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[Discussion] - Feedback about felt abit lost...

Started By:
Zasz, Thu 09 Dec, 2021 11:38 PM
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     –  Last edited by Zasz; Thu 09 Dec, 2021 11:45 PM.
    So.... Hi? Hi.

    Today I remembered to ask where to pose below points. Usually I dont have problems with forums but here it feels abit less ordered most of the time. I cant even put my finger on why thats the case here. This is purely from a rather outsider perspective as a non-officer. If Im missing specific knowledge about the forum or infernal... I mean... internal officer activities, dont feel personally attacked.

    I was grinding fleet marks with my KDF toons recently so I could buy some fleet stuff. Ive spent all my recruit mark boxes on one toon for fleet marks to fill fleet projects. Then I moved on to colonists and whatever I could spare. In the end it was barely enough to buy a trait slot. But I still needed to grind TFOs. Since then Im grinding TFOs for more marks and admiralty for colonists for more fleet credits because I need tactical consoles. Which is apparently problematic.

    First I noticed only certain fleets constantly have fleet projects going, some fleets dont seem to have any at any time. The projects appear to be too spread out. Several fleets have projects that require the same doffs seems to slow down progress. I know, every fleet wants to have things unlocked and people want to fill projects for fleet credits. But do the fleets with finished holdings really need projects that eat lots of dilithium while small fleets with still lots to unlock struggle to have their dilithium needs filled?

    Like I said, I like to get involved with fleet projects but there is no quartermaster position available which I dont want. Yet. Maybe like an assistant role? I mean at the moment I have the opportunity to spread my toons across several fleets to set up projects incase there arent enough officers available to cover them all.

    There was a conversation on discord about getting involved but not for quartermaster role. Ive been an officer before but I think its abit early for me to be one here especially for a position I dont want to be in like the one that was discussed. So, off I go to get in touch with the right officers.

    I searched the forum here but couldnt really find the right spot to ask questions related to that. I contacted the officer who welcomed me when I first joined the armada. Unfortunately he is inactive and could only direct me to the starfleet operations roster. Unfortunately again, the list didnt help for several reasons. For starters it lists a first, second, third and fourth FED fleet. I checked ingame on my FED toon and there is no first fleet, only second, third, fourth and a fifth fleet. And there are others inbetween. I checked the KDF counterpart and it has only three out of thirteen fleets listed. *confused confusion intensifies*

    Maybe that list could be updated to include all fleets?

    Below that list are a few officers listed. Im specifically interested in quartermasters. Both the starfleet operations and house of kular rosters have the same officers listed. But it doesnt say which one is responsible for which fleet. Writing random officers is something I dont like to do. I know, its a me problem. I avoid TS for the same reason.

    Maybe that list could be updated too to reflect which officer handles specific fleets?

    I cant buy the necessary consoles because none of my toons are in a fleet with a tier 5 colony. I tried to get an invite to one of the two colonies on KDF side that has unlocked those consoles. After three days asking on discord and in UFPlanets I almost gave up because it felt abit humiliating to ask in an empty chat that remained silent after asking. Then I found someone on discord by coincidence who was kind enough to invite me on both sides.

    Why are our toons so spread out amongst the fleets? Why cant our toons be in the same fleet with unlocked stuff while we still support all other fleets with resources to level them so we dont have to ask people for invites?

    I think that covers my thoughts from this week. Again, this isnt to attack anyone. Just me being generally curious and feedback'ish.

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    First I noticed only certain fleets constantly have fleet projects going, some fleets dont seem to have any at any time. The projects appear to be too spread out. Several fleets have projects that require the same doffs seems to slow down progress. I know, every fleet wants to have things unlocked and people want to fill projects for fleet credits. But do the fleets with finished holdings really need projects that eat lots of dilithium while small fleets with still lots to unlock struggle to have their dilithium needs filled?
    Not all fleets within the armada are maintained by UFP so I can not speak for them on why and what they slot though when i do look i see projects slotted for people to donate to.

