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    A JP by Kiflin and Silynn
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 14 - Aft Shuttle Hangar Bay

    Hayes commbadge chirped and he tapped it. =^=Chief Hayes, go ahead=^=

    =^=Hey Chief, just want to relay that Ensign Verce will be down to the hangar deck soon.=^= reported the Duty officer.

    =^=Acknowledged, Lieutenant. Flight Control reviewed and approved our flight plan to DS9?=^= inquired Hayes.

    =^=They have, Chief. Once they did, I contacted Ensign Verce. Have a safe trip, our shipmates deserved at least that for their voyage home. Sudak out.=^=

    A hangar Chief came up to the group. “Master Chief, we finished prepping your shuttle for the ‘Final Escort’ mission,” the Hangar chief then stood at attention. “ATTENTION ON DECK!”

    All crew in the hangar bay stopped what they were doing and stood at attention facing the two caskets and honor guard party.

    “By your orders, Master Chief,” stated the Hangar Chief.

    The security Master Chief turned to his two man honor guard with precision and crispness defitting a proper military ceremony. “Chief Nakamura, Petty Officer Kowalski. Let’s see to our fallen shipmates and get them aboard,” ordered Hayes.

    The Hangar Chief waved his arm and a dozen enlisted crewmen came running over. They split up with six crewmen to a casket, three to a side.

    “Honor Guard, forward,” instructed Petty Officer Martin Kowalski as he guided the crewman attending to Lieutenant King’s casket.

    Jei stood at attention and saluted the flag draped casket of Lieutenant King as Kowalski and his pallbearers moved forward toward the shuttle loading ramp. The sound of a bell ringing echoed within the hangar. Signaling Lieutenant King’s departure from the deck of the ARES to the shuttle craft.

    “Honor Guard…” called out Chief Petty Officer Edward Nakamura as he waved his arm forward. He bit back and swallowed as he felt a surge of emotions as he ordered the crew to lift Commander Christopher Cushing’s casket.

    Eddie had a few good and long chats with the Medical Officer and admired him greatly. Not just because of everything Christopher did for Jei, but for being a man that he could respect deeply. Christopher’s sudden death had not quite settled in until this moment. Escorting Christopher’s casket hit him suddenly and he lost voice, not realizing he had tears.

    As the pallbearers began to move toward the shuttle, Jei wiped her own tears, fighting her urge to move forward to touch Christopher’s casket again. No matter how many times she wished or prayed, Christopher was gone. She felt a presence next to her as a comforting arm wrapped around her shoulder.

    Jei with Hayes watched as the Honor Guard loaded the caskets, two good men whose lives were cut short, aboard the shuttle. Hayes took out a handkerchief and gave it to Jei.

    “Thanks Alphonse,” stated Jei, using his given name for the first time.

    The salty Chief beamed. “That is the first time you used my name.”

    “Christopher always told me that I should use given names of those whom you respect and view as your closest friends. It lets them know where they stand in your heart,” replied Jei as she watched Eddie and Martin thank and dismiss the pallbearers.

    “Well, young lady, I for one never doubted the wisdom of the good doctor. The universe is less of a place without him,” noted Hayes.

    The ceremony completed, the hangar returned to its normal activity and sounds.

    A young man with intelligent and kind eyes came walking up to the Master Chief and Jei.

    "I apologize if I kept you both waiting. This assignment has not yet officially been sent to me... could one of you fill me in?"

    Master Chief Hayes turned and looked at the younger man. “No need to apologize, sir. I realize that this was thrust upon you suddenly. Yet it is an important mission,” began the Master Chief.

    The Master Chief pointed at the shuttle nearby. There both Eddie and Martin were now loading Jei’s modest belongings and the Master Chief’s single bag. “We’re escorting two of our fallen shipmates home. You’re here to pilot the shuttle to DS9. Upon which, you will return back here to the ARES. A simple round trip, but a vital one.”

    Jarroth’s eyebrows raised. It was an honor to assist in sending off the real heroes of Ares. Two officers that had given their lives in service to UFP. Jarroth thanked the Master Chief for the honorable opportunity, and saluted him.

    Jei went in soon after both of the deceased were carried inside. Jarroth waited until the two other men entered shortly after before he stepped up the boarding ramp. Moments later Jarroth guided the nose of the shuttle out the rear of the Sovereign Class Starship.

    Jei sat in silence, as she gazed upon Christopher’s casket. Her thoughts were reflective and reminiscent of the times she spent with her mentor. In many ways, Christopher was almost a father figure or elder brother that she wished she had. He was always thoughtful and mindful of her ideas and needs. Growing up, it had been the opposite.

    Jei sat next to Jarroth making it a bit awkward for Jarroth but he knew he had to make small talk or it would get even more weird. He pressed his lips together and after a couple of seconds he mustered up the courage to speak to the woman sitting next to him.

    “Jei, please tell me about the officers.I would like to know who they were…”

    A question directed at her brought Jei out of her daze. “Oh… um, sorry. I guess I was out of it and didn’t hear the question. That was rude of me,” acknowledge Jei.

    “It’s ok. Considering what you must have experienced. Would you feel more comfortable telling me about yourself?”

    Jei thought for a moment. She didn’t want to be negative or give the newly arrived Ensign a bad impression of the ship and command staff. Yet, she didn’t want to lie either. Omitting facts or sugar-coating those facts would also be a disservice.

    Jei studied Jarroth for a long moment. Seeing if he could handle what she had to say and take it with a grain of salt. Jarroth still had to validate the facts himself, with an open mind.

    “Either I am the jinx or the ship is jinx’d,” began Jei. “From the moment I stepped aboard, as a mere petty officer in engineering assigned to maintenance and repairs until the moment we left, the ARES has had an ill-fated time.”

    “We are on our third Captain in less than two years. We lost our First Officer sometime here as well and many other senior officers for one reason or another. Not a very stable leadership situation with a lot of replacements in a short period,” continued Jei.

    “I see. Was there anything that caused or instigated the changing of hands so frequently? Loss of life due to another battle per say?”

    “Battle? Yes, we have seen a lot of action on the ARES. Not the good kind either. Our first Captain was incapacitated on our maiden voyage encounter with an orion marauder. He was evacuated to DS9 shortly after and our Tactical officer took over as Captain. He did a good job for the most part, but machinations with some Starfleet faction ran its course… and we got our current Captain,” explained Jei.

    Jei put her hand on Christopher’s casket. “And just prior to your arrival, the ARES gets ambushed again, EMP blast or some sort… disabled the ship and forced some to give the ultimate sacrifice, as they tried to save a life,” concluded Jei.

    “You have been through so much.I never imagined that a ship of ARES class would have seen so much loss. Have the assignments been in hot sectors? Maybe I should put in a requisition for immediate Tactical placement?”

    “You should be fine, as I’m no longer aboard or a member of the crew. I was likely the jinx so consider this a new chance at a good start on the ARES,” replied Jei.

    Eddie sat up and looked at Jei. “Don’t say that. You are *not* the jinx.”

    “I would be happy if that were the case… but history of events state otherwise…” countered Jei.

    Eddie was beginning to get worked up, but Martin put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and shook his head. “Let it go, Eddie… Jei has been through a lot. She will bounce back, but don’t force her. She just lost Christopher, her mentor and close friend. Prior to that her husband was killed in an accident outside Sol… now she has to reconnect with her young daughter and raise her as a single mom. Don’t add to her burden, my friend,” whispered Martin.

    Eddie looked across at Master Chief Hayes, who was sitting next to Jei. The Master Chief shook his head as well, silently telling Eddie to let it go and not push the issue with Jei.

    Astonished by what he heard, Jarroth asked inquisitively, “You have a daughter?”

    Jei leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. “Mr. Verce, I do hope your time aboard the ARES is a good and positive one. If you ever need help in Engineering… find Master Chief Samson. Tell him that I said for him to treat you well.”

    “I’ll tell him exactly what you said, Jei”. Jarroth smiled...”Enjoy being with your daughter again.”

    Jei gave Jarroth a small nod. She didn’t know how things would go back on Earth. Since leaving home nearly a decade ago, she hadn’t seen Earth as home. The last time she was there, she never left the orbit of ESD. Now… she was going to. Jei was going to put aside her own issues and do what is best for her daughter. It is what Nathan would have wanted.

    Adjusting the yoke for docking approach, the shuttle banked hard and drifted horizontally to interlock with DS9’s air-lock bay. Jarroth would assist the men in carrying out the fallen heroes this time.
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    JP with LogicalLeopard
    USS Ares
    Bridge - Ready Room

    Attachment 15327
    Mariella & Max continued to chat a little bit. "What sports are you into?" Jones asked. Max said, as he took a sip of water, "I played for the Phoenix in my second year. I think we made it to the Fed Cup finals that year, but ended up getting mauled by the Orions 8-2." Mariella said, "Assuming Soccer?" Max smiled, saying, "Yes ma'am. Got into it when I was a kid. Had some amazing coaches back then. I can thank T'valik for teaching me the basics." Jones had a curious look on her face when she said, "A Vulcan?" Max said, "Yeah. He studied old earth sports. Found 'The Beautiful Game' very elegant & has studied every single World Cup tournament front to back. He knows his stuff." Mariella laughed, saying, "I bet." A chime sounded in the room. "Come!" Jones said.

    Biiqs took a breath and entered the Ready Room, shoulders square and back straight. His official posture lasted all of three seconds as he caught the number of pips on Max's collar. "What an unexpected surprise! Promoted? Congratulations!" He gave Max a good natured slap on the shoulder. "Or, Congratulations, sir, that should be!"

    Max stood up, took the Bolian's hand in congratulation & said, "I never expected it, either. But, here we are."

    "Here we are, indeed! A good place to be..."

    Mariella asked, "Would you like something from the slightly off-kilter replicator?"

    Biiqs jerked his head towards Mariella, slightly startled. In his excitement for Max, he had almost forgotten what he was there to do.

    "Uhm, I'll have a, a Bolian Tonic water, sir." He was already worked up enough. No need for the raktajino. Coming to attention again, he announced. "Lt. Commander Biiqs Tarquin, reporting for duty...allow me to apologize for not reporting to you immediately upon re-boarding. I became...consumed with the work of the department."

