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[Announcement] - Ten Forward Weekly Summary

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Jestersmith, Thu 26 Aug, 2021 3:46 PM
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    Ten Forward Weekly 3/21/2023

    • Next event, after Voth event ends, is First Contact Day
    • Ship from SNW soon(tm), though probably not one we were expecting
    • Zen store ships coming up. Kael believes one of the Zen store ships is technically a Lower Decks ship
    • Kael hasn't heard anything regarding a bundle for DSC ending
    • Unlikely Cryptic will make new starting experiences
    • Kael believes theres some new item set coming soon
    • When STO was launched on consoles there were 15 countries that it didn't get launched on the Playstation store for, for w/e reason, and Cryptic is working on getting that fixed
    • "End of game" for STO isn't happening any time soon
    • The tech is there to make costume items for vanity pets, Kael isn't sure it will happen any time soon
    • Kael will pass on beards for Romulans
    • When asked about making older, non full spec, Zen store/lockbox ships upgraded to full spec to make them more relevant/on par with current ships Kael said that the T6x upgrades were made to help with that, and that theres more stuff coming in that area
    • To get the Voth battlezone to work with the event Jesse had to do some "under the hood" magic because the game editor couldn't do it directly. The data was able to be handled by the engine, just not in a way that was directly available to them. Had to get a new icon made for the battlezone from the UI artist Jo. "Most difficult" part was opening up the battlezone and editing all the events to capture areas to give credit for completion of the event which involved.... one whole line of data!
    • Jesse says it was about time they added the Battlezones to events. STO has been running events using TFOs/mini-games like Omega molecules for awhile now, why not integrate the battlezones? They have obvious break points in capturing sections that can be used for event credit. This new option seems to resonate with players, so they might do it again.
    • When asked about small craft content Kael/Jesse talk about the "Mario Kart" gameplay they tested for small craft in the past. They spent weeks and weeks making it, and even got to actual testing of it, but found that the amount of work needed to make it feel good in the game was more than the payoff they would get out of it(there was a semi-long conversation about camera, movement, weight of objects, etc, between games that makes each game work/feel as it needs to be, and how STO's ship system just wasn't built for cart racing so it doesn't feel good)
    • Issue with bringing the DPS test map on Tribble over to live involves both fixing rewards, and that it was made by a developer who no longer works for Cryptic so someone like Jesse would have to find the map in the code, see it how works, bring it over to live, find ways to it could be exploited and fix them, etc.(Cryptic has also previously mentioned the map isn't very optimized and bringing it over to live server would lag the game)
    • Issue with the old Maco/Omega/Honor Guard unlocks is that they were awarded in ways that they don't structure the data anymore. So a designer like Jesse has to go find where in the data did they award this thing. Then it has to be passed to a programmer who has to figure out how this is actually unlocking the costume. Then it has to be sent to a costume artist who has to decide if this is something they want to give out, or does it need to be fixed up for clipping/species lists. Its not as easy as just "flip switch costume unlocked". Kael says he will ask Jarod about see if it can be added as rewards for like a Borg event or something
    • Spock's volcano suit was brought up as a possible reward for this years First contact Day, but a more fun reward was thought up/decided instead. Cryptic is still aware people want it, but right now its just a costume with no stats and someone in systems would have to build the actual EV suit
    • Ground vehicles, like the Argo, would require a larger overhaul to get working. The Voth mech suit works because its basically just "big group person". While Champions has vehicles theres some hard limits on what they can do. Compares it to the shuttle issues. What does it feel like to drive a car in STO? What maps can you use it on? Is it actually going to fit in all the places we want it to on a map? What happens when you crash? When you run into another car? When you drive over a critter? How is throttle handled? Do you have to shift gears? Is it automatic? Can other people ride in the car and/or possibly shoot a gun while in the car?
    • Kael will ask Jarod about making older party poppers available
    • Turning hoverboards on in maps like New Romulus is possible, but would require some fiddling since hoverboards work by defining a "volume" on the map where hoverboards are allowed. You have to be careful about things like ground clearance. If you notice you can just too high and accidentally have the hoverboard power turn off because the volume for allowing hoverboards only really covers the area directly above the water
    • Cryptic is having ongoing discussions about how to make the V-Rex less campable
    • V-Rex not counting for daily event progress it intended because of the camping issue
    • Porting things between STO/Champions/Neverwitner is really difficult. Champion is locked to its own code branch meaning its more stable, but doesn't have many of the features STO/Neverwinter do. STO and Neverwinter are easier to port between because they're developed in tandem, but differences in how the game's play mean you can just port enemies between games without having to do things like rebuilding the animation rig.
    • Champions isn't on console because it just didn't work out that way. It was originally going to be on Xbox 360, but that didn't work out for w/e reason.
    • Reason why special BOFFs, like those based on actors, aren't editable is due to costume clipping/performance reasons. Some costume pieces don't look good on X species, other don't match well with other costume part, some things like capes/loose cloth is very performance heavy, etc. Geordi and EMH BOFFs were editable because of being very generic human shape without too many issues.
    • The reason why Defense of Starbase One was bottable was because it was originally designed to require you to clean up each wave of Klingons before it would move onto the next wave. However, around the time they made it, there was a big engine bug where all instances of that "clean up the remaining enemy" would never complete. This was due to a fake entity being on the map/being used for code purposes that the game would count as an enemy even though it wasn't. In order to get around the bug the TFO was changed to just have automatic wave progression, which made it AFKable. That issue was solved, so they changed it back/adjusted what the game looks for in regards to people AFKing to make it not AFKable.
    • Oddest bug Christian ever worked on was a bug that caused two people PVPing to revert to level 0 after the PVP match was over
    • John said he would think about changing the Terran Valkyrie pets to use agony phasers, and that it was an interesting idea, but no confirmation of if/when it will happen.
    • Updating the old uniforms is unlikely since the character artists are working on new things hinted at the end of recent missions(likely talking about the Borg arc tease)
    • To revamp something like DSEs would require
    • The environment team looking at the map and deciding if it looks good enough, or if its janky/needs some fixes. Spend several weeks doing that.
    • Content would have to track down all associated bugs like critters warping in, fading out, then warping back in again. That's a big question mark since Cryptic doesn't know what causes it, and thus, how long it will take to fix.
    • In regards to refreshing the content itself would require things like. Bringing in a voiced character/actor to be a liaison for the DSEs. Have the writer write up different text for each type of DSE. Couple days for writing, a couple days for recording, a couple days for the audio team to set audio levels and hook it all up. Character reaction has to sculpt their likeness, even if its a mini contact box and not a full dialogue screen. That's weeks of work. If its an STO original character thats still days of work. Content would then have to do things like make higher level DSEs. This would involve copying the DSEs and changing the encounter levels on them, set it all up, and make a new version of the map for all of this stuff. That's a couple days of work due to the number of DSEs. Adding new gameplay features like closing portals, rescuing ships etc, would take a few days to a week. Then it needs to be copied to all the other DSEs and edited for each kind of enemy to make sure it works. Then it goes to QA who has to test all of them, all variations, how it works with teams of people, if things like fighting one type of enemy breaks the new gameplay feature. This is a few weeks for QA to go through everything/send back to programmers to fix issues. Would also include adding DSEs to quadrants without them, critter groups not currently covered by DSEs, new accolades, trying them into the endeavor system, etc. Jesse says he would schedule around 1.5-2 months worth of time to bring DSEs up to 2023 levels of gameplay.
    • Don't assume devs know about a bug just because its old, and if you've posted about it on the forums before, but it hasn't been fixed, don't be afraid to bump the thread up to get more visibility on it.
    • fleet logo being available on ships/not is up to Thomas wanting it to be there or not
    • Christian is always scanning the forums/Reddit for new bugs. But do include details/steps for recreating said bug. Just saying "x is broken" isn't helpful for the devs.
    • Jesse would like to redo Khitomer in Stasis but it would require a lot of work.

