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[Archived] - Chapter 2 - Dorvan V

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Asteropax, Fri 10 Aug, 2018 10:54 AM
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    Sam was sitting at a table close to a window overlooking Dorvan V. He had a coffee in hand, slowly sipping on it. He saw an officer approach him, with just his gold tunic on & his uniform jacket slung over his shoulder.

    - The captain said you were looking to talk to me?

    Sam looked up and saw the face of Max Storm, the chief ops officer.
    - Yeah, I did. I'm in need of your Blacksmithing talents.

    Max's face broke into a slight grin.
    - Need a diplomatic dagger or some BS like that?

    Sam nervously laughed and said,
    - Nothing like that. I need a set of wedding rings.

    Max's smiled wider, saying,
    - Might do better with a replicator. I am not a jeweler in that sense. However....
    Max sat down at the table with Sam.
    -...I think i can help you somewhat. Have an idea on what you want?

    Sam pulled a paper out of his pocket and laid it on the table. It had a sort of celtic weave on it with the colours of red & blue intertwining around each other.
    - Akyv has alway loved Celtic design. The red represents human blood, the blue represents Andorian blood.

    Max looked at the design & thought on it for a bit, then pulled out a pen from his bionic arm. Sam kind of got startled at this. Max just laughed.
    - Never had a reaction like that before.

    Sam laughed nervously, saying,
    - Really? The captain did give me the heads up on it.

    Max nodded, then took the paper & modified the design a bit. He put marks where the lines crossed over, then handed it back.
    - I think putting diamonds where the lines intersect would be real nice, at least on her ring. Generally, on the groom's ring, there isn't any flourishes.

    Sam looked at the paper, smiled widely and said,
    - This looks great! Now, what to make the rings out of.

    Max thought for a moment, then said,
    - I'm thinking...maybe...platinum?

    Sam nodded and said,
    - Sounds good. When can you have them ready?

    Max looked at him and said,
    - This is a somewhat simple design, so about a week?

    Sam smiled and said,
    - That sounds great!!

    Max shook Sam's hand and the went back to his duties.
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    Dorvan V
    Grid 15


    Nothing made sense lately. Not even his beverage choices.

    He had chased a Bolian tonic water with a raktajino, which was the very definition of counterproductive. The pleasantly bitter taste lingered on his tongue as he briefly studied a personnel report in the security office, and set it aside for the fifth time. There was a double agent in their midst; once an unthinkable concept. And that enemy agent was a constant shadow in the back of his mind, making it difficult to perform his other duties. There was a rescue mission being planned. There were innocent lives at stake. The best laid plan might end in disaster with one of their own actively working against them. But so far, the mystery turncoat had managed to evade detection.

    Being new to the Ares, without having many people, it was hard to get a feel for the crew by studying personnel reports. That required immersion. Starship crews were like soups, each one had different ingredients and each one had a different flavor. A person with the proper “palate” for interpersonal relationships stood a good chance of detecting which ingredient threw the whole soup off. Yet all he could do was get a scent of the “soup” from personnel reports, which is why he continually put them aside.

    “This is ridiculous,” Biiqs muttered to himself. Rising to his feet, he announced to the empty room, “I need some air,” and made his way down to the ground floor.

    Outside, a light rain was falling. A result of the radiation removal process, he had been told. The faint petrichor in the air pleasantly reminded him of home. Terraforming was an interesting business. Most human dominated worlds cultivated a mix of soil that was near earth type, but carried the wild tang of the native ground. Dorvan V was much the same, although there was something particularly “homey” about the blend here that was evident in the fragrance after the rain. No wonder the inhabitants were not easily moved from this colony.

    He passed security officers diligently working, with many that were clearly enjoying the rain. Small wonders pleased those that spent most of their lives cooped up in starships, however spacious, and a holodeck was a poor substitute for people who craved the authentic simplicities in life. As he strolled through the complex, he ran a trained eye over the defensive emplacements. Everything seemed to be functioning well, with the crew alert after the last Nausicaan scare.

    As he arrived back at the command center, Biiqs noticed a new figure standing near the entrance. Sharp, predatory eyes dissected him as he approached.

