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Star Trek Expanse: U.S.S. Columbus Ships' Logs

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NeoTrident, Tue 26 Aug, 2014 1:36 PM
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    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    Security Officers Log: A routine check was ordered by the XO on the status of Bridge hand Phasers followed by a check of all charge levels of Phaser Riffles in the main Transporter room. No malfunctions or errors to report.

    Our entry into the Markonian expanse was not without incident, a subspace tear ripped through space directly in our flight path resulting in critical damage to the tactical systems. Repairs are still under-way but heavy damage was taken to the torpedo systems with only a single forward launcher in operation. Phaser are also severely damaged with only 21% effectiveness, it is doubtful the phasers can be fully repaired without an EVA.

    Personal Log: I inadvertently ignored the XO today, my very first bridge duty and I go an do something like that, it was embarrassing! Thankfully that was my only lapse in attention and the rest of the duty shift went without much personal embarrassment, that is until I was ordered off the bridge to check the phaser rifles, honestly as if Moorey didn't know already... it bet it was just to clear me off the bridge.

    If only this was a Klingon ship...

    After the subspace tear damaged the ship, thankfully with only minor injuries, we had a lot of work to do repairing the tactical systems; despite Moorey's earlier actions we did manage to work effectively on the problem but I suppose that's Starfleet training for you. I did get a small amount of satisfaction from the Chief Tactical Official walking in on the Captain and Tallera believing an explosion had occurred in the ready room, it probably wasn't a good idea to laugh out loud about it mind you.

    A ship is coming through the tear... end log entry.

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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Wed 27 Aug, 2014 10:33 AM.
    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    Chief Tactical Officers Log, Supplemental: Today, certainly has been an odd day. We have only just entered the expanse and already, we are encountering a number of issues. I ordered my new security officer, Ensign Konya, to check all of the phaser rifles in Transporter Room 1, as I would like to be prepared for anything now that we are in an unknown area of space.

    A subspace tear opened in our flight path, an unsual and completely unstable occurrence - after its opening most of the tactical systems were either disabled, or critically damaged, myself and Konya have been working most of the day to try and get the phasers back online. After a lot of hard work, from both myself and Konya, foreward and ventral phaser arrays are back online, with an overall power output of 21% - which is totally unacceptable, but that is what we have to deal with. At least Foreward and aft torpedo launchers are operational, although I did notice a issue with the torpedo guidance protocol - this I will have to fix tomorrow.

    Sadly, most of the tactical systems won't be fully operational until we can EVA onto the ships hull, and replace the outer phaser emitters - I estimate total repairs, to bring all tactical systems back to 100% would be at least 3 days. With Konya's help, I am confident that we can get the systems back online without further incident.

    A Klingon ship responded to our distress call, incredibly quickly I might add, and now we have a permanent guest on our ship - a Klingon Female Engineer - and now that her ship is destroyed, I can only wonder what trouble she may cause, especially as she is the only Klingon on a Starfleet vessel.

    Chief Tactical Officer's Personal Log: My new security officer, Ensign Rennan Konya, made a slip up today on the bridge and ignored our XO...this is something that she will not soon forget. In an attempt to get the young Ensign out of the situation, I asked him to check the Phaser Rifles in the Transporter Room. Even though I already knew they were operational, and calibrated, I didn't want my newest officer on Commander Kedair's bad books, especially as he only came on board 5 days ago at Starbase 237.

    Shortly after entering this, expanse, a subspace tear opened in front of our ship, causing major damage to tactical systems, and a number of other key systems... but where did it come from? All that matters now, is that I must work on getting the tactical systems back online. Whilst Konya is young, and inexperienced, he proved very useful when repairing the Phaser Arrays, at least I now know that he is quite technical, and knowledgeable about all of our tactical systems.

    We also met some Klingons today, after sending out a distress call on our short range subspace transmitter - the only one still operational - a Klingon ship responded. Whilst we are still allies, I was troubled by the thought that they responded so quickly, have they been following us? They sent over a engineer to assist with our repairs, a rather ugly woman with a huge body...jesus, I wouldn't want to be around her for too long.

    I also made the mistake of running into the ready room, whilst the Captain and Tellera were discussing something, after hearing an explosion from inside the room...apparently there was none. That being said, I would rather have embarrassed myself and nothing be wrong, than to have not done anything and have one or both of the officers injured.

