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[Archived] - USS Fearless | Capt. Thane

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Kiflin, Mon 18 Jul, 2022 7:20 AM
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    Captain's Ready Room - Bridge - Stardate 58543.2 - July 18, 2381 - 06:30
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    ((This is a Joint post between myself and R'turan))
    It's always been hard for Thane on some level to handle the loss of crew, Funeral rites and the like for a variety of different species was always complicated. Klingons were unique in that they would gather at the fallen's corpse and collectively roar to the heavens to alert Stovokor of the incoming warrior. Then the body itself is disposed of in the most convenient manner. He'd seen more than his fair share and more.

    After shift change began, Thane sent out a task he sought the crew to handle overnight during the shift. Detailed Scans of the Dominion ship from Stem to Stern, internal layouts, and any data about its systems, life support, and life signs. Especially for any of the Parasite that is onboard. Sending out the task for the night shift operators, Thane watched as the new crew entered his Ready Room. He stood up to his full height and adjusted the Jacket, sure enough, he was not dressed in any normal Starfleet uniform but still, he possessed the Captain Rank pips and the Commbadge on the jacket he did wear.

    As the junior officers marched in, they were followed hot on their heels by the Caitian First Officer, dressed immaculately in his grey-black uniform, the command red of the collar and cuffs set starkly against the darkness of his fur. On his collar, the two-and-a-half pips of a Lieutenant Commander were seen, and as the door hissed closed behind him, he offered Thane a nod. Striding forwards, Lt Commander R’Turan, First Officer of the USS Fearless, stepped into line with the two Ensigns and clasped his hands in the small of his back: the classical ‘at ease’ stance. His one amber eye narrowed faintly at Thane, not in aggression but in recognition, he let out a soft, comfortable purr at the speech.

    As the Captain spoke, for a moment R’Turan’s thoughts wandered: A Ferasan in charge of a Federation vessel, with a Caitian as his First Officer. Interesting times, they lived in. His tail curled around his legs before his gaze slid from the Captain to the two Ensigns beside him: Jack Winter and Katie Green. He’d read their personnel files when they came on board, of course, and they both seemed like solid, well-functioning individuals. Potential Officer candidates, following a period of service and testing. His whiskers shifted in amusement. Here he was, back where he’d started on the Ares, and already he was assessing his junior Officers. Arrogance? Hardly, he thought. Efficiency.

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    “Due to recent events, I have been placed in command of this ship and her crew. Understand I will not be running it as one would a Klingon vessel. If you have questions you may ask either myself, First Officer R’turan or your department heads and they will be answered as best they can be. Spend some time acclimatizing yourselves to the ship and your new crewmates. Ensign Green and Ensign Winter, I hope you are ready to hit the ground running. For now, you are dismissed to your quarters and settling in. You will soon be placed into the hot seats.”

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    R’Turan offered a faint nod at the Captain’s words, his eyes locking onto both. He might not have the Ferasan’s telepathy, but he was an able reader of people, rather than thoughts, and offered a brief, if stiff, semi-smile of encouragement. “Don’t be afraid to come forward, Ensigns. If there are any questions I can help with or answer, I shall.”

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    When the officers clear out, Thane walks over to the replicator and replicates a mug of Raktajino. Short, black. Pure Klingon coffee without any dilutants. He turns to look at R’turan. “First order of duty is dealing with Lt Commander Sokel. I already let Endeavour know that he may be getting reassigned. What are your thoughts?”

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    His whiskers twitched, this time in subtle annoyance, at the faint smell of the drink: it had never been his favorite, but there were bigger things to worry about. He stepped forward as the Captain looked at him, and once more his one functioning eye narrowed in recognition. “Good. The Chief Engineer’s behaviour has been beyond the pale. I don’t remember that from the Ares: something must have been festering in that man to cause such… Drastic change. I look forward to seeing him improve, sir, even if it is preferably on another ship than the Fearless. We don’t need his manners here.”

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    Thane nodded "Alright, then I will see to it that he be transferred off and given time to recover and a new post. Stress Leave." Things wound down a bit as R'Turan took his leave. Thane had much more to handle.

    Captain's Ready Room - Bridge - Stardate 58540.6 - July 17, 2381 - 21:30
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    Between spare moments of the Captain handling reports and repairing his armour from the damage that it had taken during the fight with the first parasite and its host, he had encountered. He had the Breastplate on his desk with the terminal on one side and a set of tools on the other. =^= “Lt Urquhart report to my Ready Room.” =^= He came here and while he waited, continued to repair the breastplate of the armour in the meantime. When the door finally hissed open, the Lt was greeted by Thane looking up at her. His telepathic senses likely read her surface emotional state.

    Christine entered, looking a bit buzzed after having dinner & beer with her father. “Excuse my casual look, sir,” she said, trying to hold back a small burp, “I was having dinner with Dad.” She was wearing a vintage pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a worn Starfleet Corps of Engineering logo on it. “What’s up?” She asked.

    “Apologies for interrupting your meal. This will be quick though. Looking at your profile, I see that you are noted as being an expert on Excelsior Class designs, correct?” He enquired, not at all minding the casual nature of her appearance at the moment. After all, he did unfortunately catch her in an inopportune time.