    “Commander R’Turan, I presume. I’m Biiqs Tarquin. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

    Something between a purr and growl of acknowledgement emanated from the First Officer’s throat. “A pleasure, as you say. Come, I have matters to discuss with you.” With that, the Caitian turned gracefully on his heels, and stalked off to the elevator with Biiqs following silently. On the ride up, Biiqs abstained from small talk, which the First Officer seemed to be anticipating. R’Turan cast a quick eye over at the silent Bolian in what appeared to be surprise, and Biiqs responded with a smile. Arriving on the security floor, Biiqs said simply, “My office is that way,” and both officers entered the room silently, drawing glances from the officers working in the area.

    R’Turan made another curious noise before speaking. “My apologies if I was abrupt, earlier, but there is important business to discuss. There was no time for what many would call a proper greeting. I’m sure as a security officer, you understand.” Biiqs nodded silently in response, his face a picture of understanding. He was rather enjoying this game. He gestured with his hand, saying, “By all means, continue sir.”

    “Yes, well….first, I have inspected the defenses. They appear to be adequate and functioning within parameters.”

    “The Ares has a wonderful crew. They do you credit, sir.”

    “Mrrrrnnmmmrww,” responded R’Turan. “You should also know that Lt. Locke is making strides as to the identity of the….informant,” R’Turan said, with a low growl.” No doubt he will confer with you soon. Now, there is the matter of the assault missions against the Nausicaans….”

    Biiqs was reasonably prepared for this portion, even though the visit was unexpected. “The Science Department has informed us about a native cave dwelling creature, which kind of resembles a mix of a Terran spider and a Ktaran Rock Borer…” Biiqs handed R’Turan a PADD with an image of the eight legged creature, which was approximately fifteen centimeters long with a fat, double segmented body.” They live in and around the caves here, the natives call them nixanti. Outfitting is rigging surveillance crawlers to look like them as we speak, with Science providing a consult on their behavior, so they blend in.”

    “Good,” replied R’Turan with a nod of his head. “This will give us a better picture of the situation with the hostages. We might even be able to enable offensive capabilities. But there is something that you need to know. The Ares is carrying certain officers and crew that are MACO trained. This is classified information, but you should know that in your planning. Clearance has been given to you, so your personnel files will include their service and training records.”

    That was a surprise. “Thank you sir. That will prove very useful indeed.”

    “There will be a planning meeting today at 18:00 hours. Please prepare for it. I need to be going now. Again….a pleasure…to make your acquaintance.”

    “And yours, sir.” As R’Turan left, Biiqs turned back to his PADDS. There wasn’t much time to prepare for the meeting, and he threw himself into his duties with renewed vigor, now that he knew that headway was being made as to the identity of the double agent.
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    Briefing Auditorium

    R'Turan entered the hall with a padd in hand. His whiskers twitched with nervousness as he approached the lectern. Sam Urquhart followed behind, along with Max Storm, the lead operations officer.

    Max coughed loudly and said,
    - I mean his idea is extremely smart, but its going to take a load of coordination.

    The commander's tail twitched as he said,
    - You can pull it off, right?

    Storm nodded,
    - It shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    Sam spoke up, saying,
    - I still say we should try a diplomatic solution.

    The Commander growled a bit, saying,
    - Nausicaans do not negotiate.

    ((TAG Biiqs))
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    U.S.S. ARES
    Deck 17-ENGINERING

    Name:  rsz_1c-0903_web.jpg
Views: 877
Size:  35.4 KB

    Rosek dug himself out of his office and the never-ending stream of paperwork that seemed to flow from somewhere. He could not complain after all it was digital these days.

    As he exited his office he took note of his engineering staff diligently working at their stations. He turned to the warp core and a slight smiled crossed his face as he remembered how far the federation had come.

    The thought did not last long however as the reality of the war that had pushed them to advance so quickly ruined the thought as usual. Rosek never regretted his actions during the wars he fought in, but they stayed with him. He was a good soldier but when you live as long as he had you start looking for a different line of work. Engineering had been a hobby that kept his mind off of his day job and made him useful when the wars ended. That is how he had landed on the Ares as the chief engineer.

    When you have been around as long as he had you pick up enough skills that you can be an asset to your choice of posts. Tending to the engines that powered the God of War was just a piece of irony he could not pass up.

    Before leaving he informed his senior officer that he was going for a walk and left without another word. The LTJG just watched him leave and went back to his work. These “Walks” were a common occurrence that often put Rosek exactly where he needed to be.

    Deck 4-Transporter room 1

    Rosek walked into the transporter room and stepped on the pad. The startled crewman just looked on as Rosek did an about face and stood at parade rest.

