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[Announcement] - Ten Forward Weekly Summary

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Jestersmith, Thu 26 Aug, 2021 3:46 PM
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     –  Last edited by Noram; Thu 30 Sep, 2021 2:46 PM.
    Isn't that the point? The dude bought the 3d file from Mark Rademaker?

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    I'm confused. I have a Romulan character (old Delta recruit from the first time around) and they are wearing a Starfleet uniform. The BOFFs can't access it, but they do seem to have the Picard variant available for them.
    Yeah, my Rom captain can wear SF stuff too. Thought that was normal....
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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Thu 07 Oct, 2021 11:37 AM.
    Ten Forward Weekly 07/10/21

    • This week was a Halloween event play through and Infinity Promo Ship preview
    • Halloween event took 2 years to come to fruition.
    • Cats Paw was decided a year and a half ago.
    • They had other ideas for event some ideas have been retained for adding future contents to new event.
    • inspiration for content comes from classic thrillers and horrors hammer horror style not overall blood and gore.
    • Halloween event has gives you 3 paths so you have multiple possibilities when in a run
    • Ground melee tanks could be useful in new event
    • Spotify being setup for STO and all PW games
    • Candles are optional objectives there are others so keep eyes peeled.
    • Tactics needed in run so PUGs may be hard work to start
    • voice over not the normal person for event
    • anything that works as a light source should work in new event
    • No accolades in new event but plan is to do similar as 1st contact day and add a new piece to the event each year
    • Proton pack or weapons will be effective in run
    • Mo Made new ship
    • With Kate Mulgrew tweet to Thomas will she be coming to STO is a no that was a personal thing.
    • New ship infinity R&D and Doff Promo pack
    • Armstrong class in game is called the Kirk Class and essentially a constitution class ship and none modifiable with older connies
    • Blog out Thursday for info and dates
    • Not all 32nd ships will be lock box ships
    • Ship based on reference from ship based on show model used exact model from show

    Had to shoot out part way through doing by time i got back Reddit one was done so took the rest from Reddit to get post up.

    Taken from Reddit

    • New Halloween event
    • Based on TOS episode Catspaw
    • TFO based more on vintage horror tropes from Hammer movies rather then modern horror tropes like fountains of blood everywhere
    • TFO has multiple paths to take
    • Story of the mission: some of the Old Ones have returned to the galaxy to continue their original mission of exploration/study/discovery. Devidians have shown up to cause issues/steal the Old One's transmuters
    • TFO has new organ music
    • Enemies include skeletons. Skeletons are invulnerable in shadow, take damage in light.
    • Cryptic working on getting Spotify set up for Perfect World games for various in-game music
    • TFO has several secret optional objectives
    • Optional objectives are finding 13 black cats, and lighting 34 candles
    • Skeletons have visual cues to tell if they are vulnerable or not. Red = invulnerable. Yellow = vulnerable
    • Cryptic has found that, with recent TFOs that involve tactics/mechanics, people start off saying no one gets it, but after a week or so most people get it
    • Skeleton lord boss. Has a big shout attack that knocks back. Sword melee attack. What looks like some red chain ranged attack.
    • TFO objective is to collect artifacts/rescue old ones to open the way to the Devidians. Artifacts are a blue candle, a bell, and book
    • Black cats randomly pop up across the map
    • Witch enemies
    • Getting three heads into the dialog box for the Elder witches was one of the most difficult parts of the TFO
    • Ghost librarian NPC. Makes rude comments about the various books you pick up
    • Library room has a puzzle with random books needing to be placed on various shelves in order to proceed. Order is different each time you play it
    • Other puzzles in the second pathway not shown off
    • Plan is to add new things to the Halloween event every year like they have been doing FCD
    • Elder Witch boss fight. Witches are invulnerable until you damage a giant skull above their cauldron. Witches can turn players into cats that have an aura that take down player shields
    • Bonnie-Kin!
    • Final boss Devidian lord
    • Players get phase shifted and have to sabotage Devidian devices to make him vulnerable/do damage
    • Paul(writer) asked about if Discovery characters will have special dialog in the current arc due to Killy supposedly killing us "reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated" Says it will be explained
    • Don't read too much into the thing Thomas did for Kate Mulgrew
    • New infinity ship: Kirk class, aka Armstrong class from DSC S3
    • Ship cannot be modified with Connies due to size differences
    • Not all 32nd century ships will be lockbox ships
    • Saucer floats off of the secondary hull
    • Cryptic got the official show model and shaved off polygons until it fit into STO
    • Ship is huge compared to the normal Connie. Around the size of the Vengeance
    • Official name from CBS is the Constitution class. Cryptic didn't want to call it that because they already have 7 ships with that class, but wanted to imply linage by calling it the Kirk class like they did with the Janeway class
    • Type 7A material will be added to other ships as they remaster/work on them
    • Ship materials have to done by hand, and per ship piece, so its not easy to just apply to each ship
    • Trait "Risk is our Business": When activating captain abilities 2,623 temp hp for 10 sec per fore within 5km(max 10) and add threat if in threatening stance
    • Console "Field-Replicated Buster Pods": minimum +19 all damage resist when shields at 100%. Scaled up to +57 when shields at 0%
    • Launches 5 buster pods, will chose a random foe after launch. 6,915.9 kinetic damage(50% shield pen) in a 10KM cylinder toward and through target. 3,146.7 kinetic damage(50% shield pen) within 2km of detonation point. 2 min recharge
    • Console not based off of anything
    • Ship is a temporal ship. While 32nd century has outlaws time travel, they haven't done so with messing with temporal mechanics. So what better ship then one named after Kirk
    • Approval process for LD content has been longer due to animated nature
    • Lower Decks staff told Cryptic to make uniforms more flat to more closely match the animated style because they looked too realistic originally
    • Cell shaded vanity shield is something Thomas isn't particularly interested in because of it clashing with the rest of the game
    • Would be more likely to do cell shaded something if its part of an event and the whole map is like that
    • Jeremy/system is aware of feedback on pure carriers being "useless" Jeremy finds that a subjective opinion, and theres no plans to modify them right now. but, if given the time, they might make changes in the future
    • Mirror Guardian cruiser was delayed for remastering by Thomas since he thought it didn't hold up visually/didn't match with the other new mirror ships. Revamp will cover both normal and mirror version
    • Mudd's announcement coming out Thursday
    • Unlikely to have random invasions of social zones like ESD because people who just want to go to ESD would find that annoying. More likely to do a TFO based around defending ESD
    • Lots of ships coming up. Jeremy schedules for livestreams nearly every week. Thomas thinks we will be excited for the stuff they have coming down the pipe.
    • Winter ship already decided. More ships coming out between now and then.

