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[Announcement] - California Class and More From Lower Decks

Started By:
Jestersmith, Thu 05 May, 2022 4:36 PM
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    Coming with the release of our next Story Content release, the Infinity Lock Box will run as our featured Lock Box for a full-length run. This extended run will also include a number of exciting additions in the form of the following:

    Additions of items previously seen in the Picard Zhat Vash Lock Box!
    New Lower Decks themed additions to the Lobi Store!
    A brand-new (and highly anticipated) Tier-6 Starship!

    Starting on May 10th, 2022, players on PC will have the opportunity to join the crew of the Lower Decks (in spirit, anyway) as captain of a California Miracle Worker Utility Cruiser [T6]!

    Complete ship details can be found further below in this dev blog!

    New Items in the Lobi Store!


    Console - Universal - Unstable Planetoid Detonation

    This Console's active ability seeds a nearby chunk of rock with unstable elements and detonates it with a mock solar discharge, producing a devastating wave of disruptive energy. The effect was first observed with a full-size planetoid and a real solar discharge by the U.S.S. Cerritos, and is recreated at a smaller scale here; while incapable of devastating a solar system, it can devastate a group of enemy vessels. It deals Kinetic damage and disables enemy subsystems over a wide area. The equipment required to recreate the effect by nature improves the Kinetic Damage, Maximum Hull, and Control Expertise of the starship.


    Ground “Weapon” - Mandatory Medical Treatment Rifle

    Medical personnel in Starfleet, particularly doctors, enjoy tremendous liberties concerning their duties. They are able to countermand orders, detain crew, declare them unfit for duty and, in extreme cases, deploy physical force in the name of medicine. Typically this involves restraining fields, but sometimes more creative applications are necessary. Thus began the Mandatory Medical Treatment Rifle, a novel means of delivering hypos at range and at speed. This rifle heals those it targets, and its secondary fire deploys a significant area heal. Lastly, this rifle repurposes target optimization gear, allowing global Critical Chance and global Critical Severity to apply to the Healing it does.


    Universal Kit Module - Scorpion Cube

    This Kit Module makes use of a strange artifact that temporarily transforms the user into a brutal scorpion. For a moderate duration, all abilities are replaced with devastating melee and ranged biological attacks. Passive abilities are retained during the transformation. The effects appear to have no lasting consequences, though this has not been studied at length.


    Universal Kit Module - Strange Energies Infusion

    Channels mysterious alien power for a brief length of time. Lifts Foes nearby and slams them into the ground, controlling them briefly and damaging them. Foe biological ensigns are transformed instead and for a longer duration, changed into friends that are visually similar to the user for a period of time.
    Lower Decks Personal Traits

    Space Trait - Make it Go

    By using... methodology... derived from Pakled clumpships, the Captain's starship is modified in many unorthodox ways, resulting in unpredictable beneficial effects. The wisdom of such strategies is left to the individual Captain to evaluate. Pakled clumpships are often underestimated, which led to an effort to identify the sources of their stubborn strength.

    Space Trait - Vitruvian Explosives

    Dealing weapon-based Kinetic damage has a percent chance to deal additional Radiation Damage. This extra damage is not improved by sources of increased or bonus damage a second time, except by increases or bonuses specific to Radiation Damage. While restricted and highly radioactive, Vitruvian Explosives are as effective as ancient Vitruvius himself.

    Ground Trait - Consulting the Team

    When the Captain's Health becomes low, recover half the recharge time of all Team Kit Modules and Bridge Officer Abilities. 120 second recharge. When the Away Team's leaders face a crisis, often the best thing they can do is trust the advice of those closest to them.

    Ground Trait - Shadow of the Black Mountain

    Upon entering a Ground Map, grants a bonus to Kit Performance to members of your away team which lasts indefinitely, but is lost one an officer if they are knocked unconscious. If you yourself are knocked unconscious, the bonus is removed from them all.


    California Miracle Worker Utility Cruiser [T6]

    They aren't the fastest in the fleet, nor the toughest, nor even the prettiest by the opinion of most, but the California-class still has it where it counts... what exactly "it" is can be difficult to define. Or locate. The class has always taken a second-string position to the flashier designs of the Federation's fleets, yet none can deny that these versatile vessels are still capable. The extensive customization available within this class's internal systems allows it to serve a "jack-of-all-trades" role, and ends up meaning that success of their missions often hinges on the specialized crews that have come to know and appreciate the quirks and "personality" of the vessel on which they labor.

    This starship features a Commander Engineering/Miracle Worker specialist seat and a Lt Commander Universal/Miracle Worker specialist seat.
    Ship Details:

    Tier: 6
    Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
    Required Rank: Complete the Tutorial
    Hull Modifier: 1.25
    Shield Modifier: 1.2
    Fore Weapons: 4
    Aft Weapons: 4
    Device Slots: 4
    Bridge Officer Stations: 1x Lt Commander Engineering, 1x Commander Engineering / Miracle Worker, 1x Ensign Universal, 1x Lieutenant Universal, 1x Lt Commander Universal / Miracle Worker
    Consoles: 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science, 1 Universal (scales with level)
    Base Turn Rate: 11
    Impulse Modifier: 0.17
    Inertia: 50
    +10 Shield Power, +10 Engine Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
    Console – Universal – Terraforming Emulsion
    “Innovation” Ship Mechanic
    Cyclical Quantum Slipstream Drive
    Cruiser Communications Array
    Command - Strategic Maneuvering
    Command - Shield Frequency Modulation
    Command - Weapon System Efficiency
    Command - Attract Fire
    Starship Mastery Package (Cruiser)
    Absorptive Plating (+Kinetic and Physical Damage Resistance)
    Rapid Repairs (+Regeneration)
    Enhanced Plating (+Energy and Radiation Damage Resistance)
    Armored Hull (+Maximum Hull Capacity)
    Lower Decks Initiative (Starship Trait)