    Jones nodded, saying, "Its alright." She got the drink for him & sat down. "I want to go over Hollis' interrogation," Mariella said, "and how 'smoothly' it went. You both think he's telling the truth?" Max leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. "Not a doubt in my mind," he said, "but there is one thing that's bothering me."

    "The fact that it might have come from the very top?" Biiqs chimed in. "I spoke with a contact I have at Starfleet Intelligence. She was able to tell me nothing, of course, but she did say that basically the only one that would have definitive knowledge would be the CinC of Starfleet. Who would have also been the only person capable of approving it."

    "But why? To what purpose? And if it was all legitimate, why not notify starship operating in the area to stay out of it and leave the Renegade alone?" He accepted the tonic water from the Captain with a quiet thank you.

    "Yeah," Max said, "I can't wrap my head around that. If the mission is on the books, then why escape from us? If not...I really don't know what to think." Mariella stood, walk around the desk & sat on the desk. "This is one thing I'll have to do that I ABSLOUTELY will hate doing." Mariella said.

    "Having an awkward conversation with the CinC?" Biiqs inquired.

    "Talk to Albert." Jones said. Storm straightened up a bit, saying, "You know the CinC?" Jones said, simply, "My first assignment was on his last command before he was promoted. Its been....Oh God....twenty-two years since we last talked?"

    Bills caught the bit of tension in her voice. "Did something happen during that assignment that may make things difficult now?"

    "A small argument," Jones said, taking a sip of her coffee, "I think it was over some sort of scientific findings...or something." Max asked, "He did not shunt into the arse-end of space, did you?" Jones smiled and said, "Two months on, he sent me a bottle of raspberry schnapps, as a make good."

    "Ha! Well, if I haven't learned anything at all, I've learned that when humans send each other alcohol, the healing process has begun. Perhaps it won't be so bad," Biiqs remarked, taking a thoughtful sip of his tonic water. "Although, if you want my professional tactical analysis, it'll probably be bad."

    "I won't argue with that!" Jones said, "After this meeting, I'll give him a call & hope he can tell me something about this. Now, can your department handle ship's security as well?"

    "Absolutelyu," Biiqs replied. "I've heard of some ships operating with a split tactical and security department, but I've never really thought that was a good idea from an operational standpoint or a ship's culture standpoint. The chief responsibility of both tactical and security is to ensure the safety of the crew, dealing with internal and external threats. It makes sense that they be connected. Although the officers specialize, any security officer should know how to man a bridge station, and any tactical officer should know how to pick up a phaser. Cross training isnt something that needs to be done excessively, but it helps every now and then to keep everyone fresh. Right now, though, we need a new security chief as Ian Locke and his wife Caroline are expected to be transferring with their new baby. I expect to look from within to make that hiring. Right now, it's not a complicated thing to wear both hats myself - the department is staffed with competent crew which makes it easy "

    "Good," Jones said, "I hate outsourcing. You will assume Chief of Security duties as well. I don't think it will be any more additional work for your team."

    Biiqs nodded, "Yes, sir. And I sincerely hope we wont have any more additional work of the type which has occurred lately."

    "Ok," Mariella said, "you both are dismissed. There's an unhappy duty i have to perform as well." Pointing to the PADD that had Ensign Han's transfer confirmation. "Max, you have watch until 1330 hrs. I'll relieve you then." Max stood, nodded, then headed to the bridge.

    "Aye, sir." Biiqs glanced at the padd without attempting to read, figuring that she was speaking about letters to relatives of dead crewmen or her conversation with the CinC. He placed his empty glass on the replicator return and left the room.

    She sat back at her desk, let out a slow breath & said, "Computer, open subspace channel to StarFleet Command, directed to Commander-in-chief." Might as well pull off the bandage. She thought.
    Attachment 15327
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    Attachment 15327

    Mariella was enjoying some music, while reading a book. It was a bit of a long day for her, as she had to talk to the C-in-C about Hollis' testimony. She got precicely nowhere and was ordered to transfer Hollis over to the USS Mont-Baton for transport to a holding facility. This got her a bit annoyed and she ended up snapping at several officers over small things. Telling Max that she will be taking the rest of the day off, Jones headed off to her quarters, replicated a coffee and thumbed through her personal music collection. She then grabbed her book, got on the couch and started to read.

    About an hour in, a beep from the computer sounded. She sighed aloud and went to the desk, with her coffee. Sitting down, she opened her console and saw she got a transmission from Starfleet Command.

    - This is Captain Jones.

    The Image of a gruff looking senior appeared. He did not look pleased.

    - Captain, I'm rear Admiral McKinley, from officer relations.
    - Officer relations?
    - Yeah. We just received the request for Mr. Storm's promotion. Unfortunately, everyone's hopping mad about the Renegade incident. I hate to say this, but I'm going to have to decline his promotion approval.

    Jones' expression went from passively confused to downright furious.

    - What in God's name do you mean by this load of horse crap?!
    - Captain, I advise you to watch your tone with me.

    Mariella cursed. She was visibly angry.

    - Let me ask you something, Danny. Why is are you denying his promotion?

    McKinley shifted his position, looking to grab a PADD from somewhere. He took a moment to read through.

    - Look, this isn't my choice. Command saw the entire family as a big security risk. Admiral Storm lost his security clearance JUST this morning and Arianna been placed on forced administrative leave. It doesn't help that Max hasn't got enough real-world experience to be considered for an exec. position. I'm sorry.

    Jones, now standing up, is pacing around her room.

    - Is there some compromise that we can make here? That doesn't utterly screw Max?
    - I'll see what I can do. It might not be much, but I'll be damned if a young officer's career is shot down JUST by the indiscretions of a family member.

    The comms closed. Jones was so amped with anger, they could hook the ship to her and power it for three days.
    =^= Jones to Storm, come to my quarters immediately. We have a problem. =^=

    Attachment 15327
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Thu 23 Sep, 2021 6:58 PM.
    USS ARES Shuttle
    In Transit

    Both Honor Guardsmen conversated amongst each other while Jarroth sat in silence at the pilot controls. Having completed his first task aboard the USS Ares, Jarroth squinted his eyes as he thought about Officer Lei's comments.

    “Either I am the jinx or the ship is jinx’d,” began Jei. “From the moment I stepped aboard, as a mere petty officer in engineering assigned to maintenance and repairs until the moment we left, the ARES has had an ill-fated time.”
    Jarroth had no beliefs in superstitions. He didn't place any faith in any predefined fate simply because of your relationship with inorganic matter. However, he did believe that each ship had sort of it's own personality. And depending on how you treated it, the ship in time because of your collective actions or inactions could decide to strike back. Jarroth faught himself from chuckling... he didn't want to seem disrepectful to the guardsmen who had performed their duties admirably.

    Instead, he decided that it would be best to get his hands on a full report of what happened during the months before he came on board. Adjusting the helm he continued to surmise that such information he could partially piecemeal together from the damage taken, but he would only have a partial story.

    “You should be fine, as I’m no longer aboard or a member of the crew. I was likely the jinx so consider this a new chance at a good start on the ARES,” replied Jei.
    Now this really perplexed Jarroth. Why in the hell would anyone not want to remain aboard Ares? Given it's firepower and mystique, to fathom anyone desiring to leave didn't make any sense. Perhaps her loss was just too great? Maybe she just needed to be with her daughter? All of the records that Jarroth had researched prior to coming on board of Ares showed all Bridge Officers to be exceptional in all merit and experience. Yet a member had terminated her service without hesitation.

    Shaking his head, Jarroth decided not to give it anymore thought. Jei was gone, and although he had only met her briefly her absence bothered him simply because he didn't fully understand it's cause. The viewscreen now showed the rear of the ARES. Jarroth adjusted his heading and speed to appropriate levels and told the two Guardsmen aboard to prepare for landing.

    Jei leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. “Mr. Verce, I do hope your time aboard the ARES is a good and positive one. If you ever need help in Engineering… find Master Chief Samson. Tell him that I said for him to treat you well.”
    His thoughts drifted again as he remembered to contact Master Chief Samson. He composed himself quickly while he still continued to think about her words. He would make sure to contact this... Chief Samson. As the Shuttle lowered inside of Ares Jarroth's thoughts snapped back into focus. He remembered the work that still needed to take place!

    Personal Log, Ensign Verce' - En route to Shuttle Bay 2 Landing Bay
    FAB spacer small

    Current Primary Orders
    Scan/Repair All Aft Defense Systems
    Torpedo Launchers


    Assessment of Repair Locations
    DECKS 16, 18, 22, 23, 24
    D17 Main Deflector Emitter & Generator, Torpedo Launch & Magazine Bay
    D16 Primary Deflector & Emitter, (2)Regenerative Defense Force Field Generator Compartment, Structural Integrity Field Generator
    D18 Primary Deflector Emitter & Generator
    D22 Transporter Transceiver / Regenerative Defense Force Field Generator Bay
    D23 Aft-Ventral Photon Torpedo Launcher & Magazine Compartment
    D24 Fighter Hanger, (10)Parking Bays - Main Level
    He would be lucky if he wasn't sporting a full beard by the time he was done. As he keyed in the sequence to allow the boarding ramp to lower the two Guardsmen were already making their way off the shuttle. Jarroth raised himself up straightened his uniform and strode outside upon the Landing Bay Area. Brandishing his Engineering toolbelt, he figured he would get started early.

    At this point what was early really anyways? His thoughts drifting back one last time to the beautiful woman he briefly met.

    “I’ll tell him exactly what you said, Jei”. Jarroth smiled...”Enjoy being with your daughter again.”
    Shaking his head... He should have thought of something better to say...
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Sun 26 Sep, 2021 11:28 PM.
    USS Ares
    Captain's Quarters

    Attachment 15327

    Max was ovibously very angry about this turn of events. Mariella just rubbed her forehead, thinking about the arguments with her hubsand, Varo, early in their marriage. They were heated. She attempted to calm Max down with some comforting words.

    - Max, they assured me that your career in Starfleet will not be affected. These people have a vested interest in seeing you succeed. Trust me, they are looking at every avenue for you.

    Max huffed. He sat down, hanging his head low. His father nearly ruined his Academy days, now he's nearly ruined his career and took the rest of the family with him. Max raised his head up, now tears streaming down his face. This was the first time he's shown weakness in front of superiors.

    - What do you think will happen?

