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[Announcement] - FAB Community Survey Results ~ September 2022

Started By:
Saelanna, Wed 05 Oct, 2022 6:08 AM
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    FAB 240

    FAB spacer small

    Here’s September’s feedback; thank you to everyone who took the time to leave us meaningful feedback. We were the target of some unpleasant comments from one individual again. As I've mentioned in my comment below, if you can't back up your attacks with evidence they will be removed from all future surveys, I'm not going to play anymore.

    September 2022 APPROVAL: 99%(+1%)


    Strongly Approve: 23%
    Approve: 15%
    Neutral: 61%
    Disapprove: 0%
    Strongly Disapprove: 1%

    Very helpful
    Saelanna: We try our best, glad we were able to assist you.

    Totally FAB!
    Saelanna: FAB-u-lous darling!

    giphy downsized large

    Don't play enough to give a definite answer :-) but thats for everything that you do
    Saelanna: Should you ever need help with anything please let me know!

    Solace: Thank you for leaving some feedback regardless!

    Saelanna: The Federation Administrative Bureau (or FAB for short) is the department responsible for running the forums. From the signatures produced by the talented members of the Community Graphics Team to the tireless efforts of our Global Moderators in keeping the forums clear of spam and troublemakers, we're here to make your time here at the UFP as pleasant as possible.

    Random comment of strong approval
    Saelanna: Random expression of thanks!

    Solace: Random response of firm approval.

    It has not become the tangle of red tape one would expect for an administrative organization.
    Saelanna: It's just a well-organised web of red tape!

    Solace: At FAB we use pink tape by the order of our Fleet Admiral Wink

    10/10 would recommend.
    Saelanna: That's good to know!

    Solace: 11/10 would upvote this comment

    poor leadership. poor decision making ability. poor principles that border on racism and prejudice. secret police of ufp. word of warning to everyone. feedback makes you a target for the Gestapo here.
    Saelanna: I see our quarterly troll has decided to hide behind the survey to attack me and my department again! While the survey feedback is anonymous, by a process of elimination, I am 99% certain I know who is leaving these hateful comments on every survey. I am sorry that you feel so bitter about what happened to you, but it was a long time ago now and you need to move on. I have had virtually no interactions with you since then so I fail to see how that makes you a target. Your comments are hateful, hurtful, and bordering on harassment all the time you fail to come forward with the evidence to back up your comments. I will give you one more chance to behave like an adult and supply the evidence of this perceived racist and/or prejudiced behaviour on my part, or indeed on the part of any member of the Bureau’s staff, otherwise any future comments that follow this theme will be removed from the survey feedback.

    Solace: Ah I see we have our resident troll showing up again. FAB is hardly the gestapo otherwise you wouldn't know we exist! I can say 100% certainty that I am not racist and I strive everyday to not be prejudiced. That being said our moderation do a great job of keeping the forums clean of toxic material. If you have a genuine issue please raise it with any member of FAB staff and we'll direct it up the chain; failing that send a PM to Saelanna.

    Sul-Matuul: Oh dear, The same trolling comments about a secret police again.
    1/10 for effort.
    If you’re really concerned about literally anything in UFP you can always reach out to any number of different people to discuss things; the door is literally always open for this! The fact someone keeps making complaints anonymously via the feedback form but never raises anything via other methods simply makes them look childish.
    There’s certainly no racism or other prejudice in the command structure here and I think the genuine community members all know this.

    KerryMalone: It really does make me sad to see such vile and asinine comments being placed on community feedback comments. These feedback sessions are a good way of gathering information from the community for things that we're doing well at and also things where we can improve. Comments like these do not engender any positivity or constructive feedback and are just seen for what they are - vile rantings of a disaffected person who presumably has violated the community guidelines at some stage and has needed to be dealt with accordingly.

    Community Moderators spend 99.9998% of the time fighting the fight against the SPAM-bots of the universe, or more specifically, the one's that Jordan's wonderful blocker doesn't quite catch. We don't wear black leather coats, horn-rimmed glasses and black fedoras, chuckling with glee as we torture people in our basement. Our role is to keep the forums tidy and gently guide people who accidentally run afoul of our guidelines.

    As for poor leadership, I would counter that Saelanna is one of the finest FAB leads we've had. I enjoy working with her and find her management efficient, calm, balanced and good-natured. So I find any criticsm of her leadership or decision making without substantial evidence to back this up, which has been requested previously, to be baseless and insulting to someone who dedicates hours of her free time into supporting this community for no reward other than the satisfaction of seeing other people enjoy themselves.

    For anyone out there reading this and believe this nonsense about not being able to speak up if you have a concern; if you have legitimate concerns, there are plenty of avenues to bring these forward. We have a feedback form which can be done both anonymously or with your name if you wish to discuss things. Further, you can reach out to either Three Of Seven or SammyGM if you're concerned. All such concerns are investigated thoroughly and with an unbiased view towards finding out the truth. If someone from FAB or FEO has overstepped the mark, it's handled appropriately. I have personally worked with everyone on FEO for years and I can vouch for their integrity and capability in all respects - under the mantra that Community comes First.

    I just signed up a couple of hours ago, so all will be neutral for now
    Saelanna: Welcome to the UFP!

    Solace: Welcome aboard the UFP!

    Saelanna: Squeaky clean!

    Saelanna Medals
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    I did not know in all the time I have been here that we have a Secret police section, Does that mean we have a UFP Freemasons branch also and if so can I bribe anyone to show me the secret handshake


    Jestersmith Medals
  3. Quartermaster

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    poor leadership. poor decision making ability. poor principles that border on racism and prejudice. secret police of ufp. word of warning to everyone. feedback makes you a target for the Gestapo here.
    Before my head explodes, I like to add that my grandmother (still alive > 90 years of life experience) and here parents were harassed during this unspeakable dark time of German history.
    From everything she and others of here generation told me over the years and as community member who is posting quit a few things on a daily base, I can tell you there is no such a thing as a secret police around UFP.

    So, to this community member I ask as kindly as I can and type this with my keyboard: PLEASE STOP and consider to leave UFP!

    Everybody CL4 and above work as volunteers, if you can't show the smallest amount of respect, then be at least quiet.
    Remsus Medals
  4. Deputy Head of Administration

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    It seems like the more we respond to trolls the more they get what they want: a response. I understand that in a departmental survey we need to respond to negative criticism like this, but its been a consistent occurrence now for months on end. In the immortal words of Captain Picard: The line must be drawn here. This far no further.
  5. Deputy Head of Gaming

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    poor leadership. poor decision making ability. poor principles that border on racism and prejudice. secret police of ufp. word of warning to everyone. feedback makes you a target for the Gestapo here.
    Better pack some winter clothes. Cold cold heart. Hard done by you.
    Mack Medals