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[Archived] - (SFA) Ariat, Ishan - (SCI)

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Zairu, Wed 08 Jun, 2022 11:23 PM
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Sun 05 Nov, 2023 11:44 PM.



    Current Status - INACTIVE Trainee - Stardate 58370.2 - June 9th 2381 - 03:08
    FAB spacer small

    Personal Information


    Name: Ishan Ariat

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Birthday: 8/13/2356

    Nationality: Federation

    Hometown/Homeworld: Portland, Oregon, Earth

    Career/occupation: Linguistics/Command

    Occupation: Science Officer

    Titles/degrees: Linguistics Major, with a focus on command opportunities.

    Rank (if applicable): Cadet?


    Height: 5'10" (1.77m)

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Green

    Complexion: Fair

    General body type: Athletic

    Other defining physical traits: Collar lenth blonde hair, parted and coiffed.

    Favorite physical trait: Good Endurance, and fast on his feet.

    Least favorite physical trait: A little lean for human standards.


    A warm and kind person, eagar to learn and fit in.

    Positive traits: Trustworthy, Open-Minded, Empathetic

    What do THEY (the character) consider to be their best personality trait?: They get it done, and it gets done right.

    Negative traits: Gullable, Compulsive

    What do THEY consider to be their worst trait?: They are a little Scatterbrained (at times)

    "Neutral"/other notable traits: Likes a good Andoran Ale, the real stuff.


    Perceptive and learned in reading body language, as well as learn and understanding new languages and cultures.

    Likes: 1980's rock music, Raktajino, sushi, puns

    Dislikes: The Dominion, Manipulators, liars, thieves, anyone who operates "in the shadows" such as the Tal'shiar and the Obsidian Order.

    Favorite books/movies/tv shows/sports etc.: Lord of the Rings, Larry Niven, Jake Sisko's newly finished book "Anslem."

    Religious beliefs/affiliation (if any): Agnostic

    Proudest accomplishment: Acceptance into SFA.

    Biggest regret or embarrassment: Not taking part in more extra-curricular activities at SFA, always too busy studiying, or watching holos. Or partying, lots of partying. Probably could have studied a *little* bit more.

    Biggest fear(s): Dying in obscurity. Not making his mark.

    Biggest long-term goal: Command my own starship! Explore strange new life, and learn about other cultures.


    Growing up on Starbase 49, to starfleet parents, he heard stories and was always meeting new and exciting friends. His passion was that he got to meet so many new cultures and learn many ways of life.

    His family also contributed to his ideals greatly, being officers in star-fleet they were always moving forward, always trying new things, and going to new places and watching new holovids from other cultures, they had a few first contact missions, and of course, the more fun 2nd and 3rd contact missions, where in a year or two, they would follow up, and protocols would be more relaxed, that when he was old enough, and his family was on-site he could go with them and meet people, and see their social structure from a first hand point of view.

    Then the Dominion War happened, with the dominions key victories and edged even closer to sol, his parents were taken off diplomatic missions, and pushed to the front lines for their skill as science officers.

    After the loss of his mother, and his father being deployed until the end of the war, he went into a depressed state, until one day he met a young ensign Mariner, who helped him snap out of in the most unorthodox of ways. Convincing him to join starfleet now that the war is over, "go back to his roots and *all that.*"

    Hobbies: Building little scale models of ships and stations he lived on, and ones he hopes to serve on, he is a little bit of a ship nerd, which makes him a great sci officer)


    Grandmother: Isha Aisi (living on Andoria)

    Mother: Rana Sherova (deceased, died upon USS Seattle's destruction at the battle of Rashanar in 2375.

    Father: Shren Ariat, 53, (Starfleet Officer, Curently serving on USS Carlsberg)

    Siblings: Sisters: Tanitha and Zaedra Ariat

    Spouse/significant other: None

    Children: None

    Other relationships (specify friends/co-workers/it's complicated/etc): Growing up in starfleet had its advantages, and disadvantages, with transfer every few years, that meant a new group of friends to meet, and eventually, become seperated, however this means Ishan has many acquantances, and who knows when they encounter one another again on a new ship, or on shore leave.
    ZairuKiritana Medals