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Keto Recipes Galore

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WhiteMountain65, Sun 26 Sep, 2021 10:56 PM
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     –  Last edited by WhiteMountain65; Sat 21 May, 2022 11:40 AM.
    Hey, guys! I got it right, this time! My first batch of Keto Nutella was more of a paste than a creamy schmearable spread, because I didn't grind the nuts long enough before adding the rest of the ingredients, per the instructions. Patience = results! And remember, y'all. Sift!

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    P.S. I expect the graininess you see to diminish once the Allulose dissolves a bit. I don't have access to powdered erythritol so I figured the Allulose was as close as I was likely to get (Thanks for the care package, bro!). It works better than regular erythritol because it DOES dissolve, rather than crystalizing in larger pieces when put in a cool/cold environment. Keep in mind that erythritol tends to do that over a period of time, so don't use it for things like syrups that you plan to keep on hand for more than a week or expect it to get a wee bit crunchy (no problems with flavor, but you don't expect crunchy maple syrup, do you?).
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    Hello again. On tonight's docket we've got a Keto version of's Bread & Butter Pickles.

    Despite the unappetizing sounding name, these suckers are NOT for consumption WITH bread & butter, but rather were created by a Depression Era family to be bartered FOR bread & butter in a time when gelt was hard to come by, but one could grow things in a window box for next to nothing.

    With no further ado... PICKLE ME BABY, EIGHT TO THE BAR!

    This recipe can be used with normal, clean glass jars, or you can go the whole canning route as the instructions I'll link to below state. I'll only post the quick version for those who don't want to/can't bother with the more onerous process. I went the easy route, using a large 2 quart canning style jar, but simply ensuring it was properly cleaned, then rinsed several times in nearly boiling water to keep things as close to sterile as possible without going overboard. Besides, with how much I love pickles, they won't last long enough to require actual canning quality sterilization.

    The yield for canning recipes varies depending on a number of factors. This recipe makes between 3 and 5 pints worth of cucumbers and pickling syrup.

    2 1/2 pounds pickling cucumbers, fresh from the market
    1/4 cup pickling salt (see recipe note)
    1 pound white or yellow onions, thinly sliced
    1 1/4 cups white distilled vinegar (5% acidity)
    1 cup apple cider vinegar (5% acidity)
    2 1/4 cups 1:1 Keto Friendly sugar substitute, such as Sukrin Gold, or about 3 cups straight Erythritol (it's only about 70% as sweet as sugar. vary amount according to how sweet you like your pickles).

    Pickling spices:

    1 tablespoon mustard seeds
    1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
    3/4 teaspoon celery seeds
    1 inch cinnamon stick
    6 allspice berries plus a pinch of ground allspice
    6 whole cloves plus a pinch of ground cloves
    1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric


    Rinse and slice the cucumbers:
    Carefully rinse the cucumbers, scrubbing away any dirt that may have stuck to the ribs. Slice off 1/8 inch from the ends and discard. Slice the cucumbers in 1/4-inch thick slices and place in a large bowl.

    Salt, chill, and drain the cucumber slices:
    Add the sliced onions and all of the pickling/kosher salt. Stir so that the salt is well distributed among the cucumber slices. Cover with a clean, thin tea towel (not terry cloth). Cover with a couple of inches of ice.

    Put in the refrigerator and let chill for 4 hours. Discard the ice. Rinse the cucumber and onion slices thoroughly, then drain. Rinse and drain again.

    Heat the jars:
    If you are planning to store your pickles outside of the refrigerator for any length of time, you will need to heat your canning jars in a hot water bath after canning. (I did it because I figured it could only help, even though I keep mine in the fridge)

    Make the pickling syrup:
    In a 4 or 6-quart pot, place the vinegars, sugar, and all of the pickling spices (do not add salt). Bring to a boil. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the sliced cucumbers and onions. Bring to a boil again. As soon as the syrup begins boiling again, use a slotted spoon to start packing the hot jars with the cucumbers and onions.

    Pack the jars, add the pickling syrup:
    Pack jars to 1 inch from the rim with the cucumbers and onions. Then pour hot vinegar sugar syrup over them to 1/2 inch from the rim.

    Wipe the rim clean with a paper towel. Place a dry, clean lid on the jar. Secure with a metal screw band. Repeat with remaining jars.

    Let cool and store:
    Let cool down to room temperature. Jars should make a popping sound as their lids seal (They're assuming you used mason jars with replaceable lids). If a lid doesn't properly seal, do not store the jar outside of the refrigerator.

    If you skipped the water bath canning, transfer the cooled jars directly to the fridge and eat within 3 months

    Bread and butter pickles (whether they’re water bath canned or not) can be eaten as soon as 24 hours after making, but they’ll have the best flavor if you let them sit for at least a week (ideally 3 or more weeks). Of course, that assumes you've got the willpower of a rock.. I barely made it the 24 hours.

    Now, add a hamburger, some onions, mustard, ketchup (sugar-free!) and wrap in pickles. Enjoy. Reserve pickling juice after you finish the pickles for a refreshing drink. Ask Adam Sandler, it helps.

    The direct link to the recipe I S.P.ed this from:
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     –  Last edited by WhiteMountain65; Sat 27 Aug, 2022 10:42 AM.
    I've got a quick and easy one for you tonight.