    Bug reports/resolutions
    • Texas class not having the NA registry is a bug and is getting fixed either this week, or soon
    • Bug regarding ISA right transformer not spawning with a shield has been reproduced by QA, and put on content, so it should be fixed soon
    • Bug about Texas class console/experimental weapon misfiring was noted
    • Female french twist hairstyle making your character invisible was reported, confirmed by QA, and has been sent to the team to fix
    • Kael asked Christian to note the Beverly hair not being available for females
    • Cryptic is looking into the block? on PS4
    • Christian fixed the bug on the Valkyrie hanger pet visuals, and the Jem'Hadar Zen store ships having wrong descriptions.
    • The teams disbanding at the end of a TFO bug is a bug that Cryptic has dealt with for years, and it keeps coming back every time they think they've squashed it.
    • Jesse fixed the bug in "Stranded in Space" regarding the science career optional
    • Screen flicker in Khitomer in Stasis TFO, and other older maps, was reported
    • Starfleet 32C non admiral pants clipping through the jacket also noted
    • Trauma response being buggy is a known issue
    • Christian wrote down feedback about the synth ship getting a skin without the Federation logo on it.
    • Lobi outfits not being able to be worn by BOFFs on at least the Xbox version was noted
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    2 legendary ships are being revealed tonight, so it's almost a cert that this is the rumoured/leaked Akira and potentially the Norway.
    Petrarch Medals
  2. Quartermaster