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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Mon 18 Oct, 2021 12:15 PM.
    Did not get around to watching last weeks ten forward so this summary is all reddit

    Ten Forward Weekly 14/10/21

    • When asked whats the most challenging part of the game for systems
    • Jeremy: The ideation process in systems design is becoming harder and harder because A: They have already done it most likely. B: They have no idea if its fun.
    • Jonathan: Dealing with legacy decisions about systems and having to ask how new changes are going to affect it. Uses melee ground combat as an example. They can change things around the margins, but they can't really do much to change the fundamentals
    • Jeremy: Duty Officer system is difficult to change, and difficult to add new features that make it feel like part of the system instead of just feeling tacked on
    • All: Talked about how MMOs have changed in the 10+ years STO started. Most people don't want the old school kind of raids, and the need to make content most of the playerbase will enjoy makes doing the more crunchier raid kind of stuff impossible. They can make something thats meant to be general content, and maker it harder, but can't really designing something from the ground up to be raid like hard
    • Talked about how STO has a large base of invisible players who don't communicate on Streams/forums. Cryptic can't just listen to what Twitch chat/forums say they want or risk alienating the larger playebrase. They use the metric/statistics they gather to see what people want, but also know statistics can easily give you whatever answer you want if you ask the wrong question
    • Jeremy believes that PVP was based on flawed fundamentals, needs a complete overhaul on how it works to make it fun. Talked about using pre-made ships/gear/stat selections for PVP would basically be making another game. Also talked about how changing PVP would alienate the people who enjoy it for what it is, but trying to do both splits the playerbase. Jonathan wants to learn the PVP ecosystem and make smaller changes to nudge it in a better direction rather then make seismic changes
    • Bringing STO over to something like Unreal would require redoing all the art assets, all code, etc. Would take 2-3 years and they wouldn't be able to pt out any other content in that time. They dont feel like the return would be worth it on it
    • Subnucleonic Beam is something on Jonathan's radar to tweak in such a way that it wouldn't mess with PVE, but would help with PVP
    • Talked about making the "Bond of Life" trait. Its very modular, easy to add new things onto it in the future. Supports the ability to have pets level up individually. Looking into getting some of the creatures not available to everyone in places where everyone can get them
    • The actual implementation of ships is overly complex/archaic. Its not a system that does everything they want it to now, and does a lot more then is ever going to be used. Same for many tools.
    • Had a lot of people working on trying to fix EV suits. QA, systems, Kael, even Al, all at the same time. Patch might come out Friday
    • The Jem'Hadar tribble test was done to look at NPCs following their "beacons" that tell them where to go on the map, but are passing through solid walls/force fields that they aren't support to in the process. Were telling people to play missions to see if NPCs broke when they turned off the "emergency path-finding" system that was causing it
    • Weston has looked into why ships don't warp out sometimes and can't figure it out. A lot of that is based on early beta cutscene code that uses a different animation branch then the actual cutscenes
    • The tailor, instead of using its own lighting, instead uses the lighting on the map its on
    • In STO's game code male and female are different species like human/vulcan, so editing all clothing items to work with both male and female characters would require adding data to each species/gender by hand to make them use every piece of clothing. Talk about getting character artists better tools
    • Making all consoles unviersal would be easier, but still comes with issues/a lot of data work. Comes with precedence issues like people who have have bought a ship for the item exclusivity, and being unable to make things locked to ships in the future
    • All rep items being unable to be re-engineered is something they want to tackle, but they want to do it all at once rather then piecemeal
    • Warp cores being unable to be re-engineered because of a complexity to their design. They have no easy way to put into a spreadsheet to spit out RNG mods. Would require redoing them to get it to work. Something they want to do but haven't put aside the time
    • Kit frames can't be re-engineered for balance reasons. Crpyitc is aware kit performance/readiness mods are far more desirable then everything else and don't want to make it easy for everyone to run around with just that
    • Jonathan worked on a crafting systems rework pitch. Doing large scale systems revamps gets more expensive as the game gets old, making it harder to do them, and systems becoming more connected to each other also makes it harder
    • Cryptic began having discussions about the ever increasing DilEX back in late 2017/2018. The ever increasing cost to change things slowed down their ability to implement changes. They have ideas for things that are more game wide, but also have ideas to target the movers/shakers/top end who have a lot of diltihum, and are the ones most influencing the market/make the most zen change.
    • Its both a source and sink issue. Not only spending dil is needed, but also giving out less dilthium is also something that needs to be looked at. Changes to how they rewarded dil starting with ViL onward have been a big cause of the issue.
    • Have talked about large dil sinks like an infinitely scaling system that is dilithum based, and have talked about account wide refinement limits(not sure if they would do it because it might be too late in the game's lifespan for aco♥♥♥♥ wide refinement) But it all comes down to the cost of time.
    • The idea that Cryptic would make more money if they sold more ships at lower cost has never proven true. Ships like(the Oberth used as an example) people like them, but don't really buy them as much as they go after the ones for lockbox/lobi/R&D packs.
    • Jonathan wants an exponential dil system where "if you have so much dil you can ride into every room on an avalanche you can get reward for that" but to take that dil out of of the economy in the process. Like an ever increasing in size dil asteroid to where, by the time you get it up to level 10, you have removed a bunch of dil from the game in the process, and everyone is better off for it. These sorts of systems would do more then all the smaller things they have done/talked about, like vanity shields, combined.
    • Have taken the feedback about pass tokens being switched to dil to heart. Any future dil changes will be with things we actually engage with, but also isn't just going to be a sink, are going to make players feel like they are being rewarded.
    • Jonathan wants to make dil sinks that feel more like a community effort(very different from just another fleet holding) that gives players do more then they could before. Big problem is high end content isn't robust enough for so much of that.
    • Thomas has been pushing to get duty officers reduced/removed from fleet projects so people can start dumping dil into it.

