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Lt. Commander Biiqs "Bix" Tarquin, Chief Tactical Officer

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     –  Last edited by Allan Hood; Tue 11 Dec, 2018 10:42 PM.
    Lt. Commander Biiqs "Bix" Tarquin
    Chief Tactical Officer

    Name:  biiqstarquin.jpg
Views: 360
Size:  22.4 KB

    Character Information

    Gender : Male

    Species : Bolian

    Age : 40

    Physical Appearance

    Height : 1.88 meters

    Weight : 117Kg

    Hair Color : None

    Eye Color : Cobalt Blue

    Physical Description :

    Tall and broad shouldered, a strong build with a generous midsection. He looks like a retired human athlete who has allowed some pounds to grow with age.


    Spouse : None (strained relationship with one-time fiance Lysa Carron)

    Children : None

    Father : Bors Tarquin

    Mother : Binot Tarquin

    Brother(s) : Las Tarquin, Tembrii Taquin, Rash Tarquin

    Sister : Abene Miral-Tarquin

    Other Family : Haken Tarquin (Favorite Uncle) Garrot Tarquin (Grandfather)

    Personality & Traits

    General Overview :

    Like many Bolians, Biiqs possesses an easy going, friendly nature. His presense is easily identified by his rumbling bass voice, often telling a story or humming a tune. He has a wealth of experiences from his decades of Starfleet service, and often employs a sardonic wit in relating them. Biiqs enjoys the company of others and learning new things. He does have a private side, however, frequently cloaking his true feelings on subjects, even sometimes from himself.

    Strengths & Weaknesses :

    Biiqs is a hard worker, able to focus on the task ahead of him until completion. As most of his race, he is congenial and works well with others, always attempting to draw out the best in his comrades.

    Biiqs is very good at blinding himself to facts that he does not wish to see when they do not fit his own internal monologue. This manifests chiefly in his personal life. Although he is able to maintain great relations with his fellow crew, his ability to maintain good relationships with close family and love interests is strangely poor. Intimacy with others is an uneasy process. He senses that it may have something to do with his wartime experiences, but has never discussed any of this with counselors.

    Ambitions :

    Biiqs has no lofty ambitions, but simply desires to be needed. He desires to be a part of a functioning team in which to apply his skills. He does enjoy a challenge, however, and embraces leadership opportunities.

    Hobbies & Interests :

    Biiqs has an innate curiosity to find out how things work, both technically and socially. He likes to study social interactions, and can sometimes be overly curious and prying. He is also a fan of music, particularly Bolian trading songs, Klingon Opera, and a few obscure historical Terran styles. Although he loves to sing, his actual skill level is plainly amateur and flawed. He also greatly enjoys learning about various sporting events from different cultures, and the metaphors they express about life in general.


    Personal History :

    Born in in Sheridan, Wyoming, Biiqs Tarquin always looked to the stars. The high prarie land and scenic Bighorn mountains held no joy for him, neither did the strange, pastoral life of his father, Bors Tarquin, an agricultural scientist. Bors was the scion of a powerful shipping family on Bolarus IX, and expected to take over the reins of the company. However, he was content to leave the family business and carve out a different sort of life for his young family. Together with his wife, Binot Tarquin, a reknowned agricultural scientist as well, the two used their sprawling ranch in Big Horn, Wyoming as a testbed for new crops and genetically modified herd animals for the Federation's far flung colonies. However, their youngest son Biiqs felt stifled and hopelessy bored, with a strong desire to live a roaming life among the stars. Something like it developed, as the family spent several years directly assisting settlements on Gault, Sherman's Planet, Cestus III, and other planets, however every new world brought not adventure, but just another farm.

    The two were frequently at odds with each other over chores and duties and responsibilities. Biiqs would be asked to perform basic maintenance on a piece of farming equipment and later be found with disassembled pieces of it strewn around him, holding up a day's work. And his head always seemed above the clouds, studying vessel blueprints and shipping routes instead of animal husbandry and grain types. Bors continued to push his son to be practical and to take care of the tasks in front of him. He relented once, letting Biiqs accompany his Uncle Haken on a trade expedition for eight months. Rather than letting Biiqs get the wanderlust out of his system, it reinforced it, and left him more miserable.

    At seventeen, the two had a falling out and Biiqs left the planet, taking a berth on a trade vessel in need of an extra hand. He would not talk to his father for several years. When he did, he learned that his fathers overbearing ways were deliberate, in order to force him into becoming his own man, as he did himself in rebelling against his own family profession.

    Later that year, Biiqs decided to enroll at the Starfleet's Technical Academy on Mars, enlisting in Starfleet. He felt as if he'd finally found his element, and studied hard. Graduating with high marks, he was rated an Able Crewman and posted on the USS Biko, a venerable Oberth class science vessel. There, he applied himself under the tutelage of its Chief Engineer, the hard-nosed old bear Sergei Alimov.

    A posting as a weapons maintenance technician on the USS Cairo followed. During the posting, he saw action in the border skirmishes toward the close of the Cardassian Wars, and earned a commendation on his record. He was recommended for Starfleet Academy by his commanding officer, Edward Jellico.

    Influenced by the border skirmishes and encouraged by his Captain, Biiqs decided to pursue Tactical as his vocation. He ultimately completed Advanced Tactical Training and graduated the academy at Lt. JG.

    Service on the USS Tian An Men followed, as a relief tactical officer. Biiqs was part of the crew during it's disappearance in late 2373, in which it was severely damaged during a Jem Hadar attack and forced to hide in the Hugora Nebula for a grim 6 months.

    By far the darkest part of the war for Biiqs was his time on Ronara Prime, as part of a Starfleet crew manning the defensive emplacements on the planet. It was subject to relentless probing attacks by the Jem Hadar, which worked to whittle down the personnel and the morale.

    Following the war, and a month of leave, Biiqs was assigned to Starbase 234 as part of the security force and Tactical Operations team. It was challenging work, as the area along the Federation - Klingon border had become increasingly lawless due to the two factions rebuilding from the Dominion War. As things began to settle down to more manageable levels, Biiqs began to yearn to travel amongst the stars. He received a transfer to the USS Lakota, and most recently, secured a post upon the USS Ares for his first deep space exploration mission.

    Service Record :
    2358-2360 USS Biko (Crewman- Technician 1st Class)

    2360-2367 USS Cairo (Technician 1st Class - Chief Petty Officer)

    2367-2370 Starfleet Academy (Graduated Lt. JG)

    2370- 2374- USS Tian An Men (Lt. JG)

    2374 (6 Months) Starbase 375 (Lieutenant)

    2375 Ronara Prime (9 months) (Lieutenant)

    2376 - 2378 Starbase 234 (Lt. Commander)

    2380-2381 - USS Lakota (Lt. Commander)