    Like I said, I like to get involved with fleet projects but there is no quartermaster position available which I dont want. Yet. Maybe like an assistant role? I mean at the moment I have the opportunity to spread my toons across several fleets to set up projects incase there arent enough officers available to cover them all.

    There was a conversation on discord about getting involved but not for quartermaster role. Ive been an officer before but I think its abit early for me to be one here especially for a position I dont want to be in like the one that was discussed. So, off I go to get in touch with the right officers.

    I searched the forum here but couldnt really find the right spot to ask questions related to that. I contacted the officer who welcomed me when I first joined the armada. Unfortunately he is inactive and could only direct me to the starfleet operations roster. Unfortunately again, the list didnt help for several reasons. For starters it lists a first, second, third and fourth FED fleet. I checked ingame on my FED toon and there is no first fleet, only second, third, fourth and a fifth fleet. And there are others inbetween. I checked the KDF counterpart and it has only three out of thirteen fleets listed. *confused confusion intensifies*

    Maybe that list could be updated to include all fleets?

    Below that list are a few officers listed. Im specifically interested in quartermasters. Both the starfleet operations and house of kular rosters have the same officers listed. But it doesnt say which one is responsible for which fleet. Writing random officers is something I dont like to do. I know, its a me problem. I avoid TS for the same reason.

    Maybe that list could be updated too to reflect which officer handles specific fleets?

    Quartermasters are listed here They do not have a fleet listed as they are all responsible for UFP Fed and KDF Fleet Holdings and Banks and not allocated to one specifically you can post a request in the banking area if its an item from fleet banks you are after or email in-game or PM them on the forums if you need anything specifically. As for what or where you have been looking if it is not what I have linked for your links or screenshots of what is causing your confusion

    As for open positions available we have no QM positions open at present this may or may not change in the future. if this does change all roles are open to everyone to apply, though the QM role is one that has access to a lot of the fleet banks as well as maintaining the fleet holding and normally if someone has held a previous fleet role this gives them a good standing when looking at making the step up.

    I cant buy the necessary consoles because none of my toons are in a fleet with a tier 5 colony. I tried to get an invite to one of the two colonies on KDF side that has unlocked those consoles. After three days asking on discord and in UFPlanets I almost gave up because it felt abit humiliating to ask in an empty chat that remained silent after asking. Then I found someone on discord by coincidence who was kind enough to invite me on both sides.

    Why are our toons so spread out amongst the fleets? Why cant our toons be in the same fleet with unlocked stuff while we still support all other fleets with resources to level them so we dont have to ask people for invites?
    As with anyone else in any of the UFP Fed or KDF Fleets that are not fully built you only need to ask for an invite to the main fleet holding to allow you to buy what you need many ask and are invited and this is why we have a large number of provisions on all sub-UFP Fed and KDF fleets. Our Toons are Spread out so that it is accessible to all and that we don't have to cut people all the time from the fleet. I can not offer an answer to why you had an issue for the 3 days with an invite request for a holding invite without know when it was and more details

    Jestersmith Medals
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    Not all fleets within the armada are maintained by UFP
    This implies that some fleets are just there and not actually a part of the UFP or there is no (officer) communication going on.
    They do not have a fleet listed as they are all responsible for UFP Fed and KDF Fleet Holdings and Banks and not allocated to one specifically
    I assumed that some officers spread their responsibilities across at least 3-4 fleets in the armada. But as you wrote above, not all fleets are maintained by UFP (quartermasters). Isnt that a problem that should be adressed?
    when i do look i see projects slotted for people to donate to
    Yes, many fleets always have projects slotted. The point is that some never have projects slotted.
    Is nobody interested in leveling those fleet holdings? Is there nobody active to slot projects? Is there any communication happening with such fleets? And several fleets requesting the same resource prolongs the leveling process for all.
    Quartermasters are listed here
    Ive seen the list and it doesnt tell me which quartermaster is handling which fleet because as you have said "Not all fleets within the armada are maintained by UFP".
    you can post a request... email in-game or PM them on the forums if you need anything specifically
    This issue isnt with the fleet bank. The question is:
    Which quartermaster is the right person to talk to about fleet x? I shouldnt be rolling a dice in the hopes to find the right person. I think such information is crucial. Shouldnt the website include this information?
    if someone has held a previous fleet role this gives them a good standing when looking at making the step up.
    As I explained back then, thats not what Im looking for. Especially when we are talking about two entirely different departments. only need to ask for an invite...this is why we have a large number of provisions on all sub-UFP Fed and KDF fleets. Our Toons are Spread out so that it is accessible to all
    Theoretically, yes. Practically, no.
    I can not offer an answer to why you had an issue for the 3 days with an invite request for a holding invite without know when it was and more details
    Nobody answered. What more details could you need?

