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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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    Dorvan V
    Forests of Dorvan V

    A Joint post by WelshAvenger and Silynn

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    Jei soon found herself in a wooded area. The brush was thick and the rugged rocks that was the norm was noticeably absent. She leaned against a large tree and slumped to the ground. Pulling her knees up, Jei wrapped her arounds around them and buried her head. Her body shook and convulsed as the adrenaline faded, replaced with sorrow and frustration. She was willing to kill an unarmed nausicaan without hesitation. And that was a person Jei didn’t want to know or have any part of anymore, as she felt that she was losing control over it.

    Her body suddenly went tense, and stopped shaking. The air felt stale and something wasn’t right. More so, Jei knew she wasn’t alone. The odor and scent was unmistakable. As much as she hoped it was just Christopher, she knew the presence wasn’t him.

    A twig snapped, yet Jei didn’t move. Hidden in her lap, her hand gripped her phaser.

    A guttural laugh erupted. “Lookie what we have here… a lost little lam…”

    Jei fell to her side, as she fired. The shot caught the lead raider in the abdomen and he crumpled to the ground. Two shots hit the tree above Jei, leaving blackened scorch marks. Not wasting time, Jei fired again and caught a second raider in the upper thigh causing him to twirl and plunge to the ground screaming in pain.

    Before the third raider could fire, he was knocked to the ground by a larger nausicaan. “Idiot! We want her alive!”

    Jei got to her knees and crouched, as she saw nearly a half dozen other nausicaans surrounding her at a distance. Jei point her weapon in all directions, confused and overcome at the numerous raiders she now faced.

    The leader stepped forward and Jei fired. The shot hit the leader in the chest, but dissipated with a glowy effect. A personal energy shield. “The hard way it is…” simply stated the leader as he lunged at Jei.

    Jei tried to dodge, but the nausicaan was too fast. He grabbed her leg and yanked causing Jei to fall to the ground and become disoriented. She looked up and saw the nausicaan shake his head as he thrust a stun baton into her chest. Then there was darkness.


    Christopher was sitting on the ground near the wounded Nausican when the Chief spoke, “There’s movement in the trees.”

    Christopher stood, “That’ll be Jei.” he began and then saw an enormous Nausican emerge from the treeline holding Jei by the neck in front of him like a shield. “Well, I was half right.” Christopher shrugged at the Chief.

    “STARFLEET!” yelled the Nausican as his compatriots emerged behind him.

    “Stay here Chief,” Christopher instructed, “I’ll take this.” As he walked carefully toward the no man’s land in between the two groups, Christopher nodded slightly at Martin who was still hiding in the crater. He walked further forward, careful not to block Martin’s line of fire.

    The Nausican grinned at the Doctor and held up his other hand, “That’s far enough.”

    “State your business, Unc’lech!” spat Christopher.

    The Nausican flushed with fury at Christopher’s insult but calmed himself, “I am here to negotiate your surrender.”

    Christopher actually laughed, “I suppose the next thing your going to tell me is that we won’t be harmed and you can guarantee our safe return to our ship?”

    The Nausican shared a small laugh, “Actually, I can. I have no interest in seeing you harmed any further, but please, raise your hands as a gesture of good faith that you’re not going to shoot me.”

    Christopher slowly raised both hands above his head, “Is she alive?”

    “Oh yes, see?” the Nausican dug his claws into Jei’s neck, bringing fresh rivulets of blood.

    Christopher sighed, “And you were doing so well..” He pointed a finger at the Nausican and an orange phaser bolt flashed through the air beside Christopher’s head and hit the Nausican’s personal shield right between the eyes.

    As the orange glow faded from his view the Nausican laughed cruelly, “Now you d..” He was cut off as another bolt vapourised his face.

    Christopher pulled his phaser from his hip and shot two of the stunned Nausicans in quick succession. More bolts flashed in from the Chief and from Martin, cutting down two more.

    Roars from the treeline made Christopher very aware that there were far more soldiers than he originally thought. The treeline exploded with Nausicans as they charged towards the Starfleet doctor. Christopher’s shoulders slumped as he realised that this was the moment he had been dreading. In his adrenaline fuelled state, he saw the lead Nausican slowly charge at him, a savage looking blade in its hands. Suddenly, it sprouted an arrow shaft from the side of its neck and tumbled to the ground.

    Looking around Christopher saw more and more of the Nausicans being felled by arrows, their line breaking in the confusion. Christopher fired again and again and then, almost by surprise, there were no more Nausicans, the rest having fled back into the woods. Christopher moved back to Martin and the Chief, “Are either of you hurt?” which drew a look from Martin, “I mean more than you were before?”

    Both men indicated no and all three breathed sighs of relief. “Any idea who just saved us Chief?” asked Christopher.

    “I dunno Doc but maybe we can ask that guy over there.” Martin pointed to the treeline where the Nausicans had emerged from. There was stood a colonist unlike any of the others Christopher had seen. He had long grey hair, wore beads and feathers and carried an enormous bow. Behind him, two more colonists carried Jei’s unconscious form. The strange men walked out to Christopher and gently placed Jei on the ground.

    The older man spoke up, “I am Ahtahkakoop.”

    “I’m Christopher Cushing from the star..” Christopher began but he was cut off mid sentence.

    “We know who you are, Doctor. Achak informed us you were coming. When your shuttle did not arrive, we grew concerned and tried to contact Achak to no avail. Then on the wind, we heard the thunder without rain and we knew that you would need our help.” spoke Ahtahkakoop.

    Christopher emotions overwhelmed him and he sank to his knees in relief and exhaustion. Tears of gratitude rolled down his cheeks as strong arms gently lifted him back to his feet. “Thank you.” he whispered.

    Ahtahkakoop nodded and spoke. His deep voice was soothing and calm, “Rest and tend to your friends, we will make camp here so you can regain your strength for the journey to our village. My sons will ensure that no Nausican survives this night in the forest.”

    Christopher smiled, “Now that’s the first piece of good news I’ve had today, how’s it sound to you Jei? Oh, right, she’s still unconscious. Chief, pass me my medkit, there’s a good fellow.”

    Attachment 9774
    WelshAvenger Medals
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sat 30 Mar, 2019 8:04 AM.
    Dorvan V
    The Caverns

    Within the cavern, Brag lowered his head, moving two fingers hand slowly to the side of his throat. Closing his eyes, he took a deep, quiet breath, willing his heart to stop racing. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and placed his hand back onto his phaser rifle.

    The tension in the cavern was palpable. It felt like a taut wire connecting them all. It was almost as if he could feel Wakaro crouching still behind him, heart coiled tightly like a spring. Bintou across the cave, her steady, slow breaths each seemingly measured to the same milliliter of volume. Lien at the anchor, calm, steady and aware.

