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1 main toon or torture yourselves to get multiple ones done?

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Trekster, Mon 17 Jun, 2019 8:39 PM
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    I have a bad combo of traits (me, not the game, lol). I like to organize things and have them classified properly. So STO is daunting on many levels, especially since many "iconic" ships are bound to a toon and not unlockable for an account. Given the limit on BO slots and storage, what do those of you who like to have multiple eras represent do? In other words...

    In a perfect world, I'd have.
    1 toon from discovery era
    1 toon from TOS era
    1 toon representing TOS/voyager time period

    Does anyone else try to do this? I don't see how it's possible to do on 1 toon for reasons I mentioned above and maybe others. If trying to use multiple toons, that seems incredibly daunting a task... all those reps to tier 6..yikes, plus cost of upgrading.

    Last obstacle for different eras...ships that look like they belong... seems extremely expensive to try and get. I mean, a TOS era ship...constitution class of some sort seems required (or excelsior) but especially constitution seems impossible to get tier 6 these days, not to mention prohibitive even if you could...and discovery time... yikes... Crossfield expensive. You get the idea.

    Anyway, just curious as to how other approach things.
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    I got around 11 toons from which 3 are ones I play. ENG, SCI and TAC professions respectively. All three were brought up to T6 reps. The tactical one got T6 just last week.

    I don't concern myself with lockbox, promotion box or lobi ships very much because I know for a fact that they are character unlocks only. Though I pretty much have a good majority of zstore ships in the fed side.

    It's only over period of time you progress multiple toons. If you think of this as a goal or task it's daunting. If you just play the game and let time do it's thing then it's fun.
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    I've been wrestling with this myself. I know that if I dumped all my resources into one (or two) characters they'd be in great shape, but the urge to mess around with so many alts keeps me from getting too far on any of them.

    I'm trying to work towards one "main" of each profession, but we'll see if I ever manage to get there. I keep wanting to try new characters and it just kills my progress. Haha!

    "If you just play the game and let time do it's thing then it's fun." That's great advice, Mack!
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    I currently have 14 toons that are level 65, though my main gets first dibs on anything that comes along. I've shifted focus in recent months back towards the 1 of each mentality, as the rest of them typically end up just getting used for events and grinding marks these days, despite a few of them having some pretty good ships and gear.

    It's one of those things that built up over time. I've been there since the closed beta days and I always make a new toon for when a new faction is released, but ultimately I keep drifting back to the same one or 2 characters.

    As mentioned above, if you play the game and dabble it's fun, though if you start setting hard goals for each character it turns into a job, sucking the fun out of it.
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    I have 3 characters with their rep systems done-ish, and I have little idea about the other alts that are completely inactive.

    I have 1 main, a Rom Fed with all the bells and whistles. She's flying the ship in my signature, and has everything at T6 outside of Discovery, and working to get that up. This is the character that actually gets played, will have the most mission progression, does the events and such.

    I also have my former main, my original first character. He's the Fed pictured in my signature. He had everything at T5 at the time, and sponsored all the other characters in those reps. He was missing the last 4 reps, as those came out later. With the Endeavor system, he's come out of retirement to deal everything outside of Disruptor (my main) and AP (my Gamma recruit) damage. Consequently, since he has 3k marks in all but the latest 4 reps, I slotted the 20hr projects and how he has all but Discovery at T6 as well - the missing 3 getting their marks entirely from Endeavor rewards. I'll start leveling his Discovery rep when my main hits T5 and auto-sponsors. Wears the spiffy STO canon Odyssey uniform, and my favorite thing about him is that he got the Hierarchy BOff prior to the costume nerf, so Ensign Potato is also in uniform.