    Jones held her chin, thinking for a moment. Truthfully, she didn't have any clue. She got up from the desk and opened a cabinet close by. Inside was the bottle of Jack that Sam gifted her when she took command. Mariella cracked the bottle and poured a single glass of whiskey, then passed it to Max.

    - Most likely outcome is that you get transferred to earth, put on adminstrative leave and told to keep you trap closed. Not necessarily good, but it isn't terrible. The other option is you'll get put on another ship to gain experience. I know McKinnley well, he will try his damndest to keep you on this ship. Somehow, I don't see that happening.

    Max graciously accepted the drink, then took a sip. He then wiped his eyes dry. The expression on his face was that of acceptance. He leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes.

    - Whatever will be, let it be.
    Suddenly, the comms beeped. Jones went behind her desk and activated the channel. Admiral Mckinnley's face appeared on her large viewer.

    - Captain, I think I found a solution for Lt. Cmdr. Storm. Is he there with you?
    - I'm here.
    - Great! You be serving as second officer and chief of operations.
    - So I don't have to-
    - Unfortunately, it'll be on another ship.

    Max's spirit sank a bit. A transfer would mean leaving Ares. He just simply nodded.

    - I wouldn't be down, son. A particular captain, whom was your instructor was insistent in taking you on as his 2nd in command and operations officer. Best place to pick some command experience.

    Max looked at Jones, then back to the admiral. He looked confused.
    - Whom are you referring to?
    - Yeah, I'm sort of curious as well.

    The Admiral was looking at a PADD he had on his desk. A smile came across his face.
    - The ship is the USS Radiance, an armament resuppy ship. Her commander is Capt. Wescott.

    Max's jaw slacked. He was shocked at this bit of news. Mariella smiled and leaned back. The Admiral's aide appeared and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and the aide hurried off.
    - Radiance will be at DS9 within three days. Wish I could've kept him with you, Capt. I have to go. McKinnley out.

    The comms closed. Max smiled a bit, then took another gulp of whiskey.
    - Donnie Wescott was the first one who stood up to my dad when he was trying to force me out of the Academy. He's also the one that taught me the subtle art of ship operations. 'Being one with Chaos, he called it. Glad he finally picked up a command gig.
    - He seems like a good guy. Better go pack, I understand you have a lot of stuff.

    Max excused himself, then went back to his quarters.
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    USS Ares

    Schritt's quarters

    Attachment 15327

    Jones just got finished with Max about his promotion. She was slightly buoyed in the fact that something was happening. It put her into a better mood. She wore just a T-shirt and jeans to address this next 'problem'. When she arrived at the Schrit's quarters, Mariella just sighed, then pressed the chime.
    Schrit and Danre both looked up as they heard the chime, then looked at each other. Danre sat at the living room computer console and had been busy noting down every step he had taken the day of the battle as well as preparing an update for the kernel updates he'd done to the Adrestia and the missile guidance control software for days now, as his father had told him to do.

    Schrit's theory was that the more forthcoming and helpful Danre was both in regards to the coding as to the security loopholes he had used to send the message, the more likely it was they'd go easy on Danre with regards to disciplinary measures. Earily enough there had yet to come a summons for Danre to explain himself.
    So when the door chime announced an unexpected visitor both Schrit and Danre's anxiety shot up, half expecting a security team coming to arrest Danre.
    Schrit walked over to the door and keyed the panel to open the door. For the first few moments the fact that the Captain stood in front of Schrit didn't register and he just stared.

    Mariella just nodded, putting her hand up.

    When Schrit's conscious brain realized instead of a security team the opening door revealed the Captain of the ship, instinctive reflex snapped his body into attention.
    - No need to stand at attention. Just here to talk to your son.

    By this time Schrit's brain had cought up, and he stepped aside to allow the Captain in. From the corner of his eyes he noticed Danre had stood up and stood ramrod straight, chin up and chest forward. The kid's expression showing none of the emotions he knew Danre was feeling at that moment

    Jones entered casually, noting some of the décor.

    - You are half Orion, correct?

    "Yes Ma'am, we like to joke we both are, as my Father's half Orion and my mother was Orion. I guess technically it would make me three quarters Orion..." Danre answered before Schrit could.
    Schrit had to suppress a smile as Danre cut himself off, noticing himself he was about to start rambling. As Danre's eyes flashed to Schrit he nodded to let him know he was doing allright.
    Mariella shook her head and laughed a bit. The joys of having children. she thought.

    - I came up to have a little discussion with your son.

    "Of course Captain, can i get you anything from the replicator?" Schrit answered walking towards the replicator slot.
    Mariella shook her head, declining the offer. She then sat next to Danrae, leaning forward.

    - Where did you get all this information? I mean, even the best intelligence officers had months and months of work to get even a sliver of information like this.

    Danre swallowed and took a moments to consider the question. Or to be more precise the answer. Because the answer's composition from several completely unrelated sides, and he had no idea what level of understanding the Captain had in fields like coding, big-data, algorithms, he wanted to make sure that his answer was complete, accurate, not self-incriminating and comprehensible. Just as the moment of silence began to become ackward, Danre took a deep breath and looked the Captain straight in the eye.

    "To answer that question there is a lot that i will need to explain, and some of those things might seem irrelevant at first, but are vital to get the complete picture. For that reason i would like to ask you to allow me to finish my explanation uninterrupted. If there is anything unclear at that point i will gladly answer any question you might have." Danre asked.

    The bluntness and directness with which Danre had spoken the question belied the nervousness, anxiety and insecurity Danre was trying to keep under control inside. The fact he was having a conversation with the Captain in and of itself was enough to feel nervous about, let alone the topic of the conversation.

    - No need to be nervous. I'm not going to eat you for dinner.

    Schrit as well as Danre released a relieved breath they hadn't realized they were holding. Schrit decided to get two glasses of cold water from the replicator, one of which he placed before Danre and one of which he placed infront of the Captain, before proceeding to sit down himself.

    "Thank you Captain. The answer, as most things in our reality, an endpoint if you will, of a string of causality. Cause and effect. One thing leads to the next. The string in this case began when my father came to say goodbye before he left, in his marine gear instead of a flightsuit" Danre began, with the intent to work in his frustration about the lack of information and lack of attention he had come up against. Seeing the light tensioning of the Captain's eyes though made him decide otherwise and
    "I think its better to stick to the how part of the explanation and leave the why part for another time"
    Danre took a sip of the water and then began to speak in a way that Schrit recognized all too wel. It was the same way he spoke when briefing a wing, or squadron before a mission. How he had addressed his men back in the Marines and how most scholars gave lectures. He just hoped the Captain wouldn't perceive it as patronizing.

    "The short answer Captain to "How did i get the information" is that most of the information you're probably referring to was and is already out there, in the immessurable amounts of archived data that the Federation has access to, generated by everyone in the United Federation of Planets and gathered from beyond the Federation." Danre said.

    - So, all of this is out there in the wild?

    "Yes captain, you are right of course, but you're thinking of information. I am speaking of data. Data only becomes information if it is usefull to someone. I mean data. Data that once was considered worthy of registering and collecting but isn't being used at this point. That data, being archived data, is more often than not publicly available through the Subspace Inter Federation information network." Danre replied, giving the Captain a moment to digest the difference.

    Then came the bit in his explanation he hoped wouldn't test the patience of the Captain. A history lesson of sorts.
    "The advancements made in the late 21st century and the first decades of the 22nd in computer data storage technology, processing power, and other related fields gave us near limitless data storage capacity, the processing power gave added the capability to run almost limitless processes and threads simultaneously that stored, retrieved or processed data from or to that limitless storage and the network technology gave us more bandwidth than we could possibly use." Danre told his audience of two, getting into that "Sweetwater" flow he got into when his thoughts synchronized with his mouth.

    He was told more than once that when he got into that flow he could give Neil DeGrasse Tyson a run for his money.

    - How is this all relevant?

    "Yes Captain, i was about to come to the part where this is relevant to the events on that day." Danre replied, trying not to let the Captain's admonishing take him out of the flow.

    He went on with his explanation after another sip from the water.
    "Sensor technology had of course also improved, in the sense that there was more and more data that could be obtained from sensors. This lead to the situation that persists to this day that sensors often register more data than they're required to do by their purpose and intended use"
    As he spoke Danre had begun to use his father's expression as a guide, to determine how clear and understandable what he was saying was. His father's expression at that point told him an example of what the point he was trying to make was needed.

    "For example the sensors that we use to tell us the density and strength of the deflector grid that protects us from particles to meteors and from electrical discharges to disruptor fire use technology with which one can also detect and measure particle density in surrounding space, but also the polarity and strength of those same particles. With no modification, the same sensors can tell us the speed and direction of particle clouds." Danre told the two Starfleet officers, seeing the understanding rising in his father's face.

    "And because the storage capacity, processing capabilities and speeds are no longer a consideration sensors collect the data they're capable of regardless if it is used or not. Unused data streams are directed to massive data archives which are then indexed, stored and forgotten." he finished, the prerequisite knowledge and facts covered.

    He decided not to wait for comments and questions and plough straight on.
    "Now to come to the specific bits of data that essentially was the key to revealing the threat, the enemy ship, on that day. You see, among the data being archived on the Ares, and most other Starfleet vessels, was the recorded detection of the 1.14 Pauling with which some electron particle clouds were being attracted, to something."

    Marriella nodded, letting the words sit in her head.

    "Yes Captain, but we know that because we have the data and information combined and in hindsight. At that point that wasm't the case. In its own that data is useless data and i thing that nothing or no one would ever be able to imagine a situation in which that kind of data could be useful.
    But one of the lessons i learned during intelligence training was that connecting data together creates information. For instance the physics and quantum physics knowledge base contains the Pauling strength of all known substances. It also contains the information about where or in what conditions those substances are known to exist, as well as the different properties of the substances and the possible uses of the substances."

    - Intelligence training? I did not know Starfleet Intelligence trained kids to do this type of work.

    Schrit felt compelled to respond to that saying "Danre was taking extracurricular training, classes and courses before he had an actual curriculum to go extra of. There was a small incident with security when we first arrived on the Ares, which sparked an interest in Danre to learn al he could about Intelligence, counter intelligence, covert operations. He followed DITL's recorded classes, studied the literature and, would he have been eligible to take the real exam, passed the test with only 2 errors." Schrit said, unconsciously sitting a bit straighter from pride in his son.
    Jones looked at Schritt, then back to Danrae.

