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[Archived] - ARES (Season 2 Cliff Notes)

Started By:
Kiflin, Fri 06 May, 2022 10:30 PM
  1. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 09 May, 2023 4:56 PM.
    ARP 240


    ARES STARSHIP Season 2 till NOW

    Status - Taskforce Docked - Stardate 58370.2 - May 16, 2381 - 03:08
    FAB spacer small

    • Taskforce meets at DS9 as well as Romulan and Klingon vessels. Admiral Dalton asks Captain Jones to beam directly to aboard DS9. -Josh
    • The Ares was parked safely at a friendly Starbase for ODN Relay Repair had cascading reactions regarding aftereffects of the weaponry used by the aptly named USS Renegade. - Logical
    • Bliiqs shift crewman identified a holodeck character escaped the holodeck through the ODN relays and started to wage war on the ship. - Logical
    • The hologram was finally isolated to one relay, but that relay could not be purged and repaired until Starfleet dispatched a Judge Advocate to assess. - Logical
    • Bliiqs had to call in a Bajoran extermination company to come in and handle the problem. It was identified as being on the Federation Science Council's Endangered Species of Interest list.- Logical
    • Overtime every vole was humanely trapped, tagged, and transported to Starbase 234. - Logical
    • Jarroth makes it back to ARES after successfully taking a prisoner to DS9, the shuttle was severely damaged from an Orion ambush. Ensign Jarroth brought back his incapcitated co-pilot Kowalaski, and he is now in stable condition. - Kiflin
    • Caymen Greener is introduced as the creator of Taskforce, and the Taskforce is ordered to "just head out and explore." - Josh
    • Schrit receives transmission that his department within Ares will receive 4 fighters in exchange for 2 shuttlecraft. - DeuZ
    • Thane returns to ARES having spent months improving software security for ARES and also prepared to give full review to Cpt. - Krajin
    • Schrit manages to prep and exchange supplies between fighters and shuttlecraft. Commander Zoteke Madwan enters and is greeted by Schrit, both then board separate fighters. - DeuZ
    • Bliiqs greets Sam and Akyv as they land. Bliqs is told there is a point 5 two phase variance between the EPS grid and the warp engine. - Josh/Logical
    • Schrit and Thane have a conversation regarding the prowess of Schrit's son and at the end Schrit speaks in resounding defense of his progeny. - Krajin/DeuZ
    • Captain Will Storm appears via holo to Captain Jones and tells her the Orion Syndicate is planning to commandeer the ARES. - Josh
    • Cpt. Jones tells Bliqs about the encounter. Jones decides to delay ARES departure for 3 days and consult with Admiral Dalton. - Josh/Logical
    • Thane and Schrit continue their heated conversation in Schrit's office. The reach and agreement but overall only a small shuffling within departments from Thane ensures. - Deuz / Krajin
    • Cpt Jones and Admiral Dalton continue their conversation. Admiral Dalton tells Cpt. Jones to stay at DS9 for 3 more days to receive CMO, and Starfleet relays not to pursue Renegade ship. - Josh
    • Schrit goes to quarters asks Son what he was doing, his son is offended but forgives Schirit. Later Schrit then calls son via comlink to converse about his past conversation with Thane. - DeuZ
    • Eliana orders a drink at Quarks and is then called over coms to Assignment officer. Admiral Dalton enters Quarks. -Josh
    • Bliiqs enters his office and contacts Thane. Bliiqs tries to suggest more preperation namely defense drills need to be implemented for the crew regarding the Orion Syndicate. Thane counters saying that they are already in process and to make a change could tip their hand to informants. - Logical/Krajin
    • Eliana boards ARES and meets Captain Mariella Jones. Eliana is promoted to Chief Science Officer and LT. Commander by Cpt. Jones. - Josh
    • Thane erases records of the meeting with Schrit, and reviewing Danre's files. He gives the first shift security team a briefing of new equipment and procedures. - Kraijin
    Kiflin Medals