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[Announcement] - STO Survey results for June 2024

Started By:
Novalance, Sat 22 Jun, 2024 8:27 PM
  1. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet
    Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet

    Star Trek Online Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 19 Dec, 2020 10:23 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

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      Unlocked Sat 22 Dec, 2018 11:00 PM

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    • Jestersmith
    • Morris
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    STO 240



    Strongly Approve: 23%
    Approve: 14%
    Neutral: 63%
    Disapprove: 1%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%





    Very generous, thank you!


    That adds up Smile

    This rating is not to reflect on the department as a whole. There are a lot of good people working hard to make playing STO with their fellow fleet members a pleasurable experience. However, in the last active event I attended there was so much negativity towards the game that I left early and haven't had much interest in attending an event since. I put the "active" event qualifier because I did try to attend one event since. I showed up with people already present, no one spoke, no one acknowledged my or anyone else's existence, and after several minutes I just left.

    I've seen there's a recruitment drive right now, and a push to bolster our community and improve its health. That's admirable. However, if the negativity continues the way it was when I was last active, I don't honestly think it's going to do much good.

    I don't really expect much change on this front. People have a right to feel how they feel and express it amongst friends, and that's what we hope to be in this fleet. It's just unfortunate that there have been so many problems with the game lately that it has poisoned the well, so to speak.

    I hope, when I am more active again, that I'm proven wrong. That it was just a rough patch that's colored my perception, and that things aren't as dire as I believe they are.

    I am considering swapping to do stuff for STO, I have had good fun with the crew that usually does STO stuff in the morning for me. And they've helped me get back into the game and enjoy it.
    I defer to my colleagues response below


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. We really appreciate your honesty and feedback.

    First, it's important to acknowledge that even event hosts can feel disillusioned with the state of the game. Hosting events doesn't make one immune to the frustrations and disappointments that can arise. Despite these feelings, our hosts continue to organise events to foster community and camaraderie among fleet members.

    Recruitment drives have always been a key part of our efforts to grow and improve our community. We're currently in the middle of one, aiming to bolster our ranks and improve the overall health of our fleet. Your observations about negativity impacting our recruitment efforts are valid and something we need to address together.

    When you become more active again, there will be an opportunity for you to contribute directly to the change you wish to see. We're always looking for new event hosts, and you'd be more than welcome to apply. By becoming an event host, you could help steer the direction of our events and create a more positive and engaging atmosphere for everyone.

    I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience at the last event. We strive to make every event welcoming and enjoyable, and it's clear we fell short in this instance. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve.

    Thanks again for your input. We hope that when you return, you'll find a more positive environment, and we look forward to your potential involvement in hosting future events.


    I concur with everything that Jestersmith expressed above. To address feeling ignored when entering one of our event's Discord voice chats, there are several possible explanations for what you experienced. The group may have been deep in a TFO, with their focus on the mission at hand. They may have also taken a break, though it would be unusual for everyone to be away from the chat. The last possibility, which I've seen from time to time, is that sometimes when someone joins the chat, either their MIC or speakers/ headphones fail to connect to the group chat, even though their avatar is showing present. I have never been a part of a group that would intentionally ignore anyone attempting to join us. My best advice is, if you aren't greeted when you join, just say hi! You should get an immediate reply. If not, most likely your MIC is not working. Watch the avatars of the others in the group. If you see green outlines appearing on and off, but do not hear anything, your speakers/ headphones may not have connected to the chat. In either of these situations, leave the chat and come back again. If all else fails, the voice chat window has a text chat window as well. Ask for help there, if needed, or DM someone in the group directly. We'll try to help get you sorted. Regarding negativity during events, it has been a challenging time with Cryptic's ongoing transition to DECA Games. With the uncertainty surrounding that, and the temporary reduction in the full upkeep and development of STO, there have been some frustrating times. With that said, you are absolutely correct in expecting a positive experience during our events. We have been, and will continue to encourage all of our volunteers to foster a positive experience during fleet events, and in all public interactions within the UFP. Thank you for your feedback and concern.


    Absolutely agree with the above and there really nothing more to add.

    Waiting to see what and where Decca go but the STO guys are good


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We're all waiting to see what happens with Decca and where our journey will take us. It's a time of change and anticipation, much like exploring an uncharted sector of space.

    In the meantime, it's great to hear that the STO crew is doing a stellar job. They’ve been a beacon of support, keeping the spirit of our fleet alive and thriving. Their dedication to organising events and fostering camaraderie among members is truly commendable, like the steadfast officers of Starfleet.

    As we navigate this period of change, let’s continue to support each other and stay engaged. Just like the crew of the Enterprise, our strength lies in our unity and cooperation. Your participation and feedback are essential in helping us boldly go where no fleet has gone before.


    I'm hopeful that DECA will have a positive impact on STO. Thank you for the nice comment!