    - I see. I got that report a bit ago. Kids being kids. You can begin, Danrae.

    "Of course. If at any point you feel you know enough than don't hesitate to stop me" Danre replied with a forced smile.
    Of course he could have explained quicker, but not if he wanted to keep as much of the information sources he was not exactly authorized to access out of the explanation. He was even hoping the whole prio message he'd managed to send to get through to the Bridge would be forgotten if he kept the attention away from that particular part of the things he had done that day.
    "As you probably know, an alogrythm can take different facts from all those data sources and cross reference them and then perform dataconsistency checks to validate each bit of data against the other bits of data." He said, kind of questioningly.

    - I'm aware.

    "One of those checks came up with the anomaly that there is only one substance known to us that has a 1.14 Pauling attraction to electrons, Neodynium. That is a rare Earth element. Centuries ago the term was used to indicate a substance that was rare on Earth but abundant in the universe. These days that term means a substance that is rare, because it is only known to exist on Earth. Our location being nowhere near Earth the detection of electron particle clouds being attracted to something with 1.14 Pauling is an inconsistancy that triggered a notification on my computer screen"
    Danre looked expectantly to the Captain, hoping to get her to go with him in this train of thought.

    Mariella stopped Danrae from going on. This kid knows more stuff than Wesley Crusher!
    - Can you parse all this information into a report? I feel like My brain is going to explode.

    Schrit face looked at Danre with an "I told you so" expression which made Danre smile as he replied;
    "I have already done so. I am finishing it right now, just adding the index and the source references before you came in Captain. You'll have it within the hour. At least... if my messages aren't bounced back like before. It's rather cumbersome to have to go through all the trouble getting a message to you the last t...."
    Danre only realized at that point that mentioning the seemingly forgotten Priority message he'd sent needed some less than authorized authorizations and mentioning it might be unwise. Danre glanced at his father and read his expression to say "You goofed!"

    Jones nodded sagely, letting the words sync in. She had to choose her next words carefully.

    "Captain, i know Danre breached some security regulations, and did some other things that in other circumstances require disciplinary measures. Danre knows this too, and understands he can never do such things again without being punished." Schrit said, feeling uncomfortable with the vibe he was getting from the Captain.
    He felt he needed to plead Danre's case a bit more.

    "But i would like to ask you to consider that even though he broke rules, encryptions and protective security systems, we would all be dead now if he had not." Schrit said, adding "Sir!" a bit to late.

    Jones then let out a breath. She was clearly impressed. She grabbed a small box from her back pocket, placing it on the table next to Danrae's console.
    - I sent a request to command to get your son some security clearances, but, there's a catch.

    It was with great effort that Schrit managed to keep the perplexes he felt out of his expression, and ignore the smile on his son's face that was juuuust a little bit to smug to Schrit's taste.

    Jones smiled. She knew, full well, that the ship had an incredible asset in Danrae. She then opened the box to reveal a small commbadge.

    "What's the catch Captain?" Schrit asked, while Danre hesitantly reached for the commbadge.
    - The catch is that your son takes the Starfleet Academy entrance exam when he is old enough. I think he could do great things in Starfleet
    Danre pulled back his hand hearing that. After a moment he looked from his dad to the Captain and back, and then nodded as if coming to a decision.
    "Alright Captain, i accept your condition. I pledge myself to Starfleet, and i will become the best asset i can be in the service of the Federation" Danre said solemnly.
    Schrit couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped from him, despite Schrit knew that Danre had in fact thought it through, weighed his options and after deciding would from now on dedicate himself to learning anything and everything there was to learn about Starfleet and could help in becoming an officer.

    Mariella nodded and stood up, approaching Schritt.
    - I'm also giving you a commendation. The both of you did well in this situation.

    Schrit couldn't help but straighten up and salute the Captain, saying;
    "Thank you Ma'am, but unnecessary. I know i speak for my son as well when i say we were just trying to do what we always try to do: the right thing, as best we can."

    Mariella nodded, and exited. That was one fire that had to be taken care off. Now it was time to assign a new Executive.
    =^=Jones to Tarquin. Do you mind taking a swing by my quarters?=^=
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    A Joint Post by Kiflin and LogicalLeopard

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 - Biiqs' Office

    Biiqs leaned back in his chair, shifting his vision from a handheld copy of the transfer orders for Hollis, and a holographic star map hovering a few inches over his desk. The orders instructed that Hollis be remanded to the USS Mont Baton as soon as possible. The problem was, the Mont Baton was currently en route to Starbase 375 with Ferengi dignitaries for an important conference on commerce in the Cardassian sector. The captain of the Mont Baton was loathe to divert directly to DS9, and as the Ares was still being repaired......

    Biiqs grumbled, and activated the desk's communication system. "Tarquin to Shuttlebay One. I'm going to need a Type 11 shuttle prepped and ready for launch as soon as possible."

    An overworked looking Chief appeared on the screen. "Can't get more prepped and ready for launch than the shuttle that just landed, sir. Ensign Verce just walked off"

    "Verce? Excellent, let me speak to him.

    The Chief yelled towards Jarroth and then motioned him to come and pick up the communication device. Jarroth double timed it, and answered quickly. "This is Ensign Verce, how can I be of assistance Sir?"

    "Ah, Ensign Verce. I'm sorry to ask this, but there's an urgent need. I need you to get the shuttle ready to take off again. We have a prisoner transfer."

    "Let me guess, I'm your man?"

    "Yes, you guessed it. And with such a high profile transfer, you know the potential for external security issues are high. Here, let me send you this." Biiqs transferred a copy of the star map to Jarroth, tieing it to his own display for easier discussion. "Here is the track of the USS Mont Baton. Here's DS9, and here's the most convenient shuttle intercept. What do you see as the chief problem?"

    "I see an high probability for a possible escape or rescue attempt from our prisoner's sympathizers given the amount of time, and vector of travel..."

    "Exactly. If you and I can see this, any rogue Starfleet officer or Orion pirate can too, if the unthinkable has happened and these orders have been leaked somehow."

    "'l'll pick up a side arm from the Armory, and then I will be on my way. May I suggest one guard to watch the prisoner while I pilot?

    "I can do better than that. How about a crew of four, with you in overall command of the shuttle? Ensign Quiir has pulled a lot of brig duty, and he's Ferengi, so if somehow Hollis's file is incorrect about him being able to only sense emotion, that would help. Petty Officer Kowalski.....wasnt he just aboard your shuttle, seeing Jei off? He's an excellent pilot, and can back you up there." Biiqs paused for a moment, his expression becoming more serious. "How was Jei, by the way?"

    Not good. She seemed really shaken. I think it was best for her to leave considering just how much of an impact the loss of those officers had on her. She even mentioned herself of being a Jinx upon Ares. The only good thing I could sense is that time with her daughter was really what she wanted all things considering. Maybe Ares eventually became an impendence to her relationship with her child?

    Biiqs shook his head and sighed. "I served with her for a while on the USS Tian An Men. I understand life has been very rough on her as of late. And having to transition from fleet work to full time parenting is never easy, as I understand, and unimaginably worse with a deceased parent. I wish her the best in the future. I also wish I could have passed that on to her personally before she left, but, unfortunately time and rogue Starfleet plots did not permit that. What am I saying? Starfleet in general doesn't always permit that, if I've learned anything over the last couple of decades. What's the human expression? Time and chance happen to all? Something like that...." He took a moment to reflect before sighing resignedly. "But back to this mission. I think we need a bit with this operation to prevent things from going wrong."

    Mmmm... let me think for moment... Petty Officer Kowalski should be still down here... =^=Officer Kowalski, we need you to report back to the shuttle. =^= I'll get the shuttle prepped again for take off. If you can get the rest of the men back here I would greatly appreciate it. I think we've got it covered... after all risk is apart of all of this isn't Sir? We've lessoned it, but I think anymore attention to this vessel will make it an obvious target. I suggest we go with what we have...

    Biiqs nodded, "Risk is a part of it, but the duty of security and tactical is to eliminate risk to the ship's crew. That often means accepting more risk upon ourselves, but sometimes we forget to realize, we've got to protect ourselves as well." Biiqs tapped the heel of his hand gently upon his desk for a moment in thought, then said, "Maybe if we add a few extra shuttles? That would confuse anyone trying to spring Hollis.Even two extra would...." Biiqs was interrupted by his commbadge.

    =^=Jones to Tarquin. Do you mind taking a swing by my quarters?=^=

    "Aye, sir. I'll be there right away. Tarquin out." Turning back to his screen, he told Jarroth, "I've got to go, its the captain. I'll get back with you quickly to discuss this further. Tarquin out."
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    U.S.S Ares
    Deck 8, Holosuite 3

    Present Day

    FAB spacer small

    Thane finished loading the program from the Isolinear Chip into the Holodeck control wall and turned. “Computer, Initialise loaded program. Thane Zero-One.” The computer beeped and around him the Holodeck changed to an Island on Feras, his homeworld. This one belonged to his parents and Clan, primarily forest with several homes littered throughout and all self contained. An idyllic scene of a world of fairly aggressive felinoids made for quite the stark contrast of what people would expect. Thane took his pack and wandered over towards a spot on the beach and sat down, leaning against a hunk of driftwood.

    He'd been looking forward to the time spent in here with two hours booked just for him to be alone and set out to enjoy a quiet meal whilst looking towards the ocean. Thane admired the full moon, the silvery-white light that silhouetted the clouds always created a beautiful scene. Thane took up his PADD from his pack and got ready for his Comm. A few moments passed and an alert came through of an incoming signal.

    A Caitain male with a short, cropped mane and a dark tan pelt came onto the screen. “Thane! It has been some weeks since we have been able to talk like this!” Shanji's ears were perked and he looked very happy to see the Ferasan.

    “Shanji! I mean.. Captain.. Shanji. Since this could be officially monitored.” Thane flashed a cheeky grin.

    “No need for that. Just Shanji. Come on, Intel has allot more important things to monitor. How has your time been on the Ares so far?”

    “It's been.. interesting. I've been on two Away Missions. One to settle some Pirates and the other was dealing with some Rogue Starfleet elements. Not exactly a fantastic look for Starfleet to have such a rogue element.”

    “You do remember that the KDF have their own rogue elements right?”

