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[Discussion] - How did you do in the Kobyashi Maru? (Non-STO related) (RP)

Started By:
DeWolfe, Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:12 AM
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     –  Last edited by DeWolfe; Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:16 PM.
    The Kobyashi-Maru

    It is the most revered test in all of Starfleet. An examination that not only tests the students but also the instructors as the choices their students make, reflect upon what they are teaching to them. In the Empire I must assume there is a equivalent version of this trial.

    You are all Captains of a starship, you have faced this notorious exam. We all have and we all have enough clearance to talk about it.

    1. Did you try to save the ship in distress?
    2. How did it go?
    3. What Happened?

    in example,

    I took the test twice before leaving satisfied with a grade I could live with.

    The first time I took the test,

    When the Maru called for help, A idea formed between myself and my XO, and we decided to remain on the edge of Federation space. We discovered quickly in the Maru's files that the Maru was using an LCARs operating system with a known vulnerability to us. We exploited that vulnerability to access her computer directly and found out there were no lifeforms aboard other than Romulans on the internal sensors. Using the exploit we removed all safety interfolds between the Maru's matter/antimatter intermix chamber and blew the ship. The result was catastrophic for the cloaked Romulan vessels that lay in ambush.

    This was seen as cheating, but more so an insult to our instructors as they had not programmed in those details in the sensor matrix as they already thought the sensors were useless because of the leaking plasma and irradiated area. So in result our performance was rated unsatisfactory, however we were given a commendation for ingenuity. We also learned such exploits of the LCARs system were not allowed to be used in future examinations.

    The second time I took the test,
    before we could repeat the exam we were advised by our lecturers that the Maru was crewed by innocent civilians despite what tricks we used to peek inside. Armed with this information my crew and I decided the lives of the Civilians aboard the Maru were less expendable than ours as we entered the service knowing each mission could be our last, the civilians were not in the military and so were to be protected.

    We managed to buy enough time for the Maru however, our ship and crew were lost with all hands. I celebrated our deaths with my crew, with Earth Pizza and perhaps unhealthy quantities of non-synthahol beverages. Luckily there was a mandatory stand down of two weeks for physical and psychological fatigue after we took the test.
    So Captains, or Commanders of your respective ships. Please, tell us how you did on the Kobyashi Maru?

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     –  Last edited by Solace; Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:42 AM.
    Admiral Owen Richards:
    "The Kobayashi Maru? God, it was so long ago that I was a raw cadet. Well back then I was a brash and eager cadet very much in need of seasoning. I thought I was the best and nothing could stop me not even the no win scenario. Well my class and I entered the simulator and I took my place in the captains chair.

    All was quiet for about 10 minutes and we were plodding along charting astronomical phenomena. Then my communications officer chirped up "Captain we're recieving a priority one distress call" "On speakers" - "This is the Kobayashi Maru 19 periods out of Altair Six, we've struck a gravitic mine and lost all power, we've taken heavy casualities."

    "Helm locate the Koybashi Maru." "Sir I've located the Koybashi Maru, she's 1.5 light years to the port bow" "Adjust course to intercept." Then that damned Vulcan cadet in our class L'vor piped up.. "Sir the Koybashi Maru is located 900KM past the border of the Klingon Neutral Zone, if we cross the border the Klingons will consider it an act of war"

    It was then I took pause.. and I thought it about it for a second. "Mr L'vor I don't care about the Klingon Borders right now, those are Federations citizens and they require assistance and it is our duty to provide it! Helm intercerpt course to the Koybashi Maru"

    *ding.... ding..... ding* *the Bridge was silent save the navigational marker pings on the comms* "Captain I must remind now that we are now in violation of the Klingon Peace Treaty." "Understood Lieutenant".

    "Captain 3 Klingon birds of prey decloaking directly ahead! They are raising shields and powering forward disruptors!" "Red alert arm Phasers and Photons, lock targets." "Engineer begin transport of survivors from the Kobayashi Maru" "Aye sir.."

    "Comms open a channel to the lead vessel"
    "Channel open sir"
    "Klingon vessels this Captain Richards of the U.S.S. Enterprise we are currently engaged in rescue operation..... *bridge console explodes* "Klingons have fired!"

    "Return fire" *more explosions*.. *simulator door opens*

    "Well done Cadet Richards.. You're dead and so is your entire crew and the crew of the Kobayashi Maru"

    "Sir, this is not a fair a situation! There was no way I could win!"

    "Cadet, remember that one day you may face a no win scenario and it may require great sacrifice from you and your crew.. but sometimes its good to remember something Spock said 200 years ago. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".

    "Yes sir.."

    I never worked up the courage to try the simulator again, terrified that by letting my crew die I was going to be terrible captain someday, but look at me now! Admiral. I feel old now. Anyway thank you Commander. *nods*
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    Hmm, what's that Ensign? The test? Which test? Ahh that one. Lemme tell you something, it's not everyday that a medical cadet takes the test but I do remember it vividly.

    ***When the Kobayashi Maru called for help, we contacted them back to establish their position. They told us that after the mine struck, they had drifted to Gamma Hydra section 7, well within the Neutral zone. I asked them why they were even in the region of the Romulan Neutral Zone if they had left Altair 6. Their response was that there had been a navigation error and they had hit the mine whilst at warp which had knocked them into the Neutral Zone. Sensor readings were inconclusive.

    I thought about it for a moment as it sounded sketchy as all hell, then I made up my mind. "I'm sorry Maru but you're on your own."

    "WHAT!" came the reply, echoed by most of the fellow cadets on the bridge.

    Cadet Rakshan at the helm turned, "But they're federation civilians stranded and in desperate need of help! We have to go get them!"

    I gazed at him, "And violate the Romulan - Federation treaty?"

    Cadet Hopkins at the science station piped up, "It's only a quick hop into the zone, they'd never know we were there."

    Rumbles of agreement came from around the bridge, except for Cadet Kuriakin, acting as the XO, who had remained stony silent.

    I took a breath, "I will not violate a treaty and risk interstellar war on a whim. Risk millions of lives for the sake of 300. Ops, contact Starfleet command and advise them of the situation. This is a job for the diplomats. Helm, place a marker buoy and resume course for Starbase 112."

    Cadet Rakshan stood up, "We cannot leave those people." The babble of voices agreeing was cut through by Kuriakin's bellow, "THIS IS MUTINY!"

    Kuriakin looked straight at me as the bridge fell silent, "Captain, would you like me to have these mutineers escorted to the brig?"

    I sat down, "Ahh, no I don't think we'll need that."

    Rakshan had sat back down, "Captain.." he began.

    Kuriakin zeroed his attention on the Bolain cadet, "Has given you an order, cadet. Now you either follow it, or I will have you escorted from the bridge. The same goes for the rest of you. All starfleet asks for is our best, but if the best you have to offer is insubordination or mutiny, then I fervently wish to never serve with any of you."***

    We completed the run to Starbase 112 without further incident. Did I pass the scenario? No, not a chance in hell. Did I take it again? Yes but that's another story entirely. What's that? Oh, Gregor Kuriakin? He was made Captain of the Aristotle about three years ago. I'm having dinner with him next month. Now, scoot along Ensign, I have a hospital ship to command.
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