    But it doesnt adress the problem that spreading toons across fleets is inefficient.

    Why have a fully unlocked main fleet but still move toons to secondary fleets who have to be dependant like this? Wouldnt it be better if our toons could be moved to the same fleet, mains and alts, but keep the secondary fleets to gain credits?

    I can only speak for myself but I dont really have an attachment to the fleet my toons are in. I could easily move my toons to another fleet inside the armada. I assume there are people who are very attached to their fleets.

    This would also help to see who is online/active because as far as I know there is no way to see who is currently online in the armada. Only within tthe fleet and most of the time Im the only one online in my fleet. Especially when the chat is sometimes dead for days and I did have some long sessions lately to feel a certain level of lonelyness in the armada. Conversations in UFPlanets are rather rare. That makes me abit sad.
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    As a QM myself please feel free to pester me any time you have a question about the fleet projects or banks.
    We look after all the UFP owned ones in both the Starfleet and KDF armadas so any questions just go ahead and ask us and we’ll do our best to help you.

    Characters are spread among fleets so that there’s always room in the main fleets for main characters. We put alt-characters in the secondary, tertiary, quaternary fleets etc as they are less well played and sometimes sit idle for months; it would take space from the main fleet and block active players from joining there with their main characters.

    Not all of the armada fleets are owned but us though, it’s the nature of the armada system that it’s a kind of “fleet of fleets” so different ones have different rules etc. if you think an armada fleet is being unsure with projects etc (eg blocking of donation of certain items) then let us know as everything should be open to all.

    For the UFP owned fleets on both sides we try to keep a constant flow of projects going to get people credits to earn. Like you said though it’s harder with maxed out fleets as there’s less projects to pick from and some just get stuck in limbo with the doff requirements etc. Generally we try to pick projects that fill up fast but it’s not always gonna work perfectly.

    If you ever need fleet credits and there’s nothing to donate on to earn them then please give me or another QM a shout; I’ll happily slot a project for you to get credits depending on what you need to donate. We are after all here to help out the fleet members so we can go outside of the normal project slotting choices if someone is stuck and needs help.
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    Not all of the armada fleets are owned but us though, it’s the nature of the armada system that it’s a kind of “fleet of fleets” so different ones have different rules etc. if you think an armada fleet is being unsure with projects etc (eg blocking of donation of certain items) then let us know as everything should be open to all.
    Yeah, I've noticed that some armada fleets don't allow donation of some things when I've gone looking to donate to projects, so please do look into that.
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    This implies that some fleets are just there and not actually a part of the UFP or there is no (officer) communication going on.
    We control UFP 1st to 5th Fleet and the House of Kular, Kur'land and Metak all other Fleets are only part of our Armada.

    I assumed that some officers spread their responsibilities across at least 3-4 fleets in the armada. But as you wrote above, not all fleets are maintained by UFP (quartermasters). Isnt that a problem that should be adressed?
    All of our Quartermasters have toons in the mentioned Fleets above to do their jobs; other Armada fleets are off limits.

    Yes, many fleets always have projects slotted. The point is that some never have projects slotted.
    Is nobody interested in leveling those fleet holdings? Is there nobody active to slot projects? Is there any communication happening with such fleets? And several fleets requesting the same resource prolongs the leveling process for all.
    We can't tell other Fleets what to do and we carefully plan projects by increasing provisions fleet after fleet and by not progressing certain holdings in certain fleets at all.

