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Akyv's lonliness

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Josh Broughm, Mon 26 Feb, 2024 12:17 PM
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Mon 26 Feb, 2024 9:53 PM.
    Akyv's loniness
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    It has been about three months or so since the death of her beloved husband. Akyv has been in a bit of a stupor since. Her father, a well tenured ambassador, tried to break her out of this, but to no such avail. The only thing that she responded to was a suggestion that she return to Andor for a long, solo ski trip. Akyv only agreed as to keep her father well away from her.

    She arrived at the welcoming center on Andor, having looked like she cried for a century. Her friend, Sh'Dal, greeted her. "I wanted to fly to Earth as soon as I heard," she said as she hugged Akyv very tightly, "I am so sorry!!" Akyv only smiled slightly, saying, "It's ok, Dal. It just feels like a hole has been ripped into my soul." She then pulled out a small case from her bag. It was a tri-folded flag of the federation laid on Sam's casket. She then hugged the case. "You've had that case with you since the funeral," Dal asked, "right?" Akyv nodded. "Its the only thing i can comfort myself with." She said. Akyv replaced the case in her bag. "Have you been working through all this?" Dal asked, concerned. Akyv shook her head, her antennae slightly flopping about, saying, "No. Just too soon to go back to work, for me." They both walked out of the welcome center & headed towards a large tower building. Akyv said to Dal, "Thanks for putting me up at your place. I shouldn't be a bother to you, I think." Dal smiled, saying, "Papa always said you were a bother & a very bad influence. Remember when we were nine?" Akyv smiled, saying, "Yeah. We got into some good trouble back then."

    They both entered the tower & went straight into an elevator. "Level 44, western sector." Dal said, then turned to Akyv. "So, what mountain you going to try to do this trip?" Akyv just shrugged, saying, "Not a clue. That's a tomorrow problem. Right now, I want a drink." Dal said, happily, "Back to that Good Trouble, eh?" Akyv shrugged again, "I guess." The elevator stopped & the two exited, then they approached a door, which Dal entered a code for. They both entered an apartment that was quite large. "Go ahead and get yourself settled in in. Take as much time as you need." Dal said. Akyv nodded, saying, "I'll stay out of your way. Won't even notice me here." Dal smirked, saying as she pointed at a door just inside a corridor, "That is a small transporter, It'll take you anywhere on Andor. The door next to that is your room." She looked at a clock on the far wall, saying. "Damn it! I have to head in for work. See you tonight?" Akyv nodded, then flopped on the couch as Dal rushed into the transporter.

    Akyv would take the time to settle in to her altered reality.
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    Dress shopping
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    Akyv took the afternoon to unpack what clothes she brought in her room & put on some music in the background, which was a playlist of some songs that Sam liked. She grew to love this music as well. The trifold was placed on a shelf close to her bed. A well of memories sprung forward & she cried for a few minutes, then she wiped away the tears & decided to go 'Shopping'. She threw on an old bomber jacket, then headed out.

    It took her about an hour to get to the merchant's district. Akyv took her time to take in the scenery. Everything was a shade of white, into a deep, icy blue & the buildings were almost natural looking. The first shop she went into was a Clothier. The Aenar behind the counter saw her come in and offer her a greeting. "Welcome to Sh'Rad's Taylors," he said, "How can I..." he trailed off after recognizing her. "Uh...," Akyv said, awkwardly, "hello." He gulped and said, "I'm...sure we can find something suitable for you, Akyv." She cocked her head, asking, "How do you..." He simply said, pointing a thumb to a display, "News feed. The investigation took a full month before-" Akyv cut him off, saying, "Let's just move on from that, please? I have had a real hard time accepting he's...." Her antennae drooped a bit. "I Completely understand. What outfit are you looking for?" He asked.

    "Shimmery," she said, "sexy. Something that would turn heads." He pointed to a metallic two-piece on a mannequin that covered the 'naughty parts' & not much else. Akyv gave him a scathing look & said, "I'm blue, not puke green." He just smiled and said, "I have a much more modest version of this. Its perfect for the club scene. That one was for an Orion. She was arrested, for some reason. I need this thing out of my shop." Akyv said simply, "Let's see that modified dress."

    She was there for two hours to get the dress properly fitted. Once she had the dress on after the final alterations, she smiled widely and caressed her body. "I've not felt this good in months." She said. The taylor said, "It suits you, ma'am. Do you want me to box this up?" Akyv nodded. It took a moment to package the dress and she happily took leave of the Taylor. She then took 90 minutes to poke about, enjoying the food her home planet had to offer.
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    After that night of clubbing in the 'Party' district, with plenty of alcohol that would put even the most stout of humans square on their arse, she woke up the next day in her friend's flat with a twelve-alarm hangover. "Time?" She said out loud as she rolled out of the bed. "The time is 1435 hours." The male computer voice said. Akyv shook her head, then looked down. She was still in her club outfit. It took a moment for her to piece the evening's events together. No one made a pass at me. In fact, she thought, I think everyone left me well enough alone. Which is kinda nice. She then got up and went to get a shower and to get properly dressed. As she moved to the bathroom, she noticed a message indicator blinking away on one of the consoles. She tapped the button to start the message.

    Akyv, its your Dad. I heard that you were on Andoria for a bit of a respite & wanted to check in on you. I know things right now are confusing and you just want to keep your mind & soul busy, lest they fall into a void of despair. Remember when your mother passed? I had dived head first into my work that I very nearly neglected my fatherly responsibilities to you & I know you couldn't forgive me for it for a very long time. Right now, I'm at Sandringham Estate in Scotland, attending a conference. If our paths cross at some point, I'd love to get dinner. Call if you get the chance. Love you 4000.

    The message ended. Akyv stood there, with tears in her eyes. She smiled and said, "Thanks dad," then went to get her shower.

    It was about 1545 when she left the apartment. She was headed to a small restaurant that made her favorite dish, spicy chicken burritos with extra cheese. As she was eating, she read up on something that interested her. It was a Starfleet Medical pamphlet that outlined what it required to upgrade to a Ph. D. She had inquired about several times at points in her career, but nothing came of it. Maybe it was the right time to seriously push to do it.
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