    “That they do. More predictable and well known such as the Duras Sisters. Starfleet you don't expect it. Not with top tier technology and terrorism though the Duras did like the Romulans.” Thane shivered at the thought of teaming with the Romulans.

    “ Could be worse, Tal Shiar. Anyway!How else is Ares going? What are you assigned to?”

    “Uh.. Sort of floating. Filling in here and there. Mostly security I think on the two away missions I was on.”

    “Well lets be fair, your skill set is pretty wide and varied. I would suggest if you want to get in on some of the more interesting posts on the ship such as bridge operations. Run some of the training Sims of the Ares' stations. Helm, Tactical, Ops. Familiarise yourself with these stations and the ship itself. Alright?” Shanji smiled to Thane.

    “Alright. I'll do that. After dinner and a little R&R on the beach here. I'll start with..hmm.. I'll start with the area I am most familiar with. Tactical.”

    “That's a good start! Now onto less professional things! Helios will be docking at DS9 in six hours and we will be staying there for a week while we re-arm, repair and prep for our next assignments. I know the Ares is in for the next three days undergoing repairs. So... if you were interested..” A coy smile crossed Shanji's expression. “We could spend some time together while we have the chance.”

    Thane's expression lit up brightly with happiness at the idea. “I would love to! Maybe a Holodeck adventure!”

    Shanji laughed and replied “We'll see! Depends if Quarks has any time slots open. For now though I need to get going, last minute checks and reports to go over before we dock. And Thane? Show your Captain the same loyalty you show me. They may not understand that the greatest honour you can show your Superior officers is to stick by them through adversity, to the very end. At least.. try okay?”

    Thane nodded “I'll.. I'll do my best. Have fun with your reports.”

    “I'll try! Be good. Shanji out.”

    The comm cut as Thane placed a hand on the screen and relaxed into his spot once more. Reaching over to the meal, a Pasta like dish called Lasagna. It was a little on the cool side but such a dish is always best when a little cooler. Everything sets, especially the melted cheese and white sauce.

    Once his meal was done, Thane relaxed to unwind before getting up and changing the programs out for one of the training ones. Starting with Tactical.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Wed 06 Oct, 2021 4:24 PM.
    A Joint Post by Josh Broughm and LogicalLeopard

    USS Ares
    Captain's Quarters

    Mariella went back to her quarters, slipped on a long, silk robe and sat at the desk, starting in on a report to Starfleet command. She had replicated, as was a habit to her, a ginger-lemon tea. She took a sip and started to type away on the console. Five minutes later she heard the chime go off.

    - Its open!!

    Biiqs entered her quarters with a full head of steam, walking in rapidly as the gears turned in his mind. He didn't bother pulling out the chair in front from her desk, but just sort of swung a leg over the back of it and sat in one smooth motion. Leaning forward, he began to speak.

    "Captain, I think I've figured out the best way to transport Hollis safely. Since the Mont Baton can't divert to DS9 directly, and we're in no shape to go meet them, obviously this necessitates a shuttle mission, which could be easily intercepted by an interested party. But if we sent three shuttles, that might cause enough confusion for us to safely get within weapons range of the Mont Baton to cov....."

    Biiqs paused, and sat up straight in the chair. "Wait....this is your meeting, not mine. I apologize Captain, you needed something?"

    Mariela smiled a little too slyly. She thought to herself, This should be fun.

    - Please, continue, if its about Hollis.

    Oh...thank you, sir. So, as I was saying, if we send three shuttles, maybe stagger them or send them on different vectors, with some active sensor jamming to prevent them from scanning for Hollis, that would help to forestall the attempt of anyone who tried to attack the shuttle and recover Hollis. And I really think we need to give that possibility all the attention its due. Hollis gave himself up for Captain Storm essentially, and has treated his incarceration thus far with all the seriousness of a weekend training seminar. He seems very confident he will go without punishment, and he says he was "ordered" to cooperate, which seems to account for his nonchalant attitude. But it seems to me that he could just be waiting to be rescued by the Renegade or some other vessel. Which is why I'd like to send the three shuttles. But there's of course the possibility that Starfleet Command has a hand in this, so..."

    Biiqs threw up his hands dramatically. After they plopped back into his lap, he sighed heavily and fixed Mariella with an intense look. "Did you ever think we'd get here, Captain? Questioning our fellow officers, trying to unravel vast conspiracies within Starfleet? I mean, twenty years ago, I got a ticket to Mars and enlisted in Starfleet for purely selfish reasons. I was young and I needed to forge my own way as far away from my family as I could get. But I learned something. About duty, honor, comraderie. About the obligation we have to others, whether they be Federation citizens, unknown life forms, or even our enemies. We made promises and kept them. We said things and meant them. We stood on values and didn't compromise them. This is even coming from someone with an intelligence background - when I later went to the Academy to become an officer, and participated in Advanced Tactical Training, my concentration was Intelligence, and the morality there had to be even more certain. You have to have integrity to function in that field, or you're a double agent waiting to happen. How is it possible that we have Starfleet officers comfortable with firing on each other? Chris is dead. Azure is dead. And I have Hollis in my brig making jokes."

    He turned away in disgust for a moment, before continuing. "Let me tell you something. I joined the Ares mission because I was tired of fighting. I wanted to explore. I spent a lot of time chasing Cardassians on the border while I was with the Cairo Then, the Federation was at war with the Klingons, which was an interesting historical throwback. Next came the Dominion with the Cardassians. And I join this mission, and now I'm fighting Starfleet. This is the second group of Starfleet rebels in a month. Wallace Barron. Captain Storm. Its utter insanity."

    "But, I'll tell you this," he said, "I've figured it out. I'm not here to explore. I'm here because I need to be. We all need to be here. We've got a good group of people, and someone has to stand up for what's right and be an example. We're at a delicate time in Starfleet history. The Dominion war changed us all, true enough, but it broke some of us. We've got to carry forth the ideals and values we learned so that the next generation of officers don't end up with compromised principles and gray morality."

    Mariella carefully considered his words for a few moments. The last few days were harrowing, to say the least and Tarquin had every right to vent. Jones stood up and went to the replicator.

    - Commander, I get what you're point is. I expected the same thing. To be an explorer. Things aren't as they seemed in the beginning. Command isn't budging on the Storm Incident and now I do not know what to think any more. I've lost officers to the grips of death before and EVERY time, I've handled it well. Dr. Cushing's death, however, that's something that bothered me. I need a bit of a break from all this.

    Biiqs nodded in agreement. "I can certainly understand that. I think...I think that it hurts us to a greater extent sometimes when the people who weren't supposed to die end up dying. You expect things to happen to bridge officers like Azure, or security officers. You don't expect for doctors to jump in front of their patients. You dont expect for them to interpret their oath in that way. Dr. Cushing died bravely, worthy of all commendation. But commendations are a poor substitute for his presense."

    Leaning back in his chair, he reflected silently for a brief moment before continuing. "Take that break if you need to, Captain. Max will hold down the fort. I'll be here to help him, as I don't forsee taking leave again for some time."

    Mariella smiled and pulled the pip from the replicator. She then approached Biiqs, taking a sip of her tea, then setting it down.

    - Max is being transferred to gain experience. You are the best choice for the position of first officer. Do you accept?

    Biiqs stared at the pip as if it were an alien lifeform that was possibly hostile. When he managed to wrench his eyes away, they rose to meet Mariella's for a second, before falling to the pop again. His mouth opened. And closed. And opened again. Although Biiqs didn't consider himself to be as chatty as other Bolians (some would disagree), he wasn't an easy man to strike speechless. Finally, after a few more seconds, the vowels and consonants crept warily out of his mouth.

    "I....this" He chuckled and wiped his hand down his face, as if making sure he was awake. Max is....and you want me to...." He took a deep breath to compose himself, before uttering his next words.

    "Yes. I accept."

    Jones pinned the pip to his collar, then smoothed it.

    - By the authority given to me by Starfleet Command, I hearby promote you to Commander. With all the rights and privileges therein.

    "I'm flattered, Captain. And I won't let you down. I'm sorry to hear about Max leaving, but if its going to be a benefit to him..." He shook his head and said, "Wow...." Then, as he remembered something, he said, "Wait...does this mean you approve the shuttle transfer idea as well?"

    Jones nodded and pointed to the console that she was writing up the report to Starfleet.

    - I approve. I'm trying to rack my memory about how all this happened. Command hasn't been forthright with me on this, so I'm thinking it has to do with some sort of gray or black ops mission. Storm intentionally nerfed the trillium lance, from what I read in his testimony. Have any thoughts on it, Number one?

    Biiqs paused to think for a while. "Well, my usual way of looking at these things is finding out what who gains from the situation. When you think about attack on the wormhole would make Bajor irrelevant politically and economically, as it would no longer be a gateway to the Gamma Quadrant. But it was.....nerfed as you said, so they didn't actually want to destroy it, but make the danger apparent. So who would benefit from Baton thinking their economic and political influence would be in danger?" He looked at Mariella with a grim expression. "Us. The Federation. If they thought they were in danger, they might consider Federation membership a more pressing goal. Then we'd have the wormhole. So...the idea that this is black ops makes even more sense. The only issue is this....all of it only works if we didn't intervene. The taking of our diplomat seemed designed to keep us here, but the plot broke down when their cloak was a child, as I understand." Biiqs shook his head and laughed. "Perhaps he should have been your XO. But back to the issue at hand, the other party involved is allegedly the Orions. What do they want? Same as always. Money. Influence. Control. A piece of the action with the Federation, perhaps? If this operation wasn't Starfleet approved, and Captain Storm was acting independently, they could be setting up a protection racket for Bajor. Thats what I'm most worried about, and that's why I feel this shuttle needs escorts."

    - We're on the same wavelength. Alright, take care of the transfer. Then figure out whom can replace you as C.O.S and Tactical. You know the team better than I.

    "You know what, Captain? As we've discussed, all of this treachery has made me really doubt some of my fellow officers, and I dont...I can't put myself in that position to be mistrustful. Especially as an Executive Officer. However...there is someone aboard this ship who has the luxury of not doubting, but approaching the job with fresh eyes, as it were. An outsider who thinks differently and would be in a perfect position to root out any Wallace Barrons. Or take precautions that you or I may not see. And that's Thane Va'Rek. He's done everything I've asked of him. I know he understands Starfleet principles, and our...less violent policies. He's got prior Starfleet experience, having participated in joint ops with the USS Helios during the war, and, my goodness, the man is Order of the Bat'leth. He's a perfect candidate. I know since he's in the Officer Exchange Program, his stay here is somewhat temporary, but he would be of benefit to us now.