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    No ten forward this week

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    Ten Forward Weekly 27/10/21

    • One of the new ships was originally going to be part of a larger bundle of ships that got split up
    • This bundle had an internal name that would probably not be considered polite
    • New ship T6 Nova
    • First thing Hector wanted to do with the T6 Nova was create a sense of direction like they try to apply to most STO ships. Instead of having a saucer and a hull he wanted to integrate everything to make it look more sturdy/directional
    • They did a lot of concept art sketches for the T6 nova, but couldn't/didn't want to steer too far from the general shape so they settled for something in between an arrowhead and a saucer. Got rid of the prongs, but left a dark space to give a feeling of prong being there
    • T6 Nova was modeled by Tobias Richter
    • "science cans" on the bottom of the hull are sensors/satellites the ship can deploy/return to scan planets as part of the Nova's mission of a planetary science ship(not actual gameplay function)
    • Hector tries to make nacelles like the Nova's look like wings
    • T6 Nova uses new Type 7A material
    • Guardian is about to get the 7A material
    • Going forward 7A will be default for T6 Fed ships coming out
    • T6 Nova console: Nucleogenic Igniter. +Starship shield regeneration and Starship control expertise. PBAoE Radiation DoT, Healing aura from enemies. Each foe within 10km gets radiation damage ever sec for 15 seconds. Allied within 2km of an affected foe gets hit points and shield regen. 2min recharge.
    • T6 Nova trait: Synthetic Good Fortune. Passive + 25 starship sector speed. On activation +5 starship control expertise and +.05% critical chance for 5 minutes(stacks up to 40 times when using pilot and control abilities)
    • Kael found out that spawning the mutant Hur'q from ViL on a map other then that one causes it to become an invisible, untargetable, monster
    • Console is not meant to be using the actual nucleogenic creatures from the show, just radiation. Its not a war crimes gun.
    • Eric Henry designed the new Saber class
    • EC Henry has done the Appalachia, Columbia, and the T6 DSC BoP, for STO, among others
    • Thomas thinks Eric has a cool style that he likes a lot, and likes that EC Henry thinks a lot about function, and adds a lot of Easter eggs on his ships that are inspired by real world ships and airplanes
    • Other new ship is a T6 Saber class
    • Some ships are built to have greebles and interior workings for the nacelles, and then put a transparent casing over them with an animated bit on them, which means vanity shields don't work on them because the bussard collector is a separate piece of geometry then the rest of the ship
    • T6 Nova's bussard collectors won't change, T6 Saber's will
    • T6 Saber is the Da Vinci class
    • Named after the Saber class from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers series of stories. Could have been named the Yeager, but they already have a Yeager class in STO due to Discovery.
    • Saber class got remastered in this update also
    • Eric's lore for the T6 Saber was that is was an update from the Allied Ship Design Board done in collaboration with the Cardassians
    • People mention the horseshoe crab look, which Thomas thinks is a cool template for starships
    • No plans to do any sort of connection for the Star Trek Lit verse's Coda event, but a STO character was in the novels as a reference since the author is a fan of STO
    • Change from Yellow to Red for Mirror ships was simply an aesthetic thing, several artists on the team didn't like the yellow and persuaded the lead artist to go to red. If they are trying to recreate something from the IDW Mirror comics they will go with the yellow, but STO era mirror ships will use red.
    • T6 Saber has new experimental weapon. Gatling Emitter. Rapid non-stop damage after spin up. After 3 sec lock on kinetic damage X4 per sec to foe until no longer valid target. 8 second recharge.
    • T6 Saber Trait: energy Overdrive. +100% flight speed and turn rate for 10 seconds. 10%-50% all damage with energy weapons for 10 seconds for using beam skills like beam overload
    • Design for Saber was looking at Escorts. Defiant is all about canons, and Akira is all about torpedoes, so Saber is about beams
    • T6 Saber console: Troyius Protocol. +outgoing hull healing - weapon power cost.
    • Troyius Protocol. Haste, Beam damage and Unkillable, then hull+shield heal and stealth. For first 6 seconds +30% energy damage 125% haste with energy weapons, unkillable. For remaining 8 seconds weapons offline, stealthed, restores 3% of max hull and shields each sec. When activating a hull heal +2% crit chance for 10 sec. 2 min recharge
    • Console is a reference to the novels. Da Vinci hid a whole plant Troyius from the Borg, console takes inspiration from that
    • No new news for DilEx this week. But answer question about buying account unlock starship traits would not be a long term solution since its a 1 and done kind of buy, and they need something more repeatable then that
    • Both ships are available in a bundle, and separate. Bundle will come with 2 FSMs, and 2 experimental ship upgrades
    • Unlikely to get a new faction any time soon
    • Experimental weapons tend to not be one of the main damage types to prevent feeling like you have to use one over the other
    • New ships come out next week
    • Can't talk about why the Mirror Guardian was delayed other then it was a necessity
    • Ian Richards added a lot more variance to damage states as part of the new ship explosion update. As your hull gets lower ship lights will flicker, and will get little explosions/plasma leaks/smoke trails. Damage materials were rebuilt as part of this update as well
    • Experimental weapons were added to add more viability to escorts. Due to dual cannons, and heavy cannons, they had fewer weapon slots then cruisers,. Experimental weapons helped make them on to par with the beam meta at the time, and to give escorts a unique feature like sci ships and cruisers have
    • Kael will ask about getting Mirror Runabout from charity event into the game
    • No real plans for more shuttle content. Kael admits its one of those sneak eating its own tail things like PVP
    • Asked about revamping shuttles themselves. Answer was maybe. Internal logic Kael has heard is that its a really not great feeling to be in a smaller version of your ship with less cool stuff.
    • Kael was in a meeting about something we are going to like, but OFC can't talk about it
    • Cryptic is currently working on some stuff like bringing old episodes back into the game
    • Cryptic is doing some DSC ship stuff that Thomas thinks is pretty interesting/complex. Might do a 32nd century saucer ship ship like Prometheus, but will probably wait to see what DSC does. Problem is that its too obvious given how everything floats and how you could do it with pretty much any 32nd ship
    • Thomas tends to shy away from those sorts of things because they end up being a large undertaking for many different groups to get it to work. He wants to save that time for when its required by canon, and the more they do it the less special it is.
    • Thomas thinks the Protostar is cool as a small starship like Franklin/Book's Ship. Thinks it fits in with the era the show is set, and sees a bit of JJ in the nacelles/struts
    • Will take a lot of effort from a lot of people to get it right when its added into STO(for the same reason as saucer sep ships do)
    • Hector thinks the ship "transform" thing looks amazing, and wants to know how it works/what its good for. Agrees with the JJ inspiration with the nacelles.
    • Thomas liked the new Excelsior from Lower Decks, and that Gomez was the captain. Things its unlikely it would work with current Excelsior if they added it to STO because its much bigger
    • Will see about the California class hull split when the ship gets added to STO. Thomas was sort of expecting it, but thinks several other devs don't think it would make for a good console power. Would be another thing that would take a lot of effort due to needing to essentially make two full ship models to get it to work. Question how faithful CBS would expect them to be if they did it like if pipes needed to match etc. Thomas has put a lot of thought into it.
    • CBS tends to be more picky about Lower Decks ship designs due to translating from cartoon style to realistic style. Haven't really had problems with anything they did with Discovery ships because its already realistic/live action.
    • Thomas doesn't really like the Yaeger. They could make the art, but pitching the time needed for systems team etc to make it really do something to Al is "another ball of wax"

