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Posted Tue 04 Oct, 2022 7:32 PM
Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 04 Oct, 2022 7:34 PM.
DECK 7 - Medbay - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1130

“Thank you sir. I shall review this information and pass it onto my medical and security staff. Rest assured, we will make sure if any threat exists on this ship, it will end here. You can look forward to those crew evaluations very soon. We will also be pressing forward with our mission. We appreciate your faith in us, Commodore. Tarquin out.”
Biiqs took a deep, cleansing breath and looked away from the screen. A beep alerted him to the fact that another message was forwarded to him. The killed in action list, aka, the butcher’s bill. Six souls killed within hours, he marveled. On a simple passage through the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. There hadn’t been casualties for such a simple maneuver since the Dominion lost ships on the way to the Alpha Quadrant at the hands of the mysterious wormhole aliens.
Wormhole aliens, worm-tailed parasites, it just never ended in Starfleet.
Biiqs tapped some instructions onto the computer before leaving the CMO’s Office. He approached her as she dealt with her patient. “Doctor, we have some information from Commodore Picard on what we’re dealing with, I’ve left it at your station for review. This parasite we’re dealing with burrows in through the back of the neck, but exits through the mouth. It is intelligent, and changes the demeanor of the host. They are not simple parasites, they have an agenda. They almost took control of Starfleet Command. So you know what we’re dealing with now, and the danger level associated with it. Get as many scans as you can, gather as much useful information as we can. When this guy wakes up, I want to talk to him. I’ll get Science to help you out. Staff meeting at 1200hrs, Deck 1 Briefing Room. I’ll see you then.”
After his business with the doctor was concluded, Biiqs left Sickbay for the Bridge. En Route, he contacted Thane. =^= “Tarquin to Thane. We’re dealing with a mind altering, intelligent parasite. Manifests as a tail like object protruding from the back of the neck, which is where it gains access. Puts the hosts in an altered state, and they’re prone to say things like, “I’m fine now.” Notify your officers of this. We’ll have a staff meeting at 1200hrs in the Deck 1 Briefing Room. Let me know if you can attend, I know you’re busy. Your current assignment is Priority One.” =^=
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Post ID: 470142
Posted Fri 07 Oct, 2022 2:06 PM
Last edited by Kiflin; Thu 24 Nov, 2022 9:58 PM.
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Post ID: 470147
Posted Fri 07 Oct, 2022 6:05 PM
Last edited by Kiflin; Wed 10 May, 2023 6:51 PM.
DECK 13 - MAIN ENGINEERING - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 11:31

Christine exited the lift and quickly stepped into the 'pit'. She then said, "Computer, silence klaxon on this deck." The piercing sound stopped, but the red lights carried on. Christine looked into Frov's eyes, gulped and said, "The team I left in sensor control....I think.....are dead." It took all her effort to keep from breaking down in tears.

Pull yourself together Lt. One thing I have learned from often attending the very terminal or console that is the most likely to explode during any battle is that if you are on a Starship, it is very likely that people will die. In fact you can count on it... that's why I don't get attached to anyone or anything. You would be wise to follow suit. Let the Security detail do their jobs and we will do ours...
DECK 7 - SICKBAY - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 11:32

“Doctor, we have some information from Commodore Picard on what we’re dealing with, I’ve left it at your station for review. This parasite we’re dealing with burrows in through the back of the neck, but exits through the mouth. It is intelligent, and changes the demeanor of the host. They are not simple parasites, they have an agenda. They almost took control of Starfleet Command. So you know what we’re dealing with now, and the danger level associated with it. Get as many scans as you can, gather as much useful information as we can. When this guy wakes up, I want to talk to him. I’ll get Science to help you out. Staff meeting at 1200hrs, Deck 1 Briefing Room. I’ll see you then.”

Aye Commander, we will get right on it. Alright, you guys heard what the Commander said... let's wake him up.

((sighs)) Yes Sir.

Based on what the Commander sent us how will we know if it's the host talking or the parasite?

We will just have to take our chances... ((sound of medicine being administered)) He should be waking up now...

((Moans in audible manner)) Where... where am I???

