Max said, then handed the chip to her. Just then, the lower lift doors and out stepped Akyv.

    Mariella didn't see the Andorian woman, "The Ares should be good to go to support you, even with half our sensors being offline."

    Max looked at the captain and said, "No good is going to come of this." He motioned his head towards the Andorian.

    Mariella stood and saw Akyv marching towards her, "Is everything alright, Akyv?"

    "Do you have any clue where Sam is?" Akyv asked, crossing her arms.

    "He's been abducted by a Bajoran splinter group." Mariella said bluntly. "Commander Storm is working on a rescue mission and we'll be undocking to assist fairly soon."

    Before Akyv could answer, a Bronze shield appeared on the viewscreen. Max stepped away from the two & motioned for his usual console. "I can't get a direct origin of the signal. Seems to be bouncing off relay satellites."

    "Contact DS9 and inform them we need help tracking the source." Mariella ordered. "Wait a second, they're sending this to the whole system? That means that they don't care who sees the transmission which means that they're confident we won't find the source."

    Akyv dropped her arms in shock. A wave of emotions washed over her like the ocean, but she was able to keep her composure. "These bastards don't have the balls to face us."

    "I agree, if they're not brave enough to reveal where they are, then they're still afraid of being caught." Mariella said.

    Max thought for moment. Just then, a Bajoran man with slicked back grey hair & heavy stubble appeared. "Attention to all whom reside in the Bajor sector," the man said, "I am Bohi Kraas, Leader of the Shield. By now, you all know who we are. It'll be soon time to show you just what we are willing to do for an independent Bajor, free of outside influence."

    "I'm running facial recognition now." Max said, his hands flying across the console. Akyv hands started to form tight fists. She was now starting to get angry fast.

    Christopher, who had been lurking on the bridge while working on team assignments, leaned over and gave Akyv's shoulder a squeeze for reassurance.

    "Our demand is simple," Krass said, "We want all Federation persons to vacate the Bajor sector Immediately, but you already knew that by now." The image turned to a cell in the unknown compound, showing Sam, sitting on the bed, eating a piece of Hassperat, saying, "This isn't half bad grub!!" Krass went on, "We have your most senior diplomat. As you can see, he is unharmed and is being treated well. If you do not comply with this demand, we will destroy the Federation Embassy on Bajor. Further non-compliance will result in escalation of actions, including the termination of this man's life & the destruction of the Celestial Temple. Please, do not force our hand. We do this for a free & independent Bajor." The transmission ends.

    Mariella frowned, "Someone want to clue me in on how a previously low key splinter group gets the ability to destroy the wormhole?"

    Nuho, who just stepped on the bridge, said, "Idiots were dealing with the Syndicate!"

    Mariella was handed a PADD by Nuho, which she quickly read, the colour draining from her face, "They have a Silithium lance weapon?"

    "Yeah, that's the gist of it." Nuho said, "Here's the beauty of it, they got it from someone who is a spy inside of Starfleet."

    Mariella did a double take, "What? I mean . . . what? A spy . . inside.. WHAT?"

    Max stood up and said, "You do realize what you're saying, right?" Nuho said plainly, "I am. It's been confirmed by my contact inside the Shield." Max crossed his arms and said, "A massive weapon capable of destroying the Wormhole and a spy in Starfleet, working for the Orion Syndicate? Can we count this as the worst day in the history of ever?"

    "It's in my top five." Mariella deadpanned.

    "I'd say our timetable moved up," Max said, "I need to know where we're going beforehand." He thought for a moment, then said, "I Have an idea. Permission to contact DS9?"

    "Fly at it, Commander." Mariella's hands were itching at the thought of a Silithium based weapon being unleashed at the wormhole. She shook her head, it was time for the Ares to go to battle.
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    The gear-up
    USS Ares
    Deck X - Weapons & armor storage

    Directly after scene on bridge

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    Max was hell-bent for leather to rescue Sam, even if it meant getting blood on his uniform. He was used to it, after he got his arm lopped off. As soon as he exited the lift, Max said, "Storm to DS9 Ops, Priority one." A female voice came on & said, "This is Colonel Kira, how can i help?" Max got right to the point, "Colonel, I need you to input a transponder code & feed me what your sensors say." Kira said, "For what purpose?" Max explained, "Our CDO has a tracker & the Ares sensor paletes are being actively upgraded. I need to know where the Shield took him."