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    Ten Forward Weekly 03/11/21

    • Cryptic has considered adding new ship specializations, but its not a high priority because the systems team is working on new ships, and other things
    • Cryptic has been talking about Khitomer Alliance stuff, and what they should do with it. Don't want to bundle ships together until there are at least three
    • Mirror us unlikely to have a voice because they don't want to imply our characters sound a certain way
    • As far as Kael knows Hearts and Minds is perma retired because people didn't like it, could bring it back if theres enough fan desire for it
    • Will follow up on Spock Volcano suit
    • Mirror Captains will be built differently then our characters
    • Crashes people are experiencing on character screen should be fixed tomorrow
    • No keybind to switch between armor and EV suit planned, will pass it onto the devs since its a good idea
    • Kael might have good news on more inventory slots and active ship slots in the future, Cryptic is testing stuff
    • Person they want for Mirror Emperor is in talks, and seems interested
    • Looking into blank squares on ship explosions
    • Not being able to customize ship weapons was originally a canon concern, but now that thats all out the window they are talking about changing the coding to allow it
    • Winter event ship in not a Fek'Ihri ship
    • Unlikely to see Mirror versions of our BOFFs
    • Cryptic can only use SAG actors
    • Would like to let people pick their transporter effects and such but thats a big coding issue
    • More options for alien gen not a super high priority right now
    • Getting the lore blogs into STO is 100% on Kael
    • Kael's initial idea for a Halloween event was taking Hearts and Minds, the Bonnie Kin mission, and Tenebris Torquent, and pairing them up as Halloween options. Andre Emmerson seemed receptive to it.
    • No plans for a next gen optimized version of STO, but it could change
    • No news on Steam wallet issues beyond they are looking into it
    • Will pass on ideas for Skeleton security team, and Old One DOFF, as future rewards
    • The delay for the Mirror Guardian is for a mundane reason, neither a good reason or a bad reason, he can't talk about
    • Unlikely to get a melee weapon slot
    • During the Pandemic Cryptic went to a permanent remote work style. The team now works across the country in Texas, California, Mass, Nevada, etc.
    • Its a long process to update character models, but theres some talks/work into getting some characters like Spock a face lift
    • Kael has passed on that people are looking for updates to classic uniforms to the character/art teams, so it might happen at some point
    • A good dil sink has to be repeatable, so a one off buy, or a per character buy, isn't very exciting for Cryptic
    • Kael has asked for contact dialogues to not decloak people since its frustrates him too. Not sure if it will happen
    • Items will be added to re-engineering as Jeremy gets time
    • Cryptic is working to get their music on Spotify
    • Playable DSC Andorians is closer then it has been in the past, but not as close as we would probably like
    • Kael would like to do a refresh of the Captain's Table
    • There have been talks about bringing more of the old patrols into the new patrol system menu
    • Might get a new Mudd's pack before the end of the year
    • Never likely going to get cross platform play for STO
    • Kael has been in weekly meetings in regards to how to fix the DilEx
    • Cryptic hasn't made a Mirror faction because their experience in all their games, not just STO, has shown most people don't want to play the badguy. Expansion for past games(City of Heroes), focused on badguys, and badguy missions in STO, have never done well.
    • Hopefully soonish for the cut Klingon War missions to come back.
    • Race/Gender/assignment reroll tokens would be super hard for STO
    • Cryptic doesn't do large scale attack events on social zones because they aren't fun for everyone, and many people just want to use the social zones normally.
    • Not sure if the Android uprising from Picard will ever come to STO because it was resolved before STO begins.
    • Cryptic looking to make a new game, holding a pitch event where employees can throw in ideas for prizes. Looking to plan out their next two games.
    • Kael has asked Perfect World to turn on twitch drops for STO, but that hasn't happened yet

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    Ten Forward Weekly 10/11/21