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    2 legendary ships are being revealed tonight, so it's almost a cert that this is the rumoured/leaked Akira and potentially the Norway.
    Wasn't it the Akira and possibly the Romulan Valdore/Mogai that was leaked back in December? Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing what they will be offering, and held off from buying anything during the sale over the weekend just in case they have something good. Also interested to see how they handle these smaller legendary bundles are positioned now that they've released a Level-65-boosting pack for each faction now, as I think the only example we've seen so far of that is the Romulan Warbird bundle and the bundle with the Legendary Mirror Gal-X. Hopefully they stick to something directionally like those bundles and don't try to cram a ton of bloat down our throats.
    darthnovawave Darthnovawave Medals
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    I’m going to sound overly negative here but…I just don’t care about Legendary ships.

    I’m happy there’s players out there with enough disposable income to blow on these extortionately priced ships but for the overwhelming majority of players they may as well not exist as well never even get a sniff at playing with one. They are simply priced WAY out of the range of players with real life cash commitments or those less well off.

    For a game with a 12+ yr old engine, wonky graphics, terrible bugs, and a dev/studio team with little respect for the actual players the process they ask are a punch in the face I feel.
    The art guys making this look pretty are about the only ones deserving of some recognition and even that can’t justify the insane pricing structure in this game.
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    Wasn't it the Akira and possibly the Romulan Valdore/Mogai that was leaked back in December?
    That's the one sorry, I've mixed up Valdres with Valdore!
    Petrarch Medals
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    Ten Forward Weekly 3/28/23