    Silence filled the five seconds it took to comprehend the request. "Give me the code." Max proceeded to quickly state the code. ""It'll take a minute for our sensors to realign." Man said, simply, "Understood" He then turned into Armor & weapons storage, then proceeded to flip through the available armor vests. None of them fit, so he went to the replicator & said, "Computer, one full vest armor, high tensile strength, with grade 15 resistance to phaser fire and grade 5 resistance to lacerating damage to my fit." The computer bleeped & the replicator worked on the request.

    "Commander," Kira piped in, "I have the location of your CDO." Max smiled and said, "Send it to the Captain & give it to me." Kira asked, "You have a tricorder?" Max said, "Yes. Relay to Storm 33 bacon." Kira paused, then said, "Bacon?" Max laughed and said, "Yeah. Not my choice." his mechanical arm beeped and said, "CO-ORDINATES RECIEVED." Max smiled and said, "Thanks." The comms snapped off & now he was left to his thoughts.

    FAB spacer small
    Bajoran moon
    Abandoned base

    Sam had finished up his meal as Krass entered with three of his lieutenants. He looked at Krass and said, "You really think you can get away with destroyin-" Krass cut him off and said, "Part of the reason the Federation is here is because of the Temple. With it gone, they have little reason to remain." Sam got up and said, "And the part where you off me? Is that supposed to scare them?" Krass snorted and said, "I know it won't. Here's what I want from you. You will tell me what the access codes are for that embassy." Sam marched right up to the forcefield, his nose mere millimeters from it, and said angrily, "You can kiss my ass!"

    Krass said bluntly, "So be it." Then he snapped his fingers. The forcefield dropped an the three goons grabbed him and started to punch him in the face, stomach & back. This went on for about five minutes. Krass called off the goons & said, "Another poor Federation choice." He then pulled out an Orion disruptor, pointed it at Sam and said, "My patience is not unlimited. We'll try again later, until that time..." A beam of green energy hit Sam in the chest. He was pushed back to his bed and then crumpled. Krass holstered the weapon & said, "Let's prep the weapon."

    Krass & his goons went into a hanger that had three large ships & a case with two green-skinned Orions and a human. Krass looked at the weapon and said, "This is it, right?" The human, whom was wearing a long cloak & a hood, said, "This is it. You can't believe how god damned hard it was to get this. A lot of people had to die." Krass said plainly, "For the good of Bajor." The man said, "The boss received your payment, but you need to know how danger-" Krass cut him off, "I'm well aware of the risks, Sir."

    The man pulled his hood off his head. He had the look of a man that has sold his soul to the highest bidder. "Please, call me Storm."
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    JP with DeuZie & Krajin
    USS Ares
    Personal storage

    Just after first meeting with captain

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    "C'mon. I'll explain as we walk," Max said as he led both officers to the turbolift. "Deck twelve, Personal wares Storage." He said. The lift smoothly started to move.

    "Sorry but i have to know; What happened back there on Bajor?" Schrit asked, annoyed he didn't go with the two officers after shuttling them to the planet.

    "We both got phasered." Max said plainly, "I expect this to get very dirty, EXTREMELY QUICKLY. You up to getting down for a fight?"

    "You kidding? I might've been a fighterjock for the past years but you know what they say; you can take the Marine out of the Marines, but you can't take the Marines out of the Marine." Schrit answered. "I've kept up the physicals" he added.

    Thane followed along behind Max as he lead them to the Turbolift and into it, down to of all places Personal Wares storage. Do they not keep their personal kit in their quarters? He'd think. Until the question was posed to them. "Down for a fight? Do you need to have your eyes examined? Consider where I come from.. " He'd let that hang in the air as they continued on.

