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[Archived] - DS9 (Interlude)

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Kiflin, Mon 13 Sep, 2021 1:06 PM
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Fri 05 Aug, 2022 9:05 PM.

    Personal Log, Ensign Verce' - En route to Shuttle Bay 2 Landing Bay
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    Current Primary Orders
    Scan/Repair All Aft Defense Systems
    Torpedo Launchers


    Assessment of Repair Locations
    DECKS 16, 18, 22, 23, 24
    D17 Main Deflector Emitter & Generator, Torpedo Launch & Magazine Bay
    D16 Primary Deflector & Emitter, (2)Regenerative Defense Force Field Generator Compartment, Structural Integrity Field Generator
    D18 Primary Deflector Emitter & Generator
    D22 Transporter Transceiver / Regenerative Defense Force Field Generator Bay
    D23 Aft-Ventral Photon Torpedo Launcher & Magazine Compartment
    D24 Fighter Hanger, (10)Parking Bays - Main Level

    "Perhaps coming a day early which although customary to most crewman and revered by most Starship brass has not worked in my favor thus far. I didn't anticipate a Sovereign Class Starship in need of this much repair so soon. However, I am happy to have a great opportunity to assist with it's repairs.

    My PADD revealed as I witnessed upon my arrival that work crews had already begun repairs upon Decks 16 and 17, which was Main Engineering. Obviously a good call by Lt. Delvok. It will be interesting to experience his process method of repairs and become familiar with his overall approach.

    Notwithstanding the level of damage caused by the EMP attack, the frequency and speed of correcting it will be inherently controlled by the variable chemistry of the Engineer teams who are assigned. I made note to submit to his yet to met Lt. Devolk. The Fighter Hanger on Deck 24 would have also been likely effected by the EMP. Meaning all fighters will have be checked with a level one diagnostic..."

    Jarroth grinded his teeth in eager anticipation as he realized how many hours he would need to put in to accomplish these tasks.

    End of Log_
    Kiflin Medals
  2. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 12 Jul, 2022 4:31 AM.

    Status - Verce's Personal Log - Stardate 58370.2 - May 16, 2381 - 03:08
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    It had been more then 3 months since the ARES had docked above Deep Space 9. The repairs had been just about finished upon the ship. I must admit I hadn't actually been aboard DS9 before so I thought I would take the time to get familiar with my surroundings. As I set in the bar known as "Quarks" I decided to try a drink called Liquid Latinum. Even though I seldom try other people's suggestions when I drink in public, the Ferengi who was quick to introduce himself as the owner was quite entertaining during his grinning pitch.

    Before I took my first sip I set there a long moment... just to deeply inhale the ambiance, and relish the moment of not being on duty. I must admit just like the drink it wasn't bad.

    As I took another sip I could feel the owner's eyes on me. Turning to look in his direction he had a slight smirk on his face and as I raised my glass that smirk became a smile, as he vigorously rubbed a glass into the appearance of transparency. That's when my PADD which had been set to vibrate whirred to life. So much for being off duty. It would seem that someone had sent me a communica. Still holding my glass I typed in my code to accept the information. A video image popped up on my screen. Since my sound was muted letters appeared in sequence depicting the words of my fully recovered and former co pilot, Officer Kowalski....

    Hey J, just wanted to share this with you... you aren't gonna believe what the prisoner had in one of his cases... one of the guys in Engineering who is a fan of our work sent a copy of the image our way. Check it out!

    Jarroth took another slow sip before the image fully illuminated his PADD.


    Universal Translator Enabled_

    Implantation Successful_

    Initiate Phase 2 of Plan_

    Subjugation of Amalgamation now initiated_
    Kiflin Medals
  3. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 12 Jul, 2022 4:30 AM.

    Status - Verce's Personal Log - Stardate 58370.2 - May 23, 2381 - 07:36
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    It had been several days since I received the transmission from Officer Kowalski. Within minutes I contacted Lieutenant Commander Thane Va'Rek. I believed that getting his eyes on the transmission as soon as possible would be to the betterment of us all. I couldn't make heads or tails of the obviously vague and intended cryptic deciphered translation.

    What did it really mean? What were we actually dealing with? Where the Orions planning something soon? I shook my head as I again found myself contemplating the message and not maintaining the cadence of my breathing. I picked a hell of a day for exercise. But I felt like it was definitely needed all things considered. I had not had a good workout since I came on board.

