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SIM | 2A | Cadet Green

Started By:
Nesta, Tue 11 Apr, 2023 10:57 PM
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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Mon 17 Jul, 2023 6:38 PM.
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    SIM 02A - Engineering Investigation

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    “Hello Cadets, my name is Commander Ellis and I will be briefing you today for the simulation as a Starfleet Academy Cadet. This Simulation is designed to test you while you absorb the fundamental aspects of your training and to prepare you for real encounters when you are assigned a station within a Starship. Make sure you meet all objectives to ensure you pass this sim.

    “Thank you and good luck Cadets!”
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    Cadet Green, Katie - (ENG) Starship Engineering

    Your objectives consist of the following:
    • Reroute power to the impulse engines.
    • Release power from the impulse capacitance cell.
    • Repair the subspace field generator.
    • Ensure warp capability.
    • Scan the ship for additional damage.

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    The holodeck around you fades away as you close your eyes, the familiar hum and hiss of the hologrid bringing a measure of comfort while the program booted up. Then - war. An explosion rocks the ground beneath you, and as you open your eyes you see a familiar (if only from blueprints) sight: the medical deck of an Intrepid-class starship. You gasp sharply as your surroundings rock again: you see Starfleet officers rush about—their collars a bright medical green—and within a second you count the men on the beds around you. Five of them, each being administered by a doctor.

    Your gaze is torn away from the scene around you, however, as a recognisable hiss cuts through the air: an activating hologram. The recognisable face of Doctor Lewis Zimmerman looks at you from across the room. Or, rather, the Emergency Medical Hologram looks at you from across the room.

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    “Ah, you’re awake,” He takes several steps towards you and produces a tricorder, quickly scanning you over, humming approvingly at the readings displayed. “No major damage beyond that fall, but that’ll need to do: I’m a doctor, not a physical therapist. You’re needed in Engineering, Lieutenant: go!”
    Nesta Medals
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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Wed 12 Apr, 2023 11:07 PM.
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    Katie Green gets up from the bed. "Yes Doctor, and thanks for checking me over." She says as she heads out of the Medical Bay.
    As she heads down to Engineering all the facts she knows about the Intrepid Class start going through her head, 'Class 9 Warp Drive', 'Long Range Explorer', '15 Decks'. She was also aware that all 5 of her tasks took place down in Engineering and she should get down there quickly before something else goes wrong for her to fix.

    Even though Green knew this was a Holodeck simulation the recent advancements she had seen, along with the stress of the exam was making her forget. Which she supposed was the aim of this, find out how you respond in the real world to problems. As long as she finds a scanner and identifies the problems with the impulse and warp drives and solves them quickly she is sure to get a good mark, and get that interesting assignment she asked for. At least thats the hope. These thoughts were all flying through her head as she rounds the corner into Engineering.
    RavenSplat Medals

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    Pacing through the halls of the Intrepid-class starship she found herself on, several figures pass Katie. Crewmen in the recognisable departmental colours—reds for command and security, golds for engineering, and the recognisable turquoise for scientific personnel—pass her on both sides, rushing to go about their own work on the high-alert starship as she moves through the typical corridors of the Intrepid-class vessel.

    She is forced to duck and weave occasionally, so full and thickly populated are these corridors on Deck 5, essential as they are close to sickbay. There is rushing and the blaring of a Red Alert-alarm; the air is suffused with tension. Nevertheless, as the turbo-lift doors close and Katie is, it seems, automatically carried to Deck 11, where Main Engineering was located, she has a brief moment to breathe and repackage herself. A brief moment of respite in between the chaos of whatever was going on.

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    Shortly after, the turbo-lift slows to a stop and the doors roll open with a hiss—and immediately Katie is immersed in shouting and the chaos that had been absent for a moment in the turbo-lift. Facing her is the tall, thin warp core of an Intrepid-class starship. It is a dull grey; the rushing engineering personnel around it seem to be attempting to remedy it somehow.

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    “Check the antimatter relay! Ensure the PTC is functional! Keep the power transfer grid stable!” A young woman, identified as an engineer of some sort by the golden collar and engineer’s apron over the top of her uniform, stands near the warp-core and seems to be attempting to keep some semblance of order, though her voice rises sharply with each cry she issues forth. It is likely she’ll be hoarse by the end of the day. She certainly stands out over the crowd of Starfleet personnel, if only through the volume she is somehow putting out, hands on her hips and tricorder and other tools in the pockets of the apron and lining the belt she wears under it.
    Nesta Medals
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    Pacing through the halls of the Intrepid-class starship she found herself on, several figures pass Katie. Crewmen in the recognisable departmental colours—reds for command and security, golds for engineering, and the recognisable turquoise for scientific personnel—pass her on both sides, rushing to go about their own work on the high-alert starship as she moves through the typical corridors of the Intrepid-class vessel.