    Throughout the remainder of the day, I worked with Konya and we managed to repair most of the tactical systems, but only to a minimal degree. It seems like the next couple of days, are going to be filled with mindless repairs...oh boy, this missions has come off to a good start. End log.
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    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    The USS Columbus set of on its first deep space assignment to explore the Markonian Expanse. Admiral Necheayev has informed me that this mission is paramount to beginning a new wave of exploration following the Dominion War. We are on are way to the Markonian Belt at Warp 8 and will be arriving shortly; in the meantime Operations Officer Tallera has prepared a briefing on the Markonian Expanse. After working with this crew for 2 weeks, I can already see something special from them all.

    After crossing the belt into the Markonian Expanse a massive subspace tear has ripped through the sector. the resulting shockwave has left the Columbus without warp drive or long range communications. We have sent out a short range distress signal. We're investigating the tear and how it was formed, but with teams engaged in damage control, there is little space for science.

    The Klingon vessel which answered our short range communications has been destroyed by a torpedo which has come through the rift. Following it was a giant vessel which is of unknown origin to us.... End Log
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     –  Last edited by Solace; Mon 01 Sep, 2014 1:48 PM.
    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    Security Officer's LOG: Chief Petty Officer James Scott
    This is my first assignment as security officer on the U.S.S. Columbus, it seems not everything is going as expected, I've several run ins with Lieutenant Moorey. He doesn't understand my out burst during the confrontation with the Klingon Captain. I am a security officer and it is my job to ensure the safety of my commanding officer even it means insubordination. I am sure that my fellow security officer Konya has requested that I be removed from bridge duty. I can't say I blame him.

    Damage control from the confrontation with the alien vessel has been proceeding smoothly and these intrepid class starships can certainly take a pounding.

    PERSONAL LOG: James Scott
    Maybe if lay it out in my log it'll all make sense. I have a strong distaste for Lieutenant Moorey, He is blinded by duty and discipline. We all saw action during the dominion war, we all lost friends. I lost more than anyone can ever imagine. I failed in my duty, I was supposed to protect them from the Jem'Hadar but I failed I ran away and hid while they slaughtered my friends. I didn't have the guts to stand up and fire my weapon. They died because I failed.

    It was my job to protect them, I should have died with them. I WISH I had died with them. But now there is nothing, just moved on to the next assignment. No one on this crew can understand me. Lieutenant Moorey seems to have read my service record on how I "Valiantly defended AR-558 against impossible odds" when in reality I hid in a corner and watched my friends die. It seems I'm in the for the long run.... End Log.

    My outburst on the bridge during the conference with the Klingon captain and second guessing my commanding officer, will no doubt land me in deep trouble. Everything I said and did goes against my training as a Starfleet Officer. Once the Klingon captain has departed I imagine that the Captain will wish to speak to me further about this matter.

    I will most likely be taken off bridge duty for my actions. I have undermined my Captain and this is totally unacceptable. I remember reading about Captain Griffiths when he was only a commander in the academy. I aspired to be like him, he was my role model and I wanted to do everything in my power to protect the security of the Federation.

    I want to make command decisions but wearing the gold uniform means I don't get to make the decision. I will apologize to the Captain after our Klingon guest has departed. I know that Lieutenant Moorey will have more than a few words to say.. I wish he'd keep his nose out before I break it... End Supplemental.
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     –  Last edited by NeoTrident; Mon 01 Sep, 2014 11:55 AM.
    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    The ship coming out of the tear turned out to be far from friendly, it fired some type of phased cutting beam that bypassed our shields striking the hull directly. We had casualties and some fatalities on Deck 15 from a hull breach and Decks 3 and 10 from EPS relays exploding. Damage is mounting, shields are proving ineffective, tactical systems are in severe condition with limited Phaser capability and one torpedo launcher, however they built these Intrepid Class starships to last, I am confident the Columbus will pull through.

    After a temporary cover of Operations, work continued on the shield grid until the casualties on Deck 2 necessitated my attention, number of casualties and fatalities mostly the result of plasma burns, a temporary triage facility was set up in the mess hall until they could be moved to sickbay facilities.

