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Community Dismissal - casualsto

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Federation Executive Office, Thu 30 May, 2019 9:02 PM
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    Hello everyone,

    Regretfully we must inform you all that Casualsto has been removed from the community. We always try to be as transparent as possible when doing this so the details of which will be listed below.

    As many will be able to recall, casualsto has repeatedly demonstrated rude and insulting behaviour across the forums, chatbox and in-game. Moderators and FEO have attempted to approach him on this behaviour, and had resulted in two strikes up till now. Any attempt to approach him on his behaviour however simply resulted in accusation of "moderator abuse" and "a personal attack".

    His first strike, given to him on the 8th March 2019, was for the use of derogatory language in a public forum, calling the community manager of Cyptic (Ambassador Kael) "Mike Fat-um" and then subsequently being rude and childish when approached by a moderator. It was the rudeness and abrasive attitude that lead FEO to issue its first strike in a hope this would demonstrate that this behaviour would not be tolerated.

    His second strike, given to him on the 6th April 2019, was given for making intentionally flaming and offensive comments in another public forum (discussion on a Discovery thread), including in the chatbox and PMs to moderators.

    This evening, in yet another demonstration of his rude and abusive language, in the Strathkin dismissal thread, Casualsto was flaming and using language intended to provoke a response.

    A complaint was also sent to FEO regarding his communication during an STO event in which he was demeaning to the event host and made continuous off-handed abusive comments towards the host for their supposed "lack of understanding".

    This continued rude and spiteful behaviour towards UFP members is simply not acceptable and no one deserves to be treated in such a manner. This is also a breach of the following principals of the Code of Conduct:

    3.2 - Flaming or spamming is not permitted on any platform, regardless of whether the platform is operated by the UFP or third party.
    3.3 - Use of abusive or vulgar language, imagery or any actions that may be deemed deliberately offensive are not permitted.
    4.3 - When posting on any UFP asset or forum, ensure the content submitted is appropriate and on focus.
    4.5 - Respect every user. Speaking to them with intentional spite will not be tolerated and may result in the loss of some or all of your forum privileges.
    4.6 - Racist, sexist, homophobic or any other inequality-related remarks will never be tolerated and may result in immediate serious action being taken against the offending individual(s).
    4.7 - Moderator requests should be followed at all times. If a user feels the request is not reasonable or inappropriate, they should bring it up with a superior officer.

    It is extremely unfortunate that the community has had to remove another member in the space of two days and we do not take this action lightly.

    We hope this will serve to help members understand our motives behind this decision however should you have any questions then please feel free to contact Jonathan.

    Kind Regards,
    Federation Executive Office
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    At first I thought CasualSTO was a nice guy. I then kinda spotted him arguing with someone (Wont say who) in the chatbox in which he eventually calmed down. Thought he had changed but apparently not, thanks for the transparency.
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    So who's going to be next on the chopping block.

    Seriously though, I had far bigger problems with him than Strathkin tbh. Ever since he started whinging about too many minorities in Star Trek, I knew he wouldn't last long in here.

    I just don't really understand how these people get hooked to Star Trek, especially since the message Star Trek preaches is antithetical to their views. Just seems really bizarre to be honest.
    Jesus.. I figured CasualSTO would be up for the chopping block sooner or later.. crikey, FEO is on fire right now! As always thank you for the open transparency, I myself have had run ins with CasualSTO especially at events I've hosted in the past. Several occasions I've noted him being rude to members who are new to STO or not up to date with the latest builds and whatnot.

    Honestly I'm okay that he's gone, he often made situations tense and liked to play the victim..
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Thu 30 May, 2019 9:35 PM.
    Honestly, he rubbed me the wrong way from pretty much the first time I saw him post and the couple times I saw him in game.

    And his incorrect assumption about what freedom of speech/expression actually is pretty much sealed the deal.

    I knew we wouldn't get along after that.

    Yes, you have the right to express your self and say what you want, but that right only goes so far and stops when you infringe on the rights of others. Freedom of Speech isn't a blank cheque to run your mouth, and in private: There is no such thing as freedom of speech, and private institutions like this website, for example, are under no obligation, legally or otherwise, to provide a platform.

    There are consequences to every action you take. Hell, its a fundamental law of the universe (every action... yadda yadda).

    His gross assertion that because some old white dudes wrote something on a piece of paper a few hundred years ago gives people the right to hate and discriminate freely with no repercussions because 'meh rights!' was quite frankly appalling and disgusting. We live in a (hopefully) civilized society. You need only look at the archive footage of what happened in Charlottesville to see what happens when hate under the guise of free speech is allowed to flourish.

    I would say that he's realizing that his actions caused this, but we all know better.

    Good Riddance.
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    Actually freedom of speech does exist, but if you get punished thats your fault. Smile
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    *queue Queen - Another one bites the dust*

    On a more serious note, it's rather a shame to see another one removed from the community in such a short time frame. Although given the circumstances of the dismissal, it wasn't a second too late.

    It really makes you wonder, seeing the message at the bottom of this page saying "We're a large collection of fans, all with the same vision as Gene Roddenberry, that together, anything is possible.". Yet here we are, dismissing members for discriminating and hateful remarks against countless people out there.

    The Star Trek franchise sends out a clear message and shows us how to treat others, no matter how different they are. Whether they are white, black, green, yellow, straight, gay, or have tentacles for limbs, they are still a living, breathing being that has fought just as hard to get to this point in life like everyone else. We can only hope that one day we will be worthy enough as a society to say "We did it.", to say that we finally got past this barbaric behaviour.

