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Star Trek: Galaxy - Crew Bios

Started By:
Mikester92, Tue 25 Jan, 2011 9:19 PM
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    If you would like to create a bio for your character, feel free to post one here. I recommend using this format:

    HTML Code:
    [B][U]Basic Profile-[/U][/B]
    [B]Place of Birth[/B]:
    [B]Current Assignment[/B]:
    [B][U]Biological Information-[/U][/B]
    [B]Hair Color[/B]:
    [B]Eye Color[/B]:
    [B][U]Educational Information-[/U][/B]
    [B][U]Work Information-[/U][/B]
    [B]Previous Employers[/B]:
    [B]Current Employer[/B]:

    Biographies are not compulsory, and may be posted at any time.
    Mikester92 Medals
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    Basic Profile-

    Name: Jack Harrison
    Birthday: September 2, 2346
    Place of Birth: U.S.S. Saratoga
    Parents: Jon and Lisa Harrison
    Siblings: None
    Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
    Current Assignment: Chief Science Officer U.S.S. Galaxy

    Biological Information-

    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Species: Alpha Centarian
    Height: 200.63 Cm
    Weight: 107 Kg

    Educational Information-

    Primary: Attended on the U.S.S. Saratoga
    Secondary: Zefram Cochrane Foundation Alpha Centari Graduated Valedictorian at age 16 with Top Honors
    Tertiary: Princeton University from age 16 to age 19 gained masters in applied science, Then 4 years at Starfleet academy

    Work Information-

    Previous Employers: N/A
    Current Employer: N/A


    Always remember: Never accept the world for what it appears to be. Dare to see it for what it could be. - Dr. Harold Winston.
  1. SFHolo Commanding Officer

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     –  Last edited by Chris Wilkinson; Thu 27 Jan, 2011 12:24 AM.
    Basic Profile-

    Name: John Sheppard
    Birthday: 25th June 2345
    Place of Birth: Dessica II
    Jiro Sheppard (Adoptive Father)
    Nichola Sheppard (Adoptive Mother)
    Yoshi Sheppard (Brother)
    Alexus Sheppard (Sister)
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Current Assignment: Counsellor, USS Galaxy

    Biological Information-

    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Green
    Species: Human/Vulcan
    Height: 6ft 2
    Weight: 100lbs

    Educational Information-

    Primary: Mita Elementary School (Tokyo, Japan)
    Secondary: Jonathon Archer High School (Tokyo, Japan)

    Work Information-

    Previous Employers: N/A
    Current Employer: Starfleet

    John was born on Dessica II and placed into an orphanage shortly after birth. He remained there until the age of 2 when he was adopted by Jiro and Nichola Sheppard and taken back to Earth to live with them in Tokyo, Japan. At elementary school his grades were average and he got into some fights however when he progressed into high school he began to take it more seriously with his grades improving and him following the rules.

    He graduated 5th in his class and applied to join Starfleet Academy however he failed in his first attempt. However he tried again the next year and was accepted. As he progressed through the academy he decied he wanted to work as a counsellor so he transferred into starfleet medical to begin his training.

    After a year in Starfleet Medical John was sent to the USS Crazy Horse for two years for the practical side of his training. He worked with Lieutenant Commander Bernard the Counsellor of the ship and recieved a positive report at the end of his placement. Upon graduation he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and assigned to the USS Victory.

    He served aboard the Victory until recieving orders to report to the Galaxy and take on the position of Counsellor aboard.
    ChrisWilkinson Medals