    She is forced to duck and weave occasionally, so full and thickly populated are these corridors on Deck 5, essential as they are close to sickbay. There is rushing and the blaring of a Red Alert-alarm; the air is suffused with tension. Nevertheless, as the turbo-lift doors close and Katie is, it seems, automatically carried to Deck 11, where Main Engineering was located, she has a brief moment to breathe and repackage herself. A brief moment of respite in between the chaos of whatever was going on.
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    Katie is glad to have a moment to herself. She's not entirely what state this Engineering bay is going to be in when she gets down there but as Red Alert is on if nothing it's going to be at full capacity charging the capacitors for the Phasers and Shields and that will require some careful management to avoid either a matter-antimatter chain reaction or the warp core fizzling out if not enough matter or antimatter is inputed. A tricorder will probably be needed unless someone else can brief her on the status on whatever piece of equipment she has to manage. After-all her 5 objectives are basically just keep her flying and not falling apart so who knows what that could entail. As long as she keeps her cool and ...

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    Shortly after, the turbo-lift slows to a stop and the doors roll open with a hiss—and immediately Katie is immersed in shouting and the chaos that had been absent for a moment in the turbo-lift. Facing her is the tall, thin warp core of an Intrepid-class starship. It is a dull grey; the rushing engineering personnel around it seem to be attempting to remedy it somehow.

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    “Check the antimatter relay! Ensure the PTC is functional! Keep the power transfer grid stable!” A young woman, identified as an engineer of some sort by the golden collar and engineer’s apron over the top of her uniform, stands near the warp-core and seems to be attempting to keep some semblance of order, though her voice rises sharply with each cry she issues forth. It is likely she’ll be hoarse by the end of the day. She certainly stands out over the crowd of Starfleet personnel, if only through the volume she is somehow putting out, hands on her hips and tricorder and other tools in the pockets of the apron and lining the belt she wears under it.
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    Deep Breath, and here we go.
    "Yes Ma'am"

    Antimatter relay status are normally on the display round the corner in an Intrepid Class. After the Officer in Charge (at least who Katie thinks is in charge, after all in these scenarios whoever is shouting orders that sound sensible is in charge). She knows there is no point checking the calibration of the PTC if antimatter and therefore energy flow isn't stable and as long as the grid is up the ship should be fine.
    Taking a quick glance to her left as she passes the screen displaying the PTC and PTG they aren't in good shape but they shouldn't collapse in the next minute or two, although they might in the next 5. If the PTC goes down it will take the PTG with it as well with the overload of Plasma and that's if it doesn't break open and let Superheated Warp Plasma into the ship or even Engineering it's self.
    "You can't think like that, one problem at a time. Antimatter relay first, start at the beginning" Katie mutters to herself knowing no one will hear her over the sounds in Engineering anyway.

    Getting to the first station on the right side of the engineering bay she starts to look over the panel searching for the key details on how the Antimatter Relay is doing...
    RavenSplat Medals

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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Sat 27 May, 2023 7:16 AM.
    Deck 11 - Main Engineering - Sim 02A - Engineering Investigation
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    Getting to the first station on the right side of the engineering bay she starts to look over the panel searching for the key details on how the Antimatter Relay is doing...
    Rushing to the station, Katie finds that the antimatter relay is slightly out of tune; some variant of damage prevented it from realigning automatically as the Intrepid’s systems were designed to do. Nevertheless, it would be a quick fix. Something that had just run out of the engineer corps’ mind, and for obvious reasons, as the Intrepid’s deck shook beneath Katie’s feet, the ship taking damage from a phantom enemy. Though phantoms could seem oh so real on the holodeck…

    Overall: from the systems that Katie was able to access at her current console, she was able to see that a lot was going wrong with the ship; damage was mounting, but the tasks she had seemed to be the essentials to get it going again: definitely highest on the priority list. Power to the impulse engines first, then to release the stored power as well so that the ship could gain speed once more and not simply be a dead hulk drifting in space. Then the steps would be to regain warp capability, for which the subspace field generator was essential. That should guarantee, in theory, warp capability. Then a scan of the ship for further damage was something of an afterthought: to set up further assignments for when the ship was out of combat. Though that was unlikely to be included in the simulation, no matter how real it all might seem at the moment.