    Max looked at the massive cat & said, "I have no worries about you." The lift stopped and he led the two officers out, then into a room with many lockers & drawers. He came to a series of drawers with his name & serial number on it.

    "So why are we going to Personal storage rather than the Armoury? Do you not keep personal effects in your rooms?" He'd enquire.

    Max slightly smiled and said, "Grabbing a few blades." He opened the highest drawer. It held several long blades, one of which looked like an old style claymore. Max shook his head & moved down to the second drawer. "I want three teams of two, prepped for stealth, but ready to throw down should it go sour."

    "I'm guessing you've got some way of locating our target?" Schrit asked, as he walked over to an as of yet unmarked locker and opened it with a code.

    He tapped the side of the open drawer and said, "Since I can't tap into ships sensors, I'll use Phobos' sensors to pick up Sam's precise location. I'm aiming to leave at around 0430 hrs tomorrow."

    The locker schrit keyed his code into opened to reveal an impressive collection of gear, including some weapons that were not Starfleet standard issue. He grabbed a device through which he put his right fore arm and locked it into place with a snap, and an audible chime.

    =^=yI'el QIch'e' neH=^= a tinny computer voice spoke from the device.

    Schrit then took a bannier containing energy packs and a lot of shuriken from the locker, slung it over his head and shoulder before closing the locker. Turning around he noticed the other officers staring at him questioningly. He shrugged saying "Marine core for decades, of course i got some souvenirs!".

    Thane wasn't impressed with the sudden rather large blades presented for stealth missions that this was apparently going to be. "You cannot tap into this ship's sensors?" That was.. just as perplexing to the Ferasan. "I have enough of my own kit on hand or in my room I can be ready in fifteen. Though I do suggest, instead of wielding swords, you keep with the Federation mandated Stun Setting. In this situation taking them alive would be better."

    Max pulled from the drawer a long, slightly curved blade. It looked Japanese in construction. It was a four foot long Katana. Deadly sharp & one of the weapons he was adept at wielding. "I have a feeling we might be going hand-to-hand." Max said, "Bring whatever you need. Thane, Pick your best three guys & let them know. I'll talk to our contact to see what other information she has."

    "I am not head of Security, I don't have 'three guys' sadly. Though I can say I am worth three." He'd flash a toothy grin to Max. "I work best alone or in small teams. I'll talk to Security and see who I can get though. Do understand I am carrying a Disruptor and it will hurt, allot even for the engineered 'stun' I have on it."

    He smiled at Thane, saying, "I always carry a phaser." He patted his mechanical arm, "The sword is for up close & personal, just in case. Dismissed." Max said. As soon as the two leave, he leans the sword against the wall, drops to his knees & starts to sob intensely. He knew he failed to protect Sam & it just now started to crash in on him.
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    USS HOOD, Chin’Toka System – Late 2374
    Deck 5 – LT Nathan Wang’s personal quarters

    Jei quietly approached Nathan as he was making real coffee from a coffee press. Jei never realized how authentic coffee was amazingly better than the replicator versions until Nathan introduced it to her. Nathan only did this when he was in a good mood. With his back to her, Jei closed the final few steps wrapping her arms around his upper body.

    “Mmmm… smells glorious,” informed Jei as she gave Nathan a kiss on the nape of his neck.

    Nathan could not help but smile. “The coffee or me?”

    “Both…” playfully answered Jei.

    Nathan finished loading the press and poured in some water, before he turned around so he could look at Jei. Without breaking her embrace, he now wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss in return.

    After a moment, he gave Jei a once over and raised an eyebrow. “I do believe that is my uniform jacket you are wearing… and you lack pants.”

    Blinking her eyes mischievously Jei gave him a cute smile. “I threw my entire uniform in the recycler, it was beyond saving. Besides, I see that you aren’t wearing anything but that short bathrobe," Jei peaked inside and continued, "With nothing else... Not very regulation of you Lieutenant…”

    “Hey now… I didn’t want to wake you by turning on the lights,” explained Nathan.