    They had rehearsed their initial plan. Everyone knew what needed to be done. Brag repeated those thoughts in his mind, pushing away the recurring belief that he was just a mine rat, adopted by Starfleet because he knew how to use a spanner and tinker with things.

    As he listened to the sound of ship based phaser arrays echoing through the cave, he watched the reaction from the red dots on his tricorder, which stood for the Nausicaans. The numbers were now as advantageous as they'd ever been. The time was now.

    Bretk Tarn. Lindsey Davis. Edgar Diaz. T'Meq. Giuseppe Russo.


    The small unit set out around the bend of the mining tunnel, approaching the neck which opened into the rear of the larger cavern where the hostages were kept cavern. It felt like time was speeding and slowing simultaneously, and suddenly he was facing the backs of five Nausicaans.

    He didn't feel his finger on the trigger, but a beam of light stretched across the cave and tapped his man squarely between the shoulders. Others struck home as well, seemingly at the same time, but he knew that Chief Tran had to have taken the last two out one at a time. And then they were moving again.

    Fire and maneuver. He knew the tactic. Had done it many times in the holosuite. But he couldn't even feel his body as he drifted through the cavern, running behind heavy equipment and carts full of ore. There wasn't any firing for a while, just advancing. And the confused expressions of the Dorvanites.

    Wóshdę́ę́!!!! Wakaro called from behind him. His universal translator actually lagged a second as it tried to identify the phrase from an ancient language, rendering it as "Come here, this way."

    The Dorvanites, well disciplined even through their shock, began to move toward the rear of the cavern, following the direction of Wakaro's frantically waving arm, stumbling along the best way they could.


    Chief Tran's voice reminded him that he needed to be moving again, and he continued making his way forward, darting behind cover items with Tran and Keita. Red flashes of phaser fire from the fighters circling above cast brief, eerie shadows as they approached the mouth. The sound also covered their own noise. The distraction seemed to be working.

    Until it didnt.

    As soon as it appeared that they were going to catch another set of Nausicaan guards from behind, one walked from a side passage that appeared to be a latrine barely five feet away from Petty Officer Keita.


    He jerked backward the side as Tran caught him dead center with a blast from her phaser rifle. As he fell, another appeared behind him, disruptor lifting to a ready position.

    And then the world descended into chaos and shouts and red and green light and ozone and moving and pain. The Nausicaans at the front of the cave started pouring back in, weapons blazing. He ducked behind a Janus Company plasma excavator (the original Z-5 model, he noticed) and willed himself to get his bearings. They came surprisingly easy; he hadn't even noticed that he was keeping such good track of their three respective positions. With that he knew what he had to do, and peeked out to the side, and checked the advance of a Nausicaan with a burst of phaser to his gut.

    Fire and maneuver, fire and maneuver.

    He was moving again, and Tran was moving, and Keita was patiently waiting her turn, pinned behind Nausicaan fire. Bintou Keita...she said her first name meant "daughter." Humans and their funny names, it's so redundant. He didn't know why he thought of that, but then he was moving again. And firing. And falling. A tooth breaking away, and the taste of dust and minerals.

    Fire and maneuver, fire and maneuver.

    He couldn't remember when he took the last shot, or when Tran gave the all clear sign, or if the fight was over. The sound of weapons fire still resonated in his ears. He just knew he was standing, and weary, arms like slags of raw duranium, heart like a hammer.

    And then they were running again. No, retreating, in an orderly fashion, deeper into the cavern, around the bend and greeting a grinning Wakaro, who smacked a shoulder that Brag had forgotten existed. The blossom of pain arising from the joint reminded him, though.

    "You did it! YOU DID IT! Ha!" Wakaro's excitement caused a weary chuckle from Brag, although he didn't quite know what they were laughing at.

    "We're not done," announced Chief Tran. "Stand clear."

    Adjusting the settings on her rifle, she aimed at the top of the corridor they had come through, bringing rocks and debris down to seal the only passage to the front of the cave.

    It was then that he turned around, and saw Keita taking deep ragged breaths, staring at him with wild eyes, and a host of Dorvanites still in shock. A few were carrying phasers. Looking back at the sealed passageway that Tran was inspecting, Brag asked with a hoarse voice that sounded nothing like his, to nobody in particular:

    "Did we do it?"
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    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1

    “They are welcome to start beaming over whenever they’d like,” the Captain smiled back as he signaled Khaira to leave the room with them. The rest of the party was out in the corridor a few seconds later to tour the ship.
    As Sam watched the captain leave, the Andorian Ambassador quickly said,
    - Captain, at some point, I would like to speak to you in private, if you don't mind?

    ((Tag Terrir))

    When the captain left, Akyv very quickly came over to Sam & kissed him gently on the lips.
    - Hi.
    - Hi!

    A’ral gave a gentle cough. The two separated quickly and started to laugh. A’ral chuckled and said,
    - A tale of star crossed lovers. At least, the dad likes the other guy.

    Sam let out a snort of laughter, saying.
    - Romeo & Juliet is a bad example!

    Akyv giggled a bit, saying,
    - I always thought that play was a bit pretentious.

    Sam calmed himself and said to Akyv,
    - You look great in leather!
    - Thank you. Had to dress for my guy!

    Sam smiled widely & pecked her on the cheek. He then turned to her father and said,
    - I really didn't expect you to be here.
    - I was heading for a diplomatic conference & did some political.....dancing to get Akyv to come with me. This is only a minor detour.

    Sam nodded and said,
    - You should join the tour.

    A’ral nodded & headed out to join the tour. Sam put his arms around Akyv & gave her a big hug, to which she returned. Akyv said quietly,
    - I am for no one but you.

    Sam looked down into her deep, green eyes and said,
    - No one else but you, m'love.

    He then separated from her & sat down on the steps to the pads, Akyv joined him and asked,
    - I packed all my things from earth & we need quarters.
    - I'll talk to Dryell about it. It shouldn't be any problem, I think.

    Akyv put her head on his shoulder, saying.
    - We need to talk about the wedding.
    - We can do that later. You must be hungry. Why don't we grab a nibble?

    Akyv agreed & they both headed to 10-forward to have lunch. Now, I can enjoy life better! Sam thought to himself.
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Sat 30 Mar, 2019 3:36 PM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 15 - Combat Information Center


    "Incoming hail from the Thames, sir," the CIC communications officer announced.

    "Put it through," said Biiqs.

    "USS Thames to Commander Tarquin. Security team reports that we've got a green light for Action Beta."

    "Understood, Lieutenant. Tarquin out. Get me Lt. Tess again," he said to the communications officer.

    "Channel open, sir..."

    "Lieutenant, this is Commander Tarquin. One last thing...I need you to fire on the runabout." Biiqs wished he could see Rturan's reaction fully, but watching his head swivel out of the corner of his eyes was satisfying enough. "A very low level burst of phasers," he continued. "Something that looks convincing, but doesn't quite scratch the paint. Do you copy?"