    On returning to the bridge and continuing repair efforts, the Alien ship was continuing its assault however Lieutenant Mooray managed to send a feed back pulse back to the vessel through the cutting beam disabling them and forcing their retreat through the tear. However we are not out of the woods yet, a klingon task force is en route, no doubt wanting to find out what happened to their Bird of Prey. Most unfortunately however crewman Scott displayed a remarkable lack of discipline in questioning the captain during a conference with the klingon commander, this will not have helped the captain in any way as the klingons will see this as a weakness on the captains part.

    The Klingon commander has beamed aboard to review our ships logs, hopefully the captain can get us through this unscathed, we have taken quite a beating and the last thing we need is to face off against a klingon task force seeking the revenge of their destroyed Bird of Prey. I do have to wonder however, how come the Bird of Prey was so quick to respond to our distress call, and further, what is a Klingon Task Force doing in the expanse in such strength and so close to our position.

    We had a lot of casualties today and a few fatalities, I had hoped not to see scenes like this again so soon after the war had finally ended. The burns were horrific, the ships doctor will have their work cut out for them when she regains conciousness after the initial attack incapacitated him. I hope the EMH is up to the task until then, his visual files appear to damaged as he looks like a klingon, lets also hope thats as far as the errors go and our guests avoid sickbay...

    I have made a request to the engineering teams to more clearly label the jefferies tube junctions, officially because they are unclear but unofficially... I got so lost I ended up back on the bridge from deck two. Although my search for the commander was in vain, I am relieved she managed to make her way to the bridge and relative safety.

    I was impressed with Moorays quick thinking today in a unique solution against the Alien vessel, hopefully I can develop such skills in the coming mission.

    I have recommended to Lieutenant Mooray that crewman Scott be taken off of Bridge duty, his actions showed a significant lack of discipline however more concerning was his indication that all klingons are ugly, frankly that sort of attitude for the visual description of an alien species is not up to the standards of starfleet and distressing considering they were and continue to be our allies from the Dominion war. We should avoid having him in contact with our Klingon guests. I don't have access to his record but knowing Mooray I doubt he would of been selected for this ship had he known about these personality traits, it begs the question, is his record even accurate...

    I have made a note that tactical systems need to take priority, the number of klingon ships around us and the threat of ships coming through the tear is high. While the Klingons are our allies, relations are not as they once were since the brief war between us just prior to the dominion war. I have served with honorable klingons in the past during the war with the Dominion, I hope the ones with us now are equally honorable.
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     –  Last edited by Adster94; Wed 03 Sep, 2014 9:20 AM.
    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    We engaged, or rather were engaged by the unknown alien vessel, almost as soon as it finished off the Bird of Prey. The weapons they use are like nothing I have seen before...their cutting beam went straight through our shields, not even the Borg cutting beam straight away bypasses the shields. Thankfully, I found a way to send a feedback pulse through their cutting beam - which disabled their vessel for a short period of time.

    The ship has already taken heavy damage, most tactical systems are barely operational, and overall structural integrity is around 40 percent. With the amount of damage this ship has received, within only a few days on entering the expanse, it is going to prove difficult to continue our mission. That being said, I have confident in all of my staff, and the crew of the Columbus - she is a new ship, and she has proven herself more than worthy: we will pull through.

    After a few minor repairs, and a short period of time the alien vessel showed signs of life again. Sensors can't penetrate the hull of the enemy vessel, the only thing that can be detected is the buildup of energy from their cutting beam. As sensors are practically useless against the ship, except for knowing it's there, I had to use visual analysis to locate what looked like weapons ports, and engines.

    They quickly came back online, and renewed their assault only this time...the feedback pulse I used previously was less effective. I quickly reacted, and the Captain wanted me to fire back: I managed to accurately fire upon their cutting beam array, with a few phaser shots we disabled their weapons systems.

    By this point, we had detected 3 vessels coming at us from high warp, with sensors limited to short range only, all we knew was they were on their way. The alien vessel quickly retreated back into the subspace tear. Shortly afterwards, the vessels dropped out of warp - they were the Klingons.

    Whilst we are allies, it doesn't make sense. The first Bird of Prey responded to our distress call remarkably quickly, and now taskforce isn't too far's nice to see our allies, but I can't help but think this situation is too odd...