    “I’ll accept that and reward you handsomely for your thoughtfulness,” cooed Jei as she gave Nathan another kiss.

    After breaking for air, Nathan gazed upon Jei’s warm smile and her bright brown eyes. He knew better to ask if she was ok. It was a horrific mission, as most of her team and friends didn't make it out alive. She had only returned from the nightmarish hell a few hours ago. Yet after using his shower to wash the dirt, grime, and blood, Jei seemed normal.

    “Are you trying to analyze me? Or are you working up the nerve to ask about round two… in there?” inquired Jei as she gestured towards the small bedroom.

    Nathan put on his best grin, knowing that the latter was better than the former. Even if he was concerned about the former. Anyone who experienced what Jei and other survivors had would have to be inhuman to not have any traumatic memories from it. The young woman before him was smiling at him with bright eyes. However, he felt uneasy about it.

    USS ARES, docked with DS9 – Present Day
    Deck 8 – Personal Quarters

    Jei read the missive response from Starfleet Support Services. Her daughter was in route to DS9, along with an officer who was to finalize Nathan’s Last Testament and other legal documents for Jei to take back full custody of her daughter Nara.

    Jei closed the message and opened an engineering request. She filled out the form to have her quarters reconfigured. She requested for some minor adjustments to made and her replicator allowance be increased per Starfleet regulations for family allowances. Jei also filled and submitted the documentation to the Ship’s Security, General, and Medical services as Nara will be a civilian dependent aboard the ARES.

    Finished with all of the proper forms, Jei went about cleaning up and packing some things away to make room for Nara. ~”Will I be a good mother for her? Maybe I should send her to my sister’s. I know Jinhee would understand.”~

    The door chime sounded. It had been about twenty minutes since Jei had filed her request forms. “Come in,” stated Jei as she walked toward the door from her small bedroom.

    Jei stopped in her tracks and folded her arms across her chest as she saw two familiar men enter. “Master Chief Samson, Chief Hayes… why am I not surprised?”

    “Excuse me, Ma’am, but we are just humbly answering your duly submitted requests,” replied the older Master Chief.

    Chief Hayes feigned a hurt look. “I’m just here to see my friend, Jei. Have you seen her around? I was informed she was here,” grinned Hayes.

    Master Chief Samson gave Hayes a gaze as he was betrayed by his friend. “Thanks a lot, Alphonse,” Samson began before he turned his attention back to Jei. “We have received your request but would like to know why you wouldn’t rather move to an officer’s quarters. We have some vacancies on Deck 5.”

    “I can give you several, Master Chief. First, I like my current quarters. They are near the Medical Center, Betty Kowalski and a few other dear friends are only a few doors away, and I am comfortable here. That last is important per my Counselor helping me with my PTSD,” began Jei.

    Chief Hayes held out his palm toward his friend Samson. “Pay up, Victor. I told you…”

    “Second, the oxygen level on Deck 5 is too thin. Lastly, I just need a replicator update and some child-proofing to panels, sockets, and various edges,” explained Jei.

    Samson slapped the veteran security chief’s hand away without even looking at it. “Understood, ma’am. I’ll take care of this request myself, if that is ok with you,” stated Master Chief Samson.

    “Thank you, Master Chief Samson,” Jei then turned her gaze at Chief Hayes as she beamed a friendly smile. “Alphonse, it is good to see you. Have a seat and I’ll get you some tea. We have much to catch-up on and talk about.”

    Master Chief Samson pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

    Jei caught Samson and flashed him a bright smile. “Oh, Master Chief… when you see my friend Victor, please tell him that he is welcome to join Alphonse and I. I’m making him his favorite tea. Chamomile, organic authentic. Not the replicator brand.”

    Master Chief Victor Samson sighed and his shoulders sagged in mock defeat. “Well, he can’t pass that up. I’ll be sure to be… er… well, he will be here before you can say Confidens Consiliums.

    Jei and Hayes both exchanged glances and chuckled at Samson.