    I wasn't alone either the entire gym was packed. Seemed like everyone was trying to center themselves because they all could sense as I did.... something was big was happening. Whatever it was it had put everyone on edge. DS9 always had ships of various sizes berthing and resupplying often. But the larger ships would mostly get priority and wouldn't take anywhere near the time as ARES had to be cleared to leave. There had also been rumors of some of the crew aboard ARES being transfered.

    But what was so strange is how long the ARES had remained docked in comparison to the other starships which had passed through. Everyone turned while exercising upon hearing the wail of a new starship lurching slowly into a remaining pylon. I took a moment to dry myself as I slowed my full sprint into a slight jog to catch my escaping breath. I reached quickly to grab my water bottle filled with freezing H2O to cool back down my body temperature. As I continued my paced trot a new encompassing shadow stretched across the entire floor of the gym.

    It was a galaxy class starship... I couldn't quite make out the name due to the angle of my viewpoint but I had to know. I got off the treadmill draping my towel over my right shoulder and made my way towards the transparasteel window. A group of crewmen all had the same idea but none of us could get a good look. After a few moments I made my way towards the lift joining several others.

    Finding out what the new ship's name would have to wait. But I knew who the right person was that could possibly tell me the real reason why it was here. Two deep exploration ships parked at the same time couldn't just be a coincidence. Why not find out why?
    Kiflin Medals
  4. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 12 Jul, 2022 4:30 AM.

    DS9 - Chapter 3: Interlude


    Status - Verce's Personal Log - Stardate 58467.7 - June 20, 2381 - 17:41
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    As I continued towards the upper docking pylon which had for over 3 months been connected to Ares, I couldn't help but think about the unusual contingent of starships docked at DS9. Something was definitely off about this situation and it would seem to me that there was a reason for the build up, and the silence. Even within the turbolift you could feel the tension. As the doors opened two security officers stopped all but me from advancing further.

    Next I noticed that only official crew officers were allowed beyond the present point. Just as I was allowed to step through the lights went off. A loud explosion followed by gasps and screams in collective synchronicity swept across the deck as I was shook and thrown violently into the wall paneling. Deafening klaxons wailed slowly cutting into the pulsating ringing within my ears... just as the vacuum started.

    Instinctively I clutched onto initial railing that would have lead up into a Jeffrie's tube. I've never felt so much force before... even in simulations. I screamed as my body was stretched prone in midair while I struggled to tighen my grip. Then inevitable began. A man visibly showing inaudible scream flew past me flailing his arms and legs, followed by another... this time a woman. I tried to reach out my hand but she was too far away. I will never forget the look on her face as her body was flung into darkness.

    More people continued to be sucked into the far end of the compromised corridor until everyone who accompanied me within the lift and the security personel were all gone. My arms were on fire. As I screamed knowing I could not hang on any longer the force grew even more intensified. Having no more reserves of strength I finally succumbed. My body felt as if it were grapped by a hook as my ribs and spine collasped in submission. Then... absolutely nothing.

    I was too scared to open my eyes. I felt as if I must have died and since I was feeling horrible pain that I must have ended up in the wrong place. Finally opening them I could see that the shield doors had came down and I must have blacked out by hitting them. Several medical officers were already working on me... telling me to relax... and that I was ok. Yeah no way I was alright. I was alive but far from it. My ribs were burning and my back felt like someone wrapped me around a pole and left me there.

    Just before I lost conciousness again I could hear someone say we were attacked, and that the ARES along with two other Starships suffered significant damage from the exploding upper pylon. I couldn't help but chuckle while wearing a breathing mask. I was alive... but I imagined many were not. Whoever did this was sending a message by attacking DS9, and several starships including a Sovereign class.

    One thing was for certain... my days as an ARES crewman were over.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Fri 24 Jun, 2022 1:32 PM.
    Deep Space Nine
    Habitat Ring, Conference Room 4

    "Captain's prerogative," Captain Jones had said, with a sad smile and wink. "Cheer up, it cant be that awful."

    Oh, but it was.