    Christine nodded, saying, “Yes sir. I was always fascinated with these old beauties & have always dreamed of serving on one.”

    Nodding along as she responded, Thane followed up. “How in-depth do you understand its systems? The Cloaking technology, Transwarp systems if fitted and the... Quirks of such ships?”

    “Pretty deeply,” Christine responded, “in my mind. I know the cloaks on these things are susceptible to breaking at a moment’s notice and the transwarp has the small problem of… Leaking radiation randomly. I’ve been trying to think of solutions to both.”

    “Interesting. If you had the choice of any options to repair, upgrade or replace on the Fearless, be it from a Starbase Facility or salvaged from another vessel. What would they be? Especially right now with how the Fearless is oh so due for a Retrofit.”

    Christine thought for a moment. “Well,” she said, “an ideal situation would be a starbase, but if it was in a pinch, salvage could work. It all depends on how bad of a need we have.” She then touched a wall close to the door, saying, “This old girl got some quirks.”

    “Doesn’t quite answer the question, what would you replace or upgrade? Fix? Perhaps?”

    “OH!” She exclaimed, “I misunderstood. I’d try to fix the cloak.” Christine crossed her arms, then said, “Where we’re at, I think it’s a necessity. Don’t want to get jumped by Dominion ships while we are out here. In my opinion, the transwarp drive has given us nothing but trouble.” A thought came across her mind. “Um, if I may ask, why are you asking me this instead of Chief Sokel?

    “Chief Sokel has displayed behaviour recently that is most unbecoming of an officer of Starfleet or, in fact, on any ship. This behaviour necessitates that I remove him from a command position.” Thane maintained a strong, if not clinical demeanour about it to mask any fury or other emotions he may be feeling.

    “I am placing you as acting Chief Engineer. If you accept it, good. I need someone with experience and a deep understanding of this vessel to make the best of it. For this posting to become permanent you will be required to undergo the Command Test. This will not come with a promotion to Lt Commander however, as you had only recently been promoted to lieutenant and I do not want to place too much responsibility on you too soon.”

    Christine blinked a few times. “I..uh…,” she stammered, “I mean, I accept, of course!” A big, stupid grin started to creep across her face. A feeling of happiness just floods in. “What is involved in the command test, sir?” She asks.

    “A holodeck simulation. Starfleet is different to the one I underwent for the Defence Force. But I wager the principles are the same. You will be tested for your ability to make hard decisions, act under pressure and more. Everything from Diplomacy, Tactical, Engineering, and Command functions. It’s a series but it will test you. I cannot tell you much more.”

    Christine nodded, saying, “Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad. When can I start doing these tests?”

    “Soon. Right now, return to your dinner, your Father. Talk to him maybe and go from there. We have a lot to do in the coming days, boarding the Dominion ship, organizing your department, and doing a thorough report on the ship. Any backed-up work. Maybe even see what can be salvaged from that Dominion ship if the opportunity presents itself.”

    “Aye, Captain.” She said, “I'll endeavour to live up to the role.” Christine turned to leave but stopped. “Sir,” She said, slightly nervous, “Dad thinks I’m in danger and wants me to go with him, but I’m not keen on that.” She turned around, sitting on the couch. Christine rubbed her face, a wash of emotions crested over her. “I’m sorry for dumping this on you,” she said, “I want to stay. I have fought tooth & nail to get this posting. Dad knows this but thinks I’ll be dead in an eyeblink. I just about went nuclear on him in the transporter room. I literally don’t know what to say to him.”

    Thane nods adjusting his seat slightly to face her and sets the armour plate aside. Both hands resting now together on the desk, his body language relaxed and certainly receptive with his ears perked and facing her. “I could sense something was a bit off with the current of your emotions. I am happy to be an ear for my crew. Your father is being as any father would be, I can speak to some degree of that myself. It is a protective nature we want our children safe. I am curious, what does your heart want to say? What does your heart want?”

    Christine exhaled, calming herself. “My heart says I want to stay.” She said simply.

    “Then tell him from the heart what you want. That you understand the risks of being out here, the dangers. It’s the same with any fleet posting. There will be risks.”

    Christine nodded. “I do think he’ll understand,” she said, “I hope.” A small laugh escaped her lips. “If I can ask a small favour,” she said, “Is it possible to get a clear scan of the dominion ship? I feel that I do a lot better at my duties if I know what I’m going into if it's possible.”

    “I have already issued the order as part of night crew duties to give the Dominion ship a thorough scan from stem to stern. Are you wanting to go over as part of the away team to the Vessel?”

    “I’d like to,” Christine said, “if there’s room to.”

    “Excellent! It will be you, our newest security officer and a couple of others. You will be better equipped than what this... Ship has to offer in its armoury from the Endeavour. The last thing I want is my crew being hit with shrouded Jem’Hadar or parasites.”

    Christine smiled, “Thanks for lending an ear, even if it was…unexpected.”

