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[Guide] - (WIP) Armada 2 - Roleplays

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Adster94, Sun 16 Jan, 2022 10:58 PM
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    • Chris Wilkinson
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    Hello and welcome to a guide for Armada 2 Roleplaying!

    The concept itself is quite a difficult one to grasp and run with, as it defeats all aspects of the game itself and, like all RPs, requires a significant amount of work on the side of the gamer. The one golden rule for this RPs: the more you put in, the more everyone will get out.

    The rules are quite simple and are as follows:
    • Stay true to your faction - for example, if you are the Federation you need to try and be as peaceful and diplomatic as possible, don't go full crazy and fire on everyone on sight! (dependent on war status)
    • Keep to the fleet building guidelines - these will also be posted below, this is for authenticity and gameplay balance more than anything else
    • Mark out your borders with a line of sensor arrays, these should be sensible and not cover half the map - anything between outpost territories is considered neutral and can be claimed but can also be shared, or can it...
    • Join in, via text or VOIP, and participate in group events - it's your preference, you don't even need to act with your voice if you don't want too
    • Don't take things too personally - a lot can happen within these events, it's always good to remember that any moves people make are always in their factions best interest and ultimately nothing passes between games, every one is a new experience!

    Fleet Building Guidelines:
    • You may only build 1 advanced shipyard - multiple basic shipyards can be built but preferably no more than 3 as this is considered to be an outlying outpost so you wouldn't expect Utopia Planitia to be there
    • You must have balanced fleets, with the vast majority being smaller frigates and cruisers - there shouldn't be more than 25% of your fleet as battleships, flagship classes are flagships for a reason!
    • Make sure to have yourself a dedicated ambassador ship - there may be times where ambassadors are requested to meet on neutral ground (depends on the map)

    Game settings:
    • Ship building set to its slowest setting
    • Shallowest map
    • Ferengi enabled - watch out for those derelicts!
    Adster94 Medals