    • New infinity lockbox ship: United Earth Defense Force Vessel
    • Had some good reference from both the effects house and the CBS concept art. Took elements from both in the final design. Some on screen discrepancies were ignored(flying in a different direction in one scene)
    • Cryptic decided to "get weird" for the sake of appeal with the ship since there was no clear indication of what they should do with it, and they knew the deign would take getting used to because it was weird.
    • Ships has two commander rank spec seats. One of which is unviersal, other is tactical/command.
    • Ship is a warship in its mastery path, tactical primary, can use cannons etc, but its not a normal warship
    • About the same size as the Iconian Battleship(not dred)
    • Had to do tuning of the bank angle to make sure it looked right when turning
    • Coming out either the 16th or the 18th
    • Includes special 32nd century phasers(recolor of Vaadwaur polaron), unique color wont be made available anywhere else like the Jovian raider
    • New phaser colors on these two ships are purposefully not available elsewhere to judge how much people want new colors of existing weapons to see if they could do something like the vanity shield promo with weapon colors
    • Vanity weapons slot would be a massive tech ask Jeremy doesn't think they could pull off reasonably
    • Unique console: Mobile Defense net. Creates a shielded are based on the Earth defense shield from DSC S3. Every ally inside the bubble gets massive shield bonuses. Shield regen, hardness, automated distribution. User has limited turn rate/speed to allow allies to get into it easier/it looks bad otherwise
    • When console is in use the "wings" on the UEDFV ship reposition themselves
    • Shield visuals(the bubble) can't be edited easily, especially on vertical ships, so its a little off on this ship
    • Bloom issue on New Romulus also caused the console shield to bloom out when testing
    • Trait: Interlaced Emitters. Boff shield heals provide additional shield benefits. To target for 6 sec, when activation BOFF shield heal: +20% shield hardness, automatically redistribute shield facings, immune to shield drains
    • Design decision that 32nd century Fed ships aren't as shield focused, more hull/regen focused. So getting to do a 32nd ship that wasn't Federation allowed them to make a more shield focused ship
    • Cryptic recorded new Klingon ship computer sounds from Jason Charles Miller, so hes not sure why the KDF computer voice still isn't working. Will bug someone about it.
    • Console stats: +5 max shield power, +12.5% max shield capacity. When shield is active turn rate may not exceed 6. Flight speed may not exceed 12. Disable pilot maneuvers and Rock and roll. Self and allies 5km sphere centered 3.5km back. set default shield bleedthru to 0%. +50% shield hardness. 1,860 shields restored each sec. Auto redistribute shield facings. 2 min recharge
    • Hair styles from celebs are sculpted as one piece along with the face/head, which makes porting those over into usable hairstyles difficult in most cases. Not impossible, just difficult
    • Eisngerburg class soon! sooner then we think
    • Will look into Tilly holo-boff not being usable on all Fed captains
    • Mirror promotion pack can't be made account wide due to a decision far above Kael's paygrade
    • Kael hopes that consoles get an option to remove UI soon. Was a task put on one of the programmers but its been a low priority.
    • BOFFs from boost packs are meant to be exclusive to the characters that got boosted, so Jeremy doesn't see those being made available elsewhere, or at least not the exact same ones we got from those packs.
    • More likely to see an EV suit and armor version for Nukara rep set bonuses rather then the EV suit applying to the set working otuside hazardous environment settings.
    • Might offer character boosts otuside of ship bundles if its something a lot people show interest in.
    • Cryptic couldn't recreate hang ups on Measure of Morality P1, so the think they fixed it, but if people are still experiencing it let Cryptic know.
    • No specific timeframe on when the cut Klingon War missions will come back. Might have time to remaster them in the coming year, but Kael isn't sure.
    • Breen bridge officer needing an EV suit when it shouldn't is a tricky thing to try to fix because that data doesn't technically exist anywhere except on our character if we have the old Breen BOFF.
    • 32nd century rain forest ring ship isn't on the schedule currently, nor do they have plans for how they will release it. Some devs really want it in the game/to try to make it works, others are "please god no" Jeremy is in the no camp himself.
    • Thought they fixed crashing on character screen, are diving back into possible causes now that its reported it hasn't been fully solved.

    Nothing more to add to the Reddit copied ones really

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    Ten Forward Weekly 17/11/21

    Was no Reddit thread this week when I looked so started my own and when finished the Reddit one was up so here is both this week.

    • Kael apparently posts things occasionally but eventually admits he watches you when you sleep.
    • No stream next week with thanksgiving but the week after when return they will be announcing 2 ships.
    • The team had a meeting in STOLeads about the whale probe.
    • Nothing from Disco Season 4 will show in the game before international broadcasts happen so no spoilers with the changes from Paramount on tv series delivery, everything scheduled should be season 3.
