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[Announcement] - UFP RP - March 2024 Survey Responses

Started By:
Kiflin, Sat 30 Mar, 2024 3:52 PM
  1. RPD Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Kiflin; Sat 30 Mar, 2024 3:55 PM.
    RP 240


    Strongly Approve: 17%
    Approve: 12%
    Neutral: 71%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    Doesn't seem to be much activity there for a while.
    Ravensplat We do tend to be a bit quieter over the Holiday period but we are getting back into it now and I hope you enjoy what comes next.

    Nesta As RavenSplat said, we're generally quieter over the holiday period due to the general time that goes into things like the UFP RP Division, but stuff is all coming together now that OOC reorganisations are complete.

    Kiflin We also needed to face the challenge of updating our division and rearranging our subforums but the Fearless storyline did soldier on.

    Random comment of strong approval
    Ravensplat Equally random response of appreciation.

    Nesta Much appreciated! We thrive on feedback like this.

    Kiflin We appreciate your random positivity!

    The main forum-based roleplay seems to be going strong and I look forward to seeing how the story resolves itself. I am wondering what has happened to the Star Trek Adventures games though as they seem to have disappeared after just 2 games.
    Ravensplat Well I am glad you are enjoying the main story. Due to having to coordinate over a large number of time zones and everyone's schedules, we struggle to have games often but we are still going. If you want to join either our longer-term story or just try out the one-shot adventure for The Lost Universe, let us know.

    Nesta I can only echo what RavenSplat has said: I struggle sometimes with organising the D&D group I'm in, which is all located in the same general time zone - whereas the ST: A group is spread over several, so organisation is sometimes a challenge - but it is one we happily face!

    Kiflin The Fearless storyline is definitely winding to a close. Very soon we will post its exciting climax and see how the roleplayers face the big challenge.

    I don't get involved but I can see from the forums that it's being run well Smile
    Ravensplat Glad you like the look of it, feel free to join in whatever section you want.

    Nesta You're always welcome to join us if you have that itch. We do try to keep our forums nicely organised.

    Kiflin It's definitely a lot of work but we all try and do our parts to make it challenging and immersive.

    Not involved in Roleplay, but from what I looked I can click Approve.
    Ravensplat Glad you approve of us even if you aren't taking part.

    Nesta Wonderful to hear that you like what you see: do feel free to drop any one of us a message about getting involved if you so desire.

    Kiflin You are always welcomed to get involved!

    Ooh, I like roleplaying. Can I say that having not seen it... OTOH, yeah... but I would expect, no... it's casual... so... yeah. I can get into it.... :-) But, you're asking about the division... oh well, I'm lost again.. but... Role Playing, yeah... I can do that! :-)
    Ravensplat I'll be honest, the sentence structure does lose me a bit but it looks like you enjoy roleplaying so I feel free to reach out to us and to start taking part.

    Nesta I'm glad to hear that you're finding joy in the noblest of arts that is writing and roleplaying: to put oneself into the mind of another is truly the greatest challenge. If you wish to join us, do feel free.

    Kiflin Sign up we would love to have you!

    Ravensplat Meow to you as well

    Nesta Mrrow?

    Kiflin I like cats but I am allergic to them sadly. But I have no issues with hairless cats...

    I haven't tried it so far, so I can't comment too much.
    Ravensplat Well feel free to get involved and to comment more next time.

    Nesta As we've said before: do not hesitate to reach out to any one of us about getting involved if you so wish - and, sometimes, outside opinions are the best ones. We always seek to improve upon that which can be improved upon within the Division.

    Kiflin Very easy to change that! And direct experience opinions are always very descriptive!

    Life is like a box of chocolates.
    Ravensplat Well I hope Roleplay Division is a tasty one then

    Nesta You never know what you're gonna get.

    Kiflin Life is definitely! Forrest Gump's mama was correct!

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    Ravensplat Thank you, We try our best and glad you can see that

    Nesta Very glad to hear it!

    Kiflin Well we appreciate your kinds words whomever you are!



    Strongly Approve: 17%
    Approve: 19%
    Neutral: 64%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    I haven't been able to participate yet, due to scheduling conflicts. But it is nice to see events being held what I would consider regularly.
    Ravensplat Well I hope you get to take part in some events from one of the great divisions here at the UFP.

