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Crisis Point: Vindicta's Revenege

Started By:
RavenSplat, 3 Weeks Ago
  1. UPT Executive Officer

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    Name:  holodeck.jpeg
Views: 34
Size:  63.5 KB

    As people started to filter in a chat Katie was finalising the code on this Crisis Point program, it was weirdly structured. It had evidentally started out as a program to assist with Starfleet tasks and a really strong crew interaction section for somereason, but then it was almost highjacked into this really good story telling program. But it was certified by someone senior on the USS Ceritos and so it was a good crew bonding exercise as anything, and as she was running it she might even get some point with the senior staff.

    When Katie finally had all the players she thought she would get she started to greet them. "Welcome everyone to your very own adventure tale. Now while I've tried my best to make an entertaining story you will have quite a bit of leeway in this, the program is pretty good at adapting to what you want to do and it should allow me compensate so, try anything. Now before we start if you could all tell me what sort of role you would like to play, unfortunately I didn't have enough time to work out the bugs in this so you can only play on the good guys side. It sort of breakdown if you try to play both heros and villians and it's got some obvious low level stuff from Starfleet training sims. So let me know who you want and I'll populate the rest. Enjoy the story!"

    Once everyone had given their role assignments to Katie she got work setting up the final parts of the program and setting it away.

    Name:  Crisis Point logo.png
Views: 39
Size:  1.75 MB

    From a hiden corner Katie just goes "Oh come on, I thought I had changed that. Sorry guys seems the origional movie logo is still there, but this one's calles Vindicta's Revenge. Hopefully this will be the last of the bugs.'
    RavenSplat Medals

    Truth creates knowledge. Knowledge fosters understanding and in understanding there is peace
  2. RPD Commanding Officer

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    As she stood in horse stance deep breathing she hated the fact that she got so sweaty so quickly. Sure it was a great work out and she always had a euphoric high afterwards that lasted until she ate bad later the same evening. But she always seemed to sweat more than everyone else her entire life. She took another deep breath and prepared to perform another kata, this time however she would endeavor to emphasize her blocks more and slowly perform her strikes. She could hear her instructor as if she was there... "Ellen, right at the moment of sheer exhaustion... then and only then is when your real training begins."

    She shouted her kata and performed her salutation with equal forosity. Deep breathing upon each execution of her blocks, locking in her stances and holding them in place as the pain began to build. Her cadence of breathing could be heard loudly if one put their ear to the outside of the holodeck door. "Ellen, never complicate the simplicity! Always remember you must perform your techniques thousands of times to scratch the surface of muscle memory. Anything less would be blasphemy!"

    Suddenly Ellen erupted in a loud Kiai as she thrusted her fist forward while maintaining one foot forward and the other elongated. Then right to left she brought her back foot forward to meet her front, and exhaled deeply. Finally, she bowed... holding her bow to emphasize her level of respect for her Instructor for several moments. Raising her head she spinned to grab her towel and began to loosen her belt. She paused to take in the holographic image of her setting which depicted her practice area upon the top of Mt. Fuji. She smiled feeling fulfilled and spun towards the exit doors.

    Ellen exits the holodoors to notice Katie working in front of another holodeck terminal....
    Kiflin Medals