    Ive seen the list and it doesnt tell me which quartermaster is handling which fleet because as you have said "Not all fleets within the armada are maintained by UFP".

    This issue isnt with the fleet bank. The question is:
    Which quartermaster is the right person to talk to about fleet x? I shouldnt be rolling a dice in the hopes to find the right person. I think such information is crucial. Shouldnt the website include this information?
    They are all responsible for all Fleets.

    Nobody answered. What more details could you need?
    This is for sure not the normal experience.

    But it doesnt adress the problem that spreading toons across fleets is inefficient.

    Why have a fully unlocked main fleet but still move toons to secondary fleets who have to be dependant like this? Wouldnt it be better if our toons could be moved to the same fleet, mains and alts, but keep the secondary fleets to gain credits?

    I can only speak for myself but I dont really have an attachment to the fleet my toons are in. I could easily move my toons to another fleet inside the armada. I assume there are people who are very attached to their fleets.

    This would also help to see who is online/active because as far as I know there is no way to see who is currently online in the armada. Only within tthe fleet and most of the time Im the only one online in my fleet. Especially when the chat is sometimes dead for days and I did have some long sessions lately to feel a certain level of lonelyness in the armada. Conversations in UFPlanets are rather rare. That makes me abit sad.
    Fleets have a limited amount of toons they can hold and you can check in the Armada menus who is online in what Fleet.
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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Fri 10 Dec, 2021 11:51 AM.
    This implies that some fleets are just there and not actually a part of the UFP or there is no (officer) communication going on.
    This is not implied this is a fact UFP 1 through 5 and Kular, Kurland and Metak is QM maintained and under direct UFP control other Armada members are responsible for themselves and monitored by Armada relations and are reviewed internally.

    I assumed that some officers spread their responsibilities across at least 3-4 fleets in the armada. But as you wrote above, not all fleets are maintained by UFP (quartermasters). Isnt that a problem that should be adressed?
    No that would then mean that every Armada member is a UFP Member and this is not the case and I don't think it would make sense to be either any Armada you look at probably does not have full control of every member within itself and also while I think that a few have setups similar to ourselves in terms of multiple owned fleets in the armada they would still have the same issues that this presents where you do not have control of every holding armadas wanting this I feel would struggle to retain them, armada members.

    Yes, many fleets always have projects slotted. The point is that some never have projects slotted.
    Is nobody interested in leveling those fleet holdings? Is there nobody active to slot projects? Is there any communication happening with such fleets? And several fleets requesting the same resource prolongs the leveling process for all.
    As stated above we have Armada relations that monitor relations however how other armada members that are not UFP Assets slot projects as they see fit for themselves and it is up to them to maintain what and when they slot. UFP Held assets are maintained internally by the QM's listed no one QM is responsible for one UFP Asset they all take equal responsibility for all UFP held assets some are more active than others and that's fine what people need to remember is that they Volunteer to the roles they hold and maintain fleet assets through personal choice to help the UFP member base. Armada members though are monitored and when a member becomes inactive we look for replacements and then remove as accordingly.

    Ive seen the list and it doesnt tell me which quartermaster is handling which fleet because as you have said "Not all fleets within the armada are maintained by UFP".
    This issue isnt with the fleet bank. The question is:
    Which quartermaster is the right person to talk to about fleet x? I shouldnt be rolling a dice in the hopes to find the right person. I think such information is crucial. Shouldnt the website include this information?
    You are not rolling a dice the contacts of all the QMs are listed for you to see both with IGN contact and forum so I fail to understand how you struggle with this one to be fair. Back when I was a CL3 had I needed/wanted something from the fleet bank I would email in-game or PM on forums or post in the bank section that way i had contacted all QMs with what I wanted and then wait for one of them to get back to me?

    Theoretically, yes. Practically, no.
    Practically yes, I am not sure what times you are on in-game though I have been in-game when you have been on so I am surprised you have struggled with this though on the odd occasions in the past when I have not been able to get a Fleet map to invite I have asked in the public channels or Reddit fleet where you will always get someone who is more than willing to invite you to a fleet holding for this reason we maintain high levels of fleet provisions so when you are invited to another map you can get what you need.