    The ship rocked again under her feet, but the tasks ahead that Commander Ellis had outlined at the start of the program remained. Out of the corner of her eye, Katie would be able to see a junior officer rush to another console; a few sharp ticks of their clawed fingers and a beep jumped from the console: the PCT had been stabilised, and the dark warp core pulsed once. And it went dark again. More needed to be done.
    "You can't think like that, one problem at a time. Antimatter relay first, start at the beginning" Katie mutters to herself knowing no one will hear her over the sounds in Engineering anyway.
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    “Lieutenant Green!” The officer in charge shrieked over the sound of battle, her voice approaching a shrill yell. “Fix what you are doing now and reroute power to the impulse engines! Now! We need to get going!” The woman rushed towards another console and pressed a few buttons before another rumble went through the ship and the engineer crashed to the ground with a ‘bang!’ and quickly scrambled back to her feet. She seemed unsteady at the moment, though despite her yelling, she exuded a sense of controlled calm. This definitely was not her first go at this: perhaps the thought was somewhat comforting to Katie, even as the ship continued taking fire, and she should get on with her tasks.
    Nesta Medals
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    Deck 11 - Main Engineering - Sim 02A - Engineering Investigation
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    Name:  QuFvhPT.png
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    “Lieutenant Green!” The officer in charge shrieked over the sound of battle, her voice approaching a shrill yell. “Fix what you are doing now and reroute power to the impulse engines! Now! We need to get going!” The woman rushed towards another console and pressed a few buttons before another rumble went through the ship and the engineer crashed to the ground with a ‘bang!’ and quickly scrambled back to her feet. She seemed unsteady at the moment, though despite her yelling, she exuded a sense of controlled calm. This definitely was not her first go at this: perhaps the thought was somewhat comforting to Katie, even as the ship continued taking fire, and she should get on with her tasks.
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    Yes Ma'am, Katie shouted back while grabbing a Chamber Coil Spanner to realign the antimatter relay quickly before heading onto the power control circuit to get some power from somewhere into the Impulse engines. If the OiC can be calm while managing this mess Katie can stay calm while dealing with such a small task.

    Heading over to the Antimatter Relay she gets to work realigning it as fast as possible and hopefully get the warp core a bit more stable, which should hopefully release some extra energy for the impulse engines. Finally the PADD starts to show a stabilisation of the energy levels after a lot of messing around with the calibration.
    "I see why they put this thing as auto aligning now. It's a massive pain to do by hand"

    Heading back over to the console Katie went to the power system distribution system and started looking at any non essential system in non battle stations areas. The power level is low but there should be enough to get the impulse engines working and get the ship away from whatever was making it shake.

    "Ma'am, Impulse should have some power now, Can't guarantee full impulse yet but we should be able to get moving."
    RavenSplat Medals

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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Mon 10 Jul, 2023 10:18 PM.
    Deck 11 - Main Engineering - Sim 02A - Engineering Investigation
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    "Yes, Ma'am!" Katie shouted back while grabbing a Chamber Coil Spanner to realign the antimatter relay quickly before heading onto the power control circuit to get some power from somewhere into the Impulse engines. If the OiC can be calm while managing this mess Katie can stay calm while dealing with such a small task.

    "Ma'am, Impulse should have some power now, Can't guarantee full impulse yet but we should be able to get moving."
    “Good!” The Chief Engineer offered a quick nod in reply as Katie’s words reached her ears: a brief bark into the comms later and, even as the ship rocked and thundered under their feet, it slowly began moving again, the artificial gravity quickly catching on and up to the change in momentum until all was still again, though the quiet hum of the equipment in Main Engineering indicated that, indeed, Main Impulse was back online.

    As it did, however, the comms flickered on as the ship rolled under the engineer's feet, and a foreign voice echoed through the room: a deep baritone clearly used to command, its tone authoritative and demanding, but somehow holding some measure of warmth and comfort even in this high-intensity situation: clearly the voice of an experienced Captain. “We need warp capability. Get on it, Commander Charez!”

    The only thing remaining that seemed to be preventing said warp capacity was the subspace field generator, which was sparking somewhat in a pillar of engineering near the as-of-yet dark warp core. The Chief Engineer, the woman nearby, stood next to the warp core, working on the console, but seemed occupied now: the next step seemed obvious. Two more things to do, and this scenario would be finished—and with it, Katie’s training. That thought was short-lived, however, as the ship rocked and a sharp crack crashed through the air as a phaser impacted the Intrepid’s shields.

    Though they seemed to hold for now, the urgency was clear as could be. It needed to happen now.
    Nesta Medals
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    Deck 11 - Main Engineering - Sim 02A - Engineering Investigation
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    “Good!” The Chief Engineer offered a quick nod in reply as Katie’s words reached her ears: a brief bark into the comms later and, even as the ship rocked and thundered under their feet, it slowly began moving again, the artificial gravity quickly catching on and up to the change in momentum until all was still again, though the quiet hum of the equipment in Main Engineering indicated that, indeed, Main Impulse was back online.

