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“A Well-Timed Manner Of Fire” POV of "The Rescue" by Ragnrock

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RagnrockS7G, Mon 17 May, 2021 7:24 AM
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    “A Well-Timed Manner Of Fire”

    The Federation's Jupiter Class Carrier, U.S.S. Freya was sent out into a dark nebula next to dark space due to the unknown anomalies and potential dangers that could be lurking around the areas, The Freya and her crew would be sent out by order of the high command on a mapping and assessment mission in hopes to find safer routes for all manner of ships to travel and remove any dangers if any would be found as not every other ship was well equipped and armed such as the Freya or any other Federation vessel.

    A few days had gone by as the slow-going of the mission would be felt by the crew but mostly on the restless Captain. "Please for the love of the gods, Say you have something interesting that is not a rock's or a gas pocket Nessy.." he asked, looking over at his Science officer as he stood up walking around the bridge for the fourth time that hour, As his number one sat looking at her console reading ship reports that had been requested and replying to them with updated orders. "Captain, you're going to wear the deck plate out with your restless walking.." she stated as she continued to work but fully knowing the look the Captain would give her without even having to look at him as they had worked together for some years now, He continued to walk checking on each console trying to remain busy but also aim to take some of the strain off his crew by engaging with them.

    The Trill female Science office would raise an eyebrow as she looked at her console after hearing the captain call on her, the screen would continue to give readings after readings showing amazing new information in its readouts that had not been discovered by any federation ship before them, Which to her was exciting and why she joined the fleet, The problem was it was all about rocks and as the captain put it "Gas pockets" She would look for a moment and think about the answer she was about to give to the captain knowing he was already frustrated by their mission. "Well...there...are..stuff out there sir.." Levu was trying to find a way to accomplish her task but not to vex the Captain at the same time when a new ping had popped up showing unusual readings of radiation patterns, and Antiproton weapons Signature That would already be fading fast and another unknown object floating giving her smile as it had saved her some headache. “Sir, I have something odd..” She would start to elaborate as the Captain would head over to her console to look over the readings along with her “it looks like weapon fire from Antiproton based weapons along with Fluidic Antiproton weapons..?” Without warning or hesitation, Ragnrock would bark the order for Red Alert causing the bridge to come alive and the crew now moving at a pace with fierce purpose as they had done over many times and it would clearly show, thou to a few of the other crew members such as Levu, Liasseh, Tawnya and Ayersheasy who was new to the crew a sense of panic along with uncertainty would be found for a moment before the XO Borg Female would stand and reinforce there Will with Orders “You all know what you are doing, you have trained for this moment every day each one of you has your role to play out of the three thousand crew members on this vessel, Now let's do this right.” She concluded as she sat down watching the Captain walk over to the new Wing Pilot Coordinator as she looked kind of lost and unsure as she had completed simulations but never done this with life in her hands “Batcher why the hell are my hammerheads and whiplashes out yet?!” he barked, causing the young commander to jump in her seat a bit as she looked even more confused “Umm Hammerheads and whiplashes sir?...” as she asked the question the captain realized that she was the new commander that was assigned as the Wing Coordinator, he would point the screen showing the stats of the two elite Callisto Light Escorts and six elite Peregrine Fighters as she looked it would click for her allowing her training to kick in bringing her out of the stat of been panicked and confused into more a ready and alert as she would have the who wings deployed, the captain would return to his seat with a stern look on his face as would have a bad feeling.

    The XO would maintain a careful watch on everyone’s movement and logs coming into her console before she realized could feel the Energy of the Captain, there were only a few times that he had been this coiled, With a hushed tone, she would ask him “Aeek'h'i 'hh going innaehv daise'enarrain? “ he would look at her with the of look he known what was going but he did not wanna alarm any of the crew at that moment “Huhchhe 8472” he softly replied before been interrupted by Commander Batcher “Sir Hammerheads and Whiplashes are deployed i’ve got Whiplash on CAG and Hammerheads are tracking the Energy signature half a Kilometer out ahead” Ragnrock would nod in response to the Commander Information before standing up and walking over to Communications “Do me a favor and try raise Captain Emmy on the USS Vengeance ASAP” He would wait as Commander Capes would try to complete the request that he was given trying all the ways on and off the grid he would know about as the ship would continue to follow the Escorts thought the dense nebula until the two escorts a reached the end of the nebula where they would find the dreadnought under attack by the undine fleet radioing back to the Freya that they had found the ship and that it was been hit hard by the enemy fleet, Soon the carrier would follow up behind the Callisto along with the fighters getting ready in formations ready to ambush on the Captain's order as they had done a hundred times before with a very high success rate, The Freya’s crew would be a battle condition beta witch was known as ready for possible contact but now the captain would move to the middle of the bridge knowing what his plan was he would soon press his badge taking all coms to him. “Crew of the Freya, This your Captain, it seems the Undien have decided to pick a fight with the Vengeance our beloved sister ship and are laying it on thick on them I won't lie she in a bad spot right now so we will step in and support Captain Emmy and her crew as they have done in the past for us. GO to Battle Condition Alpha and get ready for Maneuver Side Shadow”