    Thane gives a slight smile in return. “I am always willing to lend an ear to my crew, even if it’s just to listen. Now, get back to your R&R and your Father. Layouts, maps and the like will be provided over the coming day.”
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    Christine Urquhart's quarters - Deck 4 - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 20:30
    Attachment 18392
    For Clarity purposes, this is a Joint Post (JP) with Kiflin

    Attachment 18393

    Christine entered her quarters, almost bouncing in. She was obviously happy. “Hi Dad!” she said, “I’ve got some news to share!” Christine sat down & took a swig of beer.

    ((Looks inquisitive)) Please do! I could use some good news…

    Christine leaned forward, took a small piece of donair meat, ate it & said, “The captain has offered me the posting of Chief Engineer, on a provisional basis!”

    ((Pulls out his data-pad while squinting)) It says here that the Fearless already has a Chief Engineer.

    “I’m thinking Sokel asked for a transfer,” Christine said, “or is being transferred. I really don’t know & I’m not one to ask such questions, as it's none of my business.”

    Sokel eh… well lets see what his last entry was.

    Christine got up from the couch, grabbed another beer, then went over to her small desk to grab a padd. She then started to look up the schematic of the cloaking device for the Fearless, then began to study it. “You know,” Christine said, off-handedly, “I won’t be coming with you.”

    Wait… ((begins reading))

    “Sure.” Christine said. She then went on to read the schematics. It might be tougher to convince him of this, she thought.

    Christine put down the padd and said, calmly, “Dad, this is what I want to do. I’ve dreamed of serving on one of these for years & if I transfer over, I would be giving up my dream. Its what my heart wants.”

    ((continues reading))

    Christine held up her hand to stop her father from going on. “I’m not done.” She said, pointedly, “You know exactly what risks I’d be taking upon entering the academy, when I graduated. It's the same risks you accepted to take when you entered the service, the same when Grandma entered, too.”

    ((Reads outloud)) "Chief Engineer's personal log. In less than 24 hours we have gone from being appointed to one of the best starships in the fleet to a defunct, barely functioning relic. Personally I was looking forward to working under Captain Mariella Jones not this... creature... that I have to decant my head towards. Now I am not prejudiced but his... "kind" ... do they even possess empathy or feelings of any sort?

    Both Thane and our former Commander Biiqs must be held responsible for standing idly by and allowing our men and women to be killed in masses! Neither of them cared to take the liberty of requesting funeral requisition procedures. And now we have a dominion battleship on life-support only in front of us? This is clearly a trap! Setup by the same conspirators who attempted to kill Captain Jones! I cannot continue to remain here to take part in this sad debacle any longer…”

    This was from his personal log Christine. This means that if what you are saying is right the current chief of Engineering for your vessel doesn’t trust your captain, and even believes him to be prone to get other officers killed. I think you should take some real time and think about not accepting your promotion. Give me time to find out the facts of this situation!

    “You’re kidding me…” Christine said, “Let me have a read.” She took the padd from him & started reading. “He might be slightly paranoid, but when I’m on duty with him, Sokel always seems to be….” she leaned back, taking a swig of beer, “I dunno, slightly grumpy.” She got up and started pacing. “I never knew how bad it was when I got here.” She said, then let out a long breath.

    I have to admit that there are an awful amount of dead members of your crew… but due to most starships being taken over by the parasites it could have been much worse. Still.. This starship Christine and its Captain and First Officer being inexperienced only raises the odds of you not just being successful, but being alive.

    I still say going with me is the right decision. But ultimately I cannot make it for you. You need to decide what you should do… and be able to explain it to your mother.

    Christine sat down, took a large swig of beer & said, “I get where you’re coming from. It's likely that I will stay, but things can change. You let me handle mom. This will be all on me & I’ll make that abundantly clear to her. In the meantime, you might want to find a hideout somewhere in the Delta Quadrant.” A smirk came across her face.

    To be honest if and I mean if we get past this war Starfleet will need to have considerable upgrades to the species screening security checkpoints. The level of infiltration has cost too many lives.

    “As for this posting,” She said, taking another swig, “I’m going to wait a week to take the command test. Also, I’m scheduled to be on the away team. Right now, It's calmed down a bit. If it makes you feel better, why not assign a guard to me?”

    That would indicate preferential treatment. I don’t want you to draw the ire from a suspect Captain and an even more inexperienced crew.

    “It makes sense,” She said, “Someone that you trust & can report to you directly. Mom’s still got a single Imperial guard hanging around & nothing major has happened to her. However, if it does draw too much attention…big, fat, bright bullseye on my arse. Forget I mentioned that.”

    She then got up, knelt in front of her father. Christine made direct eye contact with her father, with pleading, but hopeful eyes. “Dad,” she said with a tone of softness, “I know things have gotten pretty wild in the last two months. I will be fine. You let me handle Mom. I think she might give me a call on Tuesday.”

    The last time I trusted you to let mom know I had to sleep on the couch the entire time I had shore leave. I am not so sure that is a good idea.

    “You know,” Christine said, moving back onto the couch, “reading Sokel’s log is starting to make me wonder what happened before I took the posting.”

    Because of the death of your former Captain his logs have been classified. Starfleet has already started an internal investigation. Your new captain is probably not even aware of it.

    Christine nodded, polishing off her beer, then saying, “Thanks for having dinner with me. I’ll give you a call before the away mission.” She hugged him before he left. She immediately went into the bedroom & flopped on the bed. Christine was just about asleep when a message arose her from the haze. ”PRIORITY ALPHA MESSAGE FROM THE HYNARC CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT.”