    (( TAG: Blaster))
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     –  Last edited by Asteropax; Fri 13 Sep, 2019 1:50 AM.
    USS Ares
    Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1

    As Sam watched the captain leave, the Andorian Ambassador quickly said,
    - Captain, at some point, I would like to speak to you in private, if you don't mind?
    “Of course,” Captain Teriir answered, leading the group onwards.

    USS Ares
    Deck 11 - Arboretum

    Teriir gestured his hand openly, welcoming the delegation to the ship’s indoor park. It wasn’t very large but extremely welcoming to the Ambassadors who began dispersing amongst themselves to look around. They’d already visited several areas of the ship and this was the last place he’d decided to take them. He heard the door to the arboretum open again and observed as Ambassador A’ral joined Ambassador Morgan.

    “I’m pleased you could find us,” Morgan greeted him with a frown, “Where’s your daughter?”

    “With her fiancé,” A’ral answered as the two headed over to examine a fountain. Teriir watched them go with a smile, pleased with how smoothly everything had gone despite the frantic preparations they needed to make. He thought he was alone for a minute until a Caitian muzzle rubbed against his cheek.

    “Erm, M’iia,” he shot an embarrassed look in the direction of Vars and some of the other Ambassadors. The Ambassadors paid no heed to what he knew was one of two ways a Caitian kissed someone but Vars saw it and smirked in an effort not to laugh.

    “What?” M’iia asked indignantly, “I’m not allowed to say hello?”

    “You are doing so in front of his mate,” Ambassador R’kaan pointed out on his other side, gesturing towards Vars as she too joined them.

    “We aren’t mates,” she commented shyly, “But it is a little awkward from my perspective knowing your history.”

    “There’s nothing strange about this. Afterall, he did save me from getting kidnapped,” the Attaché responded as she took Vars’ hand and started walking away with her towards a small group of children playing with their parents nearby, “Come, let’s make some new friends!”

    Teriir watched them go before shifting his stance to talk to R’kaan, whose fur started bristling at the mention of the kidnapping attempt. It had been awhile since it came up in conversation, due in no small part to how unusual the attempt and fallout were. He let out an imitation he’d learned of a chuffing sound he understood was Caitian for a friendly attention grab and motioned the Ambassador to walk with him. The two headed over towards a relatively secluded spot at the windows to view outside the ship. Teriir stayed quiet and waited for R’kaan to speak his mind.

    “I still remember the first time we met and I initially dismissed you because of your youth,” the Ambassador reminisced, “I gave you a chance at the behalf of Rarrla and C’elle, who had gotten to know you during their initial stay aboard your ship for two months. I’m glad I was proven wrong.”

    “At the Trade Conference with the Tavnians,” he responded to the memory. He let out a breath as he continued thinking about what happened, “That has to be one of the strangest and most frantic diplomatic funcion I’ve heard of. For all the wrong reasons.”

    “It was the lowest moment of my entire career as a diplomat,” the Ambassador finally huffed with a clenched fist, “I’m supposed to ensure everyone is informed of the customs and traditions of everyone involved. I ended up nearly losing M’iia, my own daughter, by not telling her about their wedding rituals. I didn’t even imagine one of them would even consider it. I was wrong.”

    “Don’t blame yourself,” he reassured R’kaan, “That Tavnian Official, the one who tried to trick your daughter into marrying him, who was at fault. Not you.”

    “She was my responsibility,” the Ambassador shook his head, “And I wasn’t there to prevent it.”

    “We got her out of that situation,” Teriir placed his hand on the Caitian’s shoulder, reminding him everything turned out alright, “She’s safe, the Tavnians officially apologized, that Official was removed from office, and all of us learned to be far more careful in the future.”

    “All the same, I’m indebted to you for recognizing what was happening and challenged the proposal,” R’kaan stated and bowed his head to Teriir, “If you hadn’t been around to both stop the wedding and draw the attention of our delegation, she would’ve been dragged off to Tavnia by a kidnapping made legal.”

    “I’m glad I was in the right place at the right time,” he replied, “And made a number of friends that day.”

    “Hmph! One friend in particular,” the Ambassador’s whiskers twitched in amusement. Teriir blinked at him in embarrassment and focused his attention to the stars outside as R’kaan continued, “You and I know M’iia developed feelings for you during that time and that you, however brief, accepted them.”

    “I know, but we are only friends nowadays,” Teriir grunted, keeping his eyes forward while doing his best not to think too much about the trip home from the conference. He had a pair of relationships flare up between Mell and Jenha but recognized they couldn’t be more than friendships, “The feelings I have for her are similar to those I share for the survivors from Aureum.”

    “I hear the people who escaped that battle on the Eruption now live primarily on Semper,” R’kaan began changing the subject of their conversation, his deep, rumbling voice echoing slightly around them, “It’s become home to many people who lost their homes during the Dominion War.”

    “The planet Semper sounds like a nice place to live from what I've heard,” he smiled and remembered how the Eruption arrived at Aureum. Following a public execution of civilians on the planet which was broadcasted by the Cardassian military at the battle, the Galaxy Class starship fought its way through the entire Dominion fleet and made planetfall. Hovering a kilometer off the ground, its only mission was to evacuate as many people as possible from the surface. The Eruption only left after its evacuation limit was surpassed, ignoring damage which reminded him of a still image he'd seen in history of when the NX Enterprise returned to Earth following its confrontation with the Xindi. Or the Icarus following the Battle of the Shattered Moon. He turned back to R’kaan when he realized he’d been speaking, “Sorry, what was that?”

    “I was asking if you’d resolved your fight with Jenha.”

    “Can we talk about something other than my relationships?” Teriir sighed to show a bit of his frustration, “My personal life isn’t everything.”

    “Your personal life affects your career,” R’kaan purred, “I should know! I used to be one of those diplomats who could be considered callous and ignorant of the needs of others. That is, until I bumped into a craftswoman who stood up to me and demanded I change to become a better diplomat for our people. I searched her out a few years later, now a respected leader amongst our people and was starting to be groomed to become one of our people’s Consuls, to thank her for her advice. I willingly joined her clan three years later and sired triplets the following year.”

    “P’rahlli is a wise woman,” he acknowledged the Ambassador’s wife with a smile. She wasn’t much of a traveler but always made certain to come to major events for her family. Teriir was able to meet her when she arrived at the Arco System, his old ship's home port, for Rtarra’s wedding.

    “I didn’t find stability in my life until she entered mine,” the Ambassador continued, having moved to face Captain Teriir, “To my people, the Clan is among the most important things in life and has been for you too; You wish for the Clan you never had as a child. Jenha was never shy in expressing her feelings for you until you got into an argument. You said so yourself you wish to be faithful to your mate but then go off and start a romance with your sister?”