    The captain would return to his chair as the ship's crew would ready itself for combat ensuring all systems were ready as power was shunted from auxiliary into weapons, engines, and shields. “Mr.Mvuk'Mal I want a full Torpedo Spread mark three is you will and Mr. Denapoli you may Fire at Will as you see fit, Captain we are ready.” The view screen would flicker for a moment before it would display captain Emmy as her ship was under siege by the undine receiving extreme levels of damage and explosion all around the bridge. The captain would smile at Emmy as she would ask politely “Do you mind us giving us a helping hand?” The captain would smile giving a gesture to helm to get a move on and engage the enemy “Sorry for my manners, Emmy, we better shoot first and talk later, when these sons of bitches are torn into shreds” he said before cutting off the transmission as the Freya would push forwards at high speed as the captain would shunt an extra 25% to the forward shields as the Freya would Emerge out of the nebula without warning into the unsuspecting Undian ship as the ships omi-beam phaser would fire at each target in range continuously along with an unlucky undine destroyer been in the way of the Freya that would rip thou it like the ship was just made from paper allowing the Freya to continue to push forward followed by the deployed wings also firing at any targets in strike formations to do maximum damage as they skillfully would doge and continue to keep moving in and out of formation in order to carry on delivering maximum damage.

    The Freya would fly above the Vengeance and hold its position, on the Freya bridge the crew would be shooting tactic callouts and comes to one another as the ship would weather the attack from the enemy, “Mr. Fairman reinforce the shields when they drop below 35%, Five Of Ten lets Transfer Shield Strength over to the Vengeance if possible it might help them a bit” As ten more minutes would go by it was clear that the undine fleet was no match for the combined firepower and tactics of the two Federation's Vessels along with the strike wings that would chase any stragglers down and eliminate them before been recalled back to the Freya.
    “XO have the wings checked and send the second wave out I want CAG up and running then get the hammerheads on long rang scans, I don't want a surprise if the 8274 come back for another round, I'm going to take damage control teams over to the Vengeance” The captain ordered as he would make his way down to the transporter rooms meeting the Engineering teams as they would be ready to beam over on the captains go, Ragnrock would give the nod as they would be Energized and appear on the bridge of the Vengeance where there was a heavy amount of casualties and damage as the teams would move into action working to help those in need and repair any critical damage parts of the ship to stabilize it. Ragnrock would start to approach the injured captain of the Vengeance calling out to her “Emmy? You okay?” as he would kneel down to her she would reply with “Well, let's leave it that way...It could have been worse.” Ragnrock would hold Emmy knowing she would try and get up but she was clearly Injured from the attack “Hold it right there. I was asking if you are alright and not the ship. The Vengeance can be easily repaired, yet completely new build if necessary. You in the other can't. I don't care about what happens to your ship, I never really have. But I do care about what happens to you. We've known each other since Starfleet Academy” says Ragnrock calmly while giving Emmy a hug and continuing to help her up. “Let's get you to med-bay.” Emmy smiles at her best friend for a long time. “Thank you. For always having my back.” Ragnrock would help Emmy to the Vengeance med bay as he smiled at her “That's what friends are for, right? And don't worry, I know, I can count on you, too.” Ragnrock could see that Emmy felt happy. Knowing Her ship is gonna be okay after some major repairs though, her crew would survive, Ragnrock made it a point to always try to be there and always will be the one person who she or anyone else can rely on any time.

    “There are friends, there is family, and there are friends that become family” ~ Captain Emmy

    **I did receive permission from Emmy to use her character and story**

    Writer Side-notes
    Check out Emmy's Profile
    Find the original story by Emmy from [Ended] - Short Story Competition.

    This some of the resources used in the storyline

    "What is going on captain?"
    "Aeek'h'i 'hh going innaehv daise'enarrain?"

    "species 8472"
    "Huhchhe 8472"

    Some of the wording used and the meaning
    CAG: Continuous Area Guard
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    Lovely story, Rag! Thank you so much, my dear friend 😊😇
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    Lovely story, Rag! Thank you so much, my dear friend 😊😇
    Thank you, I don't write often but I'm glad you like it lol
    I also forgot to add this, it is my crew list so you can see who is who on the ship and in the story. Name:  crew list.jpg
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    Nice story Rag! I'm still very much getting used to your form thought. Getting better used to it more and more but it feels still odd. Might be because i'm not native English, but i think it's the first time i've known anyone to use would in the past tense like that. But the more i read it, the more used to it i get. Big Grin
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