    • Miracle Worker Cyborg BOFF uniform not being editable is intentional
    • Cryptic is keeping an eye on the DilEx, and understands it to be pretty driven by speculation. Initial deflation period was caused by people manipulating how much they were exposing to the market, once it was determined that the DilEx would likely drop below 500. That process is still ongoing, so there's a lot of sloshing back and forth as people with large reserves of dil determine what they want to do with it. Cryptic doesn't consider the DilEx a "done deal" at this point, and still has a measure in their pocket they're looking at approaching to help the DilEx.
    • Jonathan Herlache says the DilEx reduction happening now was caused by not only the bot farms getting banned, but Cryptic getting acquired by Gearbox. PWE was reluctant to ban anyone, which complicated trying to deal with the bot problem. Gearbox on the other hand doesn't have issues banning botters.
    • Blog for the new ships comes out next week
    • "Concentrate fire" is finally getting separate timers for player/non player ships. Torpedo pets will no longer "stomp" player's concentrate fire
    • Jonathan says hes looking for clever solutions to the issue of consoles not having any real way to fire only the maelstrom trop, and not other torps, or vice versa, but doesn't have anything currently.
    • Jonathan hints that the Chronogami will be added to the game at some point
    • Jonathan will look into getting the maelstrom torp tagged to the radial on console, instead of the normal trigger.
    • Unlikely wingmate trait will be rebuilt to work on things like saucer sep, MVAM, etc. though Jonathan could see future traits like it working with that stuff in the future.
    • Going back and redoing all the old costumes is such a huge investment that it doesn't make sense to do when they could be making new things.
    • Jonathan says he would like to do a balance pass on Romuan singularity powers, but theres a ton of old content. It would have to be part of a bigger initiative that touches a lot of things, like the pilot rework, to make it efficient enough to do. Doing whack a mole with any singular piece of old content is unlikely.
    • Jonathan isn't aware of any issues with "feel the weight of our presence" trait, or the Texas class console/experimental weapon. Asks people report them if they're experiencing issues with them on the forums so it can get added to the QA flow.
    • STO recently passed the 1 million check in milestone, meaning more than 1 million pieces of data have been checked into STO's version control system
    • Issue with the dev QA threads on the forums is that the devs thought they needed to give super long/complex answers to the questions, which they don't have the time to do, instead of the shorter answers Kael had imagined they would give. Questions form the last QA thread still haven't been answered, and Kael doesn't want to start a new thread until those are. Kael said he will try to get answers for those.
    • The maelstrom trop design being a more "thinky" torpedo doesn't indicate any change to how the rest of the torpedoes in the game currently work. While that was the original intent for torps in STO, the game has obviously evolved past that.
    • Most consoles in STO that are ship restricted aren't looking for ship classes, but rather specific ship names. This is why the Terran Monitor can't use the Nebula set. Jonathan doesn't want to open that can or worms and unleash the Kraken on console restriction changes. He would like to get them to look for ship family names, instead of specific ships. But he doesn't know how long that would take him due to how many items that would affect. Its on his wishlist to come back to, might be one of those things that touches enough content to justify it. But trying to edit console restrictions individually isn't doable. Doesn't think it would be as big as making all T6 ships scaling, but maybe take a whole week to do.
    • Systems is doing a project to look at balance on a lot of different kinds of ships. Jonathan asks that people submit to Mike any high end builds they've got(not necessarily the best of the best). Jonathan asks specifically for account name, character name, and ship name, so they can look at the ship container to help the system guys balance the offering they are thinking about under the hood. Variety is what they're looking for here.
    • First ship: Legendary Akira Command Cruiser
    • Akira class earned a legendary ship status, despite not carrying a TV episode/movie, due to the mindshare it has among Star Trek fans, and Trek ship fans
    • Thomas believes the model of the Akira used in Picard was from STO, as thats one of the models they gave CBS/Paramount
    • Cryptic likes to lean into obscure canon variations for legendary ships(Phase 2 Enterprise, post Nemesis ENT-E refit, etc) In Akira's case we really only see the one version. STO already did 3 STO-style, 25th century, takes, on it. So Thomas decided this would be a good place to do another TMP era ship with the Akira.
    • In Thomas's head this ship was a TMP era battle-cruiser/battleship, inspired by the Yamato from Starfleet Command
    • Mauricio, who designed the ship, was influenced by the refit Connie, and the Miranda. Nacelles being an updates version of the TMP Connie nacelles etc.
    • Doesn't have the TMP blue nacelles, Thomas says they may be able to throw that in later. Admits he kinda spaced on it
    • Ship is named the Matsumoto, after Leiji Matsumoto, creator of Space Battleship Yamato who died recently
    • Design of the fighters on the Akira is based on the TMP era fighters from Starfleet Command II. Called Federation Fighters in SCII, they're called the Kodai, after Susumu Kodai, the main character in Space Battleship Yamato
    • Ship is made as a command/control torpedo boat
    • New Maelstrom torpedo included with this ship. Has visuals from TMP. Andrew Nielsen did the visuals for the torps in STO. "last torpedo you would want to put on autofire". They store charges, takes 30 sec to make a charge, all charges are expended when you fire. These charges interact with powers like high yield/spread/transport warhead, so storing 3 charges and using high yield gives you big numbers. Doesn't work with nanite repair payload. Intent is that it will enable a play pattern like STO originally envisioned, more like what we see on the show, where you fight for a little while, and the decision to fire a torp is a deliberate decision.
    • Ships can only equip two of these torps at once for design reasons. Have a PVP damage reduction because otherwise they would be one-shot monsters. Right now its set to half damage in PVP. Jonathan could see damage reduction going either way depending on how it turns out
    • New torp is a prototype of a new kind of torpedo they want to make more of. If this turns out like they hope, Jonathan could see more maelstrom torpedoes appearing in the game. Not intended to be an Akira exclusive kind of torpedo, though the TMP visuals for this kind of torpedo will be exclusive to this ship.
    • Kodai fighters have their own visuals, but are statistically a copy of Valkyries. Ship comes with command Kodai fighters, a specialization variant of the fighters. Every time ship activates command inspiration mechanic fighters get torpedo spread I. Has around 40 second cooldown.
    • Dream is to keep making specialization leans for hanger pets of all types.
    • Currently no changes to the binding rules on the Akira consoles. Jonathan says that may be an oversight on his part, since this is the first legendary bundle hes done. If past legendary bundles did unlock all the consoles he will go back and do it for the Akira as well.
    • 7A material will be added to the Akira family. Other Akira variants not remastered.
    • Second ship: Legendary Valdore Temp Op Strike wing Escort
    • Mogai got remastered for this release
    • Legendary Valdore based on the variant seen in Lower Decks
    • Tobias Richter did the legendary Valdore and Mogai remaster
    • Comes with both green and brown variants since those colored variants were in Nemesis
    • Skin is named the Melponar after the Melponar triplets from the LD episode this ship appeared in.
    • Bit of a design philosophy shift from the normal Mogai. This variant leans heavily away from shields since it pops in/out of cloak a lot.
    • Has enhanced Romulan battle cloak
    • Includes Temporal Ops scorpion fighters. Have a % chance on attack to apply a stack of entropy. Scorpions come with a new hull material for this ship
    • Spec seating hanger pets have minor DPS reduction(around 8%) to make up for their special abilities
    • Jonathan said he will add plasma quads to the ship, since someone asked it if was possible to make them easier to get account wide. Assuming its just as easy as opening up the game and putting them on the ship. If theres any weird bugs/issues that crop up it might not happen since he doesn't have a lot of time
    • Standard price for the bundle is 12K zen, 30% introduction sale price.
    • Bundle also includes 2 ship slots, 2 ship upgrade tokens, 2 special requisition packs Fed junior cadre, 2 Romulan survivor DOFF packs, 23C Vulcan ambassador outfit, mercenary set unlock, species unlock Cardassians, cyborg miracle worker BOFF, and the new fighters mentioned previously.
    MrNeal Medals
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    Ten Forward Weekly 4/4/23