    I just hope it won't stay a dream for too long.
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     –  Last edited by aceman67; Thu 30 May, 2019 9:58 PM.
    Actually freedom of speech does exist, but if you get punished that's your fault. Smile
    Once you leave the public realm, freedom of speech, as defined by law, ends. In any place considered to be private, there is no obligation by the owner of that property/place to afford someone their right to express themselves.

    I know this for a fact, as I've had to evict protesters off property that work security at because the client that hired my company didn't want them on the property. I lawfully evicted them as the legally authorised agent of the property owner exercising their (the owner) rights under the Trespass to Premises Act. I actually had to arrest someone for this, handcuffs and everything.

    In public, it's an entirely different story, but your actions can't exceed what is permissible by law (noise bylaws, obscenity and public indecency laws, inciting hate (in Canada, that's a crime), inciting violence, inciting action to cause damage, etc).

    'Freedom of Speech' is one of the biggest misnomers of our time, because it's never free.
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     –  Last edited by Sul-Matuul; Thu 30 May, 2019 10:09 PM.
    So who's going to be next on the chopping block.

    Seriously though, I had far bigger problems with him than Strathkin tbh. Ever since he started whinging about too many minorities in Star Trek, I knew he wouldn't last long in here.

    I just don't really understand how these people get hooked to Star Trek, especially since the message Star Trek preaches is antithetical to their views. Just seems really bizarre to be honest.
    Well said Sammy.

    Star Trek has always been a show that promoted a sense of acceptance and belief in diversity and forward thinking ideals. It is really bizarre how people who hold clearly questionable ideals such as racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry find such a show appealing. It is literally the antithesis of the bile they spew publicly.
    You see it all the way from people publicly commending brutal fascist Cardassian occupation, all the way through to those suggesting genocide on groups they think deserve it. Literally the things Trek has always made clear are bad things and certainly not promoted.

    And regarding that post about minorities in DSC, I accept we've all got different opinions of the show here but the second someone starts using the term "social justice" in a negative tone you know you're on a slippery slope. Since when has justice for all social classes and groups been a negative.....geeez what a world we live in where some people consider it a negative to be just, fair and unprejudiced against others. Suspicious
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    I actually think he mentioned something about how the Cardassians treated the Bajorans, and was in favour of the Cardassians.
    It would not surprise me. Quite a few "fans" of Trek, especally on the official STO forums seem to enjoy playing that game too. As if (even in jest) promoting a fascistic brutal regime dominating a minority and subjecting them to persecution is acceptable to any normal person.

    Believing that acting like a fascist is acceptable is pretty deplorable and disgusting.

    Believing that it's funny to pretend you enjoy acting like a fascist is equally as bad, and shows a clear mental disconnect with basic humanity I feel.
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    I'm going to condense my thoughts to one thread. Posting comments in both would be redundant since my sentiments are the same in both situations.

    To start I would like to commend the FEO and SFO for their transparent and professional behavior regarding these dismissals. We have an excellent leadership team in place. I know this wasn't a decision that was made lightly in both instances. The Community stands behind you.

    As for our departed members.

    Being on the console side I had no interaction with them in game. For that I am thankful. Strathkin's rants on the forums escaped my attention. However CasualSTO's did not and admittedly there was more than once where I had to abstain from commenting. Namely because I didn't want to encourage him. His views did not represent the values and tenets of the United Federation of Planets both within Star Trek and our community. I knew it was a matter of time before he left. Whether it was of his own volition or not was the only undetermined factor.


    I am sorry that you were subjected to such abuse. This is something that shouldn't have happened and just know that all of us are here for you.

    I yield the floor.
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     –  Last edited by Taku; Thu 30 May, 2019 10:30 PM.
    Here in The States, our First Amendment is a subject of confusion to some.
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    The Supreme Court took it a step further and applied it to "government", and not solely to Congress. When we see the cries of "You've violated my/their 'Free Speech' rights!" on facebook or Twitter or a sporting event, it's typically from people that don't understand what the First Amendment actually says. They believe that they can say anything, anywhere. They accept that there are things that cannot be said in specific places: Screaming "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is the example most often cited, but joking about bombs at the airport is also off limits. What they fail to understand is that the protections afforded to The People by the First Amendment are protections against censure by the government, not by private parties. Corporations, individuals, churches, message boards, and even Twitter and facebook can shut down anyone for any reason and not violate free speech protections.

    Every time some hateful account is closed on Twitter (where I hang out. Facebook was abandoned a LONG time ago), there is an outcry that (X)'s First Amendment rights are being violated, and that it's illegal. It's just not. Freedom of Association without government intrusion is also enshrined in the First Amendment, and if we - as private citizens - wish to exclude idiots from our circle of associates, we get to do that. The government, conversely, cannot exclude idiots simply because they are idiots. Sometimes I wish it was so...

    Anyway, the gist of it is that FEO is free to drop, ban, boot, kick, snub, limit, or whatever, any member for any reason. We humble peons are not owed an explanation, but it is responsible and honorable that FEO choose to inform us when these unfortunate actions must be taken. Thanks for that.

    TL;DR: Don't be an idiot and we'll get along just fine.
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    • Taku
    We humble peons are not owed an explanation, but it is responsible and honorable that FEO choose to inform us when these unfortunate actions must be taken. Thanks for that.
    Hey, who are you calling a peon!

    I think we prefer the term “unwashed masses”. Tongue Out
    SulMatuul Medals
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:28 PM

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    • Taku
    Unamused Oh splendid, I guess with summer around the corner and things getting hot, so I guess someone got too hot and started flaming... FEO cooled that off quick of course but who will be next to scorch the warp plasma conduits ?
    Stryker Medals