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Guess what!

Started By:
Phoenix, Sat 14 May, 2022 9:54 PM
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    Well, we are finally at a point now where the pain is more bearable and they upped both my morphine (per hour) and pregabalin so along with the damage to my shoulder i have to try and work through it so the frozen shoulder aspect of it goes as quick as possible as can take over a year to heal (WTF) - so i'm going to slow start trying to run events again, even if i end up having to be just a talker / organiser and have someone else actually running the mission - I actually managed to play SC for a little bit yesterday and 1 mission with jester the other day in SWTOR. And well i managed to get on sto after i woke up this evening, so keep your eyes peeled you unfortunately might see me around again more

    i won't go into the other issues with the shoulder as i don't overly understand them my self, but the frozen shoulder part i get and the strained rotator cuff i kind of get the rest is mumble jumble
    "Phoenix Arms....Your enemy will go down in ashes" - Bill
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    Man I hear ya and hope it goes as quickly as possible.