    • Have Season 4 Concept art but Jeremy says it's way down the pipeline at the mo, and the team like to know what a ship does and looks like on-screen before they build it anyway.
    • Kael like many who work on Star Trek does not understand why Paramount has done what they have 3 days prior to the series release and are as baffled as to the fanbase in the actions tongue in cheek comment made that they do not believe that it was done to get people to sign up to Paramount+ and VPN into the US to watch Discovery that way not that they endorse such things
    • Kael is now responsible for the Cryptic Spotify account happening he needs to research loading songs onto Spotify after PW was taking too long and he stated he will do it, should be things like the STO soundtrack and the Klingon Metal Song. Kael's daughter sings along to the music video in Klingon Proud parent moment that his wife only found out about as the streaming world did when she burst in to ask him over it.
    • Phoenix event launching on console unannounced was a no one told them thing checked schedule and was not listed
    • Ground vehicles like The Argo buggy, the Runaway, Kelvin Kirk's bike, the Into Darkness Dirk Bike have limited map options of use, and only new Romulus, nimbus, and Kobali may be useable and even then it would be limited travel technically they are achievable but in-game we would need a new zone for its use.
    • EV suit change could have been in gam sooner but discussions on new zones maps and content delayed it they also discussed monetizing it and devs said no to it and argued that at some point certain features just need to get out.
    • Spock's volcano suit still needs discussing Kael keeps forgetting and will bring it up at the next lead meeting.
    • The team prototyped a shuttle racing minigame that never passed the prototype never went further as it would be a huge undertaking to release.
    • STO Battle Royale has been done as a paper exercise but never anything more than that.
    • Refunding mark on target abilities like Concentrate Firepower if the marked target died before the full duration has been trialed. Using focused assault they like how it works at the moment, if the target dies you get a portion of the CD returned to you. It will be a case-by-case thing as they don't want to spend too much time on old powers when they could be making new ones is the way they look at it though.
    • John de Lancie will not be joining us for the winter event much to Kael's disappointment we have to make do with sound-alike Jason Charles Miller.
    • Winter event Q is not full Q anyway he is Q-Junior.
    • Dilithium to buyout ship masteries is not a bad idea note made
    • Some mission transports are not working that they have a fix in the works for but it's not ready yet.
    • Winter ship will be different than what you expect a break from precedent and it might just be a one-time break.
    • We will not see any NFTs in STO
    • Bloom effects in maps like Sphere of Influence are being investigated for a fix at the mo.
    • Lots of discussion on the Dil economy but never the EC Economy hit hard in recent times this is an MMO issue and sorting is difficult, Ideas have been discussed and one was adding a small feel percentage-based or flat cost for selling things on the exchange so when you have a successful transaction a portion of that EC gets deleted from the system.
    • They have noticed that new premium ships that come out are listed above the exchange and EC caps but never offered a solution.
    • Dilithium to rent Ships for a week is a great idea but not easy to do so it probably won't happen.
    • Playable Mirror probably won't happen despite being asked for the metrics when implemented are always low uptake.
    • French Twist hair on females on console makes you invisible.
    • Duty officer UI update unlikely, Functionality update has a lot of interest internally for updated but they don't know how to go about it.
    • Jeremy would like to hear people's suggestions for QUOL improvements in-game things like most stores now have search/filters to help make life easier and so on.
    • Universal consoles restrictions are looked at regularly and consoles that are changed or added to legendary ship or new T6 version will be looked at and assessed Kael will gather a list of what consoles people would like restrictions lifting on and pass them onto Jeremy for consideration.
    • More Earth-based map content may be considered but not sure we have the Boseman map for the special event that's earth-based.
    • Regroup boffs for console needs looking at.
    • No admiralty autofill will happen it can work but Jeremy doesn't want to do it as it's about making choices. An algorithm would just add your best ships to the lowest quality missions and that's not ideal
    • SB234 is hard work to add to the game from tribble is not an easy thing multiple things to address within it if they did port it over.
    • Voicing content for visually impaired gamers an idea would be text to speech adding to the game engine
    • Direct X is not a Cryptic thing it's a Microsoft thing as if a hack occurs on Direct X that won't be fixed by MS and that means Cryptic cant fix
    • Making maco armor an active EV suit is discussed but nothing more will be said as this may happen and falls into upcoming content so not be discussed further
    • Red Angel set should also be an EV suit Jeremy going to look into as he agrees
    • Tooltips to Boff training menu but every time its discussed the whole team want to change the whole system of boff training but it works so never goes anywhere
    • Account-wide dilithium refinement is being discussed and considered but is not a foregone conclusion at the mo.