Just relax... and please leave the questions to us?

((Rubbing head)) It's way too bright in here... would you mind turning down the lights?

I don't see why that would be a problem... ((turns to head towards the illumination switch))

Wait Sarah WAIT!!!!
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Post ID: 470161
Posted Sat 08 Oct, 2022 11:43 AM
DECK 13 - Near the Jefferies Tubes - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 11:28

Keep it tight people!!
The Security Personnel team crouched low while maintaining proper distance and weapon cadence. Lt. Wales maintained his position behind the pointman Ensign Bootmire. Swaying their phaser rifles towards each corner of the deck's corridor the officers continued to press forward. All 5 Security Officers raised their rifles pointed them towards Lt. Urqhuart before recognizing her.
Lt. Wales waved her to proceed towards the turbolift before resuming their path. Upon reaching the Jefferies tube the security team sees Lt. Commander Thane in a crouched position near the Jefferies tube. Just as the Security team was about to lower their weapons a large humanoid covered in blood burst from within the opening of the tube attempting to harm Lt. CMDR Thane!
All Security Officers open fire... their arcs of light illuminate the outside corridor as the Large Assailant's body jerks, awkwardly ripples, with arms flailing violently while the beams of red streaks impact and engulf his sizable frame. As his body drops to the Transparent aluminum flooring his mouth opens and a small object protrudes and skitters across the room with blinding speed. The Security Officers again fire their weapons but are unable to make contact.
The small unknown creature makes its way into the open and welcoming Jeffries tube squeaking possibly within with jubilant success...
((=^=)) Commander, I believe we have a problem. We made contact with one of the intruders... we believe he was compromised before we had to put him down. He's one of the Maintenance Crew members...
((=^=)) "Non commissioned officer, named Jason Page... He's dead."
((=^=)) Commander, we believe that anyone of those engineers that went into the Jeffries tube could be compromised with some kind of... parasitic life form. I'm willing to head into the tube and try to remove the threat. Lt. Commander Thane is here with us now... What are your orders Sir?
Thane had been caught off guard when the Assailant came for him and the security team opened fire. When they hit the floor and the little thing moved on out, he opened fire with the Disruptor at it, it's a slower recharge but packs a nasty punch compared to a Phaser, up until it slithered into the Jefferies Tube. He looked over to the Security Officers and then at the fallen member. Slowly Thane stood and checked his head, then helmet.
DECK 7 - Medbay - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1126
Biiqs said something under his breath that sounded vaguely like "Frederick."
"Round up those engineers, get them to Sickbay so they can be scanned and cleared. Keep a guard on them. I need that Jefferies tube locked down completely. Nothing in or out. We'll then scan for life forms about that size. Take some samples of that blood or whatever fluid it is, and take it to Sickbay. They might be able to get some DNA samples or something from this creature...Thane will give you all any additional direction and will head p the search for the life form."
"Alright, lock the Jefferies tubes down here. Make sure it cannot get out or into any other systems. Set your weapons to maximum Stun so we don't kill any further personnel. If we can avoid it." Thane stood up and adjusted the setting on his Disruptor and holstered it. "I am assuming that Starfleet has not issued or kept in fabrication, plans for full body armour?" He directs to the officers. His telepathic senses feeling out and around for altered minds.
DECK 7 - Medbay - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1130
Thank you sir. I shall review this information and pass it onto my medical and security staff. Rest assured, we will make sure if any threat exists on this ship, it will end here. You can look forward to those crew evaluations very soon. We will also be pressing forward with our mission. We appreciate your faith in us, Commodore. Tarquin out.”
Biiqs took a deep, cleansing breath and looked away from the screen. A beep alerted him to the fact that another message was forwarded to him. The killed in action list, aka, the butcher’s bill. Six souls killed within hours, he marveled. On a simple passage through the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. There hadn’t been casualties for such a simple maneuver since the Dominion lost ships on the way to the Alpha Quadrant at the hands of the mysterious wormhole aliens.
Wormhole aliens, worm-tailed parasites, it just never ended in Starfleet.
