“ Jack had a great week. After graduation he got the opportunity to travel back home for a few days and to spend some time together with his family, friends and loved ones. Everyone was very proud of him and wanted to touch this golden Ensign's pip at least twice during his visit.
Other - PvE Event Took place Fri 11 Aug, 2023 6:00 PM
“ The Lord of The Rings Online is an MMO based in the epic fantasy world created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Set during the War of The Ring you can follow Frodo to Mount Doom, run around Rohan behind Aragorn or relax at The Prancing Pony with a pint of Butterbur’s finest ale. For some of the endgame content... ”
“ Cryptic is pretty bad about announcing these consoles getting unbound from specific ships. Usually if there is a Legendary ship released in a given ship line, they'll go through and look at that kind of thing since they put all those old consoles on the new Legendary ship. It doesn't always... ”
“ I've used it on warbirds on my one romulan character since legacy of romulus, I'm just happy I get to pull it out of the bank and play around with it again
It's a classic and it's a lot better than it looks.
I might have to go through my tier 1-5 reclaims to see if there's anything else... ”
“ I know it's early days and they haven't released the set yet but in their video, the warp core gets thrown at an enemy and explodes for next to no damage. When our own ship's warp core breaches, it takes the whole ship with it so there shouldn't be anything left of an enemy vessel. Meh, I'm tired... ”
“ That would at least explain the set bonuses. The Particle Manipulator trait already adds +50% CritH for exotic abilities, so at best the 2-pc might be useful for an entry level space wizardry build. The 3-pc ability of ejecting a warp core and flinging it at your enemies evokes Shaxs from Lower... ”