    “Have a seat, Victor, and make yourself comfortable. I can use some of your wisdom as well with things.”
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    USS Ares
    Deck 2, van Hulftoids Quarters

    (just after Terrorist broadcast)

    Even though he’d been told that they’d deploy for the rescue mission at 04:30 Schrit knew as soon as he’d heard the transmission from the terrorists, with their threats and demands, that the mission was now set to go the moment they had a location for either the weapons or the CDO. It had prompted him to suit up, pick up the dufflebag with his gear (that he had checked, cleaned and tested after removing it from the storage locker), and all but ran through the corridors of the ship to get to his quarters as fast as he could. He’d even considered requesting a site to site transport for a moment, fearing he wouldn’t have the opportunity to talk to his son before he’d be called upon to report to the shuttle for immediate departure.

    Schrit walked into their quarters with his head swiveling quickly scanning for his son. Danre was sitting at the living room computer console, tapping away at the keys entering commands. The look on Danre’s face as he recognized the gear his father was carrying and the armor he wore ripped out a part of his heart. Schrit knew that Danre knew what was going on, at least in a broad sense. Danre knew his father had been assigned to take part in a SpecOp.

    During all of the time he and his father had lived together on UP, Schrit had been on several missions that had prohibited him from telling Danre exactly what he’d be doing and where he’d been going but those were when Danre had been to young to completely realize anything more than “Dad will be back after 2 nights sleep”. And truth be told the missions Schrit had gone on were nothing more than extended mid range test flights. This was very very different, and both of them hadn’t thought of how to handle the moments of saying goodbye.

    “Danre, I just came by to…” he began to say when he sat across from his son at the desk with the living room computer console on it. Danre interrupted him. “You don’t have to say anything dad. You’re going on a secret squirrel CSAR and came to say goodbye.” he said with a sigh, and a sad expression. “You were going to reassure me that there’s nothing to worry about, that it’s going to be a walk in the park and everything is going to be alright.” he added. He then lifted his head up to look Schrit straight in the eyes. “Don’t. Don’t say any of that, and don’t make any promises. Just come back okay?” he told his father, fighting back the tears that were threatening to burst free.

    Schrit got up, walked around the desk and dropped to his knees. He then grabbed his son in his arms and hugged him so tight Danre thought his head was going to pop like a zit. After 10 seconds of tight hugging Schrit whispered “I love you son.” and let Danre go, looked him in the eye and nodded. He made a promise to himself to have a long talk with his son when he got back, and determined to find out how the heck his son got this wise and adult this fast. He wasn’t supposed to be this smart, he was supposed to be Schrit’s little boy.

    After looking into his son’s eyes for a few moments longer, saying more in silence than words would’ve ever been able to, he broke the gaze and sighed. Then he got up, slung his duffle bag over his shoulder and headed out of his quarters without looking back.

    As soon as the doors to his quarters swooshed shut he forced his mind into hoorah mode, as he’d come to think of it, and locked away all thoughts of his son, including the nagging sense that there was something wrong with what had just happened between him and Danre. He couldn’t afford to have distracting thoughts from that point on. He’d been ordered to be part of a mission to search for, and rescue, a member of the Ares’s crew, and as of that moment that mission was Schrit’s sole purpose of being. Fleetingly, in the periphery of his conscious thoughts he noted how comforting and familiar it felt to slip into the old Marine combat ready mindset.

    “Shuttle bay 1” he ordered as he stepped inside the turbo lift, ready for whatever the near future would throw at him. Just like the old days.
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    A Joint post by WelshAvenger and Josh Broughm

    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Bridge

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    Akyv stepped into the lift and leaned against the wall, tears falling down her cheek. The CMO followed closely behind. "I knew stuff like this would be possible, but I never knew it'd hurt like this." She said, her voice quivering slightly.

    "I'm sorry Akyv," Christopher said, "let's go to the office and have some drinks."

    She nodded and they both walked to the sickbay. When they went into Cushing's office, Akyv sat down on the couch. "You want to hear a just fun story about my father?" she asked.