Biiqs tapped some instructions onto the computer before leaving the CMO’s Office. He approached her as she dealt with her patient. “Doctor, we have some information from Commodore Picard on what we’re dealing with, I’ve left it at your station for review. This parasite we’re dealing with burrows in through the back of the neck, but exits through the mouth. It is intelligent, and changes the demeanor of the host. They are not simple parasites, they have an agenda. They almost took control of Starfleet Command. So you know what we’re dealing with now, and the danger level associated with it. Get as many scans as you can, gather as much useful information as we can. When this guy wakes up, I want to talk to him. I’ll get Science to help you out. Staff meeting at 1200hrs, Deck 1 Briefing Room. I’ll see you then.”
After his business with the doctor was concluded, Biiqs left Sickbay for the Bridge. En Route, he contacted Thane. =^= “Tarquin to Thane. We’re dealing with a mind altering, intelligent parasite. Manifests as a tail like object protruding from the back of the neck, which is where it gains access. Puts the hosts in an altered state, and they’re prone to say things like, “I’m fine now.” Notify your officers of this. We’ll have a staff meeting at 1200hrs in the Deck 1 Briefing Room. Let me know if you can attend, I know you’re busy. Your current assignment is Priority One.” =^=
=^=Sure, Captain I'll see about being there. The more information we have, the more we can plan to deal with it. =^=
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Posted Sun 09 Oct, 2022 10:18 PM
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Post ID: 470237
Posted Wed 12 Oct, 2022 6:06 PM
Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Wed 12 Oct, 2022 6:12 PM.
Staff Meeting - Deck 1 Briefing Room - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1200
In the briefing room, Biiqs ran down the dirty details regarding their threat.
“So as you see, this parasitic beings burrow in through the mouth, and attach themselves to the brain stem. They can present themselves as the host, but the two primary weaknesses and methods of identification are as follows: A spike shaped appendage that protrudes through the neck, which is actually a type of gill, and inaccurate long term memories. Asking an infected person questions about, say for instance, your time in the academy years ago, would draw a bland answer or redirect. They are very cunning, and although they informed then Captain Picard that they meant no harm, taking over Starfleet Command isn’t exactly a peaceful act, neither was the death they wrought in the process. Their home world has never been located, and their intentions have never been divined. I don’t need to tell you how big a threat that is. ”
“So….here we are. We’ve got a mission at hand, a ship that needs repair and restock, and a possible invasion that could cripple the Federation. For those of you keeping track, yes, it is now lunchtime. So as you eat at your desks, here are the general assignments and goals.”
MEDICAL: “We need complete checks of everyone on the ship, starting with yourselves. We will restrict crew movement to what is absolutely necessary while you check the crew, deck by deck, starting with the Bridge Deck. A detachment of security officers will be assigned to you, with the ability to lock down the general area with force fields so that any recovered parasitic beings will not escape. This is your primary assignment. Your secondary assignment is to keep any known infected beings medically subdued so that we can question them. They might reveal invaluable information about their plans. Seems a bit inhumane for the host, but the hosts have been known to recover.”
SCIENCE: “We need some way of detecting these creatures with a scan. Both infected crew and the parasitic beings themselves. This is of the utmost importance so that we can stop searching one by one and implement this into our security systems and transporter protocols. Confer with medical to get that done.”
ENGINEERING: “Good work on the repairs. If you need anything else from the Starbase such as additional supplies, confer with Tactical so that we can get those done safely. Christine, I’d like you to be Alpha shift bridge officer and my primary conduit to Engineering. You worked well under pressure and with Chief Frov.”
“TACTICAL: Obviously, most of your business will be identifying and subduing hosts and parasitic beings. But we cant lose sight of the fact that we’re out of torpedoes. I do not want to dock with the station until we’re absolutely sure we can identify any and all parasites. In the meantime, that’s going to mean that we get those torpedoes loaded in a manner that will present little chance of spreading them. I will speak to the Station Commander and ask her if she can send workbees out directly to our cargo bay with the torpedoes. Cut the gravity in the bay, have a work party secure them to anti-grav sleds, and then turn it back on. You can get Engineering to help with the manpower of receiving them and making sure those get where they need to be.”
Any questions? Comments? Suggestions? That’s it for now, you have your assignments. We will be standing down to Yellow Alert. Let’s work to make the rest of the day uneventful.
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Posted Wed 12 Oct, 2022 11:27 PM
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Post ID: 470331
Posted Mon 17 Oct, 2022 11:18 AM
Last edited by Kiflin; Mon 17 Oct, 2022 6:14 PM.