    Nobody answered. What more details could you need?
    If you can show me when on Discord that you asked these questions over invites that would be good I did briefly scan through to see and can not see anything recently as I say to everyone you are more than welcome to PM me if you are having issues in-game and i will when next about in that day load up and look if i am not already in-game

    But it doesnt adress the problem that spreading toons across fleets is inefficient.

    Why have a fully unlocked main fleet but still move toons to secondary fleets who have to be dependant like this? Wouldnt it be better if our toons could be moved to the same fleet, mains and alts, but keep the secondary fleets to gain credits?
    Spreading toons across multiple fleets are done so members have access and what we do not want to do is slot the main fleet up with multiple alts so that new members can not access main fleets it would not be fair to others to fill the main fleet up with alts so others can join i myself have 22 toons 1 main in UFP then spread about the rest and even before i became part of the game fleet leadership i never had any issues

    I can only speak for myself but I dont really have an attachment to the fleet my toons are in. I could easily move my toons to another fleet inside the armada. I assume there are people who are very attached to their fleets.

    This would also help to see who is online/active because as far as I know there is no way to see who is currently online in the armada. Only within tthe fleet and most of the time Im the only one online in my fleet. Especially when the chat is sometimes dead for days and I did have some long sessions lately to feel a certain level of lonelyness in the armada. Conversations in UFPlanets are rather rare. That makes me abit sad.
    You are more than welcome to move any toons to an armada or even none UFP affiliated fleet/armada we have no rules that restrict you to putting every created toon into UFP only fleets this I find is a good thing also to allow you to see how other armadas differ to us some may be better but many are worse as for seeing who is online you only need to go look at the roster on each member that will show who is online if they are in the armada looking at active

    Jestersmith Medals
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    Additionally, something to add you have to remember is that we are a Star Trek Community that incorporates STO and not an STO community that incorporates other stuff This means that not everyone on Teamspeak and Discord will be in STO this is why we have the staff roster to highlight who to go to. Again as I already stated members are volunteers and have other things they do and all reside in differing timezones so while on occasions you may not get an immediate answer you will get an answer with patience if you post the question/request to the right person and on that off-chance, you based the wrong person I have always found members will point you in the right direction if they know who that is.

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    I have just sat down and gone through both Fed and KDF sides we have projects fully slotted in UFP 1, 4 and 5 partially in 2 and 3 they are needing Doffs Dilithium and on the combat boosts credits these I find are the things people are reluctant to donate. Essentially till they are filled we can not slot anything more and also I find the same people are the ones donating to the combat boost given that this costs credits some refuse to donate this is not fair on the member who does donate all the time to keep it active as its something that benefits all members when active, the same can be said about most armada members fed side after looking they to need Doffs and Dill in a lot of slotted projects with the exception at present of Lotus and BGC

    KDF side Kular Kurland and Metak all have projects slotted again some are needing Doffs Dil and EC. Armada members are the same and some when inspecting also needed Fleetmarks donating the only 2 who have no projects slotted are Empire Rising and Montys Marauders

    As I have already said till things like Dilithium Duty Officers and Energy Credits are filled on the active slots regardless if they are UFP Assets or Armada members new slots can not be donated as always I advise members to turn green Doffs to commons for donations you can also turn fleet credits into Doffs and donate if you needed to though most do not do that as individual people are looking to make FC too get gear and more interested in that than progressing the fleet holdings to the next level and also we do not expect that to be what members do. KDF admiralty gives you a 40k fleet only Dilithium that can be donated to fleets without impacting on your normal Dilithium it's slow going but gives you something to donate when you complete 10 Klingon tours.