    • Cryptic is looking into the "invalid entity name" bug
    • Tommy Gun hasn't been added to Mudds because its in the Picard bundle and they want to keep it exclusive to that bundle
    • Section 31 Rifle not being in Mudds is likely just because it got forgotten
    • Kael believes the reason why the medical coat doesn't work on more uniforms is that the minor clipping it already has turned into major clipping on those other uniforms
    • The reason why there was no new April Fools thing this year is because Kael put a lot of work into something, but forgot to ask Al if it was something they could do, and only found out it wasn't a week before April 1st. The reason why Kael can't do the idea is also the reason he can't talk about the idea he came up with. It would've apparently got them in big trouble with Paramount due to something Kael didn't know about at the time, but mentioning what that is now would still possibly get them in trouble with Paramount.
    • No plans to make Tribble Darts an official activity. Its a fun bug, which is why they've left it in, but unlikely anyone will spend time to make it official
    • Unlikely to make April Fools artinasal sound files a permanent option year round. Cryptic doesn't want someone possibly hitting the wrong setting in the options menu and accidentally turning it on/don't know how to turn it off.
    • Consoles are behind PC event wise due to long certification processes on consoles, and Cryptic can't update consoles as often as PC due to the certification process. Makes sense to release stuff on PC, and incorporate fixes into the console push so theres less need to update consoles
    • Kael will ask about the Voth Mech tray being able to be rearranged
    • Kael noted the bug report of newer PC installs of STO not creating a screenshot folder, making saving outfits/custom ships impossible unless players create the folder manually
    • Unlikely to get more support/documentation on Demorecord. Demorecord is technically an internal piece of software that Kael isn't sure how/why it got released publicly(though hes glad it did). But, because of that, its technically not a supported featured, and is something Cryptic has aged out of using themselves, so its unlikely to get updates.
    • Cryptic probably wont make an option to be able to claim ships without the generic weapons. Those are there for new players to have items on their ship when they claim it. Much like the April Fools audio they don't want people accidentally turning that on in the options menu, and then being confused about why theres no weapons on the ship they just claimed.
    • Unlikely they will move console power trays to PC. The console UI was completely redone for consoles, to make it better on console.
    • More details about the First Contact Day event will come out tomorrow
    • Event calendar unlikely to return. It was a huge pain in the butt
    • Kael will pass the bug report that consoles weren't getting April Fools stuff
    • STO is now in the Playstation store for many of the countries it was reported to be missing on before. Not in stores in Brazil yet because Brazil has its own process
    • No update on the Fed tutorial bridge becoming playable
    • Unlikely they will unlock the Klingon Honor Guard outfit for Feds. People on the Cryptic team will want to keep that exclusive to Klingons
    • After the First Contact Day Event, and the RA event after it, is around when the next story content should drop
    • The new Terran bridges will hopefully be made playable when the new Federation ones are
    • First Contact Day event reward created the Chronogami time portal from Lower Decks. Target a ship, opens up a time portal pulling out a future version of the ship right before its destroyed. Immediately going into warp core breach. when the original version of the ship is about to be destroyed it falls into a time portal.
    • Kael thinks the team wouldn't want playable humans in the KDF faction due to cultural differences between the two groups. KDF being in Feds makes sense due to the rare chances where they feel more like they belong there. Team unlikely to think the reverse makes sense
    • No updates for UI hiding/camera zoom for consoles. Kael mentions it to Travis every once in awhile, and Travis is excited to do it, but get buried in other work
    • Kael will ask about an option for alien gen that lets us name the species
    • Unlikely they will do a level cap increase past 65. That was something a previous EP liked to do, but its a lot of work for not a lot back for the game
    • Some SNW related content coming soon
    • When asked about why there hasn't been a regular Zen store KDF ship in years, and if it was due to it no longer being economically viable, or other priorities keep pushing it aside, Kael says its a bit of both. Klingon ships sell less well then Federation ships(as do all non Fed ships). Most people play STO to live the Star Trek fantasy from the shows, so they play Federation/buy Federation ships. So it makes more sense to make Fed sips. There's also the fact that most of the new ships from the new shows are Federation ships, so that also pushes them in that direction. Kael would like to see more Klingon ships, and more Klingon zen store ships, but he doesn't know if thats on the horizon. Looked at the ship list and said it doesn't seem like it.
    • Kael mentioned to the character team how much people want to edit the Miracle worker BOFF. Says it might happen
    • Unlikely that legendary ships will be sold individually/outside their bundles
    • There might be updates for STO on the newest gen consoles at some point to increase framerate/load times/resolution. But nothing that makes the game look better than it currently does
    • To get Feds to be able to visit First city, or KDF to visit ESD, they would completely have to redo a lot of the underlying faction code since that causes Fed NPCs to attack KDF players and vice versa.
    • No lore blogs for the upcoming legendary ships. Team no longer has time to do lore blogs. Kael may take on responsibility of doing lore blogs, but other changing responsibilities at the company may effect what free time he has to do that
    • GPL updates are a very low priority
    • Kael will pass on the idea of released the gold Nagus ship in the GPL store for an insane amount of GPL. Admits it unlikely to happen because the team is terrified of that ship due to the backlash when it first came out.
    • We will see new NPC species in the upcoming storyline. Kael can't say what they are, but they are new
    • Cryptic is working on tailor lag issues
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    Ten Forward Weekly 4/11/23