    Christine sleepily said, “Redirect to my mother & let them know I’ve sent it up.” The computer bleeped & she finally fell into a deep sleep.
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    USS FEARLESS - Deck 4 - Stardate 58370.2 - July 18, 2381 - 20:
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    Katie Green picked up her bags from shuttle bay and headed to the room she had been assigned. She counted herself lucky that she got a single room rather than the normal bunks Ensigns get. She’s used to sharing as she had a shared room back in Paris but having her own room will be nice. Following the maps on the screens around the ship she headed down to her new room. Finally making it to her room Katie walks inside and puts down her bag. It might be small but its got enough space for everything she needs.

    The first thing Katie did was unpack her clothes, mostly uniforms but she also has some of her casual engineering outfits which are a variant of the Starfleet uniform used on the NX-Class ships in the 2150’s, no other uniform has managed to put in enough pockets to be truly useful since as far as Katie is concerned, and some outfits for visiting the ships bar with crew mates after hours and some chill out clothing. Then after getting into the final set of sweats she got out she headed towards her next bag which held the items that would make the room her own. The first is a model NX Class that she built with her Dad, a model Type 7 shuttle and a box for an Excelsior Class model kit she got just before she shipped out. Next is a picture of her family from just before she headed off to the Academy but the frame could display whatever she felt like if she wanted to change it. Katie then spent the next 2 hours getting everything out and a few short trips to a replicator for some of her personal tools she had to leave due to space. There is a reason she always carries the files for her preferred tools.

    After finishing unpacking she checked the duty log, she wasn’t scheduled to do any work till her 3rd day on the ship so she decided to get an early night. It was a quick move from her Shuttleport assignment to the Fearless and Katie needed her rest. Thankfully she had a restfull sleep and found the gentle hum of the Excelsior Class to be the perfect noise to lull her to sleep.

    Waking up the next day she headed to the mess hall to grab some food. While there she met a few crew members but it was such a whirlwind she’s not sure how many of their names she will remember. After returning to her room she picked up her work PADD and put her Engineering outfit on. She may not be on duty but reading Engineering reports will only get you so far and this outfit is more comfortable than her uniform and has a slightly better safety rating due to the material she made it out of. Katie then spent almost all of her free time before work trying to get to know the Fearless and the wonderful and slightly crazy engineering patch job that she is. In the evening (or as close to one gets on a Starship) Katie sent back a short message to her dads to let them both know she had got to her new ship all safe and was looking forward to it before turning to her current coding project. It’s still in it’s infancy right now but it could become a useful program for automating and assisting long term engineering project but for now it’s something to do while relaxing on an evening.
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    Briefing Room - Deck Two - Bridge - Stardate 58543.2 - July 18, 2381 - 08:30
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    Standing before his officers, the department heads as well as the new Ensigns. Thane began his briefing with several PADDs passed out to each of them.

    “We have been tasked to investigate the Silence of the Dominion, to that end we are to board a nearby derelict Dominion Cruiser.” Thane passes out several PADDs with sensor data, detailed scans of the vessel among other details. “These PADDs contain all essential data we have on that ship from the Fearless Sensors. As you can see the Shields are offline, Life Support at the very least is stable however, there are no life signs aboard. That doesn’t mean that there may be entities onboard that are masking themselves. We’ll be beaming you aboard at the Bridge or the nearest, safest point to which you will make your approach there and start your investigation. Analyze the ships logs left by either the Vorta or the Jem’Hadar First and any other clues you may find.”

    He looks to R’turan “As you are XO and per starfleet regs, you are leading this team. With you will be Lt Urquhart, Ensign Green and Ensign Winters. You are to take a medic with you and an additional security officer or two. Equipment, Phaser rifles for security and those properly trained, phaser pistols, tricorders, usual. Medkits as well as an ETS each. Jem’Hadar personal polaron weapons have anti-coagulant properties in them which causes the wounds to bleed. Medkits are to be fitted appropriately to handle this. Simulation time for your team has been set aside already for your team to undergo additional practice in dealing with some of the systems found and challenges of fighting Jem’Hadar if you encounter them. I have applied my own experiences along with reports from the Federation Databases.” Thane shifts slightly, his steely gaze not at all leaving any of the personnel.

    “Lieutenant Celo, I want you to work with engineering to build two more of those improvised sonic devices you used to stun the parasite, build on it a bit to be more portable. The away team could use them just in case. The rest of you, you have three days to train, to study, to do whatever preparations you need to do before boarding. Check in with the Endeavour as they are sending over additional equipment. See what may be of use to you. If there are no questions, you are dismissed. If you have any concerns, questions or otherwise that come up later. Contact myself or R’turan.”
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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Tue 02 Jan, 2024 6:17 AM.


    "The Sisko must know...."

    I must know? Why must you continue to bring me back here? Over and over again? If I am to do something to help my friends and those whom I love I must be allowed to remain with my kind!

    "The Sisko thinks that we have ended the game...."

    The game? Meaning my life... no. My life isn't over I know that, but you all paused it. Kept me away from the people I love for years!