    Doing this lets the QMs slot more projects as and when they are needed as they are cleared quicker and until such a time as they clear we can not slot new ones

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     –  Last edited by darthnovawave; Fri 10 Dec, 2021 2:14 PM.
    Please feel free to ping me as well if you see me online. I personally usually check in on the main fleets daily and usually check the rest of the fleets we support a few times a week. I would also mention from what I've seen that this week armada donations have virtually ground to a halt since the winter event kicked off, so projects aren't turning over as fast right now. I'm not personally on TS3 or Discord much as it is usually too noisy for voice chat at my place.
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    One point I’d like to raise as both a QM and Community Moderator is that the UFP Discord is not exactly an official channel used for fleet/community communications.
    It is operated by the same staffing structure we use on the forums but there is no requirement for members or officers in various departments to be active there, make use of it, or monitor it for whatever reasons. It’s a nice means for some members to chat but the majority of official chatter should be going through the forums or via voice chat in Teamspeak.

    If you need official answers on something then always go via forums, like this thread, so it’s recorded fully and people know it’s happening and can respond.
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     –  Last edited by Zasz; Fri 10 Dec, 2021 4:45 PM.
    Good stuff so far.

    Characters are spread among fleets so that there’s always room in the main fleets for main characters.
    I assumed as much about mains and alts. I dont know if I have a main toon in a "main fleet". Pretty much all my toons are in less developed fleets so I assume my mains on both sides are not in the proper fleets.

    it would take space from the main fleet and block active players from joining there with their main characters.
    Ah, now some things make sense. I didnt know about the fleet member limit.

    if you think an armada fleet is being unsure with projects etc (eg blocking of donation of certain items)
    I was wondering why some projects would not accept donations of specific holding items from other fleets. But its been awhile since Ive seen that. I will keep my eyes open for that.

    This gives me an idea. Would it be useful to create channels in discord for such things? Like one for each department so we could contact the whole department instead of individuals? Specifically if certain fleets have no projects and we could make a little shoutout there. Its just Im a big fan of discord and I find its better than the forum for such things.

    We can't tell other Fleets what to do
    I wasnt implying some tyranical rule. Its just that it still implies a lack of cooperation or lack of communication within the armada. Sounds not very united to me.

    They are all responsible for all Fleets.
    But you said there are fleets where you "cant tell them what to do" and some fleets arent mentioned above as part of the group here. This sounds contradicting to me.

    This is for sure not the normal experience.
    Now you can imagine why I stopped after trying for days. Overall I have the impression that less and less people ask for invites. When I joined a few months ago there were nearly daily invite requests. These days the requests are pretty much gone. And most chat activity too.

    that would then mean that every Armada member is a UFP Member
    This is pretty much the impression I got since the first moment I joined here. That would explain why some fleets are essentially not mentioned here on the forum at all. Someone needs to write a guide or something about these things.

    any Armada you look at probably does not have full control of every member within itself
    I assumed thats what command structures are for. Ive seen it in eve online. I thought it would work similar in STO. Maybe its just me but inviting fleets just for the sake of having more fleets, advertising a form of unity, having an incomplete command structure on the website seems odd, contradicting even. This is the reason for my confusion about the inner workings of the armada.

    You are not rolling a dice the contacts of all the QMs are listed for you to see both with IGN contact and forum so I fail to understand how you struggle with this one to be fair.
    As someone stated after your former comment, the quartermasters listed are not responsible for all fleets. Someone said they are monitoring all fleets. Yet some statements say they are only monitoring SOME fleets. So Im still unsure which statement is true. And without knowing EXACTLY which fleets are monitored by those quartermasters, its is like rolling a dice.
    Thats why I suggest that someone overhauls the lists to make it abit more clear which quartermaster is EXACTLY monitoring which fleet. And maybe which fleets are not connected to the command structure here. Pretty much like division command states which officer is responsible for which fleet while right below that list are the quartermasters listed but without mentioning their fleet association.

    Practically yes, I am not sure what times you are on in-game though I have been in-game when you have been on so I am surprised you have struggled with this
    Yet my experience is very different. When I asked about an invite ingame on the third day I found Rastilion on discord who assisted me. You even responded to that very conversation on discord but not ingame. Reading it now still makes me wonder what you really ment there. I took it with some humor.
    This is not to throw blame around. Its just in the overwhelming cases this has been my experience when nobody responded to my questions or these invite requests ingame.

