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Odd starship trait combos

Started By:
Draxx, Thu 22 Feb, 2024 5:21 AM
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    So I've been playing a new Gorn for the Klingon recruitment drive, and with ships i have unlocked, i was going with a sort of ambush predator kinda build and along the way I noticed a few interesting star ship traits i accumulated.

    So the one from the recruitment drive: Improved Hunters Instint. Grants placate for 10 seconds after getting a kill. (this is great with battle cloak) Weapon attacks during ambush awarded after leaving cloak reduce foes damage resistance by 20% for 20 seconds.

    So that's pretty good. 20% more damage on top of the 15% for leaving cloak.

    Entwined Tactical matrices. So using Fire at Will/Scatter Volley grants torp spread 1. Torp spread grants FaW/SV 1. So double the fun if you have both on your bar back to back. (found on Klingon Mirical worker ship)

    Inertial supremacy. -20 to -50% damage reduction penalties to foes when using AOE attack modes for 30 seconds. (new bug ship)

    Withering barrage. Scatter volley lasts 4 seconds longer.

    So technically with these 4, Statter volley/torp spread is always up, and if you're popping in and out of cloak at speed, 40-70% DR penalty with 15% more damage from ambush. Thats with no bridge officers, or other personal traits. I'm sure with them, this is going to be nuts.