    "The Sisko must know...."

    *sighs* Very well, you have brought me here... now show me what it is you feel I must know... but after you do this. please allow me to figure out what it is I must do!


    I had so much to be responsible for, and I would no longer hide away from my guilt and shame. Even though they had taken everything away from me by removing all life from my planet, I had done far worse. As I stood before the Judiciary Committee comprised of sentient beings of finite life conversated in order to decide my fate. Some of them even argued how they could even have the right to make judgement on a Entity of such power, when if they possessed what I have they in good conscience would have done precisely the same.

    At one point I believed that they would have me executed. As I discussed the situation with my appointed Advocate, she told me about some of Earth's most notorious killers were put the death regarding much lesser offenses. My crime was far beyond anything that anyone living in our time could even fathom. An entire species removed from existence by mere thought. That is what I am capable of and what has made me much more dangerous in their factual judgement. I did not see myself as a monster when I committed the act because I was still within an emotional state of loss and subjectivity. But when I had time to think about the ramifications and all of the lives I had destroyed... I became far worse then the ones who bombarded my planet.

    Months went by as the collective appointees continued to present their pros and cons to decide my right to exist. All I could do is to continue to reflect on the what they labeled "The most heinous act in history." Different races were appeared and presented information pertaining to the annihilated Husnock. All of them said how the eradication of the Husnock aided them. More than 13 different species sent ambassadors speaking positively about my actions. and stating that "The Husnock Empire savagely made countless wars seeking to expand their territory at all costs..." And then they were gone which caused many species to begin talks that lead to diplomacy to flourish, and formered conquered races to liberate themselves.

    Jean-Luc Picard was asked to speak on my behalf which he agreed to do. Picard said that he believes that "This being is a self proclaimed Douwd. He is not however a Q, meaning not apart of a contingency of powerful beings with godlike powers. He is however a sentient entity that was in love with a human being, who felt loss for the person he loved, and retaliated in a way that made the assumption that all Husnock were the same and harbored the same murdering intent. During wars in our past... haven't we as humans done the same? Tellerites? Vulcans? Didn't we all believe those who we made war against assumed the same attitude regarding our enemies?"

    Finally the decision was made that would determine my fate. I would spend the rest of my life in prison. However, no one really knew how long that would be. I didn't know myself because I had no memory of my parents.I only knew I had been alive for centuries and that if I allowed myself to be killed, I could die just like any other being. I started my sentence just as the Dominion War began. I did swear never to use my powers again in any form before the judiciary committee. But those in powerful positions who sat quietly while I was judged I believe had a influence on my ultimate judgement. My Advocate stated that the Federation Council believed that there might come a time when the Federation may need a being who possessed my powers to stop the Federation from being eradicated by another sentient species. Even though I swore never to be apart of anything like that, my life was spared.

    Now I had to adjust to my new life in solitary prison. In the past whenever I wanted to be with my love I could... even if I needed to create a living breathing caricature of my true love. I did what I could to adapt to the miserable existence of being totally alone. I did not require food or any of the basic things that most humanoids need. However my energy is dependant upon my ability to ground myself by placing my feet upon the grass. My captures were very accommodating and made the necessary adjustments to my cell.

    My Advocate continued to see me. I confided with her and in time we developed a minimal relationship. She would bring me things like flowers, books, and ancient music. I would play the music she left me as much as I was allowed to. In time I would see her once a week instead of once a month. She was allowed to dance with me under supervision. She had never danced before so I had to teach her and she was a very fast learner being so intelligent. I began to truly miss her when she was away. I realized to my astonishment that I was once more in love again.

    At the height of the Dominion war Diana told me that it had become increasingly difficult to see me due to the heightened security measures taken by Starfleet. We both had reached the point of equally longing for intimacy. But we knew that even if we did want to engage in it, there was no way we could given my incarceration. One day I was told that a transmission had come for me, and that I needed to view it after my guards had viewed it. So I waited in my cell confused as to what was going on. After a period of time I was allowed to view it. Dianna (my Advocate) told me that a Changeling had been caught by Federation Defense Forces attempting to kidnap her. She had suffered injuries during the attack. I was distraught and angry... but I didn't act on my impulses. I simply wanted to see Dianna again.

    Two weeks later she finally was allowed to return. She told me that she missed and loved me greatly. and that she said she felt so helpless and that she was now paranoid of anyone being Changeling. I tried my best to console her but what she experienced had changed her... irrevocably. She waited till the guards had become distracted by several other inmates and kissed me. It was a sensation I had not felt in years. I wanted to be with her but I knew I could not without breaking my vow. We both continued to kiss each other intimately, and when I heard the guards coming back I simply made sure they viewed us doing exactly what they usually witnessed us doing always.... dancing.

    We were intimate for one earth days time, but for the guards and everyone else in the prison it seemed like mere minutes. Afterwards I could tell she was back to being herself. She was back to being the woman that I loved, and cared so much for. I had broken my vow... but this time it wasn't to take life. Time passed and the Federation began to turn the tide of the Dominion war. As I sat in my cell surrounded by plantlife and playing our favorite song I wondered when I would see my love again. She sent me a letter this time, not a transmission. It was a normal missing you letter, nothing special. But then I noticed something hidden that the guards missed when they opened it. She hid the words inverted that she was pregnant.