    • Stream week after next will announce two new ships, next week off due to Thanksgiving
    • Team leads had a brief discussion about the Whale Probe. Kael wonder if its a joke or people actually want it
    • Perfect World was taking too long to get STO's soundtrack on Spotify, so Kael is looking into doing it himself
    • Kael will look into academy skirt and Sierra open uniform clipping issues
    • Jeremy says he thinks the current tech can support ground vehicles, due to mounts being in Neverwinter. Biggest issue would be animations with wheels/suspension systems looking right. But theres not really any content that would support it.
    • EV suit slot kept getting pushed back because they wanted new EV suit content to release alongside it, but it never really happened. Also had talks about releasing a whole new line of EV suits to monetize the new system, but decides at some point the system just had to come out.
    • Kael will bring up Spock's EV suit again at the leads meeting
    • STO spent weeks of work building a prototype of a vehicle/racing system to see if it would be fun/teach them lessons on what they would need to do for it. They eventually decided it was too much of a "tip of the iceberg" situation, and that they would need to make a whole racing game to support it/it wasn't something that could just be tacked on to be really fun.
    • Jeremy says it could possibly come out because they had discussions on being able to do "this much" of it as a limited time event and be OK with it, but what they really want to do with it is much more then that would be several months of combined dev time
    • Jessie had a paper design for a STO battle royale, never put work into it.
    • Dil sinks need to effect the entire economy for it to be effective. So single purchase options aren't useful because they need to be absurdly expensive to impact the economy in any useful way.
    • Cryptic has the tech to refund cooldown for targeted abilities if the target dies before the full duration is over(its used on at least one power), but it needs to be balanced per ability, so it would require a lot of time to find that balance for every targeted ability in the game.(Jeremy says he will put it on his list of things people want)
    • Cryptic is aware of some mission transwarps not working. A fix is in the works, but it hasn't read a "its fixed deploy it" state
    • Winter ship will be different from what we expect/what Cryptic has done before. Likely a one time break.
    • Cryptic is aware of giant bloom effects in certain maps, and is investigating a fix
    • Jeremy believes the EC bloat is an MMO problem, the longer the game goes on the more players end up getting upsetting the economy. Doing something about it at this stage would likely require things that would upset the playerbase. They have talked about things like a small fee to selling things on the exchange.
    • Cryptic is aware that many newer premium ships aren't being put on the exchange because the value people want is more then the exchange limit. Its a problem an MMO has to expect. Jeremy thinks the bigger problem is that newer players are that much more out of touch with being able to be involved in the economy in a meaningful way.
    • Using dil to rent starships for periods of time is a great idea, but a massive technical hurdle because they have nothing like that in the game right now. Cryptic has had similar ideas for ship test runs
    • Full ship interiors are not available on console because they ran out of time when porting the game, and it was a time saving measure to cut them. Big issue is lighting on ship interiors on the console version
    • French twist hairstyle on consoles making female characters invisible is a feature.... that's the twist!(sarcasm from Jeremy) Kael will send it to QA
    • Duty officer UI update not high on the list, but Jeremy wouldn't rule it out depending on what people want it. Updating the duty officer system has a lot of interest internally, but its also a questionable value proposition, which makes it hard to get traction on doing it/what they would do with it.
    • Jeremy wants to hear anything people think will be "quick wins" for things like Duty Officer/Admiralty/any other system.
    • As Cryptic has been looking at ships for things like legendary versions they have been removing ship restrictions for consoles unless they are there for specific animation reasons/similar reasons.
    • Kael will look into getting a list made for consoles people want unrestricted to give to Jeremy. But its probably going to be a low priority
    • Making your character transform into your BOFF for social maps/missions is anywhere from difficult to impossible because it isn't a totally known quantity shared by everyone like other instances of transforming like when we get turned into J'ula/Neth Parr
    • Jeremy will look into consoles getting the "regroup" command to regroup stuck BOFFs
    • Jeremy doesn't want an auto fill for admiralty because it goes against the point of the system, which is you making choices. He feels this is one of the places the DOFF system falls flat because there is a lot that can just be solved by using the best DOFFs on every missions and done. Jeremy believes if they made such an algorithm for admiralty it would always just use your "best"ships, which isn't always the best choice for you due to things like over-killing point assignments for missions. Doesn't believe they would generate something that makes those decisions for you, and doesn't feel like thats something they should be doing anyways. Some element of choice need to be on the players because at that point they aren't really playing the game, they are playing a "clicker"
    • Bringing the Starbase 234 parser to live would require fixing some higher level issues. The parser isn't very performant, and trying to run it on live could negatively impact the game if a lot of people are using it.
    • Someone brought up, and Kael will pass along, getting a QoL update so you can open all boxes like weapon boxes as "cannons" or "beams" etc.
    • Jeremy suggested possibly getting a text to speech reader built into STO for accessibility reasons
    • Old Mirror Invasion was a wildly unpopular event, and everything they did to try to fix it only made it more unpopular. If they ever brought it back it would be rebuilt from the ground up.
    • Jeremy is willing to revisit omni beam restrictions, but he thinks they are in a good place. Thinks letting people use all omnis would negate a lot about space mechanics.
    • Cryptic is ending support for older systems because Microsoft had ended support for them, and its a security thing since theres no more updates. Also causes programmers on STO to essentially have to work on multiple products at once to get it working for all the different systems/Direct X people are using.
    • Similar conversation has happened internally about making MACO armor an EV suit/have an EV suit version. Possibly solution to being able to use EV suit stats, without having to use EV suit visuals, in the new EV suit system could be the same answer to both problems
    • Jeremy will put Red Angel Suit being an EV suit on his list
    • Current code base doesn't support adding additional player character gender options to the internal game code
    • Pretty much everyone in Cryptic wants to redo the entire BOFF skill training system because no one likes it
    • Kael likes the idea of having tooltips for ships with vanity effects so people don't get confused on why their ships suddenly look different.
    • Can't have specific BOFFs assigned to bridge seats on bridge maps because it isn't your bridge per say, its just loading a generic map used by everyone. Jeremy says they may have precedence for assigning BOFF by using the trophy system. But that system isn't great itself, and they wouldn't want to use it for that.
    • STO's code is less spaghetti code, and more there's a lot of it to sift through. Jeremy adds theres been a lot of talented people who were able to make some fantastic things happen... in ways they probably shouldn't have done them(don't touch the Tholian Web code, its a mess, but it works). Its less spaghetti code, and more of "I don't understand how they came to the conclusion of making it to work this way, instead of asking for help"(to quote Jeremy who admits hes just as fault for it)
    • Cryptic could bring the conditional ability trigger system from consoles to PC, but they don't like the way it works, so wouldn't want to bring it over without improving it.
    • Zero plans to do a sequel to STO ala STO 2.0. STO is going to keep going for the future.
    • STO dating sim exists, was made by Jessie last year for April Fools. About 75% of the way there, just need to convince Al to let them do it.
    • Can't do bathing suits on ESD/winter gingerbread stuff outside of the wonderland, because of IP reasons/wanting to keep the game like the "ideal" of Star Trek outside of the few places it makes sense to do these things.
    • Cryptic has been discussing account wide refinement as something to help the DilEx, so doing that would make putting dil into your bank unnecessary since it would be turned into an aco♥♥♥♥ wide currency at that point.(its not a foregone conclusion yet)
    • NCSOFT has refused to sell the City of Heroes/Villains license back to Cryptic.