    Ordinarily, one wouldnt think that a presentation by the Bajoran Ministry of Travel and Commerce would be so bad. The purpose was to educate Starfleet Captains on how to best distribute their personnel for shore leave. Basically, "How to keep your crewmen from starting Intergalactic Incidents" Wartime alliances were one thing, the crews of a Galaxy class and D'Deridex class all trying to fit in at Quarks was quite another. Biiqs saw the necessity of the meeting, but the presenters were horrendously boring. Especially the lead subminister whose monotone drone resembled the lowing of a Hybornean bovine in its sixty-eighth hour of labor. The Captain must have got a heads up on him, and sent her poor First Officer to represent her at the presentation.

    The amber lights that begin to pulse throughout the conference room were almost a welcome diversion, but Biiqs knew better than to think that way after half his lifetime in the Fleet. The assembled officers stared at each other for half a second before leaping to their feet and rushing toward the door. Red Alert on a starbase during peacetime could never be a good thing. In an orderly rush, they all began streaning towards the door, as the puzzled Undersecretary's chin wobbled in a silent protest he could not find the words for.

    Outside in the corridor, what could have been chaos began to filter towards order. Instructions and arrows began pointing civillians to their deaignated locations. Station staff already knew where to go, and by now, designated "herders" were showing up to assist. Probably damage control teams assigned the secondary function of civilian management. The station had their system down pat. Biiqs reached a cerulean paw out to grab the shoulder of one of the herders, asking in his best officers' bark, "Report!"

    "I think the station is under attack sir. At least the docked ships."

    Biiqs grumbled and headed towards the nearest turbolift. He did a mental inventory of essential personnel that were on the station.

    "Tarquin to Thane. Meet me back on the Ares, ASAP. Tarquin out."


    Biiqs and five other officers shouldered into the same lift. A captain across from him grumbled, "Take me to the USS Sierra docking port." The car began moving. A slightly younger looking captain to his right said, "USS Galaxy docking port. Biiqs, when the other officers, his juniors, did not speak, he said to the lift. "Make the third destination the USS Ares docking port."

    â–¡= UNABLE TO COMPLY =â–¡

    "Unable to comply?" Biiqs repeated. Computer, override, authorization Tarquin Tango Alpha Five Nine.


    Biiqs eyes lit with real fear. "Tarquin to Ares, Emergency transport, get me aboard now!"

    It felt like an eternity before Biiqs' atoms began to coalesce into light, and he entered a fresh realm of chaos.
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    Deep Space Nine
    Docking Ring, Section 2, Subsection 4.

    Months! Months in this place! If I wanted to be locked at Deep Space Nine for three months without break I could of just taken a ship of my own. Some filthy little Bird of Prey but no.. Had to get pushed into this... The Ferasan exchange officer walked through the station's many corridors whilst on the way to the Ares for a surprise inspection of the security there. He had become an annoying, unpredictable inspector out to spread the pain of his boredom onto the staff of both the station and the ship. Some might compare him to that one Drill Sargeant that would creep up on you while you were distracted or thinking they weren't around, loom and lurk, then spring a surprise on you when they catch you doing something they can sting you for. Beautiful.

    Rounding a corner Thane came to a pause as he spotted multiple security staff who raised their hands at him. First came the questions, the curiosity and then things began to get heated. As the Officers stated that the area is under lockdown as they are currently in an investigation. Per orders of station security. First things got heated, the two officers in a dispute before things went quiet. Thane turned his head to the side as this.. feeling.. this.. tension? No. Something more.. something wrong. T'was like something just clicked and in a split second reaction Thane grabbed that Security officer, a young half human woman, and with his impressive strength threw her around the corner whilst shouting to the other two "Get out!" As a fireball combined with a concussive shockwave erupted out from further down and above the corridor propelled the Ferasan down the corridor and into a wall. Slamming him into it hard. Things went black for a brief moment as his engineered body began to recover and adrenaline surged.

    Thane's ears rang loud and clear and he felt himself start getting pulled across the floor. Knowing the pull he fumbled for the helmet affixed to the belt and fumbled to put it on. Affixing it on and initiating the seal, the temporary atmosphere flooding the mask now so he can functionally breathe if things go to hell. Then the dragging stopped as emergency containment force fields kicked in and he could take stock of everything. Thane laid on his back and groaned as the rest of the suit's systems kicked on. His ears wouldn't stop ringing and the pain of his injuries from the blast and impact dulled considerably by his adrenaline and pain threshold. He looked about and assessed. Smoke. This implied atmosphere of some kind.. or at least the place was sealed. Many of the standard lights are out, red alert signals flashing.