    Christopher brought a glass of cherry soda for Akyv, "Sure."

    She took the glass of soda and took a drink. Akyv made a slight face as the sensation of tinging coated her mouth & a pleasant sweetness played with her taste buds. "I was about seven years old when Dad was kidnapped," She said, "Taken by a group counter-establishment asswipes that wanted to see nothing but chaos. Starfleet thought they hauled him off planet, but a group of Andorian expeditionists found him & one other in a cave not too far from the capital. Apparently, they left him there to die."

    Christopher's brow wrinkled, "That must have been an exceptionally difficult time for you and your mother and now to face a similar situation."

    She took another sip. The drink calmed her nerves as Akyv leaned back and let out a long breath. "A hard life for a diplomat's wife, eh?" She said.

    "Tell me Akyv, did Sam's intelligence files have anything on the captain?" Christopher asked.

    "I don't think I ever looked," Akyv said, "at her intel files. I'm not one to be nosey." She took a drink of the fizzy drink.

    Christopher smiled, "Because if I were in your position, I'd have sneaked a look. What I'm getting at is if you saw her service record?"

    Akyv nodded, saying, "I didn't, but I'm getting a vibe that some serious stuff happened to her."

    "Did you know that she lost her ship and ninety five percent of her crew at Wolf 359? The USS Snowdonia, one of the first Intrepid class ships." Christopher began. "That's a hard thing for someone to come back from but she did it. She got another ship soon after, and here's my point, she hasn't left anyone behind since."

    "I see." Akyv said, leaning forward. The words that Christopher said absorbed into her as she considered them. "But she's lost crew since then, right?"

    "Sure, she's lost crew members to enemy action and accidents but she has never left anyone in the hands of an enemy." Christopher explained.

    Akyv downed the rest of her drink. "I trust her, even though she was with Sam at one point."

    "Now, I realise that I'm a simple doctor and hardly know anything about ship tactics, but something tells me that she's going to make those lunatic Bajorans regret having a ship named after a god of war in their system." Christopher said, an edge in his voice.

    "That," Akyv said, smiling a bit, "I know all too well. We should get Sickbay ready."

    Christopher nodded, "We'll take care of him when he gets back, don't worry."

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    USS Ares
    Deck 1 – Bridge

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    =/\= Pre-stage flux terminal, Port. Enabled. Pre-stage flux terminal, Starboard. Enabled. Intercooler status..Standby. Primary plasma conduits, ready. Impulse engines, Ready. RCS settings, nominal. Warp Core, initialising..=/\=

    Mariella sat listening to the pre-flight checklist as each system was brought to readiness and checked. She signed the almost never-ending series of PADDs as they were brought to her, casually skimming each one for key information. One such PADD contained a note from Lt Nog, the DS9 Chief Engineer overseeing the refit of the Ares. She didn't know how he'd done it but he'd managed to install eighty percent of the ships upgraded sensor palettes.

    After what seemed like an eternity, indicators on Mariella's panel showed that the warp core was online.

    "Ops, cut the power feed from DS9, seal all hatches and clear all moorings." Mariella ordered.

    Lt. Elia at the Ops station quickly reported back, "Now on internal power, all hatches sealed and moorings clear, Captain."

    "Very well, contact DS9 and request permission to get underway. Helm, thrusters at station keeping."

    "DS9 reports we are cleared to depart, heading is Captain's discretion." said Lt. Elia.

    "Thank you, Lieutenant. Helm, one half impulse, heading 225 mark 177 then set course for Bajor four and park us in the shadow of the second moon."

    Mariella felt so much better now that she could feel the thrum of the engines through her boots. The constant hum of ship's systems soothed her nerves and she felt herself relaxing into her chair. "Tactical, I want to know if anything moves near the wormhole or if there are unregistered or sketchy looking ships in system."

    Lieutenant Frost at tactical frowned, "Define sketchy?"

    Mariella turned to face him, "Well, anything with an enormous Silithium Lance attached to the hull would be a start."

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