    Teriir stood there dumbfounded as a slight chill ran through his spine. Diane wasn’t his sister but he was practically raised and adopted by her parents when he joined Starfleet Academy. The words said out loud now made the relationship feel horrendously wrong. The Ambassador’s eyes were searching his, waiting for an explanation from him. He was saved from saying anything by a ping to his combadge.

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    He quickly coughed to get rid of his thoughts and focus on the incoming call, “Can I get back to you, Mr. Storm?”

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    “A communication from an outlying village on Dorvan V from someone named Ahtahkakoop? Add me into the call,” he requested, puzzled by this message. He waited for the communication to be rerouted, “This is Captain Teriir, what can I do for you?”

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    “Doctor!” Teriir gasped in surprise, “Are you alright? We’ve been worried about you since we lost contact!”

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    “We’ll get a shuttle down to pick you up straight away! You can let me know the specifics of what happened once you’re back. Ares out!” he promised the now-located Officers then switched back to Lieutenant Storm, “Did you get all of that?”

    (( TAG: Storm ))

    “Then get that shuttle moving! Let me know the moment they’re back aboard! Teriir out!” the Captain said excitedly. Once the channel closed he grunted, “That’s about the first thing that’s gone right all day. Uh, no offence, Ambassador.”

    “None taken. Your crew has had a busy day from what I heard when we were getting ready for transport,” R’kaan replied with a flick of his tail, “I do wish to know the full story of what has been going on in this system but I feel that can wait a little while longer.”

    “I’ll share the story over dinner,” he answered as he noticed Jenha Vars hurrying over to him, PADD in hand. He took a look at it and smiled, “As though on que. Let’s head on over!”

    (( TAG: Sam, Storm, Christopher ))
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    "Copy Sir," Tess said.

    She quickly modified one of the phaser beams to fire a low level burst, hardly enough to kill anything, yet still enough to look convincing.

    She fired the phaser beam onto the shuttle, to make it look like it had been destroyed to avoid someone taking it.

    "Tess.. what the hell" Said Jess over comms.

    "Orders from Commander Biiqs, use the phasers to make it look like we destroyed the shuttle. Now, lets keep circling, fire a few bolts into the barracks every minute or so." Tess said.
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    USS Ares

    Max had an hour to settle into the plush captain's seat. I could get use to this! he thought, then the voice of someone broke off his daydream.
    - Sir, I think we're receiving a transmission from the surface.
    - Sure it isn't interference or some BS like that?
    - Quite sure, sure.

    Max got up & went to the comms console and he looked at the waveforms.
    - It isn't from the either of the sh- OH F*** ME!

    The crewman was startled from the exclamation. Max slapped his badge & said,
    =^= Storm to Captain Terrir, urgent! =^=

    He quickly coughed to get rid of his thoughts and focus on the incoming call, “Can I get back to you, Mr. Storm?”
    =^= Transmission coming in from someone named Ahtahkakoop. Signal traced to an outlying village.=^=

    Max carefully listened in as to what was happening. It was a downed shuttle that they were now dealing with. Max turned to Walton & said forcefully,
    - Launch the shuttle to get them back here!!!

    He heard the captain's voice & said,
    =^= Shuttle's on its way, sir.=^=

    ((TAG anyone))
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    Dorvan V

    "Copy Sir," Tess said.

    She quickly modified one of the phaser beams to fire a low level burst, hardly enough to kill anything, yet still enough to look convincing.

    Dorvan V
    Nausicaan Barracks

    G'rarthik's troops began to swarm out of barracks, running behind whatever cover they could find in anticipation of the coming Federation troops. As the last warriors came out, lugging their two lone antipersonnel heavy disruptor cannons, the unimaginable happened.

    The runabout was struck by fire from above.

    The Nausicaans gaped wordlessly as the vessel, which was in the middle of landing, yet still a good 100 meters up, began to plummet in a barely controlled descent. It came to a rest with a resounding crash and a cloud of dust in the near distance, next to a stony ridge.

    Yanez, one of their heavy gunners, gave a loud whoop, dropping his end of the disruptor canon, much to the consternation of his partner Torrk.

    "Its our fighters! They've arrived!"

    "No, unghub, G'rarthik replied, with a wild predatory grin, "That was a Starfleet beam! Don't you see? The kelbonite is interfering with their targeting sensors! They did our job FOR us!

    "Orcho lok resnik Starfleet," muttered Karkam with a mocking chortle, which spread to the others.

    G'rarthik, stunned by his own luck, quickly regained his senses and roared at his men, "What are you cowards waiting for? The ship is ours! Let's go!"

    The Nausicaans charged at the vessel, abandoning their heavy weapons, yelling fierce war cries all the way.

    USS Ares
    Combat Information Center

    "What. Are. You. Doing. Commander?" R'Turan's tone was clipped and controlled, but Biiqs could hear a low growl starting in the back of his throat.

    "It is what we call, in Earth parlance, an 'audible.' Its an obscure reference originating in a rather barbaric ancient human sporting contest in which two teams of eleven compete for position and control over a type of egg shaped ball over a 30 odd meter field of battle. I rather think, like most human contests, there is a sort of connection to even more ancient fertility rites in the delivery of said egg to..."

    "I am not interested in a xenoanthropology lesson, Commander, and if I was, I would call a xenoanthropologist..."

    "But, sir, I did minor in..."


    Biiqs knew he had taken it as far as he could, and relented, suppressing a grin. "Basically, sir, it's an alternate plan the security team leader discussed with me beforehand, that was subject to conditions in the field. I instructed the team leader to contact me if he assessed that conditions were favorable, and I would authorize it. It's a good plan."

    R'Turan shook his head in annoyance, with a growl. "And that plan is?"

    Dorvan V
    USS Thames Crash Site

    There was still a haze of dust in the air as the Nausicaans
    arrived at the crash site.

    "A bottle of Saurian Brandy to whoever gets that door open," announced G'rarthik.

    A dozen disruptor rifles were hefted and pointed toward the external door control mechanism.

    "Waaaaaait!" exclaimed their technician. "Not everything has to be done that way," he said as he shouldered people aside to make his way to the mechanism. "Save your power cells for the fight to come. Who locks their doors during a crash?"

    A few keystrokes, and the port entrance to the runabout opened. Amber emergency lighting pulsed within. The Nausicaans began to swarm inside, weapons ready. They streamed into the open cabin at the stern, checking the closed bunks and the head. Others checked the side modules, which were fitted out as extra personnel compartments, finding no Starfleet officers inside.

    The bridge was saved for last. The area was found to be locked, and it took their technician a few minutes to work around the mechanism with a breaching device he had on his person.

    Some of the Nausicaans who couldn't fit in the cramped passageway to the bridge had begun to make themselves at home with their conquest, settling into the bunks and ordering things from the replicators.

    "Almost there," the technician said.