    Admiralty Ship Stats:

    Eng: 62
    Sci: 27
    Tac: 37
    Special: 2.5x Critical Rating from ENG


    Console – Universal – Terraforming Emulsion

    Originally discovered aboard a derelict vessel of ancient and unknown origins, this exotic material has since been adapted for deployment as an area-denial countermeasure that can inflict devastating damage on enemy starships unfortunate enough to wander into its grasp. The strange goo is capable of converting inorganic matter into both organic compounds and natural elements belonging to what is presumed to be the natural habitat of the species of its creator. This process will rend apart the hull and engines of enemy vessels it meets.

    This console will eject several blobs of volatile terraforming emulsion into space, which will seek out and attach themselves to nearby enemy starships, quickly and violently converting portions of their hull into organic material. This process deals Physical Damage based on the clouds' proximity to their chosen prey, and any enemies unfortunate enough to bungle into them. The compound reacts in such a way that multiple clouds of the goop cannot devour a starship simultaneously - there is simply not enough surface area or material. As such, the effects of a single cloud will not stack with others. Starship shields are also quite effective at slowing down the deleterious conversion process, buy limiting the hull's exposure to the substance.

    Each cloud of emulsion will seek out a different target when created. If no un-leashed targets are within 5km, they will wander around the space until a target presents itself. This console ability may only be activated during combat, and not while cloaked.

    This console also provides a passive boost to Power Transfer Rate and Shield Regeneration skill, as well as a boost to Flight Speed while Out of Combat. This console may be equipped on any ship in any console slot.

    This console mod may be equipped on any ship, in any console slot. Only one of these consoles may be equipped on a ship at a time.

    Tooltip Description:

    Creates a series of clouds at your location (total of Cool which last for 30 sec each
    Clouds affect all Foes within 1km, and one Foe within 5km which it will chase
    Clouds reduce Flight Speed and Turn Rate
    Clouds deal Physical Damage each sec (Damage Increases with Proximity)
    If a Foe is defeated while affected by a Cloud, they will create a new Cloud which lasts for 30 sec and seeks out another Foe within 5km


    Starship Trait – Lower Decks Initiative

    While this trait is slotted, activating any Ensign-rank Bridge Officer ability grants you a Recharge Speed reduction for Commander-Rank Bridge Officer Abilities and Captain Abilities, which lasts for an extended duration and stacks several times.

    Every effective Bridge Crew depends on the ingenuity of their Lower Decks, whether they know it or not.

    Tooltip Description:

    Ensign-rank Bridge Officer Abilities provide a stacking buff that lasts 2 minutes (max 10 stacks)
    +2% Recharge Reduction for Commander-rank Bridge Officer Abilities
    +2% Recharge Reduction for Captain Abilities

    Expanding Infinity

    The following items from the Picard Zhat Vash Lock Box will also now be available within the Infinity Lock Box:

    T6 Starship:
    Dhailkhina Strike Wing Warbird [T6]
    Details in this previous Dev Blog:
    Starship Trait:
    One Impossible Thing at a Time
    Personal Traits:
    Choose to Live (Ground)
    Zhat Vash Venom (Ground)
    Abundance of Caution (Space)
    Blue Skies (Space)
    Duty Officer Assignments:
    Zhat Vash Cold Cases
    Kit Modules:
    Molecular Solvent Canisters (Universal)
    Tal Shiar Forensic Scanner (Universal)
    Personal Spatial Trajector (Universal)
    Zhat Vash Disruptor Weaponry (Space)
    Including chance to obtain the Zhat Vash Vanity Shield!

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    I don't say that very often but DO NOT get the California Class it is a terrible ship all over from the stats to the Trait and is not worth 200 bugs.
    Bridger Medals
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    I like the space trait that does the extra radiation damage on kinetic weapons; that’ll do nicely fit my ship possibly. And the planets explodey console thingy looks good as well for a torp build.

    Everything else is the usual meh level that we’ve come to expect from the game.
    And dammit that LD ship is one ugly garbage scow. 😬
    SulMatuul Medals
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    What an ugly ship!!! That's all.
    Stormy Medals
    What I really need is a cupholder and a couple of Advil.-Quincy Taggart
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    If you desperately want a new MW ship, then go look at something like the Lexington or if you're paying in EC, the Inquiry, instead.

    I would say Gagarin too, but everyone and their dog probably has it by now.
    Petrarch Medals
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    I like the space trait that does the extra radiation damage on kinetic weapons; that’ll do nicely fit my ship possibly. And the planets explodey console thingy looks good as well for a torp build.

    Everything else is the usual meh level that we’ve come to expect from the game.
    And dammit that LD ship is one ugly garbage scow. 😬
    Just hoping that trait will have a decent proc chance...