    As it did, however, the comms flickered on as the ship rolled under the engineer's feet, and a foreign voice echoed through the room: a deep baritone clearly used to command, its tone authoritative and demanding, but somehow holding some measure of warmth and comfort even in this high-intensity situation: clearly the voice of an experienced Captain. “We need warp capability. Get on it, Commander Charez!”

    The only thing remaining that seemed to be preventing said warp capacity was the subspace field generator, which was sparking somewhat in a pillar of engineering near the as-of-yet dark warp core. The Chief Engineer, the woman nearby, stood next to the warp core, working on the console, but seemed occupied now: the next step seemed obvious. Two more things to do, and this scenario would be finished—and with it, Katie’s training. That thought was short-lived, however, as the ship rocked and a sharp crack crashed through the air as a phaser impacted the Intrepid’s shields.

    Though they seemed to hold for now, the urgency was clear as could be. It needed to happen now.
    Katie grabbed a small tool kit and made her way over to the other side of the warp core which allows her to access the adjustors for the Subspace field generator. Over there she found a small screen and a panel that had been taken or knocked off already. The screen was stating that all was nominal with the generator but a simple tri-corder could tell otherwise and Katie had spent what felt like the entire last year of her degree staring at every part of warp core. She knew what the readings for the working subspace field generator and this thing was way off. As the computer thought it was fine the auto adjusters weren't an option, so looking into that panel she got out a screwdriver, wrench and basically anything else that could be used to screw, turn or push the manual controls. She got to work getting things back to what she remembered this generation of Subspace Field Generator should be around. After securing the first two readings and only having 2 left Commander Chaves called out "Lieutenant Green, when I shout STOP drop your tools alone jump away. I'm seeing a serious buildup of the Electrical Field here and when the Mag Field equalises it could shoot out. I'm not losing anyone else to sickbay from this whole mess"

    "Wilco Commander" Katie replied as she got back to work though with a lot more apprehension and bit less speed. She had forgotten about the professor telling them to always equalise the magnetic field arrays for the exotic matter before you set up the electric field else they might feedback. At least the commander had caught it before she electrocuted herself, finishing up the penultimate reading back to safe readings and rechecking the auto adjusters hadn't reengaged and set it off cours again. As she got to work with the last adjustments on the final Magnetic Field nearest to her side of engineering she called back " Field almost within range Commander".

    Commander Chaves just hummed back in the affirmative too busy with all the different readings to do any more. As she continued to get the field back in to minimum range she kept turning getting closer to the optimal operating range. If she had to stop here they could get away but not for long, continuing to twist she finally got into optimal operating range. The instant she reached it Commander Chaves shouted "STOP" at the top of her lungs. Katie immediately dropped everything and jumped away and not a second too soon as the moment she let go of the wrench it glowed and sparked from the connector before dying back down. With the light show over and no one screaming Commander Chaves called the Bridge, "Captain, the warp core is online we will be good to warp in 15 seconds"

    "Finally, and not a moment too soon Commander, when we're in warp get your people rotating up through sickbay I can't see much but there were plenty of sparks before and I'm not having anyone fixing things that could wait till they get checked. Keep people you need down there on stuff that needs doing now but everyone else is being checked out before anything else happens"
    the Captain was saying as they went to warp. He had a kind but authoritative voice, he'd evidently been in this job long enough to see engineers not get checked out one too many times. As Katie was absorbing all of this she heard slightly quieter but still pretty audible "That goes for all of you too Helm and Sensors stay there till Bravo shift gets here but everyone else get down there and then back up once sickbay clears you. Bravo shift is already on the way and should be here in no time. I'm not just picking on you Commander and thank you, also you're not exempt. I want you up to sickbay within 45 mins at the maximum. Get your 2IC first in if you need them back in time, just get yourself there, and well done, I'll give you all proper thanks later but for now Well Done Engineering!" The Captain finished before the click of a closed communication was heard

    Following those orders Commander Chaves turned around to Katie and told her "Lieutenant Green, After that mess with the Subspace field generator I want to first up to sickbay. I'll organise others to follow later but for now just head up and then report back here if you're fine" Following up by saying to everyone "I echo what the Captain said Well done everyone"

    "Yes Commander" Katie replied and more softly when she passed the Commander she said "and thank you" before making her way into the turbolift doors. However when she stepped through the turbolift doors it wasn't the deep purple of the turbolift she saw but the bright and white surroundings of the Starfleet academy testing area and standing in-front of her once again was Commander Ellis

    "Does that mean I passed?" Cadet Katie Green asked nervously
    RavenSplat Medals

    Truth creates knowledge. Knowledge fosters understanding and in understanding there is peace
  9. RPD Commanding Officer

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    Congratulations Cadet Green!!!
    You have passed Cadet Training by completing all Objectives!!
    You will now Graduate with the rest of the Class of '81!!!
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