    General issues

    • Invalidentityname bug should(ve) been fixed on Wednesday
    • Issue with people not being able to log into Cryptic games wasn't an issue with any one product. The "hamster" in the servers in Boston died. There was a malfunction that led to some of the configuration files getting borked. Because of this they couldn't deliver the patch files, however some user's clients thought they already had the files and let them get in, while others didn't, so they couldn't.
    • Crashes for the people who were able to get in were caused by running into items like armors that the players didn't have the right files for, since the client never downloaded them, because the client didn't know it was missing files
    • The fix for the server issues required Cryptic to upload terabytes of data to the Boston servers
    • They basically had to upload the entirety of STO, Neverwitner, and Champions, both the code base and asset base, to the Boston servers to fix all the files.
    • STO was uploaded first. Neverwinter second because it had a patch in the works so they couldn't use the current build they had in the office(due to partnership stuff like certifications), so they had to upload a clone of the current build. Champions last due to its lower player count.
    • Upload process took significantly longer then they thought it would due to the sheer amount of data involved
    • Xbox and Playstation weren't affected because the way patching is done on third party platforms like consoles is that Cryptic sends the patches to Microsoft and Sony, and you download the patches from them not Cryptic. It was the patch server that was broken, not the game server, which is why some people on PC, and the people on Xbox/Playstation, could still get into the game.
    • Upload was taking so long that Cryptic changed the configs to route everyone through their internal company patch server, which did cause some lag internally and made everyone work slower. Though it was changed back to Boston.
    • Misa Ganz(Lead Product Manager) says that it would've been faster to just FedEx the data to Boston had they been able to do so literally immediately after the issue occurred.
    • Fake cancellation news image someone made for their Discord getting spread to Reddit actually led to friends of the STO staff contacting them and saying their sorry for the game getting shut down. With the STO staff having to tell them it isn't.
    • Kael finds all the invalidentityname memes funny. Neverwinter is doing a screenshot contest and is getting a lot of memes about the issues.
    • Kael is now a senior community manager at Cryptic.
    • When trying to formulate ideas for a "make good" package to give to players for the downtime they were constantly having to up the level of items in the package as the downtime extended until they had some idea as to when the servers would be back up.
    • Misa is the product manager on STO and Champions stuff, while another product manager does the Neverwitner stuff. She says she will be appearing on STO streams in the future
    • *Kael reads the official explanation they got mid stream about what happened. Same as above, but additional assurances no player data was exposed or affected