Within Sector 001 scientists and high ranking officials have begun disappearing while unknown terrorists have begun to render inoperable several of the largest replicator automated supply factories. Strange multiple diplomatic agents disappearing and later abruptly reappearing to strangely change their entire stance on the very foundations of their political arguments.
Rumors of some kind of strange edible supplements that are being distributed and devoured by zealots within extremely large quantities. Since there is no definitive person or species to blame general xenophobia for all species is beginning to take root within the home planet at the heart of the federation.
Federation Security Forces quickly escalate the level of screening checkpoints within facilities affiliated and non affiliated alike not experienced since the Dominion Wars. More attacks occur in quick succession causing an even larger amount of panic and paranoia. The President of the Federation of Planets calls for a stronger defensive collection of starships to be brought back to the Beta Quadrant as more of the joint coalition begins to side in opposition against her.
News of the return of the Emissary known as Captain Benjamín Sisko to DS9 spreads rapidly upon Bajor following his meeting with Commodore Picard. DS9 nearly done with repairs is overwhelmed from the sheer amount of visitors seeking to get a glimpse or even touch the "One who has walked with the Prophets".
As the Fearless faces the large unfinished Starbase forwarded transmissions begin to flood its subspace transceivers to finally bring the knowledge of hope and despair simultaneously to the lone Excelsior class starship...
DECK 7 - SICKBAY - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 12:00

You have nothing to fear... My name is Xeptho... and I don't remember much... it's as if I was there... in my head... but I couldn't stop what was happening.

That statement would imply that you did have some memory of what was going on.

Let's just start with the focus on what you do recall... can you remember what was the last thing you could control before you became... a bystander?

These... people. Came to our world... offering us food, and healing science. They said they were apart of the Federation... and said they came in peace. They followed the protocols that you have established. And we begin to allow them entry into our society. They did as they promised... and we embraced them. It only took them weeks to completely take over our planet. Everyone changed overnight. They were too strong... and made us fight against our loved ones. We had to give them what they wanted to stop our pain... we had to surrender to them.

And where is your planet?

I can take you to it. It is within the Quadrant we now reside. But please... kill me once we arrive. I cannot bare to see my wife again... not in the state she is now...
DECK 13 - Near the Jefferies Tubes - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 12:30

"Alright, lock the Jefferies tubes down here. Make sure it cannot get out or into any other systems. Set your weapons to maximum Stun so we don't kill any further personnel. If we can avoid it." Thane stood up and adjusted the setting on his Disruptor and holstered it. "I am assuming that Starfleet has not issued or kept in fabrication, plans for full body armour?" He directs to the officers. His telepathic senses feeling out and around for altered minds.

I have reviewed the Armory Sir, we have no such compliment of armor. Perhaps we could request that the Commander ask the starbase?
DECK 13 - MAIN ENGINEERING - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1:00

Christine gave her superior a withering look, wiped the tears away & said, "You're right. I'm being an idiot." She got up, went to the replicator and got a coffee in a travel mug, the refilled hers. She then handed the extra to Frov and said, "What's next on the list to fix?"

You do know we have PADDS for a reason, simply check your PADD and you will see what our current priorities are. Take initiative unless I say otherwise and be proactive and productive. Now that we have finished what we can repair, we need to run diagnostics to ensure everything is in operable order... hey what did you receive from the Short ranged communication array?
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Posted Tue 18 Oct, 2022 10:26 AM
Last edited by Josh Broughm; Wed 19 Oct, 2022 11:26 AM.
DECK 13 - MAIN ENGINEERING - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1:00

You do know we have PADDS for a reason, simply check your PADD and you will see what our current priorities are. Take initiative unless I say otherwise and be proactive and productive. Now that we have finished what we can repair, we need to run diagnostics to ensure everything is in operable order... hey what did you receive from the Short ranged communication array?