    Nesta If you do get the time to participate, I'm sure we'd all love to have you. ^^

    Kiflin Well there are plenty to choose from when your schedule clears up!

    Rastillion(STO), Jammers (STO) and Heyallo (Holo) are the true MVPs here with spearheading events not just by hosting but with their immediate presence.
    Ravensplat Massive respect for all other event runners in the other divisions!

    Nesta Indeed! We appreciate all those who are involved in the process of running events: it is a daunting task to provide and offer regular content, and to see it done so excellently is always wonderful.

    Kiflin Amen to that!

    Random comment of strong approval
    Ravensplat Thank you, random person, Random response of appreciation.

    Nesta Wonderful to hear that you like what you see!

    Kiflin Always a pleasure to receive random approvals! Thank you on behalf of the UFP Roleplaying Command team.

    I don't have time to join events due to other commitments but everything looks awesome from here!
    Ravensplat Well I hope you can get to join in soon then!

    Nesta We do our best, and would love to have you around if and when you find the time.

    Kiflin Well we do try our best!

    I don’t play many PC games so I don’t join many of them but they have plenty going on which I am happy to see.
    Ravensplat Well RP Div events don't require any experience or games so feel free to let us know if you want to join us.

    Nesta I once more echo what RavenSplat has said: the events the UFP RP Division runs require nothing more than a stable internet connection and one's imagination, so if you wish to join us, feel free to drop any one of us a message.

    Kiflin Just bring your imagination and an open mind and everything will take care of itself.

    Lots of good events are happening Smile
    Ravensplat Glad you're enjoying everything the UFP is offering

    Nesta Indeed! It's good to see.

    Kiflin Glad that brings a smile to your face!

    Not very much involved, but it looks like people are having fun.
    Ravensplat Well I know I and the other members have enjoyed the Star Trek Adventures sessions so far.

    Nesta Indeed, the ST: A sessions have been a great success thus far, which is wonderful to see.

    Kiflin Yes people are and it's good that you can tell!

    I read about them... and I've not been here long... How often should or did they used to be, or are now? I wouldn't know. I only know at some time someone will reach out and I'll have to show up... somewhere and let you all know I'm here. But, other than that, I don't know about events. I'm thinking maybe I should find a fleet first; but, I feel I should know more about this site first before I just jump in... Yeah, I don't know... what is the frequency, and quality... I guess that will have to wait until I go to one, whenever that will be.
    Ravensplat I look forward to hearing what you think after being able to attend some of them.

    Nesta The events are very regular, hosted by those with experience who strive to provide a high-quality experience for the attendees. You can find them here, at the UFP's Events page.

    Kiflin Not fully grasping what is being said here but I will say don't be afraid to jump in and roleplay with us!

    Activity feels way up now that Discord is used more often.
    RavensplatYes the discord has been great for sharing the events and opportunities available in the UFP.

    Nesta The introduction of Discord to how the UFP handles its events and other such things has definitely increased the general presence of events within the UFP's structure, yes! It's good to see, for activity is never a bad thing.

    Kiflin I've always liked Discord but I must say Teamspeak has a special place in my heart.

    Ravensplat Meow to you as well!

    Nesta Purrs.

    Kiflin (Waves!)

    They're pretty good, as I said, still trying to get a hang of the system as I'm not too sure or a little scared to try yet.
    Ravensplat Department policy is no biting the members and I think others have the same so try not to be too worried by us

    Nesta Never be scared to try new things. If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out.

    Kiflin Don't be scared! At the end of the day, all we are trying to do is enjoy fun together!

    Not quite as good as the big bang, now that was an event!
    Ravensplat Not sure I was around for that one but I am looking forward to all the very cool events all the divisions are running.

    Nesta Ah, I remember that. Yes, that was a good day. In comparison, however, the UFP's myriad events are excellent as well.

    Kiflin Hard to top the original big bang... but I will settle for the eclipse in April.

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job.
    Ravensplat Thanks, hope you continue to enjoy.

    Nesta Glad to hear it!

    Kiflin We have a great team thank you so much!
    Kiflin Medals
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    Activity has been Up & down, but that's the Nature of this RP. Glad to be apart of the Div.
    JoshBroughm Medals