    A communication pinged through the Commbadge and routed into the helmet, he could make out parts of it. "Tarqu-... Back to-... Ares. Out."

    He began to respond and slowly sit up. "Thane.. To Tarquin. I think I beat you here. Ugh.. It's.. get medical's ugly."

    Thane picked himself up off the floor and started his way forward to check on those whom he could still see. The young woman he had tossed around the corner was thankfully safe behind an engaged force field, singed but alive and in shock. The others.. buried under rubble or sucked out before the field engaged. He could see a part of the Are's hull.

    "I am going to.. going to try and find others on this deck. Try and find survivors. There's a lot of damage on this deck. Get to the Ares and.. do what you can. My teams onboard will follow their drills. Thane out." Indeed, Thane's security teams would be responding like well oiled machines as best they can to the significant damage done to the ship.

    Thane took a pause before leaning against the wall with his good hand and slowly began to make his way down the corridor, checking the medical scanner on his forearm, the cracked screen still worked at least. Contusions, lacerations, fractured rib and left arm. The same one the cracked monitor is on. His cloak is burned, a few holes burned right on through the protective material but at least his body armor protected him from the worst of the effects and the suit hadn't suffered any ruptures. Of course, if Tarquin chose, he could have Thane transported out just by tracking his Commbadge.

    There's a saying about Ferasans and Loyalty....
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    USS Ares
    Deck 9

    As the shimmer of the transporter faded, Biiqs found himself looking at his longtime friend, Chief Khaira. Crimson lights pulsated around the room, and klaxons wailed over the sound of crew members running through the halls.

    "Better get up to the Bridge, Bix. They're playing your song."

    Before he could answer, his commbadge activated.

    "Thane.. To Tarquin. I think I beat you here. Ugh.. It's.. get medical's ugly."

    "I am going to.. going to try and find others on this deck. Try and find survivors. There's a lot of damage on this deck. Get to the Ares and.. do what you can. My teams onboard will follow their drills. Thane out."
    Biiqs took a moment to consider. In Thane's place, he'd want to do the same: help out as much as he could. But it was all hands on deck now.

    "Negative, Thane. We need you here. We'll alert Station Medical and Damage control to your specific location. Stand by for immediate transport."


    Biiqs turned to Khaira, who nodded and replied, "On it. I'll alert Deep Space Nine as well. Get to the bridge."

    With that, Biiqs took off at a run to the nearest turbolift, which, luckily still functioned. When the doors opened onto the Bridge, Lt. Watson, turned toward him, and sighed witht apparent relief. "Good to see you sir I thought you were the doctor coming to tell me about the captain...."

    "The captain?" Biiqs eyes widened, but he bit back his curiousity. First things first.

    "Status report, Mr. Watson. Then tell me about the captain."

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 05 Jul, 2022 11:04 PM.

    Status - Active Duty - Stardate 58467.7 - July 5th, 2381 - 17:41
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    Well from what I have learn--

    Belay that order Officer Watson! The USS ARES is under investigation by Starfleet Command... everyone of you are at this very moment contaminating a crime scene! This ship will need extensive repairs and is unsafe for any crew compliment at this time.((Takes a moment to eye everyone on the Deck while chewing on his bottom lip)) All of you must report to Security Office upon the Promenade on DS9 immediately! ((Several security officers file into the room and take positions upon either sides of Commander Worf)) Now... after you!

    Moments later all remaining bridge crew officers were directed upon the Captain's Yacht and taken back to DS9.

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    Deep Space Nine
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    "...and when can I expect to make the call to Starfleet Command to authenticate these orders? This whole ordeal has been highly irregular! Highly irregular!"

    Biiqs has worked up a full head of steam on the shuttle ride over to Deep Space Nine, most of ehich he sat silently, stewing as he watched the Ares recede through the porthole. Neither the legend or the dour grimace of Commander Worf dissuaded him from complaining there; he realized that it would not be the best example for his crew.