    Sounds like a great plan!

    I really don't know, everything seams good.


    f23ba0be00e71b5d88731977b3ca4905d2 13 everything is awesom.rhorizontal.w700


    Thank you for the positive vibes!


    We'll take that

    Doing the best they can with the cards they are dealt.


    All is good i have just ordered a new stack of Uno Reverse cards, we got this


    Thank you. We have a great team!


    Here, here!

    This unit strongly approves
    This Unit suspects that Unit of bias


    Strong unit of approval appreciated


    Many thanks!


    We strongly thank you!

    Seems well run, but I stopped playing. Have a case of Popcorn.


    We're here whenever you're ready to return. Thank you for the popcorn whether it's Salted, Sweet, or Chilli, we're fine. Just please, no salted caramel; that might cause an issue!


    You're always welcome, should you return. Thanks for the popcorn!


    But what about cake?



    cat funny quote


    Good kitty!




    [cl4] JUNE EVENT APPROVAL: 99%

    Strongly Approve: 21%
    Approve: 12%
    Neutral: 67%
    Disapprove: 1%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    *Makes approval noises*



    Much appreciated!



    We've had less events than we did when I started when people were already wanting more, not less, and I've seen events lately populated by as few as three people. The last event I tried to attend had zero interaction. The former requires volunteers. I understand that. I'm not sure what can be done about the latter.
    Once again I'm deferring to Jester's response


    There's no denying it: there has been a noticeable decrease in event participation, which is disappointing to hear. Volunteers are essential for organizing successful events, and I appreciate your understanding of that necessity. Improving participation and interaction is a priority for us. We want events to be engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved.

    I understand why uncertainty can lead to wariness and less commitment. All of this factors into what we can offer and do. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us address these issues. Given the current state and uncertainty surrounding Decca's direction, it's understandable that active members might hesitate to invest too much time until there's more clarity. This uncertainty undoubtedly affects participation levels.

    We hope that clear direction will attract players back. If you have any ideas on how we can encourage more participation and create interactive events despite these challenges, please share them. You can message me directly, post in the forum, or use the feedback link Together, we can make our events more vibrant and fulfilling for all members.


    I echo what Jestersmith said. I'll add that joining our events doesn't just mean running TFOs. If you need help with your build, or help with a mission, want help knocking out Endeavors or STO Events, or you just want help gaining specific Marks for new gear....the group is always happy to help!

    Haven't attended other than some gaming with ya
    All good


    Sometimes that is all that is needed


    You're always welcome to join us!


    Play to win.

    Events on all the time attend some when i can
    We have been pretty consistent


    Attend when you want or can


    Happy for you to join, when you're able!


    Play more, work less Smile

    Need more night shift US events ;p Thats just due to work for me though
    Need more US event officers volunteers *hint*


    Your more than welcome to join the team and see if you can get that going


    I concur with what Jestersmith suggested. New volunteers to Special Ops are welcome!


    Again, play more and work less

    Shoutout to Bedders.
    Don't go inflating his ego, he's already floating!


    Bedders is great


    Bedders is good peeps!


    Shout, shout, shout

    This unit strongly approves
    This Unit again suspects that Unit of strong bias


    We approve of this strong unit


    Approval acknowledged and appreciated.



    Never attended.
    Never would of known!


    Always welcome


    You're welcome to join us anytime!



    Merlin said what?!


    Someone feed this cat already!


    Novalance Medals
  2. Quartermaster

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:19 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked 1 Week Ago

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
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      Unlocked Sat 30 Mar, 2024 11:00 PM

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    • Dedicated
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      Unlocked Fri 24 Mar, 2023 4:06 AM

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    • Vice Admiral
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:37 PM

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    • To Boldly Go On and On
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    • Morris
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    To the valued UFP community member who gave us this feedback:

    However, in the last active event I attended there was so much negativity towards the game that I left early and haven't had much interest in attending an event since. I put the "active" event qualifier because I did try to attend one event since. I showed up with people already present, no one spoke, no one acknowledged my or anyone else's existence, and after several minutes I just left.
    Is it possible this incident happened approx. 6 weeks (plus / minus) ago on one of our "RED ALERT FRIDAY'S"?

    On one "RED ALERT FRIDAY'S" we were joined by one community member who I had never had the pleasure to interact with.
    Right after the "somebody joined the STO Discord voice channel noise" sounded, we all said "Hello" with no response.
    We tried over and over again and didn't got any response.
    So I have to concur with my superior CL5s, there was most likely a technical issue at hand.

    At that given time, the game performance was absolutely unacceptable bad for some weeks, so we were all frustrated, annoyed and angry.

    I would be more then happy If you would give us a second chance and join us once again.

    In future I will PM any non responsive UFP community member to give this person a heads up, to prevent such an issue in future.
    Remsus Medals