    I know most people dont properly set up their chat with tabs. Which is why my UFPlanets tab is usually empty while zone, local or system tas tend to get spammed. So many people dont see the messages in all that. I dont know if thats the case for you. But it might explain why many people dont see my invite requests.

    Again I suggest a discord channel for such requests because they dont vanish when logging out and it can be set up so the right people get an instant notification or respond when one has the time.

    If you can show me when on Discord that you asked these questions over invites that would be good I did briefly scan through to see and can not see anything recently
    I deleted it out of frustration. But I did leave a question about fleet invites using two accounts from the 28th nov which was at the time I was looking for invites. Which nobody responded to either.

    i never had any issues
    Different times apparently.

    You are more than welcome to move any toons to an armada or even none UFP affiliated fleet/armada
    Moving INSIDE the armada.

    as for seeing who is online you only need to go look at the roster on each member that will show who is online if they are in the armada looking at active
    Where is that option exactly?

    if you post the question/request to the right person
    Which is the point of my concerns here.

    I have always found members will point you in the right direction if they know who that is.
    Honestly this has been very unhelpful for days now. All people did was point to a list of possible right persons and a good luck. And today I learned that these officers arent even dealing with all fleets. Just some. Nobody asked in which fleet my toons are to tell me exactly which officer is the right person to go to or if an officer is even dealing with that fleet here. I dont want to contact random people from a list in the hopes that I may or may not get the right person. Thats what really frustrates me.

    I have just sat down and gone through both Fed and KDF sides we have projects fully slotted in UFP 1, 4 and 5 partially in 2 and 3
    Thats one of the issues I pointed out. You name five fleets yet the list here only lists four. The KDF version lists only three yet someone above mentioned at least four fleets.
    Totally not confusing.

    who have no projects slotted are Empire Rising and Montys Marauders
    Thats my general observation too. They never seem to have any. Its the reason I got interested to help out with slotting fleet projects. But if they are not part of the command structure here, then I at least now know why they never slot anything.

    I generally have a good understanding how to donate resources. If you have some less known tips feel free to use my thread for them.

    It’s a nice means for some members to chat but the majority of official chatter should be going through the forums or via voice chat in Teamspeak.
    Also something that should be mentioned in the introduction to the fleet structure.

    Im in the process of figuring out how to see online people outside my fleets. But as I tried to point out, I have certain inhibitions to contact random people I didnt interact with before.

    Yes, I like to be thorough Smile
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    The in-game fleet roster is on the Fleet UI window, the tab on the top has one for "Roster". You can also look under the tab for "Armada" and see the rosters for various fleets there too so you can see who is online in other fleets.

    The QM's or other officers are all identified by their rank, so if you sort the roster by rank you'll see them at the top if they are online.

    The Armada system is not exactly a perfect system but it's what Cryptic gave us to play with so we have to make do. It's essentially a means for fleets to join up into bigger organisations to cooperate on resources and bonuses for members.
    UFP (specifically this community on this site) has 5 Federation fleets, and 3 KDF fleets; both of which have and armada filled with other people's fleets as well. The fleet page on this site needs updating to show our 5th Fed fleet though; thanks for pointing that out!
    Exactly how those other non-UFP fleets operate is outside of our control and the armada system doesn't really give us many tools for controlling things. As such we don't really have much say on what those other fleets do with their projects etc.

    All the UFP-owned fleets though are considered one group entity for our members though. If you are in a less developed fleet (i.e. UFP4) and need some items from a developed fleet we can easily invite you to the main fleet holdings to buy them. Just shout in the in-game UFPlanets chat channel for an invite and someone should be around to help.
    Likewise all the fleet banks are considered one entity as well so if you see something in one bank and want it for another toon just let us know and we can get it to the relevant place.
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    As someone stated after your former comment, the quartermasters listed are not responsible for all fleets. Someone said they are monitoring all fleets. Yet some statements say they are only monitoring SOME fleets. So Im still unsure which statement is true. And without knowing EXACTLY which fleets are monitored by those quartermasters, its is like rolling a dice.
    Thats why I suggest that someone overhauls the lists to make it abit more clear which quartermaster is EXACTLY monitoring which fleet. And maybe which fleets are not connected to the command structure here. Pretty much like division command states which officer is responsible for which fleet while right below that list are the quartermasters listed but without mentioning their fleet association.
    Both statements are true I feel it's your understanding that is the issue with this sI am not sure how much clearer we can be for you UFP 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 The House of Kular, Kurland and Metak are all UFP Assets that the QM are responsible for and when we say all fleets this is what we mean everything else outside this is an Armada member and not considered a UFP Asset again I am failing to see how you are not grasping that