    G'rarthik couldn't help grinning like a simpleton. All of the boring, tedious work guarding the hostages had paid off with a ship of his own. He had no illusions about continuing the larger mission - Naechk and Grakan and all the rest could rot on this planet, for all he cared. Starfleet and the Cardassians would destroy them soon anyway, if they hadn't already. With his new craft, he could pirate a dozen ships before he even got back to Nausicaa. His men would follow him, of course, and perhaps even give him a new name....G'rarthik the Lucky. He liked the sound of that. But, on second thought, he mused, it was not good to attribute this conquest to mere luck. G'rarthik the Triumphant. G'rarthik the Wise. G'rarthik the--"

    The door to the bridge finally opened. Smoke billowed out into the corridor. G'rarthik growled at his men, "Are you afraid of a little smoke? What are you waiting on! Take the bridge! And don't damage anything!"

    His elation was such that he didn't notice the port entrance of the runabout slam shut automatically, until he heard someone beating on it. Around the same time, he noticed that the smoke coming from the bridge (and now, all of the vents,) was not smoke, but carried a oddly sweet chemical tang to it. It reminded him of Saurian Brandy.

    "Gas! It's gas! Cover your...."

    By then it was too late, and he heard the chorus of all his soldiers, his dreams, and ambitions falling to the deck with a thud.

    Dorvan V
    Outside of the USS Thames "Crash Site"

    Ensign Damian Wolfe finished attaching restraints to the last of the Nausicaan raiders who were left outside of the vessel. His security team had faced no opposition as they came from the other side of the ridge and ambushed the raiders from behind. They were still pounding the outside of the door at the time, thinking that their comrades within would abandon them on the planet.

    Everything worked according to plan. Upon arrival, Outfitter Ren Kiku determined that the ridge was far away enough from the kelbonite that a 100 meter line of sight transport posed no danger. Wolfe's team beamed down first, and the pilot and Ensign Kiku did so after the ship landed and was programmed to flood itself with anesthizine gas.

    Wolfe tapped his communicator, "Ensign Wolfe to Commander Tarquin. Ground operation is done. No casualties. We're going to tag the Nausicaans in the Thames for transport to the Lakota as soon as the environmental system scrubs out the gas. I sent a squad to circle back to check the barracks, and they're clear of hostiles. They're in the cave, now. Looks clear so far. "

    "Good work, Ensign. It was a fine plan," replied Biiqs.

    "Thank you, sir. I've seen it done once or thrice in the war. I'll give you a final assessment after we wrap this up. Wolfe out."

    With that, he turned to Lt. Kodin Watson, the Thames' pilot,
    asking, "Is the gas scrubbed out yet?"

    Lt. Watson looked up from his tricorder, which was connected to the Thames' internal sensors. "Yeah, that's all gone, but this bucket is probably going to smell like Nausicaans for weeks..."

    "Starfleet is a tough service. Let's get in there and tag these guys before they wake up from their naps, or we'll have more to worry about than a few scented candles can fix..."

    USS Ares
    Combat Information Center

    "Lt. Tess, this is Commander Tarquin. Nice shooting. Ground forces report that the operation had been a success. Thank you for your assistance, and give your pilots my regards. Head on in for some well earned rack time. Tarquin out."

    (((TAG: Tess)))

    After the channel was cut, he congratulated the CIC crew for their work. After the cave entrance was cleared by security, preparations were being made to send a damage control team to dig Ensign Malins squad and the hostages out of the safety barrier they created.

    Something between a grunt and a growl emanated from Commander R'turan's throat. "Acceptable, Commander. I will brief the Captain."

    (((TAG: Teriir)))

    "Thank you, sir. We have an outstanding crew."

    A deep mewl of acknowledgment, and R'Turan turned on his heels to leave the room.

    Biiqs muttered to himself, with a smile, "I think he likes me."
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    "Okay everyone, we may return to the Ares, Commander Biiqs also congratulates you all, as do I." Tess said.

    The fighters sped off towards the Ares, needing some rest.

    USS Ares
    Hangar Bay

    "All fighters, you are cleared to land." Said the ATC.

    Tess's fighter touched down in the hangar bay and herself and Ensign Henry got out. They were greeted by CPO A'pel.

    "Welcome back ma'am, should I get the fighters checked out and do any maintenance?" Asked the Chief Petty Officer.

    "If you wish, A'pel. Keep them combat ready however" Tess said.

    "Yes ma'am," A'pel replied before hurrying away.

    "I'm going to head to the bridge, see if anythings going on" Tess said to Henry before walking off.

    As she entered the elevator, Tess was thinking about the letter she had got from her parents. The that that T'Ella was coming on board soon made her a bit uneasy on the inside, not that she showed it. It would be until T'Ella joined Starfleet Academy, as that had been her wish.

    Suddenly, the lift opened to reveal the bridge.
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    Forests of Dorvan V

    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    It had been a long and tiresome journey to Ahtahkakoop's village but Christopher was very glad that the colonists had treated the Chief, Martin and Jei very gently. Jei had even regained consciousness as they entered the village. Whatever the had hit her with had been potent indeed. The Chief and Martin had been moved into one of the houses to make them comfortable, which made the Chief comment that the beds were more cosy than Starfleet's.

    Christopher made sure that both men were okay and asked Jei to stay with them while he ventured outside. He saw Ahtahkakoop waiting patiently for him. Christopher dug into medkit and produced a case. "This is the medicine I told Achak we would bring, it will help counter the radiation that the Nausicans placed in the atmosphere."

    Ahtahkakoop nodded his thanks and passed the case to a young woman who looked at Christopher with awe. "Our apprentice healer." Ahtahkakoop explained.

    Christopher smiled at the woman as she departed, "Ahtahkakoop, my friends need surgery and I don't have the resources I need with me. I need to contact my ship, is it possible for you to arrange that? Our communicators stopped working after the crash."

    Ahtahkakoop appeared solemn for a moment, "Our communication with the main settlement was disrupted not long after we were told that you were on your way." Christopher's smile faltered. "But," Ahtahkakoop continued, "we can redirect our communication array to orbit and broadcast to space."

    One hour later, Christopher crounched over the small communication array with a grin on his face as Ahtahkakoop spoke to the ship and explained to the poor communications officer that he was the leader of the village. There was a moment of silence while the call was diverted, Christopher assumed that it would be transferred to the duty Ops officer, until a new voice came over the air.

    “This is Captain Teriir, what can I do for you?”

    "Captain? This is Lt Cushing..." Christopher began.

    “Doctor!” Teriir gasped in surprise, “Are you alright? We’ve been worried about you since we lost contact!”

    "I need a medevac shuttle at my position straight away, we have wounded." Christopher said succinctly.

    “We’ll get a shuttle down to pick you up straight away! You can let me know the specifics of what happened once you’re back. Ares out!”