    “Put me in the middle of the colony I’ll find my way from there”

    With that, he waited as the room dissolved in a shower of colours and he became one with the matter stream.

    TAG: ((Anyone))
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    Dorvan V.
    Cardassian Embassy


    At 18:28 hours ship time, Biiqs was patched in to the planning meeting aboard the Ares from the security office at the Cardassian Embassy. From what he was told by Outfitting, his perspective on his viewscreen matched the placement the large monitor mounted in the front of the briefing auditorium. He saw R'Turan standing stiffly at a lectern at the head of the room, with Storm the Ops officer and who he had been told was the ship's Diplomatic Officer seated in the room.

    Biiqs wanted no time, and quickly outlined his plan. "Gentlemen. As you may now, the Tactical Outfitting department has worked to create a series of drones that mimic local wildlife to penetrate the caves in which the hostages are being held. This will allow us to get a good count of the guards, so that a strike team of security officers with background in rescue operations will be able to rescue the hostages. They will be equipped with pattern enhancers so that we can beam them directly out of the caves past the distortion caused by the kelbanite. A second team of officers, with fire support from the runabout Thames will concentrate fire on the Naausican barracks to prevent them from interfering, and subdue them. We plan to beam pattern enhancers around the barracks to get them beamed right up into the brig. We'll time the attack on the mountain fortress for the middle of the Nausicaan sleep cycle for maximum effectiveness."

    "As for phase two, with the hostages out of the way, the rest appears to be simply a mop-up operation. To avoid excess environmental damage, it appears best to use a...finessed solution to bring down that shield. Perhaps a tachyon beam from the ship? Coordination of such a duty would fall to Ops. Also, we'll need another beam out of hostiles. I understand there is a shiny new brig aboard the
    Ares, but it's getting crowded. Perhaps securing a cargo bay and pumping in anesthezine gas would work, at least until we can transfer captives to the USS Lakota."

    "Also, as a precaution, we will have a squadron of fighters standing by right on the edge of weapons range to contain any surprises, such as large weapon emplacements that could attack the settlement, or shuttles, escape vehicles, that sort of thing."

    "That is the plan as it stands, precise details are being transmitted to your devices now for review. I am of course happy to hear any suggestions or feedback."

    Briefing Auditorium

    Max coughed loudly and said,
    - I mean his idea is extremely smart, but its going to take a load of coordination.

    The commander's tail twitched as he said,
    - You can pull it off, right?

    Storm nodded,
    - It shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    Sam spoke up, saying,
    - I still say we should try a diplomatic solution.

    The Commander growled a bit, saying,
    - Nausicaans do not negotiate.
    "If I may, sir...Nausicaans are not known for their negotiations, and their constant projection of strength can present difficulty in that regard, but...well, I like to think negotiation is never off the table when people have proper motivation. And the primary motivation for Nausicaans is profit. Nausicaans usually operate under the pirates code: no quarter given, none expected for themselves. But our intelligence on Nausicaan gangs is spotty post-war, because there were dramatic shifts in structure due to the criminal opportunities the war presented, and the absence of Starfleet resources to contain them. Some young obscure gang leaders got very rich, and others got very dead. That sort of upheaval can alter some of the normal gang codes and behaviors."

    Biiqs noticed that he was being a bit wordy, and attempted to wrap it up quickly before the Commander's hackles started to rise. "In other words, Commander, after we get the hostages out and take away their leverage...its worth a try. The worst they'll do is say no, and insult the honor of our maternal ancestors of the last 10 generations." The latter was said with a casual shrug.
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    Briefing auditorium

    "If I may, sir...Nausicaans are not known for their negotiations, and their constant projection of strength can present difficulty in that regard, but...well, I like to think negotiation is never off the table when people have proper motivation. And the primary motivation for Nausicaans is profit. Nausicaans usually operate under the pirates code: no quarter given, none expected for themselves. But our intelligence on Nausicaan gangs is spotty post-war, because there were dramatic shifts in structure due to the criminal opportunities the war presented, and the absence of Starfleet resources to contain them. Some young obscure gang leaders got very rich, and others got very dead. That sort of upheaval can alter some of the normal gang codes and behaviors."

    Biiqs noticed that he was being a bit wordy, and attempted to wrap it up quickly before the Commander's hackles started to rise. "In other words, Commander, after we get the hostages out and take away their leverage...its worth a try. The worst they'll do is say no, and insult the honor of our maternal ancestors of the last 10 generations." The latter was said with a casual shrug.
    Sam smiled at this and said,
    - Biiqu, you have the right idea.