    STO issues

    • Kael contacted STO's partner manager, who is talking to Nvidia about Geforce Now saying the game is still down
    • Kael will talk to Jared about possible making the Tommy Gun in the Picard bundle account unlock. Will likely depend on how well the Picard bundle is selling
    • STO, nor any Cryptic product, will not change engines to Unreal. Process would likely take 2-3 years, require rebuilding the game from scratch, and the game wouldn't look or play any different then it does now. Also wouldn't change the game even if they wanted too in that situation because of the Star Wars Galaxies New Player Experience debacle. If they were to make a game in Unreal it would be something like STO 2, which isn't on the table
    • Someone suggests doing a STO 2.0 announcement for April Fools next year. Kael says that would be a really good troll, but isn't something he would do because of how much bad information that would create. You don't want to make April Fools announcements something plausible.
    • Kael said the Sonic murder mystery game Sega put out this year for April Fools has reminded him he could probably program his own dating sim visual novel type game for the Date your starship joke they did a few years back(someone asked about that joke from a few years ago and if it could ever happen)
    • There were some people at Cryptic who were real big bad at the "STO sunsetting" thing, and suggests people not make those kinds of jokes in the future
    • Kael got a message back about Tribble, saying it should(ve) be back on Wednesday/Thursday
    • Even with Lower Decks making the Kzinti canon again its likely the Ferasans will remain STO's Kzinti
    • There's been no discussion about doing a Frontier Day event. Would probably run into the Star Trek day celebration they do, which Kael thinks is more important
    • New story arc begins soon
    • Plasma Quad canon wasn't added to the bundle because the only existing one was a set item, and they cant just add that to a starter ship
    • We will get more Klingon ships. Kael just can't say when
    • STO doesn't have the population of people wanting harder content as it may seem based on twitter/reddit. Kael doesn't know if it would be worth it to make more difficulty levels for content
    • Teaser for the next story arc was at the end of the last episode
    • Kael got a pretty clear definitive answer that the reaction to the initial release of the Grand Nagus ship was so bad that Cryptic wont ever touch it again. Kael knows everyone wants one, and that people wouldn't be mad if they just gave it out to everyone, but the initial reaction to it was so bad he can't convince the people who were there at the time, and saw the initial reaction, that the playerbase wouldn't be angry if they just released it for everyone.
    • A solid gold vanity shield is more probable
    • Cryptic would like to redo crafting to make it more useful and fun
    • Bird Cage issues were raised again today(Tuesday) and hopefully they get fixed soon
    • Old exploration system won't come back. There's a chance Cryptic will do something one day, but its more likely they will make missions that have a more exploration focus then build a whole new exploration system
    • Kael accidentally reveals the name of a new TFO on the TFO menu. Called Leviathan. Looks V'ger/Other/Borg related from the icon
    • When the invalidentityname bug is fixed ship names won't need reinputting. The names haven't been changed, they're just displaying as invalid.
    • Cryptic unlikely to use chatGPT to write dialogue for the game or anything like that due to ethical issues.
    • Cryptic was working on playable Changelings at one point but there was technical issues(seemingly involving the shape shifting)
    • Kael is pushing for gender change options in STO all the time, but theres big technical issues behind it.
    • New Fed bridges being made playable will happen, but maybe not for awhile. Team is really excited for it but keeps getting busy with other things.
    • Bort is enjoying his new job
    • Kael said he would suggest a Space battleship Yamato themed vanity shield to thomas
    • Getting more UI/camera options for console players is something Kael really wants to get done. Its just finding the time for the devs to do it. Actual photomode unlikely.
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    Kael is now a senior community manager at Cryptic.
    I think it is against the code of conduct for me to say here what he is.
    Bridger Medals
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    Ten Forward weekly 4/25/23

    Transcript from u/TheSajuukKhar over at Reddit. Been confirmed that the Ponnie is currently being planned/worked on at the moment.