Christine had a look at her PADD. "Once the short range comms went back up, I ran a quick diagnostic on all communication systems," She said, "I picked up some rather odd news."
"Well," she said, "Some scientists & high ranking officials are starting to disappear within the Sol sector. Also, some unknown group of terrorists are attacking the largest replicator factory. Diplomats are disappearing, then suddenly reappearing, doing a complete 180 on their stance. Holy God!"
"Okay," Christine said, unsure of what she was reading, "You know how Ben Sisko went to Bajor directly after the end of the war, never to return? Well, He's back."
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Posted Wed 19 Oct, 2022 8:12 PM
Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Thu 20 Oct, 2022 1:41 AM.
Staff Meeting - Deck 1 Briefing Room - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1202
Christine nodded & rose. She had been called to the meeting after fiddling with a rather temperamental transporter. She listened to the briefing with attentiveness. When she left for her post, Christine decided to stop at a replicator. She thought for a moment & requested, "Two Egg McMuffin sandwiches, one with hot sauce and Risan hot peppers." The replicator produced her order & proceeded to go to the Bridge.
When she got there, Cmdr. Tarquin was sitting in the center seat. She held out the plain egg McMuffin to him & said, "I don't think I've heard of mind controlling worms before."
Biiqs took the sandwich with a nod of thanks, stopping to examine it. "Yes, well....more like......arachnids than worms, I'd imagine. Egg, right? And.... No, muffins? No.....this looks more savory than sweet. Crumpets? I haven't had lunch, so this is much appreciated." He took a bite, and grunted with approval. "No, I don't think any of us have heard of these aliens before, Starfleet probably kept them quiet to keep the public from panicking. Odd that's it took this long for them to resurface, and Starfleet hadnt developed countermeasures. But that could be indicative of how deep they've penetrated. We should be very wary with our trust, and not let this story get further than our own bulkheads."
But enough about that.....we have to get a massive amount of torpedoes here in a virtual quarantine state. Transporters probably aren't the best idea to use, either. So what are your thoughts on that? Workbees?"
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Posted Thu 20 Oct, 2022 10:37 AM
DECK 13 - MAIN ENGINEERING - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1:00

Biiqs took the sandwich with a nod of thanks, stopping to examine it. "Yes, well....more like......arachnids than worms, I'd imagine. Egg, right? And.... No, muffins? No.....this looks more savory than sweet. Crumpets? I haven't had lunch, so this is much appreciated." He took a bite, and grunted with approval. "No, I don't think any of us have heard of these aliens before, Starfleet probably kept them quiet to keep the public from panicking. Odd that's it took this long for them to resurface, and Starfleet hadnt developed countermeasures. But that could be indicative of how deep they've penetrated. We should be very wary with our trust, and not let this story get further than our own bulkheads."
But enough about that.....we have to get a massive amount of torpedoes here in a virtual quarantine state. Transporters probably aren't the best idea to use, either. So what are your thoughts on that? Workbees?"

"English Muffin," Christine explained, "My dad found the recipe in some old fast food history documents. He tried to get the taste just so." She took a bite of the modified McMuffin & said, "Workbees can do the job, but it'll be painfully slow. If its the only option though." She then had a sudden thought. "Give me a minute." Christine then ran to the engineering console, copied the newsfeed from the newly restored comms to an empty PADD, then handed it to the commander. "Some news from home & Bajor, sir." She said, then went to sit at her console. "I'll contact the station & set the restocking up."
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Posted Fri 21 Oct, 2022 11:39 AM
DECK 13 - Near the Jefferies Tubes - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 12:30