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    NCSOFT has refused to sell the City of Heroes/Villains license back to Cryptic.

    *insert a very long winded string of words that would make a sailor blush here*
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    Doing something about it at this stage would likely require things that would upset the playerbase.
    Since when has that ever been a problem for Jeremy?

    Also, I like how they're talking about settling for Jason Charles Miller

    "There's a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. But let's keep going and see what happens..."
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    Ten Forward weekly 01/12/21

    Busy today so not going to get a chance to rewatch last nights ten forward to make notes for weekly so this week is just the Reddit one

    • New infinity lockbox ship Intel Science Spearhead: Saturn Class from DSC S3(ring ship, not the forest ring ship)
    • Donny modeled the Saturn class for STO
    • Comes with the 32nd-century materials, the Janeway material, and other Fed materials
    • Ship is fairly large, large enough the Discovery could fly through the ring
    • You can't actually fly through the ring because there is collision in the hole for effects engine reasons
    • Ship was lit different in many shots in the show, so they picked the version they liked best for the in-game version
    • Ship is not 3D printable because Cryptic doesn't have permission from CBS for DSC S3 yet
    • Cryptic is looking into objects not having unique IDs for things, like tables are turning into shuttles etc
    • Console is the Chakram Projector. Creates an invulnerable turret that follows enemies around creating a ring(like Saturn's) that does kinetic damage and lowers enemy resistance to kinetic damage
    • +41.8 starship hull pen, +41.8 shield pen. Disc shaped AOE pet. Launches a Chakram projector which will chase the nearest foe for 45 sec. Foes within 5km of the Chakram projector take 793.1 kinetic damage(50% shield pen) per 0.5 seconds, and -35 kinetic damage resistance rating for 5 seconds. 2 min recharge
    • Trait Automated Triage. Low-Hull heal to self or nearby ally. Affects Friend and Self(1 max) when self or ally are below 50% gull restore 10% of max hull then restore 25% of max hull over 10 seconds. Once trigger may not trigger again for 60 secs. Activating science team or intel boff abilities reduces lockout duration by 10 sec
    • (stemming from a conversation in chat)Neither CBS nor marketing decide what ships Cryptic makes, Cryptic decides for themselves
    • Jeremy says new items coming to the Phoenix Prize packs probably early next year
    • Ship comes out next week for PC and console, console also gets the Earth Defense Force ship at the same time
    • Jeremy wants to look into the gather intel ability, but wont get to it until next year
    • New Winter event ship Eisenberg class
    • Using a Fed ship for an event ship is not a precedent they are trying to set. This ship is also inherently cross faction. You don't need cross faction flying unlocked to play it
    • Much like the Saturn class there were several differences in the ship in different shots, so they used the one they liked the most
    • Can't name the ship the Nog due to name restrictions. They are talking about name restrictions behind the scenes but theres two camps about it so there is a debate going on
    • There was never a a point since they saw it in the show that having it be anything but earnable for free was on the table. Only other option they considered was a charity event, but since that required spending money they didn't go for it
    • Tobias Richter modeled the ship
    • Very subtle animation on the nacelles
    • Cryptic is still in talks about how to make the ship available after the winter event is over. Normally they go to Mudds but that doesn't seem right to do given the situation
    • Blog for Saturn comes out tomorrow, blog for Eisenberg comes out Friday
    • Eisenberg class is a star cruiser, 4 cruiser commands, 4/4 weapon array, eng primary. Has miracle worker and command seats but isn't a Miracle worker spec since they don' do primary specs on event ships. Has 32nd century cloaking device
    • Cryptic is currently investigating something that requires core engine techs to look into for a possible future ship
    • Cryptic is willing to break the mold for weird/out there ships, but also have to consider what their data shows people want, if its actually fun, is it OP, if it requires some big engine changes etc.
    • New Console Great Material Continuum. Reallocates resources by taking enemy hull and giving it to your allies hull. AOE damage aura that tracks how much damage is being done, and give you and teammates temp hull based on how much damage you did with the console
    • +2 to all power levels, +21.4 starship drain expertise PBAoE Physical DMG, TempHP for self+team. To up to 10 fores within 5km 1,004. physical damage(ignores shield) each sec for up to 15 sec. When deactivated self and all player teammates gain temp HP for 20sec equal to physical damage dealt by the console. 2 min recharge
    • Jeremy thinks the console can be set to autofire on console, but will check
    • Starship trait ingenious tenacity. Activating spec BOFF ability causes incoming energy damage to restore 40% of that damage to the shield facing it hit for 6 sec
    • Event campaign will almost certainly be run next year. Still not 100% set on what the reward will be
    • Most items that are currently unable to be re-engineered are kinda stuck in that way for now because theres a lot of things they want to address before getting to that. Same with getting new personal endeavors
    • Can't talk about why Mirror Guardian was delayed, but it is coming out this month, and will come out on all platforms at the same time.

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    first summary of the new year though I was too lazy and tired last night to make notes fully on live stream so here is my limited notes and the usual summary taken from Reddit link underneath as usual

    My lazy ones

    • New content new lock box coming soon
    • Chase Masterson is coming back
    • New anniversary bundle coming
    • New alliance ship soon
    • Discovery Andorians are hopeful
    • Grudge is coming sooner than you think but not as soon as we would like
    • 2 new ships announced next week

    • Anniversary ship is "gorgeous" according to Kael
    • The lockbox coming with the anniversary has a ship that is just "ridiculous". Can't say what the theme is, but says it "might make us envious" as a teaser
    • Three guest stars for the 12th anniversary. One of which is "very exciting". Chase Masterson is one of the other two
    • One new episode, and a new TFO, is coming with the anniversary update
    • Will be a new ship pack will be coming a few weeks after the anniversary
    • Kael will ask about a TOS tricorder costume option for the shoulder slot
    • Kael heard hopeful news about DSC Andorian species the other day, but things have shifted since then so hes not sure if thats still hopeful news
    • Grudge is coming to the game sooner then you think, but less soon then Kael thought
    • As far as Kael knows Champions will keep running even after the Gearbox purchase because its profitable
    • Kael would love to do a Lower Decks style TFO where you just go around a ship scrubbing things. He admits it would have to have no rewards or else people would just play it constantly
    • There were talks of STO doing a crossover with another scifi IP, but Kael only mentions it because he believes the deal has fallen through. Though says it may not
    • Red Alert events don't really increase the amount of time people play, just keep the player counts from other events going
    • If they were to make a Lower Decks TFO it would still look like normal STO since trying to recreate all the assets in a cartoony style would be too hard. Could try to throw a Champions style cell shade effects over it
    • Reason Cryptic doesn't do more music from the TV shows/movies is because they don't have the rights to that music
    • Ability to further expand bank space depends on data use
    • If Cryptic were going to bring back Memory Alpha they would update it, but to get the time to update it they need a good reason to bring it back/update it
    • Kael has expressed to the team making elite marks like normal marks and out of normal inventory
    • Tailor being unrestricted is an unequivocal no. Every costume piece has hundreds of yes/no things for what it works with clipping wise/in canon that would need to be changed
    • Unlikely that weekly set unlocks will return since featured TFOs work better at bringing in more people/having them be more interested then featured episodes ever did. Also more fun to have more options to play with during events then featured episodes
    • Items getting into Mudds/Phoenix boxes depends on Jeremy/Jared getting the time to do it. Sometimes thats easy, sometimes its not
    • Similar amount of new content in 2022 as in 2021
    • Kael not sure why wandering NPCs are gone in Firct City/when they will return
    • There will be free giveaways this year
    • Kael will pass on the NX vanity shield idea
    • Kael will pass on the feedback about heads/uniforms taking forever in tailor to load on console
    • If they do another event campaign this year its likely to have a similar prize to last years
    • The idea for the new guitar Terran music came from art director Bill Yates in a playtest of that episode
    • No plans for more original songs right now
    • No plans for any new BoPs right now
    • No new badges for the Anniversary update that Kael is aware of
    • Will check on Tzenkethi Front not being on console
    • New materials being added to older ships depends on if someone on the ship team has the time to do it
    • Kael's favorite thing for STO in 2021 was the Klingon metal song
    • We will be getting new Terran ships for sure
    • Kael will poke the devs about fixing joysticks again
    • No new ship specs planned at this time as far as Kael knows, but that could change over the year
    • Blogs for the anniversary event starts next week
    • No ETA on when the Guardian of Forever will come back
    • Two new ships being announced next week

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    Kinda hoping we get to see some TNG cast, I would see frakes returning as Admiral Riker but I wanna see Patrick Stewart in the game
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    Oh god please no cringy crossover content.
    I don’t mind the hover board from B2tF as it’s just a bit of fun for one item but I don’t think anything else would fit or make any kind of sense. It would just feel horribly forced and like a bad fan-fiction.
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