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Started By:
Kiflin, Fri 12 Nov, 2021 8:43 AM
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Sun 10 Dec, 2023 6:52 AM.




    Current Status - Active Duty - Stardate 58370.2 - May 16, 2381 - 03:08
    FAB spacer small

    STAR TREK: "Communion" Time Line
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 94
    Birthday: July 13, 2305
    Nationality: French
    Hometown/Homeworld: La Barre, France

    Occupation: Starfleet
    Rank (if applicable): ADMIRAL
    Current Starfleet assignment (if applicable): Communion One

    Height: 5' 10"
    Hair: None
    Eyes: Blue
    Complexion: White
    General body type: Thin
    Other defining physical traits:
    ~Favorite physical trait:
    ~Least favorite physical trait:

    "Positive" traits:
    ~ What do THEY (the character) consider to be their best personality trait?:
    "Negative" traits:
    ~What do THEY consider to be their worst trait?:
    "Neutral"/other notable traits:

    Skills: Diplomacy, Out of the box thinking, remaining objective in high stressful situations
    Likes: Drinking Earl Grey Tea
    Dislikes: Excuses for not completing orders
    Favorite books/movies/tv shows/sports etc.:
    Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any): Atheist
    Proudest accomplishment: Meeting Captain Kirk and being with him during his final moments
    Biggest regret or embarrassment: Not having children
    Biggest fear(s): Facing the Borg again
    Biggest long-term goal: Reciliation with the Romulans
    Ambition: Maintaining the fundamental ideals and principles of Starfleet
    Hobbies: Reading, tending to Vineyard

    Family: Deceased
    ~Parents: Deceased
    ~Siblings: Deceased
    ~Spouse/significant other: None
    ~Children: None
    Other relationships (specify friends/co-workers/it's complicated/etc): Guinan has always been a source of tempered counsel for Picard and is regarded as his closest friend



    YEARS - Activity/Posting

    2333 - Assigned as commander and first officer on U.S.S. Stargazer, later promoted to captain after death of his superior in battle

    2355 - Forced to abandon Stargazer after encounter with then-unknown Ferengi, with few casualties
    2356 - Cleared of negligence in Stargazer loss by routine inquiry

    2364 - Assigned command of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701- D

    2365 - Witnessed the destruction of the USS Yamato under the command of Captain Donald Varley. The Yamato was destroyed by an Iconian cpu virus.

    2366 - Was kidnapped by the Borg and assimilated becoming Locutus. Led the Borg in the Battle of Wolf 359 which resulted in 11,000 lives lost and 39 Starships.

    2367 - Picard discovered that several doppelgangers from the mirror universe had been raiding Federation facilities. Picard faced his counterpart and thwarted his plan.

    2368 - Picard realized he lived an entire lifetime in a few minutes when he woke up from being a resident of the planet Kataan, being called by his wife as "Kamin".

    2369 - Picard met with Commander Benjamin Sisko who had been assigned to Deep Space 9. Sisko reluctantly at first forgave Picard for his part in killing his wife during the Battle of Wolf 359.

    2371 - While Kirk and Picard encountered each other in the Nexus and teamed up to stop Dr. Tolian Soran from destroying the Veridian star. The USS Enterprise-D was destroyed after an attack by renegade Klingons breached her warp core while Commander Riker was in command.

    2378 - Picard was one of the several Starfleet officers present at the first official debriefing of Captain Kathryn Janeway after her ship USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant.

    2379 - Picard and the Enterprise were diverted to Romulus by Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Picard met Shinzon who needed his DNA to keep himself from dying and he would continue his mission to destroy earth. The Enterprise left to warn Starfleet but was pursued by the Scimitar. Both ships were severely damaged Picard had Geordi La Forge transport him to the Scimitar to destroy it with help from Commander Riker. Commander Data is destroyed during the battle.

    2381 - Picard is promoted to Admiral and begins working within Starfleet Command. Commander Worf is promoted to Captain and assumes Command of the USS Enterprise E after Picard's departure.

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     –  Last edited by timverbesselt; Tue 30 Nov, 2021 7:46 PM.
    Actually, Picard wanted to serve on the stargazer but he couldn’t start his assignment cause of the bar fight with the nausicans when they stabbed him in the heart.
    After recovering, he started his first assignment on the reliant as a junior science officer.
    It was after that he was posted on the stargazer. It is not my intention to correct your post or give any negative criticism or something,it is just that I only know that little detail cause I have read his autobiography witch was a very good book to read. Wink
    Now I want to start reading Janeways book Smile
    Timverbesselt Medals
  2. RPD Commanding Officer

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    • timverbesselt
    Actually, Picard wanted to serve on the stargazer but he couldn’t start his assignment cause of the bar fight with the nausicans when they stabbed him in the heart.
    After recovering, he started his first assignment on the reliant as a junior science officer.
    It was after that he was posted on the stargazer. It is not my intention to correct your post or give any negative criticism or something,it is just that I only know that little detail cause I have read his autobiography witch was a very good book to read. Wink
    Now I want to start reading Janeways book Smile
    No offense taken at all my friend! More indepth information on Picard is always welcomed! Thank you for providing it, Timverbesselt.
    Kiflin Medals