    I just could not believe it. How could this be? Humans and Douwds were not compatible for reproduction. Was she not honest with me as to what her species background was? Could her child grow up to inherit my powers? She told me that it would be better if she stayed away till after she had our child. I was so saddened by what she made sure to hide within the letter. But she was right .. if anyone found out she could risk prison herself and our child could become the property of the Federation. I thought about using my powers to find her and help her from where I was but just as I did I felt the overwhelming inhibiting force blocking me. It lasted about 20 minutes. After it happened I told my cell guards what had occurred but no one had any answers. Finally, I received a transmission from Picard.

    "On behalf of Starfleet Command I regret to inform you that the person who presided over you as your Advocate has been kidnapped by the Dominion. Starfleet Command has begun an investigation to find out where she has been taken. Rest assured we will do all we can to ensure she is found...."

    "The Sisko now understands...."

    Captain, are you alright?

    Yes...I do. Commander Worf, prepare to send an encrypted transmission on my command to the closest sharships near the Dominion that I believe I know what they should be looking for...

    Yes Sir.
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    Transporter room - Deck 6 - Stardate 58371.5 - July 19, 2381 - 07:01
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    Christine showed up to the transporter room fairly early. "Hi Nathan," she said cheerily, "how you doing?" Nathan smiled, saying, "Tired. Just waiting on shift change on half an hour." She smiled at him, then went over to the small replicator & got several bottles of water. She sat on the pad & waited.
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     –  Last edited by Krajin; Wed 14 Feb, 2024 10:46 AM.
    Transporter Room - Deck Six - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:00

    Three days.. All it takes is three days and an entire species disappearing for the truth of the matter to reveal itself. What is worse, we are not prepared for this kind of power with no way to combat it, should it be brought to bare. From Parasites to Douwds, god like entities capable of making entire civilizations vanish with only their cities and infrastructure remaining. Now the Dominion may have provoked something that is not constrained to a Wormhole. - Except from Cpt. Thane's Log.

    Thane waited for the away team to come down to the Transporter room for their mission, for it had been pushed ahead due to certain changes in the parameters of the mission. He had a far more sterner expression on his face as he motioned for the entire team to gather. “Before you leave for your investigation. We have an update on the mission. Objectives are being altered.” He passes out a PADD to each individual. “On this PADD contains an image of a woman by the name of Diane, an Adovcate for an entity called a Douwd. They were kidnapped by the Dominion recently, both the Advocate and potentially their child. If the child follows roughly normal Human growth patterns they are roiughly seven years of age and may act unpredictably to defend their Mother or themselves.”

    Thane looks between each of them. “Douwd are from what I have on file, a form of shapechanging immortal capable of extraordinary levels of destruction, creation and illusions so real they cannot be told apart by sensors, transporters, empathics and more. Omnipotent but not omniscient, so not Q dangerous but certainly a threat that could flick the Borg without an issue. If the child with the advocate is defending their mother on some level when she feels threatened or there is some other unknown force in play. We must be careful. If you are lucky enough to find her on this ship, handle with extreme care. We need to find out what happened to her, the Dominions plans.. Anything. Any Questions?”
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    Transporter Room - Deck Six - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:00

    Jack entered the transporter room on deck six. He was trained for away team missions and had had quite a few whilst he was serving as a Marine. However, he was a bit nervous - which he did not show, though. A few days ago he arrived aboard the USS Fearless and now... there he was... about to be sent to this mysterious vessel.

    His arrival on the Fearless went pretty well - except for this "warm welcome" of grumpy Lieutenant "I own this place" on the flight deck. After Jack had reported to the Captain and his XO he had three full days off duty. He liked this because it gave him the chance to get comfortable on the ship, his quarters and get to know the other crewmembers a bit better. Jack spent a lot of time together with Katie. They talked about "old Academy days" (as if they were 40 years in the past) whilst having a Saurian Brandy at the casino. Jack thought that Katie was very clever and would make an excellent Engineering Officer. Now they would be both beaming over to this vessel not knowing what was expecting them.

    Jack held his phaser rifle he received at the armory.. no, he grabbed it tight. The other members of his away team entered the transporter room. Everybody felt this tension and excitement. Katie stood next to Jack.

    "Hey... you're good and ready to... explore the unknown", he asked her with a low voice.
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...

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    Transporter Room - Deck Six - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:00
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    Katie, after picking up general purpose tool kit from the stores near engineering, walks into the transporter room. "Ensign Green reporting for duty Sir". After getting an acknowledgement in the form of a nod from Captain Thane, Katie heads over to the pad next to Jack, her new found friend on the Fearless and someone who looks to be an excellent security officer. She's glad he's coming along on this mission, it's good to have friends at your back. "Hey Jack" was all Katie managed to get out before the Captian spoke up and started the briefing.