    But now, as he strode into DS9's Security Office behind the officer assigned to speak witb him, he let loose a torrent of complaints, face mottled with the rush of blood.

    "Striding onto our bridge where I was assuming lawful command as per my duty, and highjacking said command like a group of pirates! Yes, I said pirates! Of all my days in the fleet, I've never seen the like. Especially in an emergency! My grievances will be filed in triplicate! Highly irregular! What do you have to say for yourself?"

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    Deep Space Nine
    Docking Ring

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    I try to make my way through the crowd gathering at the sealed-off section of the docking ring leading to the upper pylon. Honestly, I'm getting kinda mad already. Just my luck. I finally get my orders and commission - a Sovereign-class ship! Still having a hard time believing it - and the moment I get where it's docked, someone seriously blows it up? Or, at least, some bits of it. No one actually seems to know anything either. I already tried asking two separate security officers on the way here if they knew anything. One at least told me where the pylon was. The other just stared at me, shrugged, and went back to waving at civilians.

    To be fair, standing in this crowd isn't making anything better either. I allow myself a minute to stand still and look at the crowd. There's crewmen and officers like me just trying to get to the Ares. There's a few civilians who didn't want to listen to damage control or just didn't have anything better to do just loitering and trying to get to the front to see better. A few people at the front who I can't see are having some sort of argument with the guards securing the pylon. Then I let my eyes wander for a moment and see a human child. Probably about twelve. Trying frantically to get to the front, eyes welling with tears, grabbing onto anyone with a uniform and asking about her--

    I look away and shake it off. I'm an officer. And that's my commission someone blew up. I turn around and start walking to the closest place liable to have answers - the Security Office on the Promenade. If I don't find anything there, I'll go to Station Operations next. Yep. Sounds like a plan. Before I turn the corner, I try and sneak another look at the kid, but when I look, she's gone. I blink twice and move on. Better that way.
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    Status - DS9 - Stardate 58467.7 - July 9th, 2381 - 17:41
    FAB spacer small

    "Striding onto our bridge where I was assuming lawful command as per my duty, and highjacking said command like a group of pirates! Yes, I said pirates! Of all my days in the fleet, I've never seen the like. Especially in an emergency! My grievances will be filed in triplicate! Highly irregular! What do you have to say for yourself?"
    I could say alot about myself, but I'm not the one wondering dumbfounded as to why tampering within a locked down starship is not allowed. Now that everyone is here we can finally get started... Thank you Commander Worf, but I will take it from here.

    Yes Captain. (nods and heads back to his office station)

    All of you have been re-assigned as of this moment. Direct orders from Starfleet Command... say good bye to the ARES Ladies and gents. ((negative murmurs from the bridge crew)) Listen up! Most of you are lucky to have set foot on the most advanced starship in the Federation in the first place, let alone the bridge! Count your blessings and let it go... ARES has a date with the Utopia Planetia for repairs and none of you all are invited.


    You want to know the truth? I don't think most of you all were worthy of her... besides your former Captain. She is a great leader, and well deserved the commission. (walks up to Commander Biiqs) She is in very critical condition, and may not survive due to her injuries from the detonations. All of you have been spoiled by her and the Starship Ares... you have had to rely on both of their prowess and not your own. Let me be clear... that ends today. Now you and only you will decide your fate. Commander Worf?

    (Walks over and stands besides Captain Kira)

    Will you let this starship-less crew know what their new commission is?

    With pleasure Captain, former crew of Starship ARES... your new commission is STARSHIP FEARLESS, NCC 14598. Your Commander will be Bliqqs Tarquin. Commander Tarquin it will be up to you to name your 1st Officer... I suggest you take the necessary time to make your decision a good one. Report to the Fearless at 0800 hours. Commander Tarquin once you are within your office and the Fearless has passed inspection, your new orders will be given to you by Starfleet Command. Dismissed!
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 12 Jul, 2022 2:52 AM.
    Deep Space Nine
    Security Office

    With pleasure Captain, former crew of Starship ARES... your new commission is STARSHIP FEARLESS, NCC 14598. Your Commander will be Biiqs Tarquin. Commander Tarquin it will be up to you to name your 1st Officer... I suggest you take the necessary time to make your decision a good one. Report to the Fearless at 0800 hours. Commander Tarquin once you are within your office and the Fearless has passed inspection, your new orders will be given to you by Starfleet Command. Dismissed!