    R'Turan's ear twitched and said,
    - You're both right. Mr. Urquhart, you'll attempt to talk to them & convince them that fighting is nay hopeless.

    Sam nodded, saying,
    - Miracles can happen, I guess?

    The commander looked about and said, with an edge to his voice,
    - Where's the damn fighter team?

    =^=R'Turan to fighter team, report to Briefing Hall 2.=^=

    ((TAG Blaster & Logical))
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    Transporter Room

    The sound of the transporter beam is heard, followed by a pattern of blue energy materialising. LT Tess Materialises in the transporter beam.

    "Thank you Chief" she says with a quick nod before walking out towards the turbolift on the deck.

    She had received a communication telling her to get to briefing hall two, and she wasn't going to be late.

    USS Ares
    Briefing Auditorium

    Tess walks in, snapping a salute to the Commander before sitting down.

    "You asked to see me Commander?"

    ((TAG: Joshua))
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    Briefing Auditorium

    Tess walks in, snapping a salute to the Commander before sitting down.

    "You asked to see me Commander?"
    R'Turan's tail twitched with slight annoyance as he said,
    - Have a seat. We are planning a rescue attempt of the hostages.

    ((TAG Blaster))

    Sam sat in a corner of the hall, observing. Max sat about three rows back, took out a recording device from his arm and activate it, being sure to pay close attention to details.

    The commander approached the lectern off to the side of a large screen, coughed like he was hacking up a hairball, then started.
    - Excuse the coughing. As you all well know, these Nausicaan pirates have kidnapped some of the villagers from the colony. Chief Biiqu has drawn up a plan to extract these villagers and, hopefully, drive these pirates off Dorvan V. Chief, if you will?
    R'Turan motioned to the chief to take the lectern.

    ((TAG Biiqu))
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     –  Last edited by LogicalLeopard; Tue 22 Jan, 2019 4:25 PM.
    USS Ares
    Briefing Auditorium

    R'Turan's tail twitched with slight annoyance as he said,
    - Have a seat. We are planning a rescue attempt of the hostages.

    ((TAG Blaster))

    Sam sat in a corner of the hall, observing. Max sat about three rows back, took out a recording device from his arm and activate it, being sure to pay close attention to details.

    The commander approached the lectern off to the side of a large screen, coughed like he was hacking up a hairball, then started.
    - Excuse the coughing. As you all well know, these Nausicaan pirates have kidnapped some of the villagers from the colony. Chief Biiqu has drawn up a plan to extract these villagers and, hopefully, drive these pirates off Dorvan V. Chief, if you will?
    R'Turan motioned to the chief to take the lectern.

    ((TAG Biiqu))

    Dorvan V.
    Cardassian Embassy – Security Office


    As R’Turan stepped away from the lectern, Biqs’s image on the large screen at the front of the briefing
    room enlarged and centered, as it to “give him the floor.”

    “Welcome…Lieutenant Tess, isn’t it? I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to greet many of you in person, but I’ve been planetside since my arrival. We should have some sort of informal mixer at a more convenient date aboard the Ares.”
    "But on to business. We are preparing for an assault on the two Nausicaan strongholds planetside: the mountain base where captives are being held, and the island base which represents the largest concentration of Nausicaans. Security officers will storm the mountain base, with the support of the runabout, USS Thames. Where your forces will be needed, however, is at the island base."

    "As you know, the entire island is heavily shielded. We are planning on bringing that shield down with a tachyon beam employed from the Ares in orbit. But once that shield comes down, we don’t know what surprises the island might be hiding."

    “Your mission will be to contain any threats the island may be concealing. Basically, you will begin circling the island with a wing of fighters at maximum weapons range, to ensure the safety of your pilots, prior to and after the shield is broken. You are to not permit any escape vehicles from leaving, such as shuttle craft, aquatic craft, etc, using whatever force is necessary. If you detect heavy weapons after the shield falls, you are to take those weapons out immediately as your first priority. Under no circumstances can the Nausicaans be allowed to harm the populace.”

    “If that wasn’t enough,” Biiqs said, with a friendly smile, “You are to carry out your orders in a manner that does as little damage to the environment as possible. The colonists of Dorvan V value their environment greatly, and feel that they have a spiritual connection with it. We would like to respect that. I know it seems a bit like your hands are being tied, but of course, remember the overriding priority is safety first, environment second. Just advise your pilots to shoot straight, and use the minimum force required to take out any threats. Any questions, Lieutenant?”