    Christopher sagged with relief and thanked Ahtahkakoop profusely. After leaving the village elder, he went straight back the the house where the rest of his crew were. "We're going home." he said, relief evident in his voice, "Ares is sending a medevac shuttle for us." Christopher slumped into a chair and finally allowed the stress of the last two days to drain away. Within minutes, he was fast asleep.

    Attachment 9774
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    USS Ares
    Deck 14 - Yacht Causeway

    As R’Turan

    “Let me get this straight,” Commander R’Turan got Warrent Officer Alvaro’s attention as she finished making some preparations to launch the Captain’s Yacht, “All of our shuttles are preoccupied with retrieving the hostages or have been assisting either the Main Settlement or Lakota with their own assignments. Because the Argo and Flyer are grounded at this time, you’re sending the Eris to pick up Doctor Cushing and the other survivors from the shuttle crash.”

    “That’s right,” she replied and sealed off a panel, “Captain Teriir said to go get our people and this is the only thing we’ve got that’s ready to fly.”

    “Very well,” R’Turan flicked his ears unconsciously. The past few minutes involved a lot of running around. He went straight to the Captain following the conclusion of the hostage rescue to inform him of its apparent success, locating him in the Arboretum. The Captain then informed him of the message from Cushing on the ground and told him to see to the shuttle launch, bringing him here. Teriir decided to stay with the delegation to inform them of their progress, as he was getting asked numerous questions about their mission.

    A medical team, consisting of Doctor Riley and Nurses Dean and White, was already boarding the shuttle and making one last check of the supplies they were bringing with them. Two security Officers, Ensigns Otil and Rose, were accompanying them and the pilot, who hadn’t arrived yet, to the surface. They were ready to go and were more than capable of retrieving Doctor Cushing and he would normally be leaving at this point to return to the bridge. A thought he had on his way here was making him stay put. He was wondering what Captain Teriir would do.

    The Commander stole himself and did something he would usually consider reckless behavior. He stepped aboard the Yacht and headed over to the front of the cabin to take the pilot’s seat, hearing Alvaro protest back at the causeway, “Commander? What are you doing?”

    “I have a feeling the Captain would be retrieving our missing people himself if he weren’t busy with the Diplomats,” R’Turan grunted, frowning slightly at himself for leaving the ship like this, “I’m going in his place.”

    “Let’s not get into some sort of argument about this,” Doctor Riley spoke up from the back, “We have a medical emergency to get to and our pilot is long overdue.”

    Dorvan V
    Outlying Village

    R’Turan kept his hands steady as the Eris touched down next to the village they’d received the message from Doctor Cushing. Although almost every Starfleet Officer had been taught how to pilot shuttlecraft in case of emergencies, it was not something he enjoyed doing. As he got up from his seat, Ensign Rose opened the rear door so they could disembark. It was getting to be pretty dark outside. R’Turan led the group into the village.

    A small crowd came out to greet them, led by an elderly man who spoke to them, “I’m Ahtahkakoop, welcome to our village.”

    “I’m Commander R’Turan, First Officer of the Ares,” he answered and looked past the Elder towards some of the nearby houses, “I heard you found our missing people. Can we see them?”

    “Of course, right this way,” Ahtahkakoop replied and brought them towards some of the houses, “You must be eager to see them.”

    A few short minutes later, he had a chance to see Martin and Chief Hayes. They were now getting treated for their injuries by the medical team, leaving just Jei and Cushing. The Elder was taking him and Nurse White to see them in his house. He entered after Ahtahkakoop but moved aside for the Nurse when he noticed Jei laying on a type of sofa with several bloody streaks on her neck. She woke up with a start as White got to work. The nurse began speaking to her patient reassuringly and the two stuck up a conversation as she began treating her injury.

    (( TAG: Jei ))

    R’Turan purred softly, pleased to see Doctor Cushing nearby on a chair, sound asleep. He walked over to the Doctor and stood over him, “Doctor.”

    The response wasn’t him waking up, so his eyes narrowed. Reaching down, he gave Cushing a small shake, “Doctor!”

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    “It’s alright,” R’Turan responded stepping back be less intimidating, “We’re here to pick all of you up.”

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    “We know about Specialist Patel,” the Commander grunted, being careful not to seem dismissive of what felt like old information now. The last thing the missing crewmembers needed was an ‘apathetic’ Senior Officer, “We took on a prisoner when we sent down a search party to find you and she let us know what happened.”

    (( TAG: Christopher ))

    “I . . . apologize for not finding you sooner. We were busy with our own fight,” he nodded, thinking about the surprise they would have in seeing the Ares being escorted by the two Prometheus Class starships in orbit, along with the Sydney. The carcass of the Nausicaan Destroyer would also be in view when they headed back to the ship. Twitching his tail to push those thoughts aside, he spoke to the others, “Come on, let’s get all of you home.”

    (( TAG: Christopher & Jei ))

    The group headed outside and joined the other officers in the center of the village. Remembering to be courteous, he shook hands with the Village Elder, “Thank you for helping our people. Is there anything we can do in return?”

    “Our communications to the Main Settlement were disrupted,” he answered, “We could use some help getting them up again.”

    “We’ll send down an engineer to fix them,” R’Turan replied before going over to help Doctor Riley with the Chief. The group picked their way back to the Captain’s Yacht, going carefully to avoid injuring anyone further.

    “I can’t wait to get back to the ship,” the Chief said as they walked, “I’ll finally be able to sleep in my own bed tonight!”

    The Commander growled softly, “You’ll be back on the ship soon and reporting straight to Sickbay; all four of you! You gave us a scare disappearing like that so you’re going to stay where we can keep an eye on you!”

    “Ha! So you do care,” Martin laughed despite the obvious pain he was in.

    “That’s not the only reason I want to get back,” the Chief commented.

    “The other reason,” R’Turan grunted, not very interested right now in why the missing officers were eager to return. Going back to a safe place was more than enough.

    “The Captain let us know to go radio silent on this crazy expedition not long before we left,” he replied, taking a moment to catch his breath. The comment made everyone stop and look at the Chief, “Hey, it’s not my place to question the Captain’s orders.”

    (( TAG: Christopher & Jei ))

    “Quiet! All of you!” R’Turan swiftly silenced the outraged responses with a glare. Although this revelation was a bit of a shock, he kept the words Teriir told him after their first battle with the Orions in mind. He needed to think clearly and the flurry of shouts wasn’t going to solve this or get answers, “I doubt the Captain would ever give such an order and put all of you in danger like that intentionally. We’re going back to the ship and we will sort this out then.”

    (( TAG: Christopher & Jei ))

    Satisfied, they entered the yacht and got everyone settled in for the trip. He headed back to the pilot seat, tail twitching in a frenzy. Something wasn’t adding up with this news so he opened the communications before taking off, “Eris to Ares. We are on our way back with the now located Officers. I’m requesting the Captain and Senior Officers meet us outside the landing area.”

