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[Spoiler] - Picard S3-E10 - "The Last...

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Petrarch, Mon 17 Apr, 2023 8:28 PM
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    If 99% of the content in this episode satisfies me, then 1% of the content that I am not satisfied with is renaming Titan A as Enterprise G. Because obviously Constitution III is not suitable for serving as a flagship.
    Yes, as the flagship of the Starfleet, the first duty of the Enterprise exists as an exploration ship, but history has told us countless times that the flagship needs to bear much more pressure than other ordinary starships, which means that as the Enterprise, it must have one of the most powerful technological levels at that time.
    Even if I knew that the screenwriter wanted to imitate the classic segment of NCC-1717 renamed NCC-1701-A.
    However, in the TMP era, even though Constitution II has fallen behind and may not be as good as NCC-2000 at that time, it is still the second most powerful starship of the Starfleet.
    But the level of Constitution III is like the tail of the crane of the entire Starfleet. She can't even fight against an Echelon class alone, let alone defeat any Starfleet starship stronger than Echelon class
    I can hardly believe that she can better undertake the responsibility of Starfleet flagship than Enterprise F, an Odyssey class star ship with a length of more than one kilometer.