Thane listened and nodded "Alright, we'll look into that, at the meeting. If not we can design something for the fabricators later. Let's all get going the meeting and do a quick check along the way with the other teams." Thane took a deep breath as he felt something off on the ship as he reached out with his extra-sensory abilities. He could feel it.. now he had to follow it. "Lets go!" Off the floor Thane rises and towards the bridge he heads!
Staff Meeting - Deck 1 Briefing Room - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 1:00
Nearing the end of the meeting where Biiqs is passing along the information and orders for Security when he walks in with the Lt Security Officer. "Well! Sorry, we're late!" He steps in with his Lt and the two stand by the door, one on each side. As he catches the last bits Thane then speaks up to Biiqs and the others present. "If we want to find them, we can employ those who are in possession of Telepathic or Empathic Abilities. Like myself." He glances towards the bridge door and then back to the officers present.
"Security will be moving in groups and we will be looking to equip them with full body armour to keep them from being possessed by these things. Their weapons will be set to stun so we do not lose any more crewmen." Thane's attention is while on the room, also feeling about for the Parasite present on the bridge.
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Posted Mon 24 Oct, 2022 2:12 AM
Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Mon 24 Oct, 2022 2:20 AM.
Nearing the end of the meeting where Biiqs is passing along the information and orders for Security when he walks in with the Lt Security Officer. "Well! Sorry, we're late!" He steps in with his Lt and the two stand by the door, one on each side. As he catches the last bits Thane then speaks up to Biiqs and the others present. "If we want to find them, we can employ those who are in possession of Telepathic or Empathic Abilities. Like myself." He glances towards the bridge door and then back to the officers present.
"Security will be moving in groups and we will be looking to equip them with full body armour to keep them from being possessed by these things. Their weapons will be set to stun so we do not lose any more crewmen." Thane's attention is while on the room, also feeling about for the Parasite present on the bridge.

"Excellent idea, Commander Thane. Please set about requesting all telepathic volunteers you can muster. Not that im a telepath, but youll probably sense an unusual sense of well being and confusion/loss of past events. The body armor is an excellent idea as well, if we can maie it happen somehow. Not sure how ships stores are regarding such equipment."
"English Muffin," Christine explained, "My dad found the recipe in some old fast food history documents. He tried to get the taste just so." She took a bite of the modified McMuffin & said, "Workbees can do the job, but it'll be painfully slow. If its the only option though." She then had a sudden thought. "Give me a minute." Christine then ran to the engineering console, copied the newsfeed from the newly restored comms to an empty PADD, then handed it to the commander. "Some news from home & Bajor, sir." She said, then went to sit at her console. "I'll contact the station & set the restocking up."

"It's quite pleasant, I must say. I recall the phenomenon of fast food from history classes. Almost brought America to a crisis point. Good thing our food is faster and more nutritious now."
He accepted the PADD from her, eyes widening in surprise as he read it. "Captain Sisko is back? That's amazing. I wonder what stories he has from the Great Beyond...or....whatever realm the wormhole aliens inhabit."
"I'll let you get back to your work, Lieutenant. Thank you for the brunch!"
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Posted Thu 27 Oct, 2022 9:24 PM
Last edited by Kiflin; Fri 28 Oct, 2022 3:42 PM.
Staff Meeting - Deck 1 Briefing Room - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 01:30

"Security will be moving in groups and we will be looking to equip them with full body armour to keep them from being possessed by these things. Their weapons will be set to stun so we do not lose any more crewmen." Thane's attention is while on the room, also feeling about for the Parasite present on the bridge.

"Excellent idea, Commander Thane. Please set about requesting all telepathic volunteers you can muster. Not that im a telepath, but you'll probably sense an unusual sense of well being and confusion/loss of past events. The body armor is an excellent idea as well, if we can make it happen somehow. Not sure how ships stores are regarding such equipment."
Two Vulcan women of similar weight and height proceed through the meeting room doors almost simultaneously. One clasping her hands behind her while the other wearing a medical colored collar allowed her hands to hang beside her hips...

Lt. Vals'k reporting for duty... I was informed of the need for crewman aboard possessing telepathic or empathic abilities? I am here and ready to serve.

I find this idea highly irregular... my focus should be with the captured "patient"... not joining a tactical security team again. It would be more logical to return me to the position that would allow me to best serve the Fearless, Commander...