    ((((TAG: Blaster, Josh ))))
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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Thu 24 Jan, 2019 7:29 AM.
    USS Ares
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    Tess shook her head after analysing and studying the plan for any faults.

    "I do have one question sir, the mountain base will be attacked with the support of one Runabout. Runabouts are fast, but not as heavily armoured. I believe it would be logical to have some backup waiting, should there be fighters or weapons. I assume you did a scan to check for fighters?"

    *Tess reaches for her comm badge, clicking it*

    "I want all Fighter Pilots to meet me in the hangar when I'm done with the briefing"

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    Tess shook her head after analysing and studying the plan for any faults.

    "I do have one question sir, the mountain base will be attacked with the support of one Runabout. Runabouts are fast, but not as heavily armoured. I believe it would be logical to have some backup waiting, should there be fighters or weapons. I assume you did a scan to check for fighters?"

    *Tess reaches for her comm badge, clicking it*

    "I want all Fighter Pilots to meet me in the hangar when I'm done with the briefing"

    ((TAG: Bix))
    Dorvan V
    Cardassian Embassy -- Security Office


    "That is a very good question," Biiqs replied, pulling up a photograph of the mountain base to be displayed beside his own image. "The mountain base is less of a base and more of a barracks, we believe. Based on our observation, we dont think its large enough to actually hold anything serious. It appears to be used only for the purpose of housing the Nausicaans overseeing the mining operations used by the natives. We cant get accurate scans, because the kelbonite ore in the mountains cause havoc with our sensors. Due to that factor, as you suggested, it is not unwise to be prepared for all eventualities. So why don't we have your pilots launch right after the ground assault begins? Not before, of course, because we dont want to alarm the Nausicaans to our impending assault. But if you launch from the Ares as the assault begins, you could be in position to assist with any response from the mountain force or the Island, if they happen to have some sort of heavy weapons."

    (((Tag: Tess)))
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    Attachment 9773

    Attachment 9774

    As the shuttle fell from the sky, Christopher was thrown to the ceiling and held there. He could hear the panic in Patel’s voice as she struggled to regain control of the vessel. “Impulse offline, inertial dampeners offline, thrusters are at 20 percent, not enough to correct our fall.”

    Christopher knew that if the shuttle crashed while he was still on the ceiling, he’d be killed instantly when his unrestrained body hit the floor. Desperately, he flailed his arms toward the nearest person, Chief Hayes, trying to get back into a seat. The Chief wasted no time and pulled mightily against the g-forces bringing Christopher down to where he could grab onto a chair and strap himself in.

    Jei felt herself pushed and then pulled into her seat. Without the inertial dampeners, the g-force kept everyone trapped against their seats. Try as she might, Jei could not move. She knew that unless Amita had enough thruster power, the crash would be fatal. In her mind, Jei tried to picture the engineering schematics of the Type 9 shuttle. It was a small and sleek design. Yet, it was an well-designed and versatile craft. More so, the engineering systems were quiet robust and resilient. Though the g-forces kept her from moving, she saw what she believed was the auxiliary maintenance hatch near her right foot. She needed to open it to shunt power to the offline starboard thrusters, as they were just bleeding power like a ruptured wound.

    Amita strained against her pilot’s harness and knew if she didn’t get the inertial dampeners back, she and everyone will likely black-out from the massive gees they were facing. With mighty effort, she managed to get her hand to switch the emergency dampener system on. Immediately, the system lessened the g-forces by providing some compensation. At the very least, Amita could move without struggle and get back to trying to land the shuttle.

    Jei felt the gravity lessen on her and knew she had to act immediately. She hit the release on her emergency harness and got on her knees between her and Christopher’s co-pilot seat. She yanked the floor panel off and watched it fly out the back of the breached hole in the rear of the shuttle.

    Her eyes moving quickly studying the cables and isolinear chips, looking for the particular ones she needed. Spotting the right cables, she yanked the end of one set free causing a spectacular display of sparks and crackling. Ignoring the minor sting her hand took, she spliced the now free end into another set of cables. As Jei slotted in the starboard isolinear control ship into the auxillary bypass, something heavy hit her and knocked her flat on the ground.

    Patel was counting down the altitude at a frightening rate.