    Yet my experience is very different. When I asked about an invite ingame on the third day I found Rastilion on discord who assisted me. You even responded to that very conversation on discord but not ingame. Reading it now still makes me wonder what you really ment there. I took it with some humor.
    This is not to throw blame around. Its just in the overwhelming cases this has been my experience when nobody responded to my questions or these invite requests ingame.
    you are referring to the pin-drop comment that you made some time back I was in-game that day and you posted the quote "pin drop" I then I saw you ask about it on discord and Rastilion assisted you as such I made a humorous comment on discord about not picking up and stabbing one's self what I seen this day though was not any in-game requests for invites you may have asked before I got in-game you may not.

    I know most people dont properly set up their chat with tabs. Which is why my UFPlanets tab is usually empty while zone, local or system tas tend to get spammed. So many people dont see the messages in all that. I dont know if thats the case for you. But it might explain why many people dont see my invite requests.
    Can't comment on that and how people set up

    Again I suggest a discord channel for such requests because they dont vanish when logging out and it can be set up so the right people get an instant notification or respond when one has the time.
    As stated by Sul Discord is not an official fleet comms and that's what the forums are for my suggestion would be to use them to post in as you are now.

    I deleted it out of frustration. But I did leave a question about fleet invites using two accounts from the 28th nov which was at the time I was looking for invites. Which nobody responded to either.
    Not a problem I can see if a CL6 can check the log history for us on this.

    Where is that option exactly?

    Honestly this has been very unhelpful for days now. All people did was point to a list of possible right persons and a good luck. And today I learned that these officers arent even dealing with all fleets. Just some. Nobody asked in which fleet my toons are to tell me exactly which officer is the right person to go to or if an officer is even dealing with that fleet here. I dont want to contact random people from a list in the hopes that I may or may not get the right person. Thats what really frustrates me.
    That I would say is because you have not asked in the correct place, you have now since posted here and look what has happened answers and help are forthcoming as you are in the correct place

    Thats one of the issues I pointed out. You name five fleets yet the list here only lists four. The KDF version lists only three yet someone above mentioned at least four fleets.
    Totally not confusing.
    Yes i see why you struggle with this link it clearly needs updating though i did link you the staff list here

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    I never really noticed the "roster" button next to holdings. Thanks. Now I know exactly that there are four people online in the armada on KDF and 13 on FED side. Doesnt really cheer me up though considering there are supposed to be at least ten times more (before alts).

    UFP (specifically this community on this site) has 5 Federation fleets, and 3 KDF fleets
    I always counted this as 13 because each has the same structure when it comes to holdings and pretty much everything else.
    Name:  42605269vy.jpg
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    I mean, each of the 13 is an individual fleet, right? But they are just ordered differently here.

    Exactly how those other non-UFP fleets operate is outside of our control and the armada system doesn't really give us many tools for controlling things. As such we don't really have much say on what those other fleets do with their projects etc.
    Like I said, I had the impression that this is a united armada, not some are united and the rest are just remote attachments. Lets just say I would do things differently.

    Just shout in the in-game UFPlanets chat channel for an invite and someone should be around to help.
    Well, "just shout" didnt work out for me several times.

    Since I have no main chars in main fleets, can I move them now? I was thinking one on each faction side. Can I also move main chars from my second account to these main fleets or do they count as alts? Because with two accounts I could always invite myself when needed. And others too. That would make things way more pleasant.