    =^=Is something wrong, Sir?=^=

    “Yes,” R’Turan answered, doing his best to keep his tone steady, “There’s something they need to hear.”

    =^=The Captain is at dinner with the Ambassadors. =^=

    “Hhhheeeee! I don’t care if he’s busy with the Federation President; He’s the one who needs to be there the most!” He hissed loudly in frustration. The channel closed almost immediately after so he started the yacht’s engines to take them back to the ship.

    (( TAG: Everyone but Sam ))
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    Satisfied, they entered the yacht and got everyone settled in for the trip. He headed back to the pilot seat, tail twitching in a frenzy. Something wasn’t adding up with this news so he opened the communications before taking off, “Eris to Ares. We are on our way back with the now located Officers. I’m requesting the Captain and Senior Officers meet us outside the landing area.”

    (( TAG: Everyone but Sam ))

    USS Ares
    Deck 2 - CTO Office


    "Congratulations, Mr. Malin," Biiqs said over his desk communications interface. "I know it was a difficult position you were put in, but from all accounts, you were able to carry out the mission very well indeed."

    From the stricken look on Ensign Brag Malin's face, one would think that Biiqs had just reprimanded him. His eyes lowered, and shifted toward the side as if he were concealing something. "Th-thank you, sir..."

    "You dont agree? Chief Tran relayed to me that you handled the operation well, and that's high praise coming from her. Is there something I should know that you haven't relayed to me about the mission?"

    Brag's eyes whipped up at the mention of the Chief, clearly astonished. "She did?"

    "Yes, she did. So I say again, is there something I should know?"

    Brag took a deep breath to compose himself, as well as a moment to gather his words. "It's just that....I....I dont think I can even process what happened, fully, you know? It was a lot different than the simulations. I dont know if I was scared, but....everything just felt like a blur."

    Biiqs nodded understandingly. "That's not abnormal, Ensign. It happens to the best of us. When you're fighting, half of the time you're just reacting, using the training that you've had beforehand. But you kept your head, eliminated the threat, and executed the mission. So dont feel bad, or embarrassed. I.....hold on a moment."

    Biqqs switched the commlink to a priority message from the communications officer on the bridge. "Sorry, Commander Tarquin. Commander R'Turan needs the senior officers to meet with him and the captain on Deck 14, in the Yacht's Causeway."

    He couldn't conceal his look of puzzlement. "Did he mention why?"

    "No, sir, only that it was very important."

    "Understood. I'll be there momentarily." Switching the commlink back to Ensign Malin, he said, " I'm sorry, Brag. I've got a situation that needs to be addressed here. Just make sure to get some rest, and talk when you need to. It helps immensely."

    "Thanks, sir...I will."

    Biiqs stood up from his desk, straitening his uniform with a sigh. He still had after action reports to read, reports to write, and the whole legal paperwork matter concerning the Nausicaan prisoners. All this, and now some unknown threat, before he even was able to see his quarters or check on his luggage. "This isn't work," he chided himself, "This is a vacation. Serving a gun crew on Ronara Prime, with cloaked Jem Hadar soldiers showing up unexpectedly for breakfast and supper, that's work....lets go see what Commander R'Taran needs." With that, he took the lift to Deck 14.

    (( TAG: R'Turan ))
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     –  Last edited by Josh Broughm; Sat 06 Apr, 2019 9:18 AM.
    USS Ares

    Sam and and Akyv had made it to 10-forward after their reunion in the transporter room. They had gotten a seat next to a window with a view of the planet when he noticed the captain's yacht depart the planet.
    Looks like they found the missing away team.

    Akyv nodded sagely, saying,

    A spot of trouble?

    Sam smiled and said,

    Probably mechanical problems. Nothing to worry about.

    The waiter came over to them and asked for their order. Sam spoke up, saying,

    I'll take two bacon cheeseburgers.

    Akyv said, politely,

    Garden salad, if you would, please.

    The waiter nodded and went to get their order. Akyv looked at Sam with a glint in her eye and asked,

    Where are we going to have the wedding? I have no clue about starship layouts and facilities.

    Sam smiled and said,

    Well, I thought we would have it here in ten forward. It's big enough to hold quite a few people.

    Akyv frowned slightly, saying,

    Seems a bit bland to me. I mean, it's going to need to have some heavy decorations.

    Sam nodded and said,

    We could hold it in the diplomatic reception hall. It's a little less drab than ten forward.

    Akyv shook her head, saying,

    There's no way in hell we are getting married anywheres near your office! I know how you are with your work.

    Sam laughed and said,

    Fair enough. But it's perfect for the reception.

    Akyv gave Sam a sly look, saying,

    If I see you inch towards your office.....

    Sam put both his hands up, saying,

    You have my word, girl!

    Akyv smiled. The waiter came over with their order. Sam took a bite of one of his burgers. Akyv said, as she took a forkful of salad,

    I was thinking of a special dance for our first one.

    Sam gave her a quizzical look and said,

    What do you have in mind?

    Akyv pulled out a padd & started a visual aid.

    Sam sweated a little, saying,

    Uh, that looks complicated!

    Akyv gave him an exasperated look, saying,

    It isn't all too difficult at all. You'll do fine. At least it's not skiing.

    Sam let out a loud snort of laughter, saying,

    No, it definitely is not! Remember our first trip to andor? I busted three ribs, an arm, messed up my shoulder & broke my wrist!

    A thought came across Sam's mind.

    =^= Urquhart to Storm. =^=

    USS Ares
    Yacht causeway

    After hearing the urgent alert, Max bolted from the captain's chair & headed to the turbolift. The second he approached the gangway, he heard the chirp from his badge.

    - Now isn't a good time, Sam. I'll talk later.

    He shutterd the link. Sam was wondering what exactly was going on.

    ((TAG Everyone else))

    OOC: Spacing seems weird because I did the bulk of this on my iPhone. If its hard to read, let me know please.
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    Deck 10 - Diplomatic Reception Lounge

    “I see,” Ambassador Morgan stated as Teriir wrapped up the events which had taken place on Dorvan V, “It certainly has been busy around here.”

    “We’ve been able to handle everything that’s going on,” he answered and shot a smile over to a table of Junior Officers nearby, “They’re an excellent crew!”

    Multiple Ensigns and Lt. Junior Grades were seated nearby, trying not to eavesdrop too much on the Ambassadors’ table and their conversation. Most of them had never joined a diplomatic function before so they were being careful not to cause any disturbance. Almost all of them looked away in embarrassment when he praised them. He turned back to the Ambassadors and asked a question that had been on his mind for awhile, “What is the conference on Cardassia about?”

    “Oh!” Ambassador R’kaan grunted after swallowing a bite of his meal, “We were invited by the Detapa Council to discuss further joint missions with Starfleet. Most of the Cardassian Fleet has been stationed around their key worlds as they are rebuilt. As you know, Starfleet has been assisting in the reconstruction of Cardassia and also many of their colonies and any independent world within their territory.”