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    Although he wanted to argue further, Biiqs knew where the line was. Kira, as much as he wanted to throw her out of an airlock, was still a captain. And Worf had more seniority. So instead, he drew himself to attention, staring straight ahead and through Worf and Kira, saluted, and turned crisply on a heel before exiting the security office.

    Once the door rolled back into place and they were a respectful distance away, he turned toward the few bridge officers formerly of the Ares and said, "Don't listen to Captain Kira. You most certainly were worthy of Captain Jones. And the Ares. You are one of the finest crews in Starfleet, and I am glad you're accompanying me to my..."

    Biiqs hesitated slightly as Worf's words began to truly take effect. My own command?

    He cleared his throat and repeated his thought aloud. " own command. I'm proud to serve with every one of you. Contrary to what Captain Kira believes, the Ares would have been nothing without you, not the other way around. Over our short time together, we've seen multiple Captains come and go, we've faced enemies from without and within, weve fought together, laighed together, mourned together. And we endured. I don't care if the Fearless is a decrepit Oberth, it'll be grander than the Enterprise with you all at the controls. So...0800, you have your orders. Dismissed!"

    After the brige crew had dispersed, Biiqs slumped against the bulkhead, succumbing to the weight of responsibility. "My own command?"
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    I stand on the Promenade, opposite the Security Office as a parade of officers walks out with looks of dejection on their faces. Most of the officers slowly disperse, but a single Bolian's still left there, leaning against the metal bulkhead. I swear I know him from somewhere... oh! He's the First Officer of the Ares! I knew having a look at that crew roster on the way to DS9 was a good idea. He's bound to know why the Ares is locked off. Maybe he'll even tell me where I need to go to actually do something.

    I walk over to the Bolian, salute and stand at attention. Hope I make a good first impression.

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    Commander! Lieutenant Azral Nilen reporting for duty aboard USS Ares, NCC-79116. Maybe you've seen the transfer orders?

    And.. if I may, sir... what's going on with the Ares? Why is it blocked off?

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    Biiqs drew himself up from against the wall, returning the Lieutenant's salute. Enough wasting time, he thought. There's much to do.

    "Greetings, I am Biiqs Tarquin, formerly first officer of the Ares. Rest assured, your reporting duties have been satisfied, even though....well...about the Ares. There is an ongoing investigation, but just a short while ago, it suffered some sort of catastrophic attack. I was stationside at the time, so even I dont know the particulars, which seem to be under an unusual amount of secrecy" This he said with a stern eye toward the Security Office. "Unfortunately, the ship will be in drydock for quite some time undergoing repairs. Captain Mariella Jones was also severely injured in the attack." His face took on a more grave expression. "We hope for her quick recovery. In the meantime, all Ares personnel have been reassigned to the USS Fearless at 0800 tomorrow. Which, admittedly leaves us in a bit of a lurch....I just received these orders moments ago, I'm not even srue if the Fearless is docked or still on its way to the station. I'm going to have to actually check on that now. Some of us may need to find accommodation on the station for the night."

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    I double back for a second and fall out of attention when I hear the news. Before I have a chance to think, the words slip out of my mouth.
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    "Huh. So much for the Ares."

    My eyes widen in horror. I did not just say that. To the face of the XO whose ship got blown up. And his captain possibly killed. Flustered, I open my mouth again.

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    "I-I'm uh.. sorry. Sorry. Sir." Damn, I've really put my foot in my mouth now. I clear my throat. "Um. I am certain that you will... that we will... that the crew will.. uh.. continue to conduct themselves well on the Fearless." I try to collect myself and clear my throat again. "Honored to serve with you... Sir."

    Embarrassed in front of my first commander in the fleet, I close my eyes for a second to consider the possibility of just cutting my losses and leaving. Maybe I could run and set up a farm on some planet far, far away. Sounds like a lot of work. I decide to bite the bullet instead and take a deep breath before addressing the Bolian again.

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    "Commander, about that housing? Could we.. or uh.. you try and find something for me as well? I just got here and I think I was slated to go to the Ares right away so no one ever gave me quarters." I clear my throat a final time. "And... I'll be ready for anything you or the Fearless needs. Tomorrow. At 0800. Captain."