    I am having some problems with Chief Petty Officer Scott...he is disobedient, he talks back, gives his opinion when he isn't asked for one, in general: he lacks discipline. Whilst I know that he lost a lot of friends during the Dominion War...we all did, I can't think of a single soul on this ship who didn't lose someone during the war.

    I am going to try and make sure that the Chief doesn't set foot on the bridge again, especially considering how he acted when the Captain was talking to the Klingon Commander. It seems that I am going to have to talk to him, and soon, otherwise he is going to end up being thrown in the brig for the rest of the trip.

    His service record, especially during the war was very impressive, but what has happened? There is no note of disobedience, nor a lack of discipline...had there been I would have advised the Captain not to bring him on board. To be honest, it was his choice, I thought we were fine, in terms of combat veterans...but for some reason he wanted him to come on board - I only hope that the Captain was right.

    Whilst I would never say it openly, I am very concerned about the Klingons: why are they following us? I know they are our allies, but Klingons aren't interested in exploration, so why follow an exploration expedition? Either way, it's nice to think we have got backup - especially after recent events. Our ship is heavily damaged, I unsure whether we have lost anyone, but we have still taken heavy damage. It'll take a lot of work to get the tactical systems fully operational, and it would be even more for the rest of the ship.

    Whilst I miss the Venture, the Columbus is a fine ship, with a fine crew: I am sure we will pull through this, I only hope that Lieutenant Aleana doesn't get injured...don't know what I would do if that happened. All that being said, stick to the mission, and what we are out here for. My job is to keep everyone safe, and make sure we are able to defend ourselves, and that is what I intend to do...
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    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    Security LOG: James Scott
    The Columbus has landed on an alien planet to commence negotiations with the Flanigians, a relatively peaceful race, who have expressed an interest in joining the federation. They have sent aboard their ambassador Joneth Tew and his aide Feengar. I don't trust those two, I've heard rumors of civil unrest on the planet, but we are representatives of the Federation and I will continue to do my duty.

    This incident with the ambassador of the Flanigians being a member of the xenophobic group that tried to destroy the Columbus and the first city of Flanigar! But thanks to swift action by the crew we were able to capture them and prevent them from carrying out their task.

    PERSONAL LOG: Crewman James Scott
    Over the last several weeks, Lieutenant Moorey has taken me under his wing to try and help me see the past the hurt and anger from the dominion war. Its been about 3 weeks and I've really gotten to know the lieutenant and I have to say he his far from the man I pinned him to be when I first encountered him.

    Under his personal tutelage I have finally started to move past the hatred for what I done during the war. The Columbus is a fine ship and I am proud to serve aboard her. It seems that since I and the Lieutenant have became friends I have been trusted with more and more duties each day. He even convinced the Captain to allow me to return to bridge duty even though last time I almost caused a diplomatic incident!

    I have noticed the crew have been warming up to me somewhat in recent weeks, especially the lovely Jadzier Sato in engineering. This incident with the ambassador of the Flanigians being a member of the xenophobic group that tried to destroy the Columbus and the first city of Flanigar! But thanks to swift action by the crew we were able to capture them and prevent them from carrying out their task.

    I am slightly worried by Ensign Konya's distrust for me, I understand that I violated regulations but he seems to hold a grudge against me. I am going to keep my distance from him for the time being as its probably the best course of action.

    On another note, I'm unsure of how to approach Chief Sato, I can't even be sure she's interested but I have to admit I've felt something for her, I just hope noone finds out.

    Eng Log.
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    SHIPS' LOGS 2375

    HELM OFFICER LOG: Ensign James Scott
    Helm officers log, the Columbus has been sent to carry out a survey of a class 9 nebula Satori Cluster. We have encountered a Jem'Hadar attack ship. It retreated into the nebula. The captain has sent the First Officer on a shuttle with Jadzier Sato. I have been ordered to hold position 150KM from the asteroid field where the attack ship disappeared. I can only hope the commander makes it back okay...

    PERSONAL LOG: Ensign James Scott
    I have been asked to temporarily resume the role of Bridge Officer. I prefer working as a security officer but the captain felt my skills would serve me better as the temporary helm officer. We have encountered a Jem'Hadar attack ship. It retreated into the nebula. The captain has sent the First Officer on a shuttle with Jadzier Sato. I have been ordered to hold position 150KM from the asteroid field where the attack ship disappeared. I can only hope the commander makes it back okay...