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Academy News [08 September, 2023]

Started By:
AlexRider, Fri 08 Sep, 2023 7:12 PM
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    Greetings all!

    Welcome to 2023's August & September double-feature edition of the Academy News! I am Commodore AlexRider, SFA Deputy Commandant. This newsletter is an Academy's initiative in order to keep you abreast of the latest news from across the United Federation of Planets.

    We welcome the following new members who have joined (or re-joined) the UFP last and this month:

    • Neurum
    • Alutta
    • HoraceAlitoRavenclaw
    • ZahnCorso94
    • Ajhayes
    • Saghnius
    • Nebuler
    • DeWolfe
    • Archon
    • Alicia
    • MyReadyRoom

    Welcome (back) aboard, crewmen!

    • New FNS Executive Officer:
      (From the FNS Commanding Officer Admiral Solace):

      A recent addition to our community and department, this member has stepped into their new roles with a great energy and continues to make great strides in his accomplishments within the community, I am very pleased to announce that WoorLord is now stepping into the role of FNS Executive Officer.

      Due to the fact that this position is rated CL5, Lieutenant Woorlord has been promoted to the rank of Captain.


      The UFP would not be the place it is today without our volunteers who selflessly sacrifice their time to help out. Check out the currently open volunteer positions, and how to apply for one, HERE. If you don't find something there that aligns with your interests, you can always fill out the volunteer interest form to express your desire for something specific to help our community grow. Use the bottom section of the form for that and make sure you treat it just as importantly as an application for an open position. Put in as many details as possible and thank you for your interest!

    The United Federation of Planets has a good number of events coming up! You can sign up for any of these events HERE. Events are for STO as well as Holodeck games that are not Star Trek related. Here are some examples of upcoming events:
    • Borderlands: Cuddling Claptrap:
      On Tuesday, September 12th, at 7:30 PM BST/UFP; Gaming Specialist Admiral Bedders:

      So you want to hear a story, eh?

      A tale of Vaults filled with riches and incredible powers — too bad the mega-corporations, vicious bandits, and annoying, unhelpful robots want it all for themselves!

      As Vault Hunters, you'll brave the merciless Borderlands in search of secret alien treasure, looting and shooting everything in sight (with the odd bit of hero stuff mixed in).

      There is a 4 player limit in any single game so should more than 4 people attend we will split into multiple sessions.
      Ideally the person/people furthest behind in the story will host, so their quests advance.

      We will be working our way through all of the main Borderlands games.

      I look forward to seeing you there!

    • Diablo IV: Lovin' Lilith:
      On Wednesday, September 13th, at 7:30 PM BST/UFP; Gaming Specialist Admiral Bedders:

      Greetings fellow Demon Slayers! And I know there are a lot of you.

      A new Diablo game is upon us. The endless battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells rages on as chaos threatens to consume Sanctuary. It's time for more mindless demon-slaying!

      There is a 4 player limit in any single game so should more than 4 people attend we will split into multiple sessions.
      Ideally the person/people furthest behind in the story will host, so their worlds advance.
      Player levels don't matter because it scales.

      I look forward to seeing you there!

    • World of Warcraft: Vault of the Incarnates:
      On Friday, September 15th, at 6:00 PM BST/UFP; Gaming Supervisor Rear Admiral Rattlehead:

      We take on Dragonflight's first raid, the Vault of The Incarnates!

    Our Federation News Service has a number of dedicated writers who are writing articles on a regular basis for you to read. Here are some examples of recently published works:

    • Wormholes - Let's have a look at them by Commodore AlexRider:
      A brief look at wormholes, what they are and whether they really exist. You can read the article here.

    • How Scientists are learning to see without light by Lt. Commander RavenSplat:
      A summary of the incredible new ways in which scientists are learning to map the universe without light! Enjoy reading this article here.

    • Stellar Cartography September 2023 by Captain WoorLord:
      This month we focus on the autumnal equinox, and what it tells us, and we catch you up with what you can see in the sky this September. Read more about it here.

    Alright, there goes the double-feature. Thanks for your attention, we’ll see you again in October. Until then... don't do things I wouldn't do and don't have drinks my tongue wouldn't touch...! Live Long and Prosper

    Commodore AlexRider
    SFA Deputy Commandant
    Recruitment Coordinator
    FNS Staff Writer
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

    AlexRider Medals

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