    Eggplant (Aubergine, for the Old Country crowd), Tomato & Ground (read: Mince again for you British types) Beef Skillet by Lisa at and paraphrased by moi.

    1 Lb. GROUND Beef...
    1 Medium Eggplant diced
    2 c. diced tomato (preferably fresh, not canned. You don't want all that extra liquid they pack it in, in any case. Just saying)
    2 cloves garlic, minced (yeah, i said minced. here it applies!) or crushed
    1-2 tbsp. Olive Oil or other Keto friendly oil
    1 tbsp. coconut aminos (for pure keto. low sodium/gluten free soy sauce if you prefer or can't get the former)
    1/4 tsp (or more if you use a larger eggplant)

    Alrighty, then..
    Salt the eggplant as evenly as possible. The author said salt then fry in large skillet not mentioning any delay to "sweat" the eggplant, but it works both ways. I've done it both ways, inadvertantly, due to having to chase a cat around the kitchen before continuing on to the frying stage. I just drained the extracted liquid from the eggplant before adding it to the oiled pan/skillet/wok.

    When softened, remove eggplant to someplace to keep it nearby and still hot.

    Assuming you're using ground beef with a good percentage of fat, like you should be doing on Keto, just dump the ground beef in the still hot pan and brown it all along with the garlic. Don't let the garlic burn. I mixed it with the beef before dumping it all in the pan so the beef fat rendered out along with water from the meat itself and provided enough liquid to keep the garlic from burning. Unless I specifically want browned but not burned garlic for a recipe, that's what I usually do to avoid scorching it.

    Once beef is browned go ahead and return the eggplant, add the tomatoes and aminos/soy sauce. Cook down to reduce liquids. I like it best when it comes to be more of a gravy than a sauce, but the choice is yours. Adjust salt as desired.

    Lisa recommends serving it with a side, like cauliflower rice. I just made a veggie salad because the price of cauliflower has doubled in the last few weeks to about NIS13/kg (about $2.5/lb.) I'll pass for a while. Hell, I love a good coleslaw, anyway

    Due to personal preferance, I also added about 1/4 to a 1/2 tsp of refined toasted sesame oil, as I would with most Chinese dishes. I think it adds a little something to an already delicious dish.

    Tastes great, comes together quickly, fills you up without bloating. Add an ice cold diet root beer and you're set, right?

    Shabbat Shalom from da Holey Land, where we gots holes in our headses.
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    Hello my friends,
    I apologize for disappearing, lately. I've been feeling like a bit of a change. It'll pass and I SHALL RETURN. Just maybe not in the next week or two.

    In the mean time, as it's getting on towards Thanksgiving, I figured I might as well share with you a recipe I've been playing with lately that's in perfect keeping with both Keto and the holiday.

    Pumpkin Chaffles

    Equipement Required: Waffle Iron, any size, but the recommended standard these days is the Dash Mini 4" waffle maker.
    Recommended: Food Processor. Preferably a small one or one that can be fitted with a smaller inner bowl and chopping blade.

    1/2 C. Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
    1 tsp. Coconut or Lupin Flour or 1tbs. Almond Flour
    1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
    1/2 tsp. Xanthan Gum (Optional, for texture)
    1/4 tsp. Nutritional Yeast (Optional for flavor)
    1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice (I mixed my own from a couple similar recipes. It took 5 minute, only because my spices are all over the freakin' kitchen)
    1 L or XL egg (if using the optionals you need a bit more liquid, so why not egg? You could also use a tsp to 1 tbsp some form of milk)
    2 Tbsp. cooked pumpkin pie filling (I'll link the video from Serious Keto that I based mine on, below)

    Pre-heat and lightly oil your waffle maker.
    This comes together really quickly, so don't worry about wasted electricity. Even you, Nightzombie...
    Put all the dry ingredients (that means the cheese, too, folks) into the food processor and pulse 8-10 times to make it resemble large bread crumbs.
    Add the egg and pie filling. If using milk, add it as well. Process until a thick batter forms. It takes seconds. If you wish, transfer the result to a regular bowl to make it easier to dish out into the waffle maker.
    Place 1/4 to 1/3 of the batter in the waffle maker and cook 4-5 minutes, making sure it's pretty much stopped steaming. Transfer to wire rack to cool and firm up. This is important for proper texture. Keep in mind this is supposed to be crunchy, but if you added extra liquid it'll be more flexible, like untoasted bread. All a matter of preferance, but I like it crunchy.
    Repeat process until all batter is used.
    After they cool down, these babies are sturdy enough to be used for a sandwich, smeared with cream cheese, without breaking.

    By removing the pumpkin pie filling, milk, if you used it, and the spice, you can use this same recipe for chaffle bread for regular cold cut sandwiches, hamburgers, or even hot dogs, if you fold it around a thin rolling pin to shape it kind of like a taco shell.

    Speaking of tacos, i haven't tried it, yet, but i bet that if I added some Cheddar to the mix in place of some Mozzarella and added some chili powder it'd be fantastic for chaffle taco night. As my father is presently in the U.S., and I am free to eat all the spicy food i miss, I plan to make some taco filling/chili con carne in the next few days, so I'll let you know how that turns out.

    Chow for now.
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     –  Last edited by Remsus; Tue 03 Oct, 2023 12:09 PM.
    No new recipes to share?
    Sadly WhiteMountain65 wasn't online for a while on the UFP forum.
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