    “Try and find a river or somewhere flat!” Christopher shouted over the sound of struggling thrusters.

    “Doc, it’s all hills and trees, there’s nowhere safe. Better duck and cover as I really doubt that this is going to win me landing of the month.” Patel replied, flashing him a smile

    Glad of her humour, Christopher replied, “We walk away from this, Amita, I’ll make sure you get a promotion to Ensign.”

    Amita’s eyes lighted up in surprise as she saw her display readouts and regained some control of her heavily damaged shuttle. “I got power… 50%... I CAN DO THIS!!!”

    The world loomed large in the viewport and seemed to rush towards them awfully fast.

    “BRACE YOURSELVES!” yelled Amita. The modicum of control and power she gained from the shunt, she used to slow down the shuttle from it’s terminal velocity. It turned her crash into a controlled one. As the ground and vegetation loomed into view, she said a quick prayer.

    Christopher’s grip tightened on the harness across his chest and he closed his eyes, not wanting to see what was about to happen.

    Jei felt someone with herculean strength pull her up and hold her just as she felt the world turned upside down and inside out. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but something or someone was not only keeping her from flying about, but shielding her from the debris flying around as projectiles in the shuttle cabin.

    The shuttle hit the ground hard, breaking trees as it sped along the ground. Christopher was tossed around like a rag doll inside his harness as consoles and power conduits ruptured around him. The viewport shattered and Christopher felt his face sting as the razor sharp pieces cut his face in several places.

    As they slowed, the ventral section caught a rock and the whole shuttle lurched upwards only to come slamming down. Fire burst from overhead and the Chief yelped in pain. Eventually, the shuttle hit a dense tree and halted.

    Christopher opened his eyes to a scene of pure chaos. The Chief had gone as white as a sheet. Looking around Christopher could see that Jei appeared to be conscious and uninjured but shaken. However, Kowalski, who cradled Jei during the crash, was unconscious and injured. The front of the shuttle was obscured by branches of the tree that had come in through the ruined viewport. Reaching under his seat, Christopher retrieved an emergency medical kit. “Jei, check Kowalski’s pulse.” he said, unbuckling his harness.

    Jei rolled over and found herself on top of Kowalski. Though her ears were ringing and she felt a little nauseated, she placed her fingers on his neck to check his pulse. It was faint but steady. Carefully, she moved off Kowalski and began to check him for injuries. Immediately, she saw that his right arm was bent in a way he shouldn’t bend.

    Christopher turned to the rear compartment’s remaining occupant. “Chief, you dead?”

    Through gritted teeth, the man replied, “It’ll take more than that to kill me. Although I think it did scratch me a little.”

    “Can you hold on a little longer, Chief?” Christopher asked, “I’m going forward to check on our wonder pilot, who is now about to receive a field commission to Ensign.”

    The Chief nodded and Christopher moved forward through the smoke.

    Jei grabbed a blanket half-hanging out of an open storage compartment and tucked it around Kowalski. Her field medic training was kicking in and she knew she had to keep Kowalski from going into shock.

    Christopher pushed branches aside as he reached the Ops console and sat down heavily in the seat. “Amita? Are you ok?”

    Specialist Amita Patel made no sound whatsoever and Christopher didn’t need a tricorder to tell that she was already dead. She had been implaed in her chair by one of the branches protruding through the viewport, her hands still on her console, her head lolled at an angle and her eyes stared emptily into nothingness. Christopher felt sadness well up inside him as he reached out and gently closed her eyes.

    As Christopher appeared in the rear compartment, the Chief asked, “How is she?”. Christopher just shook his head. Colour returned to the Chief’s face as he declared, “Someone will pay.” Christopher knelt down beside the man and ran his tricorder over him, ignoring the rather shrill tone of an alarm. “Chief, it looks like you’ve wrenched your knee. It’s swelling up. I can give you something for the pain and to help reduce the swelling but it’s going to need surgery when we get back to the ship. Do you understand?”

    The man nodded wearily, “Aye Sir.”

    Kowalski began making a groaning sound, then a yelp as he tried to move. “SON OF A….”

    “Easy… Martin. Try not to move. Your foot is wedged under something. Your right arm is fractured, if not broken, and you likely may have some internal bleeding,” explained Jei.

    Biting another curse, Kowalski took a few deep breaths and tried to not move. “Well, ain’t this just peachy…”

    Jei pulled a seat cushion from the nearby passenger chair and gently placed it under Kowalski’s head. “It could be worse… but Amita surely proved her worth as a pilot. We’re alive because of her.”