    After listening to the briefing and feeling ready Katie stows the PADD passed to her alongside her Engineering reference PADD in the tool kit. She notices that Lt Urquhart hasn't got a tool kit for herself. Hopefully what Katie has got will cover any engineering need they may have while onboard the vessel. Caught off guard by Jack's question Katie takes a moment to respond before saying "Well, I think so but, If we couldn't take the joke we shouldn't have signed up." Similing fondly while remembering an old story where an officer said something similar before a crazy plan of thier commanders, it feels odly apt now.
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    Transporter Room - Deck Six - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:30

    ((This is a Joint post between Thane and Christine))

    Christine asked, while handing Thane a bottle of water, “Are we talking mental powers in line with the Talosians?” She then cracked her water open & took a mouthful.

    “I am not familiar with these Talosians, however as far as I am aware their powers are considerable. Enough to be able to fool ship sensors, telepaths including empaths and more. Which on its own takes considerable effort to pull off.” Thane took the water that was offered.

    “Good to know.” Christine said, then placed her engineering kit on the pad next to her, then opened it. “Here’s to hoping,” she said, “the ship’s systems are relatively intact. Ship’s logs should give us an idea on what happened.” She then started to go through her kit.

    Christine looked up at her XO and asked, “What did the sensors say about the Dominion ship?”

    “As I had explained in the original briefing, three days ago. Nothing. There is no life, no nothing on that ship. Life support is functional at the very least. Though century old sensors that have not seen a retrofit at all since production are going to lack the precision of modern sensor systems.” His tone hiding the snark and frustration at Starfleet’s incompetence in maintaining an up-to-date fleet.

    “This old girl has some unique quirks,” Christine said as she got up and approached a small weapons storage locker, downing the water she replicated. “I’m assuming stun, correct?” She asked.

    “You won’t be fighting the kid. The Dominion? Stun if able, kill if required. This is dangerous and something you must be very careful when you are there. Understood? Alright! You’re a go for your mission! Good Luck! We will be maintaining transporter lock and monitoring you on sensors at all times. Maintain open comm lines. Dismissed!”
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    Dominion Cruiser - Bridge - Stardate 58371.5 - July 19, 2381 - 07:12
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    As the team dematerialized onto the bridge of the cruiser, Christine instinctively drew her phaser & had a look around. She holstered her phaser after getting a stern look from R'Turan. "Sorry," she said, "force of habit." She then turned to Katie and said, "Shall we get started?"
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     –  Last edited by Nesta; Wed 10 Apr, 2024 10:52 AM.
    Transporter Room - Deck Six - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:00
    Attachment 18392

    Thane waited for the away team to come down to the Transporter room for their mission, for it had been pushed ahead due to certain changes in the parameters of the mission. He had a far more sterner expression on his face as he motioned for the entire team to gather. "Before you leave for your investigation. We have an update on the mission. Objectives are being altered.” He passes out a PADD to each individual. “On this PADD contains an image of a woman by the name of Diane, an Adovcate for an entity called a Douwd. They were kidnapped by the Dominion recently, both the Advocate and potentially their child. If the child follows roughly normal Human growth patterns they are roiughly seven years of age and may act unpredictably to defend their Mother or themselves.”

    Thane looks between each of them. “Douwd are from what I have on file, a form of shapechanging immortal capable of extraordinary levels of destruction, creation and illusions so real they cannot be told apart by sensors, transporters, empathics and more. Omnipotent but not omniscient, so not Q dangerous but certainly a threat that could flick the Borg without an issue. If the child with the advocate is defending their mother on some level when she feels threatened or there is some other unknown force in play. We must be careful. If you are lucky enough to find her on this ship, handle with extreme care. We need to find out what happened to her, the Dominion's plans. Anything. Any Questions?”
    Stepping into the Transporter Room after straightening his uniform out of habit, R'Turan thanked his feline sleep schedule—and not for the first time. 0700 hours was early for most species, but not for the Caitian Executive Officer. Permitting himself a Big Stretch before snapping a sharp salute at Captain Thane, R'Turan stepped onto the Transporter Pad and routinely checked over the Phaser Compression Rifle he had retrieved earlier. Satisfied with the state of the weapon, a single ear turned to absorb the Captain's instructions. Altered orders. Noted. He thought before turning his half-blind gaze to the Ferasen. "We shall be careful, understood sir." He purred before straightening his uniform again as the rest of the away team stepped onto the pad beside him. Soon, the familiar hum of an energising transporter reached his ears - quickly followed by the cold shiver of dematerialisation... R'Turan's sight went white as he was transported across space in the blink of an eye.

    Dominion Cruiser - Bridge - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:12
    Attachment 18392

    As the team dematerialized onto the bridge of the cruiser, Christine instinctively drew her phaser & had a look around. She holstered her phaser after getting a stern look from R'Turan. "Sorry," she said, "force of habit." She then turned to Katie and said, "Shall we get started?"
    The moment his sight and feeling returned, R'Turan shouldered the phaser rifle as he and the rest of the away team appeared aboard the Dominion Ship. Casting a disapproving look at Christine as she drew her phaser. "Leave security to those trained for it, Lieutenant," He momentarily admonished her before gesturing for the security officers to get to work. "Secure the bridge. Ensign Green, Lieutenant Urquhart, get to work. Retrieve the ships' logs and get me a scan of the ship's interior. I don't want to know what's there: I want to know what isn't."