    Jones nodded in approval. She drank the rest of her tea in a single gulp.

    - Get to it then, Commander. Be careful.

    "Will do, Captain. Thank you again." With that, he stood, saluted, and exited the office, heading for the shuttle bay. While doing so, he contacted the officer of the watch on his communicator

    =^= This is Commander Tarquin, I'm going to need two more Type 11 shuttles prepped in addition to Ensign Verce's, as soon as possible.=^=
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    USS Ares

    Urquhart's quarters

    Attachment 15327

    Sam and Akyv were settling in to enjoy a movie from earth's 1980s called 'Die Hard'. Sam replicated a five liter bucket of popcorn, sat with his love and typed on a panel to start the movie. Akyv turned to Sam with an inquisitive look.

    - How many times have you seen this movie?
    - Four times. Not my favorite one of the five. That would be , 'Die Hard With A Vengeance'. Samuel L. Jackson's finest performance.
    - That one I haven't seen. In fact, I'm just not used to sitting down an watching non-interactive media.
    - I know. I've done this program in the holodeck. Nothing beats just sitting and letting the action unfold as it was shot. One of the finest action movies ever made.

    Akyv just laughed and nestled into Sam's arms, gave him a peck on the cheek and turned her head to the screen. About ninety minutes later, the both got up and stretched. Sam gave Akyv a look and gave her a kiss on the lips.

    - I have to go up to the complex. There's a transmission I have to take care of.
    - Do you have to? I mean, you booked the time off.
    - It's important. Sorry, hun.

    She gave him a hug, then headed for bed. Sam headed up to the Diplomatic complex, where he didn't 'take care' of a transmission.

    He arrived into the complex and headed for a small storage locker. In it, there were various boxes of cutlery, dishes and cultural items to display for various functions.

    - Come on, where the hell are you?! Where are.....Ah, there you are.

    Sam discovered the box he was looking for. It was a large, flat box, covered in leather and slightly cushioned on the lid. He opened it to look at a beautiful diamond necklace, filled with about five thousand tiny(replicated) diamonds. Sam smiled, closed the lid and headed back to his quarters and went to bed with his love, placing the box on the table, next to the giant tub of popcorn. He kissed her softly on the neck, turned over and fell asleep.

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    U.S.S Ares
    Deck 8, Holosuite 3 to Mess Hall

    Present Day

    FAB spacer small

    Thane spent the last hour on the Holodeck, first half hour was based purely on learning the Sovereign Class own tactical systems and console layout. The weapons were formidable at least for a ship of its size, Phaser arrays, Multiple Torpedo launchers, a Quantum Torpedo Launcher mounted to the Saucer section. The console layout was similar to that of the Prometheus class which he was pretty familiar with luckily so picking up on the Ares' layout was easy.

    The last half an hour was dedicated to manning the helm! The Sovereign class was fun to pilot to say the least. The first stage of the training module was easy enough but after that he passed it. What came after though was more for fun than anything else. A 'free flight' of a sort from undocking the ship from Earth Space Dock, through to a simple flight. Of course, what he was truly interested in was trying to fly it like he stole it. The Bridge was clear, it was just him and Thane did fly this ship like he stole it.

    It handled like a brick, the length of the ship, the mass and breadth of the ship did not make it easy to steer or perform fancy acrobatics. Sharp Turns, Somersaults, aileron rolls, dips. It was beautiful, even if the Computer complained of hull stress. Once his time was up, Thane ended the Holo-Program and left the deck with an adrenal high and a rather wonderful, positive mood.

    The things he had discovered were rather obvious in some ways but not in others. The manoeuvrability of the ship was fairly decent for its size and mass compared to the heavier Klingon ships like the Negh'var or the older Vor'cha Cruiser but still lacked the ability to match the heavier Birds of Prey. Out came his PADD, Starfleet issue of course, and he began making notes and comparisons for future training and study. First stop though was to the Mess Hall, this was the enlisted personnel's hall with mostly crewmen in. Thane walked in and over to the replicator where he perused the 'lower decks' menu items. “Tomato Bisque, Hot with Croutons.” The replicator created the meal, pulling it out Thane added “Ferasan Ale, Cold.” ”Ferasan Ale is not programmed into this terminal. Please enter in Pattern” An ear twitched and Thane released a sigh of disappointment. Something to sort out later hopefully. “Large Soda, 750ml in Cola flavour then.”

    Once the replicator created what he asked for, Thane went off to an empty table nearest to one of the windows looking out to Space. As he settled to eat and enjoy the quiet, filtering and shutting out the thoughts and emotions of such a busy space. Eventually several other crewmen sat down at the table and began to engage the Ferasan in light conversation.
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    USS Ares

    Captain's quarters / VanHuftoid's Quarters / DS9 Promenade

    A JP with DeuZige
    Attachment 15327

    Jones woke up the next morning after her discussion with her newly promoted first officer. She took a sonic shower, slipped her uniform on and replicated a cup of coffee. She then noticed a message on her console. Jones sat down and started to read.

    *********************************************start of file*************************************************
    To: Captain Jones
    From: Lieutenant Junior Grade van Hulftoids.

    Subject: Request meeting to discuss attached message and document.

    Captain, i have received a message from Commodore B. Red concerning the Standard Operating Procedure for Fighter-craft, which i have attached below. I'd like to request a meeting with you to discuss the message and the document, at your earliest convenience.

    ATTACHMENT 1: Message
    From: Commodore S. B. Red

    To: Lieutenant Jg. S. van Hulftoids

    Subject: Development fighter Standard tactical, strategic and Operating Procedures.


    In our last conversation we spoke about the fleet wide adoption of fighter craft as an asset in Starfleet.
    The project initiated to achieve that goal is progressing slowly, due to the lack of Standard operating procedures and protocol.

    To solve this issue we have composed the early draft SOP for Captains and their command officers to follow which, once the SOP is tested and finalized, will be distributed fleet wide to any command officer serving on a vessel carrying a wing of fighters or more.

    This drafted SOP is intended to makes sure the fighters are used, their use provides clear and present improvement for the carrying vessel and does not negatively impacts the performance and capabilities of the vessels carrying fighters.

    In order to make sure that the SOP does indeed achieve its purpose it will be implemented on three ships to be evaluated after six months, during which relevant officers can suggest additions and changes. After completion of the evaluation period the changes and additions will be collected, considered and be included or not in the final draft. This final draft will be subject to Starfleet Command acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the final draft will be rolled out fleet wide as Fighter SOP v1.0.

    One of those ships chosen for the initial trial period is the USS Ares. Your background as test pilot as well as your combat experience makes you almost uniquely qualified to take the lead on the implementation and evaluation of the SOP.

    I expect the SOP to be implemented and operational within a month, and your report six months after that. Included in this message is the latest version of the draft SOP, as well as a copy of the orders to implement and trial the SOP during the USS Ares's next mission for six months.

    I'd appreciate any insights or comments you have on the draft SOP, please send them to my assistant at your convenience.

    Commodore Shirt. B. Red

    Attachment 2: Document.

    Standard fighter-craft SOP [DRAFT]

    General directives:
    When entering into hostile or unknown space, at sub-light speed, a Combat Space Patrol consisting of 50% of the fighter assets available must be maintained.
    The range of the patrolled perimeter shall be 80% of the sensor range of the base vessel.
    The load out of the fighters performing the CSP shall consist of the modular extended sensor package and space superiority focused weapons.
    The CSP shall visually verify the identity of any object before allowing it to enter inside the CSP perimeter. For any activity beyond the CSP perimeter the remaining fighter capacity is to be used, in order to enable the CSP to continue uninterrupted.

    The primary purpose of the fighter-craft is always the protection of the vessel that carries them. Secondary purposes, for which never more than 80% of the available fighter-craft will be assigned, are:
    Long range space strike missions.
    Planetary Close Support Missions.
    Planetary Air Supremacy missions.
    Planetary Strike missions.
    Recon, bot space and planetary.
    Escort missions (shuttle craft, runabouts and other smaller vessels)

    A wing of fighters shall be maintained at scramble readiness at all times.
    Maximum time to scramble should not exceed more than three minutes.
    The pilots on scramble readiness duty shall be within 30 meters of their fighters during their shifts

    Mission Specific directives.

    Escort missions.
    Any vessel carrying officers of the rank commander or higher with a destination outside of the CSP range shall be escorted by at least two fighters. The flight leader shall remain within visual range of the escorted vessel while the wingman shall take up position directly ahead of the escorted vessel at a distance half of the escorted vessel's sensor range.
    Upon detection of unexpected vessels or objects identification shall be attempted, after which intent must be determined. If at any point hostility is established the wingman will pull back to the escorted vessel and join in formation with wing-leader. The wing shall then assume the “moon” posture and positioning tactic (becoming a moon of the escorted vessel), and protect the escorted vessel from all incoming objects, projectiles, focused energy or other threats.

    Additional mission directives to be added during Live Implementation trial by Squadron-Leader, Chief Tactical Officer, Executive Officer or Captain.

    SOP STATUS: draft
    Subject to augmentation and improvement

    *********************************************end of file*********************************************************

    Jones smiled, got up and headed to Van Huftoid's quarters.

    Schrit had just finished with the chores that somehow always seemed to be left to him after the van Hulftoids morning rituals. Danre's dishes in the replicator, Danre's dirty clothes into the hamper, picking up and storing other things Danre seemed to leave at the place he'd last used it. He smiled as he thought about how his son seemed to activate only a small portion of his brain waking up and autopilot his way through breakfast and personal hygiene ritual. It was as if the boy didn't fully awoke until he crossed the door on his way out their quarters. Putting the last piece of the dirty dishes into the replicator he ordered up a mug of coffee and sat down on the sofa, going over his duty schedule, which was still oddly empty as it had been since they'd arrived at DS9. He'd tried to contact his squadron leader several times but got no answer. The computer had said she wasn't on the ship, or DS9, and so Schrit had resolved to ask the Captain about it if and when they'd have the meeting to discuss the message from Commodore B. Red and the SOP for the fighters. As he was skimming the news headlines from the FSN, emptying his coffee the door chimed.