((=^=)) Lt. Urquhart, I just looked over the recordings for DECK 22... you agreed with her and ordered Ensign Brunson down the Jeffery's tube didn't you?? Since you are responsible for her going down there and we are now missing 3 Engineer's besides one being dead, I want you to personally accompany Lt. Commander Thane during their security sweep... take some ownership and do your best to bring back Lt. Brunson or any of the NCO's alive! ((=^=))

((=^=)) Commander, I will allow Lt. Urquhart to join our team if Lt. Commander Thane, or you approve. I think maybe it's better for you both to keep Urquhart were it's safe, rather then place her with us... but it's your call.((=^=))

((=^=)) Commander, this is a matter of taking ownership of the situation. I believe that Lt. Urquhart should take responsibility since she was the one that originally requested for assistance from Ensign Brunson and the missing NCO's. Something may happen to me... and she being the most qualified to replace me has to be able to take charge of situations she initiates! I do have another engineer that can assist me while she handles this matter. In the meantime I believe she should want to find our missing engineers personally... due to them following her orders in the first place. ((=^=))
DSG1 - Starbase 185 - GAMMA QUAD - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 02:00

Commander Bliiqs... our scanners are reading a Dominion Starship within the edge of the closest star system within our range of communications. They are not responding to our hails... it seems to be moving at impulse speed... please head to the coordinates we are sending now and investigate this unresponsive starship. Make sure and relay any information to us.
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Posted Sun 30 Oct, 2022 6:11 AM
Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sun 30 Oct, 2022 6:13 AM.
Staff Meeting - Deck 1 Briefing Room - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 01:30

Lt. Vals'k reporting for duty... I was informed of the need for crewman aboard possessing telepathic or empathic abilities? I am here and ready to serve.

I find this idea highly irregular... my focus should be with the captured "patient"... not joining a tactical security team again. It would be more logical to return me to the position that would allow me to best serve the Fearless, Commander...

"Thank you, Lt. Vals'k. Your participation is much appreciated." Biiqs turned to the doctor. "Of course, Doctor, the ship is better seved with you in Sickbay, continuing your duties. Consider yourself exempt."
((=^=)) Lt. Urquhart, I just looked over the recordings for DECK 22... you agreed with her and ordered Ensign Brunson down the Jeffery's tube didn't you?? Since you are responsible for her going down there and we are now missing 3 Engineer's besides one being dead, I want you to personally accompany Lt. Commander Thane during their security sweep... take some ownership and do your best to bring back Lt. Brunson or any of the NCO's alive!
((=^=)) Commander, I will allow Lt. Urquhart to join our team
if Lt. Commander Thane, or you approve. I think maybe it's better for you both to keep Urquhart were it's safe, rather then place her with us... but it's your call.
((=^=)) Commander, this is a matter of taking ownership of the situation. I believe that Lt. Urquhart should take responsibility since she was the one that originally requested for assistance from Ensign Brunson and the missing NCO's. Something may happen to me... and she being the most qualified to replace me has to be able to take charge of situations she initiates! I do have another engineer that can assist me while she handles this matter. In the meantime I believe she should
want to find our missing engineers personally... due to them following her orders in the first place.

Initially, Biiqs was astonished at Frov's words, not believing the man had the gall to say such things. But as he doubled down on his statement, Biiqs' face began to flush a deep indigo.
=^="Mr. Frov, we'll discuss that my ready room. Now. Cease speaking over this channel and get here, on the double. "=^=
He turned to Urqhart with an almost pained expeession. "Christine, disregard that. You had no part in their deaths, that is solely the fault of the enemy. No one could have forseen that. Please carry on with my earlier orders. You're doing fine." He nodded to the security officer to dismiss him.
DSG1 - Starbase 185 - GAMMA QUAD - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 02:00

Commander Bliiqs... our scanners are reading a Dominion Starship within the edge of the closest star system within our range of communications. They are not responding to our hails... it seems to be moving at impulse speed... please head to the coordinates we are sending now and investigate this unresponsive starship. Make sure and relay any information to us.

"Station Commander....be advised that we are not at our full weapons compliment. Only 29 photon torpedoes. We were hoping for resupply at the station, but that has been made complicated by....a suspected biological infestation on several crew members. Weere operating on quarantine. We can recon, but if the situation goes tactical, we'll have to fall back to the station for fire support."