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[Archived] - FEA - Cmdr Tarquin, Biiqs (TAC)

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Thu 09 Nov, 2023 5:16 AM.
    Current Status - Active Duty - Stardate 58425.8 - June 5, 2381 - 1022 Hours
    FAB spacer small

    STAR TREK: ARES Season 3 Time Line



    Gender: Male
    Birthday: November 11, 2341
    Nationality: Earth Citizen (American)
    Hometown/Homeworld: Earth, North American Sector, Sheridan, Wyoming, USA

    Occupation: Executive Officer of the USS Ares
    Titles/degrees: None
    Rank: Commander

    Height:1.88 metere
    Hair: Bald
    Complexion: Azure Blue
    General body type: Tall and broad shouldered, a strong build with a generous midsection. He looks like a retired human athlete who has allowed some pounds to grow with age, or an old fashioned strongman.
    Other defining physical traits: Slight scar on his left brow
    Favorite physical trait: His gut. It looks deceptively large, which makes opponents underestimate his conditioning
    Least favorite physical trait: His toes, they seem too long and thin.

    Positive traits
    What do THEY (the character) consider to be their best personality trait?: Biiqs is very good at working with people, setttling disputes, and trying to draw the best out of them.
    Negative traits:
    What do THEY consider to be their worst trait?: Biiqs is very good at blinding himself to facts that he does not wish to see when they do not fit his own internal monologue. This manifests chiefly in his personal life.
    "Neutral"/other notable traits:

    Skills: Basic engineering, weapons repair, tactical, expert at tactical systems, professional-level boxer, advanced tactical hand to hand combat, some operations experience, competent intelligence/counterintelligence skills
    Dislikes: Bullies, tyrants, people who abuse position and power in petty ways
    Favorite books/movies/tv shows/sports etc.: Book: Biiqs is a fan of the ancient Earth sports of Boxing and Dambe, but loves to observe new competitive sports from different places. His favorite book is Wexam's "Reflections on Sentience"
    Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any): Biiqs is a believer in what is sometimes called "The Great Conversation," a Bolian belief that all living things were designed by a "Speaker" to operate in harmony with one another. It is the responsibility of each sentient being to foster harmony and eliminate discord. This belief reflects in the way he approaches conflict, generally.
    Proudest accomplishment: Being rated Chief Petty Officer on the USS Cairo
    Biggest regret or embarrassment: Choosing his career over love
    Biggest fear(s): Being alone
    Biggest long-term goal: Being happy, genuinely happy. Biiqs always appears in good spirits, but it hides a dark discontent
    Ambition:Unlike many Starfleet officers, Biiqs is not very ambitious. He has a desire to be of use, but not to reach a certain rank or position. The only rank he ever cared for is Chief Petty Officer, out of respect for one of his mentors.
    Hobbies: Boxing, Dambe, Singing, Listening to Music (Terran Bossa Luanda, Klingon Opera, Bolian Trade Songs)

    Parents: Bors and Binot Tarquin
    Siblings:Las Tarquin, Tembrii Taquin, Rash Tarquin (brothers) Abene Miral-Tarquin (sister)
    Spouse/significant other: None
    Children: None
    Other relationships (specify friends/co-workers/it's complicated/etc): Haken Tarquin (favorite uncle), Garrot Tarquin (grandfather, owner of Tarquin Shipping Solutions), Captain T'Pera (friend, former love interest) Chief Fatima Khaira (friend, former lover)


    2361-2367 - Weapons Technician/Relief Tactical - USS Cairo
    2367-2370 - Cadet - Starfleet Academy
    2370- 2374-Tactical Officer - USS Tian An Men
    2374- Security/Tactical Officer - Starbase 375
    2375- Planetside Forward Base Security Officer - Ronara Prime
    2378 - 2380- Chief of Security - Starbase 234
    2380-2381-Tactical Officer - USS Lakota
    2381-Chief of Tactical/Executive Offficer - USS Ares