    Moving through the Bridge himself as the security officers began their work, R'Turan's head was on a swivel while he let his tactical and security training take over: were they alone? Only once he was secure in that knowledge did he relax in any vague sense of the word and lower his rifle from its position against his shoulder, though his tail never quite stopped flicking from side to side.
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    Dominion Cruiser - Bridge - Stardate 58551.2 - July 21, 2381 - 07:42
    Attachment 18392

    The Security Officers took point just a bit ahead of the Bridge Officers. Lt. Gavin Fav maintained the barrel of his Type III Mark II Phaser Rifle in front of him while the butt of the rifle rested under his right armpit. Two other Security Officers just behind him moved just as methodically in unison with him spreading out through the bridge checking the corners where any potential enemies could be lurking. After several moments of searching Lt. Gavin Fav turned to face his senior officer...

    Looking around the Security Officers noticed several Dominion phasers and rifles were laying upon the metallic flooring. Lt. Gavin motioned giving one of the Officers permission to gather up the weapons and any gear that they could find. Next the Security Officers began to try to use the Bridge terminals to access Bridge controls and the recent log history of the Battleship. Lt. Gavin began his attempt to gain access to any information pertaining to the blueprints for the Dominion starship.

    For some odd reason a distortion continues to disrupt the deck blueprints everytime Lt. Gavin brings it up. Each time the blueprints change the method in how they are presented. Almost overwhelmed by frustration the cyborg humanoid Lt. stops himself from bashing his fist against the terminal's keypanel. Inhaling deeply he nods while he remembers just what the away team's challenge upon the Dominion Battleship really is...

    Commander R'Turan, I am unable to pull up a definitive blueprint for the Dominion starship.... however we have almost gained access to the logs files... you could have Lt. Urquhart show the logs and video images upon the Bridge view screen once we have full access to the Bridge. Also Commander their shields are still down we could trans---

    ((=^=)) Lt. Commander R'Turan make sure that your Officers transmit both any footage and security logs directly to the USS Endeavor immediately! ((=^=))

    ((=^=)) Yes Commander, as per our aforementioned agreement we need access to those logs NOW! Do not delay... and we will continue to monitor your teams progress. ((=^=))

    Commander, (leans in) let me know if you wish to follow that command immediately or if you would rather we see both the logs and video before we send it to the Endeavor.

    ((=^=)) Lt. Commander R'Turan we have located two lifeforms upon the Dominion Vessel! We however cannot make out what type of lifeforms they actually are. They are both found within the medical bay... looks like Deck 7. ((=^=))


    USS FEARLESS BRIDGE - Deck 1 - Stardate 58370.2 - July 2, 2381 - 08:00
    FAB spacer small


    Captain, the Endeavor has just raised it's shields and is powering up it's weapons!!! Should we raise ours?

    Are they really moving into attack position... against US???

    Captain, there is another starship approaching this sector!! I...I... am unable to identify it yet!
    Kiflin Medals
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    Dominion Cruiser - Bridge - Stardate 58371.5 - July 19, 2381 - 07:15
    Attachment 18392
    Name:  Melissa Raunch.png
Views: 857
Size:  33.3 KB

    Christine furrowed her brow, then addressed R'Turan, "I can send a copy of the logs to both ships," she said, "but it might take some time. I'm not familiar with Dominion systems."

    After receiving a confirming nod, Christine started to fiddle with a console near what was the tactical station. All the consoles looked tubular & sharply angled. "Whoever designed these ships," she said, offhand, "must love pointy things." She looked at a readout and said to Katie, "See if you can get internal sensors up. Might help."

    It took her five minutes to get the logs up. "Commander, ships logs are up." She said, then presented him the last log to be filed.

    "It says more than a week ago," she stated, "all 800 Dominion lifeforms aboard just vanished. Jesus."
    JoshBroughm Medals
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    USS FEARLESS BRIDGE - Deck 1 - Stardate 58370.2 - July 2, 2381 - 07:43
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    Thane settled on the Bridge and watched as events began to unfold, one leg over the other crossed and an intense, focused expression worn on his face.

    The communications with the away team being monitored, Thane frowned as the Admiral and Captain of the Endeavour both interject with a blatantly false request.

    ((=^=)) “R’turan you are to transmit the logs and footage to the Fearless, per the standard for this investigation. Admiral Bougham and Captain Holland, no such agreement was ever made or reached between us. You are here to monitor, provide assistance as needed and not interfere with the boarding party unless in an emergency situation.” ((=^=))

    Some may think Thane sported stones of neutronium there for countering the orders of an Admiral. Frankly, Thane is not a Starfleet pet that follows blindly. Ferasan’s are a more independent sort.

    USS FEARLESS BRIDGE - Deck 1 - Stardate 58370.2 - July 2, 2381 - 08:00
    FAB spacer small

    As soon as the officers reported the Endeavour powering weapons and shields, Thane snapped to the split-second order. “Red Alert! If they get a weapons lock, initiate evasive maneuvers!” The Fearless will not last against a post-war Nebula for long.

    He looked over to the Sensor display on the incoming ship approaching the sector. “That would be the Defiant! How long until they get here?"

    ((=^=)) "Endeavour stand down weapons! Why are you moving in to an aggressive posture?" ((=^=))
    Krajin Medals