    "Come in!" he called, assuming it was Danre coming back to pick up something he'd forgotten. Without looking up he called out; "One of these days you're gonna forget your ass! You'll walk around the ship without ass, wondering why everyone is looking at you! What did you forget this time numbnuts?"

    When no reply came and the silence began to lean towards the ackward, Schrit looked towards the door, seeing the Captain standing in the doorway. Realizing what he'd just said he shot op to his feet, turned towards the Captain and snapped rigid, coming to attention and salute. The coming to attention and saluting was so much part of his life, and drilled into him from his very first day in BootCamp, that it was an unconscious reflex more than anything else, somewhat like breathing.

    Mariella smiled at him. She, somehow, appreciated the sternness of his salute.

    - Good morning! I'd like to discuss the message you sent me. You want to grab breakfast?

    Though he could feel his cheeks warm with the embarrassment he felt about what he had yelled at the Captain a moment ago he decided to act as if it didn't happen, and stood at parade rest. Another thing that he did subconsciously.

    "Eeh, sure. I haven't had breakfast yet, and usually opt for having brunch of sorts but I'm not married to the schedule. Would you like to have breakfast here or on the promenade? Quark's food is usually good, but I've heard his breakfasts are... an adventure.

    Mariella considered the options. Her past experience with Quark's food was good, but the breakfast platter had her in the infirmary for about a day and a half.

    - Quark doesn't do breakfast all that well. Replimat?

    a short walk followed by a turbo lift ride brought them to the Station's promenade and the replimat where they took turns ordering their breakfasts and eventually took a seat at a table. After taking a bite from one of the pieces of bacon of his plate Schrit looked around with an oddly nostalgic expression.

    Mariella ordered two sausage McMuffins with cheese and a herbal tea. When she sat down, she noticed the expression on Scritt's face.

    - Something the matter?

    "No, no not at all. Its just that every time I'm on deep space 9 I can't help but feel as if I've lived and worked here for a long time even though I never set foot on this station before I arrived here with Danre to report for duty on the Ares. I've studied every byte of information available on the Dominion was, and almost obsessively studied the material about this Station, its role in the war and the people who worked or lived here back then. I don't know why but the narrative somehow grabbed me." Schrit replied.

    Jones nodded. She had her own memories of the station, although they were very few and far between.

    - This station does have a lot of history.

    Schrit smiled at that, nodded and said "When Danre had just learned to read he found one of my PAD's with some background information about Nog's life here on the station before he joined Star fleet. I guess it made him relate to Nog in a way, or at least with the young Nog, because after reading almost everything i had collected about the War and this station he wanted the holodeck experience, and insisted we would visit the holodeck together. We started out with an historical representation of DS9 shortly before the war and a couple months later, and many hours in the holosuite, we had ran every simulation the Federation Network provided us access too, and witnessed most of the events of the war here on the station."

    Mariella took a bite of the McMuffin and slightly grimaced. It had a slight metallic taste to it. Making a mental note to let O'Brien know about this, she put it down and turned to Schritt

    - So, about your message?

    "Right, I'm sorry. I almost forgot you're the Captain, and we were here for a breakfast meeting." Schrit said, taking out his padd and placing it next to his plate. He then took a huge bite of bacon, eggs and bread and after swallowing it he tapped the padd, bringing it to life showing the draft SOP on it's screen. "So where did you want to start?" he asked, looking at the Captain with an eager and expecting expression.

    Jones had a look at the PADD and quickly read through it.

    - Best place to start is at the beginning.

    "Ok, well, to be honest i think i need to start before the beginning. I have tried multiple times to contact Squadron Commander Lieutenant Tess but got no response at all. The computer can't tell me more than that she's not on either the Ares or DS9. The person to coordinate this, or at least know about it and delegate the authority for it, is the squadron commander. Can you shed any light on the Squadron Commander?" Schrit asked, remembering well his first and only encounter with the exceptional Vulcan woman.

    Jones took a sip of her drink. She, too, haven't been able to get a hold of the squadron commander.

    - Wish I could. I've contacted Vulcan about her, Starfleet is about to open a missing persons file on her.

    "Well, i met the Commodore, Commodore Shirt B. Red, back at the research and development department where i was stationed before coming to the Ares. He told me about his mission and asked me questions about why i had requested to be returned to a squadron in the field rather than take the promotion he was sure was coming my way to become lead test pilot. He found it odd that i would accept a step back, in the sense that it would be a hinderance in future promotions and such. He said he needed to be sure i was not going to be an obstacle for his mission." Schrit explained, offering one possible reason the Commodore had opted to contact Schrit personally instead of just sending orders to the Ares through channels.

    Mariella nodded, looking inquisitive.

    - What Mission would that be?

    "In practice the SOP looks like most of it is plain common sense. Like the directive to launch a patrol when leaving subspace into unknown space. I'd call it a DSP, Defense Space Patrol, but that's irrelevant i guess. The thing is that for an effective fighter squadron it needs time to train together, it needs to agree on the tactics and strategical requirements with the carrier ship, Ares in our case, and practice with the carrier to at least be familiar with one and other's particularities. An effective squadron needs to have three or more shifts to be able to rotate effectively between rest, patrol and active standby. And preferably another shift would alternate between study and KYF activities." Schrit said to the Captain before looking up form the PAD apologetically. "I'm afraid the Squadron on the Ares is too small for that. In fact, officially the Ares hasn't got a squadron. It has a flight of two wings."

    Jones took another bite of her McMuffin. She didn't realize that the fighter squad had not nearly enough bodies to effectively run.

    - I didn't think the fighter wing was that bad. With what Starfleet has tasked us to do, I'm inclined to think we need a proper outfit of fighters.

    "You will get no argument from me Captain, but i'd be negligent in my duty if I didn't remind you that if we carry more fighters, there are some auxillery craft we have to let go. As I understand it, the hangerbay and shuttle bay are, according to the quartermaster, filled to capacity. Or they were before our last... incident"

    Just then, a loud voice came over the Promenade's PA.

    Captain Mariella Jones, please report to the Infirmary immediately. Repeating: Captain Jones to the Infirmary, immediately.

    Jones sighed loudly. Another medical exam that she put off for far, far too long. She finished off her breakfast and rose from her chair.

    - I hate these exams. Ah, well. Schritt, until otherwise notified of Tess' whereabouts, consider yourself interim fighter CO. Take whatever action you feel is necessary to bring our birds up to par, understood?

    Schitt's marine reflex made him salute with a firm "Sir, yes sir" before fully consciously realizing the content of the order. As he did he amended with "I will not disappoint you Captain. I'll get right on it and keep you informed of my progress,", As the Captain nodded in reply, so did Schrit, turned and made his way to the office off the hanger bay, to get started on his task. When he was out of sight he couldn't stop himself from hitting the air with a clenched fist and a humungous smile splitting his face. He was so happy he decided to make a detour and tell Danre about this promotion.
    Attachment 15327
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    U.S.S Ares
    Combat Information Centre

    Earth Time - Afternoon

    FAB spacer small

    (A JP between Logical Leo and Myself.)

    Biiqs stood in the Combat Information Center, staring at three marked blips as they moved across a holographic tank toward an intercept line. A larger blip, marked USS Mont Baton, trailed behind the intercept line moving steadily along it. At least, that's what he saw. His mind created most of the implied motion, because as of yet, the vast distances between the ships made their movement almost negligible. It would be a while before the vessels met along the intercept line. But still he watched, staring at the tanks and screens, watching the informstion come in from long distance sensors and Federation traffic reports. When he could abide no more, he tapped his comm badge.

    =^= Lt. Thane, could you please join me in the Combat Information Center?=^=

    Thane was down still in the lower decks mess hall after his meal, enjoying a telepathic conversation with the Betazoid, Crewman Edram. The ability to converse through thought, emotion and imagery over vocal manners was a refreshing feeling to encounter. When the comm came through Thane tapped the badge he had been issued on his belt. =^= On my way.=^= Taking their dishes and slipping them into a replicator to dematerialize and off to the CIC he went.

    When the big Ferasian arrived, Biiqs smiled and beckoned him to a quiet corner of the room, at a Mission Ops table with two chairs.

    "Good afternoon, Lieutenant. I know the KDF is not known for excessive rhetoric, so I'll get immediately down to business with you. I've been promoted to Executive Officer, and that leaves a vacancy at head of Tactical and Security. Are you the man to fill it? I'll hear your reasons before I tell you mine."

    Glancing at the table he walked over and pulled a chair out where he took a seat and got comfortable, leaning back into the chair with his tail curling slightly. Thane had not dressed in the full Armour and regalia that he often wore. This time going for a simpler uniform that fit well and still had some layering of protection within it. Listening, his ears twitched at the approach to the question as if this was some sort of old form job interview. His focus was casual as he maintained an ear in Biiq's direction and to a lesser degree focusing his telepathy on the man. “Firstly, I congratulate you on the promotion and I am honored that you and the Captain would consider me for this role. However..”

    “This is an interesting question. One that I suspect you wouldn't be asking if you have not already made the choice. But I will indulge the question. You already know the file provided to you by both Starfleet Intelligence and the KDF. So I will not go over all that as it would be quite a boring read. What I could bring you is an outside perspective, a new approach to situations and scenarios that you will face in the future. Concerning the most recent events on board the Ares, from rogue Starfleet Terrorists to a child who somehow hacked the Ships systems I suspect you and the Captain want that different outlook. Of course, you could also be wanting to make waves within Starfleet with this move.”

    “On the other hand, I also see several problems with this idea. But first I would like to hear your reasons for offering me this position.”

    Biiqs listened patiently and couldn't resist a wide grin when Thane mentioned making waves with Starfleet. " Thank you for your congratulations. Well, Mr. Thane, it seems that we are of much the same mind when it comes to the reasons why I feel you may be appropriate for the job. Your impressive credentials, of course, and the need for a fresh perspective at the position, as demonstrated by the high-profile defections we've had recently. And perspective is key, of course. It is not to clamp down on our own crew or make some demonstration. It is also not to "make waves" with Starfleet, although I find that assessment humorous!" Good-natured mirth flowed from him, not sarcasm or anything derogatory. "On the other hand, we have already made waves by disrupting two hidden plots, so I suppose that's something. But let's hear your problems. You are correct in your assessment that I wouldn't ask the question if I hadn't made my choice to some degree, but of course, one cannot make a unilateral decision when it comes to asking someone to assume responsibility."