    • Invalidentityname issue is seemingly fixed internally
    • When fixing issues like the french twist hairstyle bug the devs will try to reproduce the issue internally. If they can't reproduce it, they start doing a blind look through the code looking for obvious issues like typos in the code. Some issues can't be recreated internally due to the lack of communication time between the test environment and the server(since Cryptic is the server). Communication time between player clients and the server can cause issues that can't be easily reproduced internally.
    • French twist hairstyle on console should be fixed tomorrow. Issue was caused by the console versions of STO having an automatic, internal, localization system that makes localized words like French, German, etc in the item logical considered an indication for the next part to be localized, so the word(French/German/etc) itself doesn't get included in the translation/localization package sent to players.
    • Texas class on console coming soon
    • Titan-A/New-Connie is being planed and/or worked on right now

    Upcoming update to the exchange/trades

    • Captains will no longer be able to conduct trades that would cause them to exceed EC limit
    • EC and items gained on the exchange will be mailed to players to prevent EC loss due to being near cap
    • Captains wont be able to take EC from mail if it would cause them to exceed EC cap
    • Captains will no longer be able to refine dilthium if it would cause them to exceed dilithium caps
    • Dil exchange will no longer allow captains to withdraw past their dil limit
    • Automatic dilthium refinement will stop if already at max dilthium limit
    • Delete mail button will be disabled on mail with attachments, until attachments are removed, so you can't accidentally delete mail with EC/items attached to it
    • Many of these systems will just silently "fail" on the players part if they try to refine/pull more out then they can hold. Others will inform you that you're at a cap and thus can't pull in any more via a text fly in message.
    • The DilEx will allow you to pull dil in partially. So if you have room for like 500 dil, but 1000 dil on the exchange, you can pull in 500 of that 1000 dil
    • Mail will require you to have the full space necessary to pull items out of mail
    • Changes were made because Cryptic felt like a lot of people were losing resources by accidentally going over cap
    • Changes will be live tomorrow for all platforms
    • Mails from Cryptic(from the auction house) have no limit, so even if your mailbox is full of other mails the Cryptic/Auction house mails will always go through
      [Upcoming update to the exchange/trades

    • Back 2/3 of the stream was Travis Stadelman(Senior Software Engineer), and Keith Brors(Lead Software Engineer) talking about things like the process they go through, systems they added to the game like re-engineering, endeavors, the B-critter tech, various search bars on UI, etc.
    • Gender change in STO isn't that hard to implement itself, theres just a bunch of other things associated with gender changes that the team doesn't currently think is worth the cost.
    • STO now has an official DPS parser built in-game. There's UI/programming work needed to make it more useable, but players can use it currently via the following commands
    • gclcombatstatinit 1 starts the parser
    • gclCombatStatData 0 0 0 displays the data. The 0s can be 1s to give more data
    • Cryptic is trying to make it to where you can copy a loadout from one ship to another. Uses best approximation when moving gear from one ship to the other when slots aren't exactly the same.
    • Separate ground/space loadouts is something Travis wants to. Could probably work it in in the future since they aren't doing as many big new features, and are focusing more on QOL stuff.
    • Pet tab would be pretty easy to make. According to Travis/Keith its mostly up to the design team if they want players to have it
    • Loadout issues explanations. It was an easy design by someone at Cryptic. Parts of it had too many cooks in it, trying to push it in too many directions. Its a complex system since its moving items/power around, which makes it easier to break. Loadouts were written earlier in someone's carrier, so there's a lot of code thats duplicated, and spread around the same/similar things. This makes it hard to track down all the places where something goes wrong, or you catch 3 of them but miss the 4th because you didn't know that other system was there. Code has been cleaned up a lot since then.
    • Cryptic isn't going to make changes to try to make the game match up with Picard(specifically the ENT-G thing). They'll just keep doing what they have been doing the last few years, making stories that sometimes feature cast members from the shows. STO isn't going to massively change the world we play in/isn't going anywhere any time soon.
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    STO now has an official DPS parser built in-game. There's UI/programming work needed to make it more useable, but players can use it currently via the following commands
    gclcombatstatinit 1 starts the parser
    gclCombatStatData 0 0 0 displays the data. The 0s can be 1s to give more data
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    yay for not having to use external program!
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    yay for not having to use external program!
    If it can't give you detailed information it is useless.
    Bridger Medals
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    he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever” ~ Chinese Proverb
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    yay for not having to use external program!
    Them externals will still be used as they will give more detail than the in-game it will be interesting to see how they compare though

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    I mean if you just want to see numbers, yay for no using external, but if you want more detail not so much =P
    Heyallo Medals
    "What good is a rule if you're not willing to die for it...? Or break it."
    Capt. Christopher Pike