    The last active character is the Gamma Recruit. He's "active" because the Gamma Recruitment thing needed him to get reps up, so I ended up getting every (prior to Discovery) to T5. Then whatever extra marks he had, I put in the 20hr projects. (Now I'm reminded that my surplus Endeavor marks should go to him.) He's my AP damage alt for Endeavors, and since one of the Recruitment objectives was to get reps to T5, he was my temporary main until that was done. He's currently "active" because he's still hanging onto all those AP arrays that I crafted back in the day. Wears Gamma armor because meh.

    Prior to the Gamma Recruit was the Temporal Recruit, who also had an objective to max out Reps and thus was a temporary main while that was being done. He's obviously TOS, but not in the TOS uniform. Rather, he and his crew are in the Kevin timeline uniform that looks like a modernized TOS uniform, and he gets that nifty cyborg android BOff too. Then I have the 3x Delta Recruits, one of each faction, because that was necessary for the Delta Recruitment event. They don't have any reps that I know of, because it wasn't necessary. I think the Romulan is KDF aligned since I already have a Rom-Fed. All the latter four recruits are only active if I'm using VIP vouchers during dilithium weekends, and I havne't done that in forever. Unlike the former 3 active characters, I think they're level 60 at the highest, possibly mid 50s. They were level 50 when I stopped using them, but I was DOffing for some time afterwards.

    tl;dr: 1 main, 2 endeavor alts, 4 inactive Recruits.
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    I have 14. Still have my original 3 toons, I have 3 Delta recruits, a Temporal Agent, a Gamma Taskforce Jem'Hadar and a smattering of alts for bank space.

    I've played through every STO mission through every revamp and iteration of those missions at least 9 times at this point.

    I'll check myself into the asylum now...

    *logs out and back into UFP's forums*
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    These days I focus on one character, I have many alts, and when I really focused on STO, I did level and gear many of these up, all for different things. Now I just stick with Three of Seven, the liberated Borg engineer, flying a Miranda, the USS Yorkshire.
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    I have a total of 16 toons (11 federation & 5 KDF) but i have my main toon (Dylan) that gets all the goodies.... the others i just use for events and dilithium farming through the admiralty systems.
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    I got many but focus only on my kdf character Barol now, which makes it hard for me to group with you all since majority like fed lol.
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    I tried to do something similar, just my alt--o-hollism takes over and I can't help but come up with more ideas for more alts.
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     –  Last edited by Taku; Wed 19 Jun, 2019 10:22 PM.
    I have 1 Main right now. He's a TAC Disco toon. He gets all the goodies.

    I have my OG Toon, the first Captain I made. He is a lvl 60 ENG that sponsored all the others that followed. Before I knew what I was doing, I turned all of his rep marks into sponsorships. Now I have 50-some-odd useless sponsorships laying around. I wasn't spending money on the game when I created him, so he has very little toon-specific gear.

    Then I have 1 TAC Delta toon and 1 TAC Gamma toon that I made just to get the goodies. I ran the Jemmy as my main until Disco came out. I didn't really start paying for the game until I had created the Disco toon, so the Delta and Gamma Captains don't have that many Bound to Character items. They are both at T6 rep though (Minus Disco). I learned my lesson. I kept all their reps marks on them.

    Then I have my TAC KDF Reman. She's lvl 21, and she has nothing. She's not even for storage. She's there so I have access to the House of Kular.

    I don't DIL mine or rep mine with my alts. I do everything with my Disco Captain. My alts are permanently stationed on ESD and Drozana and New Romulus. They're standing in front of Bank Access Consoles. That's really all they ever do. Each one of them (except the Reman) are holding specific "spare items". Ship weapons on one, food and other consumables on another, ground gear on the third.

    And that's it. It looks like I'm going to be dumping any future alt bonuses onto Tzim-Sha, and I will be riding him for a good long while.
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    I got many but focus only on my kdf character Barol now, which makes it hard for me to group with you all since majority like fed lol.
    Can always do private queues. That’s how Bridger gets involved with his KDF toons. If anything you get to be that one unique KDF ship amongst all FED ships!

    Always feel free to drop by for our STO events or group up
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