    Thane's tail curled and relaxed as Biiqs explained his position and thoughts on the promotion offered to him. "Starting from the top, I am not a member of Starfleet. I am a member of the Klingon Empire and its military. This means that I lack the official qualifications that would be required for the position such as the Bridge Officer's Test and other similar qualifications though this can be remedied. Putting me as your Head of Security and Tactical does potentially put me in line to be taking command of the Ares if the Captain, First and possibly Second officers are incapacitated. There are also other officers onboard who are potentially in line with this promotion and seeing a Ferasan with our.... reputations being put on the pedestal might not sit well and cause issues with them."

    Biiqs leaned back in his chair and listened patiently, nodding as Thane expressed each point. Once he was finished, he cleared his throat and addressed him. " Those are all significant points, and I think that all of them have simple solutions. First of all, on the issue of qualification, our Bridge Officers tests assess two main areas of competence- leadership and the technical aspects of ship operation. I have no concerns with either. Your rank and accolades qualify you for the former, and your experience with Federation systems, along with your natural technical acumen qualify you for the latter. I'm sufficiently persuaded that you can handle threat analysis, allocate resources. and assign men to dangerous tasks for the good of the ship if needed, so no testing needs to take place in that regard. Perhaps we might need a few holos to acquaint you with all of the bridge stations, but that is a minor thing."

    "Secondly, there is the matter of command," he continued, and took a breath to consider his next words carefully. "There are two things to consider when we look at the Officer Exchange Program. One is that our governments and respective fleets have placed an enormous amount of trust in each other. The program allows for officers to totally assume the role they are given, complete with the...cultural pitfalls, I may say. When one of our officers participated in the program back in the 60s, Captain Riker of the USS Titan - then a commander - he was given all the rights and responsibilities of a first officer, and thus laid his body on the line should Klingon positional challenges arise. A Klingon officer serving in Riker's place at that time, the late High Command Councilor Commander Kurn, had to adjust to the social standards of the Federation." Biiqs raised a hand, palm outward. "Not to the stifling of his own personality, but enough to make a working, professional relationship. I say all that to say this: the ability of a foreign officer to take command of a Federation vessel is implicitly understood in the whole arrangement. But! Of course, we all know there are practical concerns with that as well.

    No one wanted Riker to kill his captain and gallivanting around the universe in a Bird of Prey, and no one wanted Kurt to be in control of the Federation Flagship for long if Admiral Picard got knocked over the head. So there are ways around it - the Captain could lay out the chain of command if need be in her standing orders to include other non Bridge staff, such as the chief engineer, or issue orders to return to the nearest Starbase or request orders from Starfleet Command if there is significant breakdown in the chain of command. Which should happen anyway, whether or not the officer in charge is Starfleet."

    "As for internal competition?" Biiqs shrugged nonchalantly. "Not a problem. I won't say Starfleet Officers aren't competitive, you look around, there are a lot of humans in Starfleet, you see? At one time in human history, promotion was directly tied to wages earned, and thus survival. That method of operation was abandoned long ago, so most humans are content to work where they are needed, and to assume greater responsibility when it comes calling for them. But regardless of ambition, they are professionals and I trust them to handle your assignment well. Take Lt. Kurts. He's an ambitious, driven fellow, but if he finds his leadership competent, he is content. His challenges are more to keep the department at its peak rather than political maneuvering. Lt. Barry Frost is senior tactical officer under me, but he's an agreeable sort. He adjusted well to my appointment. And the security chief, Eric Chase, is transferring out of the department to a new posting, along with his wife."

    "And as far as Ferasian reputations...I trust that the crew will refrain from racial stereotypes and trust your reputation," which you earned on this ship through your actions."

    "We'll see then, I will not tolerate insubordination from those beneath me but I do promote the idea of creative thinking. Will I be required to wear those uniforms of yours or am I fine with what I wear now?" He'd ask. Having accepted the counters offered from Biiqs. "I will say though I am familiar with the consoles of the Ares from the Holodeck. Plus the layouts are allot less complex than the Helios. Multi-Vector and all that, that comes into play."

    "Between bridge duty and holotrainers, we'll work it out. I'll put together some personal training programs to transmit to you. As you know, the bridge can get a little hot and require multitasking during an emergency, so it always helps to know how to run the environmental station enough to unclog the smoke filters during a fight. And no, you earned that distinguished uniform, and you will wear it. The only concession we ask is that you wear a combadge."

    "Well, we've been of much the same mind on a lot of these issues, and that pleases me, but I'll list this last expectation: the most important part of Starfleet leadership is not only to produce results, but to produce better leaders. And there are many ways to make better leaders. Remember that. We do not tolerate insubordination, and we find that we rarely come across it when we take an active interest in the needs and strengths of those assigned to us. People are less resistant and more dedicated when they believe that leadership has their best interests in mind. So...Will you take the position?"

    "Yet when it comes to insubordination Max got away with a fair bit and even netted a Promotion." Thane chuckled. Yeah it was a little barb thrown their way on insubordination. "Alright. I'll take the position, I'll wear the Badge on my uniform rather than the belt. While the Ares is stationed here though I will be spending time off ship for most of those days. As a ....friend will be here. I will review reports and any other information as time allows until the Ares leaves."

    Biiqs appeared a bit surprised at the comment about Max, but shrugged slightly and said, "I'm not sure what sort of insubordination Max got into while I was on leave. That's surprising. I will say though that different leaders have different allowances on what they consider free speak and insubordination. I personally find that leaders should take care to feel such things out at the very beginning and set appropriate boundaries quickly. I had to do that with Kurts, but I've already dealt with a dozen Kurtses in the war. Not a bad sort, just a different kind of comaraderie.

    Being off the ship is no problem for crew, so long as we keep unauthorized personnel from entering. Visitation on the ship, even by Starfleet officers, should be a no no. The Ares won't be flightworthy for a while, so she and DS9 are practically the same entity as it concerns the crew. If that's all, I think we're done here" he rapped the heel of his hand against the table in an ancient Bolian trade gesture of agreement, "Please forward any leave requests you have. The sooner the better, as I imagine I'll be working over the next week on preparing the department for a complete handoff. In addition to....duty schedules," he added with a groan. "But I put my hand to the proverbial plow and cannot look back now."

    Thane dug out a PADD and slid it across the table to Biiqs. "There it is! I'll work with you when I can to help with the hand-off and will go over reports or information as it comes in."

    Biqqs scanned it with his eyes briefly, then thumbed in an approval. "There we are. Enjoy your time, everything should be shipshape when you return at full status. Good day, and thank you."
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    USS Ares

    Captain's quarters

    Attachment 15327

    Mariella arrived back in her quarters just thirty minutes after her exam. She was taken aback as to how thorough the exam was. She tossed a PADD on her desk and stretched out, as to loosen muscles. The Padd read:

    Officer is placed on Medical Leave.

    Jones was able to talk her way to getting a day to prep, so, here she was. She pressed a button to open comms.

    - Sam, Akyv, mind coming to my quarters?

    Sam made an affirmative sound. Jones then started to pack a few things. Clothes, books and a few PADDs. The chime sounded and she pressed a pannel to open the door. Sam and Akyv both entered. He had a bit of a concerned look on his face.

    - What's up, cap?

    Mariella smiled at him as she sat down on the couch. She then pointed at the PADD on the desk. Akyv grabbed it and had a quick read.

    - Medical leave? For how long?

    Jones looked away for a moment. Out the window, she could see various ships move to and thro.

    - They've indicated three months. I have that much time banked. Might as well use it to relax.

    Akyv kept reading the PADD while Sam sat down beside his former girlfriend.

    - You don't seem too broke up about it.

    Jones shook her head.

    - Saw it coming long ago. Since I transferred over. Been meaning to use my leave time then, but got moved here. This got me thinking...What if I asked you two to come with me?

    Sam laughed loudly. Akyv looked up from the PADD with a steely glare.

    - Hands off my guy.

    Jones looked at Akyv with a slight squint. She didn't know if she was serious.

    - Akyv, you know that ship sailed long ago. In fact, It sailed, hit a rock and sank with all hands lost.

    Akyv softened her look and cracked a big smile. She placed the PADD down and grabbed Sam's shoulder.

    - I'm kidding! This sounds like a perfect chance to hit up Risa. Isn't that galactic wrestling tourney starting soon?
    - The G1? Yeah. Some good wrestling gonna go down.

    Jones laughed at this. A grown man, interested in wrestling. She really wasn't surprised.

    - That one wrestling show you took me to, that was....interesting.... to say the least. Not my cuppa, though. I take it you're in?
    - Yeah.
    - Then go pack. I have a runabout ready for us to go in the morning.

    Sam and Akyv parted way with Jones, leaving her to pack.

    Attachment 15327
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    Captain's Log

    Stardate (to be inserted later)

    Attachment 15327

    This is an open letter to the crew of the Ares. A crew that I've grown to know over my short tenure as her master.

    As you are now aware, I have been placed on medical leave for stress that has occurred during these few days. I will not be available for three months. However, that isn't the point of this open log.
    I wish to speak to each and every one of you on the struggles we've all been through. You have been through three command changes in two years. That is an incredibly difficult thing to go through, but you all have endured it through sheer will of force. That alone is commendable.

    I also want to speak to the loss of our CMO, Christopher Cushing. His loss was sudden, but he died saving another person's life. That is an act well beyond bravery an I have recommended he receive a posthumous Medal of Valor.
    His death, at first, didn't affect me as much as I thought. Then, it came crashing in on me like a shuttlecraft. I had sat in my quarters, looking at the letter I composed for his family, just crying, non-stop for three hours. It still affects me now, as I am writing this. As a reminder, it is never a bad idea to share what you are feeling, no matter who you are.

    I am authorizing Three months of leave time for the entire crew, save for the the engineering team as they work to have the ship repaired and upgraded during this time. Any concerns that might arise, please let your department head or Cmdr. Tarquin know about it.

    I'll now close with a quote from Douglas Adams:
    “Space, it says, is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is.”

    Godspeed, Ares.

    Mariella Jones,
    Captain, USS Ares

    Attachment 15327
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