    “So this is to see about getting them back out among their people and the first step towards them returning to being autonomous?”

    “That about summarizes it!” Ambassador Mociqa nodded vigorously as she leaned back in her chair to talk, “There is a lot of support for this within the Federation as it will mean our dedication to combat roles within their space will lessen.”

    “I’m surprised you’re saying that, Ma’am,” Ambassador Krates commented, “Given that you are an opponent of these negotiations.”

    “I’m never opposed to options that support peace,” Mociqa clarified but appeared saddened by the statement, “But . . . it is difficult given the fact my homeworld, Benzar, was conquered by the Dominion during the War. I’ve seen more of their ‘dark side’ than others in our delegation so I’m more cautious about these talks.”

    “That is true,” Teriir cut in sympathetically, “As I fought in the Dominion War, I have some reservations about this as well. However, putting aside my personal feelings, I believe this is an excellent idea and make us work together more. There’s no way we can move forward if we don’t reach out or accept handshakes.”

    “I’m pleased to hear you feel this way,” Morgan smiled, “I know a number of other Officers in the Fleet are wary of our assistance to the Cardassians and are concerned they are only doing this as a chance to start another war.”

    “After everything both sides have lost during both the Border and Dominion War,” Ambassador A’Ral Th’votrak agreed, “Another war is off the table. We’re all tired of fighting and wish to pursue a path to peace.”

    “There are quite a few who have been more vocal in their opposition than others,” Attaché M’iia murmured softly from her place next to Teriir, “I know Admiral Barron practically demanded we end the relief efforts to Cardassia.”

    “Admiral Wilma Barron?” the Captain thought aloud, noticing the Junior Officers either cringe or tense up at the mention of a Barron. He was well aware of how difficult her son, Ensign Wallace Barron, could be as he’d been serving aboard their ship for some time now.

    “Yes,” she shrugged awkwardly, “I believe it’s due to her heading up relief efforts within several regions of the Federation. The dividing up of supplies between us and Cardassia . . . well, let’s just say she’s very narrow minded about her efforts. Cardassia deserves the same chance to rebuild as us.”

    “I can’t argue with that. I know her son shares a lot of her thoughts on our support to Cardassia as he is one of my crewmembers. He can be rather expressive at times on his views,” Teriir explained but then noticed the majority of the Junior Officers blinking at each other nervously. One of them muttered something that made his neighbor give him a quick elbow to tell him to be silent. He cocked his head to one side and addressed the Ensign, “What was that?”

    “It’s not something I think we need to discuss,” the Ensign, he recognized him as Security Officer Bruce Walker, stated and glanced at the Ambassadors, “At least not in front of this type of company.”

    “And if we insisted to hear what you have to say?” R’kaan growled lightly as he looked at the Ensign, “Don’t be shy; let’s hear it so we can see about resolving it.”

    “Okay,” Walker took a breath, “Ensign Barron is arguably the least liked officer on the ship. He’s uncaring, he’s rude, he’s . . . he just isn’t someone anyone here is comfortable with. I think I’ll speak for all of us and say he makes our skin crawl because of how much weight and rage he throws around.”

    “So I’ve noticed,” Teriir sighed heavily, “It feels like he keeps his emotions in check when I’m around but only because I’m an authority figure. I know he lost his father during the Dominion War so he hasn't been comfortable in Cardassian Space. I suggested to him awhile ago to talk to a number of people who I feel can support him until we complete our mission.”

    “You don’t even know the half of it,” one of the other Ensigns, named Susan Oracle, wheezed in an effort to not laugh, “He went on a crazy racial rant in the Starside, what we’ve been calling the Junior Officers lounge on the starboard side of the ship, while you were over reviewing things with the Lakota! It all came up because someone mentioned a family friend was married to a Cardassian. When Ensign Celria told him to stop his blood curdling fury from the other side of the room, he flipped one of the tables and looked like he was ready to kill her for it! She’s due any day now with her baby for crying out loud!”

    “Did any others among you see it happen?” the Captain’s gaze raked across the table. There were a few nods; the rest shook their heads 'no' but admitted they’d heard of the incident. He noticed Lieutenant Vars, who was sitting at the head of that table, glance at him in disbelief. He knew she usually spent time with higher ranking officers as part of her duties as an outfitter so this was all new news to her too. Another Lt. Junior Grade spoke up.

    “I didn’t see it,” Violet Chase, he remembered her from the description her older brother gave him awhile ago, shivered as she talked, “But I think I was among those who heard him scream ‘those freaks of nature shouldn’t be allowed to exist’ at the top of his lungs.”

    “He’s earned himself a reprimand. We can share our feelings about something we have concerns over but that crosses a line,” Teriir caught himself glaring at an imaginary Ensign so blinked to clear his eyes, “I doubt he’s even spoken to a Cardassian before so can’t even consider judging them like that.”

    “I’ve met a Cardassian before,” Walker commented before wincing as multiple people looked at him in curiosity, “Well, not a Cardassian, Cardassian. He was half Human, half Cardassian. He was my roomate at the Academy. He was a really good friend but then . . . I think quite a few of us new people have heard of Jacob, or ‘Jake’, Desai before.”

    “Oh crap!” Oracle’s mouth seemed to hit the floor as she leaned towards him, “I didn’t realize he was a Hybrid! He was your roommate? I’m so sorry!”

    “Ahem! What is this about Mr. Desai?” the Captain asked with a concerned expression on his face just as the intercom sounded.

    =^= Bridge to Captain Teriir! =^=

    “Excuse me,” the Captain got up from his seat and went over to a small side room to take the call. Once he was in, he closed the door and looked to the small viewscreen inside, “Teriir here.”

    =^= Captain =^= the Communications Officer responded, =^= Commander R’Turan is on his way back from the surface. He’s requested all of the Senior Staff come to the Captain’s Yacht’s docking port. =^=

    “Did he give you a reason why?” Teriir frowned in concern. Something was wrong, really wrong.

    =^= No, sir. Just that you needed to be there. =^=

    “Understood, Teriir out,” he took a moment after the communications channel closed. He returned to the Reception Lounge and spoke to the people in attendance, “My apologies; a shuttle crew I requested to see upon their return to the ship has just arrived. I will return shortly.”

    Teriir headed on out and began pondering what possible reason R’Turan had which would require all the Senior Officers to meet up at the causeway. He also wondered what Walker was about to tell him about his Academy Roommate.
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    Tess stepped out onto the Bridge, to see everything was in order.

    She looked around for a few minutes, occasionally glancing at the officers.

    Suddenly the got a comms message. The Comms Officer spun around to look at her.

    "Commander R'Turan requests all all Senior Officers to the Captains Yacht causeway." They said.

    Tess moved towards one of the side turbolifts with a nod, heading to the Causeway.