    That brought a smile to Kowalski. “That’s Amita for you. You can always count on her in a pinch.” grinned Kowalski.

    Moving across the aisle, Christopher crouched down in front of Kowalski, “How is he?” he asked Jei.

    Jei smiled at Kowalski, then looked at Christopher. “Fractured or broken, right radius or ulna. But his breathing is steady, yet a little shallow. Possibly Internal injuries, I’m not certain. He hasn’t shown any blood spit-ups, so hopefully just some bruised ribs. Throw in a mild concussion and Martin is definitely deserving of a long comfortable bed rest.”

    The tricorder displayed its results, “He has a concussion and slight fracture in his right forearm radius bone. Nothing serious internally, just some bruised ribs and shoulder. Let’s get his arm elevated, and keep him awake.” Christopher strapped up Kowalski’s arm and gave him a hypo to relieve some of the pain. He looked over to Jei, concerned, “How about you? Are you hurt?”

    “My neck feels stiff, feel a sore all over, and a bit nauseated… but I am functional. How’s Chief Hayes and Amita? She really saved us. Amita is an incredible pilot,” answered Jei.

    Christopher ignored Jei’s question as he ran his tricorder sensor over her, “Hmm, slight whiplash, bumps and bruises, a cut on your head that I’ll take care of and you’ve an electrical burn on your right hand that I’ll need to clean before treating.” He looked toward the back of the shuttle and noticed his medical supply backpack was lying up against the shuttle door. “Back in a second.” He told Jei. As Christopher picked up his pack, he noticed that the rear bulkhead was all but gone. He was amazed that they hadn’t just fallen out of the sky and wondered what or who could have done such damage.

    Hustling back to Jei, Christopher pulled out a bottle of saline solution and rinsed her burn before digging out a dermal regenerator to close the cut on her temple and repair the burned skin. “Jei, the Chief is ok but he’s injured and needs surgery. About Amita…” He could see the confusion in her eyes slowly turn to realisation, “she was killed when we struck the last tree. She saved all of us and I swear before Asclepius himself that Amita didn’t suffer. She was a hero and I’ll make damn sure that she gets recognised for that when we get back to the ship.”

    Christopher look at the Chief through the smoke in the cabin. The man simply nodded. There was nothing else to say so they sat in silence for a moment in thanks to their fallen friend.

    Attachment 9774
    WelshAvenger Medals
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     –  Last edited by Blaster; Thu 24 Jan, 2019 9:50 PM.
    USS Ares
    Briefing Auditorium

    "That could work, however, are we planning on doing the two attacks at the same time? If so my pilots could end up being stretched thin to try and cover everything. In the event we were doing both at the same time, I can spare 1-2 fighters to help if needed" she said.

    Tess thought to herself. The mountain base should be an easy target, but the island base could be more tricky. In the event the mountain base did have weapons, that could complicate matters.

    "I'll have my pilots ready just in case, no more questions."

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    "That could work, however, are we planning on doing the two attacks at the same time? If so my pilots could end up being stretched thin to try and cover everything. In the event we were doing both at the same time, I can spare 1-2 fighters to help if needed" she said.

    Tess thought to herself. The mountain base should be an easy target, but the island base could be more tricky. In the event the mountain base did have weapons, that could complicate matters.

    "I'll have my pilots ready just in case, no more questions."

    ((TAG: Bix))
    Dorvan V
    Cardassian Embassy -- Security Office


    Biqqs shook his head, "No, we wont be conducting the attacks at the same time. Rescuing the colonists is the top priority, and we dont want divided resources to be a hindrance to that. And plus, our diplomatic officer will attempt to negotiate the surrender of the Island base once they have lost their bargaining chip in the hostages. However, dispatching a squadron of your fighters to the planet during the rescue mission would help to serve as a last ditch backup to the mountain mission, and also would serve as a deterrent to any backup that the Island base might attempt to send, although it would be very foolish of them to drop the shield and attempt to do that. You could land your fighters near the settlement; the Nausicaans will know exactly what they're here for. That might also aid the diplomatic officer in resolving the case once they see the situation is utterly hopeless."

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    "Copy that, thank you for clarifying on what we will be doing, I will attempt to aid the Diplomat if needed"

    Tess directs her attention to the Commander

    "If thats all